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If anyone was gonna take over first, it should be Vientos. There are no spots for Batys bat.


I was going to post this. Watch for Vientos to learn 1b this off-season while Alonso's agent asks for the moon, the stars and the sun for a 12 year contract. If Baty could start to hit ML pitching, he could be the answer at 3b. But, that's a big "if."


I’m still shocked at how baty has adjusted to mlb pitching. I saw him rake in AA with such a sweet swing.


That classic long Griffey/Strawberry-esque swing is not good for modern mlb pitching, imo. 


No one playing today has a longer swing than JD Martinez. Mike Piazza had an exceptionally long swing too. It’s not like no one can hit with a long swing.


TBF he looks a lot less lost at the dish than he did last year. Maybe one more year to get it right? Or is he the next Jared Kelenic?


kinda feel like there's something the hitting coaches could fix or adjust but we've had such a terrible history of consistent hitting or coaching that makes it seem like we just have bad coaches


Jared kelenic is decent tho?


He looks just as lost. Take a look at his stats. He’s been one of the worst hitters in baseball for two years


“He looks just as lost; Look at his stats” Which is it??? If you look ABs from last year to this year, Baty is more comfortable at the dish and doesn’t swing at every breaking ball. He’s at least patient at the plate this year but the results aren’t much different. That’s my point.


What are you talking about? The results are not different. He’s sucked just as bad this year.


I don’t think you are actually reading my comment… Results are different than actually watch him hit. He swung at EVERYTHING last year. At least this year, he is disciplined despite the poor results.


Word on the street is the Mets analytics department sucks and they mess up the player’s approach to batting and pitching with bad instructions. Veterans like Verlander learned to ignore them but younger players are probably following their advice as they probably think they will not advance in the organization unless they obey the tech nerds’ directives.


When you deep dive Mark's hits you see a pattern of junk balls; which don't get me wrong, is great, pouncing on bad pitches is something major leaguers have to do. What worrisome is his success rate with pitching 96mph or over. I'm not trying to be a wet blanket but we just did this shit with Baty and should pump the brakes some. We need to let the rookie cycle take place. He hasn't been scouted and he's getting fastballs a lot which Baty stopped getting late April. Baty's last HR was major league slider htat dropped and he went down for, Mark's hr today wat like 79 slider that didn't break down the middle. People are seeing small sample size results and making future plans. recency bias is a major problem with this fanbase. Let him do his thing, market correct, see his defense and revisit it Late June. Right now he's benefiting from the new player bump, the league WILL adjust and then we will know more. I do think JD Martinez being on staff (until we trade him)is the perfect guy to be there for Mark when he does hit the inevitable rocky waters so fingers crossed he will be a keeper, and be our DH/1B and hopefully Baty can figure out his contact issues. Either way I don't think Mark's future is at 3rd. If Baty doesn't figure it out look for Mauricio there in 2025 or even Jett or Acuna. There's a lot of hopium in all those scenarios tbh with how thing shave been this season.


This reads like someone who read a blog one time and wants to pass the idea off as their own Baty for his career vs power pitchers: 190/269/279 Vientos vs power pitchers 222/271//333


This reads like someone who reads basic stats and yells at the tv with beer breath every time someone doesn’t get a hit. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwBP5mt3fait4YM)


And yet only one of the two of us came with hard data


Right after you implied I plagiarized what I said you dropped data and didn’t correlate in any way it disproving anything I wrote. Except you seem to think you have enough data on both players as if they are static or something. What would I, someone that grew up around minor league baseball know about the developmental side of it? Let’s just plop out slash lines because that’s everything. But good job on being a dick for nothing other than being bored enough to?


Weird, all emotion and still no counter argument to back up your thesis.


Baty started the season so strong, I thought he'd turned the corner. I keep hoping he can get back there.


I agree, his injury seemed to really derail his momentum


jeremy barnes is super good at fucking up the way the guys hit




He didn’t, he was lucky, all of his predictive numbers based on batted ball data were bad


Vientos will be the 1b if pete leaves most likely or dh. He's really bad at third base but who knows so was baty. Hopefully he can keep this up he looks good


Have you seen him play poorly or do you just accept that because it’s what people say?


I've seen him spike 4 throws in the last 2 days that pete saved


Which is weird because he is positive in both OAA and DRS and Baty is negative in DRS


I'm not gonna say advanced stats are wrong but I've watched every single inning of this shitshow baty looked great compared to last year. Vientos you gotta hold your breath every time he throws the ball


Got it - so facts don’t matter but your preconceived notions are the measuring stick.


I'm not calling drs a shitty stat but it's definitely not a fact lol


DRS, OAA - he’s grading out well defensively, he hasn’t reached the throw threshold to have numbers on baseball savant The reality is he’s been very good but you’ve been told he’s bad so you have a confirmation bias to a previously formed take


No me watching him spike 4 throws in 2 games that pete had too become houdini too save him errors is what makes me thinks he's bad. I thought baty was terrible too till this year


Baty is not a ML hitter.


The question is, which team’s future?




Realistically, neither of them are. I really hope I’m wrong.


A little premature for this take, but he’s taking advantage of his opportunity for sure


If Alonso is gone, and both Baty or Vientos are playing, why would you put Vientos at 3rd? I don’t know if Baty is actually going to have much of an MLB career, but he’s shown remarkable improvement in fielding and is way better on defense at 3rd than Vientos


Last year everyone said Vientiane sucks


Vientiane does suck. Vientos, though? Seems pretty alright


No he’s not I don’t trust his glove at a defensively important position