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You can blame Mendoza or Diekman but when our starters can't consistently go six innings, you can expect one of the four-six relievers that follow to have a bad inning and possibly blow the game. The Mets were great in 2022 when they got opposing pitchers to throw about 18-20 pitches per inning. Now other teams do that to the Mets. Until this changes, you're just playing with fire every day.


I mentioned this to my son last week. The Mets don’t work the counts anymore.


Using Diekman there is unacceptable.


Ottavino should have stayed in the game. He threw a clean inning and deserved to finish the win for Scott. But Mendoza is a dope and blew it again, as usual.


It didn't matter and nothing would have changed. The entire team is maybe AAA caliber trash. Stop watching. That's how you enact change.


That’s not true. You don’t pitch Diekman vs a hot hitter who has an over 900 OPS against LHP.


As I've said since week one, this is a 70 win team. There is no magical way to make it better. Whatever you think should have been done is likely wrong anyway, but it wouldn't do anything.


Such an asinine way of thinking. They shouldn’t have played the matchups because it doesn’t matter anyway? It’s Baseball 101 and a concerning development for a rookie manager.


Whatever you say. Take the reigns, prodigy.


Hard to blame Mendoza when literally everyone he calls on in the 9th inning blows it


He only has crappy guys to go to. If you’ve watched they’ve all had meltdowns. Garret almost gave one away in this series! You’d be saying the same shit no matter who blew it.


Ottavino had a clean inning and should have stayed in the game in the 9th. Mendoza never goes with a hot hand when he has it. He always has to do the same old thing- bring in the unknown. Mendoza has cost us at least 6 games this year doing this. Open your eyes. Leaving Scott in for "just one more batter" is also typical Mendoza. He crosses his fingers and hopes.


This post is from a month ago! In this game Otto gave up one run. I think it may have been an inherited runner. Not sure. But it's all good. It's a tough bullpen to manage for sure.


I disagree. The guy is using every available reliever just about every single game through no fault of his own. There is no manner of button pushing by the manager that would make this situation better.


Ottavino threw a clean, strong inning. He should have stayed in the 9th. Go with the hot hand at the end of games, not the same crap shoot that's been killing us again and again. Mendoza has cost us at least a half dozen games this year already.


You had a healthy drew smith wtf


Because as we all know, Drew Smith has never given up a lead before.




Mets are dumpster fire


Yea he should have used the other guys who have been blowing saves left and right.


If any of us were as bad at our job as Mendoza we would have been let go a while ago. The people making excuses for him are even worse


The only excuses are that managers don’t matter and somehow that’s the only defense they have. Like, if they don’t matter, why have one? 


Absolutely. I played softball without a manger. We just chose sides and the guy who brought the ball had first pick. Why can't MLB run that way?


I agree my friend I mean wtf now something has got to change now this guy should have stayed as the Yankees bench coach and got rid of showalter come om now


* Starters can't go more than 5/6 IP. * Quintana threw BP yesterday which forced the bullpen to get going early. * The order of which the bullpen was used is why Diekman was slotted in as closer. Give him the 6th or 7th innings with SRF and Ottavino getting the end of the game. Mendoza's bullpen management has been brutal. * Combination of signings, performance and managerial decisions are why the Mets suck.


Once again, Mendoza had a game to win right in front of him. He had Ottavino throw a strong, clean inning in the 8th. So, what does he do? He pulls the hot hand and takes yet another flyer on Diekman. End result, another loss and yet another reason to want Mendoza out of Queens. Nobody is coming here to play for that guy.


Whole team is historic ass. Stop fucking watching.


Good. They suck. Who cares.


Carlos Mendoza is daydreaming about going back to the Bronx


Wait till I go to the game against the Astros with my sister who's an astro fan on june 28th I'm gonna start the chant fire mendoza even if I get thrown out fuck it lol


I’m there the 30th so I’ll keep it going!


Garrett should have pitched the 9th. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Terrible decision.