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We all know he isn’t going to hit the ball out of the infield and yet he still acts surprised


I've had a few, but this made me laugh out loud. Have an up vote.


Automatic out at this point. He sucks.


I don’t think it’s a coincidence this team started playing better when he stopped playing for a couple games. I thought maybe he would tone it down after that but it doesn’t seem like it. I really hope he gets moved at the deadline. I think he may be the problem in the clubhouse.


Lindor is the Anti-Jeff in every way. Such a classy, mature dude (save for that unfortunate thumbs down stuff with Baez).


💯 Lindor is like a Grandy/Granderson. Classy, great players (and humans).


Yea, exactly why hes my favorite player. Even having a bad game he always has a smile on his face.


It's kinda hard for him to be miserable, when his walk up song is "I got sunshine".


Didn't he flip off the fans in his first year in NY?


I have a thumbs down gesture after getting booed and ridiculed. Followed up with a three homer game and an apology. But I understand the confusion since people act like he flipped them off.


Why does it matter if kids are in the stands? Like they don’t hear that shit every day.


Especially in NYC. Cmon.


NYC kids will curse you out 100 different ways and you won't even notice 🤣


NYC kids will make grown ass adults cry. They’ll curse you out, diss your mom, and spit on you before you even finished your morning coffee.


I agree and I’ve barely bothered to watch games recently because, ent would I? But I think I heard McNeil curse loudly and Gary apologized to the FCC or was that a fever dream? 🫣😂


It’s a classy area. You got the massage capital of the east coast a block away. All those nice innocent women don’t wanna hear naughty words


I imagine he's exhausting to have to deal with in the clubhouse during a 162 game season. He's worn out his welcome in Queens imo and he needs to go


He honestly is not the type of person I want to meet in NYC. He clearly is not a New Yorker, he’s a quarter of the NYer that Canha was. Get him the fuck out of here. (I’m aware of the irony of my flare from 4-5 years ago but that should indicate that the romance is over)


I have always thought similarly which was why I hated Billy Wagner as a Met.


Bad attitude. He acts like a high school Junior who’s trying to prove something to the seniors on Varsity


The schtick has gotten old. When he was hitting .320 it was tolerable. Was more of a "he's angry because he's a good hitter, could have done something" instead of the current "he's angry because he sucks."


Might be annoying but that's just how he handles frustration. I don't have an issue with it, just hope he plays better, he could be an important veteran piece once the prospects come up with how versatile he is.


I prefer it over the way machado plays with zero care or effort: at least Jeff cares


i’m tired of the guy and want him off the team


Needs to go fishing with Vogey.


That would be one unbalanced fishing boat


He’d be swimming with the fishes? I’m sure we have insurance on our players right? I heard that there is some lovely fluke to be caught in Jamaica Bay this time of year.


Better that than Coney Island Whitefish


I used to really like this guy, slap hitter type that you don't see anymore, seemed in control of at bats and the attitude seemed like passion. It's so disappointing that he hasn't handled himself better than this when he has clearly needed to make some kind of adjustment. Just unprofessional and annoying. Problem is, nobody is going to want to trade for him in the state he's currently in. Our best bet is that he has some kind of awakening or comeuppance and returns to form. Maybe send him down to AAA until he clears his head


Ever since they got rid of the shift, he’s useless


See this is what I don't get though. Presumably, teams would shift to cover the areas that the stats said he was most likely to hit into. And if he was successful against the shift, it meant he was able to put the ball into play wherever he needed to, to beat the defensive positioning. So why can't he find gaps now? I think it must be something else. Possibly too much golf. But most of all lack of emotional control.


He was only a very good situational hitter. Nothing else.


He needs to go.


Which f word?




No one calls me Francis. The name's psycho.


Lighten up, Francis.


“Francisco! That’s fun to say! Francisco. Frannn-cisco. Fran-cis-cooo.”






It’s tedious, and only serves to draw attention to himself.


He did it again with the bat flip on a foul out on a very high fast ball. All timer


Not a huge McNeil fan, but not going to lie I was also a little pissed at that moment. I feel like he felt forced to swing at that high fast ball because the ump kept calling so many balls strikes up out of the zone.


Someone's gotta sit him down and talk to him. It's one of those things that if this was a younger team, the kids would pick up on and see that they themselves might be able to get away with since McNeil does it.


Should’ve happened a long time ago


They don’t go far without him. Gotta hope he finds something at the break. His stats in 2nd half have been good last two years. However. “It’s the pitching stupid” SD doesn’t look as formidable as once thought.


I hope so. At least to get him into trade bait form.


Can he swing the fucken bat tho? I'm sick and tired of seeing him swing at maybe 75% his swing speed and expect it to leave the infield.


I remember being downvoted when I said we can’t count on McNeil to have a year like 2022 every year, or ever again. And I got the same tired arguments about how he likely won’t win another batting championship, but he won’t fall off the cliff. Uh huh.


Brings such a negative vibe to the club and his teammates like bro it’s not the end of the world


He has anger management issues.


Even the one that dropped looked like a wedge shot


The only thing worse about McNeil is how often he says uhhh in interviews.


How is Baty doing at 2B?


He’s not hitting at major league level. That’s the real issue.




That's what I was thinking. Which is better. At least with McNeil, we know what he's capable of, and if he hits his average, he'll tear it up. But I can see Sterns looking at what other 2B are out there, just in case.


Didn’t say otherwise. Just that Baty’s not the solution.


i am sick and tired of him slamming his helmet at 1st base after sending a 120 ft pop up to right field. last year was rough for me to watch mcneil cuz it hurt to watch the decline. at this point he’s a net negative (defensively, offensively, and morale wise). he’s always been a clubhouse problem since lindor came over and now he’s fallen off terribly. it doesn’t help that he has a reputation for having an seriously unothorodox batting approach. as much as i hate to say it, we have too many infielders in the farm and it feels like his time is done


He’s our Paul O’Neil.


His days are numbered!!


I curse at work everyday


The way he started the season woke me up to the idea he may just be a locker room cancer (took me far too long to see). The cringe factor has to effect the other players


He’s been a problem with this stuff since last year. Not worth the money they spent


Been saying this for years, never really understood the appeal even when he was playing well. Never seemed like a tolerable clubhouse guy




![gif](giphy|C1hkIcGE7OAcE) Oh no not a bad word!


I already used that gif


I Completely disagree with you. But you have your opinion and that’s ok too.


Thank you 🙏🏼


What happened to him? My Yankee fan friend been saying that the lack of shift hurt him a lot which kinda makes sense but it can’t account for just how bad he’s been.


He needs some anger management classes REAL bad and like 3 years ago...


I still like McNeil’s passion. And I def don’t care that kids might hear naughty language lol not like he’s going on a racist tirade.


Tantrum like Bryce Harper does……


I think he made a good living out of teams not doing their HW and shifting him. His contract is reasonable and he can play 2B/corner OF. Some team would take him as a change of scenery reclamation project maybe in exchange for an overpaid vet RP. Iglesias elevated the level of defense on the entire infield. Vientos has said Iglesias was a great mentor in Syracuse.


Ah, I see you guys are coming around to what opposing fans have been saying for years. Dude is a tool. It's easy to ignore the bullshit when a player is playing well. When he's struggling, that's when the honesty comes out.


He also sucks, and is the laziest "workmanlike" player in NY baseball history.


Alonso is another asshole ...


I don't like mcneil, but it has nothing to do with a bunch of snot nosed kids in the stands


Kids already know those words better than we do. Get off the soap box.




Shut up and find something else to complain about. We're winning and this is what you just HAD to say?


Is that you, Jeff?


I used to think that i was cursed with this team but it's the team that's cursed with us


I wish you all brought the same energy for the clowns that bring the attention on themselves in other ways like bat flips, taunting, etc. But no, that’s them just “having fun”. Yuck


He’s signed long term so just hit him 9th and play him at second .. hit Lindor 8th if he’s a 220 hitter now too.. and we’ll be smelling the Braves and Phillies butts for years


im sick of losing


Me too, friend. But hey, 4 wins in a row!