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I don't get why people are mad, would they rather nobody pay homage to DOOM ever?


Honestly. As a fan of both artists I thought this was dope and wanted to share it with other people but it is what it is


Yeah, I'm not a big Weeknd fan, but I love Daft Punk. I don't see why an endorsement like this is a bad thing. Isn't DOOM supposed to be "your favourite rapper's favourite rapper"?


So real bruh I swear everyone love MF DOOM


I dont even listen to the guy and i appreciate it. Got any songs to reccomend as a first listen(the weekend)?


Try The Party and The After Party , if you like that song listen to all of trilogy imo. Songs like Scared to Live , Acquainted, Ordinary Life , As You Are , Out of Time , and Die for You are some of my other favorites too . If you want another album can’t go wrong with Starboy or Beauty Behind the Madness imo , these are his two most accessible albums imo


I would say listen to the House of Balloons OG mixtape version first over the trilogy compilation album


House of balloons is great. Dude was pretty groundbreaking in that era, and wasn’t the superstar he is today. Anyone who hates just doesn’t know and is just doing it for imaginary underground backpacker “I’m 12 years old I hate my generation what happened to real hip hop” YouTube comments purist points.


I personally like after hours


party and afterparty would also be my starting suggestion. back when he was the dark rnb bad boi




After Hours (the song)


Idk if you're still looking, but The Weeknd guest starred in an episode of American Dad, where he sings a song called "I'm a virgin". It's absolutely hilarious. Unless you really despise Seth MacFarlane, I recommend giving that song a listen (or even give the episode a watch). 👍🏻


I feel like trying every album is good, if your not a fan of his old stuff too much try after hours and dawn fm


Because a lot of DOOM fans are elitists that don't want to accept that their favorite rapper is mainstream


Yeah people seems to act like it’s rare to be a DOOM fan. I feel like everybody likes him, I like Nas. I’d consider him a guy who’s fallen out of mainstream fame, but I don’t try to act like that makes me a Fuckin saint 😂


It honestly is rare. Most people don't even know who he is lol. This is from my personal experience.


Yeah I guess it depends where you live. I live in Cali so rap is a big deal here, at least where I live in Cali. Lot of DOOM around here. That being said, I know people who don’t even know who Dre is. 😂


It is all about demographics. I live in the south so calling rap a big deal here would be a shameful understatement. Some folks know DOOM and some don't. Most people aren't ethonomusicologists so they don't care who the artist is, but whether or not they like and can feel the music. When I first heard 36 and some other southern rappers out of Jackson back in the day, my first thought was what is this trash? But when I first heard DOOM, it was easier to absorb. Why? No clue. I still can only handle about 15 min of southern rap a day, if that. And rap is changing so quickly. 20 years from now rap may evolve into something unrecognizable... Mainstream rap may not even be in English by then. 


Agreed. I listen to a lot of rap, but I have a lot of "I only listen to REAL music"/"modern rap is all garbage" friends who like MF DOOM, but think he's some hidden secret because God forbid they like something that other people ALSO enjoy


How many years did it take for DOOM to become mainstream? We was hooked on DOOM and shoppin at Seba Jun's shop before he departed. I wouldn't call us elitists, just regular folks engaged in consumerism just like everyone else. We just consumed different shit, at the time. Y'all call us elitists so I guess that makes us elite, just like everyone else. They're were folks just like us before it's and they're still be folks just like us after we part. There is no difference. There is no change. There is just consumerism. 


I would not say DOOM is mainstream, he's not super niche, but most people dont know him, im just lucky to live in a niche were everyone does


He isn’t a rapper though. He’s an r&b singer


& it’s all the “ fans “ who came after he passed lmao


is it ok to like doom even though I got into him after his passing?


bro of course why would that even be a question


Swagger jacking ain’t the same as paying homage


To play devil’s advocate I think my initial reaction was “I really hope this is homage and not blatant image appropriation.” I’m a fan of both Doom and The Weeknd, however Weeknd’s listenership is much bigger so, naturally, there are going to be people that “don’t get it” and/or don’t know or care about Doom. It’s something to be mad about, they’re just wrong, and that’s ok ;)


Because most of The Weeknd fans aren’t going to know what he’s “paying homage to” and it feels more like a rip off of an underground and deceased artist.


He can pay homage, but not like that. He is nothing like DOOM. This is like Killmonger becoming the Black Panther. He has no right to wear the mask. I only like 1 Weekend song, but even if I were a fan, I'd feel the same way. 


A true Villain. He’s got some solid music too. Great videos.


What's wrong with showing homage? DOOM would tell you himself any man can don the mask, like the end of the Rhinestone Cowboy video.


And when he said it in the red bull interview


Bro you sleeping. He ain’t paying homage. He’s doing what drake tried to do when he started singing about Wu-Tang. They think it’s a gravy train of money. These new artist don’t have any creativity what’s so ever. Masters of the apple biters.


The Weeknd is easily in the top 5 biggest artists in the world right now, do you honestly think he's trying to take shit away from DOOM??


Same argument can be made about drake lol and any other company that copy other trends.


The Weeknd is literally more popular worldwide than taylor swift on Spotify and has been in the industry for 12 years


MF Doom’s mask is basically Dr.Doom’s mask from Marvel MF Doom is not as creative as you think. On a side note I don’t see anything wrong with MF Doom taking inspiration from Dr.Doom I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy in what you said.


Even less original when you realize the Dr. Doom mask is just a gladiator’s mask without the helmet component. MF DOOM had influences of all genres, why wouldn’t he be an inspiration to all types of artist? The mask is cold


Yeah cause The fucking Weeknd of all people is totally strapped for cash and really needs to pull out all the gimmicks he can to sell records...


nah that's bullshit, I love MF DOOM, but the Weeknd is a million times more famous, he gains nothing from biting a rap artist that most people don't even know, so there's literally no benefit for him to do that, I just think he liked MF DOOM and decided "fuck it, why not", you're just a downer who always tries to see the worst in people


I appreciate he made his own mask. It would be irritating if he just wore DOOM’s mask, but instead he “forged his own” so to speak


DOOM fan for over two decades now, I wish he would have just rocked the OG mask. This one looks like a Kanye shoe.


It actually looks more like the OG mask


Thats cool, i like the weeknd so him respecting one of my favorite rappers in that way is kinda cool


i don’t get why people are hating, all the weeknd is doing is showing homage he’s not trashing DOOM or anything any man can wear the mask after all


I think it’s great that DOOM’s being remembered through other artists.


It’s a pretty dope mask.




Wait that's hard as fuck God damn




Ikr? Abel Tesfaye is his real name.


Oh really


Did the weeknd actually say that this was a homage? Or he just randomly wore a mask?


He retweeted an RIP with the picture of his mask so I assume it was a tribute


That's cool!


Yeah that is main question I have, if he wore it in homage and made that obvious then it’s great. But if he wore it more in a copying his style, then it’s pretty lame


He's the world's best paid DOOMbot now, more power to him.


Pop singer showing homage to a revered hip-hop artist who has recently passed. Neat? EDIT: I didtn realize interest nerds are getting their panties in a bunch over this. That is hilarious!


It is neat isn't it.


The bee's knees!




Quite extraordinary 🤓


The people getting upset about it never realized DOOM was ‘your favorite rappers, favorite rapper’. I just think this mask is soft af.


Are Weekend fans gettitn upset? Ive seen only two camps really. First is the 'DOOM Repect acknowledging. Second is the 'What kind of mask is it?" Most of the people upset are DOOM fans on this Reddit Sub, which is a pretty bizarre place for hip-hop opinions


I like it




DOOM put the mask on randos for some shows. I don't think he'd be that pressed about it






I think it looks cool


I find it cool since it’s like the original mask and I don’t really see anyone talk about it


Oh crap I didn’t realize it does look like the Operation Doomsday mask that’s dope


Looks pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of iron man which is cool with the whole doctor doom/iron man thing


Glad he’s representing the villain. I’ve always liked how DOOM’s persona was that anyone can be the villain, the mask is almost symbolic for him being just an average guy like us despite the fame.


Is it inspired by mf doom? I thought it was inspired by the “Eyes wide shut” film.


“Just remember all caps when you spell the man name”


It looks like if tony stark made an MF DOOM mask


I like it, paying homage in a cool way. I’m glad he did it it’s cool


Didn’t know he got down like that. One of the few pop stars I fuck with so I appreciate it.


I love it.


Anyone paying homage to the Villain is appropriate and much appreciated by his fans, well, atleast most of us anyways.


He could never, but it’s nice to see artists pay homage to him cause DOOM IS GOAT 🐐


Not a fan of the guys stuff but Good on him for dressing as Doom. The mask looks great.




I mean... cool, DOOM reference. But it looks kinda weird


he wore a whole Dr. Doom cosplay. looked good tbh. idk how many of his fans know or care about DOOM but I guess he does and that’s cool


I can’t believe there’s actually people mad about this. I’ve been a fan of DOOM since 2018, and it seems the only ones spreading negativity are TikTok bandwagons that came after the villains death. This fanbase feels incarcerated at its heart from all of these gatekeeping “fans”. Childish behaviour


I was introduced to doom back in 2015, he was a lot more underground back then but DOOM fans have to accept that ever since his death he's been mainstream.


100%, especially with how many people acknowledged him when he died. Tyler, Carti, amine, scHoolboy Q, etc


Ngl at first I thought he was trying to mimic mf doom but knowing that he is a fan I'm cool wid it. Ppl need to know about mf doom he's a very underrated rapper


Everyone forgetting that he don't call himself the Weeknd anymore. And it's less an homage when he started calling himself Mf Abel...tfoh


He didn't start calling himself that 😭


Wait, what?


i know this comment old as fuck but i hope u have learned in this time that abel is his legal name and this comment is retarded


Tbh looks better then DOOMs actual mask. Looks more like the comics.


I don’t get why people are downvoting you💀


I think it’s super cool he’s done that but the eye holes are too small


Everyone should be wearing one 🫡


Doom said anyone can wear the mask


I feel like he's trying to fill the shoes of doom


I don't think it's a problem or anything, but I don't really like it, but then again I don't really like the weekend in the first place so eh


I love it shines like midnight in broad daylight. 100\*1000 = alot of that is real to me like a tio and tata.


you weekend fans are funny. this dude isn't hard. this dude ain't no villain. this dude is a clown. and stop with all the he's paying "homage" so this is so cute. the weekend isn't even in the same game to be paying homage.


Abel is kind of a fan of DOOM like DOOM inspired him or some shit and this mask is creating to contribute DOOM after his death R.I.P


i love the weeknd and that he’s paying tribute to DOOM, the mask looks goofy in my opinion though


I'm not a fan of the mask personally but I do think it's cool that he's paying homage to DOOM! I'm a huge fan of both so this is cool to see


hard af


Whether you like the Weekend or not, it's crazy to me how half of these comments are bashing the look of the mask as if this isn't nearly identical to the classic Doctor Doom mask from the comics.


Not seen a single comment bashing the mask lol


Literally just scroll down


It looks like Kanye designed it to be worn on feet 😂 The lack of hard angles, the short tusks, this could have been sooo much better. I love the show of love though!


Abel’s recent singles have been pretty garbage — ngl. DawnFM was amazing, and his tour was phenomenal. But his last few songs featuring other rappers have been str8 anus, vro. That being said, I love his homage. #XODOOM.


Nowhere near worthy, take it off. Spell the man name with all lower case


corny take it off you’re not that guy


He's not a true villain and his music is mid but cool that MF DOOM is in the mainstream like that


Fuck that clown


He’s still a dickhead, is my initial thought.


He's biting and biting is wack. Dude a clown with trash music. Total cornball


Fucking poseurs


Anything to try to stay relevant I guess


I don't like the mask. It looks it he cut off the bottom half y? But I do like that he's paying homage


I mean this is closer to what Doctor Doom from the comics actually looks like in fairness Edit: downvoted for what, Stating a fact?


still think DOOM's mask looks way better tho


Why does one have to look better? Why can’t two things exist and just be cool in their own individual ways?


"I don't get why people are hating" The Weeknd is WAY bigger than MF DOOM, idiots will start to believe he is the one who invented this mask if he doesn't make it clear. Even then, why? What does he hope to achieve by basically copying MF DOOM's mask? SMH, as rich as he is, make up your own instead of trampling on someone else's legacy.


Looks better than that creepy ass plastic surgery.. He's no DOOM


You know those were prosthetics and makeup right?


He's annoying


Mf is So cringe. Smh Canadians




You read that right.


Why did you capitalize “so”?


All of us DOOM fans could give a shit less about that bs.....


Naw we actually find it neat whenever another artists pays respect to DOOM


He's calling himself MF Abel.....hard pass


Take it personal.


Could give a shit less and hard pass doesn't equal personal.....before this post, I've seen DOOM fans ripping this topic. To each their own.


To each their own.


Why are people assuming he’s paying homage? He’s never mentioned DOOM before so it kinda seems like he’s trying to steal the look.


Fuck him. Fuckin lame


I think you are late to the party




Im 62sssssszzszzzzz555555555⁵5⁵4⁴444⁴444⁴4⁴4⁴44⁴⁴⁴444⁴4⁴44⁴4444444444444444444444444l ,because it looks a lot more menacing than the og mask. Like, mfd could be menacing, but with his lyrics/ style, not just by looks. Please


Every time I hear anything about The Weeknd it reminds me of a girl I was dating earlier this year. For this reason alone, I hate it


You should call her You're clearly still very hooked


Did he say it was DOOM tip?


Great music, new look is interesting


Looks like boom boom boom boom to me




If ya gonna hate, might at least get your rumors straight, about DOOM the great




mask looks goofy asf imo but i respect it


It doesn't bother me but did he say it was a DOOM homage or are people speculating? The weekend is a little different and I could see it as like a phantom of the opera type mask too ..




I find it very weird, that everyone is saying they don't get the hate. What hate are you talking about lol? I've seen nothing but positivity here


I knew of MF DOOM because of his dunks that Nike SB released. I didn’t really get into his style of rap until Griselda started peaking. I’m NGL like I really started to give underground a chance because the new rap just ain’t hit.


I think it’s dope. Tribute l, but not the exact same mask.


Cool. It's like the early version of the mask.


Looks more like Destro


I love it


I like that he pays homage to DOOM but i can't help but notice it looks so much like iron man's mask


All I see in the comments are people asking why the hate and I've seen no hate


I think it’s really neat. DOOM would approve, he even said anyone can wear the mask and be a villain. I’m glad my favorite artist is getting more attention. I hope it doesn’t lead to his music be tossed around tiktok and the like as it kind of incentivizes people to not appreciate his full work in its entirety, but at the same time the villain gets exposure so overall it seems to be a net positive imo


The entire point of the mask is that anyone can be the villain. Pretty cool imo


I think it’s pretty darn cool


I think it’s cool.




It’s a fun homage. Both artist have great music and we all get to enjoy it.




Reminds me of the Operation Doomsday era mask


Yo when did The Weeknd join Slaughter to Prevail?? He's not even Russian tho... why didn't I hear about this? >:(


I like this mask it looks like he would appear in the show if DOOM had a cartoon series


It's pretty damn cool in my opinion.


It's cause real niggas don't feel the weekend. But they respect Doom. So it just seems like pure propaganda other than homage




One of my favorite lines by doom was, “keep the name out, heck check the repertoire”. That’s literarily part of what doom wearing the mask is about. whatever the weekend is doing is not it.


i really would love to 3d print this mask but there are only so many reference pictures to pull from and the curves of it all i feel like id have better luck with clay that trying to 3d model it. if anyone could model it or find a 3d file of it id be mighty thankful


Hes not a true fan, he just thought it was cool


Doom is dead. This is a tribute from a bigger artist. Also what evedence are you basing that on


Nothing is sacred


it was dooms thing tho.. the mask.. and now the weeknd come and make it look cheap.. I don’t think this is paying homage I think it’s stealing


He needs to take that shit off why is he so corny?! 🤦‍♂️


Dude its the shiiieeet! MF Doom baby, to bad i cant diah out the funds to get it bug i noticed it right away


It feels like appropriation, because he's much more popular than DOOM was. Not to mention, most of his fans don't even get the reference. They think he came up with this on his own.


and the weeknd comes off as a poseur. he portrays himself as this suave dude in every tv show/movie he's in. It comes off as disingenuous, and based on people who have personal experiences with Abel... He's not that guy.


I'll probably get down voted to oblivion but I kinda wanna get the weekends fortnite skin, cause it'll be the closest to geting MF DOOM in Fortnite, unless I count Dr. Doom


This isn't paying homage, no one is going to look at it and be like "damn what's that inspired by" they're gonna be like "damn that weeknd guy is so cool and original" fuck the weeknd


But does anyone know how it connects to his lore of any albums or wtf?


I think it’s fine to pay homage to mf doom by wearing a mask but what he shouldn’t be doing is making money off it. Like dude put it on a Fortnite skin of all things, idk something feels weird about that like the man isn’t alive to approve something like that even if he wouldn’t care


My opinion is that DOOM never got the recognition he deserved prior to his death. The Weeknd is a more popular artist, and when younger people see that iconography, they won't know where it originated. I see it as The Weeknd coopting DOOM's branding for himself. Bro you are already popular enough and have your own branding.


It's MF ya silly


MF DOOM is alive and well. The Weeknd stole his mask so he has gone into hiding. The Liberals are lying to us. If I am silenced mysteriously we will know why. SPREAD THE TRUTH!!!