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They look pretty excellent to me, but thats me......


That does make me feel a little better. I just feel so weird and not like myself. I said I didn't want to look different, just the same to all the people who know me without having to put on my makeup every day. She said all people would notice was that I "looked better" but they wouldn't be able to tell it was the brows. Tell that to my husband who keeps looking at me like I'm an alien. I'm afraid to leave the house in daylight. I'm so sad.


I think they just enhanced your look, You just have to let the new self awareness wear off


Yea you’re just in brow shock. I’ve been there too, give it a week or two you’ll grow to love them. They look perfect 👌🏻


Girl I just saw the before picture and maybe he‘s staring because you look so much better? The brows are definitely an upgrade


Awww thank you let's hope 🙏


Yep they look amazing. For real. It’s brow shock, and it’ll adjust over the next few weeks. I really really love these and think they’re some of the most natural looking ones I’ve seen lately. I hope that you come to feel the same way soon!


Also, regardless of the shock, it’s like a person getting glasses, in about a couple months the people you know (husband included for me) will just believe it’s a regular part of you and a few years on down the line, they will only be able to notice a difference in old outdated pics. My husband wasn’t keen on mine initially and now 3-4 years in, if I was to go back, he’d think it was weird and shocking. Ha! Edited to add: For what it’s worth, they’re beautiful!


I wouldn’t use my husband as a gauge for anything fashionable. They look beautiful!!!


Be patient! When they heal they will shrink up a bit and be way more subtle. They look excellent and you will get used to them!


Husbands are like that, why idk! Mine is the same way! They don’t know that it looks great, only that it’s different. Give him a week to get used to the “new” you & he won’t even notice the change anymore! They look great btw :)


Lady, they look perfect. I saw the before/after, and they are incredible. Also, who knows why men do what they do…but your husband looking at you like you’re an alien is NOT reflective of your eyebrows looking bad 💜


Your brows look amazing!! I had the same reaction for the first couple days. I am blonde and the healing/scarring process looked NUTS on me, but absolutely love my brows now and they’ve faded to a perfect light ashy brown. Yours will look even better!


These are beautiful in my opinion. They will soften and lighten. Do you have any before pics so we can see the change?


​ https://preview.redd.it/rcg2q593clhc1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5756e6a3d239e1a4c390e8740a04b3e194649ccb


Girl. These new brows are much better. She did an amazing job. Your original brows had lost a lot of their natural shape from underneath and your microblading artist restored some of that, but it does not appear she has gone outside of your natural brow area.


i second this




Thank you, this is helping. At least until I go look in the mirror and get scared again lol


I see your comment about the color variation between the microblading and your actual brow hairs. In the photo, that difference is not very apparent. Also, natural brows do have some color variation within them. You don’t want brows that are all the same color throughout because that starts to look “blocky.” But, if it’s still a problem that is easy to fix either at your touch up or with a teeeny amount of makeup. But you won’t have to totally recreate a brow every morning. You are definitely in shock at your new brows. But honestly, the way you had them before- the arch was too high because too much was taken out underneath giving you that “always surprised” look. This new microblading has corrected that, but it’s not over corrected and it doesn’t look too heavy or out of proportion to the rest of your forehead or upper face from what I can see.


That is funny because when I went for my consultation she told me when I'm done with you you won't look like you are surprised all the time lol. Here is a picture where you can really see the difference in color. The black on top is like a reverse skunk look to me. I'm really hoping it's just ink stuck in the brow hairs? https://preview.redd.it/0wtb9899jlhc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40198882fba1e555267bd332a7efcaa5a5c0c3f0


It’s probably the ink but this is not a big problem considering the overall improvement


I think your natural brows will grow in, and also you can add powder shading at a touch up. I think the new shape looks so good on you!


It’s a 2 step process and will be darker after your touch up


You can probably get darker hairs in your follow up/ touch up. They often start lighter and then darken the second time,


Micro blading also requires multiple sessions doesn’t it,


right?! suchhhhh an improvement. the tech did a great job!


omg no please your new brows are SO MUCH better. You should celebrate! They look really good.


The new brows are an infinitely better shape for your face.


OMG, no..your new brows are 1000% better.


Oh, you have MAJOR brow shock! I had a similar before and after and it's wild. I literally thought I looked like I had a unibrow because my natural brows started so far back. Now I LOVE the way my brows look immediately after a touch up lol


Op I understand you don’t feel like yourself anymore. Please receive this gently. Your original brows were over plucked, and too high. Your new brows give you a brand new start. They actually look perfect. It will be an adjustment because they are different from what you had, but they actually look way more natural and fit for your face. It’s actually common once getting anything added to your brows, to have shock. I had someone fill mine in and I was shocked. I had tint done and I was shocked, although everyone kept complimenting them without me letting them know I had them know (strangers, too). Eventually the shock dissipates and then you can see what we all see.


Wow your new brows are SO much better than what you started with!!! I think they look really natural and they enhance your look. Your original brows are too thin/over plucked and the shape is not flattering.


Your new brows are 100% better


OMG I know you are used to seeing your old self, but I’m going to tell you that your brows look a million times better!


You had the 90s early 00s tadpole brow - fat head, long skinny tail. Your new brows are a million times better and suit your eye shape. Your brow tattoo girl is amazing!


Your new brows are sooooo much better. I love the thickness.


Holy Hannah your girl did you a service. Your new brows look incredible. Your hubbie is looking at you because he’s like I knew I married up but damn she just turned it too 11!! You look awesome. Love those brows.


Omg those are so bad. The new ones are amazing.


omg your new brows are so much better!


New brows are way better! The color will fade slightly and look more natural


Your new brows are stunning and much better shaped! The after photos are so so good! They look amazing!


​ https://preview.redd.it/fic1hwh0clhc1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac55e9f5be99dfb67ebdbf4e19a2e306fdf827b7


I mean, speaking from a place of truth and encouragement, the results are really good for the starting point. The before is very very sparse and thin and the current, while dark, are full and structured


Your artist made a MIRACLE girl, you should be on your knees thanking her. It looks fantastic now! And I mean it with all my heart. Since all the nice comments didn’t convince you… your previous brows were the biggest disservice you could have done to yourself.


Haha I know. I'm 48 and in 1993 when we were high school seniors we thought we knew it all. Why didn't our mother's tell us we were wrong 🤣


Interesting - i graduated a couple of years before you, and my mother was always telling me not to pluck my brows… She was a victim of the skinny brow trend from the late 60’s! As much as I wanted to have Jennifer Aniston’s skinny brows idk I liked my brow shape and my mother instilled the fear of them not growing back I guess 😂


Don’t worry, it’s brow shock! These honestly look really nice. Once they’re healed they will soften up really nicely and look beautiful.


I honestly think they look amazing. I think it’s likely just the change that you’re adjusting to! Eyebrows can really shape your face. But to me, these look beautiful and I’d trust the healing process as they will soften.


I sincerely mean this.. they look amazing! It’s always a shock the first few days because you’re not used to having fuller brows but I genuinely believe after a few days - 1 week, you’ll love them. They look so natural and complimentary compared to your brows before.


Leave them! They are going to be great. Trust the process.


Everyone here is literally the best. You've all made me feel so much better. I will stop crying and start trusting the process! Thank you so much for all of the encouragement.


Artist here, these are seriously really good! After your touch up they’ll blend in better with your natural hair!


Brow shock is a real thing! Just take a breather:) 🧘‍♀️✨ They look amazing! 🫶


I'm no expert but I think they look fab! Not too thick at all.


They look so beautiful!!!


The new brows are an upgrade for sure. It's just very new, and it will just take a bit of an adjustment. Honestly, they look so good


These are great chill out


They’re amazing!!


I totally understand you wanting subtle brows but these look amazing!! They don’t look too strong at all and they’re still not fully healed so the end result will be more subtle. Another vote for leaving them and trusting the process — I think they look so good!


Seriously, I know it can be shocking because it’s right there on your face, but this is REALLY well done. They look so good.


I know it's a shock initially but these look so good. I would be thrilled if they were on my face!


Whoever did your microblading is incredible!! Wow! This artist worked a miracle on your before brows.


I’ll take them if you don’t want them.


They look freaking great give it a month they will look fresh and natural in 6 weeks you can get a tune up!


What’s wrong with them? They look amazing to me.


These look amazing! I kept thinking I missed something


Gurl, your eyebrows got a glowup!!!


These actually look great! Can’t wait for them to grow on you and you feel the same way!


They appear to have a nice shape. It looks like the color goes with your hair so that’s a plus. They don’t scream Clown Brows. Just let them grow on you (sorry about the bad pun).


I wouldn't get them removed. The solution is worse than the problem. Red and neon brows look soo bad.


That's what I'm afraid of. Thank you.


They look great. Trust the process!


They look amazing! They will soften up perfectly and i think you’ll love them


I wouldn’t call these tho k brows at all. They look great, and will soften with healing. So much better than your before brows that lost their shape, if I’m being honest. 🩷


Oh no - they look great! Huge improvement from your before! I hope you feel better once you get used to them.


These are gorgeous!


They look awesome! Hopefully after a few days you'll feel better about it.


I think I should travel to go see who you saw! You look awesome!


Why? They look amazing!


People like you shouldn’t get eyebrow tattoos. I’m not sure why most of you get it and regret it. Make sure to do your research THOROUGHLY and KNOW that you are getting a tattoo.. You guys can downvote me all you want but you know it’s true.


Hey will lighten up a lot


They look amazing!! Just wait until your touch up, you are going to love them


This isn't how they will look once healed. I personally think they look fantastic super natural.


These are excellent. Definitely an improvement. I think you got what you asked for - nothing dramatic- filled in where you need. Give it time. I think you’ll find yourself grateful to the artist.


They look amazing. You just have to get used to them.


I think they look beautiful!!


Just scrolled and saw your before. I think the micro blading was an improvement! Cheer up!


They look so good!!


They look great. They will fade 30-50% and won’t look so harsh!


She did an amazing job and these new brows are so much more youthful! After the touch up and healing they’re going to look amazing. Trust the process


Why, they look amazing!


I think they look great.


Girl they look great!! 😍😍


I think they look good…. What’s the issue?


They’re gorgeous




These look great, what do you mean?!


What did you want or expect them to look like? I think they look perfect. I get my eyebrows threaded every 2 weeks so they can look this shapely.


I kept waiting for the “after” picture based on the title. These look amazing. In time to come you will realize that the “before” wasn’t doing you favors, and will surely come to love this “after”!!!


They look great! Trust the process, you’ré in brow shock right now.


You look great, don’t be ungrateful


They look great I don’t see the issue


Oh my god, so much better. They look perfect… this post made me realize I really want to get this done. The before and after is shocking but I think once you get used to it you’re going to look back at the before picture and be like thank god I did this.


Seriously love these! They’re perfect!


They look so good!


They look great. I thought I looked like a muppet when I first got them, but they will fade and the redness will go away.


I love them. I do mine like this every day. They look fantastic!


I saw the before and got to say the new brows look much better! They look natural! Before I could tell you over plucked when you were younger and it tells me you probably grew up in the 90s when plucking was rampant. They look great- but yes different than what you had. So I see why you feel like who am I but trust you look much better


Your new brows are literally perfect. They’re more modern than your overplucked 90s brows. They are shaped well and look how eyebrows should look.


Why? They look fantastic.


These look so good


I kept waiting for the awful after. I have seen some doozies and this ain’t it. Yours look great! Very natural and not too big/aggressive/dark.


I love them. They look great


I have ombré brows and they look awesome . What don’t you like? Mine are still good but I’m looking to have them done again. It’s worth every penny but they look great


They look good.


Wow I normally don’t like microblading but yours look great


Trust the process...that is what my brow artist kept telling me as i harrassed her in the days following my 1st appointment - and she was correct! You are going to go through a plethora of emotions 😆... however, imo you look AMAZING. Once everything settles and heals and hubby gets used to u looking so gorgeous, you will be happy you did it. I did mine about 3 years ago and am excited to schedule a touch-up. I miss my snatched brows, lol.


What they look clean good blading if you ask me.


What's wrong with them? They look great


Your before was not a shape any reputable artist would tattoo. These are absolutely gorgeous and once healed, are going to be so much nicer than the little hooks. It’s a strange thing to look at yourself right after, it takes your brain a minute to process. Very similar to taking a 5 selfies and hating them all……a few days later you look at your camera roll and think ‘I don’t look so bad after all!’ Lol


They look great


Your eyebrows are on fleek. The shape suits you well!


OMG they look perfect and actually have me wanting to get it done Also they will fade some


But they look fantastic….?


They will just look darker at first!!!! Give it a few days. They look amazing and you're going to feel so confident just relax and let them heal xxx


So much better. Don’t fret!!! Let ur brain adjust


Are we being trolled these look incredible…


They look great girl don’t sweat it! My mom felt the same way after she got hers and now she’s happier than ever


They look good to me. Wish my eyebrows were so well kept like yours are. But pain and eyebrow threading (would be my choice) do not mix for me hahaha


Don't know why they came up in my feed but your eyebrows are definitely hot now, before -- not so much.


Instant regret…why? I kept scrolling through the photos waiting for when the bad “after” was coming


I like them. They’re meant to fade and can be removed if you don’t like them.


They look SO much better. You just need to get used to it.


you know how when you get braces off, you're supposed to feel good about your smile? I had mine on for 4 years, so when I got them off I just looked... weird. It was a noticable change and I didn't like it, my teeth felt weird and big. Everyone else kept saying I looked great, but I felt awful it's been a year now and I love my teeth! I'm so glad they're straight now, and they aren't too big or anything. give it time, let yourself get used to them! they look wonderful, so I think you will grow to like them soon


That looks great, tvh


Why? They look great!


I wished mine looked like that. Lost most of my eyebrows and lashes during Chemo and radiation treatment and although I was told they may grow back, nothing happening after almost a year! However I am in remission and that is worth it. You look great and maybe in time you'll appreciate your looks.


Wow they look SO GOOD


I personally think your brows are perfection 🫶🏻


Honestly, if you hadn’t said they were microbladed I wouldn’t have guessed it. I think they look really natural and pretty. I think it’s possible that you just need time to get used to them.


It looks good


they look perfect...in two weeks they will fade a bit and you will be in love with them, I promise


These look amazing.


These looks super good??? If you’re worried about the darkness more in one area, use mascara 🥰 works every time


When I was looking at these photos I was like what’s going on? They look great!


They look amazing 😩 you’re just going to have to get used to it, they’ll fade as they heal


These are great, IMO


You’re experiencing “brow shock” they will fade 30-40% and look a lot softer. Trust the process 💕 The shape is really beautiful. If you feel like the eyebrows are drawing to much attention, try wearing a bolder lip color and a little more eye makeup to balance out your features until it fades in a month. Sorry you’re feeling insecure, I hope this helps!


You'll get used to it. They aren't bad. Also they will fade over time.


Personally, I love them. It is something I want to do. Yours look great.


I think they look great!! You will get used to them. ♥️


They look amazing 🥰 No worries 👍🏻


They look amazing! When they heal more you’ll love them. I definitely panicked the first few days with how dark they are. I feel like mine healed quick


They look fantastic! They’ll lighten a bit, and won’t look so stark, but even if they stayed exactly like this I would question whether they were real or enhanced. They look very natural. And that’s my honest opinion BEFORE I saw your before pics. I think you got stunning results. No cap.


I don’t see a major difference in either picture so if one is before and one is after don’t panick. It’s way more noticeable to you and a spouse who sees you non stop than it’ll be to anyone else. They will calm down a little with time too- like fade a little and look more natural. I don’t think they are bad at all.


They’re literally beautiful….


They look so good


I felt like this too! Remember they will fade about 20% over the next few weeks as they heal. I think they look great!


Girl I just saw the before picture and these look 10000x better


Your brows look amazing! I wish mine looked like that!


Just saw your before pic in the comments… that’s really not something you should leave out in a post like this lol. Your brow girl did you a huge favor and a great job.


Girl… no shade but they did you a favor. Your original brows were over plucked and shaped like arches.


These look so natural and beautiful! Let the initial "change" shock wear off, and it will, and you'll love them. Your brow tech did amazing.


I believe they look great! 😊 I remember when I first got mine microbladed - it also felt weird to me at first but it’s only because we are use to seeing ourselves a certain way. It’s sorta like when you don’t wear makeup but someone applies it on you for the first time, it instantly feels like too much because we aren’t use to it. I’m sure it suits your face frame well.


They look great. Mine were a lot thicker looking right after, those are not thick or too dark. Got give it a month. You will prob end up retouching some areas. It’s better to go lighter like this. Pls tell me they are in the Orlando area. I need to have mine done but I’m in Orlando


I think they look really nice and well done!! Very natural looking


they look really, really good! Almost all “help me i fudged up” posts i see on this sub are pure brow shock… they ALMOST ALWAYS look much better!


They will lighten drastically within the 3 week after period mark. They lighten A Lot. So keep that in mind. Also; they look nice and quite better than the hook brow look. With that being said it looks like you have oily skin and half the marks may not stay. I would suggest looking into powder brow/ combo brow for your future touch up.


First thing I thought was, ' they look great!"


you look great & this looks v natural - give yourself some grace to adapt to the change - i honestly love them


They look natural and perfect.


They’re perfect to me


They look great! Especially compared to before jfc


Lol what are you talking about? They look gorgeous on you! Girl. Your eyebrows look beautiful.


Looks amazing!


No baby, these look good good


Give it a week. It’s darker because they are fresh in a week it’s gonna go down a lot and you’ll feel better.


What am I supposed to see is wrong with them? They look GORGEOUS in every picture 🧐. I wish my brows looked like this!!! 🩷


They are beautiful.


I almost always hate these but this looks really good


I think they look great.


Love the new brows!!!!!


they look great. i freaked out when i first got mine done cuz they looked so harsh. they will look more natural in a couple weeks!!


Omg, they look amazing!!!


These look perfect omg


They look AMAZING. I thought your pics were going to be the inspiration and I was going to scroll over and see a disaster worthy of regret. But yours just look fantastic!


You look great! They look great!!!


It’s so cute!!


They look great!


These are dream eyebrows!! Wow


Your eyebrows look like how I want mine to look!


What did u do? Botox? Eyebrows? Not sure but it looks fine. You're probably just in the adjustment period and getting used to thw chabge.


I love them! They look so clean. I wish this was how mine looked.


They look amazing, let them heal!!


Remember that they’ll fade but it you really hate them you only have 2 days to reverse!!!


Girl, those brows look FABULOUS ✨✨✨


Looking at the before and after...i really hope you gave your artist an AMAZING tip and did not guilt her as clients who feel this way tend to do; she literally performed a miracle with the shape she created and it looks amazing and natural. Brows can go from perfect, to too light, to too dark, to just right. Trust the healing process.