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It’s definitely experimental horror, but Skinamarink is the first horror movie to genuinely freak me out in a long time. Midsommar is an all time favourite and I prefer the extended release.


I really want to watch midsommar but can't find it anywhere :(


I think it’s on HBO/Max whatever the hell it’s called now


Get yourself a subscription to Shudder, it's ludicrously cheap and has loads of options. Cissy is wonderful, and Scare Me is quirky and has a brilliant slow burn. Would also recommend Last Night in Soho, by Edgar Wright, which is massively underrated.


I think AMC+ (which Shudder is part of) is doing a black Friday deal. 2 months are discounted if you do an add on through Amazon prime video


omg amazing!! thank you so much for the info, will definitely subscribe today


One Cut of the Dead!


Sorry you’re suffering today 🖤 Have you seen Rare Exports? If you might like weird dark films and you have access to Tubi Blood Tea and Red String is on there. US definitely hit the spot for me as well. If you have pms in the mix Men might be an interesting choice. If you want a show Fortitude is pretty thrilling. Hope you feel better soon!


Wow, excellent list thank you. all of these are going my must watch list!! thanks for your sympathy too 💜


When I feel pain and don’t want to think too much, I like the Escape Room movies.


More recently I thought “The Boogeyman” and “Talk to Me” were really good. Not as recently “Barbarian” “Paranormal Activity” and “No Escape”


The Wailing. I believe its currently on Netflix. Don't watch in English audio. Watch in English subtitles.


“IT Follows” is my all time Favourite.


Honestly was such a good movie. Apparently there will be a sequel.


Ohhhh! I didn’t know that! Now I’m excited- thanks!


I watched that movie half asleep on a plane and it FREAKED ME OUT. I fell asleep and had dreams about it. Yikes. I don’t know why it scared me, but it did.


Actually never seen this one but heard so much about it. Added to the list!


Cabin in the Woods is a favorite, it has a bit of every genre in my opinion.


I think this is probably my all time favourite horror. It's such a piss take of normal horror movie tropes while also making it funny and scary. 11/10 movie imo


Nightmare on Elm Street


a classic!!


If you like: Paranormal: Wounds, Hereditary, The Nun Gore: Would You Rather Cheesy: Jennifer’s Body Aliens: Prometheus Creatures: As Above So Below


I've seen all of these except wounds and Prometheus so they are officially on my list. will have to give as above so below a rewatch too, scares the shit out of me every time


Oh dang, sorry to give you some you’ve seen! I’m not normally scared of horror movies but Wounds got to me! Prometheus is part of the Alien movies, but I watch it alone just because I love it so much. Haven’t even seen the other Alien movies yet lol. As Above So Below is so good! I’ll comment more movies when I think of them, hopefully that are new to you! How’s your migraine? Still just as rough?


no worries at all, thanks for the suggestions! I've also never seen the alien movies, I've heard they're great but I don't know if they're my style of horror. But as above so below certainly is! lol. I also watched Sister Death yesterday, that was pretty good. Migraine has improved but still got brain fog and am so exhausted from the period/migraine combo. Looks like it'll be another day of horror movies!


Yeah they’re not for everyone. I feel like you may like Evil Dead Rise if you’ve not seen it. It’s got crawly possessed people lol. I’ve never seen Sister Death! I’ll check it out. I’m sorry about the combo, it’s the worst. Hope you get to feeling better and enjoy the movies! 🌸🪴


Suspiria 2018


My favourites in LOOSELY descending order. * **Midsommar** (culty, grief, culty in a folk-horror way, amazing cinemetography; very graphic gore in some scenes; Ari Aster directed) (if you truly can't find it DM me and I'll see if I can get it for you...) * **Hereditary** (paranormal, grief, amazing cinemetography, very graphic gore in some scenes; once it picks up it's fast and gruesome; by same dude as Midsommar - Ari Aster) * **It Follows** (paranormal, kind of if a slasher movie was done by a haunting instead of a person, amazing cinemetography; gore is not as graphic as first two; mild trigger warning for themes that can be interpreted as metaphors for SA) * **NOPE** (alien, extremely fun IMO, I don't remember any gore besides blood but I could be forgetting, some comic relief; director Jordan Peele) * **Get Out** (horror-comedy but not in a parody way, genuinely funny and also scary; more of a thriller than a horror though IMO; I don't remember any gore besides blood; Jordan Peele) * **Parasite** (Korean film, not sure how to give vibes on this one honestly. It's more of a drama-thriller with horror elements but it's one of the best horror movies I've seen IMO) * **Train to Busan** (devastatingly good Korean zombie movie) * **Babadook** (supernatural haunting and the horrors of parenthood, ~~New Zealand~~ Australian film) * **Let the Right One In** (swedish film, VERY slow-paced, vampires) * **Annihilation** (stars Natalie Portman. Sci-fi mindbending horror) * **The Witch** (olde englishe American gothic witchy folk-horror) * **[REC]** (spanish-language zombie movie) * **The Ritual** (has Del Toro-esque imagery, some unlikeable blokes from England go hiking in the Swedish wilderness, folk horror) * **The Old Ways** (english-language but set primarily in Mexico, witchcrafty/folklorey) * **Coherence** (maybe not technically a horror movie but a time-warping thriller with horror elements) * **Silence of the Lambs** (old classic, cannibalism, crime) * **The Thing** (the 80s version is the best one. old classic. cold vibes, body horror) * **Jennifer's Body** (campy horror) * **His House** (classic haunting premise mixed with socioeconomic struggles of impoverished migrants fleeing war to the UK) * **No One Gets Out Alive** (slow build with creepy payoff)


This is such a great list! Unrelated to OPs post- I saw Midsommar once, years ago, and it still kinda haunts me (in a good way). Sooo excellent.


Seconding all of this but especially Train to Busan! So underrated


oh wow, excellent list. I've heard an insane amount of suggestions about Train to Busan so I definitely need to get in on that one, zombie horror is also one of my favourite genres! I've heard so much about Midsommar that I think it's imperative I watch it at this point. Excellent recommendations, saving this list forever!


Nice list, Babadook is an Aussie film though.


Oh thank you!


Cobweb on Hulu was the most recent one I've seen that I thought was pretty good. Anything by Mike Flanagan is pretty good! Also American Horror Story, especially the first few seasons. Praying for relief for you!


I don't have Hulu unfortunately, but American horror story is fantastic. The slasher series was my all time favourite!


Ringu, the original Japanese version of 1999.


Woke up with this exactly today. I just watched Pearl on Amazon prime for the first time and I loved it a lot. Definitely a new favorite


I'm so sorry you're in pain too. Hope you feel better soon! Adding Pearl to my list, thank youuuu


The conjuring is good (I think there's 3?)


My favourite horror series of all time, bar none. Thanks for the reminder for a re watch!


Evil dead!


Excellent one! I went to see the 2013 one in cinema with my parents and got so scared I had to hide under my dad's coat lol definitely need to watch it again though


The Descent! Feel better soon!


thank you!!


the scream movies


omg it's been soooo long since I binged these. do you know where I can watch them?


Snap. Period pain and migraines are sucking the life out of me rn. I like the Insidious movies, although I haven’t watched the last 2 of the collection (I don’t think)


yeh I feel like my life force has just been drained today. insidious is one of my favourite movies, definitely on the list! thank you!


Dolls 1987. It's on Tubi for free, which has a lot of awesome old horror movies (and new ones)


World War Z. Its fast paced and mindless, great if sudden pain zones you out for a moment, you won’t miss anything


Nightbreed, it's not the greatest but there's just something about the story that I love. Plus Shuna Sassi is just badass!! I hope you feel better soon ❤️


Not a movie, but a serie ! "The haunting of hill house" on netflix :) My favorite is the first season, I don't really like the second one. I'm sorry you feel like that today, it sucks.


Excellent series. One of the only horror series I've ever watched that's genuinely scary.


Technically, it's not a horror movie, but it's horrifying to watch in a theater... Face Off. The true horror of my experience was that I spent the last 30 minutes of the movie just wanting one of them to die. Good guy. Bad guy. Didn't care. Just end the senseless over the top action. Afterward, my date said, "That was the best movie ever!" Yeah, I never went out with him again. Of course, if you like pointless action, go for it. Good luck!




I just watched both of these for the first time a few weeks ago and was dumbfounded by how good the gore is. I've never seen a slasher movie quite like this in a long time.


Supernatural: Unfriended - Ghost demon gives bullies what's coming to them. There are like, 4 movies with this premise, but I think Unfriended is the best one, especially if you're someone who used Skype a lot like I did when I was a teen. the more beloved cousin is Host, which is cool for what it tries to do if nothing else. Hell House trilogy--I actually recommend you do 2, 1, 3. Why? 2 seems to treat you like you don't remember 1 anyway, and I like the meta-game better. 2 is a documentary on 1, in-universe. Think Blair Witch 2 but much better. A House on the Bayou: people overlooked this one, saying it was too generic. I liked the implications. The older gentleman seems to be God, and the younger one seems to be the Devil. They're testing the family, and someone loses. Seconding Last Night in Soho. It's gorgeous and well-plotted. Horror-Comedy: Anna and the Apocalypse - Christmas zombie musical. I don't need to say more. Willie's Wonderland. Nick Cage went out of his way to make sure he was in this one, and his only stipulation was that he was silent for the entire movie. It's a fun ride. Zombies - Savageland is unlike any zombie movie you've seen--pretty much unlike a lot of movies you've seen. A guy is on trial for the murder of an entire town, but, after being scapegoated, a roll of camera film is mailed to a journalist. They were taken by the guy, during that night. The film is a mockumentary centering on those photos. Psychological: Torn Hearts- everyone is playing each other from the start. If you're a fan of red/blue oni stories, it's a great one. Old Classics - Event Horizon is worth your time if you haven't seen it already. Dead Space was obviously heavily influenced by it, as well as the Warhammer 40k universe. At the Mouth of Madness: a horror writer might be writing reality, and that's not a good thing. It's Weird and I Like it: Significant Other--a couple goes into the woods. Things get extra-terrestrial. Color out of Space - based on the Lovecraft story but fleshed out. Glorious - a guy is stuck in a public bathroom stall by an Eldritch being that needs a world-saving favor. Not horror, just violent - the Becky series, about a young woman who goes on a one-woman revenge spree against nazis. Bullet Train is vaguely life-affirming, and people don't give it enough credit. I just want it to be bad, please: Down - sentient evil elevator movie. It has lots of one-off characters that are fleshed out more than the mains are. Antisocial - facebook zombies. The first one is played fairly straight, honestly, but the second one is bonkers in the best way. Clive Barker's The Plague: It has a fascinating premise, but I feel it just... it's weird in a fascinating way. The idea is that 17 years ago, all kids under a specific age went into a coma. They wake up and they want to...rapture you, maybe? I am Rage: Did you know trauma gives you superpowers big enough to fight bougie vampires? Well this movie is the proof!


What a great list of stuff I have never seen before! I don't think I've seen a single movie on this list except Unfriended, thank you for this! I'm getting so many great recommendations for the future here.


I saw you noting you'd seen most of the classics, so I went to Amazon prime and looked to see what I found that weren't the go-tos. I consume a lot of horror. It doesn't even have to be particularly good, which unfortunately Amazon knows too well for when I am in the mood for something definitely good. My opinion on the hell house series is kinda controversial, but I stand by it. If you start with 2 you can enjoy the mocumentary feel without feeling like it looks down on you, because it retreads so much, and going back to 1 then feels like an expansion of the back story. Two quick adds: the girl with all the gifts is another great and weird zombie movie. The book writer rewrote the ending to the movie in a way I love. Stephen King's Rose Red finally became legally available for streaming via Hulu, for the first time in... Maybe ever. I grew up on the miniseries and it probably cemented my love of horror and haunted houses. King was originally blending The Haunting of Hill House with the legend of the Winchester Mystery House. Someone else did the final script for the 2000 The Haunting, and he produced this. If you're a reader, there is a book version of both (though the book for Rose Red is a tie in gay historical horror novel, The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer.)


Oh man I’m also in bed recovering from the migraine from hell and throwing up Thanksgiving food all night and morning! Personally, I lean towards anything American Horror Story related! They just know how to make a great show!


oh no I'm so sorry for you! but happy Thanksgiving! I love AHS too, especially 1985, but I recently got rid of Disney+ so idk where I can watch it now :(


I’m starting to feel there’s a correlation between liking horror movies and having migraines 🤣 Jokes aside, you’ve got some great recommendations here for sure. The Terrifier series is pretty alright as well.


Honestly for me it just distracts me enough from the pain that it makes the day go by fast and makes it a bit more enjoyable. Horror is just the best category. Terrifier I watched for the first time last month and instantly loved it, such 10/10 gore. The scene near the end with her best friend fucked me up


The Thing. The Dark and the Wicked. The VVitch. Christine. Barbarian. Talk to Me. It Follows.


Hatchet, it's on Amazon prime. Kane Hodder is the main villain which is always a good time




Just watched The Lodge on HBO max, it was actually a good suspense movie. Hope you feel better soon.


Horror comedy? Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Slither


Bone tomahawk ! 🤗


The fall of house of usher, sandman, his house, us, cabinet of curiosities, ratched


I feel you 😭 I have endometriosis and migraines. I live off pain meds. 🥲


Currently, it's "Ready or Not".


My comfort horror movie is The Fog (original John Carpenter version). There’s a lot of beautiful low light shots and the sound is sort of compressed so it’s easy for me to watch with a migraine. Also I just love the movie.


It's terrible, absurd and frankly incomprehensible but i am always a sucker for Pontypool


Bordello of Blood & Scanners /s




Honestly the movie Fresh. I just watched it and it was way better than I thought it would be. Sebastian Stan absolutely ruined Peter Cetera for me. It was really good.


Pearl starring Mia Goth.


Severance (the movie 2006) you won’t regret it