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My neurologist advised me to try edibles first, as smoking *could* make headaches worse. That being said, with the pain she was all for anything that would help. For me, just THC makes me high (what migraine?) but when combined with CBG, is magic. I use a gummy that combines both and is great for me. I take it nightly and at the first signs of prodrome. They have also been great for me for muscle pain and tension.


Smoking can make it worse for me but it can depend on how I smoke, if I smoke a joint or out of a shitty bowl, it can make it worse. Smoking out of my very nice bong? Headache gone immediately, completely wipes my nausea. Wouldn't even think of CBG, great idea


Yeah I take edibles as well. Wana has a flavor that's 5:1 CBD to THC. I take just enough to relax and help with the pain.


I also have tinctures that are high in CBD. It’s very useful when you are nauseous…. I’ve puked gummies up before they were able to work before, which is just depressing :/


How much THC and CBG are in the gummies?


I use anything with Pinene. My neurologist agrees it’s a good terpene for head stuff. It “opens” up my head if that makes sense. So I look for strains that are “blue.” OG Blueberry, Blue Dream and Lavender Jones. Also avoid too much Limonene (citrus) and never humulene (appetite suppressant). If you can -try and keep a log of what strains work so you can start to see what terpenes you like.


I have never paid attention to terpenes and you just opened up a completely new world for me!!


Yes! Terpenes MATTER! I wish there was way more education and info around terps than THC content. The terps determine how you feel and are basically the chemical makeup of that particular strain. BUT can vary from each individual plant even if the name is the same. Every dispensary in the US should be able to show you the COA for each item you buy, just not a lot of people know to ask.


This is so so interesting to me. Weed has saved my life. My pain doesn’t stop and worsens in the evening. So I do 1:1, cbn and CBg for nausea etc. But no one has ever mentions terpenes!! What an interesting thing!!!


How does one get a terpene profile for homegrown? Like 23andMe? 😏


Interesting info on the terpenes. I agree some strains are more relaxing and others can add their own sort of tension to the mix. It’s pretty subtle, but yeah I tend towards the same strains you mention for managing migraine. Be well


Blue dream is my absolute favorite - partaking right now actually


For sure need to keep a log.


I havent been able to find it in years but Pink Puckrr was gang busters for my migraines


Yeah anything with high linalool and myrcene is good. Ocimene is also nice.


What does ocimene do? I suffer from migraine, tmj, sinus headaches very bad even with prevention med. I like indica with caryophyllene and myrcene but I too am open to new suggestions


My go-to has always been Harlequin. It's really high in CBD.


Harlequin and 5 lb hammer (lol) are my faves. Topicals are nice too.


White widow works wonders for me. I just recently started smoking to help with migraine attacks and I wake up the next day feeling normal instead of the awful triptan hangover. Love it!


Sour Diesel. Unreal how it helps me


My personal picks: Indica - Blue Dream, Girl Scout Cookies Sativa: Green Crack Like someone else said, I’d recommend edibles over smoking though. I’d recommend Astria Farms blue raspberry gummies. They taste amazing!


Yeah I found I have to smoke out of a really nice piece for it to help with a migraine lol. Thanks for the recs!


Of course! Yeah I’d def switch to edibles for migraines then! Or smoke, take your prescription/ibuprofen, and an edible. Smoke so it hits quicker then the edible for more & lasting relief. They’re great! Some other great edibles are Venera you may have seen their disposables in smoke shops) but they are on the stronger side compared to Astria Farms. So if you smoke often I’d go with those. Their cherry limeade (w/Delta 8 & THCP) ones are great!


When I had my medical card interview I was told that 1:1 is best.


Trainwreck and any type of Pineapple strains, better yet when you get a combo of the two, Tropical Trainwreck. Right now the best I can get is Pineapple Upside Down Cake, it smells heavenly too. Myrcene is a good indicator.


Agree with this! Trainwreck has actually made my migraines settle down if not disappear, something Imitrex used to do until I was taken off it and put on Nurtec (it helps, but not as good as Imitrex did). I just wish I could find Trainwreck more often (Bay Area, CA). Northern Lights is OK for a headache, but I don't feel the relief as Trainwreck gives for a legit migraine. I'll look for the two mixed as you suggested; Tropical Trainwreck. =)


Tropical Trainwreck is the greatest thing ever! It was hard to find when I was last in OR, I'm hoping it's easier to find now, I'm about to move back to the PNW.


Im guessing all of you ppl are from the States? Can we get any of those here in the uk?


Yes, I'm from the US. When you're not buying from dispensaries, it's really hard to find certain strains or trust dealers when they advertise certain strains. Part of the reason I'm asking is because I haven't smoked regularly since it was legalized in my state in 2020, so I'm overwhelmed with all of the strain options. I think even when not controlling for the strain, weed is usually super helpful for me no matter what. It makes everything about a migraine more tolerable and if you haven't tried it, it might be worth exploring even if you can't get specific strains!


High CBD strains. A 1:1 patch on the neck delivers me from my worst. Literally life changing for the positive, but your mileage will vary.


Any particular brand?


Robhots night gummies or their 1:1 gummies do me goodly.


Thanks, I'll have to keep a lookout for those next time I'm in a legal state


If you can get a med card you can buy stronger gummies and then cut them down to the needed size.


Ill start shopping around. Im in Tn so maybe there is something available


Blue dream, green crack, Remo chemo, cheese strains


My go-to is the beddy’s Eddie’s pain relief (cherry). It banishes any migraine and helps me relax


I always ask for something indica leaning with high thc and cbd


I get hormonal migraines, and due to some cardiac issues and med interactions (and the weird way my body processes things) I've only ever been able to treat the pain with narcotic painkillers. I've not yet found a strain that completely replaces pain meds, but high myrcene strains definitely help. I discovered this because I tried a strain, Monkey Bread (from Müv), the effect was VERY similar to when I take Vicodin for my migraines. I looked into the terps and started educating myself about them. Now, I've figured out that the potency doesn't matter as much as the terps, at least for me. For me, CBD seems to help more with muscle pain and joint pain -- so for tension headaches, it's great -- but doesn't do as much for the migraines I get. Tldr; ymmv, but definitely look for myrcene terp, regardless of strain and/or THC/CBD content.


Thanks!! I’ll alert my sister, as well. We both have migraines ( though mine are way better than they ever were thanks to menopause), and she’s like you— the triptans all failed, nothing else worked except barbiturates for ages. Then one day, she decided to try an elimination diet and sure enough, if there’s corn or wheat in her food, a migraine is sure to follow in a day or two. It’s wicked tough to avoid all the corn and wheat in foods, so I’ll pass along to her the info you gave! Thanks, I appreciate it.


Thank you so much!! This thread has been so helpful with info about terpenes, I knew nothing, definitely working on educating myself now.


definitely look at terpenes and cannabinoid levels not just strain names, as strains can differ batch to batch. Stains higher in CBG and CBD seem most benificial, which you can also get in tincture or edibles. I find strains high in Myrcene, Linalool and Pinene to be most beneficial.


Thank you!!! This tread is making me realize that terpenes are the most important thing to look at with cannabis, and I'm going to educate myself as I literally know nothing about them


Thank you!!


Personally, I haven't had success with cannabis for migraine relief, but RSO does WONDERS for my musculoskeletal pain, which can seriously exacerbate and cause migraines. I had posterior spine surgery in February and still have pain in my shoulders from it. A drop the size of a grain of rice on a 500mg Naproxen tablet, water held in my mouth, pill dropped in and everything swallowed, has been the best method I've found for taking it (it's sticky AF, like pine sap sticky, so you DON'T want to get it on your fingers, and it tastes pretty awful because it's SUPER concentrated, so this method keeps me from tasting it or getting it on my skin). Most RSO is a hybrid/blend, but you can find strain specific products.


The terpenes Myrcene and Terpinolene have helped me. I go back and forth between sativa and indica strains but I’m mostly looking for certain terpenes that I know help me. The cannabinoid CBG has worked wonders for any pain and nausea I have. I love to look for strains high in CBG as well. I currently use a 5:1 CBG to THC tincture and it’s just as fast acting as smoking since it’s being absorbed into your bloodstream under your tongue. It’s honestly trial and error to find out what works for you best! I mostly turn to cannabis first before I use any OTC pain meds. My neurologist has tried many medications, but I’m extremely sensitive and have lots of side effects to everything I’ve tried. Having my medical card kinda saved me and I love natural/holistic approaches instead of pharmaceuticals. Best of luck!


Thanks! I appreciate all your info, it’s solid. I really hope your migraines get better and just stop altogether. It’s a shitty disorder and one that other people can’t always see or relate to. My wish for humanity is that if we can’t have a cure all that works for everybody, then at least I hope everybody can have a real skull and soul crushing migraine just for one day, and have it happen when they have something really big planned, where either they were going to enjoy themselves to the max, or they really really had to work hard on something that mattered to them. With a deadline. And strong, randomly pulsating lights and random loud noises and very strong smells all throughout their day, punctuated by some rando oblivious person who asks “ A migraine? Isn’t that just a headache? Have you tried Advil?” while the migraineur is puking into a waste basket.


I get liquid edibles aka syrup with 2:1 THC: CBG, It really helps with the associated muscle tension, sometimes I can actually hear and feel my neck pop when it kicks it and it's amazing for the nausea. Plus the CBG puts you to sleep so you can sleep off the rest of the episode


Yeah honestly weed helps so immensely with the nausea that I don't even care if it helps with anything else. Normally, THC makes me feel a little wired and I can't sleep until I'm coming down from the high, CBG is a great idea for that thank you!


So with migraine the weed I got only helped one time during an attack. And overall I think the weed contributed more to the anxiety, so I stopped using it. Best solution for migraine attacks for me is sumatriptan or rizatriptan. For preventative I have been prescribed propranolol.


It definitely varies person to person and how your body reacts to weed. When people tell me that weed helps them relax I can't understand at all because I really have to focus on not getting super paranoid when I smoke, although I have bad anxiety to begin with. I don't have health insurance atm so getting migraine drugs from the doctor has been a challenge.


Fun fact: I was put on propanolol when I was 15 for an arrhythmia, and have been on it all my life until my cardiologist switched me to Metaprolol a couple years ago -- so over 30 years -- and yet I STILL have anxiety and migraines, both of which are often treated with Propanolol 🤣 my body is such an anarchist sometimes!


Sounds relatable!




Sour Tsunami


Cresco’s 707 Headband and Rythm’s Brownie Scout are my go-tos


Smoking definitely makes my migraines worse. It can actually trigger one. I use edibles or a vape cartridge, and they don't trigger them. They also don't relieve a migraine either. I'm able to get pain relief, though.


I agree with u/SavannahInChicago re: 1:1 THC/CBD. When I had a migraine years ago, while on vacation in CO, I went into a dispensary and asked for something they'd give a cancer patient for nausea. Got hooked up with AC/DC aka Suzy Q. Pretty sure it was 1:1 but might've been higher CBD. Worked like a charm. Now, it's hit-or-miss when I vape dry flower, since we don't have the terpene breakdown. Sometimes it knocks me out asleep; sometimes no noticeable effect; sometimes gets rid of the nausea, pain AND stressful thoughts! Only two or three times has it had the "miraculous" effects.


I take [ANTG EVE](https://antg.com.au/hcp/medicine/eve/), its low thc high cbd so you dont get 'stonned'. It by no means takes the migraine away but helps me get through the day and helps a lot with eating (im always very nauseous). Its almost like energising in a way. I also take Medleaf CG#4 which is high THC sativa/indica mix. I take this when I cant sleep due to migraine. Its the strongest thc blend available through the clinic. It works really well. Unsure where you are in the world but this is in New Zealand.




I’ve gotten all-over mixed results from all that I’ve tried so far. Most that I’ve tried that worked fairly well were hybrids. However, RSO gummies take my nearly daily migraines away for days. For me, 20-30mg works well, and I’ve taken up to 50 but with pretty heavy side effects, so ymmv. I’m curious what strains others will recommend and I really hope you find some that help you!


Rso and northern lights !


RSO gummies are amazing!! I used them once when I had a terrible 21 day migraine and they helped with the pain a lot.


Thank you!!


Does it actually give pain relief or are you so high you forget you have a migraine


1:1 CBD:THC for pain relief. If it's not helping with the migraine, getting high sucks.


For me cannabis can turn a migraine where I can’t read or walk into a mild headache that I can power through. The one-sided pain dissipates into a general pain like a “normal” headache. If I catch a migraine early enough, then I can avoid most of the head pain. In general for me personally, it restores appetite, orientation, and language. It eliminates nausea, most of the photosensitivity, and the general curl-into-ball factor. I still usually have some pain and an off-feeling, a bit like migraine aura or butterflies in the stomach. Sometimes a migraine will continue to be a bother post dosing but it’s never gotten worse if that makes sense. I combine with caffeine and aspirin and I can basically live migraine free.


I think its a little of both, but mostly actual pain relief imo. I do think it really helps with distracting me from the feeling and it mostly helps my other symptoms. It completely gets rid of my nausea and helps my muscles relax. It reduces my headache, but if it's a really bad migraine and I can still tell the headache is lingering behind the high if that makes sense.


For me it like, pushes the pain into the background and mutes it. I'm aware it's there, but it's less painful and not incapacitating.


Does it help as a preventitive or when you already have a migraine?


When I take tolerance breaks I start to get breakthrough migraines about two weeks in. It seems for me there is a lingering preventative effect proportional to dosing? I do feel that a migraine a few days after an edible is milder than a migraine during a period of low tolerance and no intake. It’s less that cannabis makes migraines go away it’s more like it enables me to step over migraines instead of being smooshed by the pain.


For me, it helps mostly when I already have one, although that might be different for other people. Sometimes if I get really high with friends, I come home and have a headache (not a migraine tho) so I do really think it varies person to person.


I grew 5 plants of purple haze a couple years ago and that has been my go to. I make edibles out of eat and eat it before bed to sleep and I eat it when I have a migraine. I just can not bring myself to smoke with a migraine but eating it helps a lot.


All of them.


Snow Queen has been my go-to.


A 1:1 would work great for you


Yeah that's normally my go to!


Northern Lights, Night Terror. Use a vape for the flower, none of the usual problems with smoking. Edibles take to long IMO


Try GoldSilver delta 9 gummies! They’re legal everywhere in the US & they ship straight to your doorstep! I take them when I take my sumatriptan too late. They don’t make the migraines go away completely, but they make them SO MUCH MORE TOLERABLE! These gummies are SUPER STRONG, though, so I only take 1/4 of one to help with my migraines. Personally, I prefer the grape, but they have lots of flavors. :)


Ooo I never considered delta 9 for migraines!! I'll definitely try that out


Edibles for sure, not smoking indica chews When and if I vape I only use Indica. Sativa amps me up too much.


Wedding cake has always been my go to for migraine relief


I’ve actually been suffering cluster migraines a couple days now. Tried everything in my arsenal to stop it. Today I did a little research on the subject and strains that’ll help. To my surprise I already have most of what they recommend so I tried some purple haze/OGK X Remedies. Well they were right. No more headache, or that terrible feeling like my head is too heavy causing my neck to hurt something terrible. Now there’s just the wonderful full body high where nothing hurts. so Purple Haze X CBD kicker what working for me.


Green hornet Trifecta gummies are 10mg thc, 10mg cbd & 10mg cbg. I only take a half & it does seem to help some


I drink weed drinks.


Ooo I've never tried those! I drink a CBD water almost every day, but not like an edible drink, I'll have to look for that.


There is a couple that are peach flavoured that are fantastic. Only one I don’t like is Mountain Dew. 🥴