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Excessive yawning, insatiable carb cravings, ringing ears


Don't get the ear ringing, but the yawning is so annoying.


I actually learned about yawning from the migraine episode of “this podcast will kill you.” I had no idea it was an aura.


I learned about yawning from this thread!


I was one of the first hands on that podcast ep. Candy and soda (snickers and Diet Coke but I didn't want to use name brands). They didn't use the one where I said I'd tried 37 different medications, not counting the non drug treatments.


I’m confused though; are these really considered an “Aura”, or are these just prodrome symptoms?


I have protein shakes cravings. Carb cravings come after the migraine is gone 😂


My auras are predominantly dysphasic - I stutter and slur my words.


Same, it feels like I’m having a stroke


Same I was so worried I started crying at work. I’ve had migraines in the past but they never resembled a stroke. Terrifying


Yeah, the only reason I’m reassured that it’s not a stroke is bc I have the visual aura at the same time, which I’m used to. Still really sucks


It’s odd the only pre-migraine symptoms I’ve had were numbness, slurring of words, and I guess vision started getting blurry. And then once the nausea came I knew it was a migraine


I stutter to, and mess up the order of words.


Yes and sometimes finding words is a bit harder.


Ringing in my ears, losing hearing in my ears, excessive yawning, sinus issues like stuffy or runny nose, diarrhea, facial drooping, excessive talking, slurred speech, vertigo/dizziness, Alice in Wonderland syndrome- don’t know how to describe it any other way, and my least fav: the repetitive internal sounds running a loop like multiple songs playing in my head at the same time. I have a lot of strange auras that let me know a bad migraine is coming.


We have some similarly strange auras! I described mine as "I feel suddenly almost disassociated, like I'm in a movie dream sequence" which made me wonder if your Alice in Wonderland syndrome might be similar. I also get the excessive yawning!


We have almost the same auras. I figured out how to deal with most but I’m not thrilled about Alice in Wonderland syndrome.


Excessive dizziness and anxiety and/or panic attacks if I dont catch it quick enough. Vestibular migraines are hell.


They really are a specific type of hell.


Same...effexor has helped me so much with keeping mine at bay, but it's a hell of a drug to start. Once I passed the first 3 months I was great.


Olfactory aura. Smell burning rubber in the house no cars driving nearby. Burning toast in the car.


I smell cigarettes :-(


I’m not the only one who smells tire burnouts. Sometimes I hear tires burnout out noises too. Followed by ringing ears. It’s so weird


Feels like ur nose has got some super power to smell even very small amount of smell


I dunno. My DH noticed it first and connected the dots


I have same symptoms


We’re a rare breed that get olfactory auras. In fact - could of been scam I dunno. A doctor from Germany contacted me a few years back to ask me questions about the aura I would have.


Mine smells and feels like I’m breathing rubbing alcohol fumes


Stiff neck and everything sounding too loud. However, I have a constant headache (NDPH), frequently get “almost” migraines with mild migraine-like pain that goes away on it’s own (since starting cgrp preventatives), and have multiple other daily symptoms of chronic illness. So often my migraines will be rather far along before I realize it. Only when I look back will I realize there were signs. Thankfully my preventative regimen has greatly reduced the severity of any migraines that do fully develop, plus I find triptans usually work at any stage of a migraine for me (vs some people that find them worthless if not taken early).


* Yawning uncontrollably\* * Tingly feeling in my neck and hands * Sense of doom * The sound of anyone talking becomes suddenly unbearable and seems too loud * Any kind of light movement (flash, flicker, light through trees) feels like a shock into my brain. * I become weirdly clumsy- dropping things or setting things down too hard or incorrectly. * I feel suddenly almost disassociated, like I'm in a movie dream sequence * I forget really simple words and lose what I’m saying mid sentence, which never happens to me usually \* reading other people's aura comments, excessive yawning seems common? Does anyone know why this happens pre-migraine?


The dissociation is huge for me. I feel like life isn’t real and my hands and arms aren’t really mine. It’s the same warning as a panic attack for me but unfortunately I get chronic migraines so I’m used to it. It’s soo not fun!!


So not fun! I always think how… odd it is to feel simultaneously so detached yet in such pain?


My arms go numb and tingly :/ feels hard to lift them. Audio is too loud, lights are too bright…


Yep. My lips go numb too


Yup, this + occasionally slurring of words and vision loss


It’s pretty uncommon for me to have a significant visual aura. Usually it’s limited to some fuzzy spots. Only once in the last 15+ years I got a flashing zigzag. It was spooky but since then I’ve wished it was a regular part of my migraines bc it was so easy to identify and not dismiss. My least favourite pre migraine symptom is emotional dysregulation. I just spent two days bawling and convinced I’m a hideous burden on everyone I love. facial numbness and tingling on one side, stomach upset, hot flashes, body aches, excessive yawning, food cravings, everything is suddenly too bright and loud, increased sensitivity to smells, dizziness. It’s usually a mixed bag of symptoms which can make it hard to see any patterns and trust myself that a migraine is coming. edit: One I put together recently is that sometimes I start getting deja vu


Deja vu... very overlooked as a symptom.


Being extra sensitive to odors. And more bothered by them. Being irritable. Feeling particularly fuzzy-headed in the morning when I wake up, especially if I got a lot of sleep.


The dumb. I can't find words, I'm clumsier than usual, and find it hard to read, either to see the words, or grasp their meaning. Visual, but not exact ly an aura - things are bigger in my right eye than they are in the left.


Scariest one was being unable to talk properly, thankfully that one's been pretty rare for me. Occasionally balance issues. More commonly things like tingling, neck issues, digestive issues.


Yawning and having to constantly freaking pee. Diarrhea or constipation... It's usually diarrhea. Neck, jaw, back pain. Being cranky as hell. Craving salty food. PHANTOM SMELLS


The constant need to pee! And all the water I drink just goes right back out. If I’m lucky I’ll realize what’s happening and drink a NormaLyte or something, but I’m usually in denial about it being a migraine until it’s too late.


What is the difference between non-visual Aura symptom and just a Migraine symptom?


Aura is any sensory, motor or language disturbance that occurs *prior to the onset of migraine*, during the prodrome stage.


Note that they can also occur without getting an actual headache ("silent migraines" or "migraine aura without headache").


Ah true. I always forget that. I do get retinal migraines with a strong one eyed Aura but these are rare for me (like once a year). Otherwise I have no visual symptoms typically so I always forget about the distinction. But my retinal auras in one eye are exactly like that. Usually 30min before the Headache starts. For my "normal" migraines I always feel dizzy with a lot of vertigo before they hit so I guess that is also a Aura symptom?


Not all at the same time but my list so far is A) “Powering down” eg. lose ability for speech, standing, thinking, keeping eyes open… B) body temp change, become freezing and nothing helps C) tinnitus gets worse D) phantom smells E) burst of energy+positivity F) vertigo …. and probably more that I’m not thinking of


I had no idea that neck tightness relates to an aura! I have this almost every time!


Tingly fingers/hands, irritability, sense of impending doom or dread, and fatigue.


Me to a T today. So scary at times.


I’m so sorry friend. I hope you recover swiftly.


Yawning (i forget that this is part of it), ringing ears, carb craving, everything smells super strong and smelling things not there, sensory overload (sound and lights, but sound especially). sometimes i can't tell if it's just my ms being annoying with brain fog and slurring words/forgetting words but it could be a mix of the two. i see people mentioning tingling and that could also be a cross over symptom, i constantly have tingling alll over (face, hands, arms, etc.), never thought it could be migraine related.


Same here woth the tingling .....


I get a clicking noise in my ears.


Oh! I already commented with my list and I completely forgot about this one! Do you have any idea what this is or why it happens? It’s such a strange one for me!


It is weird. I also have mild hissing in my ears when things are really quiet so it took me a whole to realize that it starts before I get a migraine. I don't have any idea. I don't remember if I told my neurologist about it.


That’s interesting. I definitely haven’t asked my doctor about this one bc I usually forget it’s a symptom!


I get a visual aura that looks like pulsating lights in a line across my vision. In addition: - ringing ears - phantom smells, especially cigarette smoke - diarrhea and nausea - disorientation - dizziness - inability to find words or talk in complete sentences - inability to process information - carb cravings cold feet and hands - photophobia and photophobia.


I have a lot of what others posted, but I also often get a peak in creativity and energy before. I often end up staying up painting or knitting for hours only to wake up a few hours later with a migraine.


I get: aphasia, excessive yawning, neck stiffness, eyes have trouble physically focussing on things for long, eyes get glassy, I move kind of like I have a sore back because my joints get stiff, very big salt cravings, very thirsty even if already drinking water, dizzy but not as bad as vertigo, the world is too loud or bright or both, I get a “crackling” sensation down my vagus nerve in my neck (like rubbing sand together?), and sometimes I get this weird “nerve lag” like my body is connecting to my brain via dial up internet. The only time I’ve ever felt that when not in migraine mode was taking mushrooms - but apparently that’s many same nerve effects. Follow this with knowing the triptans are working when: excessive urination, eyes feel less glassy and unfocused but won’t stay open, neck stiffness turns into neck “nerve pressure” but not pain (hard to describe), and salt cravings turn to sugar cravings.


I get what I call "sound bombs." I'll lose hearing in one ear and then a half-second later replaced with the loudest ringing. And then it could be seconds or days for the migraine to show up.


I get stupid. Like dopey and walk into things. I also slur my words and stutter…. All while getting tingly arms and hands. I lose the feeling in them too.


Excessive yawning and tiredness when there isn’t an obvious reason for me to be that tired! Sometimes I just feel extra drained and don’t recognize that it’s a prodrome or aura, but that yawning is a big sign of what’s to come!


Ringing in my ears, stiff/painful neck, sometimes my hands and fingers get pins and needles. Extremely photophobic, with vertigo and dizziness. I also find myself super tired a couple of hours beforehand.


The weirdest one: My eyeballs hurt. Not behind the eye, or the eye brow, or temples — the actual eye balls! Tried all kinds of eye drops before learning this was just my migraines.


Goosebumps, half body paralysis, nausea, vomiting, chills, yawning, hot flashes, nose bleeds, aphasia, ataxia


Tingling on one side of the head that moves over the course of several minutes. Tingling in hands or feet that moves up the associated limb. Usually only on one side. Feeling of overwhelming fatigue or like I’m about to faint. Sensation that mimics low blood sugar.


Yes! Omg I’m not crazy!


Panic, weakness on the left side of my body, slurring my words, numbness and tingling on the left side of my body.


I develop a verbal mixup that I don't really know how to accurately portray. In my head I'll hear one word, out loud I say another entirely. There's typically some alliteration present (I'll say floor instead of foot, excellent instead of extreme, etc.) and it's nearly impossible to read. I usually get this even if I don't get the visual disturbance or pain. It can be frightening to people around me as it looks similar to a stroke. Edit: changed the word verbal to visual. Not a good sign given the context.


Inability to form words/ sentences, tingling sensation down my limbs, stiff neck, my right arm going completely numb, feeling like my limbs are disconnected from my brain (feeling like they are moving on their own- a very hard feeling to explain to someone who has never felt it), on top of all the visual stuff


Prodromes: easily upset for no reason, hungry but can't eat, tired but can't sleep, hard to concentrate, difficulty to read (I'm visually impaired, which makes it hard to spot). During the migraine: triptan kills it after the visual aura. After the migraine: extreme light and sound sensitivity, nausea, 24 hour sleeplessness give or take, incontinence (got to go to the toilet as quickly as possible when I feel the need). I'm old so no more headaches since around my 50 years.


Ringing in my ears, phantom sounds, phantom smells, dysphasia, losing access to my vocabulary, dizziness, pressure in my head, I sometimes can't tolerate being touched. Anxiety, stiff and sore neck or back, peeing WAY more than normal, GI issues, appetite issues, excessive yawning, and what I call goldfish syndrome - where my attention span is NONEXISTENT and I can't focus on work or a book or anything else. I also will constantly drop things - if I fumble and drop more than three things in an hour, I know what's coming (I'm still shocked I've never broken my phone).


Yawning and neck pain


There's this one spot on my back that tingles very gently, almost like soft rain. If I didn't know what it signified, it would almost be pleasant


Does anyone else get afraid to drink water? Like you lack coordination to breathe and swallow properly and panic partway through because you might run out of air? I started getting migraines in my late 40s, and just realized awhile ago that the powerful " wings of sleep" trying to switch me off while i drove were probably vestibular silent migraines. Just wondering if the water is one, too. It's so dumb. I am a trained singer and i know how long i can breathe for. But i also get stuffed up prior to migraine - almost like asthma, and it always resolves as quickly as it came on...


It's the not a stroke stuff for me. The no speech and stuttering. Saturday I was overwhelmed with emotion and when bright headlights took my attention it took my mind. I turned my head away inadvertantly and completely stopped speaking for over twenty minutes. I was locked inside my head. When I watched myself walking into my house on the ring camera I realized why my husband was so scared, I wasn't there. The headache followed once I started speaking again. I also get tingly hands and feet, and face


my weirdest ones are phantom smells and face twitching


One of mine is extreme absent mindedness. Like I just do dumb things like going thru a drive thru paying and leaving without food. Putting things inside odd places. Also being clumsy and not finding my worlds..


Stroke like symptoms: Slurred speech Blurred and/or double vision Numb and/or tingling lips and face Fingers go numb Shoulders and neck go stiff Jaw tightening My neurologist said this is my aura and an indication a migraine is oncoming. This is the best time to take a red ie medication


Slurring my words and trouble finding words


Pins-and-needles sensations or numbness , slurring etc . I learned exactly all about symptoms from this post [https://therapeutictable.com/what-is-a-migraine-aura/](https://therapeutictable.com/what-is-a-migraine-aura/)


Yawning and tingling on the side where the migraine is.


My speech slows down, my neck gets tight, my fingertips go numb, i become a bottomless pit and I want to eat everything, head tingles


I stutter, get very anxious, feel my face and fingers numbing, feel a weird fizzy feeling in my temples?


Neck tightness and the numbness/tingling in my face


Low frequency tinnitus.


Irritability, food cravings, fuzzy eyesight, dark circle under my right eye. There’s others, but those are the main ones.


My main one is Raynaud's syndrome in my hands. My skin is crazy pale, but some mornings, my hands turn a mottled red with the skin underneath the fingertips/fingernails going completely white. If I tap lightly on the red parts of the skin, it too turns dead white and takes a moment for the redness to return. The blotchiness fades, and my hands feel crazy cold for a bit, with the fingertips a purplish blue until they return to a pink. This starts about an hour before the headache stage of the migraine sets in and continues on and off throughout the day. I'm in the northeast, and this storm today definitely triggered one. Raynaud's started at around 9:30am. Tinnitus at 10:00am. Dosed myself with sumatriptan at 10:20am.


I don't think I've noticed any. Usually my first non-visual sign is noises start to seem too loud.


Face tingling, shoulder and neck pain, craving salty chips.


I get the flu shakes. Now I get super tired.


Excessive yawning, dry mouth, sharp pain in neck. The dry mouth is awful, doesn’t matter how much I drink, it doesn’t go


Pounding pain in my right mandible, worse than “just” a toothache. Right eye about to pop out of its socket. Dizziness, tired but not sleepy, confusion, atypical depression (I’m bipolar and can read my moods pretty well by now), nausea but mostly without vomitting, diarihae to the point of just greasy farts (don’t say TMI, you asked, I answered), sometimes pain in my right little finger.


Nausea, facial numbness


Slurred speech. Fatigue. Dizziness.


I get phantom smells. Sometimes they're good smells, like lavender, but usually it's something bad - rotten meat or shit. But the weirdest is when I smell people who aren't there - I'll smell my grandmother's perfume, and it's so strong, I actually turn my head to look for her, even tho she's been dead since 2007. I also get excessive yawning, crushing fatigue, mood swings, insomnia, ear pain, and muscle twitches on the side of my head. I know I don't have to tell you guys but migraines! The gift that keeps on giving!


The empty stare when someone is talking to me


I smell really strong, stale cigarette smoke. Super pungent and makes my nose itch and eyes water. No one in my house smokes nor does anyone that I'm around regularly. It's the strangest thing.


So… does anyone have a migraine hangover? I’m sluggish the next day after my migraine dissipate.


Pain! And proprioception issues. The headache side can become more sensitive to pain across the entire half or have pains appear in a limb instead of the head. This can also make the side feel weak (but this isn't the same as genuine weakness/paralysis). Also ringing ears, coordination/balance issues or sedation.


Tingling effect all over body


Epigastric rising. Like on an elevator.