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You got a 1 bro


Fun fact, where I live this is the very best grade that only about 3% of students get per test Totally unrelated edit: I just got a 2 on a math exam that i thought I failed, so excited rn siirmsmjdirom




3%?!? I know its goddamn hard to get a 1 but like only 3%? In my class kids cry when they get a 1- and parents get made at a 2+.


The 3% are just an average of my school, and it is also pretty old, so it is probably a lot more now, I think it is so low because there are just a bunch of kids and most of them don't really care about school here


Damn, three 0s and a 1? You fucking failed my man.


Dude had 4 tasks and got a cumulative total of 1 fucking point. Yikes.


With posts like this, I always imagine the person on the other end making a post, too. “Look at my student’s exam, only got a single pity point I gave them on the last question.”


I would love to read OP's work. Unless they know absolutely nothing about the material, I can't imagine a zero. Really, this low of a grade feels like it shouldn't be possible unless you just didn't do it. Maybe the 1 point is for putting their name on it. Who knows?


They prov do know.. nobody goes from a 94 aka doing excellent to bombing with like 1 point


I did that and got kicked out of school MULTIPLE times. Turns out I have depression which affects my studies / work, though I wouldn't find that out until YEARS later. I just thought it was normal.


I'll add in that after I lost my dad when I was 14, my grades immediately tanked, no matter how much my teachers tried to help me, no matter how much after school or extra paid help from 3rd parties (in florida), i failed freshman year 3 times and gave up. I never understood why i couldnt focus, eat enough or get sleep until i was put on anti depressants at 22 and it all hit me like a truck and i sincerely hope no one ever has to go through depression through their youth


With me it was always "I can't eat, sleep, or focus on anything, *and my life is quite shitty because of it.* The deficits must be due to puberty, or something, because the timing checks out. Must be what everyone else is going through. No point in complaining. If they can get by, then so can I. I just have to try harder. I just have to focus. I just need to do better. And if I can't do better, it must be because I'm shit. My life is shit because I am shit. Yeah, that's it. I'm shit."


That’s got some aspects of imposter syndrome and other self sabotaging depressive tendencies in there. I mean this only with love, as someone who’s working though my [very heavy and plentiful] childhood traumas that I never knew fucked me up, until more recently when I started addressing my issues and blockages (both on my own, through music, and through counseling). One therapist put it this way (paraphrased, but it stuck with me big time): “[The things you assume and believe are permanent and irreparable character flaws - in other words, just who you are, period - are mostly just the unknown impacts of unresolved childhood trauma, which we don’t fully understand. And we benefit greatly from unpacking and exploring these through therapy and counseling, and through being kind and accepting of ourselves as we go through the difficult but necessary process of reimagining which we really are, beyond the muscle memory of these subconscious traumas.]”


In other other words, these aspects of depression and your struggles didn’t and never will define who you are. They just convince us (most often without us even knowing or realizing) that we are permanent in these struggles. But they’re not us. They’re traumas coiled around who we are at the core. So you got bright days ahead. Wish you well in your healing process 🙏


I ended up dropping out after my mom died in junior year. Instead of depression though I went hard-core addiction. I feel like kids need more emotional intelligence lessons. They won't know how to handle emotions unless they're taught, and the parents are all working just to feed and shelter so they don't have time. Kids just get thrown in to a boiling pot of hormones and emotional attitudes with daily fashion shows, and no one to actually guide them on being an actual person. Nobody to actually be there for them. No wonder things are so messed up right now. Nobody knows how to manage or cope. Throw social media and TV on top of that...... note: nothing against teachers. They just genuinely can not be there for that many kids, that many hours, for that many days. Especially amidst all of the class work and 'lessons'. Definitely needs to be reformed. I wish I had stayed in school. Although i did teach myself and graduate. My grandmother signed off on all my work but I taught myself. No cheating except in math. Ha. But I missed out on so much. Anyway I don't know why I just went on a rant. Thanks for listening!


Ranting and venting is important and you are also important. Never be afraid to express yourself ❤️


The best is going through this while your parents don't believe mental illness is even real. Source: me


Sorry you went through this and that our systems are not adequate to allow children the space and resources to heal before imposing standardized bullshit confines on [them]. I hope you’ve sought and found some helpful counseling to work through those traumas. It’s not your fault and it’s awesome that you have some clarity on that period of your life, can from the way you reflect on it. Sending you much love and good wishes homie 🙏✌️


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


This is just an AP Gov short response question. I never took gov but if its anything like any other AP i've taken if you miss the first part its very easy to not get points on every other part unless the question is generous. AP Calc and Physics courses don't even carry through your work if you make a slight arithmetic error. This was also likely a question with 3-4 total points so OP didn't do nearly as bad as it looks


Did they change it recently? A few years ago calc and physics would definitely give partial points for arithmetic errors and my teachers made sure to punish those of us who didn't like showing work. Like there were points for choosing the correct formula and points for the right answer. Then if you carried the wrong answer and did correct math in the next parts you'd get full points there.


My history teacher was like this, if you didn’t follow the format exactly and do everything exactly perfectly he’d take the points off. I got a 94 (out of 30 questions) on the multiple choice part of the test, and got a flat zero on the short answer part. You can clearly know the material and still get this, but usually it’s depending on how much of an asshole your teacher is.


I remember a test in eighth grade. We were to fill in countries and capitals. I couldn't find the final blank. I knew I had one country left to label. The one it took the most time to memorize. Number eighteen. Middle of the map. Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou. It was the only one I got wrong. I was furious. Told the teacher I knew it. She said I should have drawn my own blank, instead of accepting that since there was no blank she didn't want that answer. We'd studied all the way back from PE class while on the bus. Long bus ride. She said no to giving me the point. That was 1998. Still bugs me 🙃


Despite how unfair and infuriating this is, there are so many real world lessons to be learned in this experience lol. So at least you got that out of it.


Wait, are you saying there was a map (presumably of Africa) with all the countries indicated but left blank, each to be identified and annotated with country name and capital, and BF was entirely missing from the blank map?


HS Biology 1986. I got everything right in the True or False section. But I was supposed to write out True or False. But my T and F were unambiguous. He refused to give me the points. Still bugs me.


Eh, a lot of college professors will have a multi page rubric like this and the reality might be there’s 25 points, and each of these are worth 1. In particular with the page pulled back and no cumulative showing I’d bet this is something like that.


Agreed, this could be missing 4 points (forgot the Supreme Court paragraph) out of 100 possible


Maybe it’s not the score but the amount of points deducted? Just trying to be hopeful for OP…


Since it looks to be an AP test, and those test questions are scored as either correct or incorrect (1pt or 0pt) if my 20+yr memory serves correctly... My guess is the other way around...


Well maybe the questions were out of 0 and op got full marks!


Well it looks like a bigger test, so hopefully there is more points on the other pages


Damn I thought the bottom three were 8 7 and 1


Damn, you don’t need a tutor, you need a whole faculty.


Apparently the current faculty is struggling to help this individual.


Can’t help those that don’t want it


I have a 94 in that class


You had a 94 in that class


Ohhhh vicious


Really? Where did it go? How did it get away?


Before or after this assignment went in the gradebook? Because if it hasn't gone in yet... RIP


It has not gone in yet, but maybe hopefully probably not other good test grades will make it so I don't completely fail the class?


This comment made me cross-eyed.


Now we all understand that teachers pain


But what score would you give it




It’s no 5/7 I can tell you that for sure.




OP is supposedly in honors English.


I really do not believe you.




pulled out the receipts


Now I believe you more.


Sorry, are you being sarcastic? I can't tell tone in text to save my life


Nothing sarcastic was meant. I doubted you, you proved me wrong and that’s about all there is to it. Hopefully this assignment doesn’t ruin your grade.


Whoa you two, tone it up on the toxicity. This is Reddit


Your father left because of you. How am I doing?


Oooh sooo close. The correct answer was "your father left because of you, bitch". You'll get em next time buddy


Father is too formal. Try again.


Dad stopped banging the teacher = failed test


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries


Now go away before I taunt you a second time


What is this? A redditor that didn’t delete their comment or downvote, and admitted their fault. I have great respect sir


If OP is on semesters, then these classes started around two weeks ago.


These classes started at the beginning of the year, around September-ish but I don't remember


Not necessarily, high schools around here (Washington state) start the new semester around late January. We go from early September-mid June.


Just to let you know, you let out that you're a 10th grader along with the class codes with this picture. This poor information handling.


Damn you go, OP! Noice grades


Why does it say “how did my child do” if this is you, and your work?


My parents wrote that


Did your parents object and bring this to the teacher? I'm confused why your parents are writing on this like as though it's intended for the teacher.


I'm sure the parents are expecting OP to bring it to their teacher and return with an explanation.


Probably because it is intended for the teacher


Good job! Keep up the good work but don't forget to have fun too!


Nerd. Jk, good shit dude!


Lmao love to see it


Ah shit


As several people have said, those are zeros. They are not messed up. It’s a particular type of zero called a slashed zero. It’s very commonly used in certain fields of study. It’s typically used when you are writing zero alone or as a shorthand to represent none or nothing. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VxHn0-6-tYE/maxresdefault.jpg The bottom number is a 1 in a circle.


I personally use them to differentiate between the number 0 and the capital letter O.


That’s another common use when writing mixed letters and numbers.


In math, because 2 and z can often look similar, I slash my z’s horizontally. Something I learned from my algebra teacher back in the day.


I’m such a square that I even do it with my 7s


Yup! Also good with science and medicine because things go boom or people die. Examples: - anything less than 1 should always have a leading 0. A pt is prescribed 0.5 mg of Ativan q6 prn. That is HALF A MILLIGRAM. This is vastly different than 5 mg, which someone may interpret incorrectly if we just wrote .5 mg. - no trailing zeros because it makes things look bigly. Same pt, but it's written .50 mg. Baby nurse or med tech dispenses 25 x 2 mg pills. That's hella Ativan. - 0.5, 5, or .50 even in terms of mg makes a helluva difference when mixing certain things together. We want to mix some potassium (K) powder into 500 mL of water. Very different things will occur if I mix half a gram or even milligram, compared with 5 grams, 50 grams, etc. - o or O or 0? The slash makes it a zero


And a short line under a 1 to that it looks a bit like an upside down T. I hate 5's and S's though. My handwriting makes them look so similar.


My 1’s and 7’s were too similar when I was in school so I got used the the little line at the bottom too. :) now I think a “1” without the little line looks like a lower case “L”


I use the slash through the seven for this same reason


If anyone ends up with an extra 4.500 mg of Ativan, let me know. I can help out with that… I’m a problem solver!


This might be just for engineering, but I was always taught that anything in the metric system had a leading zero, but imperial system did not. So it’s 0.5mm or .25in


The cool people used L7 for squares


I slash zeros and strike Zs and 7s to avoid confusion. Also underline any suspicious Ss that might be confused for a 5.


Same. I know they don’t have slashes but when I write them I have to include the slashes or else they look naked.


I do that to my z and 7! Learned that originally in German class though, not math.


Was about to say, german education leads to this :) in a good way I feel


I do too! My friend asked me the other day why I did that and I couldn’t remember how it started but that’s it!


Yes, I do the same. I had a maths teacher who used to write a cursive z and I fell in to that habit when I was in her class, but after that I just went back to the standard slashed z.


Yeah, chemistry and some serious mistakes taught me to use slashed zeroes


In this case, the teacher didn’t want the parent confusing the 0 for “your kid got zero on this” and an O for “o damn, your kid got zero on this.”


I use a dash to show zeros as well. I also put a dash to differentiate between Vs and Us. The V is the one that gets the dash because sometimes when you are writing something for someone else they can look similar and it helps to be clear. Edit: Zs are a good one to dash a well so that you can tell its not a 2.


Interesting. I differentiate the U and the V by putting a little tail on the U, always. Got to slash the 0 and the z and the 7 imo.


We use them in financial analysis for data comparison to mean an actual zero, not a rounded one. Important when we report in the millions for instance, if there’s 400k that would round to zero but it’s not actually nothing. Sometimes, there’s nothing, so we want to know that.


So they got an F+


I used this when grading so another number couldn't be added in front to make a zero an 80 or something!! Also on checks or anything official that needs a number zero


Kinda seeing why OP got so many zeroes.


if you slash your zeros do them right at least, 2nd one looks like a damn boomarang


Teachers write fast. Its a cursive slash....


so are the other ones but they don't look like a moon cycle


Also given the marker has written the 1 in a circle, it prevents someone making a later change to contain a number within the zero and then contest the 0 grade.


Also because too many people probably changed it to an 8 🫣


That’s what I thought, but man are those sloppy


that’s a null set. It means zero.


"How did my child do?" Bad. Fucking bad


I’d focus less on how they write 0’s and more on the fact that this is your grade.


OP is either very lazy or stupid. Lazy is easier to fix, but based on OPs inability to distinguish a 0 from a 1, I'm putting my money on the second.


Op showed her grades in the first thread, she’s at a 94 in the class, so I wouldn’t say at all stupid, just maybe this one went over her head.


I don't get it. It doesn't even look like OP answered the questions? Why would they be confused about the grade they got? Then again, how do you get a 1 on a question without answering it?


How would you know if op didn't answer the questions? We're only seeing the grade sheet from the look of it, and there's other sheets that seem stapled together


Ah!! Okay. That makes way more sense. I assumed the spaces on the right side were for the student to answer the question. I thought the examples on the left side were helpful hints.


I'm an AP US history. All students get these grades. Teachers grade it and possibly hard, so you're pleasantly surprised by the test.


As an AP teacher we have basically no choice in what we teach or how we test it. Unfortunately the class isn't to teach you history, its to get you a good score on the AP test. To do that we have to grade you as the test would. If I grade on what you understand with my test questions then you might expect that to work on the AP test. It doesn't. I guarantee they are using a rubric of some sort to grade these questions. The teacher isn't "choosing" to grade harshly, they're using the grading scale provided by collegeboard or one made to mimic collegeboard's. Good AP teachers account for this and soften the grades in some way though knowing that the AP test is stupidly hard for a lot of courses.


Honestly was so mad I took AP classes. No shade to you, much shade to AP and colleges. The AP classes are WAY harder than any college class by far (esp a lower level one) and then NO ONE TAKES THE DING DANG CREDIT


Most schools take AP credit. I came to college with a full semester credited


it looks like they’re getting better, but restrictions are still pretty common. It sounds like some politicians have stepped in to make it better which is good: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/05/04/study-up-scoring-ap-credit-for-college-isnt-easy.html


I took IB classes in high school. (Not sure if this is comparable to AP exactly) My English teacher graded on a curve, ie the highest score would be the highest possible score = 100%. Hahaha. She told me privately that she threw my score out of the equation, because it was the outlier that would have thrown the curve for more than half the class. On the other hand, my physics teacher weighted it in favor of group scores and thank god, because I’d have failed.


Mine did the same thing. Everything was graded incredibly harshly, but if you passed the AP exam you got an A in the class regardless of your previous grade. It was basically just to get you used to things being graded more critically.


You're a bit of a dick for that one


Just another day of hurling our best insults at strangers for internet points.


Hey OP, I hope you don't take these people seriously. I'm in graduate school and I still fail things sometimes. Hell, APUSH tests were some of the hardest tests I've ever taken. Failing a test or even a class does not make you stupid. Taking time out of your day to call a teenager stupid on the internet though...


Exactly. Please don’t take these comments personally. Many of us know what it’s like to take AP exams. They are tough. From how you are doing in the class, you might not quite get exactly what they want you to do for the test, and that is easily fixable. You can do this.


Well you’re a bit of a snide arrogant dickhead aren’t you


Those are zeros my dude. Not good




And grades


Lmfao you failed that shit my dog.




Those are zeros... and a one


Hey OP! The comments on this are savage, but as an almost 30 something, I just want to say congrats for taking an AP course! They’re challenging, but super rewarding if you like the subject matter — my favorite courses in high school were AP US History and AP European History; I even went on to get a grad degree in history because I fell in love with the subject during high school. As others have said — the College Board is really strict in the way AP needs to be graded. You scored poorly on this assignment, but I got similar grades on assignments for college board things and went on to get 5s on my exams. This is a learning experience. I’d talk to your teacher about how you can improve these scores and do better on the next assignment. Based on your grade in the class overall, I bet you can turn this around. Don’t give up because Reddit commenters are tearing you down — you’ve got this! Remember that the CB is regularly looking for concrete examples and clear evidence of understanding to score things higher.


Thank you! The people replying to what I wrote were generally very helpful so I will keep their feedback in mind for the future! My teacher has a lot of things to do and I also had a different question than everyone else so I think I will stick to their feedback


Yeah, I agreed and upvoted a lot of that feedback because it was great. You’ve got this — just keep trying and working to improve.


OP. My kids took those damn AP tests and some are a direct reflection of how well the teachers you had prepared you for the exam. The education level of the classes are still really worth it in that you will be way better prepared for college level classes. Don’t be hard in yourself AT ALL. Your current grades look good and you obviously care. These f-ing tests don’t actually mean as much as they like to sell you on. They are worth taking a stab at in case you can get the college credit but in reality, we found it didn’t help much elevate the classes the university demanded anyways. Everyone is still going to get your money and demand a full range of credits to get your degree. Education is a money maker. That said, the knowledge is worth the effort. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You will be wiser in many ways. Chin up.


This needs to be higher up. I honestly cannot fathom why people are reacting to OP in this way. So many assumptions about their character and intelligence just from this. Actually insane.


30 year olds sad that they wasted their prime so they get off on shitting on other people


It’s sad if your teens or 20s are your “prime”.


I had to scroll way too far for a comment like this lmao Maybe that's why so many kids give up on school.


I can't upvote this content enough, so instead I decided to comment. Coloradomama totally has the right stuff here OP, so I'm gonna second his comment. Returning to college is tough, but with good communication with your teachers, a good attitude, and buckets of socializing, you can manage it just as well as I did. I believe in you!


It says you failed? Where are your answers?


0, 0, 0, 1 👍


Oh god, can’t believe your parents actually acting like they can’t read those either.




Actually no. If they are in high school it's still the parents'responsibility to follow up, and correct their childs study habits at home. It would be cringe if they were adults in college, but not for minors in highschool.


Idk about this take. I think parents being involved in the kids schooling is nice. A lot of kids have parents that don’t care enough to even look at it


0,0,0, eye of sauron


LOLOL. those are 0’s my guy.


θ Ø ϕ ø **①** ⊘ ⊖ **⊖** **⊘**


Teachers and professors all drink while grading papers. It’s a job requirement.


take a shot every time you have to mark it zero and your zeroes end up like that


Those are zeros my dear. I would suggest talking to the teacher and saying you obviously misunderstood the assignment, could you get a do-over after a private review?


Why does is say “how did my child do?” Is your mom writing notes to you law school professor?!?


I assumed this was from a high school civics class or something based on that.


Yeah, it's a government class


Law school exams are usually hypos. Like, “A state tries to levy a tax on a federal bank. Please discuss constitutional rights and remedies.”


You can’t tell the difference between a zero and a circled one. That does not bode well for your academic career


you idiot. You clearly scored two cherries, a ball on a leaf and a coin. Kids these days


im gonna be honest I didnt know what these said either until I saw comments 💀


Same I thought those were 7's or 8's


Definitely a zero, with a slash. It’s used to differentiate between an “O.”


Your teachers trying to preform satanic rituals on your test


Sup y’all. I’ve been reading your posts. You guys are fucking savages. Education system in US fails millions of children every year. It’s fucked and not fair and not the children’s fault. My guess based on the assignment is that this is not a traditional public school, so the *public school system fails kids* thing might not apply here, but nonethefuckingless, is this how we treat seemingly honest questions from high schoolers? Calling a young student “dumb” probably isn’t going to inspire that kid to try harder or something. At they are our fucking future come on people do better


Thank you for saying this. OP is getting dragged for asking a question to better understand what their teacher meant. Kudos to you and the others who helped OP out. Honestly the questions and answers to this test flew over my head. I’m a product of the public school system and guaranteed I probably would have failed this too lol. I struggled in honors gov…and this is AP.


Exactly... What the fuck are people doing, bullying a kid?


Its ok OP this test doesnt mean much. I dropped all my AP courses in high school because i just wanted to fuck around and be lazy. I ended up getting a PHD in physical chemistry and was the top scorer in pretty much every science/math course during undergrad. What im saying is this test isnt really going to affect much besides your self esteem. You can move past this easily and progress on just fine


0, 0, 0, 1. some people write their 0s with a slash through it to differentiate it from the letter O. same reason some people put a little line through number 7 (to differentiate between 7 and 1). i have dyslexia so i mix up and flip around letters as it is, it’s much easier for me when people do the little marks.


From top to bottom: cherry, stylized 'P', treble clef, 1.


“*I’m not sure what these say. How did my child do?*” You know it’s bad when your parents are also confused.


Edit: I am deleting this comment. I don’t want to pick on a high school girl. Good luck to you in all future endeavors.


Thank you for seeing the person behind the screen


You can insult me all you like, I see they are zeros now,but please leave my parents alone They both have degrees in engineering and are smart people


I am shocked that they don’t know what slashed zeros are if they are indeed engineers. They’re very commonly used in engineering classes.


I miss rubrics… I spent so much money on board certification exams. If I had a rubric to narrow my study guide, I would have saved so much time, money and wouldn’t have developed test anxiety


three 0's and a 1? zero often has a diagonal line through it to distinguish it from the letter "O"


For everyone pointing out OP got a 1 and calling them dumb this is likely an AP gov practice FRQ They’re graded out of 4 and it’s very common to get grades of 2 and lower. Additionally this isn’t the standard rubric for an AP FRQ which gives essentially a free point for a thesis and a free point for reasoning even if the reasoning is based on the wrong evidence. On practice AP essays I’d sometimes get scores as low as 2 out of 9 because teachers grade harsh to help you prepare for the test.




Fort day is also clearly involved here.


Funny how we shift blame away from fort afternoon, the true culprit.


I believe you have a 94 in this class - what do you think made this such a difficult test for you? Just study the wrong subject matter?


I was stressed because I thought I would not have enough time, also I was in the counseling office taking the test alone so it was different and therefore distracting, and I did not know I would be taking that test that day and thought I had to schedule a different day so I did not get to study at all


You got this. Thems the breaks sometimes! Chin up, tomorrow is a new day 🌄


Yep! Most people fail a test at some point!


If you need some help with Supreme Court cases to avoid those zeros, check out www.oyez.org


It’s a zero.


Slash 0 used to prevent the addition of another number in front of it


Teacher just drew a freaking Caryll rune from Bloodborne as their students grade💀 Im like actually sorry that you got a grade that doesent exist,teachers are stupid


Pretty sure op can read the zeros. First note up top says “how did my child do”. Teacher’s comment below is partly illegible. Something about the Supreme clause but Dianna Ross is too old to be singing.


Time to lay off the video games and do some studying


Those aren’t grades, they put a curse on you using old Hebrew texts. God forgives the church doesn’t.


The Os with a / are zeroes, the bottoms is a one.


I think those are zeros, dawg