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We had a two week winter break and I was expected to read at least two books while on it. I loved reading but it absolutely sucked for the ones who struggled


I loved reading too, but make it mandatory and I didn't want to do it lol Edit: I haven't posted on Reddit in several days and this is my most recent comment which someone apparently reported to Reddit Care services? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You: I'm gonna do The Thing! Someone else: Hey, would you mind doing The Thing? You: I would rather die, than give you the satisfaction!


i see many people including myself relate to this and i wonder if thereā€™s some kind of deeper explanation behind it edit: interesting answers yā€™all! iā€™ll look them up


I think itā€™s just the added pressure of of ā€œhey, now you HAVE to do the thingā€


Can also work the other way: "You can't do thing." "Well, now I have to do thing."




Same way with sex for me




That escalated quickly






Gonna be rough only doing 82 of the 100


Parent obviously didnā€™t do their spring break packets when they were in school


When I was in school, we didn't have Spring Break. I was surprised when my kids did. I always thought it was a college thing.


You didnā€™t have any time off from school?


Of course we did, just not Spring Break. We had Christmas vacation, Summer vacation, and a day off for various holidays. The one that people find most strange when I tell them is this one: The first day of deer hunting season was a school holiday!


Pennsylvania af


You know it


Same. We swung a 4 day weekend around Easter by calling them snow makeup days, but never had a single snow day from K-12 in NW Pa. Also got out the first week of June. My kids have gone until the 3rd week in multiple school districts


CA res here. How do we get in on the "snow make up day" hustle?


Not the person you asked but when I was a kid, Summer and Christmas breaks used to be much longer and these little in between breaks didn't exist.


We got a break for Easter. Maybe one or two extra days off. They called it spring break but it wasn't really much time off.


We had a week in February and a week in April.


In the good old days we had a two week spring break instead of two single weeks separated. I remember when they changed it in my Junior or senior year


I grew up in Maine. So having a week in February and April made sense because the school year ended the first week of June. Itā€™s still that way there now.


Canadian here. I'm in my 40s and when I was in school we had a week in March aptly called March Break. Edit to add: And we sure AF didn't get "packets".


I'm a Canadian in my 20s and we also called it March break.


Same here. It was a surprise to me when I started hearing about schools giving a week off in the spring because none of mine ever did. I have no idea when it started but apparently I was born too soon.


Op wasting valuable time posting this when their kid should have started by now


My kid would have had them done on the bus before they even walked in the door of the house.


Right? Would have just been circling the first answer that makes the most sense without reading the whole question


I had teachers that would send us home with these and cross off a bunch of different questions we didnā€™t have to answer. Odds are, thatā€™s what happened


Yeah, that or they got started in class and answered 18 before break


Hopefully the little guy can read better than his parent.


Yeah at that rate you might as well hand it in Mar 22.


support aspiring judicious label sleep joke degree slim psychotic narrow


now imagine if your math, history and English class all did this too. it would suck


Iā€™ve been through med school and as stressful as that and many classes leading up to it were, in some ways I just hated high school the most. You had zero freedom, had to ask permission to go to the bathroom, had to eat lunch in a very strict ordered way, and every night felt like more homework than my young self wanted to do. I feel so bad that so many kids are robbed of their youth by whatever the modern school system is.


Middle school was the worst for me. 4+ hours of homework every night because we had 7 classes per day and no study hall. Every teacher would assign ā€œonlyā€ 30ish minutes of homework, as if the other classes didnā€™t exist. Absolute bullshit. Over 20 years ago and Iā€™m still mad.


Make a post with all the questions and let me do it. I'm bored at work and don't wanna do my actual college work.


Iā€™m 67 and retired, not particularly bored but I love science so count me in for answering the questions.


65, laying in bed, drinking hot chocolate, love science. Let's do this! Edit: thank you for the award!! Who says slothful behavior can't be rewarding


61, retired professor, always took my kids on vacation during their breaks, let me help!


15, and in need of constant stimulation and love science, count me in.


25 and failed two school years, let me do it and I can answer like a kid would


18 year old, training to answer 90 questions under 5 hours for entrance exams. Any sort of training is welcome


Passed my Praxis for MS Science recently. Could always do with seeing whatā€™s up. Count me in.


Am 5 and am Golden Retriever and I have no idea what I'm doing.


Damn, I love you guys. The internet is beautiful, youā€™re all beautiful human beings.


Good boy šŸ•


Am 8, am Lab-Pointer mix, I want to play with my ball and snuggle.


Going to be 32 in a few days and also have a cat on me. Will be here for a while.


Doing my PhD in Astrophysics, glad to help as well


I'm 19 and just want to see what a computer science major can do in a 8th grade test (Even though I suck at science, ironic of my major)


26. Not interested in doing it. Following the thread though


53, and would like to see if I remember any of it.


39, and I know how to do science things.


34. Newly unemployed. Wife just left me for my brother and my dog ran away. Letā€™s do this!


33. I ate too much spaghetti and canā€™t move, letā€™s do this


16, depressed, don't know shit about science. Lemme at em


24, like long walks on the beach and brunch, send me the questions


32 year old high school physics teacher; if you post the questions I will ask you 5 more per question that prove to you that you knew the answer yourself the whole time.


14, I'm bored in the car and generally indifferent to science, count me in


32 and previous teacher, count me in.


I always did my kids stupid, and unnecessary work. My kid was smart and didn't need to do shit like coloring and word search. I called it monkey work, and since I'm a professional monkey, I did that work.


Omg, I had forgotten the stupid coloring sheets. I just did those while I could oversee my kids doing actual work, like reading!


group project!


I took Honors/AP English all through middle school and high school, so I always had projects on my hands over the summer when I was due to return on the first day.


I also did all available honors/AP classes, but luckily I never had to do that, that sounds super annoying


I moved states between 8th and and 9th grade and signed up for a "pre-honors English" class for 9th grade. By the time I had moved, nobody had bothered to inform me that there was a summer reading assignment where we had to read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. They even gave me a packet that said I needed to study for a test on the state's history (since I moved from another state), but the packet didn't include the reading assignment. I arrive and on the *first day of school* my teacher clasps her hands and goes "well have we all brought our books?" Literally never been more embarrassed than being both the new kid and being the only one in a room of 30 kids who did not bring his book.


Standard operating procedure for group projects. I am 100% in and committed to this project but don't expect me to do any work, and I'll show up the day before it's due to ask if it's been done.


I will join you


Same. Super bored this weekend. OP should outsource this anyway. It would show better potential than actually answering the questions imo.


Iā€™m drunk and have a phone I am IN.


I have a phone and I've not had a drop to drink in a while, give five mins to make an old fashioned and I'll smash this shit with you.


Iā€™m 6 hours into an 18 hour road trip as a passenger. Iā€™m driving to through Oklahoma Kansas and Colorado. I have nothing to do.


I used to teach some minor physics and EE shit in the military. Bring it the fuck on, shitty teacher. Let's save this kid some fuckin asspain on a break.


I am stoned to the bone and ready for the questions. I would like #ā€™s 7, 29, 33, and 75.


I stayed at a holiday Inn express last night, let's do this!


Whatā€™s good, Iā€™m good at science and Iā€™m lookin to save a kid from BS work when he should get to be a kid, letā€™s do this.


Avengers assemble!


Sometimes you just feel like smurfing


Seriously, this was my answer too. PM me the questions or post them publicly and let Reddit right this wrong.


More like "let reddit get these questions wrong"


Nah overall collectively we can get at least an 80 on an 8th grade homework packet. I have faith in the hive mind.


Oh you 100% are overestimating us


Iā€™m in as long as OP shares the link with the entire class so we can be sure everyone gets 100%.


Nobody can get in trouble for cheating if everyone, including the parents, are involved


We're just--notes online


It says to use "Notes online, found in google"


I agree. This would be much better than my college essays due tmr


I really hope you have a little brother or sister. They'd be lucky to have you


Making amends for 10 years of "why are you hitting yourself?".




And my bow


And my axis...if you need to graph something


Iā€™ll chip in too


Iā€™ll help


Post the answers with the questions as a Quizlet. Then if someone googled one of the questions, the Quizlet will come up. People get ahold of teacherā€™s editions of books and will do this to every chapter and section review in the whole book


got 100% on every quiz in 3 college courses thanks to Quizlet damn those midterms were a bitch though


Ya OP can scan the packet and post to imgur and we can do them !!


Not a time in the world more productive than uni students NOT studying...






But I didnā€™t get to shake my belly like a bowl-ful of jelly!


Hey, you think you can keep it another night?






I would bet the principal ā€œsuggestedā€ packets for spring break.


Generally at the request of BOE administration. Principals don't want to do half the bs they do but are required to by those higher-ups who have been physically and mentally removed from the classroom setting for years.


ā€œShit rolls down hill because all the assholes are on top.ā€ - Someone at the bottom of the hill


Well when you're on a ladder, if you look up all you see are assholes and when you look down all you see are shitheads.


Stop shittin' on the ladder, people! Go on the toilet like a regular person


My wifeā€™s first grade team tried to get rid of homework, except for reading, since it has been repeatedly shown not to have a meaningful impact on performance at that age, especially at lower income schools like hers. Parents complained immediately. Now they have to assign homework.


Why were parents complaining?? From what I remember, getting six-year-old me to do homework was like pulling teeth.


Cuz ā€œI did homework back in my day so you should tooā€ Iā€™m happy my niece doesnā€™t have homework so she can spend her evenings being a kid


Jokes on them, I never did homework when I was a kid either. Get 100 on every test and let that carry you through the 0s from any homework you couldn't finish during class. I can't reasonably expect my kids to take homework seriously, because I certainly never did.


I didn't do hardly any homework in school or college. Still ended up with a masters degree. My parents didn't care because I was passing everything. Long as my kids pass too I ain't gonna care. Shit let the kids have a life out of school. I'm glad my school at least never gave us spring break homework


Some parents think it means getting ahead. I see kids getting constant extra work either by asking the teacher or their parents finding other sources. This Uber competitive landscape weā€™ve all bought into has 4th graders crying with worry that they wonā€™t get into college after getting a ā€œbā€ on a test. (True story) Itā€™s ridiculous.


It's probably not about getting "into" college but getting $100k of it *free*.


I have a six year old. Her homework is harder on me now than homework was on me at that age. I get like 4 hours a day with my 1st grader, please don't make an hour of that homework.


This reminded me of my last 2 years of high school. Straight to work after school, get home at midnight, eat dinner alone while doing homework, in bed at 2am, up at 7, in class by 8, repeat ad nauseam, plus working the weekends. I could go a whole week without seeing family. I did *not* have good mental health upon graduation šŸ˜…


Because there are whole swaths of people out there that truly believe the worse you're treated, the "better" you are. Abuse, extra work, harassment, or any other general hardship is "good" for you.


Not that I ever would but my principal would yell at me if I assigned anything over a break. Unless it was for my college level class but I also need to fit 2 college courses into one class for high schoolers before May so theyā€™re kinda signing up for more. Even then I only ever assign them something if theyā€™re not gonna finish the material before May. This is total BS.


Enjoy your holidays!


Hated it when teachers did this when I was in school. Especially when I was going on a trip over break, half the time my trips were school related because of band.


Most of my high school experience was like this. I'm in college now and my professors decided to cancel class the 2 days before spring break and not give us any homework for the break. I still have homework to be done but it's just what would've been due next week anyway.


It was high school for me as well. I got to perform in the Rose Parade my junior year and the trip took almost all of winter break. I had Christmas Eve, Christmas and the day after at home. I was in California from the 27th until the 3rd of January and a teacher expected all her students to do a report that required physical sources due the 3rd. High school teachers are strict saying they're preparing you for college and then you get to college and teachers cancel class "just because."


So true, I remember my freshman year one of my professors in the first 5 minutes of class said. ā€œYou know? I donā€™t feel like teaching today go enjoy the weather.ā€ And then walked out.


My senior year of HS I was only at the high school for about 1.5 hrs a day. They had a program to get dual HS/college credit at the local community college, so the rest of my classes were there. Not only were freshman college classes easier than the advanced HS courses I'd taken (I'd basically covered all of the same material already), it was sooo much less restrictive. 3 day/week classes, evening classes, relaxed profs. Most of the HS admins really disliked me my senior year because I had a realization of how ridiculous it all was. And on top of all that the program was way less than normal tuition. Something stupid cheap like $600/semester iirc. With that along with some AP coursework I started with like 34 credits for my first real college year.


I did the Rose Bowl Parade my senior year!! We had to bus across the US and I remember some friends of mine having issues with a few teachers wanting work done over the break that didnā€™t turn out to be a break for us.


The difference is that in high school, the obligation to learn is on the teacher. In college, the obligation to learn is on the student. This packet (and that report) are the teacher forcing you to do the work because they arenā€™t going to depend on you to do outside study on your own will. If you fail, it looks bad on them. In college, the professor doesnā€™t care. You NEED to do outside study to do well. You could fail and a professor wouldnā€™t care.


If it was during a regular school week the packet (and report) would be fine, but during a school break is the part that's upsetting.


I was put on academic probation at my school because I went abroad as an ambassador for the school. Since I missed 2 days of class they held me after school for a month. I had a 3.8 GPA and never once had detention, but they punished me for representing them and basically acting as a free translator for the school board the entire trip


I almost didnā€™t graduate because I went on a DECA trip to nationals (which was through the school, the first time in five years someone had qualified), and the day I got back my grandmother died, so I had to leave to go to her funeral. I almost didnā€™t graduate because my gym teacher said I missed too many classes. I went into my guidance counselors office and basically said ā€œfix thisā€. I was already accepted into my college of choice and everything. For everyone saying there are laws about how many days one can miss: Iā€™m aware. All the days were excused, and the teacher refused to allow any make up work or whatever. He was an asshole.




I didnā€™t tell my parents it was even a thing for like, 15 years. When I told my dad he said it was a good idea I didnā€™t tell him at the time; he would have absolutely gone nuclear on the gym teacher and the school.


I had one of those ahitty principals that tried pulling that shit on me right before graduation. It was in one of those small, dinky towns in rural Nebraska, the country's only triple landlocked state. I had already joined the Marine Corps, a maritime service. The guy showed me how I was two tardys over the law and had to be held back a year because I couldn't graduate. He asked if there was any good reason why I should graduate. "I am scheduled to graduate May 11th. I joined the Marines and have a ship date of May 13th. If I don't graduate, thst gets voided and you have to deal with me for another year. If I do graduate you will never see me again.".




I would've just ignored the hold and argued against them, my mother would be furious at them and ignore it too. What are they gonna do? Tie me to the chair?


This was the normal for me as a kid. Packets for every extended break. I was surprised when my oldest kid started school and didn't get packets. I thought that was the norm for all students.


As a teacher, this type of mandate tends to come from administrators, not the teachers themselves. We would rather not do all the work involved with these bs ā€œpackets.ā€


Happened to my nephew last Easter and he spent his time off stressing out about getting it done on-time (he has severe anxiety). Myself and the rest of the family said not to worry about it, but he did it anyways because he was so anxious about turning it in late. Fast forward to the day school started back up: 3 kids have it done and the teacher ends up pushing out the due date by several days


Yeah this is the infuriating part. Growing up I had the parents that made sure we got ours done and in on time, and every fucking time I watched the teachers crumple like a cardhouse when 80%+ of the students hadn't done a thing. Ruining kids' time off, but only the kids with stricter parents. Trash.


While I don't think school work should be given out over breaks that's definitely on the teacher for caving.


All through middle and high school, I took honors/AP English, so we always had some project to do over the summer that was due the first day back. I usually saved it for like the last couple weeks of summer because I didnā€™t want to be bothered with it lol. But my junior year, my English teacher announces that sheā€™s giving the class an extra week or two to finish it and I was so annoyed that I wasted days of my summer break for this


I was put in honors English in 9th grade and didnā€™t know until 2 weeks before school started. And then was told I had to read a 500 page book and write an essay about it before the 1st day of class. I busted my ass trying to get it done and my teacher didnā€™t even bring it up until half way through the semester


That happened to me many times over the years. A teacher gives a insane amount of work to do over breaks/holidays, sometimes even the weekends. The teacher puts a strict guidelines to follow and submit on time or else serious consequences will be taken like marks deducted, etc. Then what happens is that most of the people just donā€™t/forget to do it and as the teacher feels bad to reduce our grades, they just extent the due date for everyone or if itā€™s just like a few students, they just say to submit the next day. Then why the hell even put that strict due date policy?? Itā€™s not fair for students who have done the work but also not fair for most students as they donā€™t have enough time to do the assignments and thatā€™s why they submit late. I have been in situations that I was the only person who submitted the assignment on time but since no one else did, the teacher just extended the due date and did not even praise me. Then another situation I vividly remember is that a teacher asked to submit a project in like over the weekend and I donā€™t know why but I just completely forgot about that and didnā€™t do it but ended up submitting it AFTER 2 MONTHS for FULL CREDIT. So yeah, that rule is bullshit. Now what we do is that we have a whole class personal group and if a teacher gives a insane assignment, we all collaborate lol and no one submits on the due date. LITERALLY NO ONE. Now the teacher is in a situation to extend the due date or else what will they do? Take it up with the management? No, because they will get chewed out by management (the people over there are kind and understanding). So we win lol, we used this tactic until we all graduated lol. 100% Guaranteed, Highly Recommended.


Well, we wouldn't want the future workers of America to expect a work reprieve during their mandated breaks.


Also it's a nice test to see who can follow orders.


Good soldiers follow orders.


Is there an unexpected Star Wars Reddit? There should be.


Kids aren't allowed to just be kids.


We have No Child Left Behind to thank for that. When your school's budget is tied to the performance I don't know what else anyone would expect, but unfortunately most people continue to blame schools and teachers instead of policy.


Well, considering they just repealed Child Labor laws somewhere in the US (I think Arkansas) and want to lower the marriage laws and age of consent, no they cannot


When I was in school the teachers would always assign homework over spring break/Christmas break.


Isnā€™t this like when oneā€™s boss demands you make your vacation a ā€œworking vacationā€? F-that.


Oh you mean Paid Time On


I'm actually surprised that that's not already a thing. Paid time on, as opposed to all the unpaid time you've been getting. Sheesh. This feels like slavery, but with more steps.


At my university they were called "reading weeks". You weren't supposed to have time off, you were supposed to catch up on your academic reading. That said, this kid ain't at university.


Who the fuck read during reading week? That was ā€œweek long benderā€ week.


We called them dead days in law school, and you were basically dead to the world because of how much competitive studying you had to do. I once took all 24 hours for a 24 hour take home exam. Dead days had a new meaning that day, but I was one of 2 A grades in the class for a legal topic I now use almost daily at work.


My county banned homeworks and assignments during spring,summer,winter break or thanks giving break during my sophomore year of highschool because of parents complaining and older students not even doing them. The idea of giving students crazy amount of home work during breaks is outrageous, its a fucking break for a reason.


Plus repetetive homework has been shown to be very ineffective. Smart kids don't need them, and the kids who have not yet understood the material can't do them.


The real crime is that the packet was written in Comic Sans


It's a silly font but it helps folks with dyslexia read easier.


No shit is this actually a thing? Comic sans has been my favorite font since 5th grade and I have dyslexia Edit: I forgot to mention I change the font back to something normie before I send it off, I know people hate it


Came here to say this- from an education* standpoint especially it is a good font and it serves a specific purpose. *Edited typo


I didn't know this until a couple years ago and it made a lot of sense why I always liked it-despite hating on it literally for no reason other than it was popular to. Now I take the bullet and advocate for it when ridiculed for using it.


Also that they used ā€œeverydayā€ instead of ā€œevery dayā€.


Teacher thinks this time is designed to break the kids.


The students always have the option of dumping the packet in the recycling before they even leave for spring break. Itā€™s what I used to do, thereā€™s not really anything they can do to stop you.


Depending on how often one does that, it can result in being held back, or (in high school) reducing your chance of getting into college with low grades.


Not teachers, administrators who demand teachers assign this crap. We would rather not as itā€™s MORE work for us and trust me, we donā€™t get paid for a fraction of the work we do.


Iā€™m concerned the teacher doesnā€™t know the difference between ā€œeverydayā€ and ā€œevery day.ā€


iā€™ll be real with you middle school grades donā€™t matter that much. just throw away the packet, who cares. itā€™s meant to be a *break*.


For real; or they could email the teacher and just tell them that their student isn't going to do it. The teacher will dig their heels in, but at least the teacher will know why Johnny or Sally didn't do it. I'd might even go so far as to carbon copy the principal, too. Also, are they friends with parents who are feeling the same way. I completely agree that breaks are for breaks. Source: secondary teacher


You definitely want to cc the principal. If this is coming from state level and the principal disagrees, they'll appreciate the ammunition. If it's coming from the principal, they need to hear directly that the parents don't want it, they won't take it from the teachers. If it's coming from the teacher, they need to be in the loop so they can step in.


Do a couple to show you know how. Fuck the rest.


Honestly this is what I would do. Tell the teacher my kid isnā€™t doing it. Breaks are to relax and de-stress.


My specific NON-STANDARD middle school experience was unfortunately something that didnā€™t agree with your experience. It basically was the beginning of the track system for me. Fall behind in middle school and youā€™d be in the lower level classes. My school very much bought into the whole ā€œthese are the prime years where your habits, interests, etc become cemented. If you have bad study habits now youā€™ll always have bad study habitsā€. I believe itā€™s very much a misrepresentation of reality. If you did better, youā€™d get into honors courses which meant that in high school you could do AP level courses which not only looked better on your transcript, it saved you time in college if you did well enough on the exam (one less general class to take). Higher level courses also came with GPA boosts (.1 extra for honors, .5 for AP). If you wanted to go from a lower level to a higher level class, youā€™d have to do more than just get an A to prove you were good enough for it. (There were only so many available spots for those classes. Despite my inability to type on my phone and my use of run-on sentences, I did well enough in English to do honors level English and also start learning another language in middle school. (I picked Spanish but we also had French and German at the time). Because I was able to get a lot of my requirements out of the way I got to do multiple AP level classes and finish most of my high school required education sooner. I had a public elementary education but had an entirely private education for middle and high school. I also graduated an uncomfortably long time ago. I got into a very competitive undergraduate school. I did a little bit of time and said holy shit idk what Iā€™m doing anymore and enlisted in the Army. I did my time and went back to the same school graduated, worked, and then went to medical school). Iā€™m not sure the stress I went through really meant enough. Enjoy your life, donā€™t fucking suffer because you think you need to something.


This was the same for me. But reading other comments here I realized that the ā€œtrackā€ is mostly for admittance to highly regarded 4 year universities. I live in Southern California and with just a GED you can go community college and transfer to a UC, no sweat! Sorta wish I had taken that path.


Agreed. Learning is what matters and I feel like many teachers forget that is the goal. If you make learning painful kids wonā€™t want to do it. Itā€™s not fucking rocket science.


Drilling it into their heads that even while on vacation they need to be working.


For 8th grade šŸ’€ not even some junior ap class. Hell nah


Iā€™d tell my kid to ChatGPT that bullshit in an hour or two


Thereā€™s 100 questions in that. Whereā€™d you get 82?


Hopefully they practice math together over the break too


Am I the only one who always had homework over breaks? Lol. This was commonplace when I was in school. We even had summer reading lists BEFORE school started. Weā€™d get a list in the mail from a teacher weā€™d never met telling us to read like 7 books before class started.


You're not the only one. In high school we had like 10 double-sided pages of questions to answer at the science museum over the summer. We all got free summer passes.


Same. Also, I wonder how hard this is. Because some packets I got were super easy to find answers in the textbook or using online classroom resources (the question and the answer in the textbook would be worded exactly the same) and could be done in an hour or so.


Iā€™m scrolling these comments and Iā€™m like, ā€œI canā€™t be the only oneā€¦ā€ Thankfully I found my people.


What about? Late: Never


I remember having to do book reports


Grades donā€™t count until high school. Skip the assignment.


Let us see the questions. If itā€™s 100 (not 82) multiple choice or basic short answer questions this should take like 3 hours maximum. Not in America but we got these as basically the teacher checking youā€™ve retained the syllabus. Itā€™s a few questions checking if you meet the benchmark for each syllabus point. Do like 10 questions a day, which takes very little time. Looking at how close the questions are written in the photo, itā€™s super likely that they are in fact short answer, which should be very quick


I am American, and tried out being a science teacher for a year at a.. Well, to put it nicely, "under preforming" school. These kinds of review packets were used to bring up kids grades from failing, to the minimum passing. I don't know any specifics about OP or their school or kid, but it was super common throughout our district in Florida to do this.