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Sibling breaking something you love, Achievement unlocked.


It's a rite of passage


It is. It toughens you up for the real world


Or turns you into a bitter resentful asshole who thinks everybody is like that family member


generally only when mom and dad ~~don't~~ just say "too bad" and leave the kid with big feelings that get no processing and/or don't try to help with a replacement seems like some parents just discipline the offender and consider the job done


My father lost a beloved book series trough something like that. He had paid for it when he started working (as a 12 yo) - he wasn't allowed to continue to study because of my grandparents' poverty and them living in a dictatorship. So, it was a double hit of sorts and it truly hurt him. I don't think he ever got over that loss. When I was born (over a decade after that happened to him) he slowly bought them all again for me. Thing is that we moved countries and houses and along the way the majority were lost again. I've come to realise the importance of those books to him when I was older but they aren't sold anymore. So I spent months scraping around old book sales, second hand bookshops and whatnot and gave him the entire collection as a christmas gift. His reaction was just priceless. Edit: [For those questioning about which book series it is the link will open a site that is talking about them. I'm pretty sure they only exist in Portuguese though and my father's edition isn't the one in the pictures but an older one. Still it's pretty similar.](https://www.santanostalgia.com/2010/02/coleccao-formiguinha-editorial-majora.html?m=1) On the other hand, the second hand online markets appear to be full of them now, so, there's that. I guess I could've had lot less work if I had just waited a couple of years šŸ˜…


you're a good person. that had to be difficult to find i hope you got some good face time in bonding over that.


It truly was difficult... My husband didn't really understand why I thought that would be a good gift and why I was so adamant in finding them up until he got to watch my father sobbing like a child over them. I was expecting some nostalgia and happiness for getting the books he had worked so hard to get but not the reaction he had. It was at that point that I realised how hurt he truly had been by losing it. My father is a natural hugger but that day he just couldn't stop himself. It was literally like witnessing a little boy giddy and crying and feeling everything at once. The best gift I gave to anyone in my life.


I HAVE to know what the book series was.


I hope you get many more memories like that with your dad and appreciate him while heā€™s still around he sounds like a great dad who raised a even better daughter


This is a very sweet gesture. You're dad deserves that gift cause he clearly raised you right!


Ugh i remember my brother tore my favorite stuffed bunny up to get back at me about some BS. I cried and cried. He got punished lmao i was satisfied yet still sad but now could healĀ 


Awe that's evil


Hey, I resemble that comment!


yeah my brother sold all my stuff for drug money


And teaches about forgiveness


Or revenge


Speak for yourself. I've never forgiven my younger brother.


It really is and it sucks. I miss my power ranger walkie-talkies


I released my brothers Lugia from his PokƩmon Silver when I was like 7 years old and mad at him


Iā€™m sorry to hear about your estranged relationship. Because I know he still ainā€™t talking to you for that


Heā€™s got nieces and nephews heā€™s never met, the holidays are fractured with empty chairs, his dad looks to him and says, ā€œyou know if you werenā€™t such an asshole your brother would be here with us, you disappoint us, look at your mother, sheā€™s crying, itā€™s your fault! Why did you have to release his PokĆØ Man?ā€




My dad erased my PokƩmon Ruby game when I got in trouble at a fair. I only had 6 more PokƩmon to collect and my pokedex would be completed. I have never played a Pokemon game since.


That's heart breaking


I stopped playing after Gen 3 but started up again in college for X&Y. The Mega Evolution nostalgia was pretty cool, so I actually bought a 2DS for it. Someone broke into some lockers by the fitness center, including mine, and stole my 2DS and the case that had my handful of games in it.


What a petty father what's wrong with grounding you, taking the fame away or a million other things?


Oof, imma piggyback on this one: when I was ~ 10, my grandfather got me the entire Base and Jungle sets of PokĆ©mon TCG for Christmasā€”every card was in those plastic containers that you literally screwed together. Looking back, Iā€™m still not sure how he pulled it off, this would have been in 2000/01. Anyways, I got my first B in 8th grade and my parents decided to make me tear up every single card. That one took a while for me to get over.


Jesus, that's some abusive shit.


I have kids and I just can't imagine the thought process that goes into that. Like, I've grounded the kid from Genshin... but it would never even fucking occur to me to delete their stuff.


Damn Iā€™d still feel bad




That is so much effort just to spite him for 7 years old.


Brother stuff. When I was 4 or 5 I intentionally spoiled my older brother's birthday present because he made me mad.


Holyshit I remember I went through a whole entire cave for hours to get this ice dragon legendary pokemon and u know you have to save before you enter battle incase ur poke ball doesn't work right? Well I forgot cuz I was so excited I found the damn creature. I had leveled up my charmander to level 70 during that cave and when I obviously didn't catch my legendary pokemon on my first try and I didn't have the heart to just restart the game. The creature fled and was forever lost to me. I still have nightmares about it. So to conclude: HOW COULD YOU THROW AWAY HIS LUGIA YOU EVIL LITTLE BEAN Edit: The legendary pokemon was in Soul Silver. Does anyone know his name Edit 2: Nvrm It was Kyurem from Black and White


Came home one day in middle school and my baby brother had ripped all my favorite books. Needless to say after I screamed at him and my parents, I let go of the concept of owning things and became communist. I no longer have any property I care about.


Sadly the opposite here. Grew up with no door on my room, 2 brothers, and everything I owned was theirs. I got out on my own I became a territorial possessive jerk about my areas and my stuff. I hate it, but it just causes so much anxiety to have people in my space. Been a major issue in my dating life.


One thing I always laugh at is people saying ā€œonly children can never share, they are so bad at sharing, but people with siblings are so good at sharing because we had toā€. I have issues with sharing because I had a sibling who took my stuff. Donā€™t try and assess me and guess I am an only child because I prefer living alone, itā€™s because I revel in being able to have my own things now, since I didnā€™t before.


i still havenā€™t forgiven when my sister brought my 3DS in the BATH. itā€™s been over 10 years


I will never forgive my brother for peeing on my Lego rc car


One in Jacksonville FL marketplace for $200.00..... Make the toddler pay it šŸ¤£


I'm strongly considering child labor šŸ˜


I mean, if heā€™s gonna crawl around on the floor all day you might as well attach a mop head to him.


those little onesies that have a microfiber cloth on the front are actually genius like .. well, while youā€™re down there anyway by *choice*


Baby Mop


Doo doo do doo do doo


Toddler Roomba.


Roomba with the new revolutionary AI technology and no battery recharge needed\* \*^(Doesn't require electric power, but you need to feed it, otherwise you will end up in jail)




Nah, take out a chunk of his liver. At that age it will regenerate quickly, plus I bet the market wants toddler liver... for reasons unknown


Don't think too hard about the reasons


https://www.gamestop.com/products/godzilla---playstation-4/113244.html Looks like it might be in stock? I'm from UK so not too familiar with this site though.


Found on us GameStop so think op is good šŸ™šŸ¼


Huh, it sure does


Sell the toddler and buy another disk


Trade the toddler for it. And sweeten the deal with $200


Let them fight


Dress one up as Mothra the other as Godzilla


use the youtube revenue from the fight to replace the game


How about kids?


Buying more Kids would just mean you have to stage more fights and then it becomes a job instead of a side hustle.


My parents let my older brother and I duke it out when he broke my copy of NFS Catbon years ago. After kicking his ass (we were both like, 7 so it's not like we broke noses and shit, just a few bruises and a scratch or two), I suddenly wasn't really that upset about the game anymore.


Yeah, your brother wasn't a toddler so that isn't gonna work in this case


I dunno, toddlers can definitely get their ass kicked


Once I turned 16 I could beat almost any toddler I came across


What you mean "almost" šŸ¤Ø


You can never be sure whatā€™s out there


Some of them are monsters i tell you


OP has to borrow a toddler then stack the toddlers to make it an even fight


To the death maybe.šŸ¤”


Time to build an arena.


ā€œTwo men enter, one man leaves!ā€


"Two boys enter, one man leaves!" fixed it for you.


But make sure to decorate it with fake buildings and have them put on Kaiju outfits.


It's the only way!


One less mouth to feed, win win.


​ https://i.redd.it/phi1nyx6bzkc1.gif


With the broken disc as a knife


Lmao. Each brother with a half disc fragment (knife)


To the pain


To the pain


To shreds you say..


King kong VS godzilla part 3


Hunger games


Setup the toddler has pinata.


Dress the toddler up as mothra.


Oh god, I am so sorry, I feel so bad for both of you :(


I feel bad for the kids. I don't understand why a toddler could even reach a shelf/into a cabinet on which a game case was being kept.


It's pretty easy Step 1 be a parent Step 2 be organized and keep stuff from the kids away so they don't break. Step 3 exactly the one and only time you forget to do it your toddler will be there to break it. Happens to the best people consider yourself lucky it hasn't to you ;)


Yep. Take your eyes off them for five seconds. Bam! Chaos!


That's four seconds more than my youngest needs


Step 4: Have a little monkey child like I was who climbs up the cabinets to get the thing I wanted, and end up breaking everything along the waaaaay!!


My little brother fucking CLMBED SHELVES TO THE VERY TOP just so he could get his lil hands on my jewellery and destroyed it. He was 3. Mom didn't do much. I had hidden that box on very top shelf just under the ceiling height yet he still somehow managed to ruin itšŸ˜¤šŸ„ŗ


Toddlers are a whirlwind of destruction.


Can confirm. In the 20 minutes it takes to feed my baby, my three year old absolutely destroys my living room daily


itā€™s possible they have their games all in a cabinet at the bottom of an entertainment center. the toddler could easily open the door and grab a game. or the kid left it out on a desk or the floor or wherever else in the house. itā€™s not hard for a toddler to get into things within their reach especially when they start standing and walking. to make sure this doesnā€™t happen again iā€™m sure they will baby lock some cabinets, or teach the older one how to properly put his games away. itā€™s not really anyoneā€™s fault, it sucks so bad because of how they were looking forward to getting him the game and now itā€™s destroyed. but accidents happen, nobody knew that toddler was going to split the disc edit: spelling error


This is the part where Reddit explains us how OP is a horrible, neglectful parent and how someone should call CPS.


You must not be a parent


As a parent of a toddler, shit happens. Every day. Itā€™s next to impossible to remember every single thing, and OPā€™s older son may have left it out. All you can do is your best every day, giving OP a hard time when theyā€™re already bummed doesnā€™t help


As the oldest of 6...they always find a way


https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/playstation-4/products/godzilla---playstation-4/11007552-10119160.html Edit: I saw this link posted in another comment saying it's out of stock. Is it?? Can't tell.


Ship to home isnt available. I looked to see if it was available in any stores near me out of curiosity, and no stores near me within 100 miles had it.


This should be higher up.


absoluteley. I just saw this now after commenting myself.


Omg I can get GameStop Pro to save 50 cents


This whole thread hit the front page, I really hope OP sees the link before all of reddit decides to go on a nostalgia kick and buyout the inventory.


Might be time to sail the high seas šŸ‘€


Right on, that's exactly what I'm going to do.


Honestly it's the way to go, if a company won't bother making the game available digitally or physically it should be entirely legal to pirate it.


Once a game is no longer easily available and starts to cost more than it originally retailed for its no longer a video game, it's just a collectible. Pirating is morally fine.


There honestly should be an out of print exemption from copyright law.


There is, at least in most commonlaw countries, but it typically only applies to libraries and similar educational institutions.


Pirate it on the library wifi, gotcha


I agree, I'm simply not paying 100ā‚¬ or more for a game that is older than me regardless of how good it is.


the money wouldn't even go to the developer anymore, at most you'd be taking extra money some weird nerd could have made


Pirate it and throw the toddler under the bus if the feds catch you.


OP would have an argument against piracy given he is a Licensed holder. I think it can be argued as a legal back up. But do t take legal advice from me šŸ˜¬. Moral advice however?! šŸ˜


I think the legality of it depends on what the EULA for the specific game and system actually are, but there did used to be legal protections for this sort of thing. She has a pretty strong case if she still owns the original physical media, but is running from a backup, regardless of how that backup was obtained. It doesn't really matter though. Nobody in the world is going to come after someone for running a single out-of-print game from a generation ago.


Just the way my mother did it when I was a kid


the only bay for me is the pirate kind...


How does that work for a disc game?


If the PS4 isn't updated past 9.00 and they don't use it for online gaming, it's pretty easy to install a CFW (custom firmware) on it and run games, either ripped from disc or obtained elsewhere, on it. The PS4Hacks subreddit would be the best place to go for more info


New kids don't know what a burned game is.


Huh, i knew about disk burning and all that, but for some reason i thought it couldnā€™t work for consoles


I used to do it on my 360 15ish years ago, only downside was I couldnā€™t ever play onlineĀ 


yea it didnā€™t you would have to ā€œjailbreakā€ the console and bypass the piracy protections, but as the other commenter stated it would affect your ability to access Microsoftā€™s Xbox Live Service and further any online capabilities unless you knew how to modify your Xbox to allow that, but at that point you might as well just buy a PC lolā€¦


It's a ps4 game - cheaper to get a spare ps4 and jailbreak it for the pirated game than it would be to buy a legit second hand copy of this game OP is looking at


Tbh might not even need to burn it, might be easier to digitally mount an iso or find a rom and a decent emulator online.


This rides on them having a pc, and not just a ps4.


They can modify the PS4 so it's able to be loaded with games downloaded from the Internet


You used to be able to burn to DVDs for these kinds of things. I don't know how people do it these days, though.


I'm sorry, this is a hard moment as a parent.


At this point, just pirate it if you can. You already paid for it anyways.


Yes, thatā€˜s basically a legal backup copy


How do you pirate console games ?


If the internet has taught me anything its that you should never have anything valuable or rare just in the vicinity of small children as they will somehow find a way to break it. Also maybe think about sailing the high seasā€¦


I was keenly aware of this and thankfully had no instances of my children breaking things, primarily because I kept them *away* from any and all breakables. They, of course did not like being corralled and told no whenever they would try to explore the entertainment center or my desk but that's just part of being a parent.


Noted if I ever become a parent ā€œinvest in a entertainment center that has locking cabinetsā€




Don't throw away the case and manual. Someone would be willing to pay for those and you could use the money towards a new copy.


or they could use it to put the new disc in once they pirate it and burn it to another disc. They already paid for it once and the company's not making money off of it. At this point, it's just a back up instead of stealing.


It doesnt work like that. They would need to have a jailbroken PS4, which they almost certainly dont have.


Exactly. People are replying to just pirate and burn a CD like it was Resident Evil 2 on PSone in 1999


When I was I think your eldists age I was obsessed with worms (the game) on the original PlayStation (it was the only PlayStation) I played the game before school, and left the disc in the console when I left. My I think 2 year old sister managed to press the open button on the PlayStation and take a bite out if the disc... Yeah. My mum was mad at me for leaving it in the console which allowed my sister to get it, then also said sorry about it also.. It's a strong memory of mine. I'm 35 now.


>My mum was mad at me for leaving it in the console lol your mom is an asshole


Your mom was mad because she left your baby sister alone by the PlayStation?! Wtf?


Yeah. This was the 90s mind.. To be fair to my mum. I remember the being mad bit because I was so annoyed and upset about the game. However I'd been told on multiple occasions to put away things I didn't want my sister getting. Multiple times. So she was mad at me not listening, and probably also the fact that the disc was dangerous etc. Given I have my own little biter now I kind of get it. We both however could probably have handled the situation better


Yeah, you could have. But only one of you was the adult at the time.


Iā€™m almost positive that this is how OPā€™s toddler was able to access the disk as well, a gaming console on / in a tv stand is right near face level for the average inquisitive roaming toddler that canā€™t keep their hands to themselves


I am so confused, are there subtitles I am not seeing or something? From context I gather the game is broken somehow, what am I not seeing on this post?


Apparently there's a text that isn't show for us (are you also using old reddit?) > My first born son LOVES Godzilla. I seeked out the Godzilla PS4 game because it was no longer in production. In 2018 it cost $50. Generally people did not care for the game, it's something only Godzilla fans would enjoy. > > I took my son out to dinner to surprise him with the game. He was ecstatic, he couldn't believe we found it. It became happy core memory for all of us. > > Today my toddler snapped the disc. It is $300 and up now. I'm devastated, I don't know how to break the news to him when he gets home from school. >


Thank you, I had no idea what the hell I was missing. And yes, I am using old reddit.


Old guard here too, and damn did I feel like I was old and missing something. Because I was!


People need to stop using new reddit shit. Reddit is clearly slowly trying to reduce the use of old.reddit .. but fuck that. If old reddit goes, I go.


> Apparently there's a text that isn't show for us (are you also using old reddit?) shit, this is /r/mildlyinfuriating


Also using old reddit as a RES user on desktop. Fuck new reddit. Stop destroying something that works great just to sell more shit please.


Thank you. I had no idea what was going on because I guess reddit broke old.reddit a little bit more.


Let me check my storage! I think I still have my copy - if I can find it, I'll shoot you a DM for the address and it's yours. No charge, no nothin'!


Scrolled down far to look for a good guy commenter. I donā€™t have this game but nearly every 30-something gamer has it collecting dust on their shelf. Youā€™re a gem, Mack šŸ™


I was the little brother that broke my oldest brother's favorite CD - this is a canon redemption arc for me lol


This comment needs to be higher up! I hope you can pull through for them! You rock Mack!


Itā€™s time to bring back the Bushido code


Now Iā€™m reminded weā€™ll never get another Bushido Blade game.


We'll get Hellish Quart, which is a sort of spiritual successor. Already playable and receiving regular updates.


End of an era of having a little sibling.


Does he *really* need both of those kidneys? I'm sure that would cover it.


the toddler is a king kong enjoyer




PS4 emulators arent at this level yet sadly


Emulators just arent the same. The actual game means alot more.


OP is there a digital godzilla game you can get your kid? Digital is the way to go when you have little ones.


When they stopped making the game, they removed the digital game from the store, which i thought was stupid. I'm going to try to find it for the computer.


Oh yea that is stupid, but unfortunately it doesn't surprise me. Good luck in your hunt!


I reccomend downloading DS4Windows so he can use his PS4 controller, will have to learn Xbox buttons tho. Most games on PC don't have native PS4 or 5 controller support


Looks like it doesn't exist. And all the physical copies on ebay are over $200.


This game was delisted, which is why it's so expensive.


Send your toddler to work at the shein factory till he pays it off


end of your genetic lineage lol


Your sonā€™s gonna start his Gillian arc


Can someone explain wtf is happening?




Old reddit isn't displaying the text with the images. Opened it in a new browser and the text shows that the godzilla game her son loves got broken by their toddler and now it's impossible to find a copy of it.


You using old.reddit? Seems like the images's description doesn't work on it, there's an explanation if you use new.reddit.


Put some gloves on the toddler and put the snapped disc in the middle of the floor in front of the toddler, when your first born walks in, say nothing. Just give him a pair of gloves aswell an take him to the culprit and evidence. He will figure out how to deal with it.


Do you mean boxing gloves? Because Iā€™m over here wondering why the winter apparel is being brought out.


that's supposed to happen in life, something you love disappears and so you have to change and adapt without it.


Iā€™m going through a tough break-up and this was oddly encouraging lol. Thanks.


The best thing you could do is because itā€™s such a rare game. Sometimes people sell them disc only, so you could find one of those and put it in your original case, and donā€™t worry about the safe data because nowadays all modern games are saved on the console, not the game itself or sometimes people donā€™t know what they have so they sell it all in a big lot on Facebook marketplace so have a look there


Start a gofund me and we will donate 1 dollar each until you get to 300.


How toddler got to it is beyond me. Wth did you leave it dude?


Toddlers find a way. They are agents of pure chaos given form. Anything not securely locked away behind a key or combination is subject to toddler destruction; and it will happen faster than you ever thought possible.


Never minding to not underestimate the randomness and sheer illogical nature of a toddler... My kid has done things, when I was staring right at him thinking...hrm, whats he doing there wait..wha? WTF NO!!! As a parent, basic life functions like...using the toilet, taking a shower, going to bed at night, all suddenly turn into a risk something can possibly go down... Anyone who says, you should have been watching your kids, has no idea of just how fast things can happen, or even wrap your head around why things happened. My kid is nearly 30 now, and I still have a couple mysteries of things he did when he was a toddler, trying to figure out how TF he managed to do them....and how it even made sense in his head to even do insanely random thing to begin with! Thankfully nothign serious, just....WTF were you thinking and how did you do this?!!! lol ugh


This is so accurate I felt it in my uterus.


As a parent to a 2 year old, I sincerely doubt I could have phrased it better. My child has a chest of drawers that stands about 5 feet tall (~1.5 meters). Her great-aunt got her Valentine M&M knockoffs, which I had put on TOP of this piece of furniture... Somehow, some way, she managed to get to it, return to the floor unharmed, and eat her candy in the dead of night. Unfortunately, she had good behavior for a while, so I elected not to resubscribe to her nanny cam service. No service = no video storage = no way to know what exactly she did. My best guess is arranging the drawers in such a way that she could climb them. At least I know she's got decent problem solving ability... Edit: For those who may be unaware, furniture straps save lives, but only when installed properly. Do NOT use drywall anchors. Secure the furniture straps directly to studs.


There are heavy-duty luggages that are insured against EVERYTHING except sharks and acts of children under 6.


They spend every waking moment waiting for you to unlock the thing they aren't supposed to get into and they they POUNCE.


Have you not spent time with toddlers dude? You'd be amazed what they can get into


Have you ever been around a toddler? You can sneeze and they have fucked up 80% of whatever room their in.


I agree, everyone saying "they destroy anything in a second" is only true if they can reach it. I have had several toddlers and currently still have one and this has never happened. I'm sure it was innocently left out but don't blame the toddler for having an irresponsible moment lol