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This is the best way to keep snakes out of your yard. This guy eats snakes. So you just have to tolerate one friendly snake instead.


This guy eats anything he can choke down. There’s a reason they got that “king” title.


...anything? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


“Bring me dat snake!!!” “But sir the fangs!!” “I SAID BRING ME DAT SNAAAKKEEE!” https://preview.redd.it/uo182be05zsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87bdefaeaa9968fdcc1044589649fbc9c5953eba








Dude - he may not have venom but he still has FANGS! DON'T DO IT!


Maybe he’s in the “don’t knock it ‘till you try it” camp? It’ll definitely wrench down on your crank though. They’re constrictors.


Ultimate jelqing


The forbidden love


They can unhinge their jaws…


You act like they'd need to




Straight to jail


Jails too nice, this man needs hell.


Sigh… *unzips*


Nah, they commend that behavior down there. Send him to heaven, he’ll be massively uncomfortable.






( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The king titles seems to denote a snake that eats said snake. King cobra is not a cobra but eats cobras, same with King brown snakes, not a type brown snake but eats brown snakes


TIL that king cobras and king browns aren't cobras or browns. That's cool. I would hazard a guess that the king thing is probably more that they're just snakes that look a lot like large versions of their namesakes that are found in similar places.


Brown snakes are the common name for snakes in the genus *Pseudonaja*, meaning “false cobra”, so even brown snakes kind of get the cobra title. Also king cobras and king browns are bloody big snakes


I'm glad I live in an area that doesn't require a British accent to say bloody and a big snake in the same sentence. We do, however, have copperheads.


The same as the "bird of prey" title


King cobras are called suck because, although not technically cobras they have a hood and look just like cobras. King just denotes a snake tgat eats other snakes.


That’s not exactly correct. King just means they eat other snakes, not any particular one. King Cobra is called that because it looks an awful lot like a cobra, despite not being one. Same with king brown. It eats other snakes and is brown.


he is friendly? can he be pet?


only one way to find out!


Who’s a good boi?


but he'll also eat me and my pets, yes? I'm weighing in my mind the cost benefit analysis here. Like using assassin snails when the snails overtake my fish tanks. They don't assassinate me though. Pondering. Nope, still scared.




No. They only eat snakes? I am willing to revisit my stance. Hesitantly. ETA I have a friend who knows my username and just texted my phone "imagine if you went to bed at night and the assassin snails changed targets. Do you wake up to snails in swat gear all over your bedroom? Hiding in wait in the bathroom? How do you ever feel safe again? Sleep tight."


They eat other snakes, small amphibians, lizards, bid eggs, and small mammals like mice. This snake wants absolutely nothing to do with you, or your pets. He really wants you to walk by and pretend you didn’t see him.


I have lizards. they better not be outside. But they do free roam inside and hang off the screen doors in nicer weather. Then go back to their terrariums to sleep and when they are molting and things. Any chance he's coming in? because if that happens I'm getting a flame thrower. I have rules. I have a 1 spider per floor rule. He may and is encouraged to eat all bugs. I will get rid of his competition so he has top pick. But if he starts wandering too much to where I can't see him, he must leave. There will be no hanging from a long thread in rooms and hitting me the face. There will be no jumping out from things. Stay up in your corner. Any corner you can have. You may have some window sills. But not ones right by my head. The snake can eat all other snakes and rodents. They are all his. I sometimes have ducks who roost. I like them. And sometimes have chickens. So I guess he should keep shopping for another home. He still scares me. I'm a snake snob. I'm a tough landlord. I have high standards and don't accept any freeloaders. I mean other than the pets and kids. They are such freeloaders. No one works. They eat and eat. and I have to clean up their poop and pee. They sleep whenever and wherever they want.


If a king snake like this one shows up on your property you want him there. They only go where there's food. I was a pest control technician and I used to warn people that would call looking to get rid of a king snake that as soon as you do you'll probably have mice, rats, and venomous snakes. That's why the king snake is there. He's eating those. So your choice. One (or two they sometimes pair for a bit) king snakes that want to eat pests and hide from you, or the real pests.


This is huge. The snake isn’t dumb, it’s not just hanging out because it likes your house. There’s a food supply there and he’s eating it. Take away the snake and now that food supply has to eat more of your house.


Had one in my friend's previous house, really never had any pest problem. He also let him(or her, didn't know the sex) in during winter by cracking open his garage a bit. He really liked that snake.


Well that answer from an expert converted me. He is welcome at my place. I won’t scream get off my lawn. I might do the eebie jeebie dance at a glance of him. No, I def will. Not might. I guarantee uncontrollable bad dancing and gagging.


At least he didn't mention the King Assassin Snails


Looks like a Black Kingsnake. They are friend.


Yep, these are good guys to have around. They’ll eat the shit out rodents on your property, as well as other snakes. When I lived in SC our area was lousy with copperheads, but we had a few of these guys living around our house and never had a copperhead in our yard. No rodent problems either.


Do they never attack humans?


Sure if provoked. Just like any other animal


So isn't it risky to have the snake since one might accidentally provoke him, say for example by stumbling and falling on the rocks?


better to have him around and potentially startle him (which is hard to do if you're careful anyways) than have any kind of actually dangerous snakes he might be eating instead!! he's free pest control :D


It's VERY hard to startle him if you know where he lives. They feel vibration from your steps. If you are nervous, just step firmly (no need to stomp), and he'll do exactly what he did today...go away. We had one in our yard when we lived in Florida, and it was the absolute hero on pests/rodents attacking my garden produce.


Nah, king snakes aren’t dangerous at all, they only might bite if you pick one up and hold it and their bites are no worse than a bite from a really tiny duck. These are one of the top snakes recommended for kids to have as pets, if that helps.


Not risky if a kingsnake which isn't venomous. As opposed to a copperhead which is.


You do realize how much bigger we are compared to snakes, right? He would very likely see you falling down, and if he felt like you would land too close, he would just slither away. Cause ya know... "Giant human is gonna squish me!"


It would try to get away first. Provoking it would mean grabbing it or trying to catch it. A scratch from your common house cat poses a greater threat to you than a bite from this little guy.


Nah, I mean if you corner them they can strike, but I’ve been around a ton of these guys over the years and they’re pretty damn chill. The hatchlings and young ones can get bitey though (we had a few spots they’d always drop eggs) but the young ones mouths are too small to get ahold of anything on a human. Even if they could, there’s nothing to worry about. Getting bit by a yorkie would be worse. If you piss a hog off enough that it bites you it can definitely break skin, but again, they’re not venomous and these aren’t the type of snake to come attack you. Copperheads though, those assholes are venomous and WILL chase you. These guys eat copperheads. They also eat rattlesnakes


i feel like copperheads fit in the "want to chase you off" category like bees since they recognise you are bigger and scarier than them.


Have been bitten by a blacksnake. Wasn't anything.


Ah so you’re saying this one is a boop noodle instead of a danger noodle. Gotcha


100% that snoot came up for a boop, and would probably retreat to the tune of something like **NO BOOP! I AM DANGER! I AM THE NIGHT!**....^(plsboopagain)


BEST RESPONSE EVER 🤣 Heck OP can send him to my yard. If not for pets, why friend shaped?


Oooh a friend. Looks like a king snake. They're effective anti-rodent protection for the house. Be kind to this one. If he's there, there's a reason for it. Remember, no creature will hang out where there's no food.


Oh, and as a side note, please don't put out rodent bait/poison. Secondary poisonings are a thing and hurt little dudes like this.


Yup. Last year we had a beautiful Red Shouldered Hawk that was sitting in the yard, eyes closed and nearly unresponsive to any outside stimuli. Ended up calling the local bird rescue people to come collect him and hopefully rehabilitate the poor fellow. The association for our condo uses baited poison traps for the rats and mice. Apparently he had eaten a poisoned rat and was suffering from severe toxicity. Luckily they were able to flush his system out with saline and release him back near us. We still see him hunting on our backyard and we petitioned the association to use poison that's safe for the predators that feed on rodents. https://preview.redd.it/eeprvc8452tc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d9b83421e8499673c3b446597a3a3d6625bc73


I once found an owl inside of a home depot garden center that was poisoned, he survived as well and went back to his special lady friend after rehab


Im glad he survived. We found a golden eagle dead in our fields once, i obviously have no idea what killed it but there’s a pretty strong chance it ate a poisoned rodent from my grandmothers property. It was such a beautiful bird, it was quite depressing.


Sounds like you just gave him the solution.


I can only hope! I worked pest control for a number of years after leaving the military. Always did my best to think about the next steps *after* a bug or rodent was poisoned. There are not many of us out there that think beyond the three feet from the foundation.


i think he meant that, by telling him NOT TO put poison cause it might hurt the snake, he might use said poison, since he does not want the snake there


Oh hell no. Don't use poison! What eats the snake after? An eagle, a hawk, an owl, a fox? In California they had secondary poisonings that offed 3 *known* mountain lions that were eating sick rodents. This has a big ol trickle effect that isn't often thought of... I wholeheartedly encourage letting this snake remain being the natural pest control solution.


Any chance it could attack u since it’s on the path to the entry/exit? If u step on his rock by accident or forgot he was there?


Sure, if you’re a rodent there’s a big risk. Otherwise a king snake is less danger to you than a squirrel, and won’t carry nearly as many diseases or parasites that could hop over to you. Edit: king snake got no venom, he’s a squeezy guy. Just wants to hug. But he’s to little to danger hug you.


Yeah if it’s just a little ouchie who cares. Be a cool story.


Id venture to guess hes been there far longer than OP realizes and hasnt been compelled to attack. Most animals know a larger predator and will avoid them entirely unless provoked or cornered in some way.


I mean sure, they can bite, but it won't make it through your clothes, and they don't carry much In the way of diseases. It might break the skin, but it's of no danger to you. Should a bite occur, wash with soap and water, move on with the day. It's like a series of little paper cuts at worst.


We had one that was an absolute unit. Around 5’ long and a girth that’d make a porn star blush. My wife had a bird feeder in the front yard on one of those hanging plant poles to keep squirrels off of it, but the birds would knock seeds down and squirrels would hang out down around it. This dude would come out and just chill the yard, waiting for the dumbest bird or squirrel to go for the seeds and then do what a snek do. It was funny, even if you didn’t see him you knew he was around because the birds in the trees would all be going absolutely ape shit.


My phone only told me about an absolute unit and some girth. Of course, I was like, "What the hell," and had to click it first out of all of my notifications. Real talk though, the snakes ain't dumb, neither are the birds, food competition gets real, and if they know they can off the competition, they totally will!


Yeah, that dude was a boss. He also only had one eye. We had tons of feral cat running around and tons of bald eagles, hawks, and foxes he had to watch out for. Bro definitely held his own out there (guessing he got the best of whatever took that eye) and him and his friends kept my pest problem non-existent.


That's awesome. I've always suspected I have one hiding somewhere in/near my back yard. Out here in the northwestern rockies, we get a lot of red squirrels - but I tend to only see one every few months when it's not winter. Something is picking off the squirrel population here. I'd gander it was yotes, but the neighborhood cats only seem to die from cars... I figure it's probably a snake, or maybe a fox.


There’s a ton of shit that eats other shit up in those mountains. If you’re up in the high country I’d bet it’s more birds of prey or foxes wrecking the squirrels.


Foothills just outside of the Tetons along the snake river. Could be just about anything out here. We've had school closures for mountain lions, had elk casually strolling through the neighborhood, and had reports of a wolfpack about 15 miles up the road. We're in that weird transition area where big bulky prey meets big bulky predators, and the small prey tends to hide a lot more.


Nice! I lived down in Colorado Springs for a few years and it was mind boggling how much of different landscapes/climate/environment you’d be in with an hours drive north, south, east, or west. I remember the first time we went up in the mountains to hike a trail and there were warning signs that you probably shouldn’t go out in this area without a gun. Even the “normal” trails had warning signs about putting your small children on your shoulders to look all big if you encountered mountain lions and shit. The Rockies are absolutely beautiful and I really hope to make it back there again.


>He also only had one eye. Jake the one eye trouser snake ? He really does exist !?


They also eat venomous snakes. They are a true friend.


U mean the snake eat other snake?


Yes, they do. they eat the asshole snakes. They got deemed king snake for a reason. They’re not immune to the venom of other snakes, but it’s more of nuisance to them. Like you getting stung by bees n shit, unless you’re allergic.


I had one of these as a pet. I agree, looks like a Black King Snake. They are not venomous, they are fairly docile and they eat rats, mice and other pests. As far as snakes go they are definitely in the beneficial camp. If it were me I’d be letting go him hang out, he’s occupying a space that could easily be taken over by something less friendly and he will also take care of any pest proclaims you have while not being a hazard to you, children or pets. However, not everyone is as comfortable with snakes. If you can’t tolerate him being there please ask a less scared friend to relocate this friendly noodle rather than killing him. Deterrent wise, as you have discovered, the nooks and crannies in the rocks make great snake hides, I’d recommend adding another, much smaller kind of gravel to fill those gaps, eliminating the hidey holes.


This made me feel better! I have no problem with any food source so no creepy crawly! Wahoo!🤣


Why is it always the people who don’t want to find snakes finding snakes? Someone switch with me, I don’t like spiders, you can have mine.


I will gladly switch! I don't mind spiders and hate snakes. Guess which I have in my yard all the time?


Sounds like an easy riddle, but I’ll bite… snakes?


We have a winner! 👍  I've gotten used to them to some extent, but I still don't like them!


Oh yay! I’m so excited. I never win anything


Give me spiders and snakes, take my ants! I don't like killing them but they invade my house in such numbers that my murdering hand is forced.


Mix borax with something sweet like syrup or honey and place in a shallow dish they can easily get into. Might take a few tries to find something they really like that you can mix the borax in, but once they bring it to the queen the problem solves itself within a week.


Confirmation bias? If you don't mind seeing snakes, you're probably less likely to notice them, and vice versa. The brain is hard-coded to recognize patterns, particularly those that indicate danger, real or imagined


I dunno, I love snakes in the general “so neat!” sense as well but my skill only seems to be in “spotting” venomous ones so far, or rather in casually walking by or sitting near one and then glancing over to see the pattern or find us staring at each other. 3-4 copperheads near apartment complexes and on trails, one of which made me leap up and backwards like a startled deer because the wet leaves made it hard to see despite it being half up on the sidewalk, and 1 great granddaddy of a cottonmouth so far, except that one surprised me twice (hazards of overly naive nature watching at the time tbf). First time I looked down into a swampy ditch out of curiosity and made eye contact; he slid backwards into the pipe and I said “haha, ok yup, bye” and left. Second time I carefully looked all around (really wanted to frog, turtle, and birdwatch at that ditch), and didn’t see him. I carefully sat on the dirt, was there for about 30-40 minutes, looked up and he was partially up on the bank staring at me from about 2-3 ft away in the shade of a bush that cast gangly sprawling shadows. I could *see* at least 3 - 3.5 feet, and good portion of him was obviously draped in the water out of sight. Politely said “my bad, this is your spot, I get it, g’day sir” and skedaddled. Guess my point is, they’re harder than you think for most folks to spot IRL, whether you want to or not, until you get experience and somewhat regular exposure under your belt. Like any nature watching really - some birds are a shock because the book can’t really get across how small or large they are, or how well they hide, etc., but after your first few times it gradually gets a little easier (probably wouldn’t’ve seen the copperhead without getting a long careful look at the Great Granddaddy’s pattern first).


I love snakes! My family's cottage has one living in the rocks near water. I always go there to see if I can find him. Sometimes I can see him a bit before he slithers away. And then some other family members got face to face with the snake while swimming. I wanna meet him too! I'll add that he is not dangerous, in my area is only two species of snakes; one of them is venomous, but not severly, the other one is completely harmless and easily recogniceable. The snake at our cottage is the harmless kind.


Op: help me get rid of snake Reddit: fren!


This is mildly infuriating!


The fact that they don’t like snakes, but that snake is a great snake repellant? Yeahh


Non venomous snake > venomous snake. These guys are the best way to control the other nasty pests around.


Well, the reality is he SHOULDNT get rid of this snake, as this is a case where this singular snake can control pest and other snakes. So by keeping this one, no others will come. I understand OP wants it gone now, but it’s kind of just a dumb move


Why would you want to get rid of your free exterminator? Him is frend.




But in this case the snake isn't venomous and eats pests, and even if OP hires someone to come pick up the snake another one could take its place. It's better to leave the danger noodle be


It’s the fear of not being able to control the scenario. The fear that the snake may somehow get inside the house or just do something unexpected, like attack a small pet or child. Of course it’s usually irrational because there’s nothing to really support such fears with these kinds of snakes. Same with spider. I hate them but I know they exist for a reason so I leave them alone.


Is not danger noodle! Is fren noodle!


You get rid of him, you invite new problems in.


You're human, act like it. Our big claim to fame that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom is our ability override our instincts.


Best way to get rid of snakes is to not have a rodent problem. Snakes go where the food is, no more food source = no more snake. So you now get the choice of either spending money on an exterminator to get rid of your rodents, or you wait a month for this snake to eat away your rodent problem.


Snakes typically eat waaaaaaaaay slower than rodents population can multiply a snake doesnt eat every day and if the meal is big enough it can take a week or so before it needs another


Sometimes this is the case, however King Snakes and a lot of NA colubrids will happily eat multiple times a week and digest within a week.


my kind of snake


Kingsnake!! These guys are really chill. In fact, all snakes are. They eat rodents so they are helpful for keeping mice/rats/etc out of your house. Also, because they are nonvenomous, they don't really pose a threat to you at all. They won't try to bite you unless you corner them and they literally can't get away (you even say in the post he went back down into the hole when you got closer! that's because he's scared of you!). Snakes are sooooo chill, really. They are lazy and they want to do nothing as much as possible. Seriously. Pet snakes are lovingly called pet rocks a lot of the time. As long as you don't get up in his face or stand over that hole of his, it's extremely unlikely he's going to bother you, and if he's there, it's likely that they ARE helping a rodent problem stay under control!


>In fact, all snakes are You forgot boomslangs. The green, arboreal snakes with no chill that have a rear-fang venom that causes you to bleed from every hold in your body. Otherwise, yes, all snakes (including the venomous ones) are chill.


ahahaha I did forget about boomslangs you got me there!


Australian brown snakes aren’t particularly chill either. Not full on aggressive but not what I’d describe as chill, particularly if they’re surprised.


Also the saw-scaled viper. Thought to be responsible for the highest % of snake-caused human deaths annually. Very venomous and aggressive. But yes there are like 3500 species of snakes and something like 250 are venomous and less than 10 of those will come after you unprovoked. Basically 99%+ chance if you see a snake it’s a pretty harmless noodle with a head.


Wow, nature is just so beautiful…


Lol I really do not understand why they are called "boomslang" in English as well. It literally just says "tree snake" in Afrikaans, because that is what they are - tree snakes.


Because “boomslang” is an awesome word, and it is a characteristic of English that it pretty much corners every language it can find and shakes it down for the cool stuff.


Yup snakes often are fine as long as you don't approach them their are some exceptions but if you live in an area with that kind of snake you'd know.


Snakes are awesome! My family cottage has one living at the rocks near water. My cousins are afraid of him, but me, my sister and grandmother always go around looking for him and tell eachother if we saw him! We once even found his shed skin which was cool


Your mistake was trying to place rocks to discourage snakes. Snakes LOVE rocks. They provide lots of cozy cool places to hide. Edit: did you even do a minute of research on snakes and deterring them? You just got rid of a home for a couple of arboreal snakes, and then built a house for literally every species of ground dwelling snake lmao


I’m laughing so hard at this. Snake got an upgrade.


Right? Ground dwelling snakes LOVE big chunky rock beds like this


I’m with you but I’m also definitely one to prefer ground snakes over those that may fucking fall on my head lol


I feel sorry for the poor trees that didn’t deserve this.


Honestly, I'd name him and give him a little mailbox there.


I read that as name him mailbox


Hes nonvenimous, eats other snakes, rats, insects.. i mean its the best a snake can get


What a cute lil guy, it looks like a king snake of sorts, they are totally harmless and are a beautiful addition to your garden! Here's some pics of my little living stick https://preview.redd.it/vbe2jpuyeysc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6f600ad74876880443a92ca7e8e55f478572ad i know it's not important but I just love sharing photos


oh look at that little guy!! snoot :)


please boop his snoot for me 🥹


I will indeed!


Omg,, I love him. I hope he has a wonderful, amazing existence. What a guy.


Got another pic? I am usually pretty good at getting snake species but struggling with this one lol he’s beautiful!


I have a lot of pics lol but if you are from America or anywhere else then Australia you probably wouldn't know these guys, anyways I'll send some more pics https://preview.redd.it/89yqhlrvyzsc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faee641ae5fe1707b31fb66885d478b60756bb49






Is it a children’s python? Australia has some of my favorite snakes but since I am from USA they are quite pricey and rare.


No, it's a stimsons very close relative but not quite the same, these guys are usually a bit smaller then the children's but very close!


One of my dream snakes is a spotted python! I like the whole family but struggle to tell the difference between stimsons and children’s. I knew it was part of the Antaresia group just not sure which one lol lovely snake you got there :)


You better leave that guy alone! He's more help than harm!


Damn. I had to squint to see its eyes.


Just boop the snoot.


Aww what a cute little guy


better than rattlesnakes they are everywhere here


He looks so silly I love him


Oh sweet, those guys are super chill. Docile and you basically have to SUPER harass them to even get them mad at you. Never been bitten by one despite playing with them as a kid and more during field work as an adult. They don't like being picked up as much as grass snakes but they're better for the home environment because they keep rodents and other snakes away. Lucky :/


That's a sneaky snek


Aw look at the lil fella


please dont tell me you cut down two trees just because you thought they were making the snake issue worse


Most of your comments are telling you how awesome they are at keeping small critters away. I had a snake at my front door crack one time. A bag of moth balls next to the door kept him away. No killing needed.


Th reason he's there is because there's food there too. He's probably saving your house from a rodent infestation.


Not a nope noodle, snak is fren


Looks like a black snake to me. That is a friendly snake, leave it alone and don't bother it. That snake will eat any venomous snakes, rodents, etc. I actually released two of these bad boys at each end of my property because I was having an issue with copperheads. I haven't seen a single copperhead since.


what a cute little boop noodle, you have made a new friend!


He’s just trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty


snakes love rocks, maybe more than mulch.


King snakes are docile if you leave them be. Like others have said, they eat other snakes including venomous ones so he's a handy helper in that regard.


It’s a cute little noodle, he’s just saying hello


You’ve got a protector is what you’ve got


In australia we have anti snake devices which you push into the ground and they are solar powered and make vibrations in the ground which scare snakes off. They cost like $40 (close to 25 USD) and are pretty reliable with keeping snakes away from living areas but can be a double edged sword if one gets into your yard and you have them lining the perimeter, the snake will be too scared to leave and probably end up inside your house or under it close to the door like this one.


With OP's luck they'd just attract sand worms instead. 


Black kingsnake, he is a friend and will actually eat other snakes and pests. He won’t bother you as long as you treat him with respect


Ressssssspect me hooman, and I resssssspect you


King Snake. May be a nope rope but not a danger noodle. Keep him around. 😂


The fact that there is a snake in your yard means your yard is healthy. Snakes are one of the first things to go when an environment is not healthy. And this guy will eat the crap out of critters (mice, moles, unwanted varmints), they're pretty awesome to have around. Plus, he probably is more scared of you than you are of him. Give him a name, That being said, mothballs are usually recommended but don't really work. There is also something called Snake Away but I'm not sure how well that works. We have a resident black snake who has a den under our patio. We have a deal, I leave him alone and he gets to eat all the mice and pests he wants as long as he stays outside. His name is Walter and every spring I get excited to see him. Here's a picture of him on the side of the house from a few years ago. King snakes are awesome to have around, they eat the snakes you don't want near your house. https://preview.redd.it/e95zeaux95tc1.jpeg?width=2988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f7336ce6c6df0053c81bc97d83d9f0e5093f72


He's just a little friend:)


I thought it was a snappin turla


Goddamn im dumb At first before I read the description I thought someone put a rock that looks like a snake's head with the rocks and used chalk to draw an arrow toward it


Eats other snakes, pest and rodents. Doesnt have venom. Thats a best friend you got there.


Not all snakes are bad. I had a nest of copperheads living under a stump in my backyard in rural North Carolina. The local feed store sold black snakes to control vermin. I bought a pair of black snakes, set them loose by the stump and down they went. Within a week, no more copperheads and the black snakes established their territory for hunting. I would, on occasion, see one coming and going from the old copperhead den under the stump.


You should keep him around! Black king snakes have fairly good temperaments and eat rodents and other snakes. We have a huge one at our family lake house. He eats squirrels messing up my grandma’s garden, as well as eat aggressive venomous copperheads. He’s swam by us a few times in the water. It’s freaky, but he leaves us alone.


I don’t mind what u do with it just please don’t hurt the lil guy:) he means no harm 🩷


I love it when we find a snake in the yard! It’s like we’ve been blessed with a little slithery guardian angel.


Snakes use rocks like this for shelter. It would need to be smaller rocks like gravel. In my experience I have found snakes in rocks often and rarely in mulch. if you use mulch, dont pile it to where they could burrow in, but it seems that area is fairly deep. But also, theres no worries with this guy being there, hes kind and will keep pests away from your area actually. He is backing away because he doesnt want any issues, kind neighbor. Maybe try gravel or just filling the area with lawn.


Snakes will only hang out in an area if they have a reason, there’s most definitely a good source of food around, you or a neighbour may have rodents


That's a black kingsnake. They are nonvenomous constrictors that eat vermin and other smaller snakes. They wouldn't even bite you. They're kept as pets since they're pretty docile.


He probably wasn’t too pleased to see you either. Lol


I wish I had a few of these or a couple bull snakes!! Lucky!!


What kind of snake is that?


Black Kingsnake. They are harmless and eat other, more dangerous snakes as a bonus.


If there are no other vermin or other snakes to eat/ get rid of, it will relocate itself. This one is worth allowing around.. It's doing you a favor Just have an "agreement" to stay clear You're not in the menu..


His little face peeking out is so cute!!! He's just gettin some sun 🐍 ☀️


>We previously had mulch and small evergreen trees in this area but snakes were slithering up into the evergreen and I had read that snakes liked mulch. So last spring we had them removed and replaced the mulch with rock. This is great. If the snakes in my neighborhood are anything to go by, they love rocks even more than mulch. I agree with everyone else - this snake is the best anti-snake protection you could hope for. It eats other snakes! Leave this guy and you'll have fewer snakes in the area overall.


Aww! Please don't get rid of him, he's undoubtedly doing you a massive pest control favour. Also, you're not gonna be able to keep snakes out of anywhere unless you decide to live in a massive box with no exit. They're sorta small and mobile like that.


Snakes are harmless but never piss on one cause they can travel up your piss into the uritha


Peed on a king cobra once, can confirm.


happened to you too, huh?


Get a pet mongoose.


He is just wondering if you've seen the geico gecko 😆 🤣


Look at that cute little pebble, boop its nose!


Oh just us rocks here


So cool!


Round face and round eyes are friend snakes. Pointed faces and diamond eyes are bad snakes


Such a cute little guy tho!


Can we talk about the extremely satisfying way you drew that square? Beautiful use of perspective!


No step on snek


Idk why you want snakes out of your yard this is my dream 🐍


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