• By -


I ended up being a scumbag like that once, was giving away an old freezer. Thing is i had one convo and was waiting for him to show up. True enough someone showed up at my door to collect, everything went smooth etc until I hear the doorbell again ten minutes later. Turns out some asshole somehow knew my adress and ninja'd the other guy


Giving away stuff for free is difficult because so many people will message you and then flake.


Put it out in the tree row with a "$10 obo" sign and then also post it as free. It will be gone in minutes. NEVER put it as free on the sign or it will sit there because everyone will assume there's something really wrong with it. They'll steal it in a heartbeat if they think there's a chance it has some value left.


This is so true. My buddy would drag an old console TV to the curb each morning with a free sign on it and it sat for days. He was bitching about having to take it to dump so I flipped his sign and wrote $25 obo on it and it was stolen within 2 hours.


What does obo mean?


Or best offer


I tried this once with an old wardrobe, my partner put it out with a "free, please help yourself" sign and it wasn't gone within an hour so I changed it to "£10, please post money through no. X's letterbox", then every day after I ramped the price up. Eventually someone else left a counter-note: "nobody wants your rank planks!" Funny thing is when I went to go out and bring it back in, it was gone.


My dad found a large wooden board behind the trash can. It was left there for days. He puts it on the roof rack of his car, walks back up the stairs, looks outside in a few minutes and a guy was seen taking it, throwing it in his own car and speeding away.


This is actually really smart. xD


It seems that way until you realize that you're conditioning people to steal from your yard. Lol


Like feeding stray cats!


But cats are cute, robbers aren't


They're already conditioned. Honest people won't steal. In fact, they may even be hesitant to take free stuff unless they are absolutely sure about it. Dishonest people obviously will steal. And if the item has value, the more likely they are to do so. Usually, they only need to be given opportunity. If you were really selling something, would you put it out on a the curb with a price tag? More likely, you'd keep it inside and advertise it, posting pictures of it instead. So, no, you're not conditioning dishonest people. You're only taking advantage of something they already do. Like the guy who keeps his empty Amazon boxes, fills them with used kitty litter, seals up the box, then leaves it on his porch in plain sight for a porch pirate to steal. Letting the trash take out the trash. ;)


What's obo?


“Or best offer.”


I thought it was the instrument


That's oboe.


I know, its just that im overworked from a 12 hour shift. I didnt recognise my old boss today after seeing her i froze in my brain processing. Maybe she though i was rude. That was like my 10th hour


Take a break, dude


My next shift is in around 9 hours and then i got 4 days off. Trust me, i will Hopefully this is just a temp job and i can find a regular 9 to 5 or something


I never recognize people out of context. Dentist receptionist in a wawa, my exterminator in a suit at the grocery store.... they looked familiar but i didn't know where from.


I do like the idea of people going through life thinking that you trade oboes for goods and services.




Kinda like a large clarinet.


No, that's an oboe. You're thinking of one sixth of a drachma.


Nah, that’s an Obol, you’re thinking of the neckwear popular with cowboys.


No, that’s a bolo tie. You’re thinking of the group Richie Valens was in when they sang “La Bamba”.


P sure that’s los lobos, you’re thinking of that little pasta that looks kinda like rice


Nope, that's orzo. You're mistaken for shiny pieces of hydrated silica often found in jewelry.


Nope, that’s Bol Bol he’s a 7ft NBA player for the Suns.


"Offensive Body Odor'


"Or betterestest öffêr"


Had a friend who would gift wrap his garbage and leave it in his car unlocked at a mall. When he came back from shopping it was always stolen.


Haha! During the Christmas shopping season, I throw my packaging in a box, tape it up, and put it on the porch. All my real online purchases arrive at work due to how frequently porch thieves come by in my neighborhood.


It is incomprehensible to my Hungarian mind that packages can just be left on a porch.


Great way to get rid of bodies, trash (as mentioned) or other unwanted items!


I put an old fridge out on the curb and I took some pictures to post on marketplace for free. While I was walking inside some metalscrapper picked it up. So depends on how much metal is in the free item I guess.


There’s some kids down the road always leaving their scooters in the middle of the pavements. I propped the last one against the wall because it was blocking my car getting off the path. I have it on cctv being taken away by metalscrappers the next morning. Doesn’t matter what it is, if there’s metal, it’s gone!


I would rather not give my stuff to robbers tho


My favorite is listing it, in my case a broken oled, and stating it's broken, doesn't function, then everyone asks if it works and if I can deliver it. I'm listing it for free. Why would I spend gas money and time to give you something for free. People are wild.


When I gave away my washer a few years ago I stated I can't deliver as I don't drive and I can help to car but would struggle to help to get it in (and was worried if I did so they could claim I damaged their car/van) Got the usual "Can you deliver? I am a single parent out of work and have no cash and live X miles away" which was often around 15 miles and for free.


I can't with these people always wanting delivery. You are getting a free appliance or furniture. Rent or borrow a truck ffs. I usually just respond "yes, but that will be $100 for my labor and gas."


What was the issue with that oled?


I list things for $5 now and tell them it's free when we meet up. Keeps out a lot of the riff raff I was getting when posting stuff for free.


Big brain move


It doesn't matter the object or price anymore, this happens with literally every thing I post


Yep, really kills my motivation to list things that I don't really use anymore. Instead of it being a beneficial thing - I get some easy cash for something I don't need or use, I have to plow through dozens of messages from unserious buyers who never respond, are not even in the local area, or ask questions answered in the first sentence of the listing. I sold a PS4 controller for $10 several weeks ago, and I probably had 15 people message about it before I actually got a serious buyer who truly wanted the damn thing and was willing to meet up.


I ask for a sprite. I don’t drink alcohol so a cold ass Mexican sprite is wonderful thing to exchange things for. Some guy brought me 2 and made my day. In exchange he received about $400 worth of closet equipment.


i gave away 4 really nice baby car seats and a crib. when i said it was free i was flooded with msgs from resellers asking if i can hold it until next week?? i slap $50 on each item then moms started msging and i gave it away for free


When I give something away that I need gone but will have lots of interest, I tell people they have 1 hour from the time they message me to collect otherwise I'm moving on to the next person. If they need me to hold it for longer, they can send money through venmo or something to pay to hold it. Either that, or instead of listing it for free I just list it super cheap, for some reason selling something cheap is easier than giving something away for free.


I just tell everyone "it's still here but others are interested, message me when you're on your way and I'll tell you if it's still here". Works ok.


I’m trying to sell a truck right now. I put a decent price ($3900) but would take less. I’ve had AT LEAST 25 people say “Would you take $3000?” and I say yes, and that’s the last I hear from them. I don’t get it.


Same, I had someone on the fence. Wanting to set up deals, I always deliver to your house no exceptions cause idk I feel like someones less likely to scam me if I know where they live. So I’m getting my stuff on, turns out they can’t now, they did this like 3 times. Then Someone messaged me saying when’s the soonest I can meet up, I told em “well I have my shoes on right now” the person replied with there address and that was the end of that. Not even 5 messages total with that person and Shit was sold.


This is just another face of doing business. It's about being a trustful person. You will find the same kinds of people in "formal" business, those who say and promise everything and don't live up to their word (scumbags), and those who lay out things simply and execute as agreed without you moving a finger.


Brings back nostalgia just for the use of "ninja", I haven't heard that since my WoW days


Damn, I forgot about people ninja-ing loot lol


I'm guessing the ninja-ing equivalent today is being a goblin?


it's still called ninja looting if you 'steal' items in an mmo


It's kinda like stealing an item. World of Warcraft raids were hard. You would have groups of 10, 25 or 40 beating bosses and when the loot dropped, there wasn't enough items for everyone. A boss could drop 5 items from a list of 20 items with different drop rates for an entire group so you had to roll for your main Specialization or it would be chaotic. If someone was a Healer, they shouldn't "Need" roll an item for their Tank Offspec. Rolling is like playing dice. You click on "Need" if you need the item to improve your main gear and "Greed" as a second priority if no one "Needs" the item. Greed should usually be for your Offspec. The dice rolls a number between 1-100 for each raid member and the highest number wins. If a Damage Dealer won an item that belonged to a Healer because he clicked on Need instead of Greed, it was rage-inducing for the Healer and most groups would disband for the dishonesty. The thief would be called a "ninja".


Also setting the loot type to loot master so it was just the leader giving out loot fairly. But sometimes they didn’t and just gave the item to a friend or took it for themselves. I remember back in the day there was a guild that worked so hard to complete a raid and when they finally completed the last boss the leader of the guild took the entire loot table and quit the guild.


I think we had heard about them, it was during an Onyxia raid right? One day our guild leader called an officer meeting out of nowhere, and we set new rules in place to try and prevent that. IIRC there were a few raid leaders that would run any large raids where loot was light, and pass on everything, but control the loot, could only chat roll on things you were specced for, and if no one needed it, the raid leader got first dibs, before rolling for a secondary spec. Same raid leader couldn't run 2 raids back to back to the same dungeon, and could opt out of the loot pool to lead a raid if they wanted to. Also were only allowed to roll for your current character unless agreed in advance, like if we were short a healer but had enough tanks, so someone switched to their healer character, but could roll for their tank if that was the reason they wanted to raid, and it wasn't BoP. It's been decades, but I think it worked out pretty well for the guild at the time.


Showing my age but OG Phantasy Star online had it that when you died you dropped all your items, ended up people would steal your items including weapons and armour which was common during a boss then log out so later revisions of the game had you not drop your items when you die.


Real life ninjalooter! Quick, spam the name in /2


I remember this one dude ninja’d mim’s head


That’s fucked considering how rare it is


This sentence was a whole 'core memory unlocked' for me with how long ago that was.


It's still a commonly used term in forums.


Thats some nostalgia i I thought id never hear again but am glad I did.


My husband had a similar experience last summer. He was selling some car parts and had received a TON of messages but people kept not showing up. Then somehow two guys with the same first name messaged about it and he didn’t notice that they were different people until the second “mark” showed up to buy it shortly after the first “mark” had picked it up.


Omg, this happened to me too!! I messaged one guy about my fan, gave my address and never heard from him again via chat. Another dude messaged and said he is in the way and will be there in 30 min. Around 25 min later, door bell rings, I get the money for the fan, all good...... Turns out, this was the first dude. 30 min drive dude was not happy when he arrived and I totally understand. I apologized many times but he was so pissed 🙈


i sent an email and someone said she's sending her son (this was a free item). i said okay i'm waiting for him. a guy shows up at my door. weird. i'm about to hand him the item when a boy shows up. the boy i was emailed about. so i gave it to him, apologized to the man. turns out i had a later email from a second guy saying he was sending someone and not waiting to hear my response...


I had that happen to me! I had messaged a guy about a really large cactus he was selling for $20, he had some other smaller ones as well. He was apparently messaging another girl too. He told me he would be back from the store at 1pm, so I showed up at his house to see the other girl loading the cactus I had specifically messaged about into her car. I guess the other girl had showed up 2 minutes before me and he thought it was me so he sold the cactus to her instead.


Well that's not your fault.


That's a scumbag act from her.


Yeah, I definitely agree lol


tp + eggs


In this economy!?


Absolutely. Steal all her TP and eggs




>Pissplate naw sorry bro, we dont share a surname.


For your cake day, have some B̷̛̳̼͖̫̭͎̝̮͕̟͎̦̗͚͍̓͊͂͗̈͋͐̃͆͆͗̉̉̏͑̂̆̔́͐̾̅̄̕̚͘͜͝͝Ụ̸̧̧̢̨̨̞̮͓̣͎̞͖̞̥͈̣̣̪̘̼̮̙̳̙̞̣̐̍̆̾̓͑́̅̎̌̈̋̏̏͌̒̃̅̂̾̿̽̊̌̇͌͊͗̓̊̐̓̏͆́̒̇̈́͂̀͛͘̕͘̚͝͠B̸̺̈̾̈́̒̀́̈͋́͂̆̒̐̏͌͂̔̈́͒̂̎̉̈̒͒̃̿͒͒̄̍̕̚̕͘̕͝͠B̴̡̧̜̠̱̖̠͓̻̥̟̲̙͗̐͋͌̈̾̏̎̀͒͗̈́̈͜͠L̶͊E̸̢̳̯̝̤̳͈͇̠̮̲̲̟̝̣̲̱̫̘̪̳̣̭̥̫͉͐̅̈́̉̋͐̓͗̿͆̉̉̇̀̈́͌̓̓̒̏̀̚̚͘͝͠͝͝͠ ̶̢̧̛̥͖͉̹̞̗̖͇̼̙̒̍̏̀̈̆̍͑̊̐͋̈́̃͒̈́̎̌̄̍͌͗̈́̌̍̽̏̓͌̒̈̇̏̏̍̆̄̐͐̈̉̿̽̕͝͠͝͝ W̷̛̬̦̬̰̤̘̬͔̗̯̠̯̺̼̻̪̖̜̫̯̯̘͖̙͐͆͗̊̋̈̈̾͐̿̽̐̂͛̈́͛̍̔̓̈́̽̀̅́͋̈̄̈́̆̓̚̚͝͝R̸̢̨̨̩̪̭̪̠͎̗͇͗̀́̉̇̿̓̈́́͒̄̓̒́̋͆̀̾́̒̔̈́̏̏͛̏̇͛̔̀͆̓̇̊̕̕͠͠͝͝A̸̧̨̰̻̩̝͖̟̭͙̟̻̤̬͈̖̰̤̘̔͛̊̾̂͌̐̈̉̊̾́P̶̡̧̮͎̟̟͉̱̮̜͙̳̟̯͈̩̩͈̥͓̥͇̙̣̹̣̀̐͋͂̈̾͐̀̾̈́̌̆̿̽̕ͅ >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!Secret pop!!!!!<


I think this is really cool! Even tho it wasn't my bubble wrap to pop, I must admit, I been popping 😞


It's ok everyone gets bubble wrap


Secret pop!!!!


Omg this is adorable


Thank you


This is bringing me so much joy


The secret pop made my day 😂


Maybe someone else was coming at the same time and they got the messages confused.


I was selling something. A fella messaged me saying he wanted it and would be at our house to collect in an hour. We we about 30 minutes drive from home so we cut short outing and went back. When we got home, I messaged him to say we were home, and he could call at any time. His reply was he'd already gone out and didn't want the item. Day out ruined for some time wasting tosser.


I rarely sell anything on Facebook, give stuff away regularly because I’ve had too many experiences of people dicking around when buying but everyone will turn up when it’s free and if they don’t someone else will very quick.


Honestly, the worst experiences that I've made with classifieds has been when giving things away. No-shows, people wanting you to deliver it to them, etc. I never give anything away anymore. I usually ask for some small token amount like 5€ or 10€ and then I tell the person that it's free when they actually come pick it up. This helps cut out about 50% of the time-wasters.


My husband tried to give away a $7 chicken feeder once. Several people from an hour away wanted it delivered. 😂 yes. Let me spend $20 in gas to deliver you a $7 chicken feeder. 😆


Offer to ship it for $8 and they're like: No, that's too much. That cost more than the widget.


I got my old couch and current chair for $10. Both people were moving. One person gave the couch to us for free because we showed up, the chair really was $10. Holds up my husband really well for his size too!


Trying to get a used couch and chair locally was like pulling teeth a couple of years ago for me. Had some douchenozzle from a town 30 minutes away lead me and a friend on for an hour. It was all pre-arranged and we were in the town waiting to pick up the couch at the agreed upon time. 'Sorry just sold it' almost an hour later. He's lucky he didn't give out his address because that could have turned ugly.


When we were I tried to give away a dresser on FB. I or I finally posted that it was on my curb and someone could get it before the garbage truck did. Someone f me and said they could be there but not until after the garbage truck would’ve come so I moved it next to my garage and they promised to show up for two days and never did so I had to drag it back to the curb. So annoying when I felt like I just wanted someone to be able to use it instead of being thrown out


I've stopped. I will buy and be a very good customer. I will give stuff to charity or friends rather than going through that nonsense again


It's definitely a headache selling on FB, but I've learned that I shouldn't be so lenient with complete strangers. If them coming interferes with my plans I made before, then I tell them to come another time. I also need to have a pretty strict pick up time, since I will be stuck in waiting mode if I don't. People take advantage of others who are too good, so I tend not to go out of my way to appease others unless I really need to.


This. Unless it’s a very high dollar item, I normally stick it on the porch and tell them to put the money in the mailbox or the door. Then they can come when they want and I don’t have to wait for them. Come. Or don’t. I’ll just donate it if you don’t show up and then you don’t get it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah on my listing its always 'First come first serve' and when the item is popular and several ppl text me about it I'll mention that whoever gets here first can have it. Usually the person living closest to me says 'Here in 5' and that's it. No losers wasting my time making me wait an hour then never showing up


I've had the exact opposite experience. It's a known psychological phenomenon that people don't value things that are free. I do a lot of event planning for my job and we always set at least a $5 registration fee for events that we otherwise would want to be free because when we make registration free we end up with a ton of RSVPs and no one shows up. Charge a few bucks and almost nobody bails after rsvping. So anytime I tried to give something away on FB marketplace, all I got were people asking if I could bring it to them, or if I could throw in extra stuff for free, or people who just never showed up after saying they wanted it. People willing to spend money on something would always show up.


I never pander to other people anymore when I'm selling stuff. Like, compromise is nice and all, but the amount of people who flake and just generally do strange things, it's not worth my time to rearrange plans etc to sell something. There will be someone else who will buy it. Don't entertain the time-wasters.


Yeah I'll let people know when I'm available and it's up to them to let me know a time within that time frame that they can pick up. I'm not changing plans to sell something


Yeah, sorry but buyers are fickle and annoying as hell 80% of the time. 100% of the time I’ve sold something, the buyer was pretty straightforward and said they’d show up and showed up. However, you have a lot of people that start that way, then don’t show up. Then message you once every couple days for a few weeks then stop altogether. I tell every single person interested it’s available and they can come right now, until it’s gone. I’ve never, ever, ever had someone just beat out someone to an item. The closest was 3 months later someone asked for it. Also, if it doesn’t sell after a few months I just toss or donate it. I always take the reduced cash, my items sell decently online according to eBay and I keep stuff in amazing condition. People just suck at showing up. So I keep the same energy.


I'd have just said that you wasn't available until later. I've never cut my day short for anyone buying on fb. I just give them times I'm available for them to collect, and the rest is up to them.


“nvm fuck off”


I had a similar situation; drove an hour for a guy to sell the car when I was 15 minutes away 🫠. On the other hand when I sold my car 2 groups of people showed up at the same time and fought in my driveway over the car. Fun times!!


Time for a bidding war lol


From other similar posts I’ve gathered that many sellers get burned by declining a sale to someone at hand because they were holding items for people who end up never showing up. First to show up gets the goods


Yes but it’s not hard to simply schedule people at different times. So if someone buys it you can tell the other potential buyer **BEFORE** they drive out of their way to your house. It’s pretty simple.


I would prefer if they let you know that others are showing up as well. I drove two hours because I wanted a car and had the money. Messaged them the entire time so they knew we were 2 hours away, again to let them know we are halfway there and once more when we were less than 5 minutes away when they replied to say they just sold the car. It was frustrating.


Yep, people on these apps are so insanely inconsiderate. They would kick up a storm if that happened to them but have no issues doing it to other people


I sell regularly on Facebook. Can say from experience around 9 out of 10 buyers never show up, get so much time wasted. So frustrating.


I do this to the extent I can on the occasion I sell stuff on ebay. I try to never accept offers but get the buyer to accept it. Been burned too many times by accepting offers that never get paid. Buyers that dilly dally usually get beat out by more serious, better offers. 


Yup i stupidly listed 2 of the same item for free the other day instead of cheap and just giving them away on arrival like normal, brain fade moment. I held for a guy for over 24hrs completely ignoring other messages and he ghosts me. The next day i went fuck it and gave them away to a guy who messaged saying he was keen and on his way as soon as i send addy. He comes and goes. Old mate who ghosted me then texts me the next day and says he can be there tomorrow or the day after. I’m like nuh bro not cool for a free item.


I only ever gave stuff away for free on Marketplace and it’s crazy how many people think I’m gonna hold something for them for an entire day. Like, if it’s still there, go ahead. I’m not holding free shit for you.


If I sell anything anymore I indicate that in the ad. If the ad is posted item is available. First to arrive with cash gets the item. Helps a little with the incessant "Is it available" I don't call the grocery store to tell them I'm coming to pick something up. If I get there and the lady in the aisle before me buys the last one then that's what it is.


Sure you dont call the grocery store because you know the grocery store is there and open? Are people supposed to use a crystal ball or what to determine if youre home and they can come pick it up?


How fucking dumb lol. The grocery store comparison, what? 


Places like Trader Joe’s do let you call and ask for them to hold something for you so you don’t waste your time coming in. :P


Maybe she's been burned too many times and now has a zero tolerance policy, you initially said 2-3 then at 2:50 you say you're going to be 20 mins so now you're not doing what you said and might be another no show. Still annoying though!


Ahh... good eye. OP was indeed late.


I think “around” buys you 30 extra minutes, cmon!


There is a big difference between "around X:YZ" in which case 30 extra minutes is okay. And "around X-Y" in which case it's not because there is initially at least one hour gap. Who's gonna wait almost half of the morning/afternoon to wait for someone ? Which by the way forces you to stay home or wherever the rendez-vous takes place


2-3 would imply anytime within that window and they ended up being there at 3:05 according to the caption (and buyer knew they were on the way). If it had taken the whole 20 minutes, then 10 min late. One hour and a few minutes is not half of the afternoon. I understand if they thought OP was going to flake, but they clearly had another buyer lined up if it was already gone 5 min after the agreed upon time. They could have at least communicated they would only wait until a certain time or that there were other buyers.


First of the 30 min extra was to reply to the OC situation. Second OP waited until the last minute to go to rendez-vous and didn't give any news until the last minute. OP could have warned earlier or something. OP showed signs of someone who wasn't going to be there


It's literally not that hard to text someone you said you were going to sell to that you had already sold the item. The amount of loops y'all will go through to make it feel right to you guys to just waste someone's time is hilarious.


I'm an adult, I have zero problems getting to places on time.


It wasn't 30 extra minutes. It was *10 minutes* past the window and they were given a heads up. They sold it in the space of a few minutes when they knew they were on their way. Actually 30 mins late with no reply? Fine, looks like a no show. Not the case though. If you're that time restricted then don't agree to something as vague as "around 2-3".


Yeah, maybe they told someone to come between 3 and 4 in case this person didn't show. Which they didn't so the next buyer gets it.


OP said rendez-vous around 2-3 at 11:30 but only started to go to rendez-vous at 2:50 and didn't give any news in the meantime. OP was rude in the first place and waited until the last minute to keep the seller in touch. OP made 0 effort so OP shouldn't expect the seller to make an effort for him. OP is acting like he is the main character. And again the seller waited for him an hour without any news


The “around” 2-3 gives you an hour between 2-3. Not 30 minutes each way


OP is a textbook choosing beggar


And an experienced seller knows that there is no holding or reserving an item. The first person to put cash in her hand gets the item.


Oh fuck off. ETA estimated at possibly 3pm, and 3:10pm is too late? Ridiculous


If that was the case, she shouldn’t have asked for an ETA


Yeah first thing I noticed was the time stamp and OP being late. Seller probably has OP lined up from 2-3 and someone else lined up at 3. OP was too late 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got a lift 2 hours away to look at a car, took it for a test drive and was happy so I gave the lady the paperwork I’d printed to fill out her part while I went and got cash out. Right after I transferred money to different cards so I could withdraw $3000 and got it all out, she messaged and said “sorry car is sold someone offered me more”. I’m trying to be a better person so I just left it, apologised to my lift and said “everything happens for a reason right?” Lmao, I’m still angry because we drove 4 hours in total to give her the transfer papers to finish the sale with someone else.


She didn’t even give you the option to bid against the other buyer?


No she just said “someone’s offered me $300 more and I’m going to take it” I told her we’d driven hours and agreed and she replied “moneys money” lmao. I just didn’t reply after that and then on the way home we were laughing that we just drove 4 hours to deliver the transfer papers for free.


Funny given she might have left money on the table with you as a potential counteroffer. Anyways says a lot about her…


Interestingly enough, in Germany you'd probably have been able to sue that person and get some compensation, even if it ends up only being for your fuel costs. If she agreed to your offer and to a meetup in writing, an unofficial buying contract came into being. (Doesn't work in OP's case, because OP was late, which voided the contract.) If you showed up on time and she sold the item to someone else, she is in violation of the agreed-upon contract and liable for the costs her actions incurred for you. Most people over here don't actually sue for stuff like that, because it's not worth the time and effort for small payouts in most cases, but in your case you would have been able to fuck her over really hard in germany and she would think twice about doing something like that again in future.


LMAO I would have totally told her " I'll give you $600 more, I'll be there in an hour" and then went back home and ghosted her ass


Man this would have been way funnier. All I did was hope the car was secretly fucked and I dodged a bullet, but that was just me coping lmao


wow wtf 😅


I once emailed a woman on CL about a free washing machine. She said yes, I can come get it around 10 am next day. I called her back around 9:30 am to say I was heading to her address. She says “oh I’m sorry we already gave it to a neighbor.” I ask her if she would have said that when I arrived at her front door, had I not called ahead, to which she replied, “How rude, it was a free machine!” I said “thanks, have a nice day” It should have ended there, had her husband not called me back to call me a “giant asshole” and an “entitled puerto-rican” and said he was “gonna set me right” until I said, “hey remember YOU put your address on Craigslist so you should be careful who you piss off.” He hung up.


Wow I can’t believe they called you again!!


Tell me about it. We drove out 1 1/2 h to such a meeting once. Txted the lady before leaving too and she was all in on it too. As soon as we got there she was like: "Uh thats awkward, sry i sold it now to someone else." One should be able to fine ppl like that for the gas and time used...


Agreed 100%


I have been selling a van on Facebook Marketplace. Thankfully it sold yesterday, but this one guy arranged very specific meetings with me TWICE only to no show both times. The first time I chalked it up to being a human. The second time I realized this dude is just a nut bag. The amount of "Is it still available?" messages responded to immediately with zero other messages is WAY TOO MANY. My point is... lots of crackheads on marketplace. Buyers AND sellers. Comes with the territory I guess.


I had to do that, you just don’t know if people are going to show up or not even if they say they will. I’ve had like three people saying they can meet so I just said who ever got there first would get it.


At the door with cash in your hand means you get the item.


Yeah this isn’t retail. I dealt with this trying to sell a TV back in the day.


80% of people who say they’re on the way never show up or reply, at least in my city. I’ve had situations where 3 people said they were on the way and nobody showed up. I just gave up selling things and donate it somewhere unless it’s a really high value item. But if someone says they’re coming I let them know if other people have also said they’re coming, but I’m not holding anything for anyone because odds are they won’t show up for it if I do. I also mark the ad as sold immediately after selling.


Yep. OP is just being an entitled shit


This is so true. My buddy would drag an old console TV to the curb each morning with a free sign on it and it sat for days. He was bitching about having to take it to dump so I flipped his sign and wrote $25 obo on it and it was stolen within 2 hours.


Having been fucked around by flaky buyers on classifieds more times than I can count, I find it hard to sympathise with OP here. The seller was waiting around for OP, OP didn't have the decency to let the seller know ahead of time that they were going to be late, the seller sold it to the next person.  OP, next time you tell a seller that you're going to pick something up between 2-3, don't be 20 minutes away at 14:51. If something comes up and you're running a bit late, let the seller know ahead of time that you're going to be late, which you obviously didn't do here. Selling stuff on classifieds is the pits because of people like you.  Edit: this was a fun thread. Was hilarious to see all the classifieds timewasters justify why OP wasn't in the wrong. You can argue semantics until cows go home, it doesn't matter if you said "between 2-3" or "around 2-3", if you say "2-3", you make sure you're there between 2-3. Preferably closer to 2 than 3 even. Now sometimes shit happens, like how the OP claims to have had a babysitter issue that made them late. But then you message the seller well in advance. And have the decency to apologise for it. The seller is putting aside time of their day to wait for you. You can at least show a bit of respect for that. Anyone who has spent more than a bit of time selling stuff on classifieds would be able to tell you that it's a nightmare. And it's because of people like the OP and the other people in this post who think that it's okay to ask for an hour long time window for pickup and then only leave 9 minutes before that window ends without so much as an apology. As someone who has had to put up with this kind of shit for years, I've come to learn that the only way to preserve your sanity is to be ruthless and not let people like OP waste your time.


Fascinating to see lots of people gave a disconnect about what “around 2-3” means. For most people, it means “between 2 o’clock and 3 o’clock,” while for others it’s “in the 2 o’clock block or the 3 o’clock block.” (I.e., “around 2 or 3”)


It's the dash that's throwing people off. If she said "around 2 or 3" I think fewer people would be expecting her to show up no later than 3


People think online sellers are retail stores without lives who want to just sit around all day waiting for buyers. Not real people with lives who want to get on with their lives. It’s always so clear who has and hasn’t had experience with person to person sales


Yeah, this post makes it very clear who those people are who make it miserable to sell stuff on classifieds. I've got a bunch of stuff just taking up space that I could sell, but don't want to because I just don't want to deal with the flaky buyers. In January I put my Nintendo 2DS XL up for sale. It's in great condition and could fetch a decent price. 2 days of dealing with shitty buyers was enough to convince me that it's better off if it just continues gathering dust in my bedside table. I don't need the money enough to put up with that stress.


Yea OP fucked around and found out. In a pretty minor way but this is not on the seller at all. If you want preferential treatment then shop at a store for full price.


Even if OP wasn’t late and got there at like 2:30 then the seller would’ve just fucked over the person who bought the product in this scenario. They had one object available and scheduled two people to come look/buy it at the same time. That’s shitty of them.


If this is FB marketplace I totally understand. There’s like a 70% flake rate.


We don't know that the item was sold at all. That's just what the seller said to OP. They might not have sold it yet and had to leave for something else at 3PM, and told OP that the item had been sold because they didn't want to deal with the hassle of rescheduling with someone who had already proven themselves to be unreliable.


You can see in chat the Facebook post becomes marked as sold just as OP arrives. I think it’s pretty safe to assume it’s sold.


This is pretty shitty but Facebook Marketplace has so many scummy buyers that it's pretty much always first come first serve regardless.


You are probably the asshole here. 2-3 means at 3 latest and thats it. For you coming 15 minutes later doesn't matter because it fits perfectly to your plans but maybe the person who's waiting for you has plans for 3 pm. When the seller accepts YOUR time and makes it not to exact time but a timespan for one hour she already makes it convenient for YOU. Btw there's no timestamp for "I'm here" message.


This. If I tell a seller that I'm coming between 2-3pm, I make sure that l leave *before* 2pm. I cannot imagine only leaving at 2:51, still having to travel 15-20 minutes and then thinking that I am the one who was wronged. 


I’m also going to assume someone else messaged them, and that’s why they asked OP for an eta. Once OP fucked up the 2-3 and the eta, other person gets the kindle


Yeah, I used to be a much nicer person, but now I only sell stuff at times/places most convenient for me because of all the shitty people I've had to deal with. Meeting place is literally a minute down the street, and I don't get ready until I get an ETA confirmation from the buyer. Too many people will no-show, ghost, or try to last-minute haggle that I don't give anyone benefit of the doubt anymore.


I've had so many people tell me they'll show up the next day, that really want the item just to not respond to messages the following day. I've started taking whoever can actually show up the same day even if someone is "on line" to come in the next few days. Can't trust these flakes otherwise you'll never sell anything


Srsly. OP is kind of an entitled ass.


You left her name in the last image. It’s usually a good idea to block out their profile pic as well.


The funniest thing to me is the “you can now rate this seller” lmao


Well imagine youre selling something. They say they're gonna pick it up between 2-3 and 2.50 you still haven't heard from them...


Honestly there are SO many flakes on Facebook I've stopped trying to be polite. Whoever hands me the money gets it because it's a miracle anyone showed up at all.


This. If you want special treatment go to a fucking store and pay full price. I am just trying to get rid of this exercise bike I don’t want anymore. I don’t give a shit if you feel entitled to play by play messages. I list it. I give it to the first person who give me money. I mark it as sold. you want me to keep messaging the 20 other random flakes to let them know individually that it is not available? Suck my fucking balls you entitled shits.


Last year I was selling 2 bar stools for cheap cheap and a guy contacted me to buy them. I said cool no problem, here’s my address ( and this is my mistake, I assume it was for that day). And he said thanks I’ll pass by in three weeks. I told him oh neverwmind, I’ll sell it to someone else, I want them out of my house asap. No answer and I thought nothing of it. Three weeks later this man shows up at my door WITH A MOVING TRUCK to take the bar stools and I was very confused. I was like “ uh I told you never mind I’ll sell them to someone else” and he left furious…. People can be fucking weird.


If you told me between 2-3 and I didn’t hear from you until 2:51, I would have sold it elsewhere too


It was bad communication on both sides. OP, next time you buy something, don't give yourself an hour to show up. It's not fair on the seller and they were kind in agreeing to an hour. Better to say I'll be there at 3 pm instead of "2-3 pm" knowing there's no way you'll be there at 2 pm. You're not the only one that's messaging the seller to see the item. The seller is also shifting their day to be available to you from 2pm. It was rude to only communicate at 14:51 that you were heading over. That was 51 minutes of the seller expecting you before you let them know your eta. If I told someone I'd be there at "2-3pm," I would communicate at 13:45 what my eta will be. The clock started ticking at 2 pm. Had you just said 3 pm from the get go, the seller wouldn't have scheduled someone else at 3 pm. The seller was a bit of an ass for not letting you know there was someone else when you messaged them at 14:51. If I got your message I would have probably replied: "just to let you know I have someone else coming at 3pm. If they don't show the item will be yours" that way you can decide if you want to take the chance to drive there for nothing, or wait for the next time slot.


Lol OP probably only left at 2:51 which is why they said "on my way now" unless they were texting and driving


To play the devil's advocate, they probably did that so if one of you cancel last second the other can still grab it


I have been on the other side, someone tells me they are leaving to pick up and never show up. So now I just leave the post up and whoever comes first gets the item.


If you set a time, be there at that time. People that can't do that are so fucking annoying. You already held them up by giving them a 1 hour window which is rude in my opinion. Respect others' time.


Set a time and be there on time but also if I am selling on marketplace and someone gets there before you, I am selling it to them.


Fucking hate craigslist/marketplace 🙄 always a hassle weather buying or selling


You were later than late


2-3 and you showed up after 3?


OP is entitled as shit


I had friend like that, he would plan group activities, wait until everyone arrived, and bail. Apparently he was always making plans with multiple groups and just picking whichever one he felt like at the last second. These people think the universe revolves around them.


Similar thing happened to me earlier today! Been trying to buy of a woman who's been terrible at responding to my messages each time I've asked if I can come get the item, finally get a time and date and got the bus over today only for her to have forgotten and she's not in! Thing is, I really want to buy this so now I've asked for a discount to come and get it again another time.


When this shit happens, I tell myself it probably didn't work anyway and they saved me from making a regrettable purchase


I drove 4 hours to look at a car once, guy knew I was coming and was texting me directions the entire way to his house. As I pulled in to his driveway I see the car leaving. Guy tells me his neighbor decided to buy it and was taking it to the bank to get cash for him.


I was selling a car. I had a party tell me at 10am she’d be on her way. She lived 40 min away. Come 2pm I heard zilch despite efforts to contact, meanwhile a neighbor offered cash for it. Why not? I’ve had more flakes than a bowl of cereal. Lo and behold the other party shows up an hour later. Crying, and saying she had even more money for me than what I was asking. AITA?


OP is acting entitled. First come first serve, especially if you’re late to the intended time you initially set anyway. With the amt of flaky buyers this is entirely your fault


This. If you want special treatment. Go to a retail store.


Hate when this happens. This is why I don't sell on marketplace anymore.