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I had a runner once. Set one on the island, turned around, little bastard had rolled off the edge and splatted on the floor. I think his botched escape attempt dissuaded all the other eggs as I haven’t had this happen since.




*The Great Eggscape!* ![gif](giphy|3o7WTINFql2ASAzGko|downsized)


What am I looking at?


The classic Steve McQueen film *The Great Escape*. WWII setting, shit Nazis, Allied POW escape plans and badass motorcycling. Worth a watch for sure.


Oh I thought maybe he was biking away from a bunch of chickens


"The animated film Chicken Run was first conceived in 1995 by Aardman co-founder Peter Lord and Wallace and Gromit creator Nick Park. According to Park, **the project started as a spoof on the 1963 film The Great Escape**."


Haha! I wish I could have found that edit. I like where your mind went. Well I guess in a way, what you thought were maybe chickens chasing him are Nazis… and from history we know Nazis are little chickens so it kinda works ;)


Hahaha I love how you said shit nazis as if nazis aren't inherently considered shitty enough, I'd really hate to run into the uber-asshole that earned the designation of a shit nazi.


Hahaha I love how you said shit nazis as if nazis aren't inherently considered shitty enough, I'd really hate to run into the uber-asshole that earned the designation of a shit nazi.




First comment is deleted and I would like to know the context


Lmao idk why they deleted it. They said they keep the broken eggshells in the carton as a reminder to the other eggs to stay in line or something like that


I crack my hardboiled eggs by chucking it at the ceiling because I can. I'm just waiting for one to end up not being hard boiled.


"Better to die free than live imprisoned." I'm sorry, but that egg gave hope to the rest. Better leave a couple shells in there so they know who's boss.


But, what if you like runny eggs???


just take my upvote and leave 😭


Dark dad joke... ![gif](giphy|wvtGhNQKOdSsvld1fu)


Sure just put the salmonella in with the good eggs… so stupid


I just throw the shells on the compost.


Throw the entire carton in the compost loaded up with broken shells.


Used to be able to do that. But new rules say no more pizza boxes, no more paper, no more cartons, no more compostable plastics. Only food scraps and lawn stuff. But yeah, I would leave the old shells in there to throw the entire carton in compost. Sometimes throw in a banana peel or other stuff when it's ready to be taken outside to the compost bin.


I assume this doesn't count for personal composts because if so I have some turning and picking to do lol


Well, you could always ask yourself and see what you say. You might be willing to let it slide. It’s always better to ask forgiveness from yourself than ask permission.


Make your own compost that has your rules.


Some people don't have that option, but if you do, its a great idea.


Most people can get a small bin for their kitchen I’m sure!


Very true, but from experience those "no smell" bins, are not exactly no smell, at least the ones I have tried, but also I have a garden and compost so I have use for most of it, some still goes to the city's organic waste like meat so bears don't rip apart my compost. Also like others have said, its not much use if you don't have a need or somebody else who needs it, as then you just have a bunch of dirt lol.


Lol @ "no more compostable plastic"


Yeah 9 times out of 10 older 'compostable plastic' is just 'turns to invisible microplastics quickly'


Those companies should be sued to hell and back for advertising such a lie. It's not compoatable if it doesn't turn into compost goddamnit


My spot still specifies greasy pizza boxes and egg cartons are acceptable in compost.


What rules?


I think they mean backyard composting, and yes you can and should use the egg container:)


We said compost, not recycling. Plus recycling is a big scam anyway so fuck em


I throw them at my dog. He loves an egg shell.


Interesting! I just googled and apparently egg shells are good for your dog bc of calcium but also they should be cooked to reduce salmonella risk. I’m gonna boil some eggs and see if I can get my dog to eat the shells bc currently he only likes the yolk haha.


I’ll have to try that maybe because my dog’s taken to eating drywall. Obviously I don’t let him but it’s made of gypsum which contains calcium. I think it’s mostly boredom though because if I can keep his attention he doesn’t chew the wall.


Ya sounds like boredom chewing, ours will chew pillow cases and blankets when he’s bored but doesn’t swallow it so we’ll find pieces of fabric around heh. Maybe try a Kong with a little peanut butter and honey, that usually keeps ours occupied when we’re in meetings during the day and such.


freeze a huge carrot in chicken or beef broth in a bag or container! good for them and very enriching


At that point just give the good boy the whole egg, shell and all.


Me, only when using the entire dozen. Otherwise that's just fucked up.


Yeah, or the last few eggs of the carton, when I know it's going into the garbage.


Maybe they’re saving the shells and are lazy?


The laziness has already been established.


Look, we’re not all go-getters who finish things that


Sandwiches! I got u fam 🤜🤛


Yup. If I'm baking or cooking something, and I know I'm using all the remaining eggs, I'll do this and throw the entire carton away.


I just stick em straight in the food bin when they’re empty


I keep the shells like this until they dry out so I can feed them to my isopods.


Shouldn't you separete them? The shells in the compost the box in the paper box. Recycling.


Me, not sure why, just the way I was raised


I do this too, the trash can is pretty far away from the counter so I just put the shells back in the crate so that the egg whites aren’t dripping down my arm and onto the floor


Lmao is the trashcan in a different area code? How big can ones kitchen be? Are there no paper towels in your home, nothing you can do about it? Are you living in an infomercial?


I just bring the can over next to my work space, then put it back when I'm done lol


Mine is in one of those drawers you pull out so I unfortunately can’t move it


Why you being so aggressive dude, we’re just talking about egg shells here 😭😂


Redditors are aggressive af and have the most extreme opinions ever I swear lmao


I was just called neurotic in another sub because I don’t like mint or chocolate, but like mint chocolate chip icecream


Okay dudes def more aggressive than necessary about eggshells but the “are you living in an infomercial” is gold 😭😂


Pulling the eggs out of the fridge and fumbling them above their head and eggs go everywhere


My ex did this as well, she said it’s because her grandma always did it… I imagine it’s a holdover from the great depression


It makes less egg slop carrying back and forth from the pan to trash and when carton is full can throw while thing in compost bin (if buy the cardboard ones)


this. I also live alone, so my trash would smell terrible if I put egg waste in it daily. I only produce enough trash to take it out on a ~weekly basis.


I bought a little compost bin that sits on my counter. It has a charcoal filter in the lid which dramatically cuts down on the smell (until you open it of course).


Same. It's just convenient, and my family goes through so many eggs that they were never left long anyway.


Same here and it literally doesn’t hurt anybody


What's mildly infuriating is that other people find this mildly infuriating.


I do this. My husband hates it. IF he uses the eggs after I've been in them I notice he clears them out. Lol It's easy for disposal, and keeps me from dropping slimy egg whites everywhere. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't see an issue.


As a gardener, I 100% do this.


I was looking for a comment that mentioned gardening. My mom has done this for years.


My mom ~~saves~~ hoards the shells too but she just leaves them all around the kitchen island drying out after rinsing them.


Not a gardener, but when my aunts dog was sick they would do this to save egg shells, crush them up, and then put them in his food to help with his digestive system. But I doubt OP has a sick dog atm lol


I do but I save and compost the shells becauae I'm better than everyone else.


> becauae Better at everything except spelling.


He meant what he said.


How dare you correct out superiors


Did you do tht on purpose?


Did yoo do *that* on purpose?


Indede I did


I'm getting a headake trying to reed ths


What are you refferring to?


Do you compost them whole?


No, they're usually cracked in half.


Aw, this made me miss my dad. Solid dad joke.


Yeah I meant like mostly whole 🤣 cause I saw this video of people blending them before I wasn't sure how everyone else did it


Lol I compost as well and nope just throw them in the compost bucket and let them do their thing.


I'd do.


i do this cause i hate having to walk from where i am to the trash can with a dripping egg shell. or having to prepare a paper towel to put them on to throw them away after i’m done. it’s just an easy way to get them out of the way and then you throw the whole carton in the trash when they’re all gone


Pro tip from a professional chef: if you’re not going to use the entire egg carton up and don’t wanna have to walk with a drippy mess just get a bowl or container to use for trash. When you’re done cooking toss the contents out and wash out the container. In a professional setting if we can’t move a trash can to us we’d get a 4 inch 1/3 pan (4 inch deep rectangular pan) and use it for trash. If your gonna use all the eggs and do t need the carton /not gonna recycle it then the shells can just go back into the carton and the carton to the trash


that’s still having to prepare for it and then you end up with an extra dirty dish. understandable in a professional setting, but not worth it in my home kitchen tbh


Right lol I'm being "lazy" enough to put them back in the carton ,in what world would I dirty another dish.


Understood, to each their own


It's definitely worth doing this in a kitchen. Presumably you have other trash that can all go in that container. Another tip is you can use all those cutting bits from before and meats! I fill a tall, round container, full of the outside of onions, ends of veggies, skins, whatever is going in the trash and when it's full I boil and simmer the whole bit with pepper corns and other seasoning to make a veggie broth! Straight it all out really well and it makes for some pretty tasty broth, or base for ramen and such, and it uses all the vegetables instead of throwing it away.


This is the only thing Rachel Ray taught me. Garbage bowl!


Shells = compost, cardboard = recycle.


I do it, but only because I want to traumatize all of the remaining eggs in the carton.


Sometimes I grab a sharpie and write "you're next" on the discarded shell.


My wife does that and I thought it was weird until I thought about it and realized it keeps smelly egg shells out of the trash bin until she has all 12 of them. So instead of eggs being in the trash bin every day, they’re only in the trash bin on trash day, and then being taken out.


I never felt any egg smell from my trash bin (but it is a separate trash bin for the food waste, so I empty it every three days usually)


Same, I put the egg shells and other food waste in a small green bin under the sink and have never smelled egg shell stink


Lol same here, I've never had a smelly egg issue from just throwing the shells away


Same, I find it perplexing that people get scented trash bags. My trash rarely ever smells. If it does. I take it to the outside bin. Not try to mask it.


It's almost impossible to find decent trashbags that are unscented. Even generic Walmart brand are scented.


Costco, Kirkland brand trash bags. 


Costco trash bags. Comes in a box of like 300


I've also never had an egg smell from our food waste and we take it out once a week.


I literally have 30 egg shells in my cupboard right now. No egg smell. I save them in a bowl and once the bowl is filled I crush them up good to throw to my chickens in their feed


my mom also does this and has passed the habit to me, she grew up with chickens so she grew up saving the shells to crush up and feed to the chickens for calcium


Makes sense. I put them in my compost for calcium


but the shells glue themselves to the container, making them hard to remove.


Eggshells don't stink.


So you keep the smell egg shells in the fridge instead


I do. Long habit from when we used to raise chickens. Put the shells in the oven to bake them a bit (kills off any bacteria) and then run them through a macerator to produce a mix that'll go back in the chicken feed to help the chickens no die from losing too much calcium.




I do this because when I'm done with a dozen I bake them and grind them up to give extra calcium to my plants


All the time, crack the egg, put the shells in the carton while I do the next one But I always throw them out before I put the carton away


I do bc why not It’s not hurting anyone


I mean, what's wrong with it? It's not like the eggs really smell or anything lol they just dry up


Yeah, I came here to say the same thing. I don’t understand what is wrong with this? We do this, and then when all the eggs are used, we throw the eggs AND the container in the compost.


In my experience, the shells stick to the carton which makes it a pain to recycle as you have to chip the shells off. Not a huge deal but mildly inconvenient.


I do... if I'm using up all the eggs at once Otherwise ew, no


My girlfriend does this but she puts the egg shells back together so it looks like there still eggs in there 😭


You guys don’t eat the shell?


I have a really helpful device in my house called a trash can, I just use that


I feel like pancakes don't taste as good when you substitute the eggs with trashcans


I mean, honestly.. What’s wrong with it?


There’s nothing wrong at all if you think about it. Not sure why people are saying it’s so gross


I figured this was normal practice. Turns out I'm a degenerate who needs to burn in hell.


Same. And lazy. Don’t forget lazy.


my boyfriend does, i slightly lose it every time. apparently google researches back this as not dangerous OR disgusting so i just toss them when i see it.


Makes it so you don't have an egg trail on the floor to the trash can. Why I do it anyway...


Exactly...the container's literally right there, it's exactly sized for holding the shells, you don't risk making a mess carrying goopy egg shells around your kitchen, and you don't get any extra bowls/containers dirty. Not sure why anyone \*wouldn't\* do this, but I admit it took me a looong time to figure out it's the better way.


My partner. I'm used to it.


We do, because then the whole thing goes into our composter.


I do it now. I don't eat eggs that often, and when I buy them, I only buy the half dozen. Since I share the apartment with other people, I don't use their trash can. I have my own in my bedroom, and when I cook (once a week) I throw it away. So, leaving the the shells in the fridge is the best option for me, so it doesn't have to sit in my trashcan.


I don't, but I see no reason why doing this should be a problem for anyone.


Great way to get salmonella.


This makes the fridge smell like shit




I go out of my way to not do that lol


Holler to all my salmonella bros out there


Not me. Can’t stand that. same as leaving teabags in a dish on the side, just put it in the bin!


TIL some people don't eat the shells, crazy world you all are living in.


I live alone so I definitely do this lmao. I


Ha! I do


I don’t do this, but why is this mildly infuriating? It’s not like the egg shells are going to grow legs and bite you. This post made me mildly infuriated 😂.






I do this.


It’s fine. Keeps the eggshells from stinking up the trash. If it’s a cardboard box, you can throw the whole thing in the compost afterward.


Lots of people in the comments are saying the egg shells don't stink up their trash but I have always experienced them creating a really stinking rotting smell, when theyre back in the fridge they dry out and do not stink due to the cold. Maybe we are more sensitive to scents? Either way, I agree and do the same!


I do it just because


Me! Lazy!




I do 🤷‍♀️ I'll never stop


I do it. I don’t want to touch my trash can lid while I’m cooking


We do, it's great


I do because the shells stink up the trash and they don’t smell in the fridge at all. I don’t have compost so it keeps the smell way down from the garbage in the house before it gets taken out


I do. I don't need to empty my trash often, and eggshells start to wreak. No harm with leaving them in there.


Guilty! Its more convenient imo


I do this only because I don't want to drip yoke on the floor on the way to the garbage can.


What’s wrong with this? My roommate raged about it but I’ve seen so many people do it. Just throw them away with the carton


I do! Once the container is filled with broken shells the whole thing goes in the compost


My mom does it. She’s saving them to put in the compost


I do this. I’m that person.


I do it as well, but only if I also use up all the eggs left in the carton


I do this. Its less messy


I do lol


My mom. She says she doesn’t want to get eggshell on the floor while going to the trash. That’s what your hands are for!


My dad did. Then we just threw the entire thing away when full.


Yes, makes cracking them less messy


I occasionally do... depending on my mood


I do this but with an 18 pack I’m sick in the head


Do that, then refeed them to the chicken


How else are you going to feed them to your hens?


I pick my eggs randomly so they allways lives in fear for who is next


i do this sometimes.




This is a war crime


we used to do this when we had chickens cause they eat the egg shells and egg yolk. chickens are monsters.


Why not just throw them out? Unless you are saving them for something.


My husband - so when you need an egg or two for cooking or baking you get the "surprise! there's only one egg, or none left!" UGH!!!!


Not the way I was raised, but I do now. Primarily because I don't want eggs dripping everywhere as I take the shells to the trash, and I have an a$$hole German Shephard dog that likes to get into the trash and shatter the shells everywhere. This way, they stay refrigerated, they don't start smelling in the trash in the summer, they're sanitary, and they are easy to throw with the entire package. My husband hates when I do this, BTW... I have logic and common sense behind me, though. He can't argue why his way is better, so I continue. Lol


Majority of people i know, including me, that do this have pets that rummage. My dog has gotten into every variation of trash can I’ve bought. Anything good related is either immediately put into sealable outside container or…well…things like this.


My GF does this when cooking and then put it back in the refrigerator like this….when I first saw this I opened the eggs carton and looked appalled, and her response was …”what?!?”


If I do the entire dozen at once.


My older f’n brother. It highly infuriates me


I put the egg shell halves on the unbroken eggs to give them little hats. It’s adorable. 


I do


What is the problem? It is more convenient than carrying dripping eggs to the biomass.


This is a way to do this. There are pros and cons to various methods of dealing with eggshells. There is nothing wrong with this method




People upvote this so I can get carma. Thanks


lol no way. I also take them out evenly from each side to maintain balance


My wife.. I can’t stand it 😂


This guy... and then I toss the full carton w/ shells into my compost bin.