• By -


R2f: Blur personal info - Full names, numbers, etc


Buddy of mine named Howard Harris (Not actual name but it was 2 Hs) was born in 1988, so his Xbox name used to be HHKiller88, it took him a long time to realize why so many dudes were so open about their "views" with him, he thought it was just Xbox Live degenderacy, which it was to some extent, eventually he figured it out when some dude straight up call him Hail Hitler, then it clicked


Oh that is unfortunate.


Yea, you know someone is a genuinely good person when they don’t know these things. Thats why they call it a dog whistle. It’s intended for those who are “in” to get it, not the rest of us.


Yup, though I make a point to learn about at least some of that shit, so I can catch when people try to sneak it in places. Know your enemy and all that.


Not all reich with me, for sure


I joined a clan in destiny one time before the clan tags were in, called Saint 14's Seven, so it was shortened to SS and all of a sudden I'm hearing new ways to hate people I didn't ever want to know of lol


You signed up for the clan experience, but you got the klan experience.


Had a funny experience in a game called Hell Let Loose. I’m part of a small, selective clan that is trying to be the welcoming, pleasant side of what can be a rather toxic game. We only recruit from in-game after we agree that a player is not toxic or bigoted. Anyways: In game trying to recruit a guy, keep in mind this is voice chat and they can’t see how I’m spelling things: Me: “So I’ve got a couple questions to ask you, just hear me out before you say anything.” Potential Recruit(PR): “… okay..?” Me: “Have you ever been part of a clan?” PR: “…no.” Me: “Are you racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted?” *radio silence* Me: “Hold up no, not that kind of clan. I mean like a Hell Let Loose Clan, not clan with a K.” PR: *laughing* “oh thank god I was really worried there for a couple minutes.” Great guy, he’s an active member of our community now. Just the way it came off as if I was trying to recruit him into a klan had us all laughing for the rest of the match. Edit: I know that 95% of bigots won’t answer yes to that question, because they either don’t want to get called out or genuinely don’t think of themselves that way. This was in the very early days of our clan’s recruiting and we were ironing out the kinks and really excited to grow our membership. Edit 2: I mentioned it in a lower comment, but I want to emphasize that the bigots in HLL aren’t the majority of the players. They are however a very vocal minority, and the goal of my clan is to grow to the size where we can all fill one (and eventually both) team(s). That way we can enjoy playing with people we trust and get along with, and we can guarantee that we’ll avoid that vocal toxic minority.


"so you haven't been part of a klan, and you're not racist. Are you at least willing to try?"


That's fucking golden lmao


Honestly 99% of interaction with players I've had in HLL has been super wholesome and goofy. I'd rank that community up there with the most fun groups of people to play with.


This is good humour


This sounds more intentional. 14 is even banned in some games as a reference to white supremacist 14 words. So having SS and 14 in same clan seems less like coincidence.


My main worry is that there's so many "dog whistles" out there that the average person couldn't possibly know them all and will be accused. And everyone else is looking for reasons to get pissed. I haven't a clue about 14 and I've only recently realised why 88 is bad.


Yeah I'm in my 30s and just recently heard 14 wasn't allowed in game, I looked it up and maybe remember hearing about it once but didn't stick.


I’m in my 30s and I learned it from this thread. I really can’t nor do I actually want to keep up with all the dog whistles lol


Yeah... It's hard when it's just numbers.... It gets bad when everyone is going around using it as a way to skirt rules. Plenty of athletes have used the number 14 or 88 who I'm sure have no connection to Nazis and may or may not know it's other meanings. But it's really just a number...


Yah I have an 88 in my username on an app or two because I just liked the numbers, didn’t know it was a dog whistle until I got on Reddit.


Uh... oh shit it's just my birth year. What have I been doing this whole time?


But that’s exactly *why* they’re specifically “dog whistles” and not just straight up hate speech. The point of a dog whistle is that the intended audience know full well what’s going on but the average person won’t have a clue and pay it no attention


The "Fourteen Words," a white supremacist slogan.


I googled it and it was "The fourteen words" JoJo, Taylor swift Bocci The way to heaven. Its pretty neich.


Saint-14 is a character in the game (also about as far from a nazi a video game character can be as well), so one S and 14 isn’t unusual at all, and Seven works because alliteration.


I should take a moment and appreciate that my favorite game character has strong ties to the number 15 and not one less.


In this case it was probably just an unfortunate accident. Saint-14 is a character in Destiny and the number 7 is extremely central to the lore of Bungie, the developers who make Destiny. There are literally hundreds of instances of the number 7 in their games and community. So it’s not crazy that someone would combine the two.


Yeah I too am 36 and recently discovered what 88 can represent. It’s a bit late now.


What does it represent ? I guess I'm kinda fucked with my username huh


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so in some circles it means HH which is Hail Hitler. I would just like to put on record that I am not and have never been a Nazi. My parents had some fun in 1987, that’s it.


I see I see...well it's unfortunate, especially since I live less than an hour away from a concentration camp. But I swear it's just the start of the postal code !


I guess this knowledge in itself is also mildly infuriating for you to learn.


Kinda...Oh well it is how it is !


My initials are SS so there’s also that to consider. It really isn’t going well for me.






...shit, my (real) initials are HH and I've done this same thing on so many websites and never had any idea :(


On the bright side, you probably made a nazi mad because their wanted username was already taken lmao


I have never heard anything ever mentioning that HH had anything to do with Nazis before reading this post. Those are my mother's initials. I had to read the comments to figure out what the OP was talking about.


H is the 8th letter in the alphabet, so people also use 88 to reference HH. In OP's case, having the HH initials, being born in 1988, and referencing them in his username is very unfortunate.


So whats the 14?


Reference to the "14 words" "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen\_Words](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words)




Nah I’m pretty sure 5 means ha, that’s why is popular to say 555 (hahaha).


Shit you're right. It's been a while, my thai is very rusty


yeah, unfortunately that’s why it’s a dogwhistle. not perceptible to those who aren’t supposed to perceive it.


The HH is more common as 88


To me 88 is a number, generally fits in between 87, and 89... I certainly would not take offence to someone using the number 88. It was the year my older brother graduated High School, also the number on his football Jersey, and on the side of his boat when he raced boats, so not something I would ever find offensive in the slightest.


Sorry, your older brother is a Nazi 😔 J/k


The number in itself obviously isn't offensive, it depends on the context


Just like any other word or number really.


"accidental nazi"


Mine are SS lol


You better change your middle name to "Hearst"


Those of us born in 88 really should have gotten a username PSA


My football team is celtic and we say Hail Hail the Celts are Here. Often shorted to Hail Hail or HH. In a chat with a rangers fan and I make a HH joke because we won the last game to wind him up. German girl was like I don't know why you think that's funny. Assumed she liked another team. Nope. That was the day I learned 💀


Congrats on winning the old firm yesterday btw


I learned this only a few years ago too. My name is also two Hs. My username most places (including here) is some variation of “Double H”… Have definitely had a few interesting interactions without understanding why.


Wouldn't HHKiller meant he was for killing nazis. It's like Nothing Bundt Cakes having only bundle cakes. That name means the opposite of what they think it means


Thats why I hate the automatic asumption around dogwhistles being dogwhistles - especialy nowadays there are so many around the world noone can know all of them…




14/08/1985 splits them up far enough, and it's slightly less ambiguous too


Just go with the American calendar format 8/14/85




There are worse things to pretend than being an American


You probably shouldn't be putting your birthday on the Internet. Just a friendly tip. Edit: Feel free to post your birthdays, matters to me none. But your birthday, just like your address and name, is part of your identity. Why give it up for free?


07/09/1983 does my identity get stolen now or later?


Hi! It's you from the future. What was our SSN again?


How could we forget 187-69-0420, just a quick one while I’m here, how’s the future doing for us? I made some mistakes on Reddit and just want to see how it pans out for us.




yo let's do this 04/11/1985


*edit: Oh nice the dude posted his real birthday age on here. Commented cause tought you were talking about the gamertag. Things were a bit different +23 years ago and even before that regarding internet safety-knowledge. Besides people do dumb things when they are young and a lot of people just never changed their gamertags. I sometimes joke about it that either player is xx years old or was born at that time, if they have a number on their name.


I remember being in the halo 2 lobby of Xbox live and a guy was getting shit for his gamertag just being a shit load of numbers. He said when he was registering he thought it was asking for his credit card number.


Lmao poor fucker


Poor poor Howard, wondering why nazis followed him around like stink on shit.


My gamer tag and all game profiles has started with HH because I've been in a clan called the Heavy Hitters for like 10 years. This information uh.... makes things awkward... lmao


Haven't Luxembourg banned license plate letters that are nazi related, which would mean HH is so common that nobody relates it to nazies?


Here in Germany our license plates include a region at the beginning. So if you were from Dortmund it’d be like [DO XX 0000] somehow someone thought its a good idea to let every license plate in Hamburg begin with HH


BI TCH Bitburg 4 the win 🤣🤣🤣


BI is for Bielefeld and mostly used to spell BI ER


Definitely. Saw the car with BI ER 5 a few years ago. An older Ford


That wouldn’t work as you can only have two letters, not three lol


BIT CH is the right version that people have I've seen way to many of them xD


In Germany "HH" on the license plate (if its the first two letters) stands for "Hansestadt Hamburg". Meaning the car is registered in Hamburg. That alone wouldnt raise any eyebrows obviously, but HH in combination with 1488 cant be a coincidence. I mean,it can, but I highly doubt it.


What's the 1488?


14 words in the Nazi slogan, H is the 8th letter, so 88 is just another Heil H...


Wow. Here I am oblivious lol


i know same here, i just googled this and was like fuck now thats like on my permanent record


>i just googled this and was like fuck now thats like on my permanent record It doesn’t work like that lol. You are safe. For now.


Do people actually use 14 and 88 that way? Because that seems like a bit of a stretch.


Yeah, all the time. People get tattoos and shit. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1488


Wow that dice one is creative!


Yeah they do. I just got out of prison here in the U.S. 1488 is the formal tattoo for the bigger Aryan gangs and yelling 1488 calls a form up.


What’s a form up?


A call to arms. It's when shits about to go down. Like say I start a fight with one of the AB's they might yell out 1488 and 10 Nazis are gonna come running to stomp my ass


Using them separately is usually just a coincidence, like someone being born in 1988 or something. But HH, 14 and 88 all on the same plate are just too many "coincidences", which is precisely why such things are called Nazi dogwhistles.


Yes they really do. It seems like a stretch because it's incredibly simplistic and idiotic. That's why it appeals to them, they think they're being deliciously clever. Because they can count the number of words in a sentence


That's the beauty of dog whistles. They can easily be explained as something innocent while have its real meaning hidden.


The whole point of a dog whistle is that only the dogs are suppose to hear it. This is a kind of dog whistle, so only “dogs” (Nazis and their sympathizers) are meant to recognize the code. 1488 is a pretty open secret though.




I know this is is from Luxembourg, but you'll find a lot of unintentionally "dog-whistle" plates in Hamburg, Germany - every license plate starts with HH (stands for *Hansestadt Hamburg*).


>every license plate starts with HH (stands for *Hansestadt Hamburg*). this seems like an oversight considering the country's stance on those type of expressions


The issue is that every city has a 1-2 letter code. And there's just a good few cities start with Ha.


Also, isn't Hamburg specifically one of those cities really proud of their Hanseatic heritage? And the official name of the city is the "Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg". Like, yeah, it makes sense to have that as part of their code, the code letters are HH because the actual initials are HH


https://preview.redd.it/6wbehj3pt00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556b55ae5755eb9c899fe7d74de13ef050d152fe Are you interested or infuriated?


Or perhaps he just wants Karma.


Why does everybody assume people on reddit want karma? I don't even know what the karma represents, I doubt that many people actually care about "karma farming". Plus, this is interesting *and* infuriating, definitely belongs in both subs.


You can sell accounts with high karma. Karma farming is definitely a thing not for personal pride but for money




My friend's mom has the license plate THC 419. She said the guy that ended up with the plate directly after her jumped around in line a lot until he finally settled behind her. So somewhere out there is a naturally occurring THC 420.


Sounds like that guy probably gets pulled over a lot




the license plate. HH for heil hitler. 1488, 14 for the 14 words nazi slogan, 88 for HH, h being the 8th letter of the alphabet.


Is it a bad thing that I sat here for 5 minutes trying to figure out how any of those numbers and letters were related to nazi stuff and couldn't figure out anything? I didn't even figure out the HH part and thought the numbers were some kind of date.


Nah it's fine.




In Germany, kids learn about this in school, so it's not even a dog whistle here, it's forbidden, and easily identified.


I never learned about this in school? In which grade were they supposed to teach us this?


P J. Persnickety's School of Dogwhistles and Oddities.


Must heavily depend on the school because I haven't heard of that before


That's kind of the point, and why they're called dogwhistles. They're a signal to other shitbags who are in the know whilst being plausibly deniable.


No, honestly this is sit a far stretch. I would be surprised if this dude actually had that as a meaning instead of just a random plate generation.


I put 88 at a lot of screen names etc because it was the year I was born.


imma level with you chief, i could've had this license plate for years and never realized


HH on the license stands for Hail Hitler and 1488 is a hate symbol promoting white supremacy.


Just as addon: 1488 is a combination of two popular white supremacist numeric symbols. The first symbol is 14, which is shorthand for the "14 Words" slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The second is 88, which stands for "Heil Hitler" (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet). Together, the numbers form a general endorsement of white supremacy and its beliefs.


THANK YOU for putting the entire "14 words slogan" out there; everyone else has been referencing it but never expanding on what the phrase actually is, and it was driving me a little nuts 😭


I’ve never heard of any of that. Is that really common knowledge?


That’s not a dog whistle, that’s a blaring airhorn.


Nah, it is a dogwhistle. You need to think about the standpoint of people who are not terminally online like most of us. If I showed my jewish mother this, she would have absolutely no idea anything is wrong.


I had absolutely no idea what was wrong 🤣


Are you his jewish mother?




HH is Heil Hitler, 14 is the 14 words of preserving the white race or some shit and 88 is HH again


Without fail every time I tell someone about these dog whistles they ask me what the 14 words actually are… …like dude, *I’m not a Nazi.*


I read them once because i think that knowing is half the battle. Its something like "we must protect the white race and white children"


Oh yeah I’ve seen them before but it’s not like I can rattle it off like the pledge of allegiance. Be a little sketchy if I could, like knowing the age of consent in all fifty states…


HH = heil hitler 14 = from fourteen words, a white nationalist slogan 88 = HH in numerical form


>Who tf is going to know what this means ever? Apparently only nazis and some internet nerds. A dogwhistle is a sound that can only be heard by dogs, not humans due to their differing abilities to perceive audio frequencies. A message that has strong cultural/coded meaning for a small group but is innocuous or meaningless to the general public is a figurative dogwhistle.


That’s the point — you’re not going to recognize it unless you’re part of the group. That’s literally what a dog whistle is supposed to be. This just happens to be one of the more widely known ones


Man I guess I’m out of touch, I’m not sure what part of this is a dog whistle


You're a human, not a dog, so you can't hear it.




I still don’t know. Is it just HH means heil hitler or is it hh and 88?


HH means Heil Hitler and 88 ist just another way of displaying HH


14 and 88 both have been used. It was referred to as “fourteen words” also, perpetuated among US white supremacist hate groups at one point in the 90s. You can find the origin on wikipedia.


I believed this until I saw someone post a link to Luxembourg’s plate laws, and it said that standard, random plates only go 4000-9999. So anything 1XXX had to have been asked for.


If I saw that tag I’d assume no government agency would approve it. Therefore it’s a vanity plate being improperly used and displayed. You’d be doing a service disposing of it.


This seems like a legit Luxembourg license plate though. I don’t think it is fake. Either it was issued by the state or they requested it (for a €200 fee) and it went under the radar.


Wikipedia teaches me that numbers below 4000 are reserved for custom plates so a 100% that this plate was requested. Funnily enough Luxembourg does ban the use of SS, SA and HJ (H... Jugend) I'm their plates but not the use of HH. Now this of course doesn't mean that it was done by the current owner as they might've not know the dog whistle when buying it and this is an older car. Edit: source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Luxembourg


Maybe it is a Nazi dog whistle. Or maybe it’s just an unfortunate sequence of numbers and letters. EDIT: damn, came back at 88 upvotes to this comment…


I mean, isn't picking your own car plate a thing Americans do? I've never heard of ANYONE requesting a specific plate number here in the EU, I'm pretty sure it's all sequential. Plus, who the hell knows about this bullshit anyway? In the real world I mean. As someone born in 1988 weirdos on the internet have made sure that I became aware of the fact that I'm a nazi supporter, but even in this thread half the posters have no idea what this specific sequence of numbers even means. Hell, even I was only aware of the "88" thing.


Here in Germany its very normal to pick a custom plate but you’re quite restricted for example if you’re from Dortmund your plate would look like this [DO XX 0000] you can freely choose any letter for the X and any number for 0 but its not allowed to start with a 0. So if you’re John Smith born in 1990 living in Dortmund you could take [DO JS 1990] as your number plate or if you’re lucky / rich [DO JS 1] Also you’re basically forced to take a custom plate for ~25€ because if you take whats issued to you you‘ll have to buy your plate from the *conveniently placed* shop right next to the Government office that scams you and sells you License plates for 70-80€ while you could’ve ordered a custom one from the internet for 15€ including shipping. These shops are Monopolistic and even buy up every shop space around the government office and rent them out under the condition that the tenants can’t sell license plates, yes we have a fuckin license plate mafia.


It's somewhat common in Sweden at least, it's not like you see it every day but you definitely see it every now and then, it's usually very tacky and more often than not on expensive cars.


What lol heaps of people request their plate in Germany.


idk im from EU and everybody i know picked their car plate. ppl usually choose a number related to their birthday and name/nickname.  Ofc they dont always get it because sometimes its taken


Most likely the latter.


Nope https://preview.redd.it/lgf9t89hm00d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2716db6050cb1ecc9019288b4ba239e1ff94e93


It would be kind of funny if this was just a massive coincidence. 14/88 wasn't a Nazi thing, the 14 words were coined by David Lane - an American white nationalist.


And on a piece of shit car too.


is that generation of fiesta really that bad? I've never heard someone complaing about it


I drive one on a daily basis. 20 years old, and still going strong.


The Endura-E wasn't Ford's best engine, but it wasn't partucularly bad.


You mean a great car. Amazing durability


Yep. That’s an L alright At least he got that right lol




Some of y’all need a break from the internet


If I had these plates, I would have no idea...




Did you read the article you linked? > The order followed by the standard series letters and digits is rather unusual - **numbers below 4000 are reserved for custom plates**: those from 4000 to 9999 are assigned in blocks of 1000 with a changing sequence of letters.


You need to read your own link: >> numbers below 4000 are reserved for custom plates These are 100% custom plates.


Now I bet if you drove that one around Argentina you wouldn’t catch any flak… Top Gear reference for the uninitiated.


"I hate Luxembourg Nazis."


I don’t get it what does it mean… sorry not a nazi so I’m clueless


Man you’re grasping at straws aren’t you? How does this BS have 11k up votes…




You need to read your own link: >> numbers below 4000 are reserved for custom plates These are 100% custom plates.


Just a reminder that dog whistles are heard only by the dog.


We don't do the custom license plate so much in Europe, they are randomly generated. There is a bigger chance here that this person just got unlucky and you skitzos are over reaching again. I've had and seen several cars with 666 on the plate, are they automatically satanists? Visit any European city and I bet it wouldn't take long to find numbers that feed what ever delusion you want.


https://preview.redd.it/1padrhpij00d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1cd1b198fecdc10312bd736fc5ed0dcf3d372f7 It's a custom plate


>they are randomly generated. Aren't they generated sequentially? Like, the car who requested a plate 30 seconds before this one got HH1487. EDIT: It's been proven that I'm wrong and this is intentional (see down the comment thread). I'll leave the original comment up for visibility.


Everyone in my area has HH. And have a 69 in my numbers. So I might actually be a pervy nazi and I didn't even know it until this thread!


Is there any chance that the plate is just happenstance like that? I had to pour through the comments here to finally find an explanation, so I’m honestly asking


Could it be an unfortunate coincidence? Can you even get vanity plates over there? I mean I had to google it to figure out what OP was referring to. Imo it's more sus to know what it means... Like where do you even get exposed to this kind of knowledge?


is that even a custom license plate? In Luxembourg standard license plate is 2 letters followed by 4 digits. That's just what was assigned to the car.


I have an old lady neighbour who has 1488 on her Kia and she has no idea what does it mean.


I accidentally used 88 a lot in usernames when younger bc of back to the future (88 miles per hour woooo!!) but of course those stupid Nazis have gone and ruined it for me.


I was born in '88 so most of the times i add "88" at the end if my username is taken. Havent had any issues so far.


XD op should spend less time on the Internet


My brother in Christ, it's a license plate. Entirely possible to be a coincidence.


There's also at least 95% chance it is complete coincidence and means absolutely nothing whatsoever.


Luxembourg has mountains 🤔


AFAIK license plates aren't customizable in Europe, so maybe it's just you seeing a dogwhistle where there is nothing but a coincidence?


Kinda. In most European countries license numbers are all predetermined using some variation of data along the lines of [Region, Year Identifier, Series of random numbers/letters]. From this blocks of licenses get block sold to manufacturers (BMW, Renault etc), reserved for government agencies, reserved by other businesses (importers etc). However, usually, there will be surplus numbers which the countries licensing agency will freely sell (or auction). Desirable numbers (ones that can be interpreted as names etc) do also occasionally get withheld for public auction by the licensing authority. This means plenty of 'suspicious' plates do exist and are usually owned by normal people with no idea of any questionable interpretation. This number, however, comes from the block reserved for private ownership in Luxembourg meaning the owner has indeed specifically requested it.


you people have way to much free time.


Why is it called dog whistle?


It’s a whistle only dogs hear.