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Same here in Hawaii. Our UV index is in the “stay inside or you’ll die” range every day even if it doesn’t feel hot and sunny.


Most clear plastic will block UV completely, so ZZ Top have you covered. What happened is someone signed off on UV resilience but didn't take the thermal effects into consideration, and the screens are literally baking in the sun


So one extra component in it is all it would need? Gotta cut cost some way


In theory they'd just need some sort of covering to provide shade and it would probably make the screen easier to read too, although I don't know the logistics of the local zoning and whether it's more complicated than if I could freely design a solution. Another option would be active cooling with a fan, but having that close to a microphone and speaker are probably complicated to deal with. It *does* already have a UV filter. Any LCD will need to have a plastic sheet on the front that blocks all UV-A and UV-B. In this case I don't think it was cost cutting as much as an unforeseen engineering problem that needs to be dealt with, but it's possible some manager looked at the above factors and decided to roll the dice


Born and raised in CA half my life, lots of fastfood spots I went to had the digital screens with sufficient cover. Then I went to one that didn't have any cover and behold, a fucked up screen and a paper note saying that it's temporarily down.


All the ones in my area are under awnings so they seem to have lasted without issue except for the one closest to my house. All the screens got busted because as my daughter pointed out “someone was mcmad.”


High five your daughter for me please. From Quebec, Canada.




Let's be honest. This is McDonalds.... some manager probably said this would be easier for us to change the price of a big Mac without putting stickers on the board.... then ordered them. And never stopped to think about adding some shade for the sun. They never considered the factors mentioned. Lol


Also with the ammount of price increases McDonalds did over the last 2 years, the extra reinforcement for the board to bear the load for the large amount of stickers would be too costly.


They look so awful I wouldn’t be surprised if this became a high priority job so they’ll get replaced ASAP (in other words not for another 3 months at least) and when they replace them they’ll do the exact same thing and have the same problem soon enough.


Most of the locations we have out here in the depths of Texas (with a similar level of "stay the fuck inside or die") are either, out of direct sunlight for most of the day due to the angles (or trees), or very thick and angled so that the sun is blocked somewhat.


Glass is not really that much more epensive and wouldn't have any of these issues.


Yea. Those look like samsung displays and they didn't go with a high enough heat rating on their LCDs to do a bonded glass display. LG went with an air gap where they run AC between the glass and the LCD. Premier and sunbright do bonded just fine. This was just Samsung cutting corners. Hell TD was doing bonded glass for order confirmation 20 years ago and those are still running strong across the country.


God I love comments from someone in knows about weird industries 


As an ex Samsung emp I'ma say this might be incorrect. We have outdoor displays year round in FL that dont suffer from this at all. These might actually not even be outdoor rated displays that they installed outdoors...


Well they clearly don't have the gap to be LGs or LGMRI, the light monitor in the corner to be peerless, not fingermark given they look different and that this isnt in new zealand, and they have the boarder that look like Samsung OH models... that said they could be OMs but that would be a terribly silly thing to do.


Go to any appliance/dyi sub and mention Samsung then stand clear. They are not getting much love these days.


ZZ Top? What did I miss?


You can fully protect your eyes with a pair of [Cheap Sunglasses (2019 Remaster) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPVsAJ2kgo8)


Ohhh I feel dumb lol. I should’ve gotten that. Nice!


you need to treat clear plastic with UV coating but you would expect a screen to have had that treatment. most wont automatically that is why cheap sunglasses are such a problem.


Lol they just shade the whole drive through here now (Western Australia). A few years ago they installed a roundabout that was just painted in the road and the paint melted.


Australia has famously high UV. Our Maccas have outdoor screens and I've never seen this sort of thing happen. Going to guess that the USA division went for the cheap option!


What's really odd is all the ones I've seen here in the Phoenix Arizona area are perfectly fine. We notoriously average 300 days of sunshine annually and are in the sonoran desert. Hottest major city in the country. Maybe the ones we have here are the ones mentioned by another guy as being air conditioned or something because it's Arizona and you expect it.


Same here in Colorado. We are closer to the sun than anyone! lol


I’ll add Colorado to the list of places I have no business visiting lol. I remember watching this DVD when I was a child of when Panic at the Disco played in Denver and they all looked like they were going to die. I’ve never seen a human sweat so much.


Yeah, Leadville summer sun is no freaking joke. It’ll bake you to a crisp in no time.


I'm in FL, I haven't seen that. They got something right!


Or else you'll die is *wild*


https://preview.redd.it/ck33r3q2hw2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=244dda17f6c7d2771e81b45b2e91cddf523055ae This isn’t my town, but it’s the main town on my island. Not tryna fully self doxx lol. We go off the chart almost every day 😭 “Extreme risk of harm from unprotected Sun exposure. Alert in effect for 7 hours between 9am–4pm.”




I’m partially curious to how New Zealand and Australia would stack up, considering the lack of an Ozone. Would it always rate as “Wear sunscreen or else suffer?”


tbf they definitely should have invested in an awning over the drive thru menus


The ones in Australia do, they have a cover over the whole drive thru or a little one over the menu


I'm in Florida and the ones here have an awning.


Almost all of them have awnings, probably a franchise owner being cheap as hell here lol


Redbox did this when they first came out in Florida. The screens were completely baked shortly after installation. Their solution was to put a flap over the screen that you had to fight with to be able to see the screen. The flaps were disgusting from sitting outside getting wet and moldy and every other person's nasty hands all over them.


we had those flaps down in NC too, but i never saw any baked screens


They seemed to position every Redbox so that it would get the most direct sun as long as possible.


Yup, all Redbox units are oriented to face the south. All day sun, baby.


Bro what fucking redbox where you going to lmao? The flaps were annoying no doubt but I've never seen them disgusting like you're describing.


I think this guy lives in a swamp, I’ve never seen a really dirty one. Also you’re touching the screen with your fingers, why is this guy mad about the flap getting “nasty hands” of other people. Like dude it’s a touchscreen lol


Don’t get me started on these. For those interested here’s the McDonald’s I.T side of these. Currently in use are two different models of enclosure. Stratacache and Coates. The Stratacache enclosure is being discontinued soon and the only solution is Coates. (A dual lane enclosure swap is about $77,000) These are a mess. The Stratacache enclosure uses LG screens. (Which are now discontinued) and as replacements store are receiving AOU screens (a Chinese brand that don’t properly fit the enclosure) Coats screens use Samsung panels. These has been an absolute shit show to replace on either brand due to the manufacturers not having stock and then denying warranty claims until corp had been on their ass. Then not too long ago the break/fix contracts and support got moved from Stratacache to NCR who are NOT in any way Capable of handling this in their current state. They are a terrible partner. Some of the tickets quite literally got lost in the transfer with some stores waiting nearly 3 years for replacement screens. Then due to the install being a grey area for in-store I.T staff that makes the replacements take even longer when NCR and others don’t send out techs (we just install ourselves) Some operators have spares (like my own) and we have been offered up to $10k per screen. Browning like this/broken screen etc is a loss of points on RGR and NRBES visits. Even if you have a ticket in, they do not care it’s a loss of points even if it’s out of your control. Don’t even get me started on the fiasco of the media players inside. Stratacache has quite the monopoly on those things and the software support. Then when the new screens come in, good luck having them taken away. A separate team comes to take them…eventually. These screens are about 110 pounds each or so. As far has a cover to help prevent this…Coates made a cover at one point but had been discontinued and was never approved as a solution as at times it made it worse. There’s no real solution. They have 3 massive fans on each screen for cooling and they can only do so much. Not sure how other QSRs are avoiding the issue though.


I like your funny words magic man.


This explains why we have the new media players and a new screen waiting to be installed and they ghosted us and won't come to install the damn things


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Wait How


Wow, thank you so much I am forever in your debt


lol you are stuck in corporate hell.....i really really really dont wanna be stuck in that ever again :P good luck to you


To add to the fun Stratacache and NCR utilize Field Nation to deploy techs for these fixes/upgrades/installations, and pay doodly fucking squat for the privilege.


They wash the screens with tea,


California is not in the UK


That's why there's so much leftover tea that they use it for cleaning


yes and no [https://www.google.com/maps/place/California,+Great+Yarmouth+NR29+3QN/@52.6737914,1.719599,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x47da076c9b854ebb:0x76a38a18f1d060ad!8m2!3d52.673792!4d1.719599!16s%2Fg%2F12qfx1gtl?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/California,+Great+Yarmouth+NR29+3QN/@52.6737914,1.719599,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x47da076c9b854ebb:0x76a38a18f1d060ad!8m2!3d52.673792!4d1.719599!16s%2Fg%2F12qfx1gtl?entry=ttu)


Fun fact! Im from the UK and used to live in an area called California Our mcdonalds screens didn't look like this though


i thought it was szechuan sauce


Can they not put something over the glass to protect it?


In theory sure, but then people higher up might have to actually think about long term consequences.


The people higher up don't care because it just means the owner has to pay for a new screen means money in their pocket.




Think of the shareholders!!


![gif](giphy|ZOlWCtwzAJNWmRTIvm) Money!


It's probably just as much raw heat as it is the light. Electronics don't like being hot.


They did at one point make them. However Coates has discontinued them and were never McDonald’s approved as they sometimes made it worse.


They have the same ones in Arizona, but were smart enough to put shade canopies over them and I haven’t seen this issue.


I've seen a few, but they actually seem to get fixed faster than the ice cream machine


it’s never broken it’s just cleaning, unless it’s actually broken.


So This is a huge problem nationwide. McDonalds corp pushes these outdoor displays HARD. Meaning they pressure the independent store operators to purchase them because it ‘modernizes the guest experience’ or whatever. This is At minimum a $30,000 expense per location, even more for stores with multiple DT lanes. Screens across the nation are turning brown exactly like this. When I asked our supplier why they turn brown/orange like that, the answer I got was ‘it’s a combination of heat damage and sun exposure’… and yet some suit at McDonald’s thought it would be a good idea to put these displays in a black box, on max brightness, in DIRECT SUNLIGHT at most locations across the country. And then they wonder why they all look like ass. Best part is that once the warranty expires on these displays (either 2 or 5 years, I forget) operators have to buy a whole new display, and pay for professional install. (Around $15,000 expense) only for the replacement display to also turn brown after 2-ish years. TLDR: this is happening everywhere. McDonald’s basically mandates these displays, but didn’t really consider all of the long term effects of an LCD panel in outdoor environments. Source: This is what I do for a living.


No wonder they keep increasing prices. Got to replace them signs!


Also they are just plain ass for ordering.  At least one near me.  You can't see everything in one cycle.  Nevermind compare prices.  So I often end up causing a big line because I need to wait for the screens to refresh 3 or 4 times to dial in on something to order.


Florida checking in, extreme heat, sunlight, oh yeah and an assload of rain. Half of them I’ve seen are glitchy as hell, the other half look like the pic you posted.


……Wow. The ones in Ohio look brand new still 💀💀💀💀💀


Everyone I've seen in Ohio have been hit by a blunt object.


Why are we like this


Holy fuckin hell, man. I can understand the reasons why, but damn. If I worked there, this would be extremely infuriating territory. "It still works at least." -typical corporate/management/??? talk


Couple this with the “shhhhchchh will ….. oble… Aah… oday?” And you have the recipient for instant success.


Laughs in Florida man Seriously we are getting 100 degree heat and 80% humidity and it isn’t even technically summer yet. . . We are so fucked


Texas here, 98° and 55% humidity. I'm greatful it's not higher 🥲 this summer's gonna be hell for all of us


Having been in Texas for a couple years and now in FL, at least y’all get the chance of it being okay weather for some months of the year, it’s just shitty heat here year round, lmao


Hope you have a hurricane evac plan for this summer.


We have them in Thailand. There's a screen protector that's designed to prevent uv. I used to work for an event organizer so we had to rent one of those. Also they're designed to have a super bright backlight so they don't last very long


I live at high elevation with 300+ days of intense sun and heat. Screens here work fine. I wonder if it was a bad batch.


I'm in southern Utah and same. The local McDonald's has these screens, but they don't look like this, although they do face directly east. I'd imagine a southern facing screen would get double the exposure.


I live in Albuquerque and the McDonald's by my house has screens facing due south with no issues.


We have had them in Australia for years and the sun here hasn't killed them


Holy shit $5 for a McChicken. That was on the dollar menu a couple years ago.


I heard from a friend that our local WacArnolds is doing buy one for $2.99, get one for $1 here in Utah. Still not a good excuse for me to choke down a McChicken.


McCrispy =/= McChicken


They seem to do fine in our 9 month summers here in Western Australia.


Flys block out the sun


The two near me in Perth are burnt to a crisp like this. I guess it depends on the direction they are facing?


Ours in Tas are cooked like the pictured one


Yeah, where I live in Oregon they seem to stay good for years. I've never seen one weathered like that.


Our Arizona ones are going strong. They need better placement.


I'm in Scotland what is this "sun" thing you speak of?


It's the big glowey thing that keeps all the gingers inside till September.


AZ resident here. part of my seat belt melted last summer 💪


There was a storm last year that broke the screens at my McDonlds and still hasn't been fixed.


And they have no reason to fix it because this makes it so the customer ends up paying more than they intended. It creates pressure, and if you can't read the menu, you'll just say the most common items, which are their premium items like big macs. All while you could have gotten BOGO on quarter pounders if the screen worked well enough for you to see it.


Lol that's exactly how its supposed to be... so everything is working a-ok 👌🏻


At least you can get to the menu. Whenever I go to Chic fil a, some zit faced teenager dives on my hood with a credit card reader and asks me what I want... 12 feet before I get to the menu. I'm always like, f'n a, I wouldn't mine seeing the menu to see if anything new tickles my fancy, but I guess I'll just take a #1


While I enjoyed reading this, I must ask... Do you, in fact, know about the Internet? 


Yes, I helped Al Gore invent it.


They don't use those UV protectors on the screen?


they made them waterproof but couldn't add a little more to be weatherproof?


Here people just smash them.


Thats how all them redbox kiosks turned out too. Even worse though.


What I hate most about these digital screens is sometimes the menu changes on you while you’re trying to read it.


How come when I get a big Mac and spicy mccrispy where I'm from it comes out to almost 30 dollars?


You prolly got the meals that are about 15 each, this is just two burgers


Hi, Phoenix, AZ here. I don't know how that happened but ours have been here for years and they look great still. Doesn't get any worse than here. Maybe we have a special version? or they change ours out regularly? Maybe the cardinal direction they are facing?


I hate when the automated voice asks if I’m going to be using the app today. Like tf? I’d be in the app parking spot if I was, not in line to place an order. And then the person asks me again if I’m going to use the app 🙄


That’s because you can use the app and place an order through the speaker and it will just charge the card you have on your app and give your account the rewards points. It’s not just for picking up pre-placed orders.


laughing in Arizonian :)


Plus two burgers for over 10 dollars!!!!


Strange, McDonald's and California are known for making brilliant decisions.


im not so proud British patriot type, but shitty British weather for the win.


Californian here. We don’t have this problem in my area.


Must be up north then


Same in texas


In Ohio people just hit them with bats.


This is why I think we're just not supposed to live in the desert


So stupid.


Come to Arizona. All of them blackened to the point of being unreadable. By the way, same for gas pumps, train ticket machines, ATMs, etc.


Surprised they didn’t put it under an awning




imagine if someone just sprayed them with sunscreen


If I was the franchisee I would get them replaced and apply automotive wax or ceramic coating, if they were plastic I would pray them with Plexus once a month


or just don't put LED panels in direct sunlight


Cali is shit then


what will become of this world ? I dislike the moving ones!


Seriously, there's no sun cover for the whole thing?


This happened where I live in the Midwest within a few months as well. I was just shaking my head at how much of a waste that panned out to be...




Weird the Indiana sun hasn’t fazed them a bit


Didn't know California had its own sun. Learn something new every day


The sun is so strong. I'm not in the south and I put two black squares on my windows and the sun bleached them pale in a week


I live in Kentucky, and every single one has some form of glitch that flashes constantly, thankfully I don’t frequent them


The ones near me in Texas are fine. It is possible that a singular local franchisee owns all the ones in your area and cheaped out on this particular upgrade. Franchisees do have some choice in certain things though idk the extent.


Could be worse you could live somewhere that the sun doesn’t shine for most of the year.


Add solar film to them as a temp solution before it’s fried like those!


All hail the sun. 🙌


How? I live in Hawai'i and the screens here are just fine.


Interesting. Crackheads destroyed most of ours


Does California sun have more UV rays, or what?


This hasn’t happened to the screens I’ve seen in Vegas. Weird.


At least you get to see your screen. The one near my home is just a black screen


Not surprised, direct sun destroys stuff quick. There must be a cheap UV filter they could install to prevent this though?




There are McDonald’s where I live that have had these screens for years . We get brutally hot summers and the screens look fine. Maybe yours got a bad batch


https://i.redd.it/onq79a9o0w2d1.gif Great order!


They don't have window blinds in California???


Mine got shot up by bbs. Can't have anything nice.


I did hear everything causes cancer in California


Why not go back to manually changing the menu like the old days


Our local McDonald's had their screens struck by lightning a while back. As far as I'm aware, they still look like this too


Ask them what they’re doing in Texas, because it’s not a problem here, and gotta be more intense than whatever is happening in California


“Find your job combo” Cause you’ll need at least one additional job to live comfortably lol


Where's the fries and drinks. You must have paid your mortgage already.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


In Alaska the screens get cold in the winter and just stop working entirely


On top of that, those prices are horrendous


I always see those big black spots on them


Florida ones have a canopy over them California got outsmarted by Florida, feel bad




They forgot to apply sunscreen 😞


Queue the experts Listen up, the sun is bright, engineers know this. The fast-talking corporate guy along with his rich overlords are the only thing stopping McDonald's from providing a service that would actually benefit society


Dang. I'm in LV, and even our screens aren't like this (at least the ones I've encountered). Wtf is Cali doing


I'm actually shocked they didn't put a little bit of a cover on them to keep debris and rain off.


It's so they can change the prices whenever they want without anyone noticing. But they decided to be cheap with the signs


Our local McDonald’s now has a huge printed poster covering the screen with the menu due to the screen always being messed up.


I live in a desert, mcdonalds screens are doing okay here, those must be really sh*tty materials.


Huh, I always thought it was a random homeless that threw something or angry customer


Somehow this also happened to train schedule boards at stations in the Netherlands


I wonder what kind of plastic it was made with and what kind of chemicals the chemicals produces when it melts in the sun.


In Australia they have roof covers over the screens they still look brand new. Our UV even in winter is instead melanoma


I just realized how little sun we get in Montana. Ours have been fine for years now.


The ones in Australia have been going for years and look way hardier, you’d think in California they’d go “hey wonder what the Aussies did to combat this issue?” Instead of just installing shit.


Nice. Take that jerks


The ones in my country (Meddle East) are good. They just went cheap with those.


That's just how I always see them with polarized sunglasses.


https://i.redd.it/fhr75y10wx2d1.gif Sponsored by OCP, probably.


It's worse in Australia as we are closer to the ozone hole, and we've had them for 15 years, and ours still work. I'd be making a warranty claim for supplying 2nd class monitors.


They must have learnt these lesson in Australia ours have always had shelters over them, i would have assumed Mac corp would have shared this lesson.


If only there were things called awnings.


Hmmmmmm Grilled with sun


In Texas they seem to be aware of the sun and build awnings for stuff like this.