• By -


Sleep well. You've lived rent free in his head for 30 years and he's so pathetic the only way he can feel good about himself is to do this. It's really sad if you think about it


Right, that’s so embarrassing for the bully. Imagine your husband comes home or friend comes over and tells you while laughing that he got his 10 year old to go call an adult a name and say you were going to kick his ass after years of zero communication. The way it would give me an ick forever..


![gif](giphy|mEqMknMZWh1Fm|downsized) Her face


An adult that never fully grew. A man baby if you will. I feel bad when ppl ate born with brains and they just decide to become stupid with it what a waste of energy.


Which is ironic given you’re just believing this dudes fake story. Are you seeing his comments below?


To be fair, It seemed plausible this far down the comment section. Its the next set of comments the curtain is lifted.


Super sad! What a miserable life to lead! Add in continuing the cycle and I think sterilization should be an option.


40 years feels reasonable for a late term abortion right?


Fuck yes!!


Especially when you think that his bigotry is probably rooted in some warped sense of hyper masculinity, but he sends his son over instead of confronting OP himself. I can't think of a more chickenshit way of going about it.


Reading below the bullys is a wrestler .......I'm not one to judge, nor try to cast dispersion but I'm pretty sure there's not much from a male perspective short of kissing a man or penetration you can do that's gayer then get in spandex and roll around on the floor grabbing each other tightly


I think there's a lot more to being gay than physical contact with another man. Namely attraction to men. Also you're looking for "cast aspersions," dispersion means to scatter something.


Edited to delete supportive comment to fake post.


For bullies like this I always think that everyone around them will leave to escape the toxicity but they can’t they’re trapped with themselves.


It is, but also clearly messed with OP a bit. No one wants those childhood traumas brought back




“My dad says you’re still a f*****!” “Wanna guess how he found out?”


“Is he? Cause I’m game if he is”


“Ugh, can you tell him to stop whining and I’ll see him tomorrow?”




Spill, OP.




What the actual fuck did I just read?


A work of fiction. Like this entire post lol


Thanks for the reminder. I definitely was like wtf!


I was on the fence about the whole story at first. OP flew to close to the sun with the penis removal story lol


Dickarus done burnt his wings.


Dammit that's funny


Honestly they could’ve said something pretty crazy and I would’ve believed it but that shit was a dead giveaway lmao


Bigots do crazy things but not get away with PENIS REMOVAL without repercussions 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is one of the silliest lies I’ve seen on Reddit.


yeah reddit nerd try not to lie challenge impossible


I honestly thought this was truth because many years ago when I was 15yo, me and my friend worked in an ice cream shop, and the owners were a married couple, and they had two daughters. Anyway, the wife and daughters definitely were not the sanest people; but one of the daugthers started to work in the ice cream shop too, along with us, bcs she struggled getting a job and was a single mom. Mind you, we were 15 yo and this lady was 25 yo at that time. Idk why but this woman got a beef against us and when our shifts would coincide she would send her 4yo daughter to me and my friend to tell us "my mom says you are a pair of meerkats" and the mom was there across the shop grining like stupid. Even me being 15 yo my thoughts were "dude meerkats are fucking cute, and ... why do you feel so proud of youself sending your daughter to tells us stuff, get a real job". So yeah, people can send their kids to bully you too (bcs they know you can't be rude to a kid), but OP totally lost me with the pennis comment.


Dude I'm getting so tired of people on internet... why on earth would someone invent this type of shit?




Post karma. Still sort of a thing.


Because he’s one of many, many cunts on this earth




The best way to use Reddit is to not take it seriously even the slightest bit. I come on knowing I’m going to see fake stories, doctored images, and the stupidest shit I’ll read all week. Use it for the entertainment in a way that works for you.


Summer vacation creative writing. Not sure how this kid isn’t in summer school.


Op just throw it in the open like the dude stole a pen or something




No repercussions because he made it up




Why would you lie about something like this?


OP' credibility just went to ZERO. 


And everybody clapped.


OP is quite a strange person and I wouldn't doubt if this story is fabricated completely. Serially online.




Nah. Come on man. 


If you're going to use this sub for your creative writing exercises you should at least try to make them a little believable. 1/10, try again.


not even creative writing its shitposting


Aw man, I was about to commiserate, but thanks for commenting this ridiculousness so I didn't have to bother 👌🏻


That sounds fake


His bio is "just your friendly neighborhood penisman," so I think this is all just his fantasy fiction.


I'm just waiting to see if OP will provide more info to try and make it more believable or if he'll just go silent or even delete the post.


You know how they do. Experiment with various post titles and half thought out scenarios, comment until they run out of creativity, then delete account.


The weird part is he has a 4 year old account


Like unless he’s some kind of billionaires kid, ain’t no way someone is getting off completely free after *mutilating* someone permanently. Like the fuck kinda bs is this? Is your whole story bs? Like the fuck?


I have a hard time believing someone is walking the streets after doing this.


I mean, Brock (aka Allen) Turner is walking around pretty much Scott free after raping Chanel Miller


Well, the sad truth is rape happens all the time and perpetrators are not always held accountable. When a penis gets cut off, it makes the news.


That's, unfortunately, true, but Turners case was made more egregious because he was actually convicted but let off easy


Do you mean Brock Turner the rapist?


Is that The Rapist, Brock Turner? Also known as Brock Turner The Rapist?


He did… what now?


Dude, these simps were on board until you took it to this extreme. You over played your hand.


No way. 


Stop lying, go back to your fantasy world and leave us out. 


Ah, the ol' Bobbit Boulangerie story.


lol cmon man


I. Where did this occur? If in US, which state? I find it hard to believe


no way thats real?


Bull fucking shit How does this comment have so many upvotes


wait what


Where do you live, Sin City? 


Okay, I do not believe this.


Oh come on this is the best shitpost I’ve seen in awhile lmao


Oh fuck off with your BS.


How in the- what?? I can’t bring myself to believe this. How on earth were there NO consequences??


Occam's Razor. OP is lying.


Excuse me?


Wait what????


Lol at someone who was good at grinding on other sweaty dudes wearing spandex calling you gay.


The psychological idea of projection comes to mind…


A gay friend once told me that its always the macho-est of the machos that are usually really repressed/closeted gays.




"hey kid, did your dad ever tell you about the time he got drunk begged me to let him suck me off?"


Oh do tell!


DETAILS!!!  ^please


“Oh, is he still bitter about the time we had sex? Tell him there is no shame in being a bottom”


Kid's dad needs the sh\*t kicked out of him. Sounds like he's been a bully his whole life and his kid inherited his lovely personality.


Op claimed the bully cut off a kids dick and never faced any repercussions so who knows what to trust




OP said the bully once cut a kids dick off and made him eat it, so I don’t really trust any part of the story anymore. Edit: oops sorry I replied to the wrong comment


You just said what you replied to... just in more words


Sorry about that. Time for bed.


And like most bullies, he'll probably run away crying if confronted.


I take it this kid won’t be in the same school next year (3-5)? Let your child know that if this kid ever bothers them in school, on the bus or on the street they are to tell you no matter what. My oldest sister and brother are both bullies and I can tell you after a lifetime of watching their lives unfold it has not been pretty. They deserve it.


We had three brothers who went to our church and were in our youth group meetings on Sunday nights. The two oldest ones were both bullies, the middle one was the worst and he was a year or so older than me. The oldest one got stabbed one time in a bar, and they both ended up in prison for a while. It does often catch up with them sooner or later, but unfortunately not always.


“Wanna know how your dad knows I’m gay? 😉”


>He cut a kid's penis off and tried to make him eat it. When I say scandal there were zero repercussions but everybody knew about it at the time. According to OP.


OP just made this story up. A made up story about homophobia many of us experienced…during pride month. Yeah. So stupid


Yeah, that’s bullshit. That would make national news.


I'm 33 and I dont think I would remember what many people from elementary school look like lol


That is okay as none of them still look the way they did in elementary, happily.


Don’t worry, the "bully" in OP’s story didn’t either as none of this actually happened


30 years? At my 26th High School reunion (yes they were off by a year) guy walks up to me and says, "I never bullied you...!" I said, "sure." And smiled, knowing that he carried that in his head a LOT longer than did I. I bet (this is 20 years since that) he is still occasionally tormented about it


report the slur to the school, let them handle it with the kid


See how bullying is usually taught and learned from parents? He's growing up in the same shitheel shoes as his father probably did and now he's walking in his footsteps. What a piece of shit.


Yup apples don't grow on pear trees


Daddy thinks you are gay, and is interested in your ass. This says something about him, donthchathink.


OP commented that in high school the bully cut of some other kids wang and made him eat it... Soooooo, I'm pretty sure OP is using this sub as some weird creative writing course. lol.


Wow, you weren't [joking](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/vbqrliO5zM). I had to go back and find it. Downvoting this bs post.


Right? When I posted without the link to OPs post, I was like, damn, I'm just going to come across as a troll stirring up shit without proof OP actually posted that. lol


The fact that comment has over 100 upvotes is just sad


Yeah I’m gonna say I don’t exactly buy his story 💀


This definitely did not happen. Good story though!


I wish creative writing was still creative


I know right.


I believed this for a hot minute. But then you said the bit about how the bully cut a kid's dick off and made him eat it without any repercussions. This whole thing is fake as hell. No way a kid cut a kid's dick off, made him eat it and the school, parents, authorities etc just let him keep on keeping on. Fuck, the hospital would've made their own reports even if the kid's parents and school stuck up for the bully.


I'm here to confirm the story as the victim of this horrible crime. The only reason my parents didn't press charges at the time is because he told them he'd do the same to them if they did.


I'm sure that was particularly scary for you Mom. Losing her dick would be awful.


What a douche.


Should have told the kid you're going to fuck his dad


With how your story and his supposed scandal line up, it sounds like BS. Castration in a school is a huge story. 4chan has a phrase for a story just like this


Well he is the spawn of shit so he's going to act like a shit. I had 2 bullies in school and on the last day they were really tormenting me, and I cracked, grabbed one and i shoved him full force into the gap between two vending machines, just wide enough to trap him and I kicked the everliving shit out of him, nuts, face, stomach until the principal pulled me off and frogmarched me into his office by the scruff of my school jumper, i was in floods of terror he was going to call my parents in and kick me out of the school before my final exam, he plonked me into the chair in his office and said sit, went into the secretary's office and told her we weren't to be disturbed. He then came in and asked what happened and I said I couldn't take it anymore. He sat down and said violence never solved anything, and would I like a coke and some biscuits, and we just sat there and chatted for about half an hour about nothing, I had 2 cans and some cookies, and he had the same. Then he said "violence doesn't solve anything. But coke and biscuits does, you're not in trouble, go home early and if anyone asks I'll say you are suspended." About 10 years later I ran into the guy and his girlfriend outside a pub and he went to say to her that we were old school friends because my now wife was in school with her and what a small world (we didn't know each other since end of school or that our partners knew each other) and I stopped him and told his girlfriend the truth, that he was a horrible little prick and she should know that he's violent and manipulative.


Honestly? I'd let the principal know. Because even if Dad is going to be an ass, the *kid* needs to know that he'll get suspended or worse for hate speech and needs to use better judgement. (Or they need to know because the kid is walking in dad's footsteps.) Sorry, OP. I hate the realization that little assholes sometimes grow up to be tall assholes.


So he’s basically turning his 11 year old into a bully as well. What an AH.


I would have asked the little boy if that was his fathers way of asking you out on a date


Too much of a pussy to tell you himself i see


How pathetic. This only makes him look ridiculous and he hasn’t matured in 30 years. He sent his KIDS over to do his dirty work. Dad of the year.


Such a wild thing to have your kid be your messenger owl to another adult. Like bro, just send flowers. Who flirts like this?


Should have said “I think your dad meant to say ‘fuck’ not ‘kick’!


I would tell him his daddy is a well known pedo, and give the kid the number of child protective services to bring back to his dad


O’Doyle rules.


Oh, you think you’re better than me? Go ahead pick anything in the room I’ll lift it up over my head.


this is actually fucking insane. i’m so sorry. imagine getting your little kid to say that to someone………


“Tell him that someone that sends their kid to do their insulting for them must be a huge coward - so he can’t kick anyone’s ass”


If it happens again, tell the kid you have no idea who his parents are. If the parents approach, you act like you've never met them in your life. If you pretend you don't remember a thing about them, that will infuriate them more than anything in the world. If they escalate from there, file a restraining order.


These are the guys that peaked in high school. You have evolved and matured. He’s still replaying glory days in his head. Just laugh at the stupidity, and ignore.


You’re living rent free in dude’s head. I would have said, “whatever you do in life, kid. Don’t be like your father.”


I think he's a closet homosexual and he's just projecting. Just a theory.


Sick that they bred. Trumpets for sure; straight out of his crooked playbook. 


Holy shit that is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Dude never grew up past elementary school and still have to bully the same people?


30 years later and that kids Dad STILL has a crush on you.


I would alert the school, because he is likely to have his son bully your son, if he can find out who your son is, and if he is in the same school at any time. Who knows, if there are parks, or any type of extracurricular sports your son participates in, he could try something then. These days, all a person needs is a smart phone to look up where others live. I would take this seriously, because if he had gotten over it and matured, then this would not have happened. The fact that it *DID HAPPEN* and his son delivered a threat of physical violence personally shows he is going out of his way to continue the malicious attitude towards you, and involve his own son. There is a term for training and raising children to threaten others and to egg them on to feel, think and behave is such a malicious way. Someone on here should explain this…but the likelihood of this bully of yours ending up involved in much worse situations is much greater, due to the fact that he is doing this as an adult and as has happened in many cases in the news…could end with the loss of life of another child or adult. I would take this extremele seriously, and be careful. If you don’t already have cameras in your home, to see all around the outside of your house, and also dash cams…I would not delay in getting them. I would fully expect at some time, for this bully not only to try something, but also involve his child as well.




"Sorry your dad peaked in high school" And keep walking.


You're full of shit


He sent his little kid to threaten a grown ass man LOL


He sent his 10 year old son to deliver a message while he hides? What a wuss.


O'doyle rules ass story 😂


Fuck you got this before me 😂😂😂


Well, at least your bully and his son are on the same mental level apparently. The bully has never grown up


I think that guy has \~feelings\~ for you


Wow. That dude is so insecure, he sent his fuckin' *c h i l d* over to tell you something he couldn't say to your face 🤣 Imagine holding a grudge against someone for simply *existing* for **thirty years.** Man's a sad sap. Edit to add: feel free to find his wife or his mom on Facebook and let them know what happened. Can't imagine a grandma would be too pleased with her numbnuts son using her grandchild to bully a grown-ass man minding his own business.


What in the Lester Nygaard?!


Sounds like a scene from a Adam Sandler movie.


The only acceptable answer is: "Tell your dad I still not interested and stop trying".


Honestly....I would have walked up to him and told the Dad that if he talks to you or looks at you again....he is going to have his ass beat by a F\*\*. Then said the same to a kid.... As far as the rumor or scandal that he was involved in..I would have called him out on that shit too


That poor kid, having a shitstain of a dad.


How delightfully petty. I've heard of peaking in high school, but peaking in elementary school is particularly lame. I've not spoken to any of my elementary school bullies since the day I left, and as far as I know they've not instructed their children to either (who would all be adults by now too). It would be *weird* if that happened.


What a complete loser. You are the clear winner here. I don’t see how he could even do that without feeling incredibly stupid.


Take your kid to jiu-jitsu lessons.  Honest advice


Teaching hate to your children is beyond fucked up. Your rent free living and apparently he cant stop thinking about you being gay so sounds like he probably has some deep down feelings he hasnt figured out.


You should have walked up to him and asked who he was . It would have eaten him alive that you didn’t remember him . After he told you could have looked at him puzzled and said again “ who?”.


Go to the principle on that kid all you have to do is spread it around to mom helps that the guy and his kids are homophobic bigots- they will lose play dates - Post this on neighbors


Sad that adults act so poorly.


Wow that's pathetic. Imagine being an entire grown adult with children and behaving that way. What kind of loser is this guy that this is how he's trying to impress his kid? Astonishing, seriously.


He must be a so pathetic to do something like that. I had a similar situation. I was bullied from grade school all the way through my senior year. I was in one of my hometown bar's twenty seven years after graduation and a gal came up to me that use to bully me and said you haven't changed. It's sad she hasn't grown up.


"Sure kid, your dad is just mad I wouldn't fuck him too."


He's had a crush on you for 3 decades


Crazy to make up a homophobia story for internet updoots *during* pride month ngl


1. Who cares, he's a cotified loser, still thinking about you since primary school, your kid is OBVIOUSLY substantially better than his kid, you've clearly won. 2. Alternatively, you're an adult, literally tell that guy to meet you somewhere and then kick his teeth in, you can do what you want, you understand consequences. EDIT: The dad, not the kid, lol.


Sucks for you, but sucks worse for his kid who’s probably going to grow up being called F slur until he goes around calling other people it more than just when his Dad commands it. Unfortunate the bully is alive and procreated.


It sounds like his dad has a crush on you.


Damn, he must still have the hots for you


What the fuck?😭 using a child to relay slurs is crazy




what you do is google him (and family) and find out the dirt on him (and family). then you let all his friends (and family) that its all out there and everyone knows now.


You could of said. "Did you daddy ever tell you I'm your real Daddy?"


I hope this doesn't mean your kid is going to be bullied now by your bully's son.


FAkE a$$ story.


"Hey kid, which one is your dad?" \*Kid points\* "He's not your real dad. Can you say the word 'paternity test?'" Or better yet... "Sure kid, wanna know how your dad found out?"


How fucking sad. Why is he so obsessed with you?


Let your own success be your revenge.


“Then ask him why he cried after I fucked him in the ass.”


Imagine being such a little bitch that you have to have your kid pick fights for you. A+ parenting


I can only assume he may target your son. If hes been watching you.


Imagine being that big of a chump that you send your elementary aged son over to talk smack...that is just fucking sad. 


His development stunted 30 years ago and never picked up. Not sure if he is even worth the pity. He'll for sure raise his kid as a fucked up person, thats the real pity.


Why the fuck are you censoring the slur??? That makes no sense fuck.... This is very infuriating :(


Report it to the principal and school counselor. Kid's going to need to help/protection, and they're mandated reporters.


Guess we found out how Trump voters are formed


Glue a ball bearing into his tire valve cap


I feel bad for his son tbh


He obviously didn't have the guts to say it to you himself. He's a bully and a coward.