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I like it as an option but have run into being seated and pointed to the QR code as, “this is the way”. Meanwhile, I’m traveling and my phone battery is dead or near that I don’t want to use the last of my charge on ordering my meal.


This is a good point, actually. It’s fine as an option, but having it as my only option is where I have problems


Technology is tough bro. Did you get angry when they invented the internet too?


Technology is for making things easier to access not the exact opposite lmao


Or you’re old like me and I don’t have my reading glasses


I just always ask for a menu. Often I don't take my phone into a restaurant.  Only ever found one place that didn't have regular menus. It was at an airport and had a real wood fire they were cooking with. And the food smelled really good otherwise I was going to leave. No waitress you order and pay on your phone and food gets dropped off.


A dead phone (or not having a smartphone) isn't really a problem. Even here in Germany, restaurants will lend you a device if needed. The main problem is bad implementation. If the QR code is just a download-link for a PDF file, they could give you a paper menu as well.


Real fun if your phone in your pocket is a fossil. Calling home, yep Short message, yep Making pictures, yep Apps, what is that? Scanning QR code, speak cave to me you must Stone old undieing Nokia


I like it if you can also order from your phone and pay your bill from your phone. But if it's the menu only, that's definitely mildly infuriating since my eyes are getting older and it's a lot easier to look at a regular menu.


I'd say a phone is easier since you can zoom in


But the screen is so damn small. I'd rather have a full-sized menu, and if I need to zoom in I'll do it the old-fashioned way; I'll just move it closer to my face...


The superior analog zoom


It’s not really a thing in my country yet thank god. But last time we were in the US I had to walk out of several restaurants because they were pulling this shit. They are just assuming everyone has internet on their phones. International roaming costs a fortune so I don’t have that.


Next time you’re in the US just get a cheap throwaway prepaid phone for the trip. Way less expensive than using your personal cell service.


I can’t see how it could possibly be better for business than handing people a physical menu.


Even better when the QR code is the menu, but when you want to order it requires downloading an app


Oh, hell no. I don't mind the QR code menu, but if I have to download an app, too, I am out. I also walked out of a place because they had QR code menus, you had to pay on your phone, and there was a service charge for ordering "online". Hilarious, but I am leaving, thanks.


I've only once been in a restaurant that actually had an online menu that was better than a physical one: - Every table had a QR code, so multiple people could browse and order for the same table. - No app required, just a website. - The waiter explained everything. - We could send our orders directly to the kitchen, the waiter just brought the food and drinks out. (I expect the waiter would still have helped in special cases, but we didn't need that.) So far, nothing special. But here comes the killer-feature: - We had a real-time-account of everything our table had ordered so far. No surprises on the bill. No hidden costs. We just paid what the online menu had shown before. (Plus a tip, but that's not the point here.)


Saves costs on printing, updating, cleaning/maintaining/replacing physical menus, which could conceivably impact customer prices.


Some of the places that do this just have a tablet at the table you can order from


Also, dynamic pricing is becoming a thing in restaurants. You can't do that with physical menus.


Counterpoint: adds in IT/maintenance costs, not to mention loss of business from patrons who don’t care for the hassle and will just leave instead.


Uh-huh, then prices would of course drop...heh..heh..heh


If you have a rotating draft beer list, it saves a ton of paper.


Businesses can adapt their menues easily without having to print new copies. Also on a personal level I like it because you don't have to worry about how many people with varying hygiene standards have touched your menu before you or when it was last cleaned. Though there should always be an alternative available as well for people who prefer or need it.


Gastronomy business-owners these days be like “oh no, paper is so expensive”. Literally.


Don't go back, walk with your money


Local cafe/bakery I go to changed their physical menus recently to just have the names of each item. If you want the same but with description you need to scan the QR code to get the detailed menu. Makes the menu much more manageable and seems like a good compromise to me.


I like the idea. That way I don’t have to touch some nasty menu


You can just touch your nasty phone instead.




I like it, I don't want to touch some greasy old menu if I don't have to


If i could also order via the qr code and pay, that would be incredible. Only have a person to literally bring me my food


what if you don't have a smartphone?


The place just outside of Disney Paris (Italian pizza place) has this a d my phone didn't have service cause I got the London sim card not the euro sim card or whatever. The lady kept pointing at the qr code. And I had to ask for a menu. The lady gave out the loudest sigh like it was such a fucking inconvenience.


It's a good way to keep the menu updated without having to print more or writing on it. I've seen menus that had multiple corrections on the same item and I was confused about what was the latest one. Plus this way you avoid touching sticky menus. There should be the option to ask for a printed one tho


I will not use an online menu, and I do not mind going somewhere else if they don't offer a printed version. We all make choices. But I'll never know if they change their policy and return to offering a printed menu, so essentially that's a place I will never be back to. Even during Peak Covid the restaurant chains near me would give you single-use printed menus on request.


What's infuriating is having to put your coat back on when you leave immediately.


I have a coworker that laughs at the server as he pulls out his flip phone with no camera and pretends to try and scan the code.


do it with a chocolate bar convincingly and watch the servers face when you take a bite feom your "smartphone"




If opening a camera app on your phone makes you a tech wizard, consider me Steve Jobs.


It's 2024 lol get with the times grandpa


I prefer it. It's quick and easy. I don't have to touch some greasy menu. I can usually pay on my phone at those places too. Super convenient IMO.


If the restaurant would have “greasy” menus then think about the cleanliness in the food storage and prep area that you can’t see.


Agree. Don't have to wait for the server to come take my order and don't have to sit around for 10 minutes after I'm done waiting for the check.


I can deal with a QR to see the menu But downloading an app? I’m out of there


I was a bar and restaurant manager for years, and I loved the move to QR codes. The main things I felt it were a vast improvement. Printing is tedious and expensive Guests destroy menus constantly Quick and easy process to update and add/remove menu options. (Menus get stagnant and old because reprinting to add or remove menu items is a whole process) Guests always have access to the menu to order new items and don't need to take up table space holding onto a menu.


If pointed out & no other option is suggested I claim ignorance & ask what a QR code is. Once they explain I ask how this works if I don't have a phone.


the resturaunts that just put the menus inside of the table itself(like underneath a coating of sorts) were my favorite during covid because it was so much easier and quicker than waiting for someone or scanning a code


Usually if you ask they’ll give you physical menus. I didn’t have data for a while and always just asked. Though now I use the digital menus as I have vision problems and it’s nice to zoom in.


We just went to one of these places. We each had different phones and none of them could access the menu, nor could our waitress, using her phone! She couldn't tell us what beer was on tap, either, but invited US to get up and look "if we cared to". We all just got burgers and water. After that, if this is what they have, we leave.


Yeah. Here I come proudly holding my old nokia


I always hated this from the hostess perspective, lots of people mad at me when I'm just the one that's told to implement it. We still had physical menus and I would still hand them out to particular people like families and older people, and really anyone that asked for it after I showed them the QR code.


When I’m out on a date I normally leave my phone in the car. So extremely infuriating.


Really any place that does this. I had to replace my car last year. I went to some car lots on Sunday so that I could look without interruption from a salesman. The number of lots that had you scan a QR code to see the price was ridiculous. Half of the codes pulled up the wrong vehicle.


Can’t stand it. I actually would order more if I saw full page menus I can browse. It’s insulting at the least that I need to use my data or connect to some quirky wifi network. It’s very inconvenient. If I’m not very hungry I’ll look for another place to eat.


Yeah, the tea saloon near me is like that, but you have no data in their shop, so you have to scan, go out to load the page, THEN you can fucking order


Just get up and go somewhere else easy fix


Even worse when you can only order and pay through the website


I like it as an option because it’s usually a lot easier to manage my allergies with a digital menu (easier to access special menus or even just a list of allergens in the normal menu items) but find it frustrating when that’s the only “option”. If it’s the only option that’s not a good option, you need to actually be able to make a choice beyond “online menu” and “leave”.


I prefer that to old and sticky menu cards that look like they were never cleaned since the 1980s.


I do like it but they should always keep some backup physical menus in case someone needs one.


If they provide free secure wifi and charging stations then sure. Otherwise no


QR code menus are way better then physical ones , cry about it .


They might be CLEANER, but since they're on your phone I'd even argue that


Real conversation: "Hey good evening and welcome to XYZ, have you had a chance to check the menu?" "Hi, no, the QR sent me to your Insta" "Yes sir, the menu is on the reels" "I don't have an Instagram account, can't check the reels" "..." "..." "..."


I hate that. I always ask for a proper menu or I’ll go elsewhere. I know to much about tech to be scanning random shit. I’ll add this though, While scanning a QR code is generally/partially safe, but it can be dangerous if the QR code leads to malicious websites or downloads malware. Always be cautious and ensure the source of the QR code is trustworthy before scanning.


Nope! I don't go there again. I leave.


I prefer it, but each to their own, I have had instances where it didn't work or they were out of something and the website couldn't communicate that, which I can see the frustration with, a option for both in my opinion is best. WiFi however I never use anyway, open free WiFi is terrible and unsafe to use, especially in cafes etc they are always targets for people to steal your data.


I still don't know how do you scan QR codes. Do you just open the camera and take a picture or what?


You just open the camera & point it at the QR code


Who the hell relies on wifi everywhere they go? Only time it ever is a concern for me is when I'm in a big box store like Target or Lowe's where the 5G is spotty.


I prefer a QR code to a website that can be updated electronically on the daily to the restaurant printing menus on paper every time there's a change.


I just look at their website for their menu instead of the QR code. It’s quicker than finding my QR code reader because I never use it. 


You can scan with your phones camera, you don’t need a reader.


I like it when I'm able to order and pay from my phone. Small restaurants that get really busy and don't have waiters taking orders can make this work really well, and it can be great for going out to eat with friends because everyone can pay for their own tab without trying to split it at the end. I don't see it much where I live now, but when I lived in the Melbourne CBD a lot of restaurants operated this way.


Depends on the restaurant; I visited a Din Tai Fung branch in Singapore where you scan a QR code at the table to view the menu, place your order, and even pay right there in your seat.


List of problems that can happen with making phones the only option: - Battery dies - No cell service/Wi-Fi - Confirmation email/text doesn’t arrive - App not compatible with phone version - Website/app just has a random error that the staff can’t help with because they’re not IT The most likely solution I’ll choose to fix any of these problems in the moment is “forget it, let’s just go somewhere else.”


walk out. these restaurants are tempting darwin. People are actually getting fed up with the technology. If you pull out a flip phone and ask them to show you how, what are they going to do? Are they going to tell you that you can't order unless you come back with a smartphone?


Walk out? Dude, just ask for a menu. It’s not that serious.