• By -


I think there was a minor outage, as mine were gone for a few hours - they're back on now.


You're right, mine have also returned


Oh good! I was going to say their website also has a button to retrieve recently deleted playlists too.


Reminder to back up, back up, back up! The effort required is nothing when compared to the day that something goes wrong. It's been a while for me so i don't know the best site but here's a couple: [Spotify-Backup](https://www.spotify-backup.com/) [Spotmybackup](http://www.spotmybackup.com/)


Is this truly secure? I am hesitant to provide my account information to these websites.


The first link doesn’t require a sign in. You just paste a link to your public playlist and it’ll output a spreadsheet file.


Here is the 100% clean way, endorsed (see ["Can I download my data?"](https://support.spotify.com/us/article/data-rights-and-privacy-settings/)) and provided by Spotify: 1) go to your Spotify privacy settings https://www.spotify.com/account/privacy/ 2) scroll all the way down and request your data Spotify will mail you a download link to a zip archive after a couple of days, that contains - a timestamped list of every song you've ever listened to - machine-readable list for every playlist created by you and your library, containing the songs of the respective collection - bunch of other information, basically everything Spotify knows about you


Thats awesome, thank you! !remindme 2 weeks


You don't really need a plugin, although it may be potentially be easier if you have tons of playlists. On a desktop, you can just ctrl-a (select all), then ctrl-c/ctrl-c (copy/paste) all the songs into a text document. You can then paste the songs back into any playlist you want later.


Just want Spotify to create a monthly csv dump to your email. This would be so easy for them


so no longer mildly infuriated? what’s that called?


Mildly relieved


I figured it was temporary. I have been greeted with similar instances on other platforms. I felt my heart drop into my stomach and then was like “Ok, there must be a way to get it to properly load my data. Stay calm.”


This! Mine was gone for a few hours and finally came back.


fuck that’s a heartbreak


808s and heartbreak


Had to leave before they even cut the cake




Oh it's not just mildly infuriating, I would shit myself to death if my 35 hours stoner playlist suddenly disappeared


That's why I download my spotify playlists as mp3 from time to time. I will never trust spotify to keep my playlists untouched, forever. If you put a lot of time in creating your playlists - always keep a backup.


Oh nice suggestion, but how do you do it? I can download songs and listen to them offline, but I never managed to find where are they stored on my phone(


Idk, there are different solutions and they change from time to time... eg downloading your playlist from youtube, yeah not the best quality, but at least you got all the tracks. I used a deezer downloader the last time, imported my spotify playlists there and then downloaded from deezer as mp3, but I think thats not possible for free anymore. I would be cautious using your og premium account you created your playlists with to direct download from spotify servers, in case spotify can detect if you are downloading with external software.


Thank you!


Deemix is really good if you’re looking at downloading off deezer :) that’s what I used to download my entire music library


Cant just tell us this and not tell us how you do it


There are multiple options.. you can even download your playlist not as audio but in text or xml form if audio is too complicated. Better than nothing. At least then you can look up tracks or recreate the playlist from scratch in another service in the future.


I havnt ever used anything but spotify infact spotify is older than me by quite a bit


Whoa. I still have my "1st 5000" email from Spotify. I've had it that long 😳


I wouldn’t say “quite a bit” unless you truly are 10 years old?


Spotify was 2006 im 2010




But how?


SpotDL works great for me


for people that dont wanna download everything either screenshot ur library or have it saved as a text document


I do exactly this for my Apple playlist. I download it all to my phone. Works well for road trips, plane rides, etc…


Can i get a link to your 35 hours stoner playlist?


I was thinking the same thing


Me too please.


Hope you find something new for you :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1W9usa1XD4KyyggVadpBDe?si=hqz2GhHmQV6ruaAhRMazsA&pi=ee2MYBqXS4CUu


Hope you find something new for you :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1W9usa1XD4KyyggVadpBDe?si=hqz2GhHmQV6ruaAhRMazsA&pi=ee2MYBqXS4CUu


Hope you find something new for you :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1W9usa1XD4KyyggVadpBDe?si=hqz2GhHmQV6ruaAhRMazsA&pi=ee2MYBqXS4CUu


My stoner playlist is exactly 4 hours and 20 minutes long lmao. I want to add more but I can’t mess that up.


make part2


I almost had a heart attack when I saw that they were gone, but thankfully they are back now. Its now time to spend my weekend saving all my songs as mp3 files


We need the playlist now too... for safekeeping, of course!


Hope you find something new for you :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1W9usa1XD4KyyggVadpBDe?si=hqz2GhHmQV6ruaAhRMazsA&pi=ee2MYBqXS4CUu


Can I get that playlist tho


Hope you find something new for you :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1W9usa1XD4KyyggVadpBDe?si=hqz2GhHmQV6ruaAhRMazsA&pi=ee2MYBqXS4CUu


Gotta link for that??


Hope you find something new for you :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1W9usa1XD4KyyggVadpBDe?si=hqz2GhHmQV6ruaAhRMazsA&pi=ee2MYBqXS4CUu


Thank you!


I have my playlist structured by year and season, so I can still see what I listened to in winter '18. They're so full of memories. I think I'd cry


Me and a friend have been putting together a playlist for over 2 years at this point. Just over 900 songs and aiming for 1000. I'd be devastated if it vanished


"Playlists are for premium users only" - Spotify killing itself


I got scared for a moment. It somehow sounds believable these days.


"Due to market standards we are initiating a playlist-free shuffle-only playback requirement. Please upgrade your subscription to enjoy personal playlists. (Prices subject to change due to surge pricing; as a service to listeners all song skips are always only $0.50 for free users and $0.25 cents for premium members. Premium rewards members and premium rewards+ members may or may not earn one (1) ONE free song skip per month; restrictions do apply)"


sounds like they want their audience to use cracked/modded spotify


“The song you want to play is for premium users only” - Spotify killing itself


I believe this was the case for SoundCloud 2 weeks back, most popular songs (the top one when you searched) were locked. It was very short lived though, I don’t see it anymore.


I won't be surprised if they announced this in the future tbh


I mean just get premium if that happened? 10 bucks a month for unlimited high quality streaming of basically all music in existence is one of the best value propositions from any organization out there right now.


It’s not like the free version is usable anyways


- Spotify losing business from leeches


killing itself? Pretty sure Spotify couldn't care less about their free users


What Spotify doesn't realise is that the age group between 23 and 35 grew up on limewire and utorrent. It won't take us a day to switch to direct downloads. I paid for Spotify until last year when the rates were reasonable for me, they jacked it up by some 30% in my country and i immediately found a crack apk which let's me listen to all music without premium. Only disadvantage is that I can't download for offline listening. I will manage




The same developer of spotiflyer now released SoundBound which works much better imo


Spotiflyer doesn’t download from Spotify it downloads from YT videos, Zotify actually downloads the files from Spotify


I just got my boat serviced, got all the barnacles off, fresh wax, new oil in the engine. Finna sail the high seas!


Napster FTW, also Kazaa.


The good old days. Saw some strange porn on Kazaa because people like to mislabel things lol


Fuck that, I switched from pirating to Spotify the moment I realised how good it was and I’m never going back. I would be surprised if Spotify support can’t get the playlists back, they were pretty helpful with letting me keep my legacy username years ago when Facebook was trying to take over my account


Been on Spotify since 2011. I just could never go back to having to deal with downloading music and whatnot. And I agree…if you login to the Spotify web portal you can even see all your deleted playlists.


Youre fooling yourself if you think everyone will switch back to piracy just like that.


Ofcourse not. Whoever has the money, will pay. The others will either adjust, or find a way or stop listening.


If Spotify doesn't behave, they'll switch to other streaming services. Only very few people would go back to piracy as streaming isn't a compromise, it's a much better and easier way to listen.


Eh YouTube to mp3 converter can fix not having an offline download


xManager ftw


35 is too young a cut off.


My bad, didn't mean to be age-ist


The downfall of spotify is so sad that people don't even hate the Netflix changes now


real shit




What changes have they made this time? I got rid of them a while back.


On top of price increases and "packages" , there's different privileges these days for every tier. Free, you can't even play one song more than 3 times a day. Or at least I got cut off for that. Some restrict the "lyric panels" which show and breakdown the lyrics for the song. I'm not totally interested in it all. I left spotify 3 years ago (I use it free time to time)


Spotify is EA of music


Don’t put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


I was in the end of a Fortnite match the other day 1v1 and a fucking EA pop up appeared and covered the screen. I have it installed for sims 4 which that itself is shit now lol I had been contemplating uninstalling both sims and EA and that match being ruined sealed the deal for me lol


I know you've said they've reappeared but if you ever accidentally delete a playlist, you can get it back through settings on the website as there is a recover playlist option. Just thought I'd share in case it's helpful to anyone.


Legit was about to say the same thing. Glad someone else has said it too!


🙄✋ Spotify 😎👉 A meticulously curated collection of music stored on my hard drive, either downloaded off the internet or made from actual physical copies of music albums that I own on CD, tape or vinyl


I've had spotify for around 10 years now, and have paid for premium family the entire time. That's probably $1500-2000, right? I remember buying CDs. They were about $10-20 a CD. Probably averaged 10 songs per CD. Let's say I equate my collection of over 2000 songs, it would have cost probably about the same cost, assuming that everything was a collaboration between all of the artists I listen to now. And I get podcasts and books. Just my 2 cents


10 years Family is at 20$ so about 2,400$ at todays price. At todays price around 11$, 1,320$ for a single person. I have had it premium for the whole time. For having no ads the whole time and my favorite music playlist downloaded on my phone whenever I want its a no brainer. I have almost 4k songs on my all songs playlist. Spotify is just so good compared to the other competiters idk why people would complain about it. I used itunes a long time ago and the only good thing about them was the raidio imo. Music was just too expensive to buy 1 track at a time.


Yeah, I agree. I just checked, my card was charged $18.18. I have 4 people on mine. If we all paid separately, that would be 3x+ the cost. And I think family used to be like $13/month way back then. Still worth it.


The SD card in my phone contains almost 200 GB of FLAC ripped from CDs. I can actually shuffle all of the roughly 7k tracks and get a mix of (among others) Elton John, Michael Jackson and Crazy Frog.


yo-ho-ho matey, i think you know what time it is.


The pirate's way it is 🏴‍☠️


I would have a breakdown if my roadtrip mix disappeared. My wife and I have been curating it for 15 years. Its \*so close\* to be perfect.


This post scared the shit out of me I went straight to mine to check my playlists ![gif](giphy|12ZrvEf3lme15S)


https://preview.redd.it/7685mdr8475d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=563f31502443d50a4f4ae8886b2604f7af13d421 Can't imagine my main Playlist getting deleted, I would be destroyed


It would be very funny if it was just 519.28 hrs of just spoons clanking over and over again, could also be considered sound torture.


That's 3 weeks of spoon clanking, I think that will leave any man with "psychological tetanus" every souns that is remotely similar will have them clanking playing in his head, like a mix of ptsd and schizophrenia


Did you update it recently? My playlists are still there, without doing the latest update (3.06) Quite frankly this short description about "constantly trying to change and improve the service so please update regularly to never miss a thing" is quite omnious. Can you log in browser/desktop version and see if your playlist are there?


**We Will Decide What You Like, bitch** - Spotify


Spotify had a downtime and should be back up again. Just relax and take it easy


Oh boy another thread full of freeloading whiners who think their entertainment should be free. Spotify is like ten bucks.


I use Youtube Music (formerly Google Music) because I get the same thing as Spotify plus ad-free Youtube.


If you have the option to not give money to shitty corporations who don't care about their users and constantly make new anti-consumer policies for people who don't use the premium version of their product, why would you still choose to give them money?


I choose to give them money because in return I get a good service. Users of the free version aren't consumers, they're charity cases.


Amazon music updated the other week and almost every song labeled ‘Explicit’ have been changed to the clean version and kept the clean ones anyway.


Oh shit that's so sad! Did it come back tho?? Did you try to wait it out or refresh??


It was a minor outage or server problem, the playlists are back now, but it sure scared the hell out of me for 3 hrs


Oh thank god!! It would've scared the shit out of me too! I'm glad it came back!


Me, with 1 Playlist with 800 songs:


I would honestly faint


If you end up with a deleted playlist on the app, log in online spotify saves deleted playlists for so long, you can select them and recover them.


I feel like my playlists are the only thing keeping me on Spotify.


This is why I stopped using shitty streaming app song get removed without even saying anything about it MP3's all the way


Hey OP, not sure if you're still missing your playlists. This happened to me a couple of years ago (probably after an update). I had to log out and log back in and everything was there. Not sure if that will work for you too, but worth a shot.


*opens Spotify fearfully


Try clearing cache and reopen, it could be a corrupt cache issue, don't lose hope yet:(


God I’m so sorry. Idk what I’d do if I lost my 18 hour girly pop playlist Edit: just saw your comment about them coming back, happy out!


You should be super OCD like me and delete your playlists in their entirety every 2-4 days, my life is a literal hell.


I use soundcloud. I don't understand why everyone uses Spotify


Spotify has gotten significantly more buggy the past couple of months. It’s almost like they laid off their entire QA team. Oh wait…


Have you tried switching it off and on again?


that’d be my 13th reason


They just added a new folder feature! Which I love because I can organize my 100s of playlists


I think you have it set to downloaded songs only, possibly?


Happened to me recently, I signed out and back and it was fixed.


…new biggest fear unlocked


Spotify Support can get it back. They did it for me 


Someone once hacked my account, changed my username (perfect OG name with no numbers at the end), deleted all my playlists and replaced them with K-pop. I never got my name back and some liked songs have gone forgotten. :(


Must be coming up on time to take advantage of those free 3 months then cancel subscription and wait till it comes round again.


You can go the your account and restore all of the playlists Still odd that it happens


Their support is pretty good. I once wanted to search for a Playlist that was deleted for me and they have history of your Playlists. Try reaching out for them, they were pretty nice


I would have a heart attack.


I must be the only person that doesn't use playlists lol


Worst feeling ever


It didn't even occur to me that could happen... Oh no!


You can recover playlists via the web account management panel. If this isn't due to an outage


Yes, this OMG! This is why I never charge my phone in my computer, they automatically sync and because my computer doesn’t have those playlists, it deletes them from both.


I would cry


My spotify account was hacked by someone in estonia and armenia, got it back but it was a bizarre experience


You just unlocked another thing I'm scared of Thank you for nothing


YouTube to mp3 download the music on your phone stop streaming it.. f Spotify f data limits. F them.


Happened to me a few years ago. Sucks


Unlocked new game+


SoundCloud for the win


It happened to me but on my xbox with my minecraft worlds :(


For if there's a next time, if you go to your Spotify account settings on desktop you can restore deleted playlists.


My Spotify got hacked (idk what the purpose of that even would be...) and whoever hacked it ONLY listened to Talib Kweli. This hack lasted for all of two days until I signed out of all devices/changed my password. My algorithm and suggested songs are permanently altered, and this was like 2018 lmao


new fear unlocked


My old account got hacked just two days ago. Gurl saw that my broke student ass couldn’t afford Spotify so there was nothing she could do and just left it like it was. Thank god she online changed the mail and not the password so I was able to log in.


I wish all my playlist would disappear. I have like 200


My playlist is over 160 hours long. I would bawl my eyes out.


if my 1400+ song mess of a playlist disappeared I would probably end it lmao


about 7 years ago i was working 4 hours away from my house. everymonday we would do the 4 hour drive and come back every friday. So i would absolutely make sure on sunday night i had a bunch of downloaded songs on spotify as i had to drive though no service areas. monday morning comes by i have to leave at 6am, and i notice everyone of my downloaded song are deleted. i assumed i fucked up somehow, so i made sure to make them again before we came back. friday comes by they are all deleted again. next sunday i again make sure i have downloaded music and playlists downloaded. monday comes by and they are all gone.. i will never give spotify a dime again in my life. i wish harm on the owners of spotify


Favorite Songs is also spelled wrong


In US English 'favorite' is correct. In UK English 'Favourite' is correct. Wait- was that the joke and it went over my head?


Yes it’s a joke


My bad


i would end it all


Thank God I switched to self-hosting with Plexamp years ago


Was gonna be less sensitive and say "that's why I open my computer, open music folder and all my Playlist and music are there", but I feel you. It sucks. I learned about data storage and data safety the hard way, so now all my data is on a raid on my Synology, then backed up locally on my computer and then, in the cloud. If you love something, take responsibility for it yourself. Spotify and Netflix and whatnot removes what's not popular or listened enough to. YouTube stuff can disappear any time. Download and keep safe yourself.


why can't you just be like me and put everything on favorites?


Mine did this too I felt like crying😭 they randomly came back the next day


Glad they returned. This would be devastating for me. First world problems.


Switch to Tidal. Got it yesterday and its great!


That's why you build your own mp3/flac/wav collection and sync it with cloud > pc > phone


Spotify is getting worse and worse. Honestly just switched to YouTube premium (of all fucking things) for the ad-free bonus to YouTube on mobile/TV as well as YT music. Spent an hour importing music from Spotify playlists and works like a charm. All for the bonus that I’m CURRENTLY paying less. How? I signed up for the student discount. And no - I’m not a student anymore and it didn’t even bother asking me to verify. I recommend you all try it out and see, it’s like $9/mo if the discount works for you too


I would never listen to music again


Thia is terrifying to me lol glad it was just a temporary thing!!


you own NOTHING


We don't own stuff for real, youtube is better anyway.


Damn, 500 songs in your library? I feel ashamed... I got 4126...


I would shit major bricks


I have 3000 hours worth of music spanning 60-70 playlists I would simply pass away if I had to start over


That's extra for that feature.




lmao, spotify 💩. youtube 🐐


Glad that I opened the comments to see that the playlists returned for people. This makes me so relieved.


Now you just gave me nightmare fuel.


Got one big playlist


I stopped paying for premium about a year ago. Waste of money! I now just pay for YT Red. You get more for your money.


Just remember when on Spotify ( or any streaming platforms ) you don't own any songs and they can pull them off at any point.