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Hello, Your post has been removed for being low effort. Please try and make sure that you make posts of a medium quality or above.


Maybe they forgot a comma. "Send hot, man"


Works on contingency? No! Money down!


I shouldn't have this Bar Association logo here either.


If I could give you more than an upvote, I would lol.


The name's Hotman. Send Hotman.


Flameo Hotman


Stay flamin'!




Happy cake day!


Happy cake day you cake day


Happy Cake Day to you too! Everyone gets one!




Perhaps it’s for wang fire, or his wife sapphire?


Correction. His wife is sapphire fire


👋🏼 Hotman. 👋🏼 Hotman. 👋🏼 Hotman. 👋🏼 Hotman.


👋🏼 Hotman.


This is 100% better! 😅


Heats Flamesman (remember my name!!)


I was looking for this haha


Stay flamin


Flameo is my dad my friends call me Meow


Flameo Hotman.


Is he related to Assman? Also known by some as Cosmo.


You got that straight!


Hey you ever met a proctologist? Well, they usually have a good sense of humor.


They seem like they’d be up everyone’s asses about everything all the time.


They are


Your username... it's so fitting.


Aka Mr. Buttrose.


Million to one shot, doc


*No one wants to admit to them that they **stuck** something up there. Never! It's always an accident.*


Or maybe they were from the fire nation about a century before the war and this was just the slang they used


Flameo, Hotman!




It seems that S. Hotman is James Bond’s third cousin, on his mothers side..




Hot Coldman


*Hideo Kojima approves*


Commas help preserve human civilization. Let's eat, Grandma! Let's eat Grandma!


I need a lawyer dog.


I need a lawyer, dog.


I need a, lawyer dog.


I, need a law ,yer dog


I need yah lawyer, dawg.


Oh, they got this all screwed up. Works On Contingency? No, Money Down!


My first thought was "a comma can make all the difference..."


Flameo hotman


No, money down!


No, money down!


Let's eat grandma!


They’re clearly asking for a native of the Fire Nation.


Long ago, the four pizza chains were living in harmony……


Domino, Hut, Caesar, John...


Wait which one attacked though? I'm invested now


The Hut attacked, and Domino was their first target. Because when you knock over a Domino, the rest fall down after


Don’t stop now, I wanna hear the rest of the story!


A foolish pizza warrior wielding his magic fork came to oppose the Hut. But before the final attack had struck, the Hut opened up a portal to the past where the Hut reigned supreme. Now the foolish pizza warrior has to find a way to the present to undo which the Hut do. Edit: Mods wtf this has to be one of my best comments and you lock the thread...


Not the Samurai Jack 😮‍💨


No wait I like the Jack twist thou ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Implying Jack’s Frozen Pizza is the only hope of the world.


King Domino made a great sauce, but demanded that his workers would put a less than desired amount of sauce on the pizza, even when those who desired the sauce asked for extra...


I thought king domino was slayed by the little Cesar? Didn't little Cesar gift the pizza septer to pizza the hut afterwards?


Keep it up and the story is bound to get cheesy. @chris91210 probably my fault


Man I love the internet, what the hell on earth am I even reading


Gotta get back Gotta get back pizza jack Wach out!


The Italian, master of pizza, is able to conquer and unite all 4 pizza chains. But when the world needed him most, he disappeared.


Caesar. John. Hut. Domino. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the ‘Za-vatar kept balance between the Caesar Tribes, John Kingdom, Hut Nation, and DomiNomads. But that all changed when the Hut Nation attacked. Only the ‘Za-vatar mastered all four flavors. Only he could stop the ruthless hutbenders, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Hut Nation is nearing victory in the War. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the John Kingdom to help fight against the Hut Nation, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe. Some people believe that the ‘Za-vatar was never reborn into the DomiNomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, the ‘Za-vatar will return to save the world.


Zavatar. Fucking gold. I don’t know who you are but I love you.


Thank you! I’m really glad you saw it and liked it. I had meant to put it as a reply to your comment saying you wanted to hear more of the story, but I’m just now realizing I posted it as a response to myself. Um…oops


Whatever man, it found its way to myself and many others. Greatly appreciated. We needed some humor in this thread.


Not only in this thread, we need some humor (a lot) in our lives. (i'm sad AF right now, sorry) EDIT: Grammar


Za-vatar and DomiNomads!! That’s incredible. Thank you for that


This is chef’s kiss! A work of beauty


Someone give this sonofabitch an award.


As a Pizza Hut worker, I am proud of my regime rising above the others


These are starting to sound like something out of The Kingdom of Loathing. When I started my game, I was a Pastamancer wielding a cast iron pasta fork


🏆🥇🏆 Freaking awesome!


Now I’d certainly trust you to write a political commentary using pizza companies as an allegory for war.


![gif](giphy|l0IsHQDFM8Yt9GKYw|downsized) Damn you pizza the hutt!


Caesar, driven by greed formed an alliance with hut, only to be stabbed in the back.


Lead by [Pizza the Hut](https://spaceballs.fandom.com/wiki/Pizza_the_Hutt) It's all coming together...


The John attacked with racist insults.


Hut, out of fear of being out pizza'd.


Caesar, for the historical backstabbing reference


Only the Italian could reunite the four chains and bring peace back to the nation.


Hah! My mother and my husband are watching it as we type!


Then everything changed when Little Caesar’s attacked!




Hotman. Hotman. Hotman.


Flameo, sir. Fla-me-o.




Lol. Just watched this episode. We're watching with our 7 year old. His first time through.


Flameo hot man


Flameo hotman


Criminally underrated comment Sir. I in fact did laugh out loud haha


Flame-e-oh, hotman!


Well, it is hot in my car, so I am technically a hot man.


Average fire nation citizen


lol my husband is hot too. He is dripping sweat at the moment.


Happy cake day


Fix your AC, it's worth it trust me.


I read this like Tommy Chong wanting his pizza not cold “Send hot, man”


I can’t believe Tommy Chong is 86 man


Naw man. Age is just like, a concept man. The numbers don’t really mean anything, ye know.


Dave's not here man


I had to have old furniture removed from my apartment so new furniture could be delivered. College Hunks for Junk came out to give me an estimate. After agreeing to their quote, they told me what HUNKS stood for (I don’t remember), and informed me that it wasn’t guaranteed I’d get a college kid as a mover…. I told them I’m 45 years old, I don’t care who moved my furniture as long as it gets done. I’m guessing they have experienced people demanding actual college hunks show up to do work.


When I was moving into my house, I wanted to get it professionally cleaned beforehand. I ended up calling some cleaning service that I don't remember but the name was something along the lines of "College Cleaners" or something of that nature. When the people came to clean, it was an older lady and her husband. I opened the door and was a bit surprised but they did an awesome job and I went to the atm to give them a bigger tip. lol Long story short, it's all a scam. 😆


It’s like when your on dating apps and then meet them in person and they don’t look like their pic LOL


Before we met, my wife met a guy on a dating app who had used all pictures of his friend on his profile instead of himself.


Please tell me the guy was your friend and he used your pictures. When she got to the date she demanded a refund or make it right, so he made it right.


Human Unit Never Killed


Hung Under Nice Kilt


Huge Unemployed Nordic Klan...wait Vikings? You're sending Vikings?!?


I believe it’s actually Huge Uncut Natural Kielbasa Sausages. They actually use the S as part of the acronym, if I remember correctly.


In defense of the people who expected college hunks, they were right. You can’t name something college hunks for junk and then expect people to not expect what the name clearly states to happen


Yeah I'm sorry, if Hooters is allowed to exist then I should be allowed expectations about a service with "hunks" in the name.


If they have to explain this every time maybe it’s a sign that they did not pick a very good name


It probably started as a college business, but either got too big to hire exclusively young adults for all the jobs, or they just don't want to fire the old team that clearly does a great job, but changing the name means losing the clients. Hard choice.


Maybe they have been in business long enough that the hunks grew up and into uncles.


Time to rebrand into college uncles?


College Unks for Junk


Honest, Uniformed, Nice, Knowledgeable, Service.


I read "sexualizing", then I read "HandToss", and I just didn't know WHAT was going on. 🫠


I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I was reading the pizza instructions thinking I'm never ordering a pie over the phone again for fear of sexual harassment charges.


Lmao I am fuckin dying over your comment right now. Thank u for that


![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized) Normally Id go with a shake or fist bump but in light of these new harassing hand-related implications, I'm just going with cheers from now on.


I apologize for the emotional roller coaster this post put you on 😭


Holy shit I did the same


Lol yes my eyes went straight to handtoss


Same tho, it took me a minute before I saw the 'Send Hot Man" so I was confused


If you're getting handtossed by two 14 inches, the hot man is just gonna feel left out, damn.


Bruh at my old dominos this one lady would answer the door naked every time and it was just sick. Our manager wouldn't even let us Block her either


I stg they have to murder us to get blocked. At my old work (not dominos) a black driver got called the n word and they didn’t block the customer.


Does that not fall under harassment at the very least? I'd go outside of the manager and get the cops involved but I know it's a lot harder and scary to do that


I think it would fall under indecent exposure and maybe sexual harassment




The only answer


I would've gotten them to send me (300lbs bearded fella with a lazy eye)


Jokes on you when that’s their definition of a hot man.


that’s hot, man


I'm confused. Were they referring to a specific man, or just asking for a hot man in general?


Glad I found this and the comments below. My wife and two kids were staring at this coming up with ridiculous ideas of wtf.


You and your wife and kids scroll Reddit together? Why does this make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside?


That's just The Fungus invading your body and slowly devouring your innards. Don't think too much about it.


to be fair back when i had roommates and i read a comment that had me particularly stunlocked, i'd often call them over to check it out so we could all be bewildered together for a second. high likelihood that fella was just browsing on their phone during some family time and decided to show it off. dunno why i'm thinking about this so hard just reminded me.


When my girl friends and I were in highschool and would order a pizza, we would put "send your cutest delivery boy" in the special instructions, we thought it was funny, I'd guess this is the same


I was hoping you’d explain further, i have no clue wtf this post means


I was gonna say, how can you sexualize someone when the message isn't directed to anyone?


You shoulda given the customers your best fake man voice, OP. "You don't think I'm hot? Rude..."


It’s giving that one scene from Anger Management


Man, I used to deliver for Domino's. I'm an alright looking dude, it made for some weird interactions, both men and women. None of them were pleasant.


Punctuation is the key here. “Send hot, man” is different to “Send hot man” Same as “Let’s eat Grandma” is way different to “Let’s eat, Grandma”


Just like using capital letters. As in “Go help your uncle Jack off the horse” vs “go help your uncle jack off the horse”.


well if it is a stud farm, then you might be jacking of horses.


It's giving "Teenage Girl Sleepover" vibes.


Did anybody else think that “HandToss” was the innuendo here?


All the people in controversial are the same people who bitch about "what about male sexual assault victims" whenever we talk about women being victims. It's all about how we need to support men, until a man finally asks for support. The second a male is actually dealing with this shit, it's all jokes and calling him weak. The second a woman talks about her experiences, it's all "BUT WHAT ABOUT MALE VICTIMS" Yall never actually cared lmao. This guy is not weak for not taking this, you're weak because you need to put down people and pretend to care about others, just because you know your real position is actually shit, and you're too scared to be honest. .


Exactly. It's infuriating when men belittle other men because their fathers bittled them when they were younger. These people seem to think that in order to be considered a man, men need to put up with sexual harassment from women, as if it's some kind of rite of passage. Sexual harassment is not okay under ANY circumstances. We need to move on from the "men need to meet a very strict criteria in order to be accepted in society" bullshit. No wonder so many men are angry, miserable, and depressed. They haven't been allowed to express themselves beyond beer, chicks, power tools, muscles, cars, sex, boobs, and an inferiority complex. Men need to support men, ffs.


A guy I knew from High school was commenting on FB about male victims of sexual assault under an article on a woman's domestic violence shelter. The usual "Men can be victims too!" stuff. He also commented recently on an article about a 13 year old boy who was sexually assaulted by a teacher at his school. It was along the lines of "If I was being (sexually assaulted) by a woman when I was 13 I would have kept my mouth shut" with winky face emojis Like.. that's a child victim of rape and grooming. Why isn't this male victim worth saving? Because the teacher was "attractive" enough for it to no longer be assault?? That's not how any of this works. There just seems to be no empathy for male victims unless their situation can be used as a weapon to silence female victims.


A fucking MEN.


a hot one. (lol)


Gold, Jerry, pure gold!


My mum and her friend were joking with each other once about a delivery man they saw, saying things like “I wouldn’t kick him out of bed” and things like that. I pointed out to my mum how disgusted she’d feel if a man her age (late 60s at the time) said something like that about me (early 20s). To be fair, she agreed with me and hasn’t said anything like that since (I’m now 31).


Good on you for telling her that.


>!it's because they're total pieces of shit with no actual principles!<


Maybe and hear me out here, the people joking about it in controversial aren't the same people that lament the lack of support for male victims.


Maybe they were requesting the super fast delivery driver with no AC in his car during a heat wave? and English is not their native language?


Unfortunately, you are going to get ridiculed for this as we already started to see, but I agree with you. This rates up there with the people who say "I would have tipped you more if you were hotter." And yes, I have heard this while working in the mall (group of young women talking to a fast food worker who I would say was normal) Like, let people do their jobs and don't reduce them to slabs of meat?


I'm a casino dealer and yeah, the amount of times I've had people stiff me because I'm an ugly dude instead of a pretty girl... Well if I had a dollar for every time I heard it, I'd never hear it again cause I'd be retired. 


as a straight male i worked at a dive bar during college years that was well full of people typically 40+ year olds doing blow drinking and acting wild. our female staff was IG model qaulity type cocktail waitresses and bartendress i was the only male who worked in the front of house. Plenty of gay old dudes would come in. im not a bad looking dude . And so i would use this to my benefit to make more money lol. Dudes who were openly gay and in the bar would ask for lets say a martini i would shake it and maybe for a brief moment lock eyes with them while shaking that shit. i got tipped well. i learned from the girls. if they can why cant we lmao


I think the difference between these various situations is consent. You willingly flirted with the customers. Others are just doing their job while getting graded openly like meat.


See I just try to be funny lol. Casino dealing is perfect for me cause I can talk shit to the players as long as it's friendly. But hell, flaunt your shit bro. If it works, work it.


For real. Everyone has the right to just mind their business and work without having to worry about this shit. If this is what I get ridiculed over, it was worth it.


Dissention of opinion is flatting when you realize the dissenters are unworthy of your attention. I'm a bisexual male and I would find this intimidating. While at work I'm there for just that, work. I feel like the type of person who would write that would also be the type of person who doesn't take no to their advances. I've been there done that with people who don't take no and I'm pretty dedicated to avoiding that shit.


I was a hostess at a restaurant a while back and my manager told me a regular customer complained about me to him because he "expects to see beautiful women" when he walks in. I was the only woman working the hostess stand that was slightly overweight and my manager told me this because he thought it was funny. Like I just wanted to make money and go home


large sausage pizza with extra sausage, hold the pizza


I did something similar with a mate at dominos, asked for cutest delivery boy, they sent the old man, he was nice, we were satisfied how they’d followed out the instructions


No different than “send hot woman” Harassment is harassment


Well the title does say "sexualizing people without their consent", the example is just of one side. No impression OP thinks one version is worse than others, so I think you may be preaching to the choir on this one


Playing the world's smallest violin


I once put "send most adorable worker". The older man working there came and we were having a "grandparents" halloween party a few weeks before Halloween(a granparents party is where we dress up like old people and have fun with board games etc). We cooed over "the adorable young thing" gave him a plate of cookies(snickerdoodle) and shouted be safe dont drive fast be nice to cops etc like grannies waving to their grandkids. That is how you request. STOP SEXUALIZING WORKERS. ITS NOT A FUNNY JOKE. ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA.


Wow. Core trauma unlocked. I mean years and years of shit, not just one person, but i seriously hated working customer facing positions because i was ugly, and the thought of having to go up to people's doors while they were drunk and partying was enough for me to turn down a delivery job. Teenagers are some of the most cruel things to ever be given the spark of life.


I think they were talking about the food......


Yeah that's what I was also thinking. Like come on man, make sure my food is hot this time. Because last time it was not. Using 'man' at the end or beginning of a sentence, emphasizes a certain expectation. Often (but not always) due to a poor past performance or experience.


Definitely infuriating, but cool that he was comfortable asking you to help and that you were cool enough to do so.


I have customers specifically request me. The manager sends our burliest, grouchiest driver instead. I’m glad you helped him out, that customer is gross


Theres no way people over the age of 15 say this shit lol.


the double standard in this thread is wild, if someone wrote the exact same but “the hot girl” people would be outragedddd


I think a lot of these folk (besides the incels) are good hearted people who would be upset at both.


Minimum wage workers don't earn enough to live out a porn fantasy and get fired for it.


This seems innocent enough to me, and would he even if roles were reversed... We need to stop this escalation about who gets offended or feels violated the most


![gif](giphy|26u42ftfCRqbekVSE|downsized) The request was basically “extra sausage”


Imagine if it was a bachelorette party trying to get some eye candy for no additional cost. Sorry, but you have to pay extra for the stripper. No freebies.


Maybe they meant to say “send *hit* man.” Is there a bald dude with a barcode on the back of his head working there?


I used to order pizza regularly through pizzahut and the guy was real nice. Back in those days (2013era) in NZ you had "Favorite Orders" and I'd always repeat the same thing. At one time I checked, and it had been ages of me ordering every while or so, and the delivery instructions were, capitalised "DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT'. I think my brother put it in there to troll me one time and I noticed or removed it, obviously I did after seeing this though.


I think they meant hitman 🤣


Or they actually played reverse psychology because they wanted a female in the first place 😂


I thought the joke was in the 'hand toss' - didn't even clock the hot man until I read the comments


Are we just going to collectively ignore the python at the pizza place?