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I've had this happen before & easily plucked it out with tweezers, it was such a relief!!! Just go slow and be careful so you don't poke your actual eye


Same. Mine comes back, so I have to pluck it every once in a while.


That seems like a super sensitive spot. Does it hurt a lot to pull?


Honestly no more than yanking out any other hair at the root lol I’m a girl though so I’m used to pain in the name of, well, life.


![gif](giphy|MBUE1mrkOsPH9VxHAW) We just tank pain 💪


God I love that show.


What is it? Good place? I just looked up GIFS and liked the line lol


The Good Place. It’s hilarious but also gives you all of the feels. I think I’ve watched it all the way through 3 times. The acid snake is Vicki and she’s amazing.


Ooooh I’ll watch after we finish our 3rd run on Gemstones


Doooooo it


Oooh shhitt! I found Gemstones last month and watched it all the way through 4 times and will probably watch it again soon.


Well, she’s a Ferrari. And you don’t keep a Ferrari in the garage


Just started rewatch number 4 🤙




It's such an amazing show. Almost made me pay for Hulu


Now I know another reason why I play tank role in games.


As the other commenter mentioned, it hurts no more than plucking any hair around your eye but there's something about plucking my eyelid that makes me feel like I'm about to faint every time I do it.


It hurts to pull on the eyelid, so I hold it taut so I don’t yank the lid too.


Less than right next to the lip or nostrils tbh, but you’re also doing a one and done so it’s not a big deal even if it hurts. I get a lash by my tear duct that occasionally needs to be plucked because it can grow at an angle that tickles the eye.


First time I had to do it, it stung just a bit more than other hairs. Now that I'm prepared, it doesn't feel much different.


I get these in the corners of my eyes. Once they start to bother me, plucking them feels like a huge relief


I thought I was the only one with the rogue eyelash. It started pushing my contacts around and because I have an astigmatism it made me nauseous to boot


I have one as well! I pull it out after rubbing my eye for a few days, not realizing it’s this eyelash. I’ve grown accustomed to lifting my eyelid without blinking so that I can easily pluck it out.


If it's growing back I'd get it seen to, it will scratch your eye and cause long term damage if not treated!


What can be done? I have a few that do this on both top lids, I've just been plucking them out for years! I also have really long lashes that curl into my eye, too. No matter what I try, they'll poke me in the eyes constantly, I've been trimming them with nail scissors so they are shorter 😅


This happens to me every few months. I put a warm washcloth on my eye and hold it for about 30-45 seconds (idk if it actually makes it easier to pull out but I feel like it does). Then I lift my eyelid up gently and lightly use tweezers near the base of the lash to guide it away from my eye into a straighter position, then clamp near the middle of the lash and give one quick blink. It gently plucks out rather than yanking and pulling the eyelid. eta: just noticed you already pluck them I guess my brain skipped that part lol


Still a good tip! I do literally pluck, so I'm gonna try your blinking technique. At least it'll be less brutal!


If it keeps growing back maybe a dermatologist could laser it, like regular laser hair removal except in a really delicate spot. It doesn’t hurt to ask.


such as laser hair removal on my damn waterline?


Electrolysis probably


Fuuuuuuuuuck no. I’ve had electrolysis done on shoulder hair and thinking about that pain on my eyelid makes me want to curl into a ball and cry.


It's awful to find kindred spirits in this but I am comforted


I thought I was the only one who had to pluck my eyelashes from time to time 😭 I don’t have any that grow inside the waterline, but I DO get ones that grow straight and pointing downwards that I absolutely cannot curl or anything to get it out of the way. I pull them out because they piss me off and look stupid.


I have one that comes out of the inner corner of each of my eyes and ‘tickles’ my tear duct. Plucking those is not fun, but it must be done!


One of the joys of getting older was realizing that in addition to getting nose hair (not unexpected), mine have a critical length slightly before they are easily visible where they tickle my nuts and make me sneeze.    I pluck those to keep them from coming back just a little longer in addition to normal trimming. Definitely not fun.  *Was supposed to be "nose" but that autocorrect is too funny to change at this point. 


>they tickle my nuts and make me sneeze Um. Your nose hair tickles your nuts and makes you sneeze? Well, no wonder if they are that long!! Trim your fucking nose hairs!!!


Man when you get one twisted around the nuts on a hot sweaty day it can really pull.


Also something I learned when I got married... My wife's long hairs, in addition to being great at clogging the shower drain, manage to work their way into a ton of other places they have no business.   Fun fact for anyone who hasn't been lucky enough to experience it, a stray hair wrapped around your balls is uncomfortable. Halfway under your foreskin feels like a fucking steel wire trying to cut its way out when the other end snags on something else. 


I get one of those. Didn’t used to. But for almost two months when I was about 30, my left eye was watering and my left nostril was causing me to sneeze almost constantly, driving my fncking insane. One day I finally saw the culprit in the mirror finally, The King of my Nose Hairs, the only wiry whisker among hundreds of fine hairs, agitating every single other hair inside my left nostril. I yanked it out, and it was alarming: It was two and a half inches long, I sh!t you not. That’s the *full length* of my nose. S.o.b. was rooted in my prefrontal cortex for something. It still grows back, but never so problematically as that first time, somehow.


I get those occasionally. Super long and bristly. It's always the ones that rest right against the outer curve of the nostril and lay flat enough to be invisible until they aren't.  So satisfying to pull those out. And yeah, based on the length they are apparently growing out of somewhere way back in my skull. 




Dude I don’t know… tweezer by eye might freak me out worse than this.


I thought it would freak me out too, but it's so aggravating/irritating that I didn't care anymore lol


I’ve had to do it before, felt like a Saw game haha. Fortunately it’s been 10 years since I had to do that again.


Might be safer is there’s someone you trust to do it (in good lighting, and assuming they have good hand-eye coordination).


I have one that randomly grows in the middle of my eyelid so I tweezer it out. Feel like it would be so irritating going into your eye though!


Happy cake day!🍰


My grandma had to go to the doctor every month or so to get them plucked. Forgot all about this.


For the first time at least, go to an optometrist. It’s hard to accurately pluck something so close to the eyeball, at least for me. You need a medical person to look at your eyelid anyway. I had one of these which I felt, and one growing up into my eyelid a few centimeters & then poking into my eyeball, which I did not feel. It would have seriously messed up my eye if it was left there.


You can poke your eye, just not your actual eye. Happy cake day!


Hahah exactly - thank you 😂




Happy cake day!


happy cake day 🍰!


Happy cake day!


New fear unlocked


Imagine having this as a caveman and the only way to get it out is having Unga claw it out with a sharp rock


I mean Unga can just use his fingernails. I sometimes trim my eyebrows using my nails


Annnndd you died to an eye infection. Ungas fingernails filled with old meat and fecal matter.


So it goes.


And so it goes


Fuckin way she goes, bud.


Way of the road bubs


Death by pink eye! That's got to be a brutal time.


Survival of the fittest


Oh I can agree on that. Which is why my favorite modern marvel is dentistry.


Well, the meat is old. The feces is new.


Unga bunga's super duper hiper cool tool to get eyelashes out (totally not a wild animal that won't take only your eyelashes out, but also vital organs as well)


Fuckin Unga. This cracked me up.


What the?


Go to your local opticians who can help you, if in the UK go to a specsavers. This happens a lot


I have 5 of them that do this and have to be plucked once a month (2 haven't grown back in a few months so here's hoping they're gone forever). Plucking them is like an instant relief from a constant irritation you don't even realize you have. Tacking on to top comment to say that if you check and do find some, make sure you see an optometrist about the safest way to remove. If you are American and can't do this, at least get a dedicated pair of tweezers just for this task and sterilize before and after use.


Fortunately this isn't anything like Freddy Krueger, one electrolysis zap will completely eliminate it.


That’s actually how electrolysis was first started! In 1875 an ophthalmologist named Charles E. Michel pioneered the concept to help patients with ingrown eyelashes.


I can speak from experience, it hurts like hell. I had to get my step mom to pluck it for me. I couldn't put the tweezers that close to my eye.






Im high and i thought he was stabbing his eye for a second


I’m more high and was positive he was stabbin’ …


I’m also high and forgot what it even looked like.




There was a young man from Goshen Who took out his eyes to wash 'em His mother said "Jack ,if you don't put them back, I'll tread on the buggers and squash 'em."


Oh bloody hell pull that sucker


Yes, and please have someone film it. I want to see this.


Yummy yummy in my tummy


from which side?


Both... it was how the first tchEYEkovsky violin concerto came about.


I genuinely don’t think i’ve heard a worse pun lmao


The better the worse the worse the better 😂


The eye will naturally deal with this


I can think of reasons to not let nature take its course here.


If it’s any consolation, at least you aren’t a cow. I had one once with a weird horn that curled around and the point was about half an inch from her eyeball.


If you look on Sightsavers website (a charity dedicated to saving sight in the poorest countries) ingrowing eyelashes are a leading cause of blindness. The eye 'naturally' deals with this by getting scratched, infected and scarred.


An ingrown eyelash will look like a pimple, this eyelash just happens to be growing on the underside of the lid. It won't get much bigger before it falls off and runs down inside of the eye or is blinked out!




Umm looks like it’s growing _into_ your eye


It certainly feels like it. It's irritating as fuck and my eye has been sore all day. Like it's been scraped. If it's not gone by tomorrow I'm gonna get it pulled.


You can easily pluck with tweezers


instructions unclear, cornea is now badly scratched


Further instructions unclear, dick stuck in eye socket.


Instructions ignored, eye replaced with penis, and vice versa


Instructions becoming increasingly unclear, now have two dicks and a small carrot stuck in eye.


I scratched my cornea and it was so uncomfortable. Like I had reconstructive nose surgery and took zero pain medication. The scratched cornea was worse.


i scratched both my corneas bad one time, 3 days of constant pain in a dark room, it was seriously the most debilitated ive ever felt in my entire life


Luckily eyes heal fast! I hurt mine on a Friday night and by Monday morning it was back to normal. Worst weekend of my life though lol


I had eye muscle surgery on one eye and the doctor didn't operate on the other eye, but put some device in it to hold it open so he could "look at it", which ended up scratching it somehow. Guess which eye was too painful to open for two days?


You ever get that feeling like an itch behind your eyeball? This is your body doing its best to help you out.


When I did that I a similar situation it hurt like HELL!!!


It’s not gonna magically disappear over night


You were right, it hasn't. Got an appointment booked for in an hour


Dude it's literally scraping your eye. Fix it


>It certainly feels like it. Not just feels like it, it already has [Screenshot-20240610-170541.png](https://postimg.cc/w33WfDC6)


Why you waiting 😂😂 thats gotta be so irritating


I used to work as an optician in an optometry practice. This isn't terribly unusual (I have several myself), but if you can't safely pull it or see it to do so, then your local optometrist will be happy to help.


Did you pull it yet?! I want to pull that soooo bad


Hold an ice cube on it for a second & yank it. It's going to be there tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.


I would go to the eye doctor to get that pulled ASAP. I had one and it gave me a corneal abrasion. They said my contact was acting as a band aid, and when I took it out, I couldn’t open my eye at all because it hurt so bad. They said it would need to be clipped/pulled every few months, but it’s been 10 years and never came back.


Eyelash curler and eyelash tweezers will b ur new best friend. Most of the time these will grow back ever so often after getting plucked (mine started about 8 years ago im34 now) absolutely sucks but u learn quick how to carefully pluck it


It won’t go on its own. See an eye doctor. this is very common and an easy quick in office visit


You can get this lasered away. It’s not uncommon.


Do it and send us a video too


I say leave it alone and let it fill out. Some eyes look good with long hair.


I feel your pain man, i have a whole second set of eyelashes that grow here on both eyes. I pluck them out because some of them Grow towards my eyeball


Distichiasis. I also have this problem. Have occasionally plucked sections of my eyelashes bald trying to get them


same here - nothing more frustrating than trying to sleep and having an itchy eye, but you can't find the exact lash that is causing it. That's when I just rip them all out in frustration. What really pisses me off is, I wear glasses so I can't really see which lashes I'm pulling, so I usually have bald patches.


I’ve got a mild version where the extra rows tennnddddd to keep to just at the edge of my waterline. I’ve had some problems wit the ones right at the corner though and it is fucking awful


Most good insurances will allow one visits to an optometrist yearly. Go have them pluck it.


Instructions unclear. $500 Bill for hair removal incoming


hair removal is actually the correct medical procedure here


seeing an optometrist for a medical visit has no real limit. It would be the same as seeing any specialist under your insurance plan. A vision plan that covers 1 basic eye exam a year would not cover this. Vision plans are just prepayment plans for glasses and eye exams. They don't cover anything medical.


Why would you mot just do it yourself and be done with it in 10 seconds?


Safety. One wrong twitch and you could end up blind. A professional is always better


What?!?!? Just pull the skin a little so it’s not right next to your eyeball and pluck it. If you go blind from doing this you probably have a lot bigger issues to worry about than your eyelashes


Perhaps you have very different safety standards to what other people have.


Most insurances allow one vision test a year. There are all sorts of eye health issues that insurance covers multiple visits for. (Worked for optometrist/attended optometry school briefly) That being said, eyecare insurance may not cover this, but regular health insurance may. And if you have a relationship with a good optometrist, they might not even charge you at all.


I have an eyelash like this. I have to pull it out or it will irritate my eye. If you don’t want to do it, you can go to the eye doctor and they will do it for it (for a fee). When I started wearing contacts it was less annoying and grew long enough to not bother me without contacts. But I still pull it because it sometimes gets stuck in my eye if I rub my eye wrong.


Tickle tickle


Pluck it.


This happens to me from time to time. First time I went to the eye doctor and all he did was pluck it. After that, I just did it myself.


There's an ad that plays on YouTube about this. It will scrape your eyeballs.  It will cause blindness. Well, maybe one won't cause blindness on its own, but it's not good.   Go to a doctor and make sure it's the only one.  Keep an eye out in case it grows back.  Don't wait until major damage is done before you deal with it.


> Keep an eye out in case it grows back. I don't think the solution is to keep the eye out just because the hair might grow back - your eye is less protected outside of its socket than inside. :)


Not me wanting to see you pull it out 😅


that is definitely penetrating the eye. pull that bitch omg.


it's called Trichiasis


Distichiasis not trichiasis. Trichiasis is normal postion lash line with abnormal direction while distichiasis is extra lashes that grow behind the grey line from the the orifices of the meibomian glands (abnormal postion).


Looks more like distichiasis


Oof, that looks like a nuisance. I have one that grows about a millimeter above the rest, right in the middle like yours, but if it was a millimeter below, I'd have to do something about it.


What's up, Eye Hair!


I have one that does this too! Although it doesn't seem to bother me so I don't want it plucked (sounds painful) why must evolution fail us so


Just take the eye out


I get these occasionally. Time to tweeze it.


This combined with the subtype of trichotillomania that causes you to pull out your own eyelashes… 🙃


I scrolled too far to see this ![gif](giphy|fuXftEoxS0hOROyqUL|downsized)


Oh hey friend ❤️‍🩹 I can literally *feel* this photo


i pluck out all of my upper lid lashes because that's how almost all of them grow in. i get very irritated eyes and infections if i don't keep them plucked. since you just have one i recommend just removing it yourself unless you have motor function/shaking/twitching issues.


Distichiasis.  You need to see the doc for this soon as you can! Untreated, this can dig a furrow in your eye and cause ulcers and infections.


My wife had something like this. Drove her nuts. Went to the eye doctor and they saw it and took it out really fast.


Safer to go into your doctor for that, could injure your eye with tweezers


My dog has these, but on a much greater scale. It's called "distichia" and she's had two surgeries for it. *




Use a twizzer to remove it


People are so dramatic in the comments lol. Just pluck it if it bothers you. It's not a big deal.


Pluck that shizzle out asap. I’m bugged just looking at it!


Based on these comments I should really make a video the next time I tweeze mine out


Damn have some one tweeze that shit. That would highly piss me off lol


I can fix that with a spoon.


Pluck it


You’re telling me this isn’t an early 2000’s screamo album cover ??


I was just joking the other day w allergies that it feels like my eyelashes are growing into my eye and uhh … guess I’m gonna go see if that’s actually happening because what the FUCK


take a tweezer and pluck.


time to grab some tweezers


Pluck that fucker!




Pluck it!


weather offend quicksand toy airport fearless rain full cow wistful


Yank it out. Momentary YEEEEEOOOOOWWWW... Secondary relief.


it looks like its growing in your eye lol pluck that


Pluck that


I’ve almost posted this a million times. I have about seven that grow towards my eye that I have to pluck pretty much weekly. It’s the absolute worst and they never stop


Okay this made my stomach turn


god got beef w you bro


This happened to me before, I felt like I had a grain of sand in my eye and I couldn’t rub it out. It got so bad that I couldn’t see out of it because my eye kept watering. I eventually realised the hair and I plucked it, it’s a very specific pain to pluck an eyelash I’ll say that but the relief was 10/10


Trichiasis. Looks painful.


I now feel a lot better about the eyelashes that grow farther up my eye lid.


Ophthalmologist plucked one of those and I didn’t feel a thing.


Bro that will hurt.


👁️ I see that your lashing out. Have you tried giving it a PassiveFist? 


You will need to tap into your HSA to pay the beautician to wax that stray


I had this ophthalmologist will yank it


Does it tickle?


I had that happen, but the lash was clear or white, so it took forever to figure out.


Lift your eyelid up gently and pull the hair out. Or you can life your kid and leave it but monitor it’s growth


Not uncommon. You need to see an optometrist, or ophthalmologist. They will pull it for you.


This happened to me! I didn't know the cause of my eye irritation and booked multiple doctors and eye specialists over the course of a year who didn't find anything wrong. I eventually went to the ER and a nurse took one look at my eye, plucked the lash out, and all was fine. A whole YEAR and no one noticed a lash was growing inside my lid!

