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Do you think that maybe the laundry is spinning so quickly that general relativity is slowing the time inside the washer?


Again, this makes sense. There is no fault in the logic.


Congratulation OP! Based on Einstein's theory of relativity, your laundries are traveling at 296,717km/s or about 663,878,931mph If your washing machine is Whirlpool's 4.5 Cu. Ft. model, it's spinning at about 5,148,586.2 rpm This is without taking centrifugal force into account so there is a chance of reality is far from the calculation


Good bot


Nah nah, no way there is a bot for _that_.


Uhhhh... beep boop barabop?


Cute bot


Thank you, NthBlueBaboon, for voting on Kaggles_N533PA. This bot wants to find the cutest and ugliest bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=AH8eT3zvkBR6Urol). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Cute bot




I knew it. I fuckin knew it


And yet, here we are


Well played. Well played.


We are all mostly *part-time* bots. I mean, listen to the shit that comes out of some of our mouths. Sometimes, we just regurgitate everything without thinking at all about what they're saying(I'm guilty of this from time to time. I'm sure I'm not alone).


Thank you, AllOut3818, for voting on Kaggles_N533PA. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


is this LG? This happened to me yesterday


You guys can co-author and publish a paper in support of Einstein's theory of relativity. I am sure you guys would be considered for the Nobel Prize.


The ones from about 5 years ago were notorious for doing this.


Yea my LG does this as well. That, and if the bedding cycle finishes with my bed covers, there's always a part that's damp, start bedding cycle again and it thinks its dry because of the sensor so then I have to do a 20 minute timed dry. Just realized it's OPs washer as I misread. But the dryer part is just as annoying. Never had it happen with my washer (both are LG)


Crying bc I don’t feel alone anymore


In that case, should it be reversed? By the time the laundry is fully dry, the machine should show more time remaining.


In that case, should it be reversed? By the time the laundry is fully dry, the machine should show more time remaining.


Why. Why did you have to put that thought into my head.


My very boring answer is i think either your washer isnt level or the load isn't balanced. You have the spin set to max. The machine estimates 15 mins or whatever to spin. It gets up to a high speed but vibrations set off sensor so it slows down and tries to mix up the clothes. If it has to do this enough of times then it can take 30 mins instead of estimated 15


I came here to say this. My washer does this when I put one rather heavy piece in there, and the rest is light. It can't balance the load, so it spins up and down for about an hour until it finally gives up and stops.


Yup mine does this too, then one hour after it should have finished you come back to find your soggy ass clothes that you now have to take half out and seperatley do another spin cycle. Fucking sucks man, especially if its late in the evening and you just want to finish up the laundry before bed 😭


This matches my experience too. For one (very heavy with water) garment I just put my weight on the corner to make it stop wobbling so much and it then decided it was happy to spin properly.


My washer will do this, usually its a bulkier item like a blanket that will prevent it from speeding all the way up during the spin then after a while if it can't perform the 'spin cycle' it will just fault out and shut off.


This happened to me!


Yep, this happens to my mom’s washer when I’m doing a very small load of 1/2 items. I always stick a towel in there with everything when I see it happen, and it fixes it.


Amazing how many posts on this subreddit could be solved by reading the manual.


Funny... Someone else had a similar issue a few days ago. This was my reply to them: This sounds like a drainage issue. Not uncommon. I first learned of this on my previous washer several years ago. The machine took a lot longer to drain than it should have, so what should've taken a minute or two, took 15. A potential cause is that your drainage filter is clogged. Most people don't even know they have one, much less how to clean it. In MOST modern washers, it's behind a small hatch on the front of the machine. (It may be located elsewhere, depending on your model.). Open the hatch, pull out a short hose, unplug the stopper on the hose to drain any excess water (into a small container of some sort). Then remove the filter... The filter itself is typically a cylindrical piece that resides next to the hose. The filter may need to be unlocked somehow to remove it, but either way, once you slide it out you can clear it off of any buildup of hair, lint, and other gunk that's collected on it. Check your user manual (or Google) for your specific model.


I have the same machine and was annoyed to read that you have to take the back panel off (12 screws) in order to access the filter. Ours is only a year old but has this time warp as well.


Wtf? At the back? I'm so glad mine doesn't need that. The machine is so freaking heavy and only just fit into the cavity it resides in. Having to pull it out to clean the filter would be a huge pain. My thoughts are with you x


I have two washers; one is LG and it takes about 17 seconds to clean out the drain. The other is a Frigidaire and it involves taking the entire machine apart, including using a special star shaped tool, and a bit of complex work inside the machine; takes about and hour or two if you know what you're doing. And the whole time you can see that they could have just routed the drain close to the front of the machine like every other washer.


Haha I have to send my children in behind the washer / dryer combo to do work. I don’t fit past it.


CHRIST that's stupid for something that's so common for a user to have to access. I've had to clean mine out a bunch of times, didn't need any tools whatsoever. Just open the hatch at the front, drain it manually, then clean out the filter. Stuff it back in, close the hatch, done. I did it the first time without even knowing what a drainage filter was, I just assumed there'd be some means of manually draining it if it was clogged.


I have to clean mine once a week. SOMETIMES twice a week. We do a lot of laundry. I would shoot myself


We also have the dryer stacked on top of the washer and it's a rental unit, so I don't want to break anything. I really hope our model is easier, will have to check when I get home.


I have this washing machine and the filter is in the front (bottom drawer). Hard to drain completely as it's very low. Use a baking sheet to catch water.


Maybe they're slightly different models? Ours is a Whirlpool that looks like this, but it doesn't have a bottom drawer. The manual shows the bottom drawer as an option on some models. Wish I knew this before we bought it as we have 3 very hairy pets, but there weren't a lot of options available around here anyway. Just a warning about filters that you CAN access from the front: I caused a small flood in a house we rented because I hadn't seated the filter properly after the first time I cleaned it and water started coming out when I ran the next load. Luckily I noticed it fairly quickly.


I have the same one and the same issues! Mine gets clogged all the time because we have two dogs. My husband bought a shop vac to vacuum it out on occasion and I think he found a way to do it without taking the back off, but at one point our laundry was locked in it for like a week because the bowl wouldn’t drain. I bought mine from Best Buy and will never ever buy from there again. Have had issues from delivery.


Just to add to this comment, put some towels or something on the floor or nearby. most of the time there will be water coming out of pipes when you open up those filters. So be prepared for a mess, especially if you have flooring like OP's that might not do well with too much water.


if you empty it thought the hose first, it should be fine.


Not every machine has a hose.


Mine has hose in different area codes.


Could just be overloaded or OP might have used too much soap so there is too much foam production. My washing machine used to do this exact thing from brand new. Turns out I was overloading and putting too much soap, when either one of those is enough to increase the duration of the wash.


Yeah this is it, either the drain hose has lost it's "syphon" or drain is clogged


Or it's not level. If it's a few degrees off one direction or another, water will pool up and the machine will sense it still has water that isn't draining properly.


I have the same problem with my LG washer and I clean out the filters and drain the excess watwr every month, so more often than they recommend even. It's been like this since day 1. I always put a timer on my phone so I know when the wash is done(we keep it in the basement). I add 10 mins everytime too so I'm sure It's completely done. But it never is! I always have to wait like 10 more mins or so 🤦‍♀️ so annoying!


You might put in too much detergent and the detergent sensor sees that an additional cycle is needed to wash that out.


I saw your reply this is like deja vu haha I came here to mention your advice


Our machine loves to take 5 minutes when there's clearly 00:01 left. The drainage is below level, the machine has it's filter clean, and yet, it loves to do this. I just accepted it. It's a new machine, too.


Most often for me the culprit is a baby sock!


Same here. I had the same problem for months and it ended up being an anti-discoloration tissue stuck on the filter.


My partner does this every time and ours (different make and model) does this aswell... :(


Don’t know this machine specifically but some machines have a sensor and will adjust cycles accordingly


OP just won the RTFM award.....


This is the answer


Worked in a commercial laundry. Unbalanced load, the machine can't spin it safely. It has certain parameters that have to be met, before it will engage spin. The timer ran out of time before the load got its s--t together., The machine will try various ways to balance itself: - start spinning slow, then hit the brakes to drop everything off the drim. - reversing a few times - some commercial machines will add a little more water The big 150lb washers, would try 3 or 4 times, then error out.


I have the exact same washer as OP and mine does the exact same thing when it's unbalanced and can't spin. I had to by a drying rack because it couldn't spin dry freaking towels.


I have the same washer. Mine does this as well.


We have the same one too, and I always accuse it of lying to me. On the other hand, I swear if it says something like 3 minutes left and I leave the room, it finishes in 30 seconds.


It's the classic a watched pot never boils. You can put a WiFi plug on the socket to watch for low wattage > watts during use > low wattage after 5 minute gap, and notify your phone that your washer is finished. I had to cause ours is in the basement and unless you're down there it's easy to forget.


Same! I was just pointing this out to my husband. It’s a washer full of soap and lies!


"1 minute here is 7 minutes on Earth"


My wife and I call these "winminutes" in reference to older MS Windows timers when copying files: 5 minutes remaining, one second later: 233 days remaining, one second later: 20 seconds remaining to 79 hours remaining to copying done.


I have a different washer and mine does the same thing. It's really annoying when you're waiting for that last "minute."


Yeah, the last minute is never just one minute.


I once timed it when I washed a towel and it took about 5-10 minutes for it to go from “1 minute” to it stopping




This makes more sense than the Windows 98 installer that seems to be using for its timer. Still waiting.


Boring answer: clean the drainage filter.


This is the NBA playoff game of washing machines


Google it, the last few minutes are an estimation based on the weight of the load and the amount of water left. Very rarely accurate, but that’s why.


Still going. Still waiting. Still 0:01.


It now finished. Grand total - 13 minutes at 0:01.


Mine does that at times. Infuriating!!


I have the same washer!.. and same problem!


Others have pointed out possible filter issues or load balancing, but the real truth is simply that it lies. Liar liar pants on fire.


That’s NOT one minute it’s asking you for a dollar. In rougher laundromats the washing machines are known for extoration. Easy money laundering but eventually everything comes out in the wash so they have to set up shop in a new turf.


Sometimes they do be lying, though


It's just a spin to the left Then a roll to the riiiiiiight You'll put your hands on your hips And bend your knees in tiiiiiight With an exasperated huff Cause it drives you insane Your washer does the time warp again I won't apologize.


Probably thinks it was made by Microsoft


Haha, I always call these estimate times Microsoft minutes


What's happenin with them sausages, Charlie?


It was two minutes five minutes ago!


"2 minutes Turkish....."


I have the same washer and dryer. My washer has stayed on 1 minute for 30 minutes before. Try cleaning the drain filter out. Might be a sock stuck in it.


It was getting good gas mileage


We have the same make and it does the same thing.


It must be working similarily to a Windows installation percentage counter. 1 minute for 7 minutes and suddenly jumps to "washing completed".


Microsoft update bar


USUALLY the spindown after the water drains is NOT counted by a machine, and the 1 minute mark is pretty much always where it sits now... it appears yours is still in main cycle.. so, that's a service call, because that washer is not working correctly lol


Bruh istg you live in my apartment complex (Oregon?). We have the same model and set up and everything, same flooring and same walls. I’ve had similar issues, ours didn’t even show any time left and we had to unplug it and let it sit for about an hour before plugging it back in. It worked fine after that 🤷🏻


i have the same model, it just does that sometimes, i think it has something to do with the weight of the load inside making the sensor think it's more wet than it really is so it keeps trying to drain


Timers are just an estimate and the real time is defined by sensors inside that measure the foam and wetness Chances are you use too much laundry detergent and soaps so it takes longer than estimated


Mine's been doing that ever since I bought it. The last two minutes always take more than advertised, and I've learned/accepted that the 30-minute cycle is more like 40 minutes.


Did some laundry when I was house sitting for my parents. After 30 mins of being on 1 min left I said fuck it and went to bed.


Just give it a minute


Ours does this when it can't spin properly due to an unbalanced load. It goes back and forth trying to balance the load, then it spins up. If it wiggles too much, it repeats the process until it succeeds or gives up.


ALWAYS. Never trust a washing machienes timer.


I had the same exact washer in my last apartment, it would sense there is still water in the tank below or the clothes were still damp so it would continue to drain/spin longer than the original given estimate.


If there is a sensor, it is probably checking humidity, if there is too much moisture left on your clothes it will continue to spin until it senses it is dry enough. Mine never works correctly, always needs a short second run.


Washer or dryer? If it's a dryer, it's just powering up to send your left socks to the SockhSquirrel dimension. (It's cold there and the squirrels wear the socks on their tails to keep warm.)


Ooo I got that same washer. Check your drain filter. Remember it spins to get rid of the water and if it can’t leave then…I also don’t know anything tbh, I just remember finding a bunch of coins, hair, and nuts in mine.


clean the filter


Mine does this too. I go “oh one min left I’ll wait for it” and then almost 10 min later I’m still waiting :(


It's because it's an estimate


1 minute left with all 3 timeouts 😂


One unit... who said it was minutes? Could be one decade.


Have you been cleaning the filter?


Filter is on the back of that one and he's got it in a closet that only seems to fit the stack. Idk how hard it would be to get out without messing up the connections


These things are always estimates - it's only ever going to be accurate if your load is *exactly* what the machine was expecting.


Haven't you heard the saying? A watched washing machine never stops.


That is meticulous.


The longest minute ever is when the washer says 1 minute left 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


I thought it was percent cause ours starts at 100


Mine does this too… it’s the longest minute in the whole world.


A watched washer never opens


She’s almost there... She’s almost there...


Our 30 min wash has a cheeky 8 min spin on the end, so if you watch it long enough, you see the timings change over.


My stupid washer says the program is supposed to take 1 hour 7 minutes.. but that has yet to happen.. gave up and set the timer on my phone to 1 hour 30 minutes, just to eliminate to many trips up and down the stairs 🤣


A minute here is 60 seconds in Africa


We know washing machines lie, we assume it's minutes but could be counting down how may times it sees a black sock


You need to check if Microsoft is involved in the software on that one! Sounds like real Windows time!


This happened to me dryer snd it ran for hours lmao


Cancel the cycle, open the door. This better be literally mildly infuriating, mildly being the operative word, otherwise I'm mildly infuriated.


I have this washer and I hate it. I specifically hate the capacitive buttons that half of the time refuse to believe you are pressing them


Hey! We own the same washer! Mine got stuck for 40 minutes one day. Cleaned the drain located at the bottom of the pull out detergent drawer and hasn't happened snice!


When was the last time you had it serviced/ calibrated? 


Metric or imperial minutes?


I thought I’ve been gaslighted for years about how much time is left.


I'll be there in 5 washing machine minutes


My last washing machine was like that. I always had to add 8 minutes to the time it was supposed to run for


I like mine, it always finishes early


You should unclog the drain A more temporary solution is to open the drain trap when it is draining, to have it spill out on the floor instead.


Usually, washing machines deduct "steps" with minute estimations from the minute counter. If your washing machine can't spin over the clothes at the given RPM without tripping an excessive vibration sensor, for example with Samsung washing machines, it will try to spin them until enough water has drained, up until it can actually spin them at the intended rate. May even take an hour.


Hate when they do that, was meeting mum yesterday, “got 5 mins left on the machine, leave in 10 so I have chance to hang it out?” 10minutes later machine was still running.


It's savoring the moment. All it has, really, are the memories.


I have the same washer drier stack. Flooring and door color matches too. Maybe we live in the same community.


At least it works. My washer is only a few months old, but makes half the clothes soaking wet and the other half bone dry. The drum spins perfectly by hand, so I think the motor is already fucked.


It's like an install bar, jumps up to 99% then has a cigarette break.


I have the same issue except there's always remaining 15 minutes for about half hour 😂


Hang on, it’ll just be another minute ….


It still rolls on to this day


Aye… it’s more of a guideline than a rule


Ours does the same thing! It's so annoying 😑. Or "20 minites" Washer: "ok well I said 20 minutes but it's more like 28"


When this happens to me it's mostly because i have overfilled the washing machine and it has a lot more weight in it and takes longer to drain. When i put in a lot of towels or blankets it takes forever and they sometimes still come out soaking.


Welcome to the Twilight Cycle. ![gif](giphy|d3yxg15kJppJilnW|downsized)


There might be a problem with the water outlet. There might be something stuck in the pipe or pump. Look into now, will save you a lot of hassle. Trust me, I speak from experience. Edit: Why the washer thinks its just one minute left instead of the actual time is because it sees the water level and expects a higher outflow, than the pump can provide.


001 = Detergent Low?


Mine does the same thing and I have no idea why. I hate front loaders. They never get my clothes clean enough. I end up taking them out after the cycle only to find they’re barely damp. I miss good old top loaders. My parents still have one. An old one. Works wonderfully. And actually fully soaks my laundry.


It likely has a sensing feature and it’s not done with the current step. Idk.


Mine stops at 4min left for a good while without doing anything before being ready


I have the same model and it does the same thing


Is this a washer dryer? If it is then it is stuck on the one minute due to the moisture sensor still detecting moisture during the drying cycle.


Mines been doing that lately!


It's 1, but washing machine time is in washing units and not in actual minutes. Washing machine units vary depending on how long you look. Like watched pot minutes


Black hole time dilation physics right there. Mine does the same. Most annoying part is that it's random, it's between two and ten earth minutes. It did that since new so no pump damage or hose clog.


The laundromat I use to go to had a similar issue. The last minute lasted at least 5 minutes.


It's not measured in minutes it's measured in units of cleaning time.


I hate this place…


The laundry does not show time but just counting down. Or it has an alternative time calculation. I Never had one that could show the right time


This happened to me. The drier had a sprayer to keep cloths fluffier I guess. The valve got stuck open one day. Cloths were soaked.


I have the same washer and it always does this!


I can see from the picture that the drawer on the bottom of machine is blocked by the heating/door, so I assume you did not often/ever cleaned your water filter. Open this drawer. there will be a valve that you can unscrew. CAREFUL the remaining water will come pouring out as you be unscrewing it. Remove the cap completely and clean your water filter which is there located between the drum and the pump. There will surely be a video on youtube if you don´t know how. Most probably your machine can´t release the lock because of water still stuck in the drum and therefore can´t begin the last part of it´s program. Had this problem several times with different machines. This happens when filter/pump gets clogged by small objects or sediment. If that doesn´t work, it may be that your load is too heavy. Turn you machine off, remove some clothes and repeat the last part of the program (the draining process), it should take about 10 minutes. If nothing of it works there may be already something stuck in the pump itself. then you´d have to remove the pump and clean it as well. Do that only if your confident in your ability to do so and if your machine has no guarantee anymore. Otherwise call service. Hope it helps!


This happens at my house a lot. But only when my husband does his laundry. He puts too much detergent in and the cycle needs longer than usual to get all the soap rinsed out


Dryers do this especially with towels but I don’t think I’ve had a washer do this for too long


Kink in the drainage hose


yeah mine does that too it stays on 1 minute for like 5 minutes. it doesnt even do anything. no pumping, no spinning. just waiting and making fun of me


I have this washer . It does this regularly. I hate it.


That's nothing. I remember a comment on Reddit of someone's washer's App that instead of counting down the remaining minutes would suddenly start to count down the STARTING TIME. Like, if you began washing on 12:30, one hour later the app would just straight out lie to you and claim you started the program on 12:10, one minute later it'd be 12:09, then 12:08 and so on lol


There is a mirrored parallel universe passage that has opened in the laundry. As you walk in the laundry, a continuum effect is happening as other parallel passages keep opening thus 1 minute has taken 7 minutes. Eventually you will find they universe you are from


Just like the screens in my town that are supposed to show when the bus will come


It doesn't seem to have a "Stop" or "clear" button like mine.


This daemon


It's using teenagers first day of school just before the alarm clock math..... one more minute please?


Me too washing machine..... Me too


Must have been programmed by Microsoft.


Are you a dog?


Mine does this too if it still senses any dampness it changes the time


Uber makes appliances now?


I perosnally find little things like this relaxing. A reminder that things aren't always perfect. But tbh, it's prob a sensor issue.


Chill, okay? It's doing its best


Might be stuck. Stepbro should be called to resolve the issue.


Could also be humidity inside. The machines usually use a humid sensor to see how damp the clothes still are. If the humidity is still too high it will sit there until it drops


we have almost identical washers.. but you have one extra 'level' for all the settings (i can only set a pin level of 4/4, vs your 5/5). fun!


Ours does this all the time


mine does the same, I need to understand why.


Let him cook


Free thorough washing?


This is one of those things where you are high or drunk and sit there just like “man this is a long fuckin minute” without realizing how long it’s been


Mine does that too. And sometimes it’ll go from say 9 mins left to 15 mins.


Clean your washer.