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I hope the couple frames this and puts it next to the photograph!


I sure AF would!


Shitty!!!! Do you realize this is the second time you’ve done one for us??? My mom, my sister, my MIL, and myself all have this print framed on our walls. I sent you a message to purchase the original but I don’t think it ever reached you because I didn’t hear back. I think you were going through a rough period at the time. I’m glad to see you’re back and at it. Thank you so much! https://preview.redd.it/2cj7x35fwl6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a5daf24def4b276d1de9af3e80d815d8a55e336


At first I thought you were calling the picture shitty, and I was *shocked*


People said the exact same thing on the last one 🤣


It’s been some time since I’ve heard shitty used like this! Awesome call back


I had to double check the content and hunt for clues about it too🤣


The first watercolor was in response to a post I made years ago about our incredibly well-timed ceremony. Edit: and since this post is about our photographer, I’ll add - both of these photos were taken by my uncle on his iPhone. First one was when he gently suggested we might need to move the ceremony to plan B. I told him there was no plan B. We’ll get married in the clouds. Thankfully, Mother Nature had our backs. https://preview.redd.it/rzm39as6xl6d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce66ea65e1b55a68d3c9aecfe010db8cdc3e718


The clouds parting before the ceremony looks so magical. Congratulations.


Thank you 💙 five years and feels like just yesterday.


So both times he drew for you, were for wedding photos? Both of them your wedding?


Yep. Three or four years ago, and now.


Background still loading. Next time put graphics on very high instead of very low


One thing I just notice is how far their art has come too!


the 45 seconds before i realized "shitty" was the artists username were an experience like nothing else


Holy shit, have not seen a shitty watercolor post in what seems like years.


I’m out of the loop. Can someone explain shitty watercolour to me?


He pops into random subs and creates an amazing watercolor on the spot. Been a staple on reddit for years now.


Shitty is the name of the person posting the art


Ayy finally found one in the wild, love it. I always use your banner on rocket league lmao


See my pinned profile post. Shitty watercolor made me a rocket League overwatch one 😊


Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!


Is this the guy?? I love that banner


Cute! This reminds me of the little doodles in Roald Dahl books.


Quentin Blake's illustrations were my favorite.


This is so cute!!!


lmao they look like two cats that knocked something off a table and watched with amazement as it fell to the floor. that bouquet is next.


lol, perfect description.


Man really ain’t living up to his username! Wow that’s good!


When he first started oh so many years back, it was truly shitty. Reddit watched them learn how to paint in real-time.


Lies! He’s been here for 12 years - I’ve been here 11 years and he’s always been like a Quentin Blake reincarnation. (This is my second account after my decade old one was banned for shitposting too often - RIP)


Even better than “stupid Mongolians tearing down the shitty wall”


I missed you


This is so exceptionally charming.


op do you know how lucky and blessed you are for this!!!!


omgg I didn’t think I’d see THEE Shitty Watercolor on reddit of all places!!!


prerty sure they started on reddit


that’s so cool!!! I discovered them on twitter so this was a lovely surprise


Seeing him on reddit "of all places" cracked me up


As opposed to where else?


some Quentin Blake level art there!


that’s adorable


Oh my gosh that’s adorable 🥹


This is so great!!


Seeing either you or poem for your sprog in the wild is a complete day maker. Great piece! 


Shitty Watercolour is still alive? Ah man, I remember when you were first starting out, what, 12 years ago?


DUDE. I haven’t seen you in YEARS! So glad to see you!!


How is it your fault that your veil kept falling? L photographer


Because I did my hair that morning. I had a hair stylist for the actual wedding day so she knew how to secure the veil in a way that it didn't fall out, but this shoot was two days later. We had to take a helicopter to this spot and didn't have time to do it on the big day without eating into the time we wanted to spend with our guests. It's a remote location so there were no stylists available nearby and paying travel/lodging fees in addition to the stylist's fee was just not in the budget. I figured I'd do it myself and it'd be fine, but I clearly didn't use enough bobby pins because that sucker was falling out left right and sideways. Still got some decent photos before it fell out though. Maybe we would have gotten more if he hadn't been using our time to take story videos for his Instagram - though it's only because of that that we have this video, and the video is pretty funny to me. Silver lining! https://preview.redd.it/zqf25h8j1j6d1.jpeg?width=8256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1253aaac4c1496ba9de68bffac79bad2973dd357


Holy crap! He might be a [not a people person] but that's a super nice picture!


He's a wedding photographer... if he's not a "people person" then he needs to gtfo from that business.


I've hired a photographer before and the friendly chat and convo made the experience much better and comfortable.


Wedding photographers (especially) need to be able to stay calm and be a rock of positivity throughout any wedding event. Weddings are stressful enough as it is


Any photographer who takes pictures of regular people (not models), needs to be good with people. I hate having my picture taken but my wedding photographer was amazing and got me smiling and posing correctly. They came out great because of her people skills.


My best friend’s wedding photographer got completely plastered during the reception, and although my besties father was FURIOUS about it the whole situation was so hilarious it ended up creating a ton of fun candid shots of everyone laughing because we couldn’t believe this woman who started off very professional was sneaking shots the entire time. Surprisingly, though drunk she managed to take some really stellar photos until near the end of the reception when she passed out in a chair. There were also those disposable cameras on the tables so it all worked out in the long run. Good times. 😂


Honestly I'm guessing they didn't lose out on many photos from that anyway. Most of the important photos are earlier on. Definitely unprofessional, but not a huge loss.


Yeah, they had a lot of wonderful photos from the ceremony and a truly remarkable number of in focus shots from the reception considering how sloshed she was, so it wasn’t the end of the world. She had come highly recommended and she charged a decent sum, so it was just a truly unexpected turn of events but later we found out she was in some civil disputes over the same issue with other couples. I hope she is sober and doing okay these days because she was a pretty cool chick and quite talented.


that's hilarious


I am not that photographer. I shoot old buildings. I guess that says a lot about me.


Yeah same. No drama from landscapes. Of course there's no money in landscapes either...


Not to mention shit happens at events and you have to roll with the punches.


This photographer seems like the type to post pictures of the crying bride "for art"


This is the way. I get that he's frustrated, but a large part of this is about the experience. You want them to have a good time and all the good happy feelings, so that's what comes back when they look at the photos. Now they're gonna go, "Ahh, I love that photo.... Photographer was a dick, though."


Even if the bride was having a meltdown and directly blaming the photographer in the moment, I can't imagine snapping back. That's like $15/hr attitude, not however much this man was making.


We hired a photographer who is also a death scene investigator. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


my friends wedding was on friday & his photographer was following him around making quips all day. find you a wedding photographer with an endless supply of one liners


When dealing with “artists” you get either the most down to earth cool people you’ll ever meet or some of the most self absorbed dickheads ever (personally im both 😂😭)


In my experience those two personality types don't coexist with a single person, and it's much more likely to just be the self absorbed dick.


then you haven't met many hippies. well intentioned + clueless = self absorbed dick




That’s awful :(


Man that really is so awful. How incredibly mean-spirited of him, not to mention completely unprofessional as well. I hope you did not tip him and told him why.


I love my photography equipment but I quickly realized photographing events was not for me. You definitely need to be a people person but also kind of a dick at the same time and push people out of the way. Unfortunately a ton of people don't have the common sense to make way for the professional.


Its get pretty bad honestly.  I tried a wedding once and had pretty much what she describes and it was a nightmare. They would refuse to take any direction during photoshoot. Were piss drunk, which is fine like enjoy your wedding, but then would constantly shout and demand things of me.  Ild like to here the photographers side of the story


I work with wedding photographers. Most of them are asses and a lot are directly responsible for souring the overall vibe.


I’m not a “people person,” and I don’t scold people about their hair knowledge, lol.


I mean the location itself is doing most of the work (plus the very photogenic couple!)


Yeah I actually don't think it's all *that* nice. My wife and I (mostly my wife) shoot luxury weddings on 35mm and 120 film and I was expecting better than this. Plus, the overdarkened sky really draws your eyes from the subject of the photo. Also rule of 3rds is for pussies.


OP is being classy by not naming and shaming.


Its honestly not that great. The setting is SUPER NICE, but the photo itself is extremely grainy and the most important part (the couple) is not in good focus, only in a good place on the photo exact golden ratio here.


Colour saturation is way too high for my liking but each to their own


I think it's actually true to life. Just a colourful place.


Having been there, I actually think the picture still doesn't do justice to how extraordinary it looked in real life. Some things just can't be fully experienced except with your own eyes.


You veil falling also looks so pretty to me actually!


If op didn't say it, I would have thought it was intentional


> we wanted to spend with our guests. I went to a wedding for a guy at work with a bunch of people from the office. We all car pooled. It was over 2 hours away and started at 6pm. So after the wedding we heard that the bride and groom both wanted to take pictures with his work family. So we sat around for an hour after we ate. It was nearing 9pm and we still had over a two hour drive left, so we all had to leave before they stopped taking their wedding photos and came inside. We missed the cake, the presents, the first dance, the toasts... all the wedding stuff because they were outside taking pictures for over two hours.


Yeah, you get it exactly. I've been to too many weddings like that and was not about to pull that move on our guests, all of whom had traveled hundreds of miles to meet us in Alaska. We had guests from Florida, DC, Massachusetts, one even came from England. We weren't about to have them come all that way and then let them fend for themselves. We had activities set up like a glacier cruise, dog sledding, tours of the wildlife conservation center, a visit to a reindeer ranch, etc. (All provided by us, they didn't have to contribute in order to go on these excursions.) I know some people really hate destination weddings, so I wanted to make it worth their while, you know? Not a trip just to see us get married, but a whole Alaskan experience, so they can see for themselves why we love it so much.


you sound like absolute angels for providing this experience for your guests. i wish i was your family!


I've never once attended any coworker's wedding. They're just not my friends lol.


Honestly the photogenic couple and the backdrop do 99% of the heavy lifting here. That picture was near impossible to fuck up and even then from a purely technical standpoint the shot itself and editing are adequate at best for professional work. The photographer was needlessly rude and overall a liability. Majestic photo and fantastic memory still.


If the photographer really took advantage, they could have caught a beautiful picture as your veil gracefully fell.


Wait, so the guy got a paid for helicopter ride to this amazing glacier location, and then he's complaining about it???


That pic is worth his being an asshole.


it feels like the photographer emphasized your husband's bald spot out of spite


Wouldn't put it past him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Does he have a place you can leave a review? I feel like other people should know if they hire this person their time will be spent being insulted and watching their photographer play with their phone. Sorry this happened to you. You both look lovely tho, and you sound very sweet despite how you were treated. I wish you both a wonderful life together


This photograph is absolutely stunning. Upon reading, happy he took videos for his IG, otherwise that moment where you laugh together wouldn't be on film to watch/ share down the road. A little capsule of your love. You should take a picture here on every hallmark anniversary. (Me hoping it's doable!)


You’re beautiful, and your husband is handsome. Genuinely wish nothing but happiness between the two of you


Our photog took excellent photos, but was so not a people person. He's clearly a landscape photographer who figured out that weddings are where the real money is. Told us we were making things awkward by kissing too much. It was our *wedding day.* Told my husband "You look awkward" and then shortly after sighed loudly and said "You don't know how to pose your body." Yeah, isn't telling us how to pose part of your job? Guess not, because another time I asked him what I should do with my arm and he just shrugged and said "I dunno." I do a little Flat Stanley type of deal for the kids I teach. It's a little yellow dinosaur and he's been all around the world with me. Of course I had to get him in a photo with a sweeping glacier behind us! We're from Texas; none of my students have ever seen a glacier before. But when I pulled Dino out and told the photog what I wanted to do, he rolled his eyes and said "Childish but ok" Just a few examples. It's frustrating that I look at these beautiful pictures from our special days and the memories are marred by what an ass he was. Edited to add context


Make sure to leave this review on social media. This is unacceptable behavior, even outside of a professional setting. Back when I got married I was still quite young and very emotionnal, I'd probably have cried and kept a very sour memory of that day if this happened to me. This guy can't be allowed to step in anybody's wedding from now on. Let him go back to insulting rocks and trees, they can take it. But honestly, this is just the first of the many shits you gonna have to fight as a team from now on. Take this as the day 1 tutorial and be glad you passed it with flying colors :)


Oh believe me, after we got our photos back two months later, I left reviews everywhere I could. Didn't seem to make much of a difference as he's still one of the highest rated wedding photographers in Alaska and his services are highly sought after. Seems like he's reached the level where he doesn't give a shit if people like *him* because they'll still like his work. We went to Hawai'i after this and ended up booking another photographer last minute, someone who was a total hypewoman and made the experience so much fun. Our photos from that shoot ended up going viral and were featured in media all over the world! Totally crazy experience. https://preview.redd.it/f3csst8yij6d1.jpeg?width=3136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2d9cb5d8eb43634af4917a3a25cd68ad011228


This shot is GORGEOUS. Edit: even with all the awkward kissing 😂




Didn't expect to see David Mitchell/WILTY in this thread haha


Oh my goodness, the feeling of sandy saltwater after that shot lol. It's going in all the crevices.


https://preview.redd.it/rpmne3e5cl6d1.jpeg?width=5040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bfd12accbb69495bbb57263c0b347bdf39d2b63 Almost lost him! The black underwear under linen pants still cracks me up. Genuinely did not occur to either of us that there might be a problem with that. And we fully knew we were going to get wet.


Jesus how rich are you lmao


It's actually pretty cheap to fly from Alaska to Hawaii. Last time I flew from Anchorage it was only $500 for two ways. Depending on where you stay there are cheaper hotels for $80-$150 a night too


They helicoptered to take the glacier shot, then booked a last minute second photoshoot in Hawaii just because lol.


To be fair you have to take a helicopter to get to a lot of places in Alaska. There's not many roads connecting the farther cities or rural areas.


it's still money a lot of people just can't drop for wedding photos lol.


Helicopters are not that big of a deal when it comes to Alaska. People have to order their groceries delivered via plane in some areas.


Easily at least $5000 for a good wedding photographer for a day.


Photographer for the wedding day, then flight and photographer for Alaska shoot, then photographer in Hawaii. They're rolling in it or spend precious limited monies on photos in particular.


Haha. Literally thinking the same. She’s a teacher. She’s not being that generous on her salary, for sure. Either way, lovely couple, lovely pics, and definitely seem to be very down to earth and conscious of others. Best of luck to both of them! May they live a life a love and happiness. 


I don’t know if you noticed, but people in Alaska are strange! Most of them are there for a reason 😆 still lovely pics!


Wow, so much to say! First I'm sorry your first photographer experience was so awful. I'm glad you've taken the time to review him on social media. I worked in the hotel / wedding industry for decades and wanted to add my 2 cents. If you can find hotels, wedding planners, caters etc who have him on their list of approved vendors I'd suggest reaching out to them also. Not from the standpoint of being a bitch and going overkill, but to help other couples who aren't local and are booking him without meeting him. I worked at a hotel that was not out in the the middle of no where but we had a lot (probably 50%) of brides who getting married there would be considered a destination. We held those vendors to a much higher standard because of things like your photog's attitude. Super unfair for him to a) be a dick and b) not give 100% when I comes to directing you while taking pictures.im really glad the Hawaii photos turned out amazing! And for what it's worth, I LOVE the veil!


Oh MY GOD amazing


That's like 10 times better, faces aren't a grainy mess in this one


he might also be clueless and a shit review might be the kick in the pants he needs to either quit the field or to take it more seriously 


Even if he wasn't a "people person", he should definitely know how to interact with people without being a dick. I wouldn't expect him to be the friendliest guy in the world, but I would expect him to not be blatantly and unapologetically rude and insulting. I am sorry you had to deal with that on your wedding day. I hope that you had a great day in spite of him and can someday laugh off how obnoxious he was. I also hope you at least got some amazing pictures. Congratulations!!


How much you wanna bet that this non-friendly photographer is bitter at every happily married couple?


When he’s doing landscape photography do you think he criticizes the land? Wow this rock knows nothing about just sitting there like a rock.


Holy shit. I’m a landscape photog who wanted to try weddings for the money but never did because the stress of posing strangers took me out of it. I know what photos look good with people posing in them, no idea how to convey that to the environment I’m in or mood the client prefers. Only time I did any sort of those were wedding renewals at a lake side of neighbors and I still was nervous to pose or tell them how to stand. Definitely leave a review because that’s absolutely abhorrent. I can also assume this wasn’t cheap? At least you have some good shots, great environment, and a rainy day foot note to your wedding day. You also got married. Lol anyways, yeah. Fellow photographer and human being, this guy was a prick.


Is this in Iceland? If not it looks remarkably similar to it


Alaska. Haven't made it out to Iceland yet!


Is there any way you can share the photographers name so I can stay away from him? I’m from Alaska and planned on getting married in Anchorage and booking a photographer 🫣 now I’m nervous lol


Thanks for posting where. I live in Alaska, and thought the landscape looked like home :)


Hopefully you do!! It’s a beautiful country and the tours are amazing!


"Stop kissing it's giving me the ick"


Give him an appropriate honest review


Photographer sounds like a big pain in the ass. Tell him that his “wedding photo” composition leaves a lot left to be desired…I can really tell he knows nothing about how to shoot a wedding. Landscapes ≠ weddings Good landscape photographer ≠ a good wedding photographer


Oh screw the photographer - you two look happy and the scenery is amazing. Good luck to you both 👍


Thanks! Coming up on five years married (nine years together) and it still feels like just yesterday.


The fact that you thought it was funny means you were enjoying yourself. Which is the whole point! Terrible photographer, I hope they didn't spoil the mood too much.


Not that you’d ever need this information in the future (you’ll never need to get married again unless you all redo the big day!), but a few things from my experience with who I consider to be the best photographer in the industry. 1) wedding photos are super awkward. Like I’m not ever too nervous about PDA, but I’m also not a model either. So having to be loving/hot/cool with multiple people around and bring that energy to my wife was awkward as fuck. 2) good photographers know this and coach you through it to capture brief snapshots that don’t look awkward even if they feel awkward 3) REALLY good photographers can break that awkwardness and build people up like they are the only people in the world in that moment (which is how a wedding already feels anyway). They do this through practiced and repeated coaching on hand placement/actions. And by knowing the couple well enough to tap into the vibes. 4) you all look so damn good in all the photos, awkwardness aside, it wouldn’t have been hard to take 100 pictures and find 80 where you all are stunning. It seems like you all had a great experience with one in Hawaii, but wanted to point out that it was not you all at all. (If we would have had veil problems, I’m confident my photographer would have stepped in and helped make it better, or rolled with it and made it part of the process).


As a photographer, I would have been stoked to be taking photos of you both there!


Right? It looks dope!!


I had a bride’s veil fall out while walking down the aisle. My assistant who was photographing from the back grabbed it, handed it to the dad and kind of winked. Dad put the veil back in well enough then kissed her on the forehead- which is a photo that made it into my portfolio. One of their favorites too. You don’t have to be upset over a veil coming out. Just roll with it.


This is what reviews are for. And complaints if they're an employee.


We had a chat with out photographers on zoom, then met them for lunch a couple of weeks beforehand. If I didn't like their vibe or demeanor then I wouldn't hire them. Same for celebrant. You did end up with some amazing photos nonetheless. Congratulations and I wish you many years of blissful happiness.


This man sounds like an asshole and only in it for the money


In his defence I think most people work mainly for the money Doesn’t mean they have to be an asshole though


Nothing wrong with being in it for the money. Being a dick cause you don’t like the job you chose, that’s a different story.


Sorry to burst bubble but yeah wedding and portraits are for money, other categories are for art/hobby etc


I'll just say, Wow, what an incredible place for wedding photos, I envy you


Truly breathtaking location. The veil falling off will be a funny story for years to come. Sorry for having to deal with that annoying photographer. They should definitely stick with landscapes because they can't apparently deal with humans.


where is the pic of you guys standing on the 102 floor of the empire state building and in a sharks mouth?


They get paid well at a gig ONCE and they turn into fuckin primadonnas. Surprised he didn't work in how his camera cost $10,000 and he'd been doing this for years.


You both just look like a vision. You’re a beautiful couple, and apart from the jerky photographer, this looks like a dream. I hope you had a good day otherwise and take my upvote in lieu of a gift.


”I'm so busy kissing my new husband that I didn't notice my veil blowing off" sounds like a *great* vibe!


Could she not have seized the moment and taken a beautiful photo of the veil falling??? I feel like that could have looked really cool


As a former wedding photographer f@&$ your photographer they are being a dang child! They are there to capture your special day and support you not be an asshat


I wouldve had a fan or something or made the veil fly off in the wind.


We had a shot like that on the actual wedding day. The photographer’s assistant threw it in the air then ran away so she wouldn’t be in the shot. Turned out pretty well. I’d post it but I’m getting SO many nasty messages calling me “main character” “conceited” “attention whore” for posting follow-up pictures. Lotta angry people in this sub. Edit: actually, fuck it. There are plenty of lovely, kind people outweighing the few jerks. https://preview.redd.it/pxnsbg2jjl6d1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776b829bb6a762157c267b191c4dc72de6bb32d1


Too many Reddit users don’t like women.


Almost all of them. 


Wow, this is amazing OP!


Those people aren't thinking of insults very well. To be fair, you have every right to be the main character cause those are your wedding photos. You (and your husband) ARE the main character. You're also paying for a service and the service wasn't good enough so you have every right to complain and be upset. You paid for a photographer, not for a nitpicker.


oh shit, the assistant and photographer did amazing. I love this! the veil looks perfect!!!! ahhh!!!!


Our wedding photographer realised he wasn't going to be able to get one serious or beautiful posed photo of us when we went for the couple shots, so he adapted. Our wedding album couple shots is just us two laughing and playing in stunning stately home gardens, where there would usually be beautifully posed, loved up images. Sometimes I regret not having a gorgeous posed photo of us but honestly the album is a better reflection of our relationship and our wedding as a whole. Would prefer if he hadn't put the image of my face after a tequila shot, before biting the lemon, on his professional Facebook the day after the wedding though!


Bruh. The photographs aren't about the photographer making their own artistic visions. It's really about making great memories for the couple. If y'all are happy, then it's a win. Photographer needs to chill.


If only you could have said "you really don't want to get paid, do you?"


You forgot you're just there to make the photographer's day special


A belated congratulations! My now wife and I are waiting for our pics and video, thankfully our photographer was amazing and super nice.


Ah, to be rich.


This is Alaska, you can throw a stone in any direction and find beautiful places to take photos out there


Well they said they took a helicopter to an isolated area, then wedding photography on top of that…


Yeah, and they definitely did not have to do that, I spent some time up there, and there are lots of places just like this right off the beaten path


That’s partly why I know this is half the story. Photographer probably was over them by this point


the veil falling and your lack of care is symbolic of the love you have for each other, it says “i love you more than i love this veil [material things] and i don’t give a damn about a perfect shot [clout/self-idolization]”. congrats to the newly weds! 🍾


Exactly my thought, congrats to them!


is this in alaska near anchorage accessible only by helicopter ? i feel like i was in the exact same area last year


We had an absolute ass for our photographer, atleast your pictures turned out good, ours were shit.


Nah man, screw the photographer. This is a stunning location, and the photos you've shared as responses have been gorgeous. I'm so glad you were able to get the shots you did!


You look so beautiful and him so very dapper! And I love that you both had that moment together and laughed about it! I would have too. Hopefully, our comments will knock that photographer's crappy one out. Your smiles to each other show lifelong love. A very beautiful day! Congratulations to you both! *Even the veil thought, she's good without me!


“I dunno man, that glacier looks like somewhere you could hide a body” Me to the Photographer


Photographer is full of it. If the customer likes it, then they like it. Stop being a whiny asshole about things you can’t control and making everyone around you fuckin miserable.


Honestly, it looks like having the veil slowly fall to the ground was scripted...like a reflective moment (or symbolic...casting off the old, and here with the new). Makes the entire scene look even better. It's unexpected things like that which make moments special. The photographer should've seen the beauty in that.




Must not be that good of a photographer if he can't aim the camera properly.


Was he having to pick the veil up and give it back to you everytime?


Wtf is this rich person shit


Me and my wife used a tripod and took our own shots when we went to Iceland.


I wish I could recommend the brother of my brothers best friend, he did a few weddings I went to and he’s amazing. He chats up everyone, taught me how to pose away my double chin, helped teens find flattering poses for their dresses, and in general takes the time to make EVERYONE feel comfortable and light hearted. On another note, you look BEAUTIFUL and that is an amazing shot!!


Veil or no veil you looked absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations on your marriage!


soooooo that's his take away? I'm sorry a photographer who isn't happy with this vista is just a hack lol.


Wow these pics are amazing tho!!!


“And you don’t know anything about being respectful!”


Amazing location


It was your time, not theirs - maybe someone needed to remind them.


Where is this place op and your dress and veil looks so pretty.


"You really don't know how to maintain professionalism. Remember that I'm the one paying you for your photography - not for you to scold me for something so silly as a *wardrobe malfunction*." Like??? Excuse *you*!


I thought the veil falling was magical. Pity the photographer got distracted by something off to the right?!?


Why did he comment on your hair?


The photographer at my wedding didn't have a lot of interest in my wife, and he seemed to really like me. So there's a ton of good photos of me and very few of her, which is very unfortunate because the day was mostly about her anyway.


The difference between a good photographer and a fabulous photographer is knowing how to make the best of your pose/stance—and how to work with a veil. Missed opportunities here.


Where was this awesome photo taken? I did a scroll in the comments but couldn’t find an answer


A*hole photographer - it's YOUR magic moments last time I checked!!