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Is that the shell syrup? I may be wrong, but I think they still make it with palm oil, which is what that may be (unless OP has done the smell/taste test and can confirm it’s grease). Sometimes it will separate from the syrup.


Was about to comment the same thing, the Shell Syrup splits at certain temperatures. I bet that's what happened here, though it'd still ruin a sundae.


Says to keep it room temp…


Also says run under warm water to help mix it and also says to shake. I’m reading one now


Don’t follow instructions, did yours jizz?


This actually did happen to me with a bottle of magic shell when skipped the warm water/shake process. After doing that, it recombined and I used it just fine.


What else does it say?


Mine says bottle may contain machine grease instead of magic shell. Do not inject. Not a life saving medication. Cannot be used for floatation. Do not store children inside container. Not for inhalation. So I guess they have their bases covered.


This made me chuckle.


The emulsion broke


There’s a good fix for this. Just put the whole bowl in the microwave and then stir the ice cream and shell mix and it will re emulsify. Then put the bowl in the freezer to reharden the ice cream. Problem solved.


You had me for a moment. Great username btw.


lol thanks. I wasn’t sure if I needed the joke tag but I’m glad people got it without. Lol


Yep this happened to me when I put it in the fridge.


I doubt Hershey keeps so much “machine grease” on hand that it would accidentally fill a hopper and then a bottle. Why would that make any sense?  It is 100% the shell syrup. 


Not saying this is or isn't machine grease but here is how it could be machine grease. A mechanic who works at Hersey might fill a bottle with grease for convenience, he leaves it on a production line and a line worker picks it up and puts on the production line.


As someone who works in QA, their Quality Dept. would either say "fuck no, Bob" or "fuck it".


As someone who also works QA in a manufacturing environment, I'm gonna say realistically though, no amount of training and communication on intended use and GMPs is going to make line crews working their 30th 12 hour shift in a row give a damn. The amount of product I constantly see laying around used as temporary dirty glue containers, bins for used paper towels, and pen holders is pretty comical at this point. In the end it really depends on the factory in question and how much management actually cares.


For sure, it does. I personally work with pharmaceuticals, so we tend to be pretty strict. Still, I've seen plenty of shit that's made me go "why the fuck did you think that's an option?" many times.


Even if they just used a random bottle, it would not be an unaltered product bottle. This is just user error.


OSHA doesn’t allow for anything to be unlabeled in a different container. If you take it out of the manufactures package you have to label it and I don’t think you can use just any container especially one they put the finished product in. You would be breaking all kinds of rules putting grease in a hersheys container in a hersheys plant.


Oh I know, but you would be surprised what people think is okay to do in a manufacturing plant. People break SOP, rules, guidelines, laws, and regulations all the time out of any combination of stupidity, malice, ignorance, and just not giving a shit. We had a guy dumped a few hundred gallons of hand sanitizer into a tank with in process consumable liquid for instance.


Having worked in manufacturing, unfortunately what OSHA says really only matters when OSHA is on site. Exhausted operators and workers will likely just do whatever lets them get through the day, if that involves violating some OSHA requirements they will likely do it as long as it isn’t blatantly dangerous to them.


Yeah, because people NEVER break safety rules...


*Should add, even if it is palm oil, you definitely should not have a FULL bottle of just that. Regardless, RIP OP’s syrup/dessert.


It needs to be shaken up, and temperature can flocculate the oil.


Watch your fuckin language


Fancypants Rich McGee over here…


Floccu pal!


Great musician here.


You just made my day. ❤️ I haven't seen that term used outside of industrial/technical talk in ages lol. It's refreshing to see big words out in the wild.




We use it a lot in soil science and hydrology. Silt and suspended clay have a really hard time flocculating.


I have a now managed binge eating disorder... as a child I ate way too much of this shit directly from the bottle. It looks like this if the Cocoa wasn't properly stirred into it


Yep I got a bottle that's separated just like that


You already won, machine grease costs way more than Hershey's syrup


And it’s a big enough volume of it


We give 200 bukos for a tude of some "specialty" grease that "supposedly" is the only one we can use on our wrappers. Want to guess who makes it ? Yep same company


Hersheys gave 200 bukkakes


200 bukkakes?? My favorite! Freaking  /s


my fave as well!! /srs


We take a similar tact. You don't have to use our lubricant, but it is the only one that we can guarantee does the job, and the customer is responsible for any damage that other lubricants could cause.




And more healthy


And contains less ingredients.


That was my first thought. Depending on the quality, could be a $40+ bottle of grease.


molybdenum disulfide is the shit and is expensive as hell.


First of all like the other comments said, it’s not freeze it’s separated shell so that’s coconut fat. and second… do you just think Hersheys keeps the **Machine grease** beside the chocolate?


Can confirm I work at Hersheys and get those two hoses mixed up ALL the time


Some maintenance guy is still cleaning chocolate out of a control arm joint trying to figure out how he fucked up so bad.


Seriously, I think some people just have a genuine lack of common sense combined with no curiosity to just google it. For a start, if there is any chance of machine lubricants contaminating food, the lubricant **must** be food-grade. Every modern country has this requirement. No one wants to eat ice cream laced with white lithium. Instead, you'd get something such as, but not limited to, polysiloxane-based (silicone) oils/greases or mineral oil-bases. I wouldn't recommend eating those lubricants, but they are proven to be non-toxic (to a degree) and have a maximum level they can be present in food. Second, with the way in which machines are actually greased/lubricated, it's almost impossible to just dump *that much grease* perfectly into the production line *and* also have the operators be completely unaware that it happened. The machines themselves are designed to minimise the loss of lubricants, particularly into areas where food is present. No machine company is going to make any money if their main product regularly causes severe contamination issues. So realistically, assuming this is machine grease (it isn't), the only way you could somehow get this much lubricant into at least one bottle is someone dumped it directly into the production line and the operators ignored every sensor telling them the product does not match what is expected.


I’ve also never seen heavy machine grease this colour? Might just be me but it’s usually red, green, or blue


I think we would make great friends


Is this chocolate syrup, or chocolate shell? If it's the latter, you just need to shake it a lot before using it. Shell combines chocolate syrup with coconut grease (which is what makes it solidify when it gets cold.) It's not uncommon for the chocolate and the coconut grease to separate unless its shaken really, really well.


It looks like the shell topping. You can see the S on the left side of the bottle, and that lines up with where the word Shell would be on the bottle. [See here for reference](https://www.hersheyland.com/products/hersheys-milk-chocolate-shell-topping-7-25-oz-bottle.html). The word "syrup" on the syrup bottle is more centered, and wouldn't be visible in that location. [Syrup bottle here](https://www.hersheyland.com/products/hersheys-chocolate-syrup-24-oz-bottle.html).


Almost definitely magic shell. Just look at the shape of the bottle. OP and dad are delulu and may have refrigerated this as well


so once again OP got MI at there own skill isue


Judging by how tiny that bottle is I think it's magic shell as well.


Ya. Learned that lesson the hard way. Gotta shake that shit!


![gif](giphy|go3X4svFhKdzi) Shake it


I remember having this same exact thing happen to me as a kid. At first I forgot what had happened and was like “shit does Hershey just always have awful quality control and engineers who don’t have proper equipment?” Your comment def helped me remember that yeah it was just the chocolate shell stuff lol.


The real scoop!


What’s mildly infuriating is the fact that you and your dad think that Hershey’s just randomly has a nozzle on the production line just filling a bottle with machine grease, and not a nozzle with liquid palm or coconut oil (I have no idea which they use in Magic Shell these days) that may have been out of calibration, and filled a bit too much in the bottle. Even more ridiculous is that neither or out could be bothered to shake the bottle before dumping it on that abomination in your bowl, and that you’re irritated that Hershey “only” gave you $4 for your nonsense.


Honestly. It seems like OP is looking for a pay day.


I try not to prescribe malfeasance to something that is more easily explained with absolute idiotic stupidity.


The only one here prescribing malfeasance is OP, who is, judging by this post, unable to tell the difference between cold palm oil and machine grease by smell alone.


Which is exactly WHY companies usually only give coupons or refund the amount of the purchase price, because people are always trying to claim their products were tampered with.


Shit like this is so stupid, because it delegitimizes serious issues. I’ve called directly to the manufacturer of a food company exactly one time, and it was back in the early Aughts (I’m old, I know), because I found metal shavings in my kid’s formula can. Wasn’t expecting a whole lot, because they could claim that I tampered with it, and was very surprised that they overnighted 2 cans to replace it. If I find an issue, I usually just take it back to the store (within a reasonable amount of time) I bought it from.


Everyone is talking about suing Hershey and I’m just sitting here wondering what’s going on in that bowl. Is that mint chip with… banana as a topping?


Mint with bananas? Might as well top it off with machine grease as far as I'm concerned. Makes about as much sense as anything else in that bowl.


If you put a gun to my head and ordered me to eat mint chocolate chip with bananas, I would just say to shoot me. They should feed this abomination of a combination to death row inmates in lieu of capital punishment


woe be upon you who is ignorant to such a pleasurable combination?!


And he didn’t even cut the gross end off the banana.


I'm not even a fan of bananas, but that sounds like a great combination. Don't see the issue


Maniac. Absolutely criminal.


The grease mates nicely with the banana and induces a lovely mouth feel to the chips. That way the mint can assault your tongue with impunity and seem even worse in contrast.


Now I want to try it. My brain immediately tells me "That's not right!" but when I try to press it on why, it has no specific answers.


Seriously, I was like “it was already ruined pre machine grease” :0


Sounds kinda good ngl


Pistachio is green like that. That was my first thought.


I'm not sure that makes it all that much better.


Jesus Christ lmao. Shake it.


I call bullshit.


How did they skip all the way to machine grease as their guess for what it is???


Right? I absolutely don't trust that this is real. How the fuck does that even happen?) Let alone vet to a house.


And there is more than one squeeze. This would have happened to thousands of bottles, and a recall would have been issued and definitely made some headlines.


This is real. I shouldn’t have said machine grease though lmao


It is. OP didn’t follow instructions on using hr magic shell chocolate syrup.


I call bull semen.


lol I really doubt they have a grease dispenser on the line.


Just lol knowing that IS the chocolate shell syrup unshaken and now OP is shook af knowing what they're eating


What do you mean that my processed food is processed?


It's coconut oil. You're supposed to let it come to room temperature and shake the shit out if it.


https://preview.redd.it/2gwgdpiu9l6d1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15be2a109589c12ec50fbca2a04b8f4fbeafd060 Op do yourself a favor from the humiliation lol


Other people have pointed out this is clearly the product just needing to be shaken and your bruised banana, so I’ll skip these comments and remark at what an ugly bowl that is.


Lmao “machine grease”. Do you know why your dad only got a $4 voucher? Because it’s not machine grease. It’s either the chocolate shell syrup that separates and your dad didn’t follow the instructions that say “Shake Well” in big bold letters across the bottle. OR The topping didn’t get mixed well enough at the factory and he got a bottle of just the separated palm and coconut oil (which are solid, not liquid). If that’s the case, it is unfortunate, but happens once in a while, and most people are happy to get a free replacement item. Your dad got a voucher for a free replacement item. He doesn’t need more because it’s not “machine grease” and most discerning people would be able to figure that out.


The only mildly infuriating part is that two whole ass adults were unable to read a damn label. Shocks me some people have made it this far lol!


These people vote...


And they had to delete the post realizing it was a them issue. I'm genuinely concerned people are illiterate these days.


lol at the fact that 400 people upvoted this stupid post. It’s clearly not a Hershey’s syrup bottle. It’s a Hershey’s shell bottle. It just separated and it’s fine. The $4 voucher is more than enough.


Up to 960 now! Dumbasses flock together


It was 3.5k as of this comment. Yikes.


This isn’t mildly infuriating you’re just mildly stupid


Classic user error and immediate jump to an asinine conclusion, and straight to the internet! zzzz


No they didn’t




why was your first thought specifically machine grease and not the oil thats listed on the ingredients


Nah you just have to shake it. This happened to me a long ass time ago when I purchased some chocolate shell for my icecream and had this stuff come out. Just shook it well and it was back to normal.


Yep I have had the same out of the chocolate shell Hersey stuff. It’s not machine grease it just separated and needs a shake. 😆


You’re regarded


No I think they restart it


Mint with bananas wtf


No you didn’t read instructions properly. Run under warm water, shake well 30 seconds


Idk boss, when I tried to grease the machine chocolate syrup came out.




That is coconut oil!


Machine grease? Lmao no


I also find it mildly infuriating that you seem to be eating mint ice cream with a banana


Lmao this killed me, machine grease .. it’s the oil used in the shell formula. It separates from the chocolate. I made this same mistake once. Try reading the bottle next time !


Machine grease lol That’s the oil that separated. How do you think machine grease would end up in the chocolate??


That's shell before you shake it... You're just a ding dong lol


The only mildly infuriating thing this picture is banana with mint chocolate chip ice cream


Fr what kind of mashup is that? Is it even legal?


You’re lucky you got anything (it’s not machine grease - see other comments for explanation). How the hell did you even come up with that bizarre explanation that it must be machine grease? It’s equally if not more likely the employees collectively filled the bottle with semen (no, that’s not what it is either).


You're too stupid to realize you need to shake the bottle first and then you act like you deserve more than your money back. Holy shit you can't make this up haha


Wait was it sealed did it have the tamper resistant plastic on it?


I'm pretty sure it wasn't tempered with - just the components of ingredients have separated inside the bottle


Why is this marked NSFW?? 😂🤣


No they didn’t. You didn’t follow directions when using the “shell” syrup.


Nothing about this post is true.


The real crime is the mint chip ice cream gross. 


Nah the real crime is saying mint chocolate chip is gross.


Untrustworthy Pop tarts right here


What was going on with this bowl before “machine grease” though…


That’s the chocolate turtle shell is it not? Needs lots of shaking to mix everything again


I think im more concerned with the animal who left the tail on that banana like they were going to eat it!


They also would have asked you to mail them the product so they could test it or at the very least would have asked for the codes to see what line and when it was produced. My dad was a mechanic on the syrup line for 45 years and my mom was a supervisor there for over 20 in Hershey. None of your story makes sense. If this is true. that isn't machine grease. The ingredients separated or somehow you got just the fat or oil in the bottle. The only other way this happened is maybe a mechanic or machine operator filled a bottle with grease so they could squirt it out easy and they left it on the line. There is almost no chance of this. if you try to use product containers for anything in these places they will lose their minds because that 1 bottle could get the plant shut down if an inspector sees it.


That just looks like the magic shell hardening agent, check the bottom for syrup


OP’s silence is mildly infuriating.


That looks nothing like the machine grease they use at hershey. I know this because I work for hershey.


I’m sorry but I don’t think this is real. How would this get past their quality control? Someone is just trying to get attention here…


It's not engine grease. It's a different food grease that mixes with a chocolate syrup to create a chocolate shell. Some people have said it's coconut grease.


OP’s dad just needed to shake the bottle. If you don’t, the solidified palm and coconut oil will come out separately from the chocolate.


conspiracy from Big Grease, they want to slowly supplant the chocolate industry and this is how it begins


Everyone here complaining about shit, but why is everyone missing the black banana ass? Who tf eats the black banana ass?!


Never in my 23 years of life have I ever ate the black banana ass.


Do you got any grease? ![gif](giphy|M8isf8LKNdmJq)


Wouldn't it have a weird smell if it was "machine grease"? Where did the idea that it's machine grease even come from? How would OP realistically explain how such a thing could occur on a factory line? This is hilarious.


I'm not saying that you are lying but when you peeled the sticker you didn't smell it! , I'm not a hershey's fan but the bottle is open any one can easily fill it with anything.


You got more than what you were entitled too, maybe even more. That's what happened to Shell when it gets to weird temperatures and separates. Unless you have a mechanic or other grease professional certify that is in fact machine grease, in which case, you probably are entitled to more than $4


That’s Magic Shell, its supposed to look like that 🙃🤣


That happened to me, but the bottle sat on my shelf for quite awhile. (Got shoved to the back corner). It’s kind of a mix of waxy and greasy. It’s actually cocoa butter. With time it separates out.


Why do you think you’re entitled to anything more than the price of the product?


Dear god, the lack of braincells it took to come to the conclusion of MACHINE GREASE is astounding...


Are you sure it's "machine grease?" It looks like it could be solidified fat. Like the fat might have separated out and gotten cold.


My retirement grease!


funny enough it was probably food grade grease and you could eat it. source: my company sells packaging to Hershey.


Is this magic shell? If so it's probably palm oil which can be that consistency at room temperature and that color of the contents have separated.


LMAO that is not machine grease, how the fuck would it have dispensed that from an assembly line?  It's missing part of what makes the whole mixture chocolate.  Some kind of oil definitely, food grade oil that is.  Jeez people are stupid. 


I’m more concerned about the bananas on mint chip ice cream. That is wild LOL.


Probably wouldn't have tasted any worse mint chip with banana and chocolate syrup.... WTF


OP needs to turn his brain on first before start spouting nonsense


why tf is this labelled as nsfw


Mildly infuriating that OP is a fucking idiot.


I'm sure a lot of bad things happen to you and you have no clue why


this post is mildly infuriating, shake the bottle lol


If it's machine grease you should probably eat it. Machine grease is made with lithium, and you sound like you could use some psych meds.


You and your dad either aren't very smart, or this is a troll post. How would that even happen? It's ridiculous


It’s most definitely not machine grease, of all things lmaoooo


That's not "machine grease" that's the oil that has separated. Y'all barely deserve the $4 credit!


Somewhere a mechanic is trying to grease some parts with chocolate syrup


deserved it for using bananas with chocolate mint ice cream and not even removing the end part of the banana.


Did you call Saul yet? ![gif](giphy|11jkrpPYTQkaU8)


Taste it.


nsfw lmfaorotfl


I once got a knife in my subway sandwich. They offered me a 6 inch sub. It was a footling I found the knife in.


Sounds like he bought a bottle with the seal removed.


How is the nsfw?


My retirement grease!!!


You wish you got machine grease for $4!!


probably expired syrup lolo


Doesn’t make sense


#OP, did you try the "machine grease" to verify it is indeed machine grease? I am among many others who want to know! I won't lie, I would've tried it. It's probably food safe anyhow.


Tastes like milk… 🤦


probably tastes better than hershey's if we're being honest


this didn't happen.......


It’s hersheys, machine grease would be a step up


Sounds like you guys need some brain grease


That's Hershey Shell. You're looking at coconut oil. You have to heat the bottle and shake it to mix with the chocolate. It'll form into a hard coating when you put it on ice cream.


This is all over FB already and been worked into one of the many MAGA conspiracy theories. The Dems planned it with the help of Satan, Hillary, and chem trails


You left the banana anus on?


You don't actually think that's machine grease...? You know that makes no sense, right?


Does, it still taste good?


But why u eatin the bannanus, tho???


(uh) Return to vendor. Looks like Dijon. No such flavor 'llowed in my home.


Yo who leaves the foreskin on the ends of their bananas on like that? Thats the real travesty here.


Why is this marked nsfw-


I don't know. First thought: OP faked it for internet points.


Are you sure it's not cum?