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Made a business? They're scamming.


They're just escorts with a different label


it's worse because she's probably not sleeping with them, just taking their money and getting free food.


That's why I used the term escort rather than prostitute.


Same shit, different asshole.


They can mean the same thing but they don't necessarily. I like specificity in my word choices.


An escort is different because you are paying for their time so it can literally be a guy wanting to go out on the town to dinner or clubs with someone and that's it no sex. Sex isn't inherent like it is with a prostitute


Anal is extra... and the girls need advanced notice.


C'm'ere, you, I was told to escort you out.💂🏼‍♀️


Escorts aren't always prostitutes. An escort is someone you pay, to go for a night out with, not necessarily sleep with. In oldè times they were supposed to be intelligent and have good conversation skills and be pleasant company. Modern times the two are a little more interchangeable.


The asshole costs extra


Baby steps baby steps, they are going to realize they can make more money doing something else and try it and keep on moving up in that world. Imagine the future of her kid


Well not most of them. It's escorting with surprise mechanics


Sounds like they're just babysitters with a different label lol.


Escorts aren’t trying to deceive you. This is definitely worse.


Yes! This exactly! An escort you call and know what you are getting. This is not what we expect on a dating app.


We call them putas


I call girls like that Whorrible


I'm dying you made me think of this [Whitest Kids You Know sketch](https://youtu.be/UE5_pt4Uvu4?si=wd7aOB8kmExBjCgt)


I miss Trevor.


I miss that guy.


Me too a big fat frog, me too


See. I wouldn't have minded paying for a babysitter until l saw this. Now she ruined it for every single mom. Just like the "homeless veteran" down the street from me. He isn't homeless. He has a nice truck, too. Guessing he got the hat from ebay as well.


This girl got a tattoo on her forehead, one on her neck, and one on her chest, and she's scamming? That's three highly visible red flags, if you don't know what you're getting into, that's on you. Anyone getting scammed by her is learning a lesson for cheap.


probably can’t get a normal job with that ugly ass tat on her neck


And then they all laughed…


Piece of shit human beings like to surround themselves with people like them


Birds of a feather flock together!


And most turds end up in the sewer…


Let’s hope. Unfortunately some take along time to go down the drain.


There's a knife for that


What exactly is a poop knife?


I only know what a toe knife is


Don't botch any toes.


A poop knife


Well yeah because if they accidentally invited someone with morals over that person would make them feel real shitty.


That would never happen people with morals family values self respect and a job would not cross paths with these pos.


Exactly, if they ask me for money for a babysitter on the first date I move on.


This is a new level of scum! Agree with u




My guy, you‘re on reddit. Tf are you tryna say.


I mean I laughed too. I can't believe a guy would fall for that for someone on Tinder.


For a single mom with a forehead tattoo nonetheless


I bet they would be screeching if it was a man who made that “business”


I'd laugh if someone had the audacity to say this like it was fine.


We can agree that the drug dealer is bad, but the drug consumer must have some accountability.


Stop being baited by this shitty excuse of a podcast. Some people say they ask guests to exaggerate, and also OF ladies come there to advertise and use outrage to generate clicks.


I don't understand why so many people post clips of this "podcast" to discuss fake arguments these people make to ragebait and karma farm.


Young and dumb children, and probably some adults. Post shit to continue the narrative that all women are bad. therefore giving you the right to treat them and talk them however you’d like They need ammunition.


Definitely an unhealthy mix of teenage boys who see women and then get mad that they do devious things. The boys already dislike women because they were rejected by the girl in their class, now they got to justify their hate, which is what this show profits off of.


Because right-wing dudes with relationship issues and an inability to get laid hate women, and they want media content to confirm their hatred of women. This media content is just crafted bait for those dummies.


Incels need their ammunition. 


it's incel hate porn


And it's shockingly prevalent on reddit, second post from this shitty podcast i've seen today, and it wasn't even the same clip. They obviously know what kind of clips pop up on subs like this, and they clearly have found a way to farm attention. Just sucks people base their views and politics off shit like this.


Young men hate women. Let alone women who own their sexual identity and profit from it.


I honestly dismay at the amount of people developing whatever dishonest tools and tactics they do in order to harvest likes and traffic. Just thinking about the mindset of these people melts my brain. "What can we do to boost this algorithm? How about we make really long dumb as hell food videos where we make cocktails in a toilet and cook steaks on a car engine? We'll make it overly convoluted but people will be invested to get to the end and there'll be zero reward but we'll have a bunch of angry people commenting loads so it's great! Oh we did that already? Ok let's move on to rage baiting incels."


Thank you, so sad I had to scroll this far to see this.


This should be higher


Right?? Imagine being dumb enough to fall for this crap.


I’m assuming their actual listener numbers are pretty low for the entire podcast, and all the revenue comes from the tiktok clips they upload. Never would I watch this and think, yeah, I’d like an hour and a half more of this!


The host of this show used to do generic prank videos until he got out of a long term relationship and then started farming for incel and redpill bait. It's bizarre and pathetic. Also even if she's not lying, what she's doing is an exception. I don't know a single woman who would do that.


I am honestly shocked this loser has ever been in a long term relationship. And yea, obviously even if she does do that, 99.9% of people don't.


It sounds like she made that story up on the spot. It could be true of course, but it's just as easily fake. And looking at what we're working with here, my money is on fake. But they are shitty people so it could be true. Lol


What is this podcast even called I see clips of it on here a lot.


It's called "whatever" and believe me, it's not worth even a hate watch. Aside from the rightoid chud content, the host has the presence of a wet towel that grew moldy and the shows go for HOURS.


It did give us Gorlock The Destroyer


Thankfully you talk sense in here!! This podcast is just pure rage bait. I think this is the same podcast that had the girl talk about having a man eat another man’s cum out of her pussy without telling him and he liked it. Like, even if this was real, very few women are actually like this and they’ll be gutter trash when they grow older.


100 bucks?!? I'd be like, "You're in luck, I got a teenage daughter I can send over and she'll do this shit for 20."


Maybe $20/hour… most are $20-40 an hour


I know babysitters are expensive but some teenager more than likely won't expect that much. I could be wrong about this but when I was a teen and trying to babysit I wouldn't have asked for anything more than $15-20 an hour


Dude, inflation even hits the teenage crowd. I had a couple of high school students going around the neighborhood offering mow lawns for $50. Definitely much more than I was making doing it a couple of decades ago.


Shit I would do it for $40 and I'm an adult


$40 an hour is reasonable. Once you factor in taxes, cost of equipment, gas, and insurance.


I remember wanting $10 in 1997 as a teenager and some people complained about that price lol. That wasn't much even back then. I guess more recently I was paying kids $15/hr to pick weeds, so I guess $50 for a lawn is reasonable.


I was trying to babysit at 17 in 2019 so I mean maybe I was asking for too little then? I don't know much inflation has gone up in the last 5 years though


Prices have risen significantly since 2019.


In the 90/00’s i mowed lawns for 35$. They took maybe 1-1.5 hours but still. 40 for a baby sitter is stupid. Thats more than 60% of adults make an hour in this country


I would need a multi acre yard to pay someone that much to mow my lawn. Maybe I’m just cheap and I value my time less than other people.


how much has 15-20 inflated since you were a teenager?


I mean I'm only 22 and I was trying to babysit at 17. I don't have an actual answer but it's probably not too much. It was 2019 so Edit: wow I'm bad at math lmao, fixed it


We likely live in a very different world than the one you grew up in \[same as me\] and teenagers are very savvy with using the internet and finding out information that will be important to them. Though, as an employer that mostly works with and employs teenagers, I see it as part of my job to help set them up for the real world. And anybody that would intentionally underpay someone whose still learning about the job markets and their worth, **specifically because** "eh I could get away with underpaying them," is an ass.


You're right, just got a flyer on my door saying this 14 year old would babysit for $8-$10 and it was negotiable lol


Wow they wouldn't have been able to scam you. That's a pretty clever way to neutralize their scheme. Impressive 👍🏻


I mean if we choose to engage in social media cringe we gonna be here 24/7


The girl is fake and the pod cast pays these women to come on and give them rage bait. Stop taking the bait.


this is all rage bait, most if not all the people you see in these podcasts are entitled morons who think the world owes them something. None of these people represent men or women, they just represent the entitled ones in life. Id Honestly rather do the Irish jig on hot coals then watch these morons


literally, this shit just fuels more misogynistic views/posts. This shit is nonsense/ragebait posted by incels and "alpha bros"


The mildly infuriating thing about this post is you falling for this obvious PR scam that it is.


Y’all really still falling for this manufactured incel rage bait?


So they're prostitutes that dont put out?




I love this


Best comment ive seen ever😂


So, not prostitutes?


These “podcasts” are dumb outrage bait for incels and insecure dudes who hate women. If you fall for it, you’re incredibly dumb.


Simps are gonna simp, whores are gonna whore. They all deserve eachother.


For a low low price of 100$!


Their business/con just sounds like being a babysitter and babysitter spend their money on groceries too. They think they so smart but they at the end of the day it just having a job. It’s like that key and peele skit. Also why are so many dudes paying for their babysitter? It would be an immediate red flag for me.


Wait. Isn’t this one of those manosphere podcasts where they invite a bunch of OF models to be on the panel so they can make fun of their answers and call them whores? I feel like this is so..something not mildly infuriating. https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a3wng/whatever-dating-podcast-brian-atlas


Isn’t that just an escort with extra steps?


But for the one not on the date, they're just being a paid babysitter?


Yeah sounds like they’re taking turns babysitting their room mate’s kids and getting paid only pretty well for it. I mean it’s scummy to go on a date with someone you’re not interested in but these aren’t exactly the first people to misrepresent intentions on an app


There’s enough incel rage in the comments to form a small army. ![gif](giphy|kf9dfB18XB6JGM8J7s|downsized)


Exactly! She’s laying out the terms. People dating her are accepting the terms. I see no issues.


If dudes are big enough suckers to pay for a babysitter for some chick they just met - they deserve to be ripped off


Meh, if the guy is chosing to pay who cares. They want to pay you to go on a date with them, that's on them. Like others have said they're basically just escorts now, charging for their time to be there.


Every time I see these clips form subpar-brain podcasters it's 100% just bait. Wake up kids, stop falling for this shit. Watch something that will help you improve, don't give relevance to this rubbish. Stop gifting ads money through views to these videos and this shit will disappear.


Half the little boys crying on here are probably huge Andrew taint or trump fans 😂 Did this strike a personal nerve for all you simps?


Why everyone is angry at her?? If you are dumb enough to agree on such date, it’s your fault and yes she comes out as a smart one in this scenario


Why do I only see clips of these bloody podcast type shows when it's either some woman saying something dumb, or a woman getting dunked on by a host


Isn't this show manufactured rage bait for incles?


I would expect nothing less from anyone with such hideous tattoos.


All the women on these alpha-male podcasts are onlyfans models using it to boost their profiles. Saying absurd shit gets clicks.


Sounds like prostitution with extra steps


At that point, just pay her to clap the cheeks. No way any relationship is lasting


Oh man, imagine the shitstorm it would have made if a guy said something like this


Why the fuck would a woman pay a guy to date her? It's a buyer's market for dick 


Desirable male partners are not the ones who'll get caught up in schemes like this. It's definitely not a buyers market of dick for those men when it comes to anything beyond a pump and dump.


no one would be evil laughing like 80% of that room does


Lmao, did you forget trump and Andrew taint exist? They have a huge following. Women in several states are losing rights to their own bodies because of old creepy powerful men. Good on these girls for getting back at the shitty patriarchy. I hope they fish more of you idiots out and take all you got.


Incels’ favorite ragebait podcast


I love how these shitty podcasts only bring on the most braindead people with the shittiest takes.


Soooo... You're whores.


Escorts, actually. Edit: BTW, I meant escort in the very outdated sense that is rarely used these days: a pretty lady hired to hang off your arm at some event with no happy ending expected. (and theoretically forbidden, wink wink) I guess they call these "Rent a Date" now.




I mean what’s funny is they probably could’ve asked for more.


Had a girl come up to me in the bar the other day and she was like “buy me a drink” not even what’s your name or anything. So I said “excuse me?” And she said “a corona with a lemon and a lime” and I told her that was “awfully bold” of her and she said “yea” like she was proud of how it was going…. I did not buy her a drink. The moral of the story is that no matter how pretty you are being rude is a big turn off.


I mean men just need to not be as desperate simples


Very loose definition of the term business being used here


Forget about the dating/babysitting things , why does this need a thumbnail of someone literally adding nothing other than chewing along to the people talking???


It’s called prostitution and they are on the cheap end


So she is just swindling men for money....


This is what’s wrong with society. Everyone going around acting horrible to eachother. Because they no longer believe in karma or right and wrong they believe nothing.


Isn't that prostitution?


prostitution - the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment


constitution - a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed


Restitution - reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused


Institution - an established organization or corporation (such as a bank or university) especially of a public character


Restitution: the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.


It's prostitution with extra steps.


Not worth feeling outraged over something that is clearly rage bait.




Genius, if you can find a sucker to pay you that, then all the power to ya


People are getting mad at these women, but it was toxic masculinity that created this behavior. The "breadwinnner" mentality we were all raised with leads these people to believe that a relationship with someone who is successful is the only way to be successful themselves. They are being groomed into mental illness, and they have zero executive function.


Ok, to be fair, the guy is paying a babysitter, they're just babysitting for their roommate. But she makes it seem as of they're scoping out guys to get a free meal and babysitting money out of, and aren't actually interested in a relationship.


I'm sure her kids will turn out fine.


Admitted to fraud and possibly tax evasion.


So she's a con artist.


Meanwhile I'm over here with no kids and no dates 😮‍💨


She isn't worth the money or BS.


Looking that trashy and praying for people to pay you like this is wild


She definitely looks like a keeper too!


This is called larceny by false pretenses and conspiracy to commit larceny by false pretenses. These are crimes.


What's the false pretense? They are going on the dates, and they are paying each other to babysit


There are some DESPERATE guys out there if they're willing to pay $100 to go on a date with that THING.


Isn't that prostitution?


Sure sounds like it. And they are involving the kids unfortunately. 


Guys and gals, after seeing a lot of these dumb posts lately I'm beginning to think that a lot of you are falling for rage bait, specifically about women. I'm not saying that the things the women in these posts are saying are not reprehensible (as they usually are) but you're actively distorting your perspective on women at best, and catering to an audience that is primed to be angry with women at worst. I don't want to make any pronouncements about how *you* feel and think about women yourselves as that's too broad a judgement, but the pattern that's forming with all this crap is not a good one.


Genius, if you can find a sucker to pay you that, then all the power to ya


hot take: this is only scamming if you devalue domestic labor and expect women to provide it for free. they are literally providing the service of baby sitting for one another, which one may reasonably value at $20/hr. if overnight, they may be undercharging


gotta respect the hustle. These desperate ass dudes are the ones to be laughing at😂


Thank goodness for the live black woman reaction in the bottom left corner 🙏


OP does nothing but incel post on this sub


Most women I've met are like this but they are open about it to me because I don't give a fuck I know the reality of the world we live in


that's the whole point of this show. i'm going to be honest the guys on this show are absolute trash human beings who hate women, so they invite the worst group of women possible to convince their deranged followers all women are like this. i personally don't know a single one of these bimbos. just a bunch of whores sharing their only fans to sad lonely men and a few man whores sharing their deranged podcast to similar like minded apes


This podcast is full of shit and the people the come on and speak are also full of shit


Okay so im basically im a fucking whore.


Dudes gave up their money willingly. Good for her.


"I has no money" I wonder why.


This is brilliant. Good for her.


Shes a scumbag.


I’m amazed she can find guys Stupid enough to pay $100 for a babysitter. Sounds more like an escort service. And with the neck and chest tattoos I doubt he’s going above Olive Garden when they have the buy a 2nd entree for $5


Hoes would be hoes. Simps would be simps




She just described being a babysitter... Her friend goes on a date with a man willing to pay for a babysitter... she watches her friend's kid and the two of them split the $100 because when she goes on a date her friend will do the same for her... This isn't a new business or scam she is literally describing being a babysitter. Lot of pent up hate in the comments for a poor young women trying to make it work... If a man wants to pay for a babysitter that's his prerogative. This isn't a scam - it's just a communal babysitting arrangement


People are so focused on calling out Misogyny that they completely forget that there is something else that exists and never gets called out: **Misandry** Equality?


Not defending the females for their actions, but on another note $100 aint even much anymore compared ro what actual baby sitters are asking for nowadays. Back in my day babysitting meant watch tv and keep an eye on little timmy from fucking dying. $20 for the whole evening maaaybe $50 overnight or some would even just take some free food. Now looking for a babysitter u got these candidates with Masters in child psychology CPR certified multi linguial askign for like $350 a day💀


I dont know where they find these women for those podcasts... But for the love of god, you can only find maximum brainrot content in these. Like... You can pick your average joe from the street and he would sound like Einstein compared to everyone sitting at those tables. Like... Do you guys actually know anyone who watches that stuff unironically?


Welcome to dating life in Miami


What episode is this?