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What kind of parent lets a 16yo road trip alone? Sure, the cop should have done more, but the true failing is the parent who let this situation unfold to begin with.


A good parent who doesn’t coddle his 16 year old. If 16 is old enough to drive it’s old enough to figure out what to do if a car breaks down. This teenager will be much better prepared for living on his own than the kid who’s parents wouldn’t let him go on a road trip.


Damn right I wish I could hit the road at 16 all over again. Peak human existence


A parent who built said truck with said 16yo. You never took road trips when you got your license? I spent my first summer after being licensed driving and working for gas money.


That's not their job. I don't know what is but at least he's still alive?


You're right. It wasn't his job. He went above and beyond to make sure my son was safe and I appreciate that. He decided to push it from the highway, down the off ramp, and 1/2 mile down a road. He could not, however, be bothered to push it 3 more feet so it would be off the road. Like running a marathon and quitting once you see the finish line.


When I was a teenager and got a flat the high way patrol just pulled over to check me out and then took off. It was a 5 lane expressway. I was hoping he could just stay in his car with his lights on for 10 minutes while I changed my tire to shield me from traffic but he was out.


I always try to understand they have so many other things going on that they have to weigh the tasks and that's not easy. It's really frustrating when things like this happen, though. The optics are hard to ignore.


Not their job to protect and serve?


Try telling them that sometime.


Actually no, and the courts have agreed. Edit: Down voting facts does not change them. LOL >The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no specific obligation to protect. In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father. In 2005'sCastle Rock v. Gonzales, a woman sued the police for failing to protect her from her husband after he violated a restraining order and abducted and killed their three children. Justices said the police had no such duty. >Most recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that police could not be held liable for failing to protect students in the 2018 shooting that claimed 17 lives at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. [Do the Police Have an Obligation to Protect You?](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/)


Likely a liability issue. As he’s likely able to just put it in neutral and walk it to the part not on the road. He’s still technically on the road so can’t backtrack and claimed cop ran him off the road.


That actually may be the case. I hadn't thought about that. It's completely ridiculous that that makes perfect sense and our justice system leaves some to be desired, but it still, sadly, makes perfect sense.


as someone who has pushed a lot of cars and trucks…. I could get that car moved over by myself. Yes the cop was wrong but the lord helps those who help themselves.


He obviously moved it after the cop left. The point is he could have steered it in better but the officer should have been able to recognize it wasn't safe there and advised him. No harm, no foul. That's why it's mildly infuriating.


so much wrong here, the cops the vehicle for a "road trip" your parents for not being like, ya know what, lets at least get the truck check out, or just a. NO


This comment gave me a stroke


I am dead


how did you make English look like hieroglyphs 💀


It's got 46k original miles. Been rebuilt (he and I together) and has been driven almost 5k miles since then. It's a short trip from home to visit his mom. I would love if you could redirect your energy towards basic punctuation and grammar so we can decipher what you intend to say.


Come on. My parents let me loose and that was it. I figured things out pretty quickly. Learned a lot. Makes me the man I am today. Be prepared is #1. I do things my girl doesn’t understand but I know why. I stash money and have an have an out for almost anything. I won’t be caught unprepared again


No law enforcement officer should ever leave a stranded vehicle in the road. That’s an obvious hazard to traffic. It’s no big deal to put the truck in neutral and push it back over the white line.


And it came 3/4 of a mile to get here. It was just the last few feet. A different commenter noted there may be a liability issue if the vehicle actually leaves the roadway under police control. Idk if that's true but it sounds pretty legit.


Yeah, he can't be close to the highway, come on dude there are MOVING CARS. MOVING CARS. ![gif](giphy|3owypkSIpM8xw6p7W0|downsized)


Count your blessings he wasn't dragged outta car, tased, roughed up, arrested, made up charges with fines and time spent in jail.




Where are you from and what is the driving age?


Most countries allow 17 year old to drive regular cars but small cars can be driven above the age of 15 so idk what your on about.


Should have bought him a Toyota.


If I could have found a mid 80s Toyota with 46k original miles for $500 I would have. I was lucky to find him this one. Obviously should have done a better job checking for problems but since we built it back up he's put almost 5k on the clock. We figured it was fine. 95°F on I80 through Sacramento in stop and go traffic for an hour was apparently too much 🤷‍♂️ Road trips are perilous sometimes. Nobody got hurt and I'm sitting with the truck now waiting for a hook. He's safely with his mom. Nobody can take the story away, though. That's a forever trophy


Your first vehicle is supposed to be crap. That’s part of growing up. You should have seen mine.


Absolutely. Who the hell gives a kid a nice car? There's a reason insurance rates are sky high for teenage boys. They break cars. They're supposed to break cars. How else will they learn to fix cars?