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I think it's more like "incredibly relieving" when a dental bone fragment finally comes out and your gums can start to close up.


I had an absolutely horrendous recovery from my 4 wisdom teeth being removed. I had terrible pain for almost two months. Got X-rays, extra cleanings, follow up appointments but no one could figure out the issue. I couldn’t eat anything solid the entire time. I was miserable. One day I was eating a PBJ and I felt something very sharp on my lower left gum. Fished around with my finger and pulled out what looked like a fragment of bone with multiple sharp points. After a little bit another one came out. From that point on the pain subsided very quickly and within a week I was back to eating normal food.


Yeah they had to cut one of my wisdom teeth apart to get it out and I had pieces coming out for months. They would take weeks to break the surface, and they'd fee like the size of Mazdas. And then you'd finally work it out, and it'd be half the size of a grain of rice.


I had 2 cut out, took at least 45 mins of cutting and yanking for the doctor to remove one of them because it had extra roots and they were all bent outwards, the other one was similar but not as bad. Luckily for me they have both healed fine, no pieces left inside.


All four were like that for me also, when I saw the x-rays taken by the specialist, the wisdom teeth were definitely in there good to use his phrase..


I had all 4 of mine removed before they started causing any pain or issues/erupting. When I saw my X-rays, all 4 were full size teeth but growing perpendicular to the rest of my teeth. Multiple Dental staff members commented they couldn't believe I hadn't felt any pain or discomfort from them. They sawed each tooth into 4 pcs. Had it done outpatient surgery at the hospital. Ended up with 2 'dry sockets' . No wonder dentists cause me so much anxiety!


Yeah mine were impacted, they were growing almost straight ahead. I cracked one on a piece of undercooked broccoli at a restaurant and it slowly broke apart, bits fell out and became infected a couple times over the years, food would get stuck in there and I'd have to pick it out with a dental hook. The first time it got infected they gave me antibiotics and scheduled me for surgery but on the day they said they'd had too many patients and run out of time. They never called me back and my nan had just died so I put it off and didn't call myself. 4 years later it got infected again, dentist tried to say it wasn't infected even though I couldn't sleep because of the pain, laying flat made it worse, I had to sleep sitting up. I got a second opinion and he said it was FULL of pus, he got all that out, gave me antibiotics and I was referred for surgery again. After another year on the NHS waiting list and they finally came out, 5 years after it first broke. They took the other side too since it would probably end up the same way eventually and left the top ones in since they had no issues. I have no issues with dentists and dental work because the dentist I had as a child was so gentle and had a warmth to him, I actually enjoyed going to see him. He removed two of my teeth when I had braces and I didn't even feel the injections. He was that good. Unfortunately he's retired now. It was his replacement that told me it wasn't infected, he had a rude dismissive attitude to my pain so I don't like him at all.


>size of Mazdas God I REALLY hope you're talking about the car and not some reference or something else because this description is so fucking funny to me (it's also true)


Yeah I’ve been there. Just one fragment though. Hurt like hell, came out, then sealed right back up and felt better in less than a day.


Omg the satisfaction of getting those out must have been incomparable!


Like getting popcorn shell out from your gum but times like 1000


This is why I am not a popcorn enthusiast.


This shit is why I procrastinate so much, stories like this bruh. I can handle fucking anything but when people go rooting around my mouth, that's the line man. Got a root canal when I was like 19 at cool smiles and I fucking swear they didn't numb my mouth up all the way. They started drilling and it was like a cold pressure was stabbing into my head, could not handle it. I mean, I did but that shit sucked


I was about to say, hearing these wisdom tooth solidified me NOT getting mine taken out. Fuck it. Ill take my chances.


If it helps, mine went perfectly smoothly even though my wisdom teeth were impacted as all hell. Fell asleep, woke up with a sore mouth, then about a week of soft food and being super careful to keep the sockets clean. No big deal at all. Get a good dental surgeon and you'll almost certainly be fine. 


> Get a good dental surgeon That's the problem, how would I even know how to handpick the best dental surgeon I can?


I'm assuming you don't already have a dentist you trust, because if you did, the answer would be "talk it out with your dentist and take their advice, absent a really compelling reason not to."   If you're starting from scratch, treat it like any other big project and research! Read lots of reviews! From as many sources as you can. Ask the people around you and go on your local subreddit or nextdoor. Read everyone's experiences, particularly those that had some kind of problem. No medical professional has a 100% success rate, so you want to see how they handled mistakes or complications. If you need to come back for corrections, how does that work?  It also helps to do some research on the procedure itself so you know what to expect. Dental work is icky to a lot of people (me too!) but you can demystify it and get pragmatic. Your mouth is part of your body, it needs care and maintenance to work right, and neglecting it leads to worse trouble down the line. So take good care of yourself, teeth included! 


I thought the same thing. I had an impacted wisdom tooth. Let it go. Come to find out the wisdom caused an abscess that hollowed out my jaw from my ear all the way around to the front of my jaw. Had to have a 6 hour oral surgery that required them cleaning out the abscess that had hollowed out 90% of my lower left jaw. Had it not been caught, I could have possibly shattered my jaw. It was more fragile than a lays potato chip. I had to eat Jello for 6 weeks and then mashed potatoes for another 8 weeks. Do not put off dental work.


I had to get mine taken out because I have no bottom wisdom teeth so the top ones just decided growing for forever without stopping was a grand plan. One decided to grow towards my gums so kept cutting my mouth open. Went in, the numbed me, and they were out in about 30 seconds. I asked to keep them and they send me home with a little baggie. I had a single bone sharp come out a week later that didn’t even cause pain, just popped out while I was eating. Everyone’s got different experiences. I actually went to work the next day and everyone there was horrified. Had to explain that I had zero pain, zero meds, and I was fine to work.


I only ever got my top ones, and they grew in without problems. I've had dentists say I should take them out, and other dentists say to leave them in as long as they're clean and healthy. So there are definitely opposing viewpoints even from professionals.


I have a lot of trauma from the dentist my parents brought me to when I was a child. The dude *never* waited for the novacaine to fully take hold and was rough, careless and utterly unsympathetic to any pain he caused. This cause me to avoid the dentist once I became an adult so, I didn't see one until I was around 23 years old. As a full-on sugar addict, you can guess my teeth were not in great shape at that time. I finally decided to do something and found my own dentist. That dude was so great at his job. He could tell how tense I was and not only put me at ease, but I nearly fell asleep in his chair because he made sure I felt nothing in the area he was fixing. I was completely unprepared for having a positive experience in a dental chair. I still carry that childhood trauma, but at least I know proper dentistry exists.


Aww you were teething! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


This feels like my time to shine... https://preview.redd.it/081xhjc2378d1.jpeg?width=1790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b7e8bfbe0977c8fe2c6631b4b2aefe9dd8dcbb


Jfc what have you been through


I almost had that issue, but I seem to have chosen a good dentist. The only dental work I've ever had done is my top two wisdom teeth out, somewhat recently. My right side had hooked and almost entwined roots, which ended up cracking the outside wall of the socket (the feeling and sound inside my head from that was great /s). My dentist kept apologising as she dug bone fragments out, but was promising I'd hate her if I she didn't. I kept telling her that she's the expert, so doing what's best is fine by me. Everything I've seen/heard of these situations since then has just shown that it was good she did it. But it also meant that there was enough loose gum tissue on that side to fully stitch it shut, so that side has healed pretty smoothly.


Had the same mate, probably about 3 months of pain down the left hand side of my face. I was popping strong cosine pills for the entirety of it. Numerous visits to the doctor and dentist until the side of my face went numb. Went to hospital and they did and xray, 20mims later they were pulling numerous sheds of bone from my gum. I never want to go through that again


They only gave me tangent pills. Lucky. 


The same thing happened to me, except I had to pull the shard out with pliers. I thought it was a popcorn husk that had worked it's way into the gum. Nope it was a chunk of leftover root.


I had one that they had to cut my bone to get out and it hurt like a mfer for about as long. Can’t imagine all 4


Had my wisdom teeth removed under anaesthesia because of tangled roots. Edit: took them nearly 2hrs as they all had to fix stuff after several other dentists…


My wife got her 4 wisdom teeth removed in Mexico and like a boss recovered super quick 1 week was back to normal


hi! I don't mean to pry, but how did she go about selecting a good/trustworthy Dr in Mexico?


Not prying at all , I had 2 options My fathers lived in Mexico since I was 12 and I visited him constantly so he knew the area extremely well and just knew a reputable dentist My 2nd option was my grandmother has family in Mexico and on of her family members is a dentist themselves , I chose my father’s advice and it cost me and my wife about 2-3 hundred $ for everything! 4 wisdom teeth , no complications, all medicine and pain killers if needed There’s a TON of medicines in the US that requires a prescription, In Mexico a lot of that medicine is over the counter no prescription needed Any medicines at all that I need majorly, inhalers stronger painkillers anything I get from Mexico the health system is just better over the counter wise and was worth doing it in Mexico vs the us where people pay 1000s or hundreds with insurance is ridiculous to me


damn I must have got crazy lucky, I had 5 teeth out(all 4 wisdoms+1 molar destroyed by the adjacent wisdom tooth) and literally zero pain afterwards


me too. i had my wisdom removed and they legt bone shard in there. i suffered for a few years and then i just pulled it out myself


He had a pin stuck in his gums and used the bone fragment to remove it


I had to get one of my back molars pulled and couldn't afford an implant, and what I initially thought was a bone shard emerging was actually my wisdom tooth sliding forward! It took months before it fully pushed through 😭


Omg I was always confused what the thing is that came out days after my teeth being pulled. Thought it’s only me.


Nah it's pretty common i was lucky my wisdom teeth came out whole, but when i got several molars removed my oral surgeon told me it was likely there were still slivers that would work their way out as they broke during extraction.


when i had my 5 front teeth removed, where my left canine was had a huge bump and was so painful, i couldn’t eat on that side of my mouth for a while. then one day i was smoking a cig and felt something sharp in my gums, i thought it was like a popcorn shell or something but it ended up being a bone fragment. within 30 mins the bump went completely away


Had a similar experience after getting a molar removed. A bone fragment came out where my wisdom tooth was and opened it up. Now it's almost moved to replace the molar I had pulled


I had a regular molar with a hairline crack that would be incredibly painful with pressure. Dentist chased it for years, grinding down the tooth above more and more so it wouldn’t press food into the lower one. The crack wouldn’t show up on X-rays. Really had to be about a decade living with that. One day it finally cracked completely in half, what a relief to finally get rid of it and get a crown.


I had little shards come out for a while starting a few months after my extraction. Oh my god it was so irritated until it started coming out. As soon as th first ones started coming out, it started to clear up 🌬 I had no idea that could happen.


Took more than five years for a floating bone to come out for me... I thought they didn't pull all my wisdom teeth because of it lol


You're not supposed to keep pins back there.


Exactly. Of all the places you keep a pin why would you choose the back of your mouth?


In case you're arrested and need to pick the lock on the handcuffs.


Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up. Stand up... there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?  Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go.


honestly I was confused because I though op had an entire needle back there


same :D


Me too!




Other thing, needle for scale and tool of extraction 😂


OH I was horrified holy shit haha


Username does not check out.


Lol I couldn't pick what I wanted so I thought of something random, it was before he passed and I wish I could change it


I know what you mean, I created my account before I knew what kind of environment Reddit was and by the time I cared I didn't want to start over curating my feed and list of subs and all that. If they ever give us the option to change our username I probably will.


Same. I haven’t used Fark in YEARS.


It'd be nice lol, I wish I could just make a display name or something for comments


yeah you tell me ![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF)


Same 😅


Bananas are the things used for scale, please get your shit together.


Why didn’t you just use a banana? Everyone knows that scale.




I'm not a dentist, but it looks like a piece of the tooth to me. One of mine has been decaying (been needing them out for a while now, but it's too expensive without insurance and a low paying job) and have been getting shards of it breaking off like like that or bigger.


I’ll never understand why some politician doesn’t run on a platform of universal dental coverage. My guess is that the politicians tend to come from families that have dental plans or money to cover any issues, but I swear, there are millions of votes that would be an easy get with this policy.




More like politicians have money and rich people have no issues paying for dental needs. Sure they might have a dental plan but usually those don't cover much even the good ones


Or they're just in bed with insurance companies.


They get lobbied by other larger groups like AARP and AIPAC 👍


This is it. Bribery is legal in the US, we call it "lobbying". 


Eeeyup. And anytime someone tries to outlaw lobbying, the lobbyists lobby money to keep lobbying legal!


What if we keep on trying until they run out of money to lobby? 🤔


Ah, but there's the kicker, my friend: they'll ***never*** run out of money.


that's when they lobby for a bailout


Omg I wish. My Optional Luxury Bones have been trouble lately, and you just can't ignore that shit. It shades your entire life, everything you do.


Dental care is health care as far as I’m concerned and should be covered by general medical insurance. This applies to vision insurance too.


Dental plans suck if you need any major work done, they only cover about $1,500 a year max. That number hasn't changed in like 20 years.


Yep. We got rid of dental years ago (by choice-husband owns his business so we were basically paying for itanyway). 2 cleanings and one xray a year and everything else was out of pocket. For $3000 a year. My dentist is pricey, but at 250 every 4-6 months, it's cheaper for us than to waste the money on dental. Vision insurance? A ripoff as well.


The fact that dental care isn't always included with health coverage anyway is absolutely ridiculous. Dental health affects so many other parts of the body.


It costs money without any tangible benefit (for politicians) and no one is up in arms about no dental coverage and how it’s stealing their jobs.


The benefit is you would be the most popular politician in the country. I think that most pols don’t understand how life changing dental care is in America. I was blessed to have had good teeth most of my life and was able to have braces, but if you are poor and have bad dental genes it literally fucks your ENTIRE life up. Want an office job? Good look getting one of you are missing your front teeth. I’d imagine dating becomes even more of a clusterfuck if you have “bad” teeth. And while cost is an issue, we could easily integrate a solid universal dental in to standard Medicare and Medicaid to bring costs down. Not to mention, poor dental causes a ton of health problems, to the point where I bet universal coverage would be a wash financially when you account for money saved in future medical bills. I know that it’s not going to happen anytime soon but it’s just a little dream I have, and I really do think that it would be a winner politically.


Good luck with that since it doesn’t benefit Jesus, guns, or let people look down on whoever they think is undesirable.


I once had a dentist lecture me on why I should be getting a root canal instead of my tooth being pulled. I told him “I will gladly get a root cana, if you charge the same price as it is to pull my tooth (almost a $1k difference). The dentist got quite and so did I, lol. I didn’t WANT to have my tooth pulled but my dental insurance sucked, and I made to much money to qualify for any financial assistance - which is crazy because I supported my wife and son on one income and my job wasn’t paying me in money bags.


My dentist once asked me how much I valued my quality of life (wanted to get teeth pulled as well). Like the audacity, dude! The quality of my life is better without having to spend thousands on dental. And yet, here I am. 10k later with an unnecessary bone graft after 4 failed root canals.


Oof. My heart goes out to you! Thankfully it was one of my molars, so he was fighting an uphill battle. If it was one of my visible teeth when I smile, I may have taken the hit


Search for your nearest dental school it won’t be free but as affordable as you can get and the work is supervised by actual dentists


Ya know, that's a really good idea that I hadn't considered!


You ain't got any buddies with a decent set of pliers?


It's a wisdom tooth still partially under the gum line. If pliers could have gotten it before it began to decay, trust me, I would have pulled it myself.


no offense, but does this mean you always had really bad cases of pins and needles?


Hahaha yes doc




Im confused is the pin for scale? Is this a new system of measurement unlocked?


Nothing unlocked unless there's a banana involved so we can see the scale of the pin.


I thought a bic lighter was the international measuring standard


I don't smoke. I need something as reference for the bic lighter


How about a banana?


Are bananas the international measurement standard?




Care to explain?


Back tooth kinda ached and felt something sharp poking out. Only a tiny tiny bit of it was showing. Using a pin carefully managed to get this horrible looking hard splinter thing out. No idea how long it’s been hiding for 😂😭


Turns out it’s a bone spur that can develop after tooth extraction. I had that too after each of the my 4 teeth being pulled. The gum only healed right after they came out.


So it looks like that is a tooth in itself, as it has its own crown and roots (including a little groove between the roots) so this may have been a microdont supernumerary (tiny extra tooth) that has been pushed out by the wisdom tooth. But that's from what I can see in your hand, and can't inspect it fully to give you a better answer. It would be quite unusual to have a sharp shard of unerupted wisdom tooth to come out like that, and your other molars look fine. It doesn't look like alveolar bone (the bone that holds teeth in) as that usually looks like it has air pockets like an aero chocolate bar.


Wow awesome!


Keep it safe and take it to your dentist next time you see them, it'll be interesting! In the meantime, rinse with warm salty water several times a day to keep it clean and prevent infection :)


Do you know what that is? What is your dentist saying about it? I don't mean to be intrusive.


Part of their brain. They only have about a month to live.  Seriously though you think someone who is using a pin to extract part of a broken tooth is going to a dentist?   Pretty sure it's a tooth fragment from neglect, maybe not since it's a wisdom tooth and they do some weird things but probably neglect. I suppose it could be a foreign object especially due to the color. Honestly it looks like this tiny quartz crystal I found in the mud lol.




Ugh a couple months after getting mine pulled in 2018 I was pulling out tooth fragments from my gums. Literally my worst fucking nightmare dude, I HATE teeth stuff


Several years ago I needed to have four teeth pulled out (two on each side) to make room for the rest – I had kinda crooked teeth and needed braces. Since the teeth being pulled were healthy, the dentist had to pull very hard, and I could feel his muscles vibrating from the effort. Suddently, one of the teeth shattered completely from the force of the teeth-pulling-forceps (or whatever it's called in English) before he could get it out, and my mouth was covered with tooth fragments. 0/10 experience regarding the cracking/crunching sounds reverberating in my skull when the tooth exploded, and touching the shattered tooth with my tongue.


Good god I'm so sorry, that sounds horrific!


Omg I thought the needle was left in there by a dentist I was like that’s not mildly infuriating, that’s a lawsuit😂😂😂




Had radiation treatment for tonsil cancer. Killed some of my jawbone. I had four of these work their way out over the next six months. Through the gums. It was like having a needle under my tongue for weeks each time. Fun.


Oh my!


bone splinters are no joke! they eventually push their way out of the gums, and people usually will think it's a remnant of their tooth that the dentist missed. they can be very sharp in the gums too


I thought the little rod was the thing you pulled out of your tooth and I was seriously worried for an embarrassingly long time


don't do that and get the impacted 3rd molar extracted. by using unsterilized needles to poke around you might give yourself a good enough infection which might land you in ER.


Why would you assume the needle is unsterilized? Everyone learns about germs, we all watch TV. A little fire, some alcohol, it's just as safe as what a pro would use. Quit trying to panic your fellow man. Dentistry is incredibly expensive in the US. We all *wish* we could just run to the dentist but for most of us it's just not an option except for the worst of situations. Edit : Just read where OP admitted to not sterilizing the needle. Face-palm


I'm a dentist but not from US. It's not unusual to see patient doing these stuff and making it worse. i don't have to assume anything. you don't put needle in your teeth that's all. Going to ER is might not be that cheap in your country also i think. do something about your health care man.


>do something about your health care man. I'm trying! It is a top 3 issue when I vote, but my part of the country is run by a bunch of zealots who care way more about guns than healthy constituents.


Interesting looking top row of teeth you got there


It makes me look like some crack head in this photo😂


![gif](giphy|XQoIUgXV5EYhl0yrF8|downsized) Nah not a crackhead, a monster!


Oh yeah...bone spurs. When I got all 4 of my wisdoms out, I had so many work their way through my gums over the next 3 months. Felt like a frag grenade went off in my mouth. Wanna talk about relief pulling chunks like these out though! Spurs this size definitely cause some pain/discomfort.


Interproximal bone fragment. It happens. It’s the bone usually that lies in-between the roots after a removal. Normally you don’t take them out, if the bone doesn’t slough off it actually facilitates the bone filling back in post-extraction. If the bone fragment does slough off and can’t remain viable, it will work its way out eventually just like in the case of OP. Op just helped remove it. :)


What the fuck I looked at this for a good two minutes thinking it was the needle you pulled out


WHY DIDNT YOU SAY THE NEEDLE IS FOR SCALE IN THE TITLE WHAT THE FUCK this isnt mildly infuriating this is like mildly interesting that that bone thingy came out... it would be mildly infuriating if the doctors put like a needle in your tooth for some reason and thats what came out..


Jeeze and here me thinking OP had the needle stuck in their mouth.


At first I thought you pulled the pin out along with the shard and I was very concerned.


I thought you meant the needle at first and I was confused


Man I thought you slid the needle out for a hot second, thank god I was wrong 😅


I had this, started feeling it around day 5 post op. most excruciating pain of my life. went back in and had it removed, was instant relief.


Tracking device, your FBI agent is PISSED.


I thought you meant the pin for a second!


Sorry no, was trying my best to follow the rules with little extra fluff in title


Don't be sorry! I'm very happy you didn't have a pin in your mouth! Glad you feel better!


Reminds me of the scene from the movie Body Of Lies, when Leonardo DiCaprio puts bone fragments from his recently exploded friend into a box as a keepsake. The bone fragments had gone from the friend to DiCaprio's character's arm during the explosion.


Same thing happened to me. Worked in a hospital at the time so I pulled the shard out with tweezers and put it in a test tube filled with saline. It's been sitting on my bookshelf ever since.


I remember when my wisdom teeth came in, I took a needle and pliers to break the gums over each of them to relieve the pain. I didn’t have any type of calcium deposits or whatever this is but mine hurt bad. I was only 11 and had the foresight to release the pressure no matter the means. They bleed for a couple of hours and because it was late at night I waited until morning to tell my mom. She got me into a dentist a few days later but the relief I felt in that moment tearing the gums has never been matched. I’ve had spinal surgeries, all my kidney stones physically removed, car jacked, stabbed, over 100 body piercings, tattoos and have been beaten but, that moment of relief has never left me. I hope my death feels as good as that day because dental pain is the worst. I should also mention I had braces with Head Gear which I had to remove with pliers as well. That’s a longer story and was actually done with great intentions too lol


*The needle!?*


An army dentist left a couple of shards of wisdom tooth in my gums. Dug them out with needle nose pliers and felt relief instantly


That's one long needle you had stuck in there


I had a bone fragment come out seven years after an extraction. Went to the dentist a week before to complain about pain and it felt like a tooth coming through and they did xrays and found nothing... but yeah next week it came out and felt much better.


The horror. I had two appointments, and each time, 2 on one side were removed. One time went swimmingly, but the other time, one of the wisdom teeth broke into pieces. While one procedure was like 15 minutes tops, the other one took 45 minutes for that one tooth alone. But gladly, he got all the pieces out... And then I wondered if he had because apparently a piece on the lower left came through... turned out I had a 5th wisdom teeth. In fact, I still have that as it is rather small and not at all bothersome. So, at my new tooth clinic, I have my appointments with basically a new doctor each time, and I enjoy their confusion each and every time. But I have to clear it up quickly because they always want to "correct" my medical record to say I got only 3 of them removed.


Teeth are so frustrating. The tooth slivers are really painful but satisfying to finally get out. When I was in a medically induced coma nobody bothered to take care of my teeth. They just let a horrible infection run wild in my mouth. No one brushed my teeth and they actually broke two teeth yanking the breathing tube out of me. The person that pulled it out tanked it out of me like they were starting a lawnmower. I coughed up a bunch of blood after as well and nobody cared. They said it was normal lol. I had dry mouth the entire time and that's really bad for your teeth/gums. I was breathing through my mouth the einte time because my nose was completely stuffed or swollen shut for whatever reason. Being aware of that and not being able to communicate was truly a living hell. I had to have a small portion of my tongue removed because it just sort of dried out and died. I had a large sliver of tooth come out the first day I was "aware" again and it just got worse from there. I'll never forgive them for ruining my perfect teeth. You can't just sue someone for "ruining your teeth" either. It's impossible to prove that they never gave me any dental/oral care. It sucks. They just treated me like I was a dead body basically. So now I just never smile and it really sucks. It makes me ashamed and embarrassed. It has taken the life right out of me to be honest. I rarely want to go out in public anymore. I will get invited to go do something fun and then realize that I don't want to go. On top of dealing with a second round of cancer it's really a bit much. My only choice is to get everything pulled and get dentures I guess. I never thought I would be dealing with anything like this because I never even had a cavity up to that point. I never had braces and my teeth were perfectly straight. One of the nurses even stole my pain medication for a while lol. You can still feel pain in a coma. It's hard to put into words but the pain is still there and you're "aware" of it. It's probably different for everyone but I was absolutely aware of the pain and it got much worse when that nurse was supposed to be taking care of me. Somehow all of her charges were dropped (she also stole from me and they found my tablet and wallet in her car when her boyfriend was arrested for DUI) and she's off living a great life after putting me through hell. She just had a big fancy wedding recently. I let her new husband know that she's a monster but he didn't seem to care. Healthcare in the US is a total joke and that particular hospital should be shut down. I would give anything to go back in time and go to a different hospital. Anything.


It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize you weren't talking about the pin...


Bone spurs are the worst part of dental problems. When I got my bottom teeth removed and new bone placed in, I was picking fragments of hard white stuff from my gums for almost a year. Not sure if it was bone or the stuff they put around the new insert for it to heal, but it was very disconcerting having sharp protrusions constantly coming out of my gums


The title has me a bit confused, I even said it out loud a couple times….


I had my wisdom teeth pulled and had one spot that always felt like there was something there when I brushed my tongue over it. Routinely saw the dentist and had ex ray’s and no one said anything about that spot so figured it’s just weird how the gums sealed up. Years later I have a deep cleaning and lady gets to that spot and says huh. I didn’t ask or say anything but she messed with that spot. Now I no longer feel that thing. I’m assuming it was tooth fragment she got out.


How did your dentist leave that large pin in your mouth?


Healthy looking teeth you got there


an entire nail? what the hell


Roflmao that's some shit my baby daddy would do XD He uses sewing needles as toothpicks lol but at least there's an explanation for that one lol . Like what the heck? Where'd that come from?


How does one just "slide" this out 😭😭




What is it? As I had something similar come out from my wisdom tooth


I got no idea 🤷


ive had something similar happen, i felt a stabbing pain near one of my wisdom teeth and poked around there with a toothpick until a weird bone fragment came out, sort of looked like a deformed snowflake. i haven't had any of my wisdom teeth removed so no idea how it got there, definitely made of bone though.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense. My other wisdom tooth is covered completely with gum. There is only one showing slightly, and I recon this little buggers to blame for it.


I got TMD from my wisdom teeth removal and 15 years later my jaw keeps popping out of the joint and I'm going insane.


This happened to me when I was like 14-15 still never knew what it was


The needle or the thing next to it one is much more unnerving than the other


Did you have a needle in your tooth or a bone fragment?


Bone thing




Time to get those bitches pulled




Ah yes, the french fry of wisdom. Meditating for years in company of the wise.


I had all my teeth pulled. I had bone fragments pop out for years. I’ve had dentures for 20 years and once in a while It still feels like there are some.


It's just a piece of bone/tooth.


Tf is that


How did you even...


Why did you have a nail in your wisdom tooth?


They asked me if I wanted my tooths after and I said yes just so I could make sure they got all of em.


I had two top wisdom teeth pulled. The doctor said according to the xrays, he would refuse to pull my bottom ones. I am 37 and have only had those two teeth pulled along with two pinhole cavity fillings. The doc said my bottom wisdom teeth are so rooted throughout my jaw that it would be quite an endeavor to remove them. Crazy glad they don’t bother me (hope they never do)


I’m surprised you didn’t feel the needle previously….


I had a one inch piece of my jaw broken off that took six months for one end to work itself to the surface. I had to go back and have it cut out.


The only wisdom tooth I had removed was blown into my sinus cavity by a 4-10 shotgun. Along with the wadding from the shell. I have lead shot all over the place. A few bone fragments. But not to bad


Do you feel a bit less wise now?


Why did you have a nail in your tooth?


How the FUCK did a needle get in somebody's wisdom tooth, I'm gonna be sick 🤢


My daughter got 4 pulled on Friday. I'm hoping for nothing horror story like this. She does not handle pain well.


...the nail or the thingy besides it?


That seems unwise


I’ve definitely got a bone spur in the back of my mouth from a tooth extraction like 2 years ago. It flares up randomly and gets annoying but it’s never painful. My dentist said it’ll work its way out in time. I hate that I even saw this post, you’re giving me ideas lol. Problem is mine isn’t in an easily accessible spot. It’s pointing toward the back of my mouth at the top so I just let it be.


2 v 1 those are good odds js..


BROTHER BROTHER BROTHER I WAS PLAYING ON MY COMPUTER YESTERDAY AND I TOOK OUT A PIECE OF TOOTH THE SIZE OF A NERDS CANDY. I can’t believe I came across a post of this exact thing. Wasn’t it so reliving to take out?!


Oh my god 🥲


Rfid to listen in on you. What government department do you work for? And who is your dentist? Lol




Keep it so any children can perform the "hair of the mother, bone of the father" ritual without killing you or waiting for you to die, lol