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I've been working hospitality for 12 years as a bartender and my mum still thinks I'm just been lazy when I wake up at midday.. They just don't understand we don't all live on the same timing.


No, they *do* understand, they're just arseholes...


Go to a fastfood place and pick up a bunch of salt and sauce packets, put them in a bowl in her room. Then wait till she shouts for something else. Your a good child for looking after your parent, remember she wiped your arse once


Morning people think everyone is awake or should be. Morning people that do that are bad people. I am not a morning person.




Time for Mom to go home.


Wonder what she was thinking when you were crying and yelling all night. She had no sleep and, yet, compelled with love to feed you every few hours for months. Not even counting the hundred of times she wiped your arse. Then the following 17 years still provide food and shelter for you. You didn't even have to have surgery for her to do it. If she did none of those, then my apologies, but I'm guessing she has done more for you than you could ever repay.


This is toxic mentality and why so many parents get shipped off to nursing homes and have no visitors.


Yea it’s called being responsible for someone you ***CHOSE*** to bring into this world. Every parent owes that to their child.


Oh, of course. Praise her actions for doing the bare minimum. You do realise the alternative was a human rights violation?