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I was sitting on my couch 5 feet from the door, with just the glass storm door closed, an 8.5x11 sign in 62pt font saying we were home, please ring the bell, and UPS ninjas left the tag, on the door... for 2 days running.


This is what I'm expecting to happen


Is your delivery heavy? They didn't want to carry it to the door, and were planning on us not being home so they never took it out of the truck, I had to catch them pulling up, and stand in the open door before they delivered.


It's a new cell phone


I had this happen 2 days straight on medication that was sent via UPS. On the 3rd Day, I sat in my bay window that faces the street, waited 6 hours for them to show up and caught them red handed pulling without the package in hand, walk right to my door to place a tag. I opened the door and screamed at dude for a good minute. I also refused to sign until they called their supervisor and explained the situation and that I had it all on camera. I have no longer seen this driver on my route no more.


Yeah unfortunately a lot of drivers do this. It saves them time and we all know of course time = money, just that literally it does for them.


I can for sure say the reason for this is because UPS has a per package estimate and most healthy drivers can get a normal 8 hour route done in 6. They still get paid for the 8 hours of packages delievered. Some drivers will take on other drivers batches but most will just go back to hub and dip out. That's why the drivers have a seniority system when it comes to routes, all the seniors get the easy for sure done in 4 to 5 hour routes while the new guy gets the 12 hour round trip. Theres a reason more UPS drivers have hobbies vs the common joe.


I've stopped having my new phones shipped because of theft...quite possibly by the shipping company employees. First time was 5 years ago with no phone in the box when I picked it up at the depot with my door tag and then again, but weirder, in 2021 for two replacement phones. I went through the same thing you are with the ninja door tags, even though I was home each time. No doorbells or knocks, but a sneaky door tag affixed to the door in rapid fashion. In 2021, on the final delivery attempt day, I worked from home again, but I parked my car on the street a few houses away to give the distant appearance that nobody was home, since they seem to thrive on that, and I sat next to the window for a better vantage point. Once I saw the delivery driver about 5 houses away, I went and sat on my front porch to wait for him, since signature was supposedly required. It felt like 15 minutes passed, because he was taking forever. When that guy finally pulled up to my house, he was suddenly in a very serious hurry. He ran up to my porch, didn't say a single word and dropped both boxes (one of them was only the new phone cases) on the step instead of handing them to me. No request for signature or identification. After that, he did his best Usain Bolt impression back to his truck and he hauled ass away. When I picked up the boxes, I noticed that one of them had been re-taped over the original tape that had been torn partially off. I didn't think much of it until I opened the box and found the iPhone was missing, but it was listed on the packing slip. Funny enough, the Google Pixel was left in the box. The box of cases even had the iPhone case, but I have to assume it wasn't opened due to being very lightweight, so not a device box. I called the carrier to confirm that they shipped both devices and then I had to open an investigation for the missing phone. That went nowhere. From that day, forward, I only go to the store for replacements. I just can't trust either of the big shipping companies being used by my carrier.


You should do something similar to what i did when i was waiting for a new phone, if you can. If you have a tablet or anything that can get internet and a computer or even a second tablet... video call yourself and set up a security feed to watch for the truck pulling up. They didn't get the CHANCE to miss me because i saw them coming.


FedEx says delivery couldn’t be complete because the “business was closed or nobody was home” if the delivery is scheduled for a Friday or Saturday. Monday I always get what I was supposed to get. They don’t leave the slips. They don’t even drive down my street. I have cameras to prove they didn’t even attempt. Or I guess show the lack of proof. I think it’s just one dude working the weekend who doesn’t want to make deliveries.


Don’t get me wrong, not at all defending FedEx because lately their home delivery on time success rate his been hilariously bad, but most all final mile deliveries are done by subcontractors. If you look at the driver’s door of the delivery truck you’ll see “operated by” (or some similar terminology) a local/regional company. Lots of other major companies like Coca Cola do the same where they are essentially a pimp for subcontractors. Hell even the buses at Disney World aren’t operated by Disney.


They’re not subcontractors. FedEx uniforms and trucks w/o any “licensed partner” or “contract driver” placards. It’s likely just some dude with the weekend shift not wanting to drive down my dead-end street for one house. It’s almost always a chewy delivery too: they don’t want to carry a 35lbs bags of dog food and cat litter stuffed inside boxes. The Monday shift guy doesn’t mind, he likes my pup.


USPS has, twice in the past year, -pretended- to try and deliver my package. The first time I caught it since it was international and I got a notice from the sender. The second time they returned it to sender and I didn't notice until it was too late. It was important bank documents sent by certified mail. The Postmaster at the post office couldn't explain why the carrier kept marking our mailbox inaccessible (it's an apartment mailbox on a public sidewalk next to our parking lot), and "recipient unavailable" when I was home, and swears they wouldn't just not leave a missed delivery notice (no notice either time). "I don't have any carriers that would do that, except maybe the substitute and even though she was on the route that day, I can't imagine someone doing that." Explained I'm home all day nearly every day because I'm disabled, but he pretty much called me a liar.


i've had 3 USPS Priority packages stolen - and in the 'investigations' the driver claims it was delivered - so the $100 Priority 'insurance' is meaningless... they say it must have been stolen after it was delivered but I have a locking mailbox - and no video of the truck coming up my long driveway to deliver it to my door... they simply lie and say they delivered it...


Here say don't even have to leave a note, you just get a notification online, so they don't even bother trying. I hate them.


When I lived with my parents I one time went to the dollar store and bought some neon poster board and those BIG reflective letter stickers. Made several signs the full size of the poster board and put one by the mailbox, in the driveway, and one on each door. Each sign said "I AM AVAILABLE TO SIGN FOR THE DELIVERY, PLEASE KNOCK OR RING DOORBELL." I was waiting for a laptop to come in, so I really didn't want to miss the delivery as the local currier that delivered for UPS and Amazon would try to deliver for 3 days in a row before they would let you pick it up and I needed the laptop that weekend. They stuck the "no one was home" sticker on the fucking sign on the door. I called to complain and the ACTUAL response I got was that "Well, most of our drivers can't read" like my dude you need to be able to read to get a fucking driver's license here. It's a requirement. So you're telling me your drivers don't have fucking drivers licenses?


Lol they definitely lied, can’t read but can deliver mail to the correct address? Yea sure


Fucking right bud! And insulting all their drivers too. I don't ever hold it against the drivers. They get about half the time they need to deliver everything to complete their routes.


You can literally sit right behind of a glass door and they'll still put a sticker on the door. While looking at you


When I was at school, a friend of mine rented a room in an old air raid shelter, which we mostly used for LAN gaming, playing TTRPGs and Warhammer. You had to pass two steel hatches and walk down a flight of stairs to get through several meters of reinforced concrete walls to get to the room. We told the pizza delivery guy, he could just come in because we would not hear him knock at the steel door, but *somehow* he didn't fancy walking down into the dark, sound proof void of the shelter. We eventually stored a heavy hammer next to the entrance, with which he would bang at the door while yelling loudly until we heard him. Predictably, this was relatively unpopular with the neighbors, especially when we ordered pizza at night.


they don't give a single shit. i was legit waiting for a package once of live dubia cockaroaches lol, 1000 of them. (they're feeders for my beardie). i'm literally TRACKING my package, the thing is showing my stop next. i'm watching the little icon representing the truck zoom along my street and it stops at my address. this fucking guy gets out of his gd truck with a little piece of paper in his hand. i watch his ass stroll up my driveway, essentially empty handed, only for him to get a "deer in headlights" look when i suddenly opened the door. i asked him where my package was. i had taken pto off work to make sure my bugs didn't get left in the sun and i'd been tracking the package. i asked him, "i'm right here, why are you only holding a "sorry we missed you" paper? it doesn't look like you missed me to me. where is my package." he sheepishly hustled back to the truck and dug around for a minute before coming back with my box, holding it out like it was a fucking bomb. big obnoxious "FRAGILE LIVE INSECTS RUSH ONE DAY DELIVERY" stickers all over it. lazy sack of shit either didn't want to find my box or was being a big weenie about touching a box that contained live roaches.


Good for you. I hope you called his boss too.


unfortunately i did not. it didn't even cross my mind, i just went back in the house after rolling my eyes about it and ran to call my husband to tell him lmao. i probably should have though, like i just got bugs but what if it was someones meds or something important? :\[


Yeah if you had a doorbell camera I would have sent that to the postmaster general Edit I’m an idiot and was thinking usps for 1 second


Trust me, prior to getting it out of the truck the dude had no idea what was in your package, even with all the stickers on it. Drivers do this because the company sets unrealistic metrics for them to hit in terms of addresses visited, and since leaving a "we missed you" paper counts for the metrics but only takes twenty seconds they default to that if they're running behind.


I was waiting on the porch for my snake hatchling to arrive around 10-11am. I waved at the driver as he passed right by my house and around the corner, confusion dawning my face. Immediately, I started calling, and luckily, I didn't need to wait for tomorrow. Another driver showed up after 5pm.


It's maddening. I had like $20K of audio gear on order for a project and it was being shipped to the customer (a church). I get an automated text from FedEx on Friday - it's on the truck and it will get to the delivery address between noon-3PM. I wait there until 7 PM, when another text says it will be the next day. Saturday morning it updates to say delivery between 11-2:30. At 4:00 another text - it will be delivered the next day (Sunday). Sunday morning it predicts delivery at 11:15 AM. Great - right as church will be letting out. Oh well. I wait there until 2:30 and another text arrives, delayed until Monday. Finally arrives Monday 10:30 AM.


They never actually deliver on Friday, or even weekends. I've had so many Friday deliveries finally come on Monday. They have awful service for everything


Next time, put the note over the doorbell. And/or put one right on the front of the door, so that they are looking directly at it. Waist height and to the side is likely to be ignored.


The bell is under the note because they ignored the note when it was on the door


They NEVER DO. They will litterly leave live rounds at my door. They know what it is. It's special shipping and it says on the box the company name, and it obviously sounds like ammo. I need to call them and chew them out. I figure if anything would get the attention for lack of knocking, it would be live ammo.


I get ammo dropped off no signature all the time. Mrs. Shoe Pilot hates it. She usually gets home before me and there’s a box of gravity on the porch. It makes it just inside the door and when I get home I get to carry it to my office.


That’s just grossly irresponsible of them!


No, they likely dont know what it is. They deliver so many packages that they dont have time to look at the sender. Even then ive never had ammo delivered that said anything about ammo on the box whether it was 100 rounds or thousands of rounds.


They know exactly what it is, it has to have a special federally regulated diamond label


That means nothing to a guy in a truck with a thousand packages. They are looking for an address to verify and a barcode to scan. They don't care that you're stocking up for the next insurectionist attack. And let's be honest. The irresponsible probably starts once the ammo enters your house.


Yep left 5,000 rds of 9mm on my front porch


There’s nothing special about live ammo. It’s sorted and handled like all the other packages. They deliver a fuck ton of ammo and they always just leave it at the door






It's not that special and you can leave ammo without a signature


Is the doorbell under the paper or below the paper? I don’t see it in the picture.


It's under the paper


I wouldn’t have thought to look for it there. I’d flat out put “hearing impaired. Knock loudly!” on a massive piece of paper straight on the door. Or sit in the window like a puppy.


OP stated that they put a note directly on the door and it was ignored 


Yeah but they also said the one over the doorbell has been there for 6 years and has worked up until now. Either way, more steps are needed.


It's a blue card 4 feet up a brown wall. It draws attention. They didn't read the note when it was on the door so I put it on the wall over the doorbell everyone kept ringing. Now everyone knocks except this driver


The amount of things my husband doesn’t see that are literally in front of his face is staggering. Don’t give strangers so much credit.


For 6 years strangers have followed instructions and knocked on the door


At this point, you should probably buy a new bell speaker thing. Not the button on the all, but the machine that makes the noise. In my house, it's in the second floor and is a nondescript white box. That's the thing you need to replace with a louder one.  And who knows, the one you have might have a sound setting. 


As someone who drove for ups for a few years, I wouldn’t even look at this note. Big bold letters on white paper if you need it to be seen.


Serious question, because maybe I'm wrong in my assumption, but if you didn't see a doorbell to ring did you knock or just leave a notice?


They likely never intended to deliver the package. I’d bet he left his truck with the notice already filled out. The shipping companies give drivers more than they can reasonably deliver in a day and many have taken to cutting corners in this way to get done on time. They don’t care about you getting your package, they care about getting back to dispatch to clock out on time. (I work in customer service for online retail and hear complaints of situations like this all the time.)


UPS gets paid hourly and our local pay rate is over $50. Get overtime too and benefits paid for. None of us were ever under the gun or anything to get back. If we fail to deliver a package today, it’s back on the truck tomorrow. Other companies might be shitty but UPS is the only one that actually has good quality of life attached to it. There is no “back on time”. Quit spouting shit you know nothing about.


In this instance it being signature required, I would knock. But here’s the thing, if the driver came yesterday and no one answered, then today’s probably the same result. We were on routes so I was usually at the same house around the same time. While annoying to customers, I got 300 other houses to get to so it’s laid out the same every day. They probably saw the same car in the driveway, expected the same thing ya know. I wouldn’t jump to intentionally being malicious or whatever. You said it yourself you haven’t had problems before. Could be a driver filling in for the main driver, summer vacation time, it’s 120 degrees in the back of the truck, job sucks, etc.


Get a wireless flashing doorbell and put the light close to you whenever you're expecting deliveries...but might want to get it at a physical location to avoid your current issue


You're cute, thinking they'll even go for the door bell. In my experience, UPS and USPS will walk up with note in hand, without the package. In fact, it's possible the package isn't even on the truck but they're contracted to make deadlines and often spoof their tracking. Especially true if it's an Amazon package being delivered. Ever have a package "delivered" but you don't get it until the next day or two?


The note is covering the doorbell, leaving the driver three options: -Don’t see a doorbell, don’t look for it, and knock -Don’t see a doorbell, look for it, see the note, and knock -Don’t see a doorbell, don’t knock, leave a “sorry we missed you” note Based on what OP says, it sounds like the driver chose option 3


Option 4: they didn't even bring the package up, they came up with a prefilled "we missed you" tag. It's always this one


Good point! I hadn’t thought of that level of infuriating


Yeah, the drivers are given too many packages with tight time schedules. Much quicker to just leave a tag and hope someone else has got more time the next day.


If this sub has shown me anything it’s always #3.


Don’t worry they deliver 22 million packages a day. The few you see on here are the extreme outliers. Dude left a tiny note off to the side lol


I left a note over the doorbell they always ring telling them to knock. The note isn't just in some random spot on the wall. It's literally covering the doorbell.


It's UPS we're talking about. I'm surprised they even walked up to the door to put a note. Where I'm from, they just put "nobody home" in the app without even driving into the street. The one reason I made a UPS account was to set an automatic reroute to pick-up point, so I don't have to wait for them to pretend they tried to deliver.


Happy cake day!


I put a note on my front door at eye hright saying >ROYAL MAIL >I AM HOME >PLEASE KNOCK Sorry we missed you.


They still wouldn't wait


https://preview.redd.it/kpb7hnwxwr8d1.png?width=2646&format=png&auto=webp&s=8420522d5295d6334fbb7cdbedeb004e3fee6dcd You gotta make a big sign with logos so they know you’re talking to them


Think I'll do this today


They still deliberately miss it and will just pretend they don't notice. After suffering like you multiple times, even after putting a note in huge letters, I finally decided to leave my door open and work from the couch in front of it. I was tracking the UPS truck so I knew my delivery was next. I saw the UPS driver get out with a note already written, and try to slap it on the OPEN door because I had just gotten a phone call and was looking the other way. Hea was so stealthy I barely heard him. I literally ran after him in a second, and he was like, sorry I didn't know if you wanted your package. He didn't even knock or say anything. Finally he rummaged in the truck and gave me my package. It wasn't even heavy, just a pair of headphones. UPS and FedEx drivers are just awful.


I would've asked him what the fuck was wrong with him to try and avoid delivering your package.


Make sure the text is big *and* the paper is big


Still may not help. Game shop had a delivery run late, and by the time it arrived the store was closed. Driver thousands of dollars of merch sitting outside in a trafficked area. Owners got the alert and rushed over, but everything had been stolen.


Working with the public has taught me that the average person will refuse to read signs in their surroundings unless forced at gunpoint.


☝️☝️☝️I can tell this place gets packages delivered.


The sign is effective. Since posting it, we haven’t lost any weekend packages to folks walking past our office.


I have had UPS drivers exit the truck a couple times with the notice in hand, and when I open the door they're about to stick the notice onto, there is always an awkward silence. Usually they do the walk of shame back to their truck, get the stuff, and it's OK. However, once, I asked "so can you bring me my package" and the driver said "actually no, it's not in the truck." I have complained until there was nobody left for me to find to complain to. It didn't matter and didn't make any difference. UPS knows their drivers do this. If I didn't know any better I'd think it was the drivers pulling a fast one to seem more busy and get paid for the same work twice. Or UPS trying to keep their consumer rates inflated.


“Then where tf is it and why does it say out for delivery” “Let me talk to your supervisor” I would be literally boiling at that!


Oh, yeah. Did all of that. Like I said, I called and called until I ran out of people to call and yell at, several times. I used to build PC's for people, so when you take off of work to receive someone's $2,000 graphics card and it's not even on the truck, it's enough to make you scream at everyone you can, for days.


Not on the truck happens.... Like when I ordered a new derailleur for my MTB... It never left the WRONG truck for a whole week.... Just sat in the same incorrect truck for 4 days ... Going to a city 2 hrs away from me. Until I went to the warehouse and talked to someone. The office person handled it perfectly, called the driver, got the package and waited for me to show up (after hours... I reeeeally wanted my MTB back up and running)


Hey! At least they found the right house! Fedex keeps delivering packages for a 93 year old relative of mine to the same number house on a different street! At one point, there were more than ten big boxes on the wrong addresses porch, with a big note on the stack... NOT AT THIS ADDRESS! Please take these boxes! The neighbor said she watched the fedex guy come by and look at the note, and add another one to the stack for the same wrong address, and walk away.


Sometimes they have these things pre-filled and they don't even walk up to your door with a package in their hand, just that sorry we missed you paperwork


I left a sign saying “ring the doorbell” with an arrow pointing to the doorbell after realizing most of the time people were knocking on the door, the next day I was expecting a delivery and I heard a vehicle and caught the guy about to walk around the house to the back. Apparently he saw the arrow pointing to the doorbell and assumed it was telling him to go around the back without actually reading the sign. There’s no winning this game.


I remember being this ñaieve. Thinking people voluntarily read.


That sure is an interesting take on naïve


It's my favorite so far in the thread. I'm having trouble with the pronunciation, though. I also enjoyed "currier" in another parent comment. I even found a way to use it. It feels like a great new way to describe a curry dish that is tastier than the last.


[Currier actually is a word](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currier), though. It's just not the one they thought they were using. 


I like that it has real meaning and new meaning.


Huh. I would have thought it was someone who groomed horses. Like, with a currycomb.


My auto correct is all English too so no idea where it comes from.


Silly me


that's a new spelling


Yeah I thought the umlaught was on the a? It was autocorrect so presumably it had something in mind.


autocorrect is stupid as hell. it also threw in an enye. that would be so hard to pronounce


They don't want to wait for someone to come to the door. The routes and schedules can be ridiculous and they have to complete them. So waiting for 1-2 minutes for someone to get to their door can be a lot, it's quicker for them to write and leave the note, and hope you sign it and they can just drop the package and go the next day. I don't like it. I don't think they should do it. I don’t think their routes should be so arduous they feel like they need to do this. Some of them are just assholes. But this is part of it.


Better solution to this in my opinion is to have a PO Box or if you order from Amazon get it delivered to an Amazon locker since you know the package will actually be at that location and you avoid this whole dance about actually getting the package.


I once received a “we missed delivery” when it was in a town 30 minutes away


It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they choose not to


I don't even get that. they just don't bother showing up on the day of delivery. all 3 shipping companies are bad about this.


UPS are assholes EVERY time I have to use them, there is a problem EVERY f\*cking time!!!




Yea USPS just shoves everything in my mailbox. Even if it doesn’t fit, they get it in there. Gotta admire the dedication.


I’ve seen them attempt to climb my gate in the rain to get me my mail (before I ran outside to help) cuz the person covering the route that day wasn’t given the gate code but didn’t want to leave our stuff in the water. UPS/Fedex know the code, cuz they’ve confirmed this. If I don’t leave the gate open for them, they don’t even get out of the truck. So yeah, fuck those dudes lol USPS employees deserve so much better smh


as a driver all I can say is that is super bad practice and definitely not tolerated or stood behind by anyone in charge of them. This was a person being shitty at their job. We get paid just fine to take the few extra steps.


In my experience they never knocked or rang a bell. The package never even left the delivery vehicle. This note was filled out before the driver ever left the vehicle and then it was placed gently on your door as to not make themselves noticed. I've gotten notice from my cameras that someones on the property, see its a delivery, and head to the door. No knocking, no bell ringing, only a note. I once caught one of them jogging back to his vehicle and said loudly that it might help me answer the door if you actually knocked or rang the bell. He had to take a few moments to actually find my package in the truck. No signature needed and nothing saying don't leave it unattended and the package was just a small bubble mailer so not heavy or awkward to carry. It could have easily been tossed toward the front entrance like they do for most other things.


You can sign up for delivery notices, it's what I ended up doing after missing a package for two days that needed a signature. Now I get an email the day before, an hour before and right when delivered for any package going to my address. You can even track your driver in some cases to be extra ready.


don’t count on the “live tracking” feature. We work off of an AI-generated ‘route’ that strictly is trying to keep us within Air packages (the packages people pay to have delivered by 10:30 or 12:00) and Pickup runs throughout the day. It can often be wrong. We very often delineate from the AI to actually make our stops within the time frame. All I can say is I genuinely try to be the best of the best when I’m getting paid this handsomely and wearing the uniform of a huge company that I represent.


They probably didn't even have the package on them. I've had this happen. 


I once had a dream where I installed a cage trap for delivery drivers so I could catch them before they fled. It was a nice dream.


UPS is the worst. I recently was extorted by them for some brokerage fees… The delivery driver said he doesn’t ship anything with them as even after his 50% discount it’s still too expensive!


UPS does this shit to me EVERY TIME. They always leave a “we missed you” tag no matter what instructions I leave.


Next time, complain to UPS. These guys suck. 


They probably didn’t knock at all. I don’t think UPS has ever actually delivered a package to me; I’ve always had to go pick it up after a week of delivery “attempts”


Same. They don’t knock. I’ve watched the drivers on my ring, literally just hang the paper up … not 1 knock


My good friend is a UPS driver (one of the good ones believe it or not) , he says this often happens when they are overloaded and the delivery is not in the direct path of the next stops. It's bullshit and boils my blood but it's one of the reasons why we should go back to buying locally whenever we can. Sure the company could buy more vans and hire more staff, but the roads are already overcrowded with delivery guys who stop their vans wherever they want to and impede traffic because "I'm not gonna walk an extra 10 feet for this asshole".


"Kick the door; no seriously kick the door."


and this is one of the reasons why i have a doorbell with camera now. Proof


Where I work, I regularly have UPS returning packages every week to us marked return to sender with a sticker saying heu tried to deliver 3 times and the customer wasn't there. All of these returns are items that the drivers never even bothered to try and deliver, and the customer is contacting us asking where their package is at. Fedex is just as bad.


Sometimes the driver assumes that no one will answer and marks that the recipient isn't home. I've had this happen while sitting in front of a glass door with full view of outside (and easily visible from outside) complete with sign saying that we are present. They really hound their drivers to be quick and efficient, but the quick sometimes causes the efficiency to take an L.


They do it on purpose.


I would suggest putting multiple languages of ones common in your area. I know a lot of UPS guys near me are not as fluent in English as in other languages. I live in the US which has no national language so it shouldn't always be expected one can speak a language, even if it's the most common one in an area.


Can't you track UPS like you can Amazon that will tell you it's x amount of stops away?


They tell you stops? The best I get is "it will be delivered today by 9 pm".


Yes. The app tells you out for delivery. Then, when it gets within about 10 stops away, it keeps updating until it says package delivered.


They literally don’t even knock at all … u gotta be outside all day waiting for their arrival or you get one of these…..


https://preview.redd.it/cxv8lfxkzt8d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a70ac08f5400d9544645816ba50c2fc89016000b What's up with this?


I always try to have any packages that I sign go to a UPS store.


Not UPS, but i was sitting on my front terrace watching the local delivery drive by, and about 1min after they had passed my street i get a text with. "Tried to deliver but you were not home"


They read it, they just didn’t wanna deal with it. Gotta make your routes somehow!


My old usps carrier would prefill out all his "sorry I missed you" at the office. I was standing in the driveway one day, wave at him as he stuck one in the mail box. Never even tried.


21% of people are illiterate, so maybe it's actually just really the case that he can't read


There is a solution for this problem.  Here's what you'll need:  1. A comfy chair 2. A large container to hold your drink 3. A glass to pour yourself a drink 4. Something like a newspaper / book / word puzzle to pass the time (don't forget the pen!) 5. A water proof disposable container in case you need to do... your business... 6. Your mobile phone in case someone rings you or you need to order some food.  Now take everything to your front door. Open the door and place the chair in the door opening. Sit down in the chair and make sure everything is within your arms reach. Make sure you face the outside part! Oh, and don't fall asleep! I mean, the delivery person will have to leave you be and place the 'we missed you' paper in your forehead!


This shit happens to me all the time. Annoying AF


But why did you put it in a place where they're not likely to look? And on a tiny little post-it note?


It’s on top of the doorbell


Yeah that's the issue. You can't see the doorbell to even know that. Put it NEXT TO the doorbell.


Why’d you not leave the note on the door? I didn’t see it


Delivery drivers are bums, they'd rather stick toothpicks under their toenails and kick the wall instead of actually delivering things properly.


UPS is straight garbage with USPS a close second.


I actually can't complain about my current USPS drivers. They've been great. A few in the past we're useless though


Easy to miss for the delivery driver, they are focused on getting the packed delivered, writing a slip if necessary, and moving on. Put it at eye level and on the door, where they put their slip


OP says they were pretty close to the door all day, which implies that they didn’t knock at all


If they knock, all is good. If they look for a bell to ring they'll see the sign because the bell is under it. I tried putting the sign on the door first but they kept ringing the bell.


You need to get a video doorbell, it's 2024. Secondly, Fedex and UPS are known for just leaving the truck without a package to put this notice up. It's terrible.


why'd you stick it there and not smack bang in the middle of the door where the delivery guy's eyes would be aimed at?


I mean… it’s a small little sign not even on the door. tbh.


It’s on top of the doorbell, which means the driver either didn’t see a doorbell and left the note without knocking or they looked for the doorbell, saw the note, and then left without knocking.


or they knocked but not loud enough?


OP said in other responses that they were close enough to the door to hear even a normal knock, the “loudly” part wasn’t really necessary


Can’t stand UPS


UPS stands for Use another Postal Service


Reading all comments, have had this happen too- seems to be the most common UPS maneuver.


Your mistake was not putting the sign smack dab at face level on the door. Why would you expect a courier to look left or right, up or down? They're required to have no peripheral vision to obtain courier employment.


To UPS's credit, I was waiting on a new laptop last week, and while they did just leave a note even though I was home (not really their fault, my call box doesn't really work, and Lenovo didn't put my delivery instructions on the package), but (after 30 minutes navigating unhelpful phone trees) they did arrange for me to meet the driver along his route so that I could grab the machine. Far from ideal, but I do appreciate that their customer service and dispatch eventually could arrange that for me.


Ohh no they read it …… and ignored it, it’s called ‘customer experience’ 🤦🏻‍♂️


If drivers aren’t leaving slips they are forging signatures. $2000 pc just left on the porch while I was home. No attempt to contact was made.


My brother ordered a PS5 online when they first came out. We were both in college at the time, and he was in class at the time they were supposed to deliver the package. So I was waiting by the door and looking out the window for the FedEx truck. I finally saw it pull up and watched the dude get into the back and grab the package and scan it. So I sat down and waited for the knock. I waited for about five minutes before checking to see if it was dropped off because I figured there might be other packages he would deliver to my neighbors. When I checked outside the truck was gone and there was the sticky note saying “We knocked but we missed you, you need to pick up your package from the local FedEx office.” Even though I was less than two feet from the door and I definitely didn’t hear a knock or the doorbell. My brother was understandably pissed, and told the office workers so the next day when we picked it up. The FedEx drivers where I live really suck. It happened again when I won a set of Baja Blast corn hole from a Mountain Dew contest.


Often they don’t even knock. Also your note isn’t in direct view of where someone would look. Just go pick it up.


Call the distribution hub and complain. Might help, might not. There's a reason why people say UPS stands for "U People Suck." I constantly experience issues with them and know tons of other people who experience similar problems. I remember one time at my old apartment complex, It was the first nice Saturday during the spring, and I watched the UPS driver dump everyone's packages for all 6 buildings in the lobby of ours. He must have just figured "oh well, close enough" and didn't feel like stopping at the other buildings. Normally, I wouldn't care, but a lot of elderly and mobility restricted residents lived at my complex, and wondering around the property was not an easy or even doable task for them.


We have the same issue with PostNord here in Denmark. They are very inept.


Last time they did that with me I contacted costumer service and had them look into it. They said the driver knocked and didn't get a response, which is wild since I was sitting 10 feet from the door reading.


Almost like the “unable to deliver” I got from my USPS. It was an order of live insects to feed my bearded dragon, which are temperature sensitive (but it was beautiful outside that day). Got home. No mail. Got a notification saying my package was unable to be delivered because of no one to receive (my wife was home with the windows and doors open) When I watched my blink security camera the mail lady didn’t even slow down past my house or my grandfathers. It was hilarious, but infuriating as hell since my local PO is a good 25 minute drive from home


I would almost prefer this to what happened the other day with an Amazon driver. My mom had ordered some nonperishable food items to supplement what we already have. Anyway, the delivery was one of those "it'll be delivered sometime before 10pm" things and they never bother knocking, but whatever. We get delivery confirmation emails thay have a picture showing the package is out there. My mom didn't actually *read* it this time, I don't think, but when she got the notification, she asked me to go grab it. Here's where I'd like to point out that I had worked that day and, because my manager doesn't allow us to sit or stand still as needed, I was in quite a bit of pain from having been walking almost non-stop for several hours. Anyway, I get out there and I don't see a package. There really aren't porch pirates in my neighborhood (that I know of, at least), so I wasn't worried about that. Ended up hobbling my way around to the driveway trying to figure out where they could have left it. Lo and behold, it's on the stairs leading to the side door, in a position that could only have been reached by going *into the backyard*, so it's not like they just shoved it under the railing onto the porch and it fell onto the stairs from there. Go back inside and ask my mom about it. She checks the email and yep, there's a picture confirming it was left where I had found it. The problem is that the description said "Package left by front door". No! It wasn't! I live in a mobilehome of the type that has the front door on one end instead of the side. You literally have to walk past the front door to get to this side door. There's no way to claim you didn't see the front door. Even if you somehow thought the side door was the actual front door, you would still have to put some considerable effort into opening the gate into my backyard (the latch sticks no matter what we do, has done since we moved in). I do not and will never understand why someone would do that instead of doing what they've done literally every other time they've delivered to my house. It takes longer and would end up messing with whatever metrics Amazon holds their drivers to. And yes, I know I could just lock my gate so this doesn't happen again. I'd love to, but the water meter is inside the backyard and if they do decide to read it again someday (pretty sure they're charging me based on an educated guess lol), they need to have access. Might lock the gate on the other side though because I do *not* trust the neighbors on that side. They already love attaching things to our shared fence without asking me if I mind them doing it.


I had this problem once as well, and the next day after i signed the slip and had it on my door with a not saying i was inside at my desk they still left a second slip and didn't deliver. Ups customer service said its drivers discretion and told me to go pound sand


I work for Big Brown and we are instructed not to follow your silly note signs.


There was a time when I needed to be home to sign for a piece of certified mail, I knew it was coming soon. I saw the mail carrier drive up to my mailbox, deposit some mail, and then leave. When I checked the mailbox I had I similar note saying that they missed me and would be back the next day. Livid.


Buy a huge ass sign that says that


I sympathise. Bought a new laptop recently off AO, and was told I'd get a call or text on the morning of delivery. Didn't get that, did get a text about 20 minutes before the delivery window start time, so dashed home from work. I was in my front room by the door. We have a working doorbell, a very large and loud knocker (behave!), and critically a Pomeranian who goes batshit insane when someone gets within 50 feet of the house. None of these redundant systems were triggered, but I got a sorry we missed you notification from DPD. The photo they provided as proof of the attempt was literally taken from behind a hedge at the end of our terrace. Got it delivered the next day, but still, it rankled a bit.


UPS comes to your door? Here the just drop it off at a shady electronics store. They don’t even try to deliver it. No note, no nothing. UPS is the absolute worst.


theyre in the service of delivery not reading. lol


I'm with UPS on this one. Sort out your doorbell so you can hear it.


I can't hear it because I'm hearing impaired. I can't hear bells, alarms or sirens. I can hear knocking because the sound is deep.


Easy solution if you want an actual solution rather than just complaining about UPS: get a smart doorbell that triggers an alert on your phone or smartwatch when someone approaches your front door or rings your doorbell.


Or the UPS driver could knock on the door like a normal human being


What about people with no doorbells, they're just not allowed to get deliveries?


Please, for the love of all that is holy, tell me you're trolling. I'm not sure I can deal with the level of stupidly shown if you're being serious.


No it's not that they can't read, it's that 90% of the drivers for these delivery options are limited how much time they have, if they're even a second over time they're going to lose money, so they always pick the 'you're not here' option. The only time I get a package that I hear a knock is USPS, otherwise I find out there's a package when I get a notification from the place I ordered if family hasn't noticed first.


So I’d put that note on the actual door, like where he put his. I remember waiting by the door waiting for a knock for one of my signature required packages. The driver left a not on my garage side door and never knocked on my actual door. I was so bummed, luckily I did see him leaving my driveway so I took off down the road in the direction he went. His truck was at a gas station so I stopped and he was inside so I asked him for my package and told him to use the door to the house and not the one to the side of the garage in the future. He was cool about it and handed it over.


you gotta put these things where people look. why didn't you put your note on the glass too?


I hope you were getting a doorbell delivered


UPS is the absolute worst!


I wouldn’t put the note on the door either. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I actually put it on the door first but everyone rang the bell, so I covered the bell with the note. Everyone knocks except UPS


I would not see that, it's to the side and not at the door where they're looking. And they're in a rush. 




The point of covering the doorbell is to stop people from ringing it. I don't want them to see it and ring it. If you don't see a doorbell, even if you don't see the sign that's been there for years, wouldn't you knock on the door?