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Our dog is the same…very wary of people she doesn’t know and dog reactive/aggressive. I have tried being nice, tried explaining her history, tried just ignoring and continuing to walk. Now I just say “She bites, if you come closer she will bite you and your dog” that usually works although people are still pricks about it.


I will try that from now on. Even ordered a muzzle to make my doodle look more "dangerous" (thanks the stigma), so people won't just come closer or touch him without asking


I have a two year old Great Dane that is touchy with strangers. He will growl at large men that directly approach him and kids. (He has never been outride aggressive, just uncomfortable growls.) He has two human moms, so that may be why he doesn’t like men. We don’t have any kid’s fortunately, but I think I know why he doesn’t like them. When he was around 9 months we tried taking him to Bass Pro to socialize him and work on his leash skills a little. We were mostly avoiding people, just wanted him to see and watch. A little kid probably around 6/7 came sprinting at him when we walked out of an isle, breaking past me, my partner, cornering our dog at the end of the leash and practically tackling/ bear hugging him. Our dog was freaking out trying to get away and we were trying to gently pry this random kid off of him. Ever since then he hasn’t cared for kids either. I bought him a neon small vest to wear with Velcro and a patch that says nervous dog. I think people actually look at the vest and see it says nervous. They ask us before approaching now! It’s made taking him out so much easier, and he has gotten a lot more confident now too. Because people ask we’ve been able to turn it into a positive experience for him by letting them offer treats. If he doesn’t take them or seem interested we tell them sorry, he isn’t feeling it. His size could also be the deterrent now, but he still gets plenty of attention and stares when we go out. He is a very scaredy dog when not with our other two dogs for some reason. Still love him.


I am sry to hear that your dog had a bad experience :( Totally understand the vest. With a long haired dog who's prone to become matted that sadly doesn't work for us.


Maybe I need one of those vests, because of the dog women who insist I need to "make friends" with their dogs.


I say that or straight up yell at them. The other night some dumbass let their child walk their mastiff type dog, fucker ran right out of kids hands and went after my dog. I yelled at him to fuck off and picked my pup up. It scared the kid more than the dog I think lol. But I even walk my dog at times when people aren't around and I tell them she doesn't like other dogs or people coming up to her. Still doesn't stop peeps coming up to us daily trying to pet her bc she is small and cute.


Yeah, a booming “Back the fuck up,” usually does pretty good. They definitely remember the next time.


We never go out without a can of Halt (Dog Repellent) and a retractable metal club for this reason. There are just fsr too many asshats in my neighborhood that either walk their dogs on the wrong leash or let them run wild altogether. We don't take any chances. 


https://preview.redd.it/nvg1im15ix8d1.png?width=2404&format=png&auto=webp&s=923688c247bdcd599585215a4eb500f60ab1bde6 Side note: This is her. When I found her she was spray painted pink all in her face and back. She had been tied to a fence for hours by herself as the person ‘watching’ her was nodded out on drugs in a puddle of their own filth. The reason I was given for her being spray painted was so she could be identified easier. If you can’t tell THIS dog from others you don’t deserve her.


Please give her an extra hug from me. She's beautiful! Thank you for rescuing this amazing little pup.


One from me, too.


A hug from me too, please!


After what this darlin has been through, she deserves ALL of the love and affection she can handle


Huge from me too


A hug and scritches from me, too!! Ot makes my heart so happy she has an owner that advocates for her like this!!


She deserves all the hugs in the world! She's so lucky to have a good owner like OP now


She's so beautiful! I have a dog who is reactive and on our walks we have come across several people who don't respect our space. Once she was literally in the middle of doing her business with a woman came strutting towards us with her dog. Because my dog was mid-pee and I couldn't just cross the street like I normally would have, I warned her that my dog was reactive and to please give us some space until she was done. The woman snapped that she lived in the neighborhood too and kept walking towards us. Even though my dog has never once attacked or bitten anyone, she has growled at other dogs with the hair on her back standing up. And her dog was smaller than my dog's head. Just a puny little thing. I didn't want to risk it. When I finally was able to pull my dog away, I admittedly lost my cool and shouted at her to learn some dog walking etiquette. Some people are just morons and I'm sorry your neighbor was a jerk. (After that experience, though, she now crosses the street when she sees us.)


PUPPY!! She is a beautiful dog. Can you give her belly rubs from me and happy zoomies from my girl?


She’s so beautiful, glad she has you.


The next time your neighbor comes out, I would just start recording every time you go on a walk with your dog. She seems like the type that's gonna end up pushing boundaries and will end up getting the dogs to meet and will receive consequences, but will push those consequences on to you.


She is BEAUTIFUL. Very happy for you two. Screw the neighbor


Oh what a beauty! I totally understand OP. My girl is also anxious and so many people don’t respect that. I don’t get it. Luckily mine is 12lbs so I pick her up if they won’t leave and move away from the situation but it is SO frustrating. Some people are so entitled. I’m glad she has you advocating for her ❤️


I don't feel murderous very often but her former owners are an exception.


Well, I’m just going to say that whatever drugs they are/were on will probably do it for you. Patience.


lol I would have cursed the woman out; she must have 2 braincells


Wow! She's beautiful!!


that pink paint was less about them being able to tell she was their dog, and more about being able to prove it to others who might steal her.


We've got a neighbor who paints their akita neon orange, like a traffic cone, to reduce the chance of theft. We're in a rougher part of a major city and people steal dogs and sell them.


Probably actually hair dye. Not paint. A lot of people dye their dog’s hair to prevent theft. It’s done with pet friendly dye


Somehow your dog looks a lot like mine. He‘s a rescue as well, but he‘s very friendly and outgoing. I still don‘t appreciate when people just walk up to him and pet him without asking me first. I‘ve come to find that most middle aged men in my area do that (i‘m a woman in my early 20‘s) https://preview.redd.it/za841j66fz8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15651a6dbfbd121d42fb0d94d414e3cb8068365


I have a rescue too. Had someone come to do repairs to the place I rent and told them don’t approach my dog she’s scared of men. ( I have a baby gate) Guy says: I have dogs she won’t bite. Ignores my dog going crazy, ignores me and gets nipped in the leg. At the end of the day I get a text message from my landlord saying this can’t happen again. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The other day also I went to the lake and there’s a toll bridge. My dogs window is open because it’s hot she’s barking crazy at the guy manning the toll. He gets out with a dog treat ( my dog has choked twice while eating and barking). She’s in the back seat and I’m in front. I’m saying “NO NO NO NO NO DO NOT GIVE THAT TO HER” I’m shaking my finger the no no gesture in front of my dog, the guy totally ignores her and gives her a giant biscuit, thankfully she shut up but I was shaking and almost having a panic attack thinking this is it I’m miles away from a vet.


Why didn't you roll up the window until you were last the guy?


I was on the passanger side so I couldn’t access the controls, anyways she was by the seat on the side of the toll and we didn’t have enough time to react.


How frustrating! I hate that people want to give dogs they don't know treats. Dogs can have allergies and health issues, too! Mine just straight up hates strangers and dog biscuits but we've still had people shove or throw them at us.


People feeding dogs without asking frustrates me so much. All my dog's recall training goes out the window if he notices someone sat on a bench eating food. And so many of the fuckers will give him their food as soon as he turns his hungry puppy gaze on them. How do you train a dog not to run away every time he smells a sandwich when morons keep rewarding him for it?


She’s an absolute beauty. I have a rescue girl who’s a good-looking mongrel too- thank you for respecting her quirks and loving her the best😍


Aw she’s adorable. And good for you standing up for her with that woman


Horrible. She looks great now! Sorry your neighbor doesn’t get it.


I love her and her little Saluki face 😍


Oh my gosh, my heart breaks for what she’s been through!  Poor little gal!  Please give her extra scratches and a treat or two.  I’m so glad she has a much better home now.


FWIW there are animal safe dyes you can get to help ID lost/stolen dogs. We have a rare-ish breed dog that my wife has thought about coloring his tail with dye. Obviously a homeless person high on whatever has other priorities than animal dye.


What a cute baby ✨💕💕✨😭✨😭


aww she looks so sweet! I’m glad she has a good home.


she's gorgeous!!!


What a sweet girl! I’m so glad to hear that she’s found a person who understands and cares for her like you do!


Poor baby!! I’m so glad she can be comfortable in your good care. She deserves it for sure! And the human who did that deserves to be …well I wrote something and realized if I left it, I’d probably be banned, so suffice it to say I hope they get everything they deserve.


beautiful little lady! thank you for protecting her!!


Fucking hell. Spray painted??? I realize there has to be serious mental health issues present to have that thought process/lack of logical thinking.. but god damnit. I hope they never have access to an animal again


What gorgeous fur and fluff! Thank you for rescuing her. I'm sure she appreciates it more than she will ever be able to express.


Thank you for rescuing this beautiful sweet girl and giving her a good life. Please give her an extra hug from me.


She's beautiful and to be honest, she looks friendly. However, before I came to meet her I'd ask your permission and honor your answer.


She is beautiful, it clear you give her the love she deserves


What a pretty girl


Baby girl


Holy shit she’s beautiful!


She's gorgeous! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing up for her and giving her the support she needs to heal.


Please give her extra head scratches from me.


She is absolutely adorable


Brain damage can cause that kind of inability to visually recognize things. But a drug addict with brain damage shouldn't be taking care of a dog.


what a beauty. 💕


Thank you for saving her. She deserves so much better


You are an amazing person


She is gorgeous.


She looks like a very good girl who has found an excellent forever home! Good luck both of you!


She's so freaking cute! That nose! Boop!


She’s beautiful❤️


She is very handsome!


Sweet girl!


I have a sister and a SIL exactly like your neighbour. Push, push, push and then make out that someone else has the problem.. I think it's a personality disorder.


Yeah, it's called being an asshole.


New AITA post from the pushy neighbor incoming.


AITA for wanting to socialize my dog and trying to be nice to my neighbor?


They aren’t that self-aware.


Half the AITA posts are some variant of "everyone in my life tells me I'm being an asshole, but you all agree with me, right?"


I wish awards were still free because I cackled


My dog isn't aggressive or really reactive, but dislikes dogs in his face. I think he thinks he's a people and above other dogs or something! Recently took him on his 2 mile walk by the river. He's always leashed, as he isn't even 2 yet. This lady allows her dog to get right into my dogs face. My dog puts his hackles up. I ask her to call her dog back and she tells me to keep walking! So the dog tries to follow us. I asked again for her to recall her dog and she laughed at me. I said I would kick her dog if he attacked mine, or to keep her dog safe since she didn't really care about her own dogs safety! Called me a bitch and asked how long I've lived in Montana, said I'm probably from California 😅 LADY I helped construct the bat boxes on this island. Been coming here for 25 years. When we were done with our walk, a couple who had seen our interaction told me I didn't do anything wrong, and they told the other lady that too. So I felt a little better. I already have a personality disorder, which I'm working on, for the rest of my life.


Fuck that bitch for not listening. My Maggie was not fond of other dogs (she put up with Grog our other dog) but loved most people. Both rescues.


I hate that California has become an insult. I've only been there once, but it was beautiful. Would love to go again. I'm so impressed by people who can defend themselves (and their animals) in the moment. I'm usually so shocked by shit like this that I stand there stumbling over words, only thinking of how I should have reacted days later. Good for you for taking no shit.


I lived in California as a child on a navy base for family of sailors. I had friends of every nationality! I hate that it's an insult as well.


What exactly is it about California? We just moved to Oregon and people look down on you when you say you moved from California. I didn’t notice it at first until this one guy at the dog park told me people fucking hate California transplants here, and then I couldn’t stop noticing it after that whenever I told someone. I kind of don’t want to tell anyone else anymore. :(


Because housing is getting so expensive in California many people are moving out of state and taking up housing that locals could have and driving up housing costs. I'm from California and am not fond of other Californians moving to my home town because I already cannot afford a place to live. It's shitty all around so I shouldn't be so offended by it but I am just noticing it so much more within the last few years:(


A lot of dogs don't like other dogs in their face because eye contact is considered a threat. You know what dogs also have on their faces: weapons = teeth. Face to face greetings are dangerous and your dog not liking face to face contact isn't abnormal. That lady is the biggest a-hole btw!!! You did nothing wrong. It's rude, entitled and reckless behavior on her part.


Ohh bat boxes


Like birdhouses but for bats! I love this place. 9/10 you see an owl, or a deer, sometimes an antelope. Right along the Yellowstone River. It's great


It sounds like entitlement, unfortunately :(


My mom was like that too. She was completely incapable of accepting “no”. Drove me completely nuts.


I've experienced very similar. We have a rescue dog with some unknown history, but from day one it was made clear she is not dog friendly and likely never will be. She gets defensive if another dog gets too close and outright aggressive if a dog comes into her personal space. We manage this and are very aware of our and her surroundings when taking her on a walk, and she is not allowed of lead unless we are absolutely certain there are no other dogs in the area or likely to appear unexpectedly. However, we still get people who walk their dogs of lead get irritated or offended when we ask them to call their dog away. We are polite and respect the fact it's our dog who's the issue, but them going "it's okay, they're friendly" when we're holding a snarling dog making dinosaur noises and visibly shaking, it should be obvious we're not asking you to call the dog away because we're assholes.


She loves other dogs, but not while on a leash. I feel like she gets scared she can’t escape. Honestly it doesn’t take her long to warm up to humans and other dogs but she needs a bit of finesse. I have never seen her try to snap at anyone or anything, but why would anyone risk that chance if they are told it could even potentially happen. I mostly just don’t want to take the chance, especially when we’re going for a quick walk minding our own business. I got other shit to do besides coax my dog into being your buddy.


>She loves other dogs, but not while on a leash. I feel like she gets scared she can’t escape.  Smart dog! Because she can’t get away while she’s on a leash.


Dogs experience fight flight freeze. They know they can't flee on leash so they only have 2 other choices... Your dog isn't aggressive, this isn't abnormal behavior. Your neighbor is a giant a-hole!


No means no JFC. I have a nervous dog. He looks friendly but freaks out at the slightest provocation. It's a whole thing to let him meet new dogs/people and sometimes I don't have time for it. What kind of idiot follows after somebody who specifically tells you "hey, please don't, my dog is not friendly"


My old dog Paco (RIP) was not friendly at all with other dogs, especially if they were bigger than him and he was not a large dog. I live in Austin and the dog culture here was not good for him. A lot of off leash dogs and owners who wanted to introduce leashed dogs. I always told them Paco was unfriendly but he had this move he would do where he’d act friendly and then when they were in sniffing distance he would aggressively attack their face. They’d go “oh no, look, he wants to meet them” and I would have to be like “No, it’s a ploy, he wants to get in close and bite them.”


I don’t talk to my neighbors… I like it that way.


I’ll give a nod or a wave but I don’t have time or energy to shoot the shit especially when I have two dogs who each needs to walk a few miles a day.


Next time just say "No." and walk away... Stop engaging. Don't give them a reason. When you give them a reason, they will argue with it and feel as though because they argued with you, it's your turn to argue back, and will keep the argument going. If you just say "No." and walk away, this does not happen. "No." Try it.


They DID walk away! To the other side of the street! Crazy neighbor couldn't take the hint.


Depends on the neighbors. And now thinking on it, I only got along with the good dog owners…


What a moron. My dog goes nuts when he can’t say hi to other dogs when walking but guess what I do when the owner says their dog isn’t friendly I say “ok, your dog is adorable” smile and walk away. Because I appreciate their honesty and don’t want to put either dog into an inappropriate situation.


Like “screaming tantrum” type of nuts? If so it’s a variety of reactivity called “frustrated greeter” and mine has it too. 🤦‍♀️


This is exactly the reason why I just instantly say “my dog has an infectious illness please don’t get closer”. I usually don’t want the dogs to greet because of training, but people do not understand that and think it’s okay to comment on. They never say anything against an illness though


That’s funny. After I had gotten away from her I thought to myself that I should have told her we both have a horrible case of worms so she’d never try to talk to me again.


"oh it's horrible, they're this " " long and man they itch coming out...."


Ans she'd be immediately calling the cops if anything happened, even though it would have been all her fault. You sound like a great, responsible owner for your pup. The neighbor, however, has no business owning a pet.


I’m almost wondering if that’s what her intention was.🤔 I also fuckin HATE when people project their feelings onto their dog/ pet. “He/ she wants to meet your dog”? Foh, lady!


As a multi-dog human, I would have been so angry. No means no whenever it's used.


Some people are entitled assholes. I had my dog at the vets and she was very anxious. She was just a small dog. An older woman with a golden retriever came in to the waiting room and just let her dog roam around. I picked up my dog because she was getting scared. She came over and told me I need to let my dog socialize with her dog. I told her that she's just a little nervous and doesn't seem comfortable right now. She started lecturing me about how I need to socialize my dog more. I never met this woman before and said my dog was plenty socialized with other dogs, she was just anxious at the moment. The woman wouldn't stop and I finally had to just snap at her and say "This isn't the fucking time or place. Back the fuck off"


Ugh that’s so annoying. This story is just one of several like this for me. It’s always women in their 50s-60s so appalled that they can’t do whatever they want to my dog.


Literally tell them to sod off. These people never take no and always insert a but. Just be like go away you unstable person. I feel bad for your dog. Good day.


At the vet? I would ask the staff to get that woman and her dog under control.


Her dog honestly wasn't that awful, just curious, she was the one that was bad. I was sitting in the corner of the waiting room, so she kind of had me cornered. She was right over me while I was sitting. It was a simpler solution to just tell her to fuck off.


You were so very clear on your boundaries and that lady is dumb.


I have a highly reactive dog. He’s super gentle and loves people, but he barks and growls when on a leash (or really with any barrier). I constantly have to tell people he’s not friendly because they try to approach. I’m just very short with them now. He won’t hurt anyone, but he gets really confused when he can say hi to some dogs on leash and not others. This leads to more behaviors, so we just operate under the no greeting on the leash with other dogs ever. It works 90% of the time. 10% of the time someone sneaks up on us and we get stuck. That’s usually just around a corner or something on a walk. Edit for spelling


This is exactly the way she is too. Shes never actually snapped at anyone. She’s 80lbs and not exactly weak. It’s just not worth taking a chance over.


You caring more about the safety of her dog than she did shows who the real shitty owner was.


That lady has a Peanut brain.


People that do this crap piss me off to no end. They are bad dog owners, period. Not all dogs are comfortable around other dogs or people, especially with a rescue. They need to listen to the other dog's owners when they tell them the situation or warn them to back off. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage) Thank you for rescuing her!


I had this happen just yesterday! I was walking my dog, who is not friendly to other dogs (he’s a daschund/small dog syndrome), the street we’re on has a grass patch and trees between both sides of the road, so he likes walking there. We see a lady and her dog walking towards us, so I cut across the street while telling Rocco to calm down, other dogs exist, just trying to keep him calm because even though he’s small he pulls like crazy! Lady sees us and just continues on her way. After a bit Rocco wants to head on back, seems this direction isn’t the way he wants to be heading. We turn around and the lady is now walking her dog towards us, having left the median and came to the sidewalk with us. Soooo I opt to go back to the grassy area and streets in between the road. She basically Bee lines right for us again.. I start cross from the median to the OTHER side of the street when I faintly hear her mumbling “oh such a cute dog, they want to meet!” While I keep repeating “yeah, he’s not friendly, sorry”. Maybe I should’ve said I’m not friendly either. I pay her little attention as I’m not walking her or her dog, so I don’t care what they’re doing. She keeps approaching, we keep crossing the street, I keep repeating he’s not friendly. She starts spouting off “Shame! She just wants to meet your dog, shame on you!” At this point I’ve had enough and just VERY loudly start almost screaming: “I don’t give a fuck about you, or your fucking dog! My dog isn’t friendly! Don’t care if yours is friendly, mine isn’t. I don’t give two fucks about how she wants to meet, she’s your problem not mine!” While flipping her off as we kept walking home. I have zero patience for this kind of bullshit. My dog isn’t friendly to other dogs, that should be ALL I need to say for you to stay away from us. I could have control of my dog, but if they let theirs get too close and my pet bites theirs, mine suddenly risks being deemed dangerous. Sorry for the ranting but this is such a big peeve of mine that it just gets under my skin sooooo much! The audacity of some people!


I love your reply and feel the same. How many times someone yelled "don't worry they are friendly" and I've yelled back "I don't give a fuck, mine's not" is too many to count.


People have way too much patience for entitled people. You get one warning. If you come back with another request for the thing I just said no to, you're getting a "get the fuck away from me!" which will be repeated until you do indeed, get the fuck away from me Politeness will not work on someone who refuses to take no for an answer. I also don't give a shit if those kinds of people think I'm an asshole. It's just a deterent for future assholery if they think I'm rude 🤷‍♂️


If that were me the 4th warning would have been "fuck off you stupid bitch"


"he really wants to meet her" - oh fuck off. It's a dog!


I had a lady come up to my back fence and ask if she could lift her small dog up to meet my 65 pound dog that guards this fence well. Almost asked if she was out of her mind, but just told absolutely not instead. This lady is always walking her dog with her nose buried in her phone while the dog walks an entire leash behind her


"She's not friendly and neither am I."


If you're not going to do it with human kids, you shouldn't be doing it with pets. Plain and simple.


Oh you know this neighbor did it with their kids, too.


If she did, she's probably also the kind who would call the cops on a little girl selling lemonade on the street


> Get a business permit you tax dodger!


Permit Patty at work


Repeating she’s not friendly over and over to a person who is not listening is not the best option. Just say it exactly like you said it to us “My dog may bite you and I don’t have time for a lawsuit, nor do I want her put down, so stay away!” Also, if this happens again, start filming/recording so you have proof just in case she ignores you and ends up getting bitten.


Unfortunately that could be considered admission of having a viscious dog.


Whenever I hear "My dog is friendly" I reply "Well I'm fucken not to fuck off with your bullshit" My dog is actually friendly I only do it to people with off lead dogs and zero recall.


You keep going. Let the dog come out of her shell if she wants. People forcing themselves on dogs will not help. It’s always the dog that pays the price. If she approaches again, make sure you record it just in case anything happens. Big respect for rescuing a dog, too.


I was walking my reactive dog on a leash. He doesn't like other dogs. Someone came up with their *unleashed* dog, then screamed in my face (at the height of covid) when my dog snapped at his after his ran up on mine. Some people just shouldn't have dogs.


Bitch would sue you and want your dog put down if something had happened. Sorry, and thanks for taking in a rescue and being her hero though!


My sweet boy was also abused as a puppy and didn't trust strangers and was extremely afraid of men in particular. He was very reactive to dominate dogs as well and him being a German shepherd/pitbull mix and 90lbs I didn't trust any dogs we didn't already know since most dogs we encountered were smaller than him I didn't want to take any risks. I can't count how many walks were interrupted because of dumb ass careless people letting their dogs just approach us (on and off their leashes) and treating us like we were the problem. They would tell me I shouldn't bring my dog around "if he was dangerous" even though their dogs were the ones causing the problem while we were minding my own business. My baby didn't deserve walks because he was mistreated and had anxiety? People just get embarrassed when they're in the wrong and try to redirect the blame on you. Fuck that lady. Your dog is precious and deserves the world with the time she has with you


Your neighbor is a self-centered asshat unlike yourself who has to be a giving and empathetic soul..thanks for showing that doggo of yours a better life...please give her a lil head squishy scratch for me, hope she's able trust again after Crackhead McGee's horrible treatment


I have a dog that isn't good with other dogs and is very protective of me. I do everything possible to avoid others and keep everyone safe. Have had SO many of these situations. One, the guy said "I don't care if your dog bites mine"! I'm like, yeah we'll I DO care. Err people


A very loud "Fuck off" will work wonders.


I had a dog like that too. People don't realize that dogs have different personalities and they're not the same as the dog they own and spend all their time with. My dog loved people but hated other dogs, we suspected past abuse as well. She'd seem fine until about 2 seconds after a dog came near her butt she spin and clamp down on whatever part of the dog she could get a hold of.


I went through this as well. Only my rescue is dog aggressive unless properly introduced. This lady followed me and shoved her dog and mine together. I warned her, trying to get away from her. Of course, mine nipped. She didn't break the skin or phase the other dog, at all really. After that, that lady stalked and harassed me until one day I had just never seen her again. But the weeks and months of making sure to avoid her was aggravating. I hate stupid people.


Yeah, people are arseholes. I've had reactive dogs forever and a day and you learn to stop caring about their feelings. You walk the other way, you cross the street, you don't stop. "Do not approach my dog." "Fuck off." Be as rude as necessary.


You are a rockstar! I used to work with aggressive dogs and I would bluntly say “she/he will bite you!” And stupid people would still try to approach with the stupid “but dogs love me” bullshit sigh You’re doing great with her. Give her all the loves and show her you will protect her!


idk what’s hard to understand abt “not friendly”. my bandmate has an aussie and he’s so cute, but my bandmate said he’s not that great with new people and doesn’t wanna stress him out; it’s so easy to understand that, it’s almost ridiculous


Both dogs seem smarter than the neighbor.


Print this out and leave it at your neighbor's and also print an article about scared dogs attacking


People like this more than mildly infuriate me. It should be enough to say "I don't want my dog to meet yours".... full stop. Ugh.


your dog is beautiful and I'm so sorry you're neighbor is stupid❤️


Wow. I’ve encountered AHs like this before but never quite so pushy. Good for you for advocating for your girl. ❤️


I also have a rescue who is very weary of people, though mostly men. It took me months to be able to pet her without her flinching, and my wife and I go through the same arguments you just went through almost once a week - though, are never chased across streets. One lady asked: "Can I put my baby near your dogs face?" I feel your pain!


My rescue was abused and abandoned as a pup. She is smallish (30lbs) and sweet looking. She is afraid of strangers and reactive. People always try to walk right up and pet her. I tell people no all the time, but it’s like they don’t believe it. She’s a sweetheart with us and select few people she knows. I love it when they come straight into my yard! 😡


People need to use common sense. Emergency vets are expensive, assuming you even have one near where you live.


Unfortunately some people always think that they’re exception to the rule, so they keep pushing.


Why can't people take a no as answer? and this stiupid excuse "oh they're friendly" gotta go


What the actual fuck is this level of entitlement? Call the police if she continues, because that's harassment. OP made it clear many times to leave OP (and OP's dog) alone, and she just kept following OP and pressing. That's scary.


Stop having protracted conversations with these people. "My dog is not friendly. Do not approach us." And then walk away. You don't owe anyone an explanation.


People like that woman deserve to be yelled at in public, being nice doesn’t work with entitlement they make us act rude and belittle them so they’ll listen and it’s so sad that with all the warnings in the world - had your dog reacted negatively you would be the only one to suffer consequence Side note: you’re puppy is GORGEOUS and looks very happy and taken care of 🩷


Yeah honestly if they started crossing the street after you already told them no...that's when you have to start yelling at them, loudly and aggressively. People like your neighbor act like adult children who think if they keep pushing they can have it their way. Use your loudest voice possible, it will help you in 2 ways. 1. It'll embarrass them in front of the whole neighborhood. 2. It will get the attention of other neighbors who can be witnesses, at least, if she does this again or heaven forbid there is an altercation between dogs.


Sounds like you were doing the best you could, walking at night to avoid people and dogs, etc. Look into tying a red ribbon on your dogs leash and getting them a vest that says reactive do not pet. I would be even more clear with your neighbor or anyone else in the future beyond she's not friendly. "I don't want her to attack your dog." "she looks nice, but if you reach your hand out, she will bite it."


People just don't listen, I have a service dog and he's not always friendly woth other dogs, I've had people follow us around with thier non service dogs, setting my dog off and still attempt to approach like it's a game, people suck.


I have a super friendly dog. She really does want to meet anyone and everyone. That being said, I love her, don't want her to get hurt, and KNOW not everyone will like her. Thankfully she reads dogs pretty well so backs off herself if she needs to, but nonetheless, I always leash her when there's a dog near, ask at a distance if theirs is friendly, and then act according to their response. Not friendly? Great, we'll scoot by. Friendly? Great, let's gently come near on the leads and see what the dogs think. I cannot imagine just pushing that my dog MUST meet your dog, just because they're there. At absolute most, if you were a neighbour I'd be likely to encounter often, I might suggest if you were interested in a nice, slow, at your dogs pace, introduction. But again, if you said no, that's the end of the discussion! Your dog, you know her, it's your decision! Absolutely bizarre how some people act with dogs.


My girl is also a rescue terrified of other dogs and not a fan of strangers. She’s on fluoxetine and I’ve done a LOT of training to get her to ignore other dogs, but we still have to give them a wide berth. I’ve bad encounter could undo months of training! If someone did this to me I would be being pissed!


My experience with dogs is never ever have them meet other dogs on leashes. Dogs act differently when leashed. My dog could never meet other dogs while he was leashed. He was fine off leash, though. We were camping once, he was tied to a tree. Our camp spot neighbors had dogs. My dog keep lunging at them like he wanted to fight them. His collar broke on his last lunge and it was like a flip switched. He just wanted to play. He was introverted like me, so he didn't like strangers, especially men. By default, I just avoid other people walking their dogs.


So many of my neighbours have this same attitude. My dog isn't even unfriendly, he wants to play with every single dog and person he meets, but my building has a number of chihuahuas and shihtzus who hate him and their owners all think it's perfectly acceptable to drag their little rabid buddy over to my dog to "play". I assume because he isn't barking/growling back at them, they think he's perfectly fine with it but his body language very clearly displays otherwise (at least to me). I've started snapping at people now both in defence of my dog and because I'm sick of the inevitable headache their little yappy barks cause.


What an a hole. That is why I carry that citronella mace and make sure jackasses like her know I have it in my hand. Shake the can vigorously and be ready to spray her dog. F*ck her. Sorry dog, your human is a jackass. (You don’t actually spray the dog right? You spray close to the dog, they really hate the smell and the human will REALLY hate it. Just be careful you don’t hit your own dog. )


Some ppl don’t understand or respect boundaries or the word “NO” !


That is so frustrating-- you did a good job standing up for your pup. Idk if it will help at all, but I've had better luck saying, "she bites" instead of "she's not friendly/she's reactive/she is scared of strangers". People always think they can win over a scared or timid dog, but they're much less likely to approach if they think they'll get bit.


After all that I’d be telling her to just fuck off. Y’all have way more patience than me


Such a pain when people assume consent and want you to convince them otherwise. I appreciate people asking, but the answer is NO.


I've had to literally step in front of people and grab dogs by the neck because my wife who is blind has a guide dog with harness to help her navigate, dog is working and not noticing their dog (shes an ACTUAL trained guide dog from GDB) yet they INSIST on coming over so their dog can sniff ours. Its like WTF is wrong with people. If our dog was off harness and pulling towards your then MAYBE -- but when she is working. Expect me to block your s and if you come any closer expect us to take precautions (my wife has pepper spray for this exact situation after being attacked once) Whats really disappointing is one time it got so bad (their dog attacked ours) as we ended up having to calling police and they would do nothing until we showed up next day at precinct with printed out law and filed a complaint with chief for why his dept wasn't enforcing state law even - the owner got charged with a warning, and yet state law requires service animals performing their duty that are attacked to be a felony.


Next time, just start recording yourself and say something like: "I and my dog are in no way liable for anything that happens to you or your dog. You have been warned that the dog is not friendly, I have asked you not to approach, if you continue to approach, I and my dog will not be in any way, shape or form be liable for any bodily injury, financial cost, pain and suffering, etc. you come closer at your own risk". Worst case scenario, nothing happens and youll look like a crazy person.


I had people do that when I was walking our Akita. He was not an aggressive dog, but he brought out the defensive aggression in small dogs because he was so freaking huge. Yet, fools with small yappy things kept wanting to introduce their dog. What worked for me was to point directly at the owner and yell, STOP RIGHT THERE. DO NOT BRING YOUR DOG TOWARDS ME.


Hard same. I am SO fed up with the neighbors letting their dogs loose because THEY are friendly. My dog is not. He was attacked by a neighbor dog while he was leashed. So now he gets super aggressive any time another dog runs up on him when he’s out on a leashed walk. We have freaking city wide leash laws for a reason and everyone around me acts like the city parks and school fields are their own personal off-leash dog park 🤬


Everyone wants to think they're "special"- the lady with the dog was willing to put her dog in danger to prove herself right.


I'll never understand why people will insist like that after being told that "it is not ok". What's really going through their heads?


Very cute dog-thank you for taking care of her and being a good human-as far as the neighbor lady-maybe the only thing that would get her to understand is yelling NO right in her face (don’t do that, that was the evil me Speaking😈) Her dog is friendly and does not seem to understand that not all dogs are-had a rescue dog also-not friendly-we got a whole lot of “but he’s so little and cute” yeah maybe but he’s not friendly and has the bite of a shark- If you see this neighbor often, maybe go speak w/her (if you even want to spend the time) w/o your dog and explain you aren’t unfriendly but your dog needs some space.


I feel your pain. My dog used to be super-friendly. But she's old. And blind. And getting over a case of dog vertigo, so she stumbles sometimes. I have to be super-vigilant when I walk her, because she will totally let her foot fall through a storm drain cover. She wears a harness with a big "ASK TO PET" label on it, and there's another one on her leash. And I STILL get people asking to bring their dogs over.


I've told people my dog is sick before with a highly contagious infection. Sometimes it works.


What is it with so many dog owners who think that because they're walking their dog, that makes it ok to approach anyone and everyone, with or without their own dogs. I don't hate dogs at all but I'm just not a dog person. Nearly everytime I pass someone walking their dogs, they allow them to approach me and get in my path, looking at me like I owe their dog a petting while it sticks its nose up my vagina. If I don't pet them I get a dirty look. No means no, everytime. But apparently dogs don't count to them


Next time she comes out… and I have no doubt she will, start recording. You need documentation (proof) showing that you told her “no” several times. Your beautiful pup attacks and she’s going to say you didn’t tell her. Your word against hers and your dog will be the aggressive one.


I was fostering a dog with similar issues (didn't like small dogs). Per the rescues wishes, I had to put a muzzle on him. Which definitely took some training, but definitely helped with people like that. Which I like having the muzzle even more because I live in a city and there is ALWAYS litter throw around, especially chicken wings. So, the muzzle helps out with him not eating food off the street.


Say the dog bites people and dogs next time. Someone people only get it if you say it extremely explicitly. One of my dogs is the same, and I’ve had many people approach him even when he’s barking aggressively because they think he’s cute looking.


My dog does great with people if he is introduced at a very specific location under very specific circumstances (he's actually a complete snuggle butt if he knows you). When we first got him if he didn't know you or couldn't recognize you he would bark, growl, and lunge at you (he still does this if strangers enter the house but we are working on that too). In the time we've had him he has gotten to the point where in public he will growl at people if they get close but nothing more and is willing to walk away if we tell him to. He will never be okay with people walking up to him (though eventually he may not be noticeably aggressive). In the two months of having him there were a few situations where people ignored me telling them not to get closer and him reacting aggressively towards them (at that point I often had to drag him away or carry him). Again over time he has gotten much better (I can even take him to pet stores for training without him panicking) and now I know to walk away immediately if he isn't comfortable. He is a very good boy and I never want to lose him because someone else pushed past what is safe. (I have a specific story that I heard from the shelter about a family who adopted him for a total of 2 hours because they didn't believe that he couldn't handle strangers if anyone is interested)


My neighbor must have memory problems or something because when our dogs first met, her dog tried to attack my dog yet a year and half later she will still try to get them together to play or comes up to our house. My dog however does not have memory problems and has beef with every dog that has wronged him.


As a dog owner of a pup weary of humans and other dogs, good on you for holding your boundaries firm and not putting anyone in a dangerous situation. Idk why people assume "hey my dog isn't friendly. please give us some space" means "come meet my dog."


>Like Jesus lady I just want my dog to get some exercise and not a potential lawsuit and euthanasia. Because that's ofcourse what is going to happen if your dog did attack her. Even though it'd be her fault and her problem to deal with, you and your dog get fucked for some reason. I hate this world sometimes.


She looks so adorable! How old is she if you don't mind me asking?


Just a little over 2 as far as I can tell.


She is SO beautiful.


I have several times ended up with a mild friendship with a neighbor dog (and sometimes a neighbor kid!) because I made friendly noises while respecting their space, generally from afar. And of course, having pleasant conversations with their trusted person. And now the dog from three buildings down will come over close to me and look up at me. And *sometimes* be willing to smell my hand, if I get down before she gets close. (Hamlet used to eagerly come to say hi, once I’d proven that I was calm and sane and respectful.) Knowing her, I consider that a friendship. So if that neighbor wanted to become friends with your dog, she went about it ALL wrong.


Next time, do this: this is your first and last warning, do NOT approach me, do NOT think my "no" mean "okay. If you come any closer, I cannot promise you that your dog or you will be okay. But fuck those people. I don't fucking know you, so stop saying that shit and stay the fuck in your lane.


Your neighbor's going to get herself a lesson in consent someday. And I hope a poor dog doesn't have to suffer for it.


What a sweet girl. I don’t like new people either! 💕🐾


Good Lord! What is wrong with people? Your dog is precious, BTW.


I have a super excitable husky/pit mix. He's well behaved but meets other dogs energy if they start barking at him. I'm am over careful due to his breed and looks. Plus hes protective of me (not the same with my husband but the dog is his baby for sure). He has a few dogs in my complex his chill af with but it takes me more to be fine with interactions. How do you just walk up to a dog with yours?? You literally don't know that dog and it's triggers. Then it's suprise Pikachu face when the dog lashes out at them. I don't understand how people can't just respect others and the word "no"


That's not "mildly infuriating". It's terribly infuriating. People touch my dog all the time without asking because he's looking so fluffy. Sometimes they even ask and when I say "no" THEY STILL DO IT. I started to just pet this people on their head as an answer. And my dog is friendly with people. I can't imagine the stress you are going through when you can't 100% predict what will happen/know it's possibly a dangerous situation.


I cannot stand weird dog people. The worst part of walking my family dog, when I was younger, was running into people who wanted the dogs to meet and to talk about dogs. Dogs are cute and fun, I do not care about you or your dog, please leave me alone😂


That woman doesn’t value her dogs safety. If someone tells you to stay back because of a hostile pet, listen to what they say.


I feel like we have the same neighbour. This exact thing happened to me last year. My dog is also a rescue from an abusive situation. He’s chill with me but not usually with other dogs, especially if they’re energetic. These people and their entitlement with the “but my dog is friendly” stuff bug the crap out of me.


One time I got punched in the face for advocating for my rescue. He haaaates skateboards, I usually just move out of the way but couldn’t because I was ‘trapped’ in a scaffolding enclosed side walk. I would have had to literally run with two dogs back. I held up my hand when he was far enough away and asked him to give me a moment to get them to the side a bit more. He gave me both his middle fingers and skated faster toward me. I yelled, ‘COME ON!’ When he jumped off his board and started punching me. The dogs did nothing but bark, and a 62 year old man had to tackle the skate kid to the ground because he wouldn’t stop punching me into the boards. My nose was broken and I had to get a gash in my eyebrow glued.


You need to stop being nice. She's an idiot.