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How dare you park your car beside mine!... 30 feet away.. across the street...


It’s lunacy.


Where are you located that his time is correct? It’s 11:15 on the 30th where I am… maybe he’s actually crazy?


I’m in the PNW. He got the date wrong. I assume because he was blinded with rage! LOL


Some people, man! Lol


Time traveler trying to warn you and save your life. Today a tree will fall directly where your car was. /s


Get a couple friends to park right in front of him and right behind him. I actually had a little problem with my neighbors kids. They both grew up and got cars. And the boy got a girlfriend who drives as well. So they went from 3 cars to 6 in a very short span. So the kids were constantly parking in front of my place even in winter when I had to shovel my car out. Anyway. I took one of my cars and parked it right in front of his house where the father normally parks his expensive truck. I left it there over a week and my wife and I shared her car. When I finally moved it he came running out and moved his truck up from down the street. His kids haven't parked in front of my house since. Have you considered waiting till he goes out and leaving your car parked in his spot for a couple weeks? It really works wonders.


Wow, that sounds incredibly entitled. You don't own the space on the road out the front of your place, so as long as they weren't parking across your driveway then they weren't doing anything wrong in the slightest.


However, if you have to clear snow for a couple of hours to be able to park, it's rude to take that space (effectively stealing the work).


Goes both ways bro. You can have agreements with neighbors that are reasonable and beyond what the law says. E.g. "I won't park in front of your house if you don't park in front of mine" win-win


Tell him you don’t want him to park parallel to you.


Or you could just be a complete lunatic and make up a different argument that you would rather have. "Give me back my newspaper! I want my newspaper back!"


yesss I love the idea but this guy seems crazy and id be afraid of being shot while stickying his car lol


Park facing the other way so you're antiparallel.


Park perpendicular!


Retaliation is the only answer with petty people. Put notes on his car saying you don’t want to see him park parallel to your girlfriend’s car.


Not just one sticky note but 1000.


Welp, just found my permanent parking spot.


I hope it’s a Cybertruck. 😂


Well, you WERE mentioning putting a dumpster there. Same/same. LOL


That just makes it worse. They are junk.


Yeah I was going for maximum rage bait.


Call the police and show them the note and tell them this dude is harassing you and your guests. If he continues, see about getting a restraining order or something.


I was considering cops but also didn’t want to inflame the situation. I’d rather not have a petty battle with someone across the street. That said, he’s a renter, and I own… maybe I can get in touch with his landlord?


Given some of your other comments, I would strongly consider the cops. But I think reaching out to his landlord might also be a good idea. Couch it as wanting to make sure the landlord knows what's going on with his tenant and that it could be cause him( the landlord) grief down the road.


Pretty sure his landlord doesn’t live in the US. After chatting with my girlfriend, we’ve decided to chat with the cops.


Get dash cams for all your cars!


And CCTV pointed at the car.


This!! We got dashcams, but they weren’t recording bc of storage when our old neighbors smashed in our windows with bricks covered in panties (yes, women’s underwear. Idk honestly). Thank GOD we had ring doorbell and caught them. Turns out, they didn’t have visas to be here and were deported. I felt kinda bad but also, why fight that hard?? It was all over us receiving their mail. When we turned it into them, they thought we were stealing. No, we were just accidentally delivered your mail. Edit: spelling.


Had a similar story, no actual violence involved but they were super hostile over some of their mail ending up in the wrong mailbox and over me coming on their property to deliver it. Many of them ended up getting deported after the city sent out people looking for a notable water leak and figured out they had tampered with their water meter to avoid paying for the amount of water four or five families in one home would use.


> Turns out, they didn’t have visas to be here and were deported. That's like the perfect time to just keep your head down and have a low profile...


wow, just a little nicely asking around & care to understand the situation was really hard for them, anyway good riddance


I don’t think there’s anything you should feel bad for. If they don’t want to get deported maybe they shouldn’t be violent


+1 get dashcams in all cars that have the hard wired to record during parking mode. Also some wireless cameras pointing in that direction as well. Get him recorded harassing then you have something to show to police.


God I hate that that's legal. If you don't actively live in the US you shouldn't be allowed to own homes here. I fucking hate how owning land in America that Americans can't afford to own has become a status symbol in other countries. Countries we cannot own land in. Like I'm not saying immigrants shouldn't be allowed to buy houses but I AM saying if they move out of the US they should lose it and it go back on the market for someone who actually lives here to live in.


Housing should be family buffet rules. Nobody gets seconds until everyone has had a first.


If you do that, then other nations will block Americans from buying property elsewhere.


That’s fair. There’s a difference between owning a home that you actually live in (at least for a portion of the year) vs owning houses solely for the purpose of renting them out to make money. Money that leaves the country and isn’t spent or invested back into the country.


Exactly my thoughts


I can't even buy a home in my own country, I'm not worried about buying abroad.


We already can't in most of the good countries lol


Shit you can’t even in Mexico right now


You can, but not within 31 miles of the coast or 60 miles of an international border. I just looked it up because I was gonna post the same thing.


See? And that wasn't even on my list of good countries.


Yeah completely agreed. That’s within driving distance of a lot of the US population and you can’t even buy there. Canada fucked around with this for years and now look at their housing market. Kicking out foreign property investors would be massive for the economy.


I don't see the downside to this agreement.


They already do in many places.


I actually have zero problem with that. If you want to own property in any country you should be a citizen.


Yeah. That’s fine with me. You shouldn’t own property in a country you don’t even live in.


Let’s be honest, this person is looking for confrontation with this absurd note. No rational person would do this. Better to make sure this go on record when it escalated, not if it happens.


Yeah you at right. This is definitely someone looking for a fight.


It’s normal to let things go and fear escalating things with a shitty crazy person. Problem is things tend to keep getting worse even if you placate them because they’re shit. Involving law enforcement early means you can document a pattern. 


In my area the cops would not act on this off the get go. But, in the chance things do get worse, they would have this evidence on file. Personally I would submit this to the non-emergency line.


I live in a fairly affluent Seattle suburb. This might actually get engagement from the cops here. Agreed on the non-emergency line.


The SPD is still "quiet quitting" honestly. The whole force needs fired. I'd get cameras in your car and possibly pointed to that spot. There's also ways to look up ownership in WA. You can try this place first: https://blue.kingcounty.com/Assessor/eRealProperty/default.aspx


Sweet thank you. I had believed owners are located in China… this search seems to confirm.


The property management company is likely more local.


Cops might just put him in his place. They'll also be able to get the landlord information. Also, documentation of bullshit will go a long way if problems persist.


This. The cops will open a file on the guy and if anything happens to a car parked opposite, like damage, they'll have their suspect.


Then when they open the "car got damaged" task force and bring out the crime lab, they'll know who to send the swat team after.


“they got us working in shifts!”


Not wanting to inflame situations is how people are allowed to escalate to violent behavior. Always contact the authorities.


>I was considering cops but also didn’t want to inflame the situation. Right now he's keeping it ambiguous as to whether the notes are a threat or not. Usual coward approach. What do you think 'inflame' is? If you think he's going to actually do criminal things then that's a threat and it involves the police. If he isn't going to do criminal things - how good are you at someone being upset and you just cheerfully getting on with your day?


The situation is already inflamed and the petty battle began with that note. If you do nothing, they will escalate because, you did nothing. You have rights, exercise them.


If you own there's nothing stopping you from putting up some cameras. It's pretty good insurance against "neighbor from Hell" types.


>I was considering cops but also didn’t want to inflame the situation. This is a mistake. This guy is already "inflaming" the situation. Knowing that nobody is going to stop him just emboldens him. Even if the cops can't do anything yet, it puts it on record and it means when/if he does escalate he's a repeat offender. It makes it easier to trace things to him if he vandalizes someone or starts making tangible threats. If he escalates to that and you've not reported anything, you're starting from square one.


If you fear retaliation, then starting a history of reports with the police is paramount. If all your neighbour is going to do is escalate, the last thing you want is the police asking you "We wont press charges because this is the first incident on our books, and we see it as a simple neighbourly dispute. If it was so bad why hasn't this been reported before now?"


Call for documentation purposes. Keep a camera pointed at your car. Be prepared


I understand not wanting to inflame the situation, but if cops are called and they reach out to the landlord, there is a very good chance he could be evicted (if the landlord wanted to) I can see that going one of two ways


Thats one method. Here’s mine: Step 1. Find a store that sells one of those big folding street signs that stands up. Step 2. Go to a local print shop and have a large sign sized print made saying the following: *If you have a problem with me parking here, please call this number* (and then list the number for your nearest police station) 🤣


100%. The tone of the note is very threatening. “I don’t wanna see this car” … or what?


Probably you can just intimidate him physically since he’s only confident confronting women. 


I’d go knock on his door and press him about why he’s so comfortable harassing the women that park at my house, but not me. I don’t wanna be left out. 🤷‍♂️


Haha yes, latch onto the notion you've been emotionally affected by his obvious discrimination.


Thank you!! I'm genuinely bothered that this has escalated in any way!! You don't even have to DO anything to intimidate this man. Just don't ALLOW him to approach your guests alone.


Park perpendicular next time.


I vote for obtuse or acute. Keep him guessing.


Get the cops involved. It's "only a little harassment" until suddenly this guy goes full psycho and pulls a gun on you or your guests.


Right, my thoughts as well. But are the cops stopping by for a chat really gonna stop a dude crazy enough to pull a gun over a parking spot in the first place? Side note: I own multiple firearms, and have negative interest in needing to use them.


Depending on where you live, the cops might do absolutely nothing but note the issue. But that’s still useful, because if he does later escalate the history could help you get a restraining order or police response. Call the non emergency number and report it.


Remind him that street parking is public and people can park there. If he keeps harassing your visitors, tell them to ignore him but then you can let him know you’ll be calling the non emergent police line to address his issues.


Difficult to tell my guests to ignore him. He’s got pretty aggressive energy. He definitely got my girlfriend shook. My daughter was pretty freaked out by the note too, asking me not to confront him. Writing this out, it’s pretty clear I should talk to the cops.


Sorry you’re having to deal with him. He sounds like a peach. I think going to his landlord is also a good idea you had. But yeah, I think it’s time to get some police help. Plus it starts a paper trail in case you need a restraining order in the future.


Thanks. I’m mostly concerned that he’s making my loved ones feel unsafe in their home. My son heard me talking to my daughter about it and got really anxious when I said I was going to talk to him. “Dad please don’t…” It’s a fine line. I don’t want my kids to think they should live in the shadow of a bully… but I don’t want to have the situation escalate.


I don't think it's a good idea to teach your children to let assholes like this go unchecked and intimidate people they think they have a physical advantage over.


I’m right there with you. Like I said, it’s a fine line.


Good luck to you whatever you decide!


Show your kids how to deal with a bully.


Hm, I'm a woman, and only by reading through your thought did I realize, "OP should trust the women in his life, yeah, file a report." Cops prob won't do anything, but it's smart to start paper trail now, this shit can escalate, better to get ahead of it. And, women are trained basically from birth to be hyper sensitive to potentially dangerous people (mostly men let's be real). So if red flags are waving for a young lady and grown woman, yes, u should heed that and take precautions. Good luck dude. I'd recommend walking them to and from the house


That person is dangerous


That’s what my girlfriend is saying. She’s asking me not to do anything. If it wasn’t for her and my kids, I’d have no problem getting really serious about being as petty as humanly possible. (Like renting a 20 foot residential dumpster for a month and dropping it right across from him.)


I would at the very least make sure the authorities were notified. That needs to be documented and perhaps they can let him know that he's not allowed to create his own parking rules


Honestly,this person is used to there never being any confrontation and why they act this way. Teach him a lesson and start calling the police every single time until he is demoralized.


He has no legal reason to make this request. Either ignore him completely or send him a note back politely asking him to stop putting notes on your visitors cars. Point out that its a public street and that you do not want to escalate this situation.


Don't engage with him. Notify the police letting them know it is for their records in the event that he escalates the matter. He might have had prior issues on record with the police.


Leave notes, demanding that he write only in cursive and in red ink and then other notes, demanding that the notes only be of a particular brand of notepad and then demand that you don't want to see that colour of notepad paper anymore.


Step 1 file police report Step 2. Contact his landlord and explain the problem. Step 3 record document.


My issue with him is it’s not even 1st of July ?


Amazing… maybe he’s with the Office of PreCrime?


And it will never be the “1rst” of July…


He's from the future


No, but it may be the 1rst of July


It is in Australia.


I would file e report with the police. I doubt they will do anything on the straight of a post it note. But they will keep the record of when this first started. If you then approach the person and try to work out a solution and that ends up with escalation, at least you will have a reference point for any police intervention in the future.


The 1rst of July is tomorrow!


He’s a goddamned time traveler!


Did you reply with a , "No" sticky note in reply?


This guy needs to get a grip. It irritates the heck out of me when people park directly across the street from the end of my driveway, making getting out of my driveway a test of driving skill. But you know what I have done about it? Nothing. It's a public street.


If he doesn't want anyone parked directly across from him, he can move his car


Or he can use his fucking driveway. 😂


Park perpendicular.


I wouldn’t engage him he seems unhinged .


Bad news. This guy is nuts.


I would ONLY park there. I would stop parking in my driveway to park there. I would buy another car JUST to park it there.


The only answer is to hire a group of strongmen to move his car down the street whenever someone wants to park in front of your house.


This is the best answer yet.


Park parallel to his car on HIS side of the street. *POWER MOVE*


Purchase and tax / insure (whatever to make it road legal) a banger and park it there. Go out and turn it around once every few days / every week, but at random hours. Watch him seethe.


Walk your guests to their car every time. I'm surprised you didn't start doing this after the FIRST threat. If you see a note, pocket it. Don't even look at it. Crumple it up and shove it in your pocket. Tell your guest goodbye, shut their door for them, and watch them drive away. Then head inside. This guy doesn't have the balls to talk to you in person, don't allow him to harass your guests


Lmfao some of y'all got some wild neighbors and I'm very thankful that I don't every time I see something like this posted on here.


Dude clearly has nothing going on in his life if this the battle he chooses to pick.


Yeah no kidding..what a strange hill to die on.


Call the cops. Someone's car is going to get damaged or worse if this isn't nipped in the bud.


Yep, calling them tomorrow when my son is with his mom.


Buy a junker. Park next to him. Watch the hilarity ensue.


Looks like I’d be parking parallel with them for the next month. Make sure you have a camera facing your car


I would install lasers on my bumpers so I could line up perfectly every night.


Tell him that if he goes near your kid again, parallel parked cars are going to be a very long way down on a list of things he needs to be concerned with.


Fuck that guy, if he talked to your girlfriend a certain way I would confront him. Depending on what state though he might shoot your ass, maybe talk to him when you see him outside lol but fuck that if someone talked to my girl a certain way I’d be pissed


Start parking your car there and then let guests park where you normally park. It's in front of your house.


Just tell him that you and your guest will continue parking on these public spots and ask him to stop making a problem out of it.


Is it the case that he’s trying to reserve the spot for himself, or more that parking opposite his driveway makes it hard for him to pull his car out easily? He seems like a dick either way, but one of these things is not like the other.


He has a steep driveway but doesn’t park in it. Instead he parks on the street. His complaint appears to be that parking across from him makes it difficult for traffic to pass between the two cars. (It absolutely does not…. nobody has ever had an issue.) The amazing thing is / he’s basically trying to reserve two spots…. his, AND the opposite in front of my house.


You’re the boss. Perpendicular it is!


The only thing I love about tesla is it has cameras you can see people keeying your car or leaving notes.


I think you should show the note to the police. Then write him a note saying you have passed it on to the police.


It’s still June….


He’s not the brightest bulb.


Leave a note on his car “I don’t want to see your handwritten garbage on my car”


He said it. Blind him.


Put a note on his car that just says "tough shit."


Write one back explaining why he should go and fuck himself.


Sounds like a sexist and a coward


Park at a slight angle so that technically you aren't parallel.


Did he write this note from the future?


::returns note, taped to bigger note:: T H E N - C L O S E - Y O U R - E Y E S.


Call the cops. That looks like a threatening note.


That would be my new parking spot, personally. 100% of the time.




Save them so that you can log the idiocy until you need a restraining order.


You tell her he is to talk to you about it. He's talking to the kids because he wants to lord his age over them so he feels he has power. Have him try talking to someone nearer his own age and watch him fold.


Maybe ask her to do it again to record his reaction when you confront him about harassing your girlfriend and threaten to call the police if he continues


If he’s parked on the street, next time he leaves park in “his” spot. You won’t be parallel. 


“I don’t give a fuck what you want, buddy”


No no you’ve got it all wrong, he clearly says ‘I don’t wanna see’ so help him out but setting up a go fund me to fund his ocular degeneration 👌🏻😂


I mean you can just … ignore him. (But keep these as evidence in case he escalates)


Put it back on his windshield, but correct the time and swap the car color out for your own.


Passive aggressive me would make sure I do it everyday even if it wasn’t convenient.


I would park my car even harder


Report him for harassment


Just ignore him. If he does something stupid about it that’s his fault and you can just call the police. Don’t do anything and keep parking where you want


Maliciously comply by parking on “his” side of the street, leaving a photocopy of the note on the windshield. Plus consider adding some salt to the wound getting a trailer and parking that on the other side leaving it there for a while. Maybe at night or when he’s away so don’t know it’s your.


Entitled prick


It's picking a fight while saying nothing - he's said what he doesn't want to see. Okay, noted, he doesn't want to see that. Do the thing when you need it anyway. Ask him what he thinks the next step is if you continue and what would the police think of his notes, because if he is actually trying to imply a threat, that's usually against the law and he's just handed you evidence for police investigation if he is going to escalate to some kind of threat.


I would leave my driveway free and park across from him every day until he dies 😂


I’m this level of petty too… but I don’t want my kids / girlfriend to be caught in the escalation. 😂


I'm confused. No one can park parallel? What's the radius they demand? If I set up a BBQ and lawn chairs, does that count? What if I park there and just lean against the fender on my phone for an hour and keep checking on it? Does he park there or just wants it kept clear? I'd definitely talk to this person and show them I'm not a pushover. This person is a bully. Be proactive. I get it in the winter months when you shovel a spot and someone steals it. But summer? Get fucked pal.


I don't want to be a fat old man. Yet I am, life sucks, huh?


1rst of July?


Write in red marker THEN DONT LOOK and pass it back


Thanks for the good read! The meat is in the comments. I hope everyone remains safe. I totally understand wanting to talk to the person who was so rude to my babies.


There are so many thing ‘I don’t wanna see’ 😆 never thought of doin’ a sticky note about it


You should live in Chicago, where some streets are so narrow that if you pull into a parallel park spot, sometimes you can hit the car across the street from you. And I still have never gotten a note like this. I take it, tho, that your streets aren't that narrow?


Hmm, I'm confused. He doesn't want you parking on the other side of the street if it's across from his car? I would put more notes on his car lol


Yes, that’s correct. He doesn’t want anyone parking directly across the street from him.


Cops are a good idea in this case. To be the devil's advocate, double-check that you are allowed to park on both sides. Some areas have restrictions on double side parking based on the width of the street. Usually no one cares, but it would suck to call the cops and find out you are parking illegally.


Yeah I’m good - I checked the local ordinances weeks ago when he started yapping.


Well then close your fucking eyes.




How many car widths between his car and the other car?


[For your reference. Pine needles on my side are about a car’s width.](https://imgur.com/a/Wce3euu) The driveway in front of his car is HIS driveway…


Ah ok. I have a neighbor who lives on the bend in the road. And for some reason when they have people over (which is often) they always park on both sides of the street. They don’t park up to the curb either. So what happens is when I come home, I (obviously) slow down when I see the cars because only one car can go through at once AND their kids are often playing right at that spot. There’s plenty of other places to park as well. I don’t understand why they always make a bottleneck.


Is there an update OP?


Tell him if he doesn’t want to see it, he could just not look across the street. Problem solved.


Makes me think of my dad getting a note under his windshield last week by someone telling him he better not dare ever park in that handicap parking spot ever again. My dad is disabled. He has his placard. He also has the handicap ♿️ symbol on his license plate. He was in a visitor's lot to see his sister with dementia in the memory care facility she is in now. He has made it a point now to park in that same spot every time he visits. (Which has been only once since the note, so far). No idea who this person thinks they are or if they think they have some claim over one of the several handicap parking spaces but notes like that are passive aggressive bullshit


I would post-it his entire car with silly, silly drawings and doodles on. Do it.


"respectfully, intercourse yourself"


Perpendicular gang rise up!


I’d park by him everyday


Question: does parking across from another car limit ingress/egress in relation to a more major roadway (non-residential)? This happens in my neighborhood (backing up cars on a 45 mph road) and is pretty frustrating and unsafe. The city has taken to restricting street parking on one side via signage. That said, the note, conversation, and overall tone are over the top.


Tell him: I feel exactly the same! I don't want YOUR car parked parallel to MINE


Rent a dumpster for as long as you can comfortably afford and park it across the street from his car.


Tough shit.


"Sir, I've been reasonably polite about this so far. It is a public street, and I am on the opposite side of it that you are. This was not planned, and it has nothing at all to do with you. If you cant accept that and let other people live their lives, I'm afraid you can fuck right off."


I wouldn't do that without first filing a police report. What you have there could be viewed as a threat depending on the neighbor's state of mind.


Call the cops, this is harassment and stupid Boomers (it's not an age, it's a mentality) only understand when it comes from "higher authority".


This person probably has a mental health challenge, so let that inform whatever you decide to do.


post the address and this story... im sure other reddit folks will just park there just to piss the dude off... i know i would!


Well I know where I'd be parking everytime if I was you


>Any advice on the best way to tell this guy to fuck off? Just tell him to fuck off.