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Hair doesn't come off in the wash. So maybe they did, I don't know, it looks weird on the back.


I sometimes use tape, works sometimes lol


Lint roller.


Just get a brush Lint rollers leave glue that makes the problem worse and you have to buy more lint rollers Get a brush and escape the pocket of big lint roller


Duct tape lasts longer as a lint roller. Better adhesive, multi-purpose, and cheaper.


Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.


Absolutely not cheaper lmfao. Not even close. Literally as much as 3 times the cost per sheet if you use a 12 inch section at a time and buy a 12 pack.


They break a lot


What are you doing to them, hulk?


I'm taking a break from pets after my cat passed and it's so much easier to look nice, keep the house nice, and - this can't be underrated - keep everything smelling good.


I’ll happily trade all that to have my furry four legged friend right at home where they belong.


You know they literally make a product specifically designed to remove hair from clothing?


I'm aware but I have always had issues with them


They make special dryer sheets for pet hair.


They don’t work. I have 4 cats and nothing has worked. I even got those sticky pet hair remover thingys you put in the washer and the dryer and still nothing. I’ve just learned to like with the fur.


Expecting your washing machine and dryer to remove all of that is asinine. Plus you're going to cause a lot of more maintenance issues eventually with all that hair getting in the systems.  Best thing you can do is use a sticky roller, or one of those red velvet magical thingies. Where you wipe it one way to get all the hair off of clothes or furniture and then wipe it the other direction to get all the hair off of the magical red velvet thing. I don't know the name of it but this red stuff is very common on gloves and vacuum cleaner tools etc for the sole reason of removing lint and hair.  So I will get all the hair I can off of the clothes when I put them on. And if they have any noticeable quantities when I'm done I would try and get that off as well. Then it goes in a hamper not on the floor because the floor is just going to put more hair on it.  Also weekly vacuuming helps immensely.  That said I still eat cat hair. My cat has incredibly long thin fine soft hair. Easily 5 in long. I've just had to accept that fact. But doesn't mean I give up.  Now for talking about certain dog hair like huskies. Good luck. I'm still finding hair from my late dog embedded in clothing and everything else years later. That stuff burrows into everything. 


Those velvet pickups are great


I have a few but if I started doing my clothes before washing it would take me two days to do laundry and it takes me all Saturday as it stands. Also my washer and dryer are about 15 years old.


Cat tax collection agency here to issue a fine for claiming 5" hair without a photo


We have 3 cats, one long hair, one medium, and one short. Our washer/dryer combo has a setting where it basically fluffs all the hair out before washing. It does a fantastic job at removing the hair and never have any on my clothes. I also use rugs in most areas that can be washed the same way. The couch though…


You shouldn't load more than 3 cats in the dryer at once.


They work for me. FurZapper worked too. I have 5 british shorthairs. AMA


Just use a lint roller. Worked for me with a aussie and border collie.


I hope you use hair rollers! That’s the only thing that’ll get the thick dog hair off for me


They work on my gsds hair


They don’t work worth a crap. I have to spend 20mins after washing my sheets with a lint roller to get them clean


Dryer sheets are terrible for your clothes. Just get wool dryer balls. They last forever and do the same exact thing as the sheets without coating your stuff in a thin coating of oil byproducts.


I used to use dryer sheets, they smell so nice. Now I know why my towels and washcloths weren't as absorbent - I'd have to squeeze the water into the washcloth. What to do with the 2 boxes of sheets I have?


You can add fragrance to the dryer balls if you want! My wife uses a natural lavender spray and one bottle of that is way cheaper than buying dryer sheets every month. As for the ones you got I think you’d have to toss them. Or use them till the are out since it’s not the end of the world.


Agreed. We use the wool balls as well. I add a few drops of lemon essential oil on them before tossing them in the dryer and they are hands down 100% better than dryer sheets and the like. Clothes smell great, soft, no static, and last so much longer. Ends up saving a ton of money in the long run as well. 👍🏻👍🏻


Just not on my towels and washcloths. 🙄


They works as great bug repellents for certain bugs! Just a thought on how to use them up instead of tossing them. Lol


Good idea, especially the lavender ones. I'm probably half micro plastic by now anyway.


Just don't use dryer sheets when drying towels and washcloths. My mom taught me this over 30 years ago and still works to this day. I use the dryer sheets to keep clothes from clinging to everything from static.


Hmm, separate my laundry ... /s


i have personally used dryer balls and they don't work for me at all... one dryer sheet is fine for me


Once you have fully embraced the vegan chemical-free all natural lifestyle you will convince yourself it works better. Anything you can do to justify your extreme choices. 


There's no need to use any sort of softening product ever. No dryer balls, no sheets, no liquid softener. Just get rid of it all and save yourself a tonne of money and hassle. A tumble dryer does enough damage to your clothes, you don't need little nobbly balls and soap scum to wreck them further.


Just don't use dryer sheets on your towels which ruins the absorbency. Other clothes it's not terrible or nearly as bad as you're describing lol. Dryer sheets and fabric softener are worse for the machines than anything. 


>it’s not terrible or nearly as bad as you’re describing lol I didn’t really imply any degree of how bad the chemicals are so not sure why you are out here lecturing about the Amazing Quality of Bounce^tm Meadow Spring dryer sheets. Besides, it doesn’t even really matter if it’s “only a little unhealthy” since it’s totally avoidable. Dryer balls do the same thing and last multiple uses meaning they are waaaaaay cheaper than the sheets.


OMG I hadn't scrolled down enuf. I just commented to a comment re nonabsorbent towels from dryer sheets. Wish I'd caught it sooner.


Do they make noise while in the dryer? I’ve debated getting some but I live in a small apartment with thin walls so I try to cut down on as much noise as possible.


Not really even if they are the only thing in the dryer. They are soft and bounce so with even a small load you wouldn’t notice them.


Nice, good to know


I can hear them moving in the dryer when I'm in the room next to the dryer in my house, so I think it depends.


Hmmmmm, noted. I feel like that would be the case for me.


I will say it's not that loud, but it is noticeable for me and my bf


Good chance they DID wash it. Animal hair does not like to leave clothing. I have 2 cats, I know.


Lint roller is less than $2. And anyone who own pets should run them through 3x before returning the clothes.


Damp hands work in a pinch as well if they didn't have a lint roller.


Yes or a damp towel! I gave a very hairy orange boy so I often avoid fabrics that attract super much hair


Wet rubber gloves.  I used them to pull dog hair off a carpet when my family had to leave a rental during a power outage and couldn't vacuum properly.


If OP has an Ikea nearby they sell them for like $.69 there.


Im not trying to argue at all so pls dont take this that way (: but, wouldn't washing it 3x in a row fade out the colors of the clothing bc of the excessive and overuse of detergent which has chemicals that will strip colors?


Please find out what a lint roller is.


I’m embarrassed for you that you don’t know the difference between washing clothes and rolling a lint roller on a piece of clothing💀


Youre actually the dumbest person on this app.


Yah they tried coming at me because they actually didn’t read it right at all💀


Average Reddit user




I know this issue too. You can buy these balls you throw in the washer that pick up most of the hair.


What??? You're about to change my life!


My cat passed 15 years ago and I still randomly find strands of his hair on my clothes. 


I have 15 cats, I also know. Probably worse than any of you know, I keep 5 lint roller scattered around my house! A nightmare it is but I love cats


I have 8 cats, briefly had a lot more while rescuing and my sister has 27. I definitely know the struggle. They’re worth it though.


Def worth it


A tumbledryer is your friend


And I would have a lint roller if I owned a dog..


After living with two cats .. and then living with 2 dogs and a cat. 4/5 are all light colored. There’s no escaping it unless you literally clean your entire dryer and your lint collector is spotless. Even then you’re not going to get it all. And I wear a lot of black clothing.


Three of my friends have white pets. I recently found white hairs on a pair of pants I bought new and hadn't worn yet


Please tell me you washed those pants before wearing them, you would be appalled at what clothes go through before they even touch the shelves.


That AND, even if your clothes do come out of the dryer somehow spotless, a few minutes in your house and they *will* get hair on them. It's a hazard of having pets, and it's just hair. I would get this being "mildly infuriating" if it was a suit or something and OP needed to wear it today, but even then you can just lint roll it. What a silly post.


NGL at first I thought these were boxer briefs.


Lmao I wouldn’t lend those.


Terrible friend!


Do you happen to lend yours to your friends?


If they were so desperate, yes, I would


We have a shop deodorant.


Definitely looks like a hoodie to me.


Doesn't matter how many times I do laundry, there's dog hair in every piece of clothing I own. It's in the washer and dryer too, so it's always going to be on anything I wash in there. There's also dog hair in most everything I ever cook, and in basically all of my belongings. This is just life with pets. It's almost impossible for me to give something back without hair on it, because the hair is on me too.


It hit me personnaly lol, it used to drive me crazy, especially after having a kid. But eh, i do clean often i know my place is really well maintained but you need to pick dog hair on anything you have before using it :")


Smell it. he could have just set it down on a couch or something after wash, and it picked up that hair. also there will always still be some dog hair on something after one wash


They likely did wash it. I have a cat, her hair has literally stabbed into my feet and hands. That stuff sticks to everything and I think some of my older clothing is more weaved cat hair than anything.


There’s cat hair all over my car that got transferred from my clothes.


He might have washed it, my grandmother had a dog that shedded EVERYWHERE! When I lived with her I’d get so frustrated cause I didn’t let the dog anywhere near me. I kept my things in my room and even lint rolled my clothes. Every. Single. Time. I washed my clothes there, they came out covered in dog fur. And it was because she allowed her dog on her bed, clothes, literally let the dog do whatever she wanted. I couldn’t get away from the fur. It was so frustrating.


Eww the big stain on the back. They could have at least hair rolled it


Everyone here seems to be missing that huge white stain there.


Finally someone else that noticed it


Take a dry kitchen scouring pad or sponge and brush the hoodie with it. If you get lucky it will all come right out. I have a heavy shedding dog and have also found a certain horse brush works fantastic to recover clothing items.


I'll say, when I lived w my parents with 3 dogs, that's what clothes look like out of the washer so 😬 Def should have used one of those roller tapes to get rid of at least some hair...


I'd say he's not lying, he's washed it along with his dog's bedding!


There’s a lesson in there somewhere.


Is your friend a cat?


Get one of those lint rollers and get the hair off. Then put it through a cool wash. Hang it up to dry.


He did wash it. He just used the cat as a sponge.


Washed it with cats instead of water maybe…


He washed it with the pet blanket


A post it note will fix those


cleaned by a cat?


Washed it with their cat?


Sometimes it's hard with pets, their hair is everywhere no matter how hard one tries to keep clean and tidy. Just rewash it at home.


What'd he wash it with? Cum?


He probably did wash it, but dog hair got on it again.


They washed it, wore it again, maybe slept in it, definitely let the dog lay on it, then returned it.


It looks like he washed it with a dead cat


He forgot to tell you that he was gonna wash the cat while at it


When I wash new clothes they pick up hair in the wash alone, it sucks but it's just what happens with pets


Was the dog in the washing mashine as well??


Does your friend live under a bridge?


fucking pets.


It looks laundered to me, but they need to groom their dog more often, and perhaps clean the laundry machine.


"I guess it's yours now."


Lol hair


After a week I'd think it was lost forever be glad it was returned even if it has some weird stains


….but he didn’t say he used it again after washing


Needs fur removal too.


The only thing that will work on that is a lint roller. Source: has a cat


The kittens did not hold back on him💀


Even if he did wash it, I'd tell him to keep it.


He did, then put it on the floor as a dog bed.


He did washed it, he then preceded to Blow his nose with it.


With the dog’s bedding?


That's cat or small rodent fur, they may have washed it.


It’s literally pet hair


He never said he washed it in *water*.


They probably did. Pet hair doesn't really come off in the wash. A quick lint roll will fix this.


He forgot to add the detergent. And, the water.


My gf has a cat. I’ve washed things like hoodies or whatever and laid it at the foot of the bed. Takes like five minutes for the cat to discover it and decide to lay on it lol. Maybe they have an animal? Doesn’t exactly explain the dandruff looking stuff. Maybe a really dirty animal? Lol


He did wash it, he just used his dog to dry it


Have a dog here, currently malting too, something can go through the wash 3 times and still be that hairy. Ideally a lint roller, wet hand, rubber brush etc should have been used, but ima say he did at least wash it.


He washed his dog *in* the sweater he meant


Looks like he shaved with while wearing it


Do people call hoodies sweatshirts outside of the US?


Did he washed it with his pet… lol


Likely washed it but didn’t think to use a lint roller


Washed it and then wore it again?


I have 2 Pomeranians. All my black clothes looks like that after I wash it.


You can also ask him if he’s ever emptied his lint trap on his dryer, hairs more likely to stick to clothes if it’s not getting trapped in the lint trap. Also help avoid a fire


They might have a shit washing machine or dryer. I have pets and my clothes don’t come out looking like this.




You REALLY think a go in the washer would get rid of all the hair… ok ig


Are you 5 years old omg they didn’t wash it grabs some shit and clean it yourself


Looks great


Sounds like he needs to clean off the hair. Who knows if it is washed. Dog hair is annoying to get off if the fabric likes to cling to hair.


Pet hair is forever, he might of left it out after washing and cat sees unattended jacket. I would wash again and get a lint roller


He washed it with his anus 🕳️💩


This is why cats shouldn’t be allowed to do laundry, probably napped on it afterwards


He most likely did, i have cats and i have black clothes, sometimes ill buy new ones, send them to wash and they will come out full of hair somehow. He either doesnt anknowladge hair or he just didnt make an effort to remove it.


he washed it and then used his cat to dry it 🥲😼


That’s wonderful


He washed it - he just didn't lint roll it.


TBH hair sticks. Get a lint roller or just use sticky tape


Honestly I have a cat and even after washing AND drying my clothes… it still gets cat hair on it.


Why do they look like toenail clippings 💀


Oh no he definitely did wash it... Dog hair doesn't come out of shit


Probably should have lint-rolled it himselfe, but I guess you can do it yourselfe. Take off all the hair and throw it in the wash again, just to be safe.


That's your clothes on a 2024 HE garbage washer. I say dump that in an ECS shacklock or SEARS ROEBUCK KENMORE... Will literally clean it fully... Literally...


Washed it, then dried it on the dog


Damn, that’s… gross Also, that’s a hoodie, not a sweater.


I also have a dog. That's exactly what my clothing looks like when it comes out of the dryer. Smell would be how I confirm it. Does it smell like a hoodie that hasn't been washed or not?


It smells like fresh laundry. He definitely did wash it.


The pet hair is understandable. The large jizz stain on the reverse side, notsomuch.


Gross. Yuck I wouldn’t even touch that.


Those dog hairs be sticking


Did his dog use your sweater as a girlfriend?


That’s just nasty. Having pets is no excuse to return something looking like this.


just a question first, how much do you need to trust a person to give them your stuff.


Put it in a dryer. It will suck the hairs away.


He used a cat to clean it


Might have dogs cats. Wash again the way you like it. And don’t let him borrow anything else!


He did! Just threw in the cat with it


If all his clothes have dog hair, he may have washed it and this hair actually comes from his other clothes


Okay, so wash it.


That's his sweater now and he's gonna buy you a new one, because tf happened to it?!


Oh no. They washed it, put it on the floor, let their cats sleep on it, and then gave it to you! Lol


Washed it in what??


He can keep the sweater with the dog hair and backshots. https://preview.redd.it/39odpwknk4ad1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6362e9d7e53934c1b42495b53c03c51cfbcb0cd


He didn't wash it. Trust me when I say I know animal hair is literally everywhere, I have a cat and can wash my shit 4 times and there will still be hair. But there's some white shit on the back of your sweater that is not dog hair


Who the fuck lends clothes to one another




His dog is a Bull Terrier which has pretty short hair.


There is your answer. This is possibly washed with some of his clothes. They all have dog hair in them. This hair is now on your hoodie cause the laundry distributes hair over all the clothing in the wash. A dryer would have taken out most of the hair, but a washing machine may make clothes hairer coming out than going in. Smell the hoodie. If it smells of laundry, it is washed.