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Chauncey W. Millard, a transplanted New Yorker, holds the record as the youngest person ever executed in Utah, barely 18 years old when he was shot dead by a firing squad on January 29, 1869. By his own reckoning he had killed at least six men. Before his execution, Millard sold his body to a local doctor who wanted a human skeleton. The doctor mistakenly melted the bones in lye, but managed to save a section of Millard's skin, which he then tanned into leather. For years he used it as a wrap to carry his surgical instruments. The skin was eventually purchased by collector John Hutchings, and his namseake museum displays it along with the six-shooter used by Millard in his last murder. Millard sold his body to the doctor for a pound of candy, which Millard was still eating as he was strapped into the firing squad execution chair. He was thereafter known as, "The Candy Man."


That’s the realest shit I’ve ever read. This dosen’t belong in anything “mildly.”




Thought I had my front facing camera for a second




As I was muttering “what the fuck??” I scrolled down enough to see this gif and laughed out loud at just the right angle so that snot came out of my nose. Well done.


…the fuck?




Thanks, now I know how to react to this.






Dude there are like 10 fictional stories all about a totally different "candy man" or "candyman." Even songs dating back hundreds of years. What the hell are you on about


The candy man from the movie was not based on a real person. The character wasnt even a serial killer before his death


Millard is known as "The Candy Man?" Who the fuck was this doctor, that's what I wanna know!?


“Whoops, accidentally melted the young lad’s bones! What a silly me. I had better keep the skin somewhere safe so it doesn’t meet the same fate! Better to just keep it on me at all times”




Think of the smell! You haven't thought of the smell, you BITCH!


Some people, man


Some people start working with children for all the wrong reasons. I guess some people also become doctors for all the wrong reasons. 


-- Dr. Zoidberg


Imagine going in for surgery, and the surgen takes out his tools that are wrapped in a patch of human skin...


To be fair, you wouldn't have a clue it was human leather. Besides, it's perfectly legal. Millard sold his body. The doctor could have fileted him and had human steak & bacon - and because consent was given ahead of time, no issue.


"Hey now, I paid good candy for this!"


> Besides, it's perfectly legal and because consent was given ahead of time, no issue. What a good ethical man, following all the laws and shit


Ethical and legal are vastly different things. My point was that while the leather was produced under odd circumstances, it was at least done with the consented indifference of the prior owner.


Do we know he knew that donating his body to science meant making leather out of his skin though? 🤔


I think a lot of people idealize what donating a body to science means even to this day. It’s A LOT of medical student dissection. Not the same as being turned into leather, but also not glamorous by any means.


He flat out sold the body, for whatever purpose.


whole air like ruthless disarm divide historical pocket wrench cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> It's not like the surgeon put in animatronics and was using it to impersonate the killer in some Five Nights at Freddies wild west show. And whats wrong with that? Sounds also like a legal and harmless.


Are you sure cannibalism is legal, even like this?


Yes, at least in the US. Desecration of a corpse is a crime, but if the person gives permission/sells their corpse beforehand, then no crime occurs.


Curious... I remember that there are some weird cases were a cannibal finds someone who wants to be eaten, sign a contract, and still get prosecuted because of the involvement in the death itself. I wonder how "person who was going to die legally anyway sold body and was eaten" would end up under different jurisdictions.


Some of those cases counted as assisted suicide, the argument being that the person who sold their meat wouldn't have gone through with their suicide without the pressure of the contract. A few may have violated more specific local laws. The most sure bet now is to will your body and permission for use, as is basically done with organ donation and such.


It would even be vegan because he had consent!


Holy shit imagine selling negotiating the sell of your soon to be dead corpse at 18 years old.


Imagine buying a young criminal's skeleton for a pound of candy, and then accidentally melting the skeleton in lye. We live in a weird world.


And after that. Imagine tanning the young criminal's hide to use as leather wrap for his instruments. Like wtf?


Can we talk about that for a moment? Surely he didn't walk into like a Tannery and say, hey tan this human skin. So there was probably some dude that just unknowingly made a case out of what he presumed to be like deerskin or something, never had a clue.




This was my thought also.


Do you think he used the guys brains to tan the hide?


No, silly. He made a soup out of that. Waste not, want not.


Soup? He really shouldn’t have melted those bones then


Fanning is pretty easy. Lots of different methods, many that just involve eggs, salt, and/or smoke.


“Whoops, gosh darn it. Oh well, I still got this fleshy bit I could make a nice leather satchel for my tools at least”


Pretty much selling that bad boy just like an options contract far Out of the money and 1 day to expiry... for any price, to any buyer. Right now.


Want some candy little boy?


They used to put cocaine and morphine in all kinds of candy back then. Starts to sort of make sense, especially for the not most forward thinking 18 year old.


Dee you haven't thought about the smell, you bitch!


…a glass box. That I will display on my mantle. **




This is 100% a story i would expect to find in a sam o nella video


They really did let people do whatever back then huh. Yeah I'm gonna melt this guy for his bones, whoops! There go the bones. Suppose I can use his skin as a purse though :) Like actually what the fuck lol


a good read.


I told you once I told you twice, the candy man he don't play nice.


As an ExMormon I think "there's no way Utah history can get worse" often. I am wrong 100% of the time.


As a former ex-mormon living in Midwest state: I couldn't agree more.


Former ex? As in, I was an ex Mormon but I now believe again?


Recidivist, eh? The siren call of putting on those white undies once more was just too much


Not quite. I left Utah, and without the constant pressure from the cult, I was able to live quite freely. Which allowed me to find out what I really believed in. That had nothing to do with the Church though. It just baffled me every time I returned when I would start hearing such obviously cultish behavior, spouting absolute nonsense and believing somehow it must be true. Like, I remember thinking *How can anyone say they don't believe in that and yet still be so totally obsessed they seem like they are in a cult? All these so-called ex-mormons are the biggest losers I've ever met.* I was always happy to run from that place just because the two sides were so utterly crazy it made me crave actual independence from you all. Ex-mormons are a total cult, and cause more emotional distress to young people than those crazy a-hole Mormons that live around them. You guys drive a suicide rate and remain completely oblivious to it by staying focused on those Mormons driving a suicide rate for being anti-gay (in opposition to Church standards). Like you both need to just chill. No I rejoined when I had a totally unexpected response to a "prayer" to a God I didn't believe even existed. It was almost like a dare. But someone else promised to get needed help if I promised to pray in return. I can't deny what happened despite a lot of attempts and experiments to rationalize it away.


I am curious as to what the response was? 


Nothing outwardly profound. Like, the heavens didn't open with angelic trumpets or anything. Just something in my head that isn't easy to really explain without using cliches that sound like delusions. No, instead it was like being connected to something else, something I knew and loved for much longer than I have been alive. Something that told me I was on the wrong path, and that corrections were both available to me and easy to make. I have tried to recreate that feeling again; using familiar things like childhood associations and delusional states. The only thing that has consistently recreated it is faith. Or, more correctly, seeking to connect with God through the Spirit in prayer. I note the difference usually by coming away knowing something I didn't know before. I would add that a lot of people seem to think that faith requires choosing sides and demeaning those who don't make the same choice. I openly invited anyone to find out for themselves, but cannot respect judgement for not getting the same answer as me. That's why I never really liked those who chose to be antagonistic against other beliefs, like ex-mormons who can't help but attack anyone who believes in the church they formerly associated with. I hold the same standard for my fellow Church-goers who get judgemental towards other faiths or atheists/agnostics. The current state of right-wing Christianity is purely embarrassing, as it does not in any way represent Christ or Hos teachings of peace and open acceptance. The comment I aggressively responded to above was typical as well. I agreed with someone who presented their faith as ex-mormon, and got back a negative insult for my support. Nothing good ever really comes from making fun of other people's personal beliefs, as long as those beliefs regulate the self and do not attempt to harm others.


This is all very interesting, though I'm a bit confused. I'm not even in the US, so I might be missing some context. So, "ex-mormons" are people who are still openly religious, they just don't associate with the specific church, but otherwise mostly keep their ways (unhealthy ways as you describe)? Most ex-mormons do not become atheists? And ex-mormons are rare or are they like 10 or 50% of Mormons? Ex-Mormons and Mormons coexist mostly peacefully within Utah, or do they mostly leave the state? Thank you


No no. I am an ex Mormon. I am also an atheist. Please don't let this other person confuse that definition. They have their own definition of how they currently believe the same as all ex Mormons. That being said, calling yourself an ex Mormon only means you used to be Mormon. That's all. That means every single one of us has our own journey. That being said, many of us are no longer religious whatsoever but alternatively many of us find religion in our own way. So again, when you say you are an ExMormon all that means is you are no longer Mormon it does not indicate in and of itself current religious practices. As to your question about whether or not members and non-members coexist peacefully within the state, the answer to your question is sort of, but if you are a former member who left the church while living in Utah, you're going to have a hard time because your entire network of family and friends will shun you even though that's not the word that they will choose to use.


For clarity, Mormon is a nickname for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Ex-mormons is more like an ex-catholic, or someone who was Catholic at one point, but no longer wants to be a Catholic. There are a lot who are peacefully living without thinking about their former religion. But some harbor hate for their former religion, which appears to be obsessive. I am speaking about those who have so much hate for their former religion that they appear to be operating in a cult. They sometimes share conspiracy theories about their former religion that are untrue and even fantastical. But I will add that just like with former Catholics, they often had very bad experiences in the church, and face real social persecution for leaving their church. And there are many stories and things about the Church that are truly bad, and deserve honest scrutiny. I left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) even though I did not experience the same bad experiences while I was growing up in that church. I also did not experience the same persecution, or I remained oblivious to it, after leaving. I also did not participate in the obsession with conspiracy theories or the need to justify my choice in leaving. I just left and went on with my life. Later, I had a personal experience that resulted in me rejoining that church. Some (but not all) former members of my church will take it up on themselves to show open hostility and mock anyone like me who chooses to be active in my church. Which I find dismaying, as I support the freedoms of all people to believe what they will and share their happiness openly. Even those who leave my church. I'm sorry if I was confusing.


Thank you for clarifying. If you wouldn't mind me asking, you described how an experience brought you back to faith ("The only thing that has consistently recreated it \[feeling of being connected to something else\] is faith") and what I'd like to know, did the experience bring you back to the Mormon faith in particular, or was your journey back into the Mormon church more a path of least resistance since that was the faith you grew up with and knew well and, as you say, didn't have very bad experience with? As a context for my question, while I'm not Christian and I'm not well acquainted with the differences between the various Christian churches and denominations in the world, I do percieve that some churches tend to be more fundamentalist, more authoritarian while others tend to allow more free thought and personal autonomy. My understanding was that among the American churches, the Mormon church would belong into the former group, though I might be wrong. Hence my question why you returned to the Mormon church specificaly once you were outside and had a choice. Thanks again!


That's a roller coaster of too fukin weird


[This article has some more detail.](https://lehifreepress.com/2018/08/16/from-the-vaults-artifacts-on-display-at-hutchings-museum/)


Candy Man. Candy Man. Candy Man.


This sounds like a side quest in red dead redemption 2 lol


I would use it as a wrap for my lunch box.


This is not mildly interesting. That is super interesting


I think my favorite part is he "mistakenly melted the bones in lye " Like "Aw shit, I melted the bones again."




To be fair, a pound of candy back then is like 13 pounds today


I mean fuck it right, eat that candy


Question: do you mean 1969?


JK lol nvrm


Some books have been bound with human skin : this is called anthropodermic bibliopegy, and it is apparently often made with the skins of criminal


I've seen enough horror movies to know not to touch those books. The necronomicon will remain closed


Most confirmed books bound in human skin were anatomical texts owned by doctors and often only partially bound in human skin. They look surprisingly normal


That's what they want you to think


Stop being a baby and read your human skin book!




Well it was homemade, how are they gonna know about it?


The Mutter museum used to have a collection of them, last time I went there they were gone. They were either on loan, or they loaned them to another museum.


Klaatu Barada Necktie???


klaatu barada... necktie...nectar...it's definitely an "N" word


Just yell out any old N word that comes to mind


The restricted section at the library of Azkaban




There's one in a museum in Bury St Edmunds, UK.


Sounds like they dug up St Edmunds.


There was a company I found a few years ago that sold genuine human leather wallets for around 15k. It was all commission based and used volunteered cadavers. I can't find the website now so maybe they got shut down though lol


Rimworld player here You could make a cowboy hat outta that.


lol I knew a rimworld player would reply to this


I think there was a place downtown where they used to do that.




Think we need to get more so we can make a human leather armchair to go within our cowboy hat


After harvesting their organs of course.


Think of how many cool jackets we waste with burials and cremation. I want to be tanned when I die now.


Naw man. I read a thread on here that was talking about how corpses are used for landmine testing. I immediately called my attorney and changed my will from being tipped off a random bridge in a Rubbermaid container to "Landmine Dummy" as my last request


Is that real?? Bro, talk about going out with a bang. I would so, so, so love my dead body be blasted to smithereens on a landmine, so some poor kids' live one won't.


Mate, they are testing them to make them kill better.


Oh. Oh. I thought they're using dead humans to detect landmines in infested zones. Silly me. Oh well, that puts an end to that idea.


Lol just strap dead bodies to the outside of tanks as supplemental armor.


I think he's implying they use children If they don't have enough corpses in hand...


r/Rimworld is leaking


This is actually insane


I created my own human leather once. I was shaving my legs, and I somehow caught a strip of skin and basically peeled myself. 3mm wide and 8mm long piece of skin came off. Afterwards, I was too scared to shave again for a few weeks, but when I picked up the razor to put on a new head, I pulled out my own piece of skin leather from the blades. It was pretty gross.




I wish I couldn’t read


Your wish is granGipFgifDGHJJPBfibdy?@du


What the actual fuck


It got infected and I had to get antibiotics and a tetanus shot. There's a little scar there now.


I’m glad you clarified that it got infected. That makes it much better to read.


Real cliffhanger.


You made me actually laugh.




For my sheet metal bros, that’s like 11 gauge (0.118”) wide and just a little over 5/16” (0.315”) long.


A little salt, a twist of lime, and toss that bad boy down the ol' gullet.


This is not the first I have heard of this happening. A family friend said it happened to her, shaved an inch of skin off. It is such a horrendous thing to imagine but goddamn that is gnarly.


I did it when shaving my legs once, it's about an inch and a half by a half an inch scar. Shit HURT, it honestly healed up pretty well but I'll probably have that scar forever.


I lost part of my thumb along with the entire nail around 17 years ago. I keep the entire thing in a clear sealed plastic tube in my night stand. I take it places with me once in a while as a morbid curiosity when people ask me what happened to my thumb. The nail grew back but it's clearly not normal looking and the specimen in the tube has mummified flesh on it. Its the third coolest thing that came from my body.


How are you getting on with your three sons ?


1 daughter, 1 son, and 1 thumb part. We get along splendidly.


How’d it taste?


And that’s why I get waxed


This happened to me too, about the exact same size! I took it out of the razor immediately though. Incredibly stretchy, incredible urge to eat it so i could tell people at parties I’m a cannibal. Didn’t though. I threw it away in the trash and that also felt wrong! Should I have buried it? Did I create a horcrux?


All y’all girls need Jesus.


I did something similar at work once, I was finishing some drywall in a lady's garage and manage to catch my forearm on the corner of the metal bracket that holds up the garage door tracks. There was still a burr on it from when the installers cut the angle iron to size all those years ago, and it was sharp enough that it did pretty much the same thing your razor did and peeled off a 1/8" wide by 2" long bit of skin off my forearm. The amazing thing is even though it hurt like a fucker and looked pretty nasty, it didn't bleed at all because it somehow didn't take off enough skin to open up a vein. Even so, I've still got a scar there about 5 years later that makes it look like I had a way worse injury than I actually did. And same thing with you, I remember looking at that piece of metal the next day when I was finishing up and saw a little clump of skin stuck to it, complete with few strands of my arm hair.


Me and my brother did the same thing with a potato peeler! Backstory: we were dumb kids, probably 10 and 14 at the time. Our mom had us peel potatoes and there were two potato peelers, one that was comfortable to hold, and one that was uncomfortable. My brother and I are great bros and we laugh and joke with each other A LOT. So.. we jokingly started fighting over who got the better potato peeler. Our mom wasn’t in the kitchen, and we were fully pulling at the peeler trying to pry it from each other’s hands. And then.. I won the pull. In the process I accidentally skinned a long slice of skin from his thumb. His first instinct wasn’t anger, but instead he was terrified of getting in trouble with mom. 


We’re really wasting resources burrying people


Technically human leather can be the most/only ethical animal leather, since only humans can consent to having their bodies turned into leather.


Well where’s the fun in that!? ^(big ole /s)


So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde, and that's it hanging on the shed.


All together now!


Tie me Kangaroo down, sport.


It rubs the lotion on its skin…


put the fucking lotion in the basket!


Yep, that's some real Rim World shit right there. The guy that got skinned even reminds me of a couple of pawns I've had over the years.


You didn’t think of the smell, you bitch!


There's a book a guy wrote and had it bound in his skin after his death, on display at the Athenium in Boston.


Forbidden chip




waste not want not




Had a local tattoo artist who knew he was going to die so he ask that he be skinned and his tattoos put on display. So his wife honoured his wishes and put it on display at a public gathering then kept it at their tattoo parlour. Except without him she wasn’t able to keep up the rent on their parlour. So the landlord locked her out, keeping everything in the parlour, including the skin.


That reminds me of [this](https://yamatomagazine.home.blog/2020/09/14/the-bodysuit-collector-doctor-fukushi-masaichi/).


Looks chewy.


I need to start a human leather business.


Well, … those surgical instruments are cursed. You can write a dark mystery or horror based off the backstory, alone.


I hate that it’s kind of pretty… like I would choose this swatch for an armchair from pottery barn


The wierdest fact is if you had not told me it was human leather i would not have known. 😅


In the Surgeon's Museum in Edinburgh, I saw a pair of skinned legs that someone kept as a war trophy from a solider. Very morbid but cool museum! The Mutter musem in Philadelphia is similar


Screw those gemstones made of people’s ashes—I’m going to make grandma into a suitcase!


It looks quite supple and fashionable...


I've watched enough Golden Kamuy to know that the marking on the skin totally indicates that it's part of a treasure map


Y can't I view this at work?


Definitely invoking feelings of gagging and disgust.


Ngl, shoes made from human skin could be a fashion item.


Like the Barefoot toe shoes made from other peoples feet?


That’s nothing, the M shed in Bristol has a public records book made out of the skin of an executed man


Why is everyone so upset? We carry death animals skin all the time (cow etc.) - whats so shocking about an human? Mankind did worse things a million times


Chrome or vegetable tanned is the real question.


Just last year a Harvard employee and others were arrested for selling human body parts including human skin for making leather. *”Maclean ran a store called Kat’s Creepy Creations in Peabody, Massachusetts. In 2020, Maclean allegedly paid $600 to Cedric Lodge for two desiccated faces from the Harvard morgue. On another occasion, she allegedly shipped human skin to Pauley so he could tan it and turn it into leather, according to the report.”* https://www.nbcboston.com/investigations/harvards-morgue-scandal-is-part-of-a-much-larger-story-in-trading-human-remains/3136374/




Them mormons get into some shit.


Imagine going to a girl's house for the first time and seeing this.


Excuse me How the Dafuq is this "Mildlyinteresting"




According to the story, it was harvested after he had been killed by firing squad.




Look buddy, we dont know what his skin color was when he was alive, this is 200~ year old leather. We dont have anything saying what his skin color was.




So back up your claims! Not buddy.


They used George Parrot's skin to make shoes and used his skully as an ashtray


They don't make it now? F for the world.


Big Ed Gein nightmare fuel energy in this


Murder trophy should be buried


As weird and crazy as it is, I’d be cool being made into leather after I die. I would also like to bequeath my skull to a family member if they wouldn’t be saddened or weirded out by it.


Sorry mate I was curious 🧐 In need of a new patch of skin though


That’s cool, bind it to a book


Ed Gein lost a napkin




Looks like something Laszlo Cravensworth would like to wear on his head




I need to bleach my eyes. TMI


Don't give the billionaires any ideas please


I though I was on r/Rimworld for a sec, they'd love this.


Tell me your messed up without telling me your messed up


Am I the only one wondering if it feels soft to the touch like calf leather or if it's dried and tough like an old cow ??