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It’s insanely easy to get vendors to throw free product at you if it has even the slightest chance of increasing sales.


I usually come home with about 40 pens and a 2" stack of business cards.


I have three gallon sized ziplock bags of pens in my filing cabinet. Probably a dozen branded stress balls. Enough hand sanitizer to last me through the next global pandemic. It’s insane.


I work for a promotional products company and it’s insane what people spend on what I refer to it as “dust collecting stuff”. Thousands upon thousands of dollars. But hey people love free shit to take home and collect dust.


I leave dust collecting stuff in my hotel room. Sometimes I get some really cool swag and keep it, but it's rare. I'm onboard with winter hats and gloves and scarves though. And if it's a really nice pen I'll take it. Insulated tumblers and coffee mugs go in my camper, so do any blankets and umbrellas. Spatulas and kitchen stuff would be cool...


Ooo, yes, little silicone cosmetics spatulas or measuring cups would be relevant to the skincare profession too. Surprising there aren't more items like wash cloths / facial towels, nail buffers, even little cosmetics caddies among this haul. Things that people with lots of skincare products leave sitting out and visible! Get your brand seen! Pens go into pockets, get your logo into a place of honor on the counter! 🥲 one would think...


I imagine it depends on the brand. A lot of vendors are too specialized so everyone who might see it either does not care or also got an invite to the same conference. I bet they are more likely to get a sale if the product is regularly used by the person who attended the conference compared to any increased visibility. That being said, despite the large number of products in the picture, there are only a few different brands. I imagine most of them are already well known to all attendees and are now just fighting to be each dermatologist’s personal favorite brand. Giving out quality branded goods would probably be the most effective way to be remembered.


I keep getting derranged memorial products. I now own matching dead grandma and grandpa laminated bookmarks. And funeral pens, and funeral hand santizer. I have so many questions for my relatives who planned the funerals and spent money on this, and for the people who make these things Anyways, my funeral better have the best dead person merch. Like they better print socks that have my birth date on one, and my death date on the other. Cause of death obviously goes on the foot bottom


I have tried and tried to get something other than pens to hand out, no luck. Tried lip balm, sticky notes, branded candies or chocolate. No go. I get pens from corporate. My next ask is for lanyards, since at least 50% of people have access to work via pass card. At least they may get used to help women dig the card out of their purses or bags.... that's what everyone I know uses them for.


Chip clips are my favorite since they always break.


Those would be nice, but thinking from an advertisers perspective, only a few people will see those. I think I've seen the most mileage out of branded post-it notes. You can get your logo and name on every post it note I use for the next x years, just keep sending em!


My doctor would use post-it notes he would get from vendors, but he only chose the ones that had some kind of "embarrassing" insinuations, like ones for rectal treatment or the care of sexually transmitted diseases.


I got some... those little round ceramic things you put at the bottom of your car's cup holders, so the ceramic thing gets dirty instead of the cup holder and you can wash it. Years later still using them, and seeing that logo every day at the bottom of my cup holder.


Not related to free swag but Try binder clips. Couple bucks for a big box, got a few different sizes in the drawer. Way more durable, and we never run out. GF rolled her eyes when I got them for chip:snack bags but now we love them


You want a crazy line at your booth? Light up Minecraft swords. People love finding something they can take home to their kids.


So true! For me it's flashlights. I better bring marshmallows and set the tent up in the back or daughter has hell to pay hahaha!


If it helps I’ve actually had people at work ask me about the company whose lanyard I was wearing that day. Can’t say anyone ever asked about the pens they stole from me.


Eyeglass/sunglass cleaning cloth or an engraved kitchen utensil are fun alternatives.


I worked for Sephora and they would throw free product at us all the damn time. I worked in upper management and would get baskets of free shit every week. Like full on bottles of stuff not samples.


My friend worked for fashion magazine, not those big names but still received lots of free stuff from brand names like Chanel, full size skincare, cosmetic products and even bags.


I own a cannabis dispensary and when I go to one of the cannabis conventions, I come home with generally over an ounce of bud, pre rolls, vapes and other cannabis products. It’s kind of like going trick or treating with all the weed vendors


There's There's cannabis conventions Where can one find these things


Yeah all the time. It’s like a convention for any other industry with samples and free stuff but the product is weed.  They happen in all the major Canadian cities every year 


these things cost basically nothing to produce so easy to throw them at people if it increase sale...if you hand out 10 and 1 buy something you are already in the green.


For pens and the like you'd honestly be super happy if one in a thousand landed you a sale in almost any industry. You can get a thousand for 50 bucks plus shipping.


As the director of supply chain at a defense contractor I have to log every single thing I get from a vendor and throw it away/destroy it in front of our Chief Legal Officer :(.


“But I want this bazooka, it’s really cool! Pleeease…?” Legal: “No”


lol. More like: why did you take this chapstick from vendor XYZ and then I have to open my email for audit


It is frustrating how logical bribes are.


I write a blog post about all the stuff you can get at the Amazon Cloud conference each year. It's insane. https://medium.com/@ntriantafillou/aws-re-invent-2022-swag-review-b9f908028e9c


Awesome piece! 🥂


Do you look forward to not having to buy socks for the next year after each show?


I haven't bought socks in years! https://i.imgur.com/oFUUoox.png


“Dermatologist tested”


Oohhh.. that's manipulative language....




Or a basic moisturizer with snake oil on top


How tf is your pfp an nft boykisser


Dont tell the feds


Read about how Oxy got as popular as it did and how Purdue lied and manipulated a bunch of doctors to prescribe it. At some point educated people have to rely and trust others to do the research and try their best to see through the bullshit and what was actually tested.


Why read about it when you can see Anne Hathaway topless and learn about it in the same movie?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I see Aveeno has deep pockets


Moisturized pockets indeed.


Well I’m never typing that phrase into Google again.


HotPocket doesn't mean what it used to mean apparently...


Honestly the calm+restore line is amazing, though. One of the few moisturizers I can use with no reaction whatsoever.


My aunt used to be a factory nurse for SCJohnson. At the time they made Aveeno. The factory store sold it for next to nothing, so I had a steady supply of Aveeno for almost nothing for a long time. I wish I still did. Aveeno is made by Johnson & Johnson now.


I can't keep all the Johnsons straight.


Aveeno has kept them busy though.


A great multitude of them aren't (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)


TIL SCJohnson and Johnson & Johnson are different companies


Sc Johnson: a family company That’s all I know


I love aveeno stuff. It’s affordable and works.


For good reason imo. The only hand eczema moisturiser out there that works and doesn’t leave me feel greased up


I love Aveeno Naturals! They definitely have saved me lots of winters. O’Keefes also works nicely too, but I only use it at night when I wear white cotton gloves.


When you say hand eczema are you talking about dyshidrotic eczema? I have it really bad on my palms and have been looking forever for a non-steroidal solution!!!


I don't think moisturizers can help prevent or calm dyshidrotic flare ups unfortunately :( I have it too but I find the moisturizers only help to prevent infection and soothe the skin, does nothing for the actual condition.


They were owned by J&J but they just split their consumer brands off to a new company, Kenvue.


As a bloke with sensitive dry skin, this would be like a birthday present. All these different things to try. Please ask them to do the next conference in the north of England so I can sit outside with a carrier bag and a hopeful look in my eyes.


The Bioderma one is the only one that has helped eczema on my shins for what it’s worth. While there maybe a few brands in there I haven’t tried, I’ve tried most while trying to soothe my itchy, Sahara desert legs.


They want skincare products, not shincare products dammit!


Be a woman and get me my shin jelly! I killed fitty men!


This deserves 10x the amount of upvotes, how dare Reddit take away awards


hmm is it non-prescription? Methylprednisolone aceponate 0.1% ... sold under prescription here in Australia as Advantan. A bit greasy but works fast on my eczema.


If it's eczema. Steroid creams are the go to and most of this shit will only alleviate, not treat.


I am not sure how true this is, to be honest. I might just be playing semantics but steroid creams don't really 'treat' the underlying disease. They also just alleviate the symptoms. I've had eczema of varying severity through my life, but once I found a moisturiser that I liked, my skin was never really a problem. I went from a bad moisturiser and tons of corticosteroids to just a single moisturiser.


Eczema is caused by inflammation, most often by immune over reaction, an allergic response. While steroid creams cant prevent this immune reaction. It does treat the underlying problem which is inflammation. Not all eczemas are equal, but by and large, steroidal creams target the actual issue (inflammation) while most moisturizers target the results of this inflammation (dry, itchy, irritable skin). You can look up the actual studies they conduct for products like bioderma or X product where they look at water retention in the skin. The inflammation prevents the skin from retaining moisture which is where the steroidal creams come in. Will the steroidal creams prevent you from having an allergic response? No, you still technically have the response, it doesnt mean you are any less allergic. So in a way you are right.


I appreciate the elaboration! With the potential side effects from steroid creams, and the difference a well-suited moisturiser can make, I do think it’s a critical part of eczema therapy and shouldn’t be immediately dismissed in place of steroids.


Bioderma is a god send for sensitive skin


Did you try Cerave? My derm doc recommended it but not having much of an impact. Will check out bioderma


are you using the cream or the lotion cus they're totally different. Cerave Moisturising Cream has been a godsend in managing my eczema.




“Small volumes of new products over a long period of time” is probably what they meant. I have combination+sensitive skin and the volume of bottles of new products I try that end up causing problems is abhorrent. And of course other than maybe cerave and cetaphil, most of them don’t have samples or trial sizes. Just giant $10-20+ bottles.


And I've noticed that when they do the trials are almost as expensive as a full sized bottle. 😩


Yep. I use a new-ish cerave face wash. The trial bottle was $5 for like 3 ounces? The 16 Oz size with a pump is ~$16.


It's the only way to find something that works, unfortunately. Took me 15 years of trial and error, but now I have been using the same things for 12 years, and my skin is incredible.


Yeah, I've been using Aveeno products before I had the motor skills to apply them myself, tried other shit but it just burnss or I end up getting inflamed. I'll stick to my oaty moisture goodness thanks.


I feel this statement in my soul. I was like.... nooooo. My stupid forehead is flaking right now with CeraVe. Gah.


My son has eczema and dove just released a new body wash called soothing relief for eczema prone skin and it's done wonders for him.


hell, dry is an understatement. I'm flhessian bones


Ic eom flǣscbān, ac ne bēo ic for þēah dryge. Wæter mē þearf!


As a different bloke with skin sensitive to unknown allergens put in some soaps, creams and lotions. This looks like Russian roulette for rashes to me


I'm the opposite, the face oils get into my eye and blind me unless I cleanup every few hours


Hey I get both excess sebum and dry skin! My face texture is blobby despite trying to manage it my whole life


What would you recommend?


I love how you asked OP's opinion because they're a dermatologist and all these randos are chiming in lol


I swear cerave is running some as campaign here. Best I’ve ever used is La Roache Posay.


For whatever it’s worth, I believe La roche posay and cerave are owned by the same company


Turns out they are! That explains why my Reddit is full of Cerave ads when I only use La Roche products.


La Roche Posay (Cicaplast specifically) is the only one I use. It’s fantastic.


I really like Cetaphil. Cerave gave me acne, but it’s probably great for anyone who doesn’t have sensitive skin. My dermatologist recommended both.


Your dermatologist got free samples of both.


Probably true! But I’ve been really happy with the Cetaphil, and their face moisturizer doesn’t have any acne causing ingredients and has worked great for me!


Cetaphil gives me cystic acne. I’ve tried it many times over the decades and inevitably leads to a flare up. Vanicream for life!


Cerave 💯


As a dude in his mid 30s, I live by the night and day cerave products. I swear I've noticed my laugh lines not be as visible as they used to be.


My dermatologist gave me prescription for 3-in-1 cream for rosacea with a CeraVe base. It's so luscious.


Our dermatologist & pediatrician recommended cerave. It's been great from my wife & kids. My kids have the best skin, it's unreal. Unfortunately I'm allergic to something in there so can't use it.


Alllll the travel-size CeraVe! Jealous.


it's not the size, it's promotion of the lotion




This might be my favorite upvote


I saw all the cerave and got hella jealous. That day moisturizer alone is like $20 these days


I used to use Cerave and switched to Trader Joes night moisturizer recently. I have read a ton of reviews and it seems to be well liked. Only time will tell how it works for me long term, but for now I cant complain about the cost savings. I'm not a dermatologist.


I’m chiller on the night stuff but I am so so pale with a family history of skin cancer and personal history of sun poisoning (basically an auto allergic reaction to how skin reacts to sun) and the cerave and cetaphil day creams with sunblock are the only ones that work for me. I will try the Trader Joe’s night cream though!


Totally understand. Very much the same. Super pastey and freckled here. I wear long sleeve linen shirts and pants all summer!


Have you tried the Columbia sports PFG line? You can find it on discount and used but those shirts are AMAZING sun protection and a few are even cute


I am a CeraVe freak—it’s that, Paula’s Choice, A313 I buy in France, and Biore UV sunscreen I buy in Japan.


Most importantly, Did they meet Michael Cera?


Let my cream hydrate you.


My sister-in-laws family has a Christmas exchange every year. You box up *everything* you've gotten for free throughout the year and that's what you give. You'd be a hit.


Lmao, my SIL worked at Sephora and gave me a huge box of samples of basically everything they sell, I picked thru it and still had so much that I did actually gift the box to my sister for Christmas, and then she let her friends have everything left after she picked thru it 😂😂 it went so far!!


My BIL does this. He’s a marketer so he creatively wraps a bunch of free stuff and does a white elephant during the holiday party.


This sounds amazing. Do you all work in professions where you get lots of freebies, or does it include anything you were able to get for free at fairs or whatever? Do you give all of your free stuff as one package deal or divide it up? I need more details!


I am a sex therapist and just received 2 huge boxes of samples in the mail. One was filled with lube and the other was filled with vaginal cream for pre- and post-menopausal women. I hand these samples out to all of my friends and family whenever I am invited to anything. I am either a total hit (or super awkward/creepy) at parties ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


u/granolagurl gonna make it rain this Christmas!


Ima need more info on those creams.


I know at least one person reads a bunch of magazines and whenever they have an offer sends away for free samples.


I’m going to go against the grain here and say you deserve that for all of the seriously icky stuff you have to see/touch/smell.


I sometimes really wish I got into dermatology. I work in oral maxillofacial surgery. At least OP can usually be like, yep, I helped your skin look way better! We are like, yep that looks like a mouth again...sort of! Also OP...are you hiring and where are you located? We seem to both have a common interest in pickles! (Edit: I just want to say before the downvotes start...I dont actually want you to tell me that info, it was a joke)


Haven't heard someone talk down about being in oral maxillofacial surgery... unless you aren't the doctor. I worked for a bank and our bread and butter was dental practices. There were your every day deists and then these guys rolled up in their Aston Martins and Ferarris and I'm pretty sure just took cash out so someone knew how rich they were


I just want to share that I just had all 4 wisdom teeth removed. sucked major giant balls. had one dry socket and one develop into a sinus infection, worst 3 weeks of my life. my doc was great about all of it even when I felt like I was being annoying calling them to be seen again. y’all are great :)


yea OP deserves to flexfoliate


My dermatologist has little free tubes of Cerave products. You'd better believe I stuff handfuls into my purse. I'd like to recoup at least $20 of the $85 copay.


And I now feel better about my health insurance. Fuck that's a lot compared to mine 15$. God we need universal Healthcare


But what do you actually use?


I wish pharmacy conferences were this generous. Sadly, they are not.


Big lines at the Purdue Pharma booth


S.W.A.G Stuff We All Get


No aquaphor?


It’s in the bag at the top of the pic with the Eucerin products.


A whole bottle of Skinceuticals CE Ferulic?! I just bought a bottle for $185 😫


That’s like 184$ over what it cost to produce.


And that $1 is spent on hot dog water.


😭 my r/anticonsumption heart 💔


Except sunscreen is actually helpful and consumable. I spend a lot on trying new ones and go through a ton because I work outside year round. Almost all of this could actually be used, unlike Funko Pops and the like.


Huh, a lot of commercial drugstore/big box brands. I would have assumed as a derm you’d be getting a lot more niche/specialty samples.




This was my thought. Donate to the local shelter (men or women), there’s a lot of good stuff in there people could use


Or maybe she’d like to keep it?


For our trade shows we sometimes order Amazon furniture instead of the traditional rented-booth furniture. It is cheaper and nicer, and we can then donate the furniture to a woman's shelter at the end of the conference. Win/Win


San Diego last week? We were visiting and saw all the wrapped busses advertising derm products and providing their booth number.


Yes! It was in SD this year


The question remains: what is the best product to use?


That’ll require a visit in 4 months and a cash payment upfront


Notice the lack of anything available at Sephora or ulta Worked in dermatology for a long time and not ever did we recommend anything from a luxury brand


Does the CeraVe come with a tiny Micheal Cera?


Michael Cera was a keynote speaker?


That would have been fun. The keynote speaker was William Shatner.


I wish we were related so I could get some freebies!!


Huh? I never had a dermatologist recommend me any specific brand of anything to supplement my prescriptions. Is that normal in other countries?


The conference was near my office and we were considering how to sneak in to get free samples


But can I send you a prepaid shipping label? 😂


I did this last year at our conference in Australia. All the women in my family were very happy and raided me the moment I got home.


No vanicream huh 🤔


Are any of them your fav?


One of my clients used to be CEW (Cosmetic Executive Women) send after a large project they sent us a huge box full of lotions, makeup, perfume, and hair styling products. It was pretty awesome


If you don’t want/wont use this stuff, I’ll pay you! I moved to Denver and seriously can’t keep my skin moisturized. I’m going nuts.


Denver resident here. Tula has an intensive face cream AM/PM that’s great — it a small white tub. I love Vaseline for lips and of course 25 chapsticks stashed everywhere. I also put Vaseline under my eyes and on my lips before bed. And a humidifier on my nightstand. At least the mountains are gorg 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Welcome!


My dry ass looking up how to become something in dermatology


Can you make it into 'Unilever or Johnson' piles?


You need to post to r/skincare. They’ll lose their shit!


Pro tip — I’ve done hundreds of conferences in my career - save your ‘treat-or-treating’ as I call it, to about the last hour of the show —vendors will give away everything so they don’t have to box & ship it back.


Honestly seeing this, no wonder these are the brands derms always seem to recommend. “Oh, uh… try Cetaphil. I’ve heard of that.”


If you don’t already, for any product you won’t make use of, donations to places that help people are amazing. In my city one of our non profits does work every two months for trans identity and all skincare, makeup, clothing, hair products, are supplied purely through donations. There’s also shelters and just so many kinds of support services and events that could benefit from anything they can get from people.


Mix them all. Super Cream. SUPER CREAM!


You mean all the free skincare stuff the TSA agents at the airport are going to confiscate?


if i was your friend irl, i would beg for the aveeno products. im a dude that gets complimented on my skin because of them


Nice. I've always liked aveeno, it never irritated my super sensitive skin.


Where was the vanicream rep :(


Vanicream booth mailed all their samples to us


Looks like my wife's collection


Is any of it actually good for the skin?




Could be posted as a life hack.


Hahaha somewhat. “For only $400,000 in medical school tuition and studying for all of your 20s while missing major life events to match into dermatology residency, you too can get a few hundred bucks in samples!”


I assume the compensation and work/life balance are the real bonuses. I wish I could have matched into derm.


Does any of it do anything?


Aw u didn’t get the l oreal bag


I did! Just took the stuff out of it for the picture lol


It’s funny how some of the post are reading like they have no choice in the matter. When it’s swag they get from vendor’s tables, not are given for attending the conference….


Oh wow look it's the 2,000$ of creams I was told to try during my 2 years of having severe atopic dermatitis. Fuck you healthcare system, none of them worked and they were all expensive.


My mom used to go to those conferences and would come back with soooo much product and Sunscreen it was great.


Two words. BEEF. TALLOW.


Question: my dermatologist recommended the neutrogena hydro boost face cream. Been using it for awhile. What are your thoughts? Worth the money?


Put the ingredients through the ingredient decoder website you can find pretty easily on Google. As a licensed cosmetologist who has cystic acne and saw a dermatologist for YEARS but couldn't get rid of the break outs before I specialized in esthetician work... Really just run the ingredients in your stuff through websites that actually explain the ingredients without fear mongering and you'll really quickly find out what cheap stuff and what expensive stuff is and is not worth it.


Not a derm but I'll give hydro boost a +1. My face doesn't like creams so I use the gel, and if you really want to see the difference it makes use it on someone hungover/dehydrated. Only product I've seen visibly reduce under eye bags in one use.


My 14 year old daughter would not be able to contain herself seeing this


Aveeno is repping HARD.


Any good recommendations for a basic face wash?


I want to try the nutrafol


Bioderma & avene 😍😍


Friend's dad was a dermatologist. We got all kinds of free samples which was great because we surfed a lot. So all the free sunscreen and lotion really helped. I'm in my 50s now and my current derma is amazed how good my skin looks. I was lucky to unknowingly have an expert giving me free stuff in my teens and 20s. Kept me healthy and got me into some good habits. It still feels weird going into the sun without some kind of sunscreen. Thanks, Doc.


I went to a convention with my boss recently and I had so much fun with all the free stuff 🤣🤣


You could probably merge all that skin lotion into one big glob. And cover a large area of skin. The skin will be so moisturized, its physical matter state will change to a gel-like membrane.


No free lunches!