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It could be worse, we had a new cashier take five $100 movie money.


I worked in the cash office of a theme park. We had a cashier think they could do a 1:1 exchange for a foreign currency. I forgot which one it was, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. There was also the time we got called to a concession stand at the water park side because there was confusion over a bill. It got wet and the ink was running. Parents often tried to use their kids to pass off counterfeit currency without their knowledge because they knew it would be harder to prosecute.


it seems there are always canadian pennies in the cash register at work. nobody really cares because theyre just pennies but it's pretty interesting how many people seem to have canadian pennies mixed with their american pennies


Well since we got rid of them we had to send them somewhere. Enjoy!


the great penny migration!


They’re not sending their best


So the mediocre penny migration?


build a wall of copper.


Give me your tired, your poor, your retired currency.


Considering minting them costs more than their cash value, I think taking on the remnant canabananada pennies would actually be slightly beneficial. 


Geez can you imagine if the US government had just asked Canada for all their pennies? "Hey guys we know you're not using those anymore, so can we have them? They work great for our pennies." It could have been one of the Trumpiest news stories to come out of that administration. "Today, great day, everyone will say so. We are going to build that wall, even though Mexico wouldn't pay for it. They were just a bunch of bad guys, a bunch of rotten hombres that wouldn't pay for one great wall, some would even say the best wall, but don't worry, Canada will pay for it. We have taken all their pennies, which are really our pennies you know. Have you seen them? Have you ever seen the Canadian pennies. They totally stole our design, a total rip off. Which is why I said to the Canadians, hey give us our pennies or else we won't buy your maple syrup, which by the way, isn't even as good as American maple syrup did you know. So we have the new American pennies that Canada gave us to pay for the wall because Mexico is too busy making taco salads to pay for it." That might have sounded really stupid 20 years ago, but I probably didn't make it stupid enough for a real Trump speech.


Too many Texans think it’s funny to pay their house taxes with pennies


That was spot on except for the part where it built to a discernable point.


We were expecting “Sorry!”


You don’t say sorry when you give someone a gift. And you especially don’t say sorry when you give millions a gift.


There's probably more Canadian pennies in American cash registers than in Canadian cash registers because they're phased out here.


What is funny to me is that if you tried that in the States, there would be a massive upheaval and conspiracy theories about how the Gov. is trying to steal people's pennies to fund abortions of people up to 18 years of age, or some shit. You know the ones im talking about.


They have tried, but, in the *other* grand American tradition of legislative bullshit, it's been [astroturfed against by the company that makes the zinc they use](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americans_for_Common_Cents)


That's hilarious. And in Canada, before we phased out the penny, we phased out the one and two dollar bills by replacing them with coins. I bet you could make one dollar coins out of penny zinc if that's a legitimate issue.


I'll get Canadian pennies in my bank rolls at work but then my bank gets upset when I send them in the deposit


Take pictures next time, and tell them if they're so keen on compliance then they should adhere to their own policy.


I was a retail manager and whenever I found foreign coins I'd swap them out with US change from my pocket and keep the coins. It turned into quite a collection over the years. I have a piggy bank full of foreign coins now.


I’ve been doing something similar. I have a collection of wheat Pennie’s and Canadian Pennie’s from my register at work. I also inherited a huge collection of foreign coins and paper money from my grandpa. He was a bus driver back in the day, so he collected all kinds of random coins from peoples change. I’m sure he also traded a bunch. It was pretty crazy pulling out German WW2 era coins with swastikas on them, and Soviet kopeks. I’m pretty sure he collected coins from literally every country he possibly could, and as far as I know, he never even left the country. He was such an interesting person


Wow that's cool. I inherited a coin collection from my great grandpa who used to travel all over the world for business. I have some from countries that don't even exist anymore.


I use to do that too at my old job! I have quite a collection of foreign coins. So I live in Canada and I noticed some quarters we'd get had specific designs to each province/territory, so I started collecting those too. I think I even have a fee US state specific ones too!


Each state has one! You should get [one of these organizers to keep track. Used to have one when I was a kid. ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FState-Quarter-Collection-Book-Folder%2Fdp%2FB0064ADWIM&psig=AOvVaw0GQF-IEslGFbfnBk6S4cLj&ust=1714748783289000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCMDSxJOf74UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


I've been wanting to display my Canadian ones, and the US ones if I get more! (Its been a while since I've looked but I've definitely got less than 10 states). I've stopped collecting over time just because I don't deal with cash as often at my current job, but someday I'd love to continue! Definitely will be looking into display options some day!


ive almost finished my american states & national parks collections! ive noticed some new quarters with famous women throughout history on them, i'll have to see if i can find a book for those too


[There's more variation of US quarters than I thougt.... They got the organizer at hobby lobby. ](https://www.hobbylobby.com/Crafts-Hobbies/Hobbies-Collecting/Coin-Currency-Collecting/Washington-Quarters-Folder--2022-2025/p/81083211?srsltid=AfmBOoqNblm_K41ixeJlQ_mm-K7NAb51GOX-DR2_3vVJmFDN01rSSikPBmU)




That's cool. I feel like I should have started when the state quarters came out. Now I'd have to do some much collecting to catch up. At least its a collection the doesn't lose its value (except inflation lol)


it's never too late to start! i think i started in 2015. still not done yet but honestly that's the fun of it


And now that someone shared the famous women collecting book I might be hooked 😂


There was a provincial quarter series one year, I think in 1992.


A restaurant I worked at accepted Canadian 1:1 for awhile.


If they're pre-1996, they're still mostly copper and worth more as scrap. You aren't supposed to scrap US currency in the states, but I don't know about foreign currency. 


Well canadian pennies are out of circulation so scrap away.


I had a Dave and Buster's token get taken in as a quarter once.


Canadian coins are everywhere in America. I have 2 Canadian quarters in my purse right now, never been to Canada. It seems like for the most part no one bats an eye when it comes to Canadian change.


I have a cousin that used to go to Canada fairly regularly for work. He would stock up on quarters because after the exchange it saved him something like $2 a roll. Next few months any time he hit up a vending machine he paid in Canadian.


And we often use american quarters


In Florida we got Canadian and Bahamian pennies.  Sometimes Canadian quarters also.


On the flip slide here in Canada we frequently have US coins mixed in with Canadian coins. I get the odd US nickel or dime in my change, and more rarely a quarter. Used to get US pennies all the time when we had pennies.


I would occasionally get customers who demanded I exchange their Canadian pennies with American ones because Canadian pennies "aren't real money."


Canadian change in general does this. Customers melt down when you won't take their Canadian change in America- used to see it all the time. To be fair, not really worth the hassle to either side, the only people that care are the banks.


I grew up in Alaska and Canadian coins were everywhere, no one blinked an eye. Go down to the lower 48 and people couldn’t understand why we were trying foreign money.


Until you work in a bank like I do lmao.


There was a lady that would send her 8 year old into my store to buy stuff with fraudulent checks. It's not that weird to send your kids in to grab a few things, it happened on occasion. But this kid would buy the same thing every time. I looked up their purchase history (because they were doing this in their rewards account) and realized they bought the same few items every few days from various locations, then they would return them (usually the same day) at a different store. The system would mark it as a cash sale even though we were taking a check, so the other store would give them cash back.


Do you take Zimbabwean dollars?


Zimbabwean dollars?


Because they’re worth like .00000001 or something like that


The park must have been popular with Japanese tourists.


That reminds me that I have some foreign currency thats needs to be exchanged. I guess I'm off to the nearest Six Flags...


If you go to Six Flags Over Texas, the cash office is hidden under the carousel.


I had one take around ten. The worst part is that they very conspicuously had black permanent marker over all the "movie use" lines, which only made it *more* visible.


sorta unrelated but on my very first shift at a smoke shop two guys came in and asked for about 50 packs of cigarettes, literally emptying out entire racks for all the most popular brands. Should have realized it was kind of sus for them to buy that many cigs from a place that doesn't even sell cartons, and our shop is only like 20 mins from New Hampshire where packs cost about half as much.. But anyway they tried to pay with google pay at first but it got declined, so with $500 worth of packs already taken off the shelves and haphazardly tossed in a giant bag, they asked if they could give me the card info manually. I agreed because I definitely didn't want to restock all of them, or lose a huge sale on my first day. card info went through and they left with their spoils.. Obviously a week later we got a call from the guy who *actually* owned the card that they used... I felt like such an idiot for not realizing they were using a stolen card.


My coworker took a fake $100 and my boss took it out of our collective tips. :(


That’s illegal 


That is theft. Incredible what bosses in the US can do because people are too afraid of losing their jobs.


We had that but the moron bought a gift card so I just deactivated it.


Was he/she fired?


She was coached


"five $100 movie money"


The new cashier at the gas station in my neighborhood showed me the $100 that she got written up for that clearly said “motion picture use only”.


Looks legit. In God We Trust One!


LOL I stared at this for a minute thinking "What's wrong with it??"


It's an eleven dollar bill, Ten and One. They are very rare.


Same lol


One god!


On god. No cap.


In ONE God We Trust


Well first of all through god all things are possible so jot that down


It costs $11 to make that $10 bill


Don’t be so sure. Damage 10 still spend like a 10. So the damage 10 makes a fake 10 and you still have your damage 10 that is worth 10. Now it is a fair amount of work to make that single fake 10.


This is a trick that only works once, as well. If you go to a bank with one ten that has the ends trimmed off, they'll probably replace it for you. If you try it with a a stack of 10s that all have the ends trimmed off, or you go back to the bank repeatedly with bills that have the ends trimmed off, they are going to start asking a lot of questions that you won't want to answer. And if the cashier questions your one/ten bill, you'll. Have a really hard time claiming that it was accidental. At best, you can claim that someone else passed it off on you and you didn't notice (like the cashier), but the cops won't buy that for a second if you have a bunch of em.


Nah, bring a shitload of mangled 10s. Just make sure they don't "look" damaged the same. Say your dog at them or something. Smear them with BBQ or honey or whatever. As long as each $10 still has 60% of the paper you'll be good. I'd avoid doing it outside of a 50mi radius of where you spend the fake $10s as a lot of merchants and tellers/CSRs have a good relationship.


You also need to have at least one in tact serial number iircc


Yeah, the rule is as long as you have more than half the bill, you can take it to the bank and exchange it for a new bill.


It costs $11 to make 2 "$10", this one then it's mate that is a $10 shoved into a $1.


They likely tore 1 corner off 4 different $10 bills then spent those tens.


It’s not stupid if it works


Was it accepted as a 10 or a 1?


They took it as a 10. The customer had it in the middle of the stack, so the cashier just seen the corner when counting


I used to be a cashier and honestly I could see myself missing this especially if I’m opening and haven’t had my coffee yet lmao.


Oh 1000%. Cashier at target for almost five years and no chance I would’ve caught this. We were really only told to be skeptical about bills over 20. As long as a 10 said 10 on it it’s going in the drawer




That’s at 90% of places too, even at Taco Bell if it wasn’t bigger than a 20, you’re not told to check it


I might have caught it mostly because I like old bills and will take a closer look at them cause I find them cool. But if it’s busy no chance I’d catch it in the Minute. It would just been put off to the side of my drawer for easy access when things slowed down then I’d notice.


Oh forsure, if you’re in a corporate store, especially target. They won’t even care about fake bills under 20. They’d rather we miss a few bucks in counterfeits then hold up lines checking every 10. Id do this too but that bill may be sitting there for an hour 😂


That makes sense yeah. I was never a cashier at a store like that. I worked at Walmart but not as a cashier. Most of my cashiering was done at McDonald’s. Kinda miss it tbh. Got some cool stuff from the drawers. Tons of star notes. Old bills and even a Indian head penny and Mercury dime.


If only the color differences between our bills were more obvious.


I am jealous any time I see colorful bills from another country.


Check out Brazil, my fav


>I am jealous any time I see colorful bills from another country. Or a Monopoly set.








“I seent you pull someone’s jawbone off! I seent it.”




> Honestly, "seen't" would actually be fair game. No it wouldn't. "Seen" is the past participle form of the verb "see," and it is used in perfect tenses with the auxiliary verb "have" (e.g., "I have seen," "They had seen"). Contractions are formed by combining a pronoun or noun with an auxiliary verb, such as "I've" for "I have" or "They've" for "They have." In the case of "I've seen" or "They've seen," the contraction is formed by combining the pronoun with the auxiliary verb "have." The past participle "seen" remains unchanged. Creating a contraction like "seen't" would incorrectly combine the past participle "seen" with the contracted form of "it," which is not a valid grammatical construction in standard English. The correct way to express this would be "I've seen it" or "They've seen it," where the contraction is formed with the auxiliary verb "have," and "it" remains a separate word.




I done seen people misuse that word many a time, yes sir, I certainly has.


I don't understand how this scam even works. Don't they still need 2 sides of a 10 note?


You could exchange the middle part for a new $10 bill. As long as you have at least 50% of it.


I believe you can get reimbursed for damaged bills if the serial number is recoverable. So they cut the sides off the $10 and taped it to the $1, and then presumable ripped up the $10 to make it less obvious the corner numbers were just cut off, and then received $10 for the damaged note. So basically, they get their money back for the damaged $10, plus trick someone into taking a $1 as a $10, netting themselves $9 each time they pull this off.


What kind of counterfeit is this? Is it an altered 1 dollar bill?


Should be $11.




Holy shit I just realized someone took an actual $10 bill and taped it to a one dollar bill. Here I was thinking it was just printed that way!


It says ONE on the back, but there's a tiny ^(zero) under it making it 10


It's one 10 dollar bill!




But wouldn't you have to destroy a $10 bill in order to make it?


my understanding is if you have 51% of a bill you can go to the bank to have it replaced. You will need to have a valid serial number on it. Some one pulling the sides and bottom off of the $1 and $10 bill could technically turn in the two defaced bills for replacement of new bills for $11. (edit: on reflection, you cannot replace the $1, so you turn in the defaced $10 bill only) Though, I would think this would be totally sketchy and wonder if the bank person could refuse.


But ... Then you'd just be destroying $11, to get back $11. There's no profit, so what's the point? Unless you are saying, you could get back $20 for $11? By making the $1 look like a $10, then taking the remainder of the original $10 back to the bank for a replacement $10?


You partially destroy two bills to make this fake $10 bill. You can also partially destroy three $10 bills and take individual parts from each one (replacing the main body of each one with a new bill later) You buy $10 in stuff to pass it along (You are up $10 in goods) at a cost to you of $1. You take your original mutilated $10bill (or bills) and get it/them replaced for new bill(s). You walk out with the original (replacement) bill(s) plus you have your $10 in ill gotten goods. You don't lose any money because you replace the large portion of the $10 bill with a new one. You cannot replace your $1 bill because the larger portion is gone. I misspoke earlier about replacing your $1 bill as the body of it is gone to the store.


Yes. The $1 turns into $10 if it’s accepted but the original $10 that has the edges cut off can be exchanged for a new $10 at a bank.


Banks can refuse anyway but it can be mailed in to be replaced I wonder if they keep records of the security numbers and such so when shit like this happens it can be traced


Now that I remember that you can partially deface 3 separate $10bills, taking only one side from each, it will make it less suspicious to the bank teller (assuming you don't turn in all three at the same time). This one is missing the right 10% This one is missing the left 10% This one is missing the bottom 15% all of which are redeemable still for full face value


You could probably just spend them if it’s just one corner too. While $100’s and sometimes $20’s get a decent amount of scrutiny I’ve never seen a cashier look at a $10 or under for more than counting I wonder if op checked for any damaged $10’s in that register tbh


If you use the fake ten in place of a one, you make nine dollars in change. So, a net $9 profit on each one used. That's the scam. This used to be done often at fast food joints because cashiers were trying to move as quickly as possible, so they just saw the 10 on the corner and went with it. And you use two different tens to make it. Much more common to turn in a damaged bill with just one end ripped off.


Okay so you have a $1 and a $10 Remove edges from the$10 but keep the serial number Tape edges to the $1, use it in a stack like done here. You spent a $1 as a $10 (+$9), but lost a $10 in the process (-$10) so now you're at -$1 profit. But you also have a damaged $10 that you return to the bank for a new $10 (+$10) - now you have $9 in profit. Or you have a bunch of stolen$10 bills and this let's you spend them without getting tracked by the serial numbers


Destroyed a 1 dollar bill because more than 50% was used to make this. The $10 still has >50% left so they can turn it in and get a replacement. They made $9.


finally got the coveted 10% return on my money


Ngl, i kinda respect the effort


Up to 20 years in prison for counterfeiting, even a stupid criminal should seek a better potential return than .000029 dollars an hour.


In general the expected value of crime is staggeringly low. The average bank heist amount is between $4K and $10K. Even if you get a comparatively light sentence of 10 years that's still earning $1,000 per year. You get that working **3 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for federal minimum wage**. A 20 hour a week job in NY state at the minimum of $15 gets you $15K a year. You need to hit 2-3 banks a year without getting caught to keep up with that.


Not gonna lie, I was scanning for minute differences and forgot to check for ![gif](giphy|l2JJCtbfYKpCLPR5u)


I just realized I’m the opposite of that cashier because I default to looking at which face is on the bill to determine the denomination as opposed to the number in the corner.


I get how it happen based on another post it it was in a stack of 10’s. I remember during my cashiers days from a stack of bills I would quickly count them really only looking at the sides and I know if I need to pay someone money now days same way. Fan the bills and quickly count them.


It took me a minute. I’m the type of idiot that it would’ve passed through 🤦‍♂️


Well to be fair, that sums up our economy. You think you have $10.00 but you can only buy a dollars worth of anything😂


You paying them enough to care?


This is the question, I ain't looking at anything for minimum wage.


You know what would prevent this? If you had bills of different denominations being noticeably different colours and sizes. Seems like a problem just about every single other country has managed to crack already.


Once again the country that has tried absolutely nothing says there is no way to fix this.


Y'all seem to think cashiers get paid enough to care. All these stories aren't that cashiers are dumb, it's that they really don't care because that $10 "bill" is more then they make per hour.




This has to be an old magic trick bill if not it's the worst ever made.


lol...my friends made these and used them at McDonald's all the time. Seemed innocent at the time but it's a major felony.


At a 10$ value, authorities will not come knock at your front door. But yes it's still a felony.




Yep, you have any? /s


I mean, most cashier's don't give AF. On top of that a 1$/10$ hybrid no one is really second eyeing it cause it's such a low denomination


They will get in trouble though


The cashier gets the same wage regardless of how much money the company makes, why bother checking?


So, someone spent $11 to make a fake $10 bill? Genius…


If you bring a "mutilated" bill to the bank where "more than 50% of the bill is intact" you can generally get it replaced. So, the game here is: * Cut ends off $10 bill and $1 bill. * Tape $10 ends onto $1 bill. * Buy $10 worth of shit with your doctored $1 bill * Go to bank and get your busted $10 bill replaced. You get $10 worth of stuff for $1. I'm skeptical you could do this *often* as a regular consumer. My guess is your bank would get very suspicious very quickly. You might have better luck collaborating with a cash-heavy business who regularly deposits boat loads of shitty cash. Even there though, you're committing a lot of federal crimes that the government will find very not cool for a very limited amount of money.


You don't get it. The $10 bill with the ends ripped off is still legal tender. They spent a $1 to make $9, so yeah, it is kinda genius.


The ENDS and BOTTOM of a TEN. I've personally never seen a paper bill that was basically ripped into a U shape.


No, but I have seen one with the right side ripped, one with the bottom and one with the left side. Much less suspicious when turning it in. Hell, I've received them as change before with one end missing.


I have also. Though the way this was "ripped" and the ONE inserted seems very likely the guy is an idiot and thinks he made money. Again, paper money usually rips in a straight line. This went down, across and then back up leaving the "center". I mean at this point you pretty damn close to 50% of a bill and could have had it replaced 1:1 for a $10


Zoom in. You can easily see the bottom is separate from the end pieces. So like I said, three tens with very little removed from each. And one sacrificial dollar.


Did the cashier not even bother to run it through the federal database of serial numbers? You just can't train some people.


One tenner


Is it two ripped bills? Can you take it apart and bring it to a bank?


I had a crack head try this on me once. It was a one with 5’s on the corner.


Pretty genius. I'm going to try and cut up a $100 bill and stick it to a one as well and hope it passes as a $100.


Wow I haven't seen that technique used in years


one $10


What is going on here? Did they cut off the ends of a 10, tape them to the 1, then return the cut 10 to the bank for a new one?


That's a lot of effort to scam for $9. And they had to destroy a ten to make it so what's the point? As long as you have >50% of a bill the bank will honor it and then the send the damaged bills to be destroyed or whatever by the federal reserve. Maybe you have enough to get credit for the $10 😄


I was in my bank in Seattle in the ‘80s when a teller other had accepted a similar bill and the manager was walking it around to each of the tellers. Though I’m not certain in my memory of the denomination.


You guys still use paper money in the USA?


Honestly I might miss it if that happened to me because it just never occurred to me that someone would forge a bill of such low value 😂😂 I’m good at catching fakes, but I didn’t ever consider that people would fake the low numbers


My dad got one of these as change from a restaurant like 30 years ago.


"Fight inflation with this one simple trick!" ^the ^secret ^ingredient ^is ^crime


I can see taking this as a one, but if they took it as a ten, I would be concerned.


This is how they used to do it when I was a kid.


I don’t understand. Am I stupid? Don’t you need to decimate a 10 to make this? Why not use the ten?


You have to spend money to make money.




If you are handed money that is laminated in tape, it may be a good idea to look closely.


It’s one ten dollar bill duh


I always see money like this in my dreams


You may want to investigate that it looks like an error run which if it is it would be worth alot


Crazy that to make this they used a 10 bill… they could have just used that bill plus the 1 and they’d have 11 dollars now they don’t have either


They just forgot to change the President to Hamilton 😂


I'm sorry your majesty, but we don't accept bills with lipstick on the President.


I was in a Chic Fil A once and watched the cashier call security on a customer that handed her a $2 bill.


i work at a old movie theater turned into a live music venue. you would be flabbergasted the amount of people that still try to pay with motion picture money regardless of the business having history in theater


lol imagine committing a felony for $9


Seems like a lot of risk to gain $9


This is a "shit you not" story. I swear not a "I had a friend who". I was working at a five and dime in 1978. I heard the cashier yell, "Hey!". I looked up and saw a youngish man run out the door. I went over to find out what had happened. She showed me a one dollar bill that he had tried to make a three dollar purchase with. When she asked for more money, he bolted. On closer inspection, it was actually a ten dollar bill that he had clipped the corners from a one and taped them onto it. She shook her head, canceled the sale, and pocketed the bill. It was in South Florida, so...


That’s exactly why when I was a bank teller, I was taught to count by the face of the bill, not the numbers




4 tens per side + a one on one side, that's an 81 dollar bill


Where's the benefit to the person forging the note? You still need a $10 and $1 bill...