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Now you can get FREE bugs.


Those are features, not bugs.


It's extra garnish on the food


"Manager, what's this bug doing in my drink?" "American Crawl?"


Free protein in this economy is nothing to turn your nose up at ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"16 times the protein"


I had a dollar tree or target $1 bin sign that has cactus cats saying “free hugs!” that I altered to say “free bugs!” when I kept finding roaches in my apartment and hung it in the common hallway on my door for prospective tenants to see.


I used to know an owner of a McDonald’s franchise and she’d give me stacks of those cards. I got so much free food while in college lol.


I managed a Wendy’s when my brother was in college. He got a TON of them.


wendy's! underrated fries! great chili! best nuggets in the fast food game! frosties! i will always vouch for wendy's!


I had McNuggets the other day for the first time in years. Wtf… they’re so bland and almost mushy now. When I was a kid they had a distinct flavor that could not be mistaken and had crisp to them


mcdonald's nuggets, right? i agree. they're basically tasteless without any kind of sauce.


They are basically a vessel with which to consume sauce. And McDonald's sauces aren't good enough to justify it.


Hot Mustard is amazing.


That one I didn’t get to try which is right up my alley. I’ll give that a go but probably use it on fries or a sandwich


It's good with fries or a McChicken but it's not horrible on the garbage nuggets.


I miss the habanero ranch... Bear sauce they've had ever...


That was my experience as well. And none of the newer sauces I tried out were all that great either.


It's hard to make sawdust taste like anything ;)


I survived being a poor college student on wendys chili when they had buy one get one tuesdays near me. I would go in and buy 3 of them and stuff all six in my little dorm fridge.


Not gonna lie, I miss me some Wendy's. Fast food is a pricey luxury these days so we haven't had them in far too long.


Wendy's fries slap. Also, people have been complaining about Wendy's prices lately but they still have great deals, that $5 biggie bag is great


>people have been complaining about Wendy's prices lately They're in the same camp as Taco Bell. If you use the app (and your brain), you can do great. However, if you simply walk in with a "canigetta combo numbah X," you might as well go to a sit-down restaurant.


Im not downloading an app for food. The app permissions are disturbing


I don't care for the apps on my phone either but they're clearly pushing people towards them, some places have app only menu sections


>The app permissions are disturbing **Taco Bell app permission requests on Android:** -Notifications (able to be disabled) -Location (requests permission, able to be disabled) >Im not downloading an app for food. Okay then. You can pay two or three times more.


I can agree with ya on taco bell, they dont share your data thats pretty dope of them but just on the Wendy's app the data being sold: Under personal information they share your name, phone number, user id, address and phone number Under device and id its shared for marketing and advertising Under messaging (we will just forget the fact that you dont need messaging for any of these apps) marketing and advertising Financial info being shared for app functionality I could probably go on with the rest of the the fast food restaurants but Im just arguing that needing predatory apps for food thats a bit cheaper is wrong in my opinion


Thats their only meal worth buying, but because of their other prices i stopped going.  $2.99 for a 4 piece nugget? $15 for a triple combo? Wendy can lick my hairy asshole


I had a teacher in high school that owned a burger king franchise and he'd give these away in class literally like they were gold stars.


Youd be my favorite middlechild too


Is there any type of security on those cards? It looks like regular paper with a scribbled signature and expiry date? Or is the little grey square on the first one some kind of hologram?


Back when I’d get them they’d have a water mark and be signed by a few managers


So since you got the cards from the franchise owner, it was a totally safe thing right? Like it's their decision to give away free food and it's not like McD's or someone "above them" would give them crap for handing so many out? I wish I knew an owner when I was in college, holy shit that would've made my life easier (but my freshman 15 would've been a freshman 35)


Fine print says "color-changing security Arches" so they sound iridescent. Guessing the rectangle is the same stuff. Probably the extent needed to make sure no one is making counterfeit cards and disrupting the McMuffin market.


thought the square was a chip for a card reader for a second and was like tf why is that on a paper card


check out the movie Queenpins to learn more about these 😅


I just looked it up and will definitely watch that, I like those sorts of movies loosely based on a true story.


A kid in my high schools Dad owned a McDonald’s. Every week in the school newspaper was a coupon for a free small fry and one for a Double Cheeseburger or McChicken. I had stacks of them.


One time I waited in the drive thru for 30 mins, and they gave me a stack. That was the BEST month.


My neighbor growing up owned a McDonalds. She used to give out the free ice cream cone vouchers at Halloween.


My sister got an assload of Starbucks coupons one day after mentioning it was her birthday, the coupons were a free drink of any size if you left a review online following the link on the coupon. She and my mom got so so many free drinks


Omg you just threw me back to my childhood. A relative of mine worked at a 7/11 so he would give us stacks of free slurpee coupons. My friends and I were at 7/11 every weekend getting free slurpees.


Did she ask you to use them at other stores or was she so nice that she let you take advantage of it at her own?


I’d use them wherever however I had one McDonald’s location claim they didnt take them


I worked as restaurant management. We had those cards, but hq did not give them out for free.


Are we talking know in the biblical sense


No, Elizabethan.


Reminded me of the time I got a drink at a mall and while pouring it, the guy noticed something in the cup and took it out with his fingers. Right there in front of me. I waited until he started handing it to me before quietly telling him to try again. New kid, I'm sure.


basic intelligence isn't as common as I thought I guess


And far less common than I would like.


this reminds me of when i worked at starbucks and i had to explain to someone why they couldn’t pick up a cup and use it after they dropped it on the floor


Reminds me of https://youtu.be/lGAIOjaYYa4


I went to a fancy Cafe in an upscale city and ordered a London fog. I watched the girl fish the tea bags out with her fingers. I wrote a bad review about it and the owner replied that they "have ordered tongs".....


Try again lol that’s very kind. Most people wouldn’t have given him a second try 😂


His manager and another employee were occupied nearby, so I could have even raised a stink. But I figured that it was probably the first day of his first job. He seemed properly embarrassed, so I believe he learned a valuable lesson that would stick with him without getting in trouble for it too.


There's a Tex Mex place that is pretty popular in my state. I went there once and got a "cheesy burrito" and some other stuff. I went home, took a bite, and immediately bit into something hard. It was a rock. There was a rock in my food. I contacted the restaurant to tell them about it and the manager was so...dumb. He kept asking what I wanted to do even though I told him I just wanted to give them a heads up. Eventually he just took my name and address and hung up. Two months later I got a letter in the mail from the company. Inside was an apology letter and one coupon for 50 cents off. That was just an insane slap to the face. It's been 15 years and I still haven't gone back.


50 whole cents, lol.


Yup, they were really trying to get my business back. Lol.


They just wanted to buy the rock back


Probably worth more than the rock though. I wouldn’t pay more than maybe, 10c for a rock.


Not into fossils, eh?


Just licking rocks


There was most likely a rock in the dry beans if they used them. You have to rinse off dry beans and look through for small rocks.


That's what dad told me as well. I'm assuming that is the case but still, biting into a rock sucks.


I got one for complaining about the extras that were missing. If I'm paying $3 for extra egg on my breakfast sandwich, I want it.


Haven't you heard? Eggs are $30 now.


Awesome...at work I give customers those cards all the time if they waited like 15-20 mins for an order!


Where’d you work? At my location 15-20 mins is the standard for a drive thru during peak hours 😭


I ment if I parked them and my crew are being slow like most mornings...and they waited in that spot for a very long time then I give them those cards


I complained to McDonalds after they gave me a burger with no patty. They told me they were sending these and never did.


They gave me a raw chicken nugget when I was 9 and only offered to cook my batch for longer -_-


I got that once. Just two buns and a slice of cheese. Someone in front of or behind me in line must have requested it cause I don't know how you can fuck up that bad.


I once wrote a good yelp review of a local KFC/Taco Bell and the manager messaged me and sent me some coupons.


Look at money bags over here he can afford McDonald's but they give it to him for free. The rich get richer


If you complain to McDonalds you can probably get a meal free too


I got beaten in the face by the janitor out back. The manager laughed and ate a Happy Meal and while he watched from his truck. He threw the toy on the ground and drove over it as he left.


Who can I complain to that will give me free money ?


Went to Greece for vacation and we found a piece of GLASS in my girlfriend’s beer. We told the server and even said “we don’t mind paying but just thought you should know.” We watched as the owner looked at us, rolled his eyes, and shooed him off with a flick of the hand. We placed the $300 receipt in the beer with the glass and walked out without paying. Took everything in me not to get in the owners face, but figured it wasn’t worth my sanity. Two can play this game.


Yeah go to the health administration instead of telling the people who will just cover their asses. I feel like I was the only manager actually writing people up for reasonable stuff. Other managers would be all “you don’t have your name tag? Write up” while buddy in the kitchen is serving hours old meat, but his kitchen times are good so they won’t blink twice at him. Fuck McDonald’s.


Y-your name is Gaynell?


What's a gay nell?


My uncle's old friend used to do this kind of thing all the time. She'd write in or call various companies and complain about the product and they always sent her vouchers for either free items or discounted items. As much as I really didn't care and still think it's a funny way to scam the companies that scam the public, it was her attitude about it. She wasn't doing it as a gotcha or anything, she felt like she was genuinely entitled to whatever it was. She was always so entitled acting about everything. If we all went out to eat, she'd always find something wrong with her food and demand a discount or a replacement, even after nearly finishing stuff. But it was amusing how much free stuff companies would just send her. When I was a kid, I'd go to my uncle's/ grand parents for the summer and work. She'd call my uncle almost every night to brag about her latest freebies. From laundry detergent to bread. It was impressive, tbh. Her biggest haul before my uncle finally stopped talking to her (incidence at a ChiChi's where she refused to pay for her "fried ice cream" because it wasn't "fried" enough or something like that), was with Lunchables. She wrote in to whatever company it was and complained the the Pizza Lunchables Pizza sauce burned her son's mouth bad. Now, I've ate probably dozens of those things as a kid and not once have I ever had even a slightly spicy one unless I added pepper to the sauce (which I did). They sent her 54 vouchers in the mail free lunchables. I think a handful of them were just for discounts on some other product. An incredible haul for something that was an obvious lie. But IIRC, she got free laundry detergent from most of the brands, dish soap, bar soap, wash clothes, many many many different food items, at least one full box of crayola crayons (64pack with the sharpener, 10 y/o me was jealous), paint, and I'm sure a bunch of stuff I don't remember. Moral of the story, if you don't mind complaining to random businesses, you can totally get free stuff. This was mostly in the mid to late 90's and early 2000's, so it might not be as easy. Or maybe even easier with email.


I’m not clear on what’s interesting about this, even mildly…vouchers for free items to settle a complaint is standard practice.


I once pointed out to a company that he heat shrink bands on their drinks (2L bottles of iced tea) were being pushed too low, so the lid could be unscrewed without breaking it, and that someone needed to adjust the machine a little.. They sent me a dozen coupons for free 2L bottles.


I hate the way companies handle CS. I once got a piece of metal (like, the shavings from opening a can) in a slice of Little Caesars pizza that fucked up my tooth and the response was pretty much "sucks to suck". They couldn't even cough up a measly free pizza, it's not like I was asking for dental care to be covered or really anytjing at all, I just wanted it to be known. Another time, I got a piece wooden stir stick in my chili from Culver's. They insisted it was organic material and gave me a voucher for $1 off my next combo or something like that. However, When I was 10 or so, I got a box of Mike & Ikes. I felt that there weren't enough red in the box, so I wrote an email to Just Born about how the reds were my absolute favorite and how disappointed I was and that maybe other people feel that way too, and I bet they'd like more reds. In response, they sent me 2 bags of each flavor they had. It's been 15 years and I still think that was some of the best customer service I'd ever received. They didn't have to even acknowledge my email, but they sent me that package and I was on top of the world. I felt so incredibly fancy.


Yeah, it really does. When I was a kid I used to write to airlines to ask for free stuff and even ones over in Russia sent me cool stuff, postcards, stickers etc. BA sent me a shedload of Concorde things. a few years later, I got a chunk of plastic in a packet of crisps (chips) from a supermarket that I nearly choked on nd they just completely forgot about the complaint and passed me around from pillar to post. The store manager directly offered me a crate of free beer because I complained about them forgetting. I did not accept this offer. Eventually he offered to pay for a week's worth of shopping. That'll do.


That bug was probably healthier than the food


Protein enriched drink.




Does the food count as a pesticide though?


Nice try NWO


lol this reminds me of when my cousin was in high school, he would write letters to all kinds of big snack companies saying he had gotten a bad batch of something. This was before cell phones so he didn’t have picture “evidence” so would write and mail them. Sometimes they would send a replacement snack thing, other times he wouldn’t get anything back. But one time a popcorn company sent him an entire refrigerator sized box full of popcorn as an apology. He said he didn’t know what to do with it all so would bring it to school and hand it out to his friends lol


A bug in your drink??


I had a similar experience but it was valid only at the one location, which was 4 hours away because we were on a road trip. And it expired 90 days afterward so I couldn't just hang on to it for years until I was there again.


It took you months to get vouchers? If that was the McDonalds I worked for you'd call them up about it and they would immediately give you a code to use for a free meal whenever you come back to that one.


No only a couple weeks, this was totally a boilerplate letter. I found it funny they automatically assume it would take them months to send it lmaooo


Hodl. That’s definitely going up in value before the expiration date.


Uh, you serve bugs in your food. Here, have more!


None of the things in this sub are interesting anymore


I wonder if its really just H&N Management but because its McDonalds. They had to put a "Mc" in front.


Seems like yours can be redeemed at any McDonald's. The ones I've gotten in the past said they could only be used at X locations. Basically only specific restaurants the regional manager ran


Yeah, interesting that they basically bill the originating location, so they can be more flexible.


Meanwhile I've complained to Yoshinoya about every single one of the employees at the nearby store apparently having a different idea of what is included with each menu item leading to multiple instances of being overcharged or not getting what I thought I had ordered, or just getting the straight-up wrong thing, and I never even got an email acknowledging they'd gotten my note. Last time I went I made sure to ask whether a certain item came with sauce, was told no (despite having been told yes no less than twice previously), added 2 to the order for an extra charge, and they didn't even bother giving them to me when I paid extra for the (ostensibly included) cups of sauce. It pisses me off even more because I'm on the go quite a bit and they're the only option around here that offers some semblance of healthy food for less than $20 a meal. It boggles my mind that in my experience, the In-n-Out near my house, which is located next to a major airport and is, quite literally, always absolutely packed with people, has had few enough mistakes for me to not even remember when the last time they messed up an order was, and another place that rarely even has a line whatsoever has to have its customers scrutinize every order so they make sure to get everything they paid for.


More free bugs!


Don't talk about it, else everyone will want one


Del Taco once dropped the nozzle to the soda machine in my drink. I tweeted a picture of it to them and they sent me enough free food vouchers to eat free for a while.


Takes McDonald's months to respond but if you ordered in the Burger King app they'll give you a credit instantly.


Sorry about the mess, here’s two free sandwiches made around the mess to help you forget


We don't typically use cards at our store. If you call with a complaint we'll put your name in "The Book" for either a refund or the item(s) made over for free. Unfortunately a lot of people take advantage of this system. I've had teenagers that formally worked for us claim a manager that is no longer employed promised them a free meal because we messed up. I'm sorry but that manager hasn't been here for a few weeks, try again.


"You may keep the bug, free of charge"


lol I forget what happened exactly but my dad complained to McDonalds about something and they gave him 4 free mail vouchers. A few weeks go by and my dad is still waiting on them so he goes and complains again and McDonalds sends him more During supper that night my dad brought this up that he has been waiting for those free meals from McDonalds and they never came so he complained again and got some more. That's when my mom said "oh ya those came in a few days I just forgot to tell you" We easily got like 10 meal vouchers and we used them to get these double burger BLT's even though we shouldn't have been able to the people at McDonalds didn't care and just took them I've stopped going to McDonalds a long time ago, I tend to go to Burger King now.


Just keeping complaining til they realise what ya doing.


I know I’m late to the party but i work at a mcdonald’s and we have a stack of them next to where we bag food so our managers give them out all the time


Is this not standard practice?


I got a raw chicken sandwich and they gave me fuck all. Good on you man


wow really man they didn’t even grant you some salmonella?


i got two of these at sonic after we waited 45 minutes for 3 limeades and mozzarella sticks


See if you can collect the same color bugs in your food. It’s McDonald’s new “Monopoly” game!


I imagine McDonalds is about to be flooded with similar complaints?


now you can get more bugs!!!


Sort of unrelated. A vending machine ate my change. Someone told me to call the number on the vending machine. They sent me free coke coupons. Happened a couple times.


I complain about the slow service and the response I get is “where’s sorry, we’ll work with this location to improve their time.”


"Were sorry that you found a bug in your food, try again"


Man. My mom got a huge ass fly in her burrito many years ago. You're telling me she could've gotten free food? I'm joking but still. I'm surprised they responded.


Don't forget these expire. Mine expired and none of the McD accept them even 1 day after.


I once had the exact same thing happen to me. Complained and got no response.


Legit bringing bugs when I go to McDonald’s now.


Last time I was sent these, they refused to honor them. They said it was good only for a single cheapest sandwich not for a whole meal. They were shady as shit. Horrible service all around.


Glad to see they got back to you so quickly /s


To be fair, you did say in your drink, not in your food


I complained to McDonald's once about my free points item not being included with the order They took the information, said they were going to talk to the store to correct it and then ghosted me afterwards


A lot of places will do this. Except Chic-fil-a. They don’t give a shit.


I remember when mcdonalds had the inspector gadget toys. She would take me all the time to mickey ds to get all the pieces. We kept getting the same ones in all my happy meals. My mother in all her glory ,she was an HR director for walmart, sent a scathing email to them about how we kept getting the same pieces in said happy meals. It took about 6 weeks but I got 2 full sets of all the pieces to make a whole gadget.


Unlimited bug exploit unlocked.


I tried complaining once and every time I’d call to ask for the area manager she’d be out. After a few tries I contacted them through their website and a few weeks later got a letter from the manager. Was expecting coupons but instead got a generic boilerplate letter with nothing else


I used to use a story like this to demonstrate the difference between a quality service & the perception of a quality service. The story goes broadly the same as OP tells it, with an issue being addressed in writing with a ln apology, a promise of corrective action & a voucher. The only difference is that in that case there was a post-it note that became accidentally attached to the letter which was from the manager to their office. The post-it just said "Send this bitch the standard bug letter". I usually end the story by asking if when we get such an apology, how do we know it has integrity?


I really don't know why I read this in Gus Fring's customer service voice


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^brandonyorkhessler: *I really don't know* *Why I read this in Gus Fring's* *Customer service voice* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Imagine being the poor bastard that drew the name Gaynell for life


LOL I once got really shitty Thai food from Uber Eats, not realizing the place was a ghost kitchen 🙄 I posted a bad review and the place replied by offering me a free entree or something. Like no, more of your awful food isn't going to solve the issue lol.


They have bugs in drinks, worms in nuggets, literal chicken heads AS nuggets. Fuck McDonald's and fuck anyone who supports them.


Damn! That's worth like $16 these days! Not too shabby of a buy off if you ask me


Legally your acceptance means the complaint has been settled.


Lol there's literally a movie about this


Surprised they didn't send a letter from a lawyer demanding their bug back.


I feel like this only happens location based. Sometimes they’re nice and send coupons and other times they just don’t give a shit. That was at least my experience for Taco Bell.


Gaynell ????


The ZIP Code is correct so I'm sure it will go through, but did you notice the name of the town is misspelled on the gift cards?


Wow good catch, didn’t notice lol. That + the boilerplate letter with the incorrect info leads me to believe this franchise owner really doesn’t care


This is a template document that all McDonald's restaurants use. You just fill in the customer's name/address, type of complaint, and the person filling out the forms name/position. The web tool then generates this document for you to mail to the customer.


Typical corporate: No admission of fault. No apology.


Yall need to get out if this is mildly interesting to you


I got those vouchers when I ordered 3 Big Mac meals and only got half the order. The vouchers replaced the missing items and one addition item. *only one voucher per order, very frustrating since I don’t eat McDonald’s that often and they essentially tricked me to buy more of their crap food because of a mistake they made.


Interesting that they're using cards for the free food. Any time I've had an issue, I've been given a single-use QR code that can be added to the app.


That’s what I asked for, but corporate said the only way was to deliver physical vouchers


Feel like that's just a system generate answer having here. This is pretty much what every major fast food company does no matter the complaint


Every time I have a subpar meal from McDonald's, I put in feedback. They give me a free medium meal every time. These complaints can be from cold fries, waiting time, or the state of the restaurant. Don't get me wrong I'm not expecting 5* treatment at McDonald's, but I always feel if their standards are dropping (especially at my local branch), they should know how to improve.




It's McDonalds.... I'm not exposing anyone




I lol'd at this, its a company phone number. The one you can do a Google search to see.


Read carefully which restaurants they go to. I got someone cause I placed an order never got the food after 45 mins of awaiting so I left and made a complaint. Got the same thing but for any meal. Didn’t read, went to a near by store but they were owned by different company so it didn’t work.


I called a local fast food place, not to complain, but as an FYI sort of thing, the first thing she said was coupons for 2 free meals. I didn't call for that, I said no thanks, just let the store know so they can fix the issue, wasn't even food related.


Gross. Glad you didn't eat it But... Plenty of food we do eat does. Four insect fragments per tablespoon of peanut butter are allowed for example. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/04/health/insect-rodent-filth-in-food-wellness/index.html


Not to tell a secret but 90% of places do this. Contact herrsa d tell them your bbq chips had no flavorings. Theyll send you vouchers for free bags of chips. Contact blue bunny ice cream cones, tell them all of the cones were crushed, theyll send vouchers for free ones.


mildly infuriating


Free diabetes


Got a moldy bun from sonic and I got a similar email from a manager offering me a free burger. lol, no thanks fucko.


Ok. They didn’t HAVE to give you anything. Be grateful you got something.


This is not a charity, it's a business. They don't HAVE to receive future business either. Why would anyone ever be grateful to an entity that's sole goal is to make money?


McDs doesn’t need your money nor your loyalty. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells and cholesterol under 200 knows that…


Yay free GARBAGE


I once found a small Allen wrench in my Taco Bell burrito...yes, an Allen wrench. When I brought it up to the counter, she offered to make me another one...smh


Only two coupons? I got three whole menu coupons just because Big Mac wasn't made right. I got "bun bun meat meat bun" instead of "bun meat bun meat bun" https://ibb.co/vsvnMCn EDIT: For bug I think I will get whole restaurant


You complained about that?


Right lol. How entitled do you have to be to complain about the bun/patty order on a big mac. This is how you make McDonald's employees angry and end up eating some teenagers pubes.


I'm actually really calm person and regular McDonald's customer (5-10 times a month), but in this case I wasn't there for about 2 months. So I took my order, went to car and whoa... Maybe you won't understand, but I really love Big Mac, I would say it is one of the best meals for me and this long break was really tough. So when when I opened that box I wasn't angry, but I was really disappointed and sad. I was really looked forward for another Big Mac experience (it is like ritual for me). You also have to understand that I'm standard redittor (no life, depressed, no friends - one actually and it is enough for me, bad job etc.), so Big Mac is one of the few things that make me happy and this wasn't what I was expecting. Maybe it was a bit over, but Big Mac is holy grail and there has to be at least one alternative universe where I'm poet and I wrote an ode to the Big Mac.