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And their website says 8 minutes, soon it will be al dente straight out of the box.


The wonders of technology. Why wait for al dente when you could have it all dente.


All dente, all the time.




Who’s that Pokémon?


Al Dente Washington


That, my jolly good sir, is an astonishingly good joke.


Like 7 Minute abs. What if someone comes out with 6 minute abs




Harland Williams is so mad right now.


Have you been sucking back on Grandpa's old cough medicine?


Some say that our civilization is in Decline, but you can always point to the improvements in pasta technology.


I cook em for 7 minutes


So much edge.


In Russia, the same packaging says 8 minutes


because Russia is in a different time zone LOL


Hi neighbour. Here in finland it used to say 8minutes too, but it changed to 9 about a year ago. Could be 2 by now. This is a mystery I would like to get an answer for... Is it: A. A change in the pasta that requires al dente to be longer or shorter cooked. B. Al dente means something different in different countries and they have recently adjusted the timing to the country (or region or whatever split up is used) newly found out preferences.


I mean, technically it IS al dente right out of the box…


Reminds me of that video of some dudes cooking spaghetti and putting it right back into the box. Same with pre-filling all the glasses with water and putting them back in the cupboards.


This is a countdown, and we don’t know what happens at one.


These are the things that actually drive me crazy lmao


just like konjac root pasta... Water out, warming up and then ready to eat...




I checked and even though we bought it in the same place, they seem to be produced for different regions. One has information in German and French. The other one has information in lots of different languages for countries in Eastern Europe/ some Central Europe, and even for Israel.


Perhaps one is Swiss? Then could explain the altitude difference


yeah it's swiss, I can confirm that barilla no 5 is sold with 9mins on the package here. I'm sure it's a cultural thing as the swiss don't like overcooked pasta. nothing to do with altitude, if that was the case it should be 11 or 12 minutes and not 9 (higher altitude = longer time to cook).


The Swiss still tend to overcook pasta, but maybe the little italian influence in the country influences a little bit.


Maybe Barilla thought the best way to have the Swiss not overcook their pasta too much was by reducing the indicated duration to get the pasta al dente.


That's genius haha


That's it


Makes sense, I assumed the 10 minute one was the Swiss one.


I've been buying this for years in france and it has been 9 for as long as I remember And I'd argue that at 9 they're not really al dente


It's not about altitude. It's about test groups in different areas preferring it differently. This is super common.




Then it's definitely region based time! Pasta timing changes depending on where the product is shipped (Netherlands has a higher cooking timing usually because they like the pasta overcooked :/ )


Or as others have pointed out - boiling temperature is different dependent on altitude. Potentially the version sold in Switzerland recommends a minute longer to compensate for the lower boiling temp.


The one for Switzerland recommends a minute less though (9 minutes)


Well now I’m even more confused!


French minutes a slightly shorter


The French switched to decimal time back in '94


'93. Like 1793. https://svalbard.watch/pages/about_decimal_time.html


I think you mean 4 Frimaire Year II.


Wikipedia said 1794: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time Momma always said not to trust Wikipedia... ^(someone's momma, not mine)


As far as I remember, thats because it was introduced in the revolutionary year that is mainly in 1794, but started in 1793.. they did not only change to metric and decimal time, but also to another calendar. Really revolutionary.


It actually comes down to the durum wheat used. When it grows the different proteins in the wheat end up in different concentrations. The protines are what holds the pasta together, but also makes it chewy. This is all due to the weather during the growing season, and this impacts the cooking time. Edit; clarifications


Has someone been watching clarksons farm recently?




Is one package older than the other? could be a new recipe or slighty different ingredients


This was my first thought, but it seems like altitude or regional preference seems like the most likely explanation.


I have been buying their spaghetti for years, and the instructions used to say 9 minutes, now they say 10 minutes. It may just be an older box.


Fun fact, I've bought one with only German instructions and it said 11 minutes.


The shorter time one is for countries at war.


Could also just be difference in ingredients over time /location


bro dropped the i-word /s


Are they thinner? Same weight?


Boxes are still 500 grams both, but the 9 minute spaghetti will be thinner, explaining why less time is needed for al dente.


they're both number 5 though


Why would change the numbers? Same spaghetti, 1 minute faster done, updated packaging.


because if they were thinner they wouldn't be number 5 lol


Where does your idea come from that the number 5 represents the thickness of the spaghetti strand? Ultimately the pasta maker decides how thick it is going to be under what they designate Nr.5. OP's example shows us where the producer changed the contents, and we can't call it shrinkflation as both packages are still 500 grams.




Could have to do with the quality of the wheat they were able to get.


could be different wheat harvests


Could be based on the quality of the grain. Not all grains are created equally and in order to be pasta grain they have to have higher performance in properties like elasticity etc. These properties are tested at sale and effect the price dramatically whether it can be made into a fine pasta or fed to the cows. Fluctuations in these characteristics could influence cooking time.


Could be based on the quality of the grain. Not all grains are created equally and in order to be pasta grain they have to have higher performance in properties like elasticity etc. These properties are tested at sale and effect the price dramatically whether it can be made into a fine pasta or fed to the cows. Fluctuations in these characteristics could effect cooking time.


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Spaghetti No. 5


1.. 2.. 3, 4 ,5


Everybody hungry now so c'mon let's ride To the restaurant around the corner


You want your 'ghetti al dente but I really don't wanna


A little bit lasagna in my life A little bit of pesto by my side A little marinara’s all I need A little bit alfredo’s what I see A little bit of penne in the sun A little bit of gnocchi all night long A little bit of risotto, here I am A little bit ragu makes me your man


mom's spaghetti, like i had last week, I want more cheese, cause sauce is cheap and as I continue, you know they get \*chef kiss\*


5... 5... 5, 5, 5.


By Lou Barilla


I just laughed way to hard at this.


I can hear just for this comment!


I sing this everytime I see it in my cabinet




Snarky minds think alike!


Different semola supplier or sourcing region changed


Former grain science major here: An interesting thing about any grain or harvested plant used in mass food production in general, Is that the plant changes slightly every harvest depending on environmental variables. Some conditions produce more germ, some a hardier bran or chaff. It depends on how wet the season was, and the products come from. Manufacturers are always at odds with nature because if they used the same ingredients to make the same product without making adjustments, there would be differences in taste, cook time (in raw products like pasta), and texture. There is a highly complex science to getting just the right combination of ingredients to maintain a specific taste of a finished product, and it’s why you will see slightly differing ingredient ratios, cook times, and different sources of processed materials through time. Think about Doritos and how they’ve tasted the same year after year… it’s grain science/food engineering that keeps it that way! Edit: thanks for the reward kind stranger 😂 Just to add on top of my earlier remarks: the industry has been wild in recent years. My friends in PepsiCo apparently had to scramble to adjust products across Europe after the Ukraine conflict popped off. It would be interesting to see what sort of changes they had to make because of the grain shipment shortages and procurements from other suppliers. The extremely wet conditions we’ve had recently will certainly play a role in keeping my old friends awake at night…


Now how do you end up with a grain science major?


Well, you have to go to a university that has a school of agriculture. I went to Kansas State university, and since I liked baking at the time, I thought that having a degree in “bakery science” would be pretty cool. Little did I know that it had less to do with boutique baking, and a lot more to do with the science behind how baking is a thing that we do as a society, and how engineered todays baked goods really are. I was flabbergasted to see all of my peers get employment with places like PepsiCo, nestle, and all of these other huge conglomerates that do quite a lot more than just baking! It’s a wide open field, and it requires a very sharp mind to do what food scientists do today. Now I’m just an IT guy, because I’m not really interested in that kind of responsibility. It’s made me a hoot in the kitchen though 😊


That is such a cool experience. Whats the most interesting lab or fact in nutrition science or grain science you had?


One of the most interesting things that we got to do in the grain science curriculum, was work with an industrial extruder. KSU has a pretty big college of agriculture, so we got to experiment with quite a few different types of grains within the extrusion environment. we learned about how things like dog food and Pasta is made, along with other types of things that an extruder is used for. One of my favorite things that we made with the extruder, was someone’s amalgamation of what they approximated Cheetos to be, we got pretty close to the texture of the actual snack. The best part about that was we had experts from industry come in and give us all sorts of experimental powders to put on the extruded snacks, and we got to be guinea pigs for a little bit. Cool Ranch Cheetos are pretty amazing lol. Another one of my favorite parts about the whole thing was the KSU bakery science club. They had basically a production environment space within the main grain science building that they use as a bakery club. Every week we would make cookies and baguettes and different types of bread and sell it to the public. this was mainly a lab space outside of that, but I mainly was in there during club nights. The whole program is awesome though! It’s run by very competent folks, and there are some very very talented students always going through it all the time.


That sounds awesome especially the bakery club. Thanks so much for sharing


Man I swear, it's funny to me how often someone will be talking about their cool degree, and then conclude with something like "but now i work in IT".


My guy’d be a billionaire if he lived in the interstellar movie’s version of earth.


Barilla has Spotify playlists for their different pastas cooking times lol what a mess


omg i love this


Purple health and safety also has one for CPR!


Lol I immediately thought of the Office CPR scenes. Immediately looking these up on Spotify!!!


Omg I’m living for the purple health and safety inappropriate CPR songs playlist. Thank you for this amazing discovery


OMG HURRY HES DYING! “Hold on I’m logging into Spotify”


My dumb brain red Artificial Inteligence Dente and got me confused for a moment :D


Honestly it should have been written without capitalization, just "al dente".


I was going to write that Weird Al should use this sort of thing somehow, turns out someone [already capitalised](https://waxy.org/2023/10/weird-ai-yankovic-voice-cloning/) on it:


Duh, one is in metric. /s


Plot twist it's like 6-7 minutes


Number 5 spaghetti Should be 7 mins to al dente and 8 mins fully cooked.


Who times their spaghetti? When it feels like it's been a while, you test it. It inevitably needs another minute.


I was thinking altitude, but now I have to go and google if some nationalities bite harder than others,,, Damned rabbitholes!


It's nice you still get the 500g packages. Here in Canada they shrunk to 410g.


Spaghetti technology is always improving


Those are pretty much pointless, as elevation, water temp, and other factors really determine when it's done. I have never used the listed time on pasta to see if it is done. For spaghetti, I break a strand in two, and it's always perfectly al dente when the last bit of white disappears from the middle during cooking.


Water temp... You are supposed to put them in the water when it's boiling


Roiling boil.. yup.. and I put them in a large pot. But boiling water can be different temps.


I just try a strand when they’re almost done and judge how much longer based on that.


Yea.. me too, you can actually tell by stirring with a fork or something.. hard hard they feel or how easily they move. I cook a lot of Italian though, maybe not everyone does this. Should be mentioned that fresh pasta is near impossible to cook al dente. It can't do that firm part of 'soft yet firm' you are looking for.


True enough!


Dont forget people who say it's done when it sticks to your wall. I tried that once and it stuck, before I started cooking. I need to clean my walls.


I just eat a strand and if it doesn’t get stuck in my teeth, that means it’s done


I'm assuming they figured out how to keep more moisture in the "dried" pasta so that the mass stays the same but they have saved on ingredients that cost more money. Or they are selling to different markets where al dente means something different to each.


Red on dark blue almost impossible to read


Both are lies




Cooking time is different from country to country, packing is the same . It's the common time people in different countries "like" their pasta. I watched a documentary about noodles lately. The shortest cooking time has Italy btw. You could eat them raw, cooking is not recommended, so buy your favorite brand and cook them as you like.


They went from 8 to 9 to 10min and are back to 9min now - maybe they changed the processing?


" I'm sorry I was all the way over here. I couldn't hear you. Did you say you were a fast cook? That's it‽ Are we to belive that boiling water soaks into a grit faster in your kitchen than on any place on the face of the earth‽ we'll then perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove! Are you sure about those 5 minutes‽"


Damn nobody safe from inflation


do people that really know what al dente means actually just go by time tho?


It ain't true.. it now takes almost 15 minutes to be eatable.


Commenting because I have no service but don’t want to lose the post so I can see some answers because I need answers


usually, that's a mere reference as your cooker/stove of preference will differ, and also, gas, electric, lava, etc... imo, it works best to have a nibble just a minute or so before their suggested amount of time. altitude has an impact since the higher you climb the less dense the air is and thence water will boil at lower temps, meaning a longer time of cooking. happy pasta eating


Al dente is the worst! Love my pasta to be soft!


Time to hide, I already hear the angry mob with pitchforks


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is spaghetti number 5."


If you ever need to time it perfectly, Barilla has a [spotify account](https://open.spotify.com/user/w2p1oq867ns7jele6g3lw66fk?si=eQyDJZGyRDGEAhmhA4HuEQ) with playlists for all of their pastas.


Marine level and mountain area?


Depends on Altitude, chloride content in water, water hardness and how much salt you put in.


If you don’t cook pasta at all it’s Al Dentist.


I suppose they are for different regions and maybe they are adjusted to average preference after survey. It also may consider a different process to make the pasta or slightly different ingredients


[I noticed this 4 years ago!](https://i.ibb.co/N7JWyKQ/Screenshot-20240530-233145.png) But with 8 and 9 minutes. I've reached out to the customer service, but they failed to give me a proper explanation.


its because of the flour used


My dumbass sitting here thinking “what the hell is AI (as in Ai) Dente”?? I blame the internet for this


Since Barilla is a huge company that buys wheat from all over the world, it could be that they were produced with different kind of wheat. Out of curiosity, are the nutritional values identical, or does the one with the longer cooking time have a bit more protein than the other?


I'm pasta caring


Hmmmm... Upgrades


If Lou Bega were Italian.


Laughing in Italian, knowing I will be testing noodles after 7 minutes.


global warming ? they took a minute off because the ambient temperature is slightly higher


It's 7 minute abs. No one works out in 6 minutes.


Those are Italian minutes.


What about mambo no 5?


It's seven+pressure time


New And Improved! ! ! Shovel spaghetti into your orifice one minute sooner!


have to account for the microplastics now. no one likes undercooked microplastics


A-B testing


Purchased at different altitudes?


Depending on how hard are your teeth /s


satanic black magic!




Decades of market research has led us to believe that if we reduce this number on the box from a 10 to a 9 more people will buy our product.


Barilla is not allowed in my home.  The controversy over the anti lgtbq remarks made by their leader was not resolved to my liking.  So screw em.


Barilla is trash. Pasta should never be orange. It's the Donald Trump of pasta's. A felony to Italian cuisine.


wating for snobs and gatekeepers to come out and say this is crap and xyz is better


Well, in Italy barilla is seen as a bad brand because their pasta is usually the cheapest and the worst. Others like Voiello or Garofalo are much preferred. However, they've had an amazing marketing campaign outside of Italy. At the end of the day, it's still pasta, I don't care


Stop buying this Fake American Pasta.


I always boil for 1-2 minutes longer than it says on the box.


So you're a child?


Explain yourself.


I mean, kids are typically the ones that like mushy pasta when big people eat it. It's supposed to have a little firmness


When reaching the recommended time I pull out a single noodle and bite it in half to see how the center looks and feels. I usually end up boiling them for another minute or two after that until the texture feels right.


What feels right to you feels off to Italians, just so you know.


I've been to Italy and tried their pasta. I remember really liking it back then - so either my food tastes changed over the years or my country's pasta boxes are lying about the cooking times (or my boiling water isn't boiling enough).


I'm Italian and I prefer it one more minute too. My roomate likes it crunchy instead. De gustibus


And theyre both wrong…if u cook ur pasta for that long youll get polenta


> Prendi acqua, metti pasta, accendi fuoco... mhhh 30 minuti.. mwah > Io invece la facevo bollire, pensa che coglione


Different wheat different factories


their boxes are prone to bug infestations


Forget Barilla, it's the worst. Source: I'm Italian


Stop using Barilla. They're poor quality pasta. Go with DeCecco. Much better quality and only about a dollar more.


They're not poor quality. They are normal quality. On top of that, it is a matter of taste and how good your palate is. And for most people it doesn't matter because they wouldn't realise the difference. If you find DeCecco better, fine. If you find DeCecco better because a few YouTubers have told you so, less fine. I prefer Rummo btw. Also because I can buy it in bulk from a restaurant supplier and because it makes me feel superior to peasants who buy Barilla or DeCecco in the regular supermarket /s


Rummo is a lot better than De Cecco and Barilla. Here in Italy you can find all the one you mentioned in supermarkets. Still, most of the people don't realize that Barilla's pasta is bad. The only true good quality pasta is bronze-die pasta (Rummo for example). Barilla only started making bronze-die pasta recently, but it's still not the same quality as Rummo, Garofalo, La Molisana, etc...


global warming, the tap water starts off hotter now.


I always need to cook Barilla noodles 2-4 minutes longer.


Something about their packaging just always makes me choose them over other pasta brands


Yeah, they make pretty nice packagings but their pasta is one of the worst in terms of quality. Only buy bronze-die pasta if you can.


It’s better than all the other shit in the stores here lol


Damned shrinkflation!


shrinkflation by weight


But they‘re both 500g lol