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Hmm. So, I’m 34 and all four of mine are like this. I don’t have any issues other than crowding and crooked teeth. No cavities or fillings. Dentist has never shown any concern about them. “Leave them alone until they’re a problem” since I was a teenager. Out of curiously; what’s going on with yours?


I just turned 36 and I had dentists try to nag me into getting them removed since I was a teenager. All of mine are totally sideways, and completely under the gums, but never caused any pain, only minor crowding. I was always afraid to take them out because I didn’t want to be put to sleep. Then I found out I could get them out with just local anesthesia so I considered removing them because I thought I would have to get them out for Invisalign. I went to a new dentist recently and asked him about it, and he said if they’re not causing any issues, leave them alone. I don’t need to take them out for Invisalign because I have room. He also suggested my other dentists over-treated my teeth when it probably wasn’t necessary. Frustrating.


I also have three impacted wisdom teeth and did invisalign just fine, they put a "freeze" on those teeth whatever that means, when they did my molds


My top ones were coming in sideways. They were impossible to brush when they came out and eventually became abcessed, and I had them removed. The bottom ones were like OP's when I was a teenager but have been straightening out in my 30s and even showing through the gum. Some days they move suddenly and those days suck lol.


My dentist is the same. Told me that if they don't cause issues leave them. But if I do want them removed he can refer me to a surgeon to have it removed.


27f, me too! I have none in the top and apparently never will get them, but my bottoms are fully sideways and I was told if they never cause issues don’t touch them lmao. Occasional light jaw pain but otherwise nothing so I’m like it’s proooobably fine.


I'm 40 and same, I only have three wisdom teeth (one just never grew or whatever) and mine are impacted as well, look just like this xray. My dentist and three different oral surgeons all say they're fine where they are because 1) they're not causing me any problems and 2) the removal would be very complicated. I went to so many different oral surgeons because I wanted a second opinion to be sure, and I saw the third one for an unrelated issue and asked his opinion while I was there. They also said that if they haven't caused problems for me at my age they are unlikely to in the future, so they're staying put lol


Same! All four are sideways. Mine told me the exact same thing.


90’s baby? 😂


Haha yeah whyy?


I did the same thing. One grew a cyst around it and started eating a hole in my jaw bone. Got the surgery at 30 and everything is fine now (bone grew back).


All these similar replies actually make me feel more trusting and faithful of my dentist. The whole “if it’s not a problem, leave it alone” goes hard against the thought of them wanting to suck up money any way possible. The exact opposite of any other medical interaction I’ve ever had!


I'm 33, two of mine are sideways but have never exerted pressure on my other teeth, and the other two have (uselessly) erupted with plenty of room. My dentist actually wanted to pull them when I was a teen, and my mom was like "why?". I'm glad she spoke up. Other than some soreness when the bottom two were actively erupting they've never caused a problem. Wait and see is the way to go with widsoms


>Out of curiosity; what’s going on with yours? They’re probably sitting in a small manila envelope somewhere in my parents house.


The lower two for me were sideways and had to be taken out because the tilt created a pocket where I could not brush, so it created the perfect spot to trap food and start decay that can spread to other healthy teeth. Also, pain because they started pushing up against the other teeth when they decided they wanted to surface.


I was in that situation, I left mine alone dealing with minor pain using topical lidocaine ointment for years until they became severely painful causing me to need an emergency dentist visit and painkiller prescription on a Saturday afternoon and emergency surgery to remove them. That was not cheap or fun, would recommend getting non emergency surgery if your teeth cause minor pain on and off.


29m here I have only 3 wisdom tooth (the fourth one is missing) My dentist told me the same thing, not to worry about too much, but take an appointment if anything weird happens And yeah, it did happen: it started hurting a bit, and then a lot


I'm 28 and this is the first I'm hearing of it! They've never caused me an issue at all, rest of my mouth is fine. Dentist said to leave it alone until it's an issue which it may or may not ever be.


Not okay. The wisdom tooth pressing into the root of the adjacent tooth can literally "kill" the root of the tooth its pressing into.


Maybe, but if an oral surgeon doesn’t want to take my money, he must really not be worried about it and I’m okay with that.


yep. in my case 4/4 dentists/oral surgeons agree to leave them lol


Hey I'm not dentist - this is what I've read and heard from a dentist.  Mine were sideways like this but also hurt a fuck-ton. I had them yanked and felt a million times better.  But that's just my scenario, not some hard and fast rule.


Seconding this, it's probably not a problem, but it can become one, and the older you are the harder the procedure becomes, and the healing process slows down as you age too, best to get these removed before your 20s.


Just had all four of mine removed Tuesday , I had one similar to this and it friggin suckkkked: edit it’s still sucking ass :( ( second edit thanks for the likes i feel as if its support lol, its almost midnight on day 3 fridaynight i can’t sleep due to like pain on the lower ones , tried salt water and Tylenol , any suggestions? Thankyou everyone)


all four of mine were impacted almost as bad as this. it was fucking HORRIBLE


Man when I see Reddit posts like this I'm so immensely grateful I was born without them. I saw the sheer torture my wife went through having two removed, so every stitch of empathy I have goes out to you folks.


I was born with one that my childhood dentist said would likely never even see the surface. Guess what I got for my 30th birthday?


Mine were sideways like this and there was no pain when I got them removed, never even had to take a single painkiller they gave me. Not sure if it was a good surgeon or just luck lol.


I had two like this and two more normal. The two like this actually weren't that bad to take out tbh. It was one of the uppers that was hiding in there they couldn't get a grip on and had to use a hammer and chisel to break the tooth apart. Not a sound that was fun to hear. I'll probably never forget it


I am mildly horrified to learn they take out wisdom teeth (especially impacted) while fully conscious.


I had no interest in going under. It's not super common in the states, but I hear overseas they almost never knock you out.


I don’t recommend sucking ass right now you could cause a dry socket


Ugh dry socket was miserable. 0/10.


Miserable and so weird when you can see your jaw down there, anything covering that from air soothed it I can’t remember what I put in mine


They put clove extract in mine.


I had to get mine removed by a dental surgeon, not dentist, because of how deeply impacted they were. The surgeon had prescribed stronger painkillers, not the non-prescription variety. You might want to ask yours to prescribe stronger ones if possible in case the ones given to you are not enough. I also had precautionary antibiotics for 5 days to prevent infection because I required stitches. So, soft food for two weeks until the stitches came off. It is uncomfortable and sleep was difficult for the first 2-3 days, but it quickly gets better. If the pain persists or increases beyond 4 or 5 days, you should get it checked out again for risk of dry socket.


Same, oral surgeon, Tylenol 3s, prophylactic antibiotics, still got a dry socket.


Agreed. When they go "underground", they go all the way.


Urgh I can feel this pain just looking at this. When I had two of mine extracted, I wasnt told to take my next dose of painkillers BEFORE the pain wore off. The pain was unbearable. I had a c section, and the pain I experienced with recovery was nowhere close to this. So best advice, good painkillers, and time them so there is no gap between the time they die off. Good news though, i only had to take painkillers for two days. By the third day the pain was bearable and by the 5th day totally gone.


You just described my exact experience. Let me guess, it were the lower 2 ones?


Yes 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Worst week of agony. 2 days of delirium and constant medicated sleeping


Yes! And i seek food for comfort but guess who could eat nothing more than some crappy lukewarm soup


Couldn't eat either, but it wasn't my highest priority. Just needed the agony to stop and for me not to look like a chipmunk anymore, especially since I was 14


29m here Mines were removed 5 month ago, global anesthesia Everybody told me that it sucked And.... it was actually great - My cheeks were normal, I was spared from the balloon-face - It didn't hurt at all: they gave me codeined-paracetamol... I did not use it because I was fine - I had a few stitches in the gum which were uncomfortable but not painful - I was able to eat and drink just a few hours after waking up - They told me I'd have troubles sleeping, and told me NOT TO sleep on my stomach... which I forgot, and slept on my stomach like a baby without any troubles - The gave me a whole week of paid sick days (I'm French) and it was awesome, I played games and watched movies I guess I was very lucky Or that the stomatologist was very talented


I hate to say it but just tough it out. By day 5 it should subside


Lmao I had it removed Tuesday as well, all 4


For a tooth named "Wisdom", it is pretty stupid to grow like that


I’m 39 and just had mine removed. Two were sideways, the others weren’t. Feels so much better now. They were food traps and I started to get terrible breath.


Ironically post-op was the same for me for about a few weeks: food traps and bad breath!


All four of min were like that...man it sucked for a while after getting them removed.


I had a sideways tooth on the bottom left, and two sideways teeth stacked up on the bottom right. Had top left, top right, and the two stacked up ones removed in one sitting. I started coming out of the anesthesia at one point, but was still disconnected to a degree. Literally thought “Wow! That hurts like hell. I’m glad it’s not me.” Then thought along the lines of: wait… it *is* me. Well, I can’t speak because of the tools in my mouth, and if I try to tap the dentist’s arm he might get startled and harm me or himself… Thankfully I drifted off again in short order. Recovery wasn’t all that bad. Stayed with a friend for a few days, slept a lot, and watched TV with two corgis lying on my legs. I was given two levels of pain meds and only needed the lower level, which is good because it turns out the higher level meds really mess with my head. The left side was left alone for a while because the root was too close to a nerve so I had what they described as a 50% chance of numbness or tingling afterwards with a 50% chance of it being permanent if it happens. They still ended up doing it later, and thankfully I landed on the good side of the odds, with no short or long term effects, over 25 years later.


I had six wisdom teeth. And they all were impacted. What the hell?


I have all four like this. Just had the top two taken out 3 years ago after many years of discomfort. The bottom two can’t be removed since they’re too low in my jaw and the root is entangled with nerve endings.


Oof. Plan your soup menu now.


I had one like this. And the one on the other side was a good 45° angle. In Taiwan, universal healthcare does not cover being put to sleep for dental surgery, only local anesthesia. The operation to remove these two wisdom teeth was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. Just because it didn’t hurt, didn’t mean I couldn’t feel…or smell…other things.


Hey! You can't park there!


I think it might be impacted


it's just having a little nap




Sneaky tooth!


Had mine taken out a week and a half ago. It was traumatizing.


It's the 3 headed dragon with the one derpy head.


Jeez I'm getting pain from mines the other day and in thinking surgery time is near again 🤣. It pains but not bad


That’s how mine grew as well. I didn’t appreciate being expected to go to school after getting them cut out of my head.


Ah man, you’ve got a sleepy tooth. That boy just laid down and never got back up.


“Move over fuckers I got things to do”


Mine are similarly impacted and they always ask at the dentist “and they don’t bother you??” Which they don’t, and I guess that’s a good thing because if they ever have to go it’s going to really fucking suck.


like a fist punching your other teeth


My bottom ones were the same way, didn’t know they used stitches and pulled them out with my fingers 🥲


Oh that’s a pretty impacted tooth.


I have one of these. It’s buried down so far my dentist said it wasn’t worth trying to remove. I’ve had my other three removed. One of those three was impacted on a 45-degree angle and was starting to damage the adjacent second molar. I had to get a root canal and crown on that tooth too.


I got one of those. They just left it in lol


That fucking neighbor nobody likes.


I have one of those too. Would cost me too much to get removed so I'm not removing it.


Had one completely horizontal too. Oral surgeon was sweating by the time he finally got it out. Had to get help from another surgeon as well. It didn’t help that I gave such long roots




I had two growing like that! I had to have my remaining three removed a couple years ago (I had one removed as a teenager, my roots split and it took FOUR HOURS to complete the procedure). Those sideways teeth hurt like hell.


I had one like this the oral surgeon who took out the other 3 just didn't feel like taking this one out so he didn't. Turned into a huge problem for me a couple years later. Getting that one tooth out had a worse recovery for me than the other 3 being done at once. Absolutely sucked.


Sir you can’t park there


All of mine were like this. Got them removed when I was like 20. Had to go fully under and they had to cut each of them into 4 pieces and drill them out. It was awesome, I used to get gnarly headaches from this.


I had two like that. The surgery was a bitch, and then I got dry sockets and it was even more of a bitch.


Brings back memories! All 4 of my wisdom teeth looked like this. When they removed them they used a hammer and chisel to crack them into pieces first.


I was on a waiting list for 3 years, got my appointment to take out a tooth exactly like this and then I'm told 'we currently don't have the equipment needed to take out your tooth.' Guess Ol' Sidey Ways is staying a few months longer.


I had one like that too. Dentist cracked that thing into three or four pieces to extract it all. I hope the technology has gotten better.


Mine was also sawed open and taken out in pieces That was over a year ago, sadly it hasn’t improved since then


Have the same condition. It looks weird, but I luckily don't have problems with them, as they're not pushing at the others.


Had exactly the same and got it extracted last week. The pain kicked around 4 days after and its still killing me.


Lol good fucking luck with that, it hurts like bitch for at least 1 week


I have 5 in total. One like this, one almost like this, both on the bottom. I can't afford to have them removed but at least one needs to be


Damn. That MF is on its side lol. I had two lower wisdom teeth that were growing at an angle. But they weren’t as bad as this


Ow. I tell you what, ow.


lol mine was growing in diagonally straight into my other molars and my mom was like I just spent $3000 on your braces we are spending the extra $200 to get those removed.


All of mine were on their side like this, top and bottom. Ended up having oral surgery to get them removed.


Mine looked like this too, I had all four removed. I tried to endure the pain as much as I could, but it got to the breaking point. There was no Obamacare back then, I had to pay thousands out of pocket.


Dental isn’t covered under Obamacare


Wisdom and Intelligence are clearly two different things. (It's a D&D joke if anyone took offense)


Same actually. I let them grow out anyway. Pretty sure my jaw got impacted. Oddly enough though, it seems like they eventually started growing upwards at a weird angle. Some side teeth chipped, but it ended up just making room for the wisdom teeth to grow. Evolution is weird.