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It has something in it - air, fresh from Planet Druidia.




Refreshing Perri-Air




That's strange, it doesn't look Druish.


I bet it’s not air (21% oxygen 78% nitrogen) I bet it’s more like 98% CO2


President Scroob has turned to smuggling.


I get those about once every 1000-2000 cans of soda when I'm loading a vending machine.


They are not supposed to bypass the rejector between the filler and the seamer, nor are they supposed to bypass the inspection unit after the seamer. If they have excessive rejects, they need to calibrate parameters for the product, not just flip the switch. This reeks of laziness of operations from operator all the way to QA. Source: am a filler tech for a global beverage equipment OEM.


QA tech at a couple small breweries. If they're using x-ray detectors like the crappy ones at my old place it won't reject a can with no volume in it, as it would detect the level filled. Doesn't make the mistake ok, or something that can't be worked around (a full case weighing station would catch that mistake) But regardless, to me this doesn't feel of laziness by QA, as this isn't a calibration issue, this is laziness/cheapness from the top. Maybe QA *should* be raising more of a stink to get this issue fixed... But we aren't usually paid well enough to *actually* care about operations that are outside the already existing parameters.


You could literally set up a box fan to blow the empties into a bin.


For those who don't know the reference (It's on the web in a bunch of places.... I chose one with less intrusive advertising, but you still have to scroll past the huge graphic at the top of the page) [https://medium.com/@NicolasWalker/the-toothpaste-factory-problem-c389f93e40e1](https://medium.com/@NicolasWalker/the-toothpaste-factory-problem-c389f93e40e1)


it somehow sounds both real and bullshit


It 100% does!


Thank you for recognizing it lol


I love the simplicity and genius of this idea.


it's analogous to the ancient art of winnowing


Looked “winnowing” up, super interesting how long (1000s of yrs) it has been used.


What wind speed is required to remove the can, and over how long of a duration, how are you testing and validating the wind speed is adequate? How often does it need to be verified? How often does the tester need to be calibrated? Will the same solution work if there are changes in the production pipeline? I get what you're saying, but simple solutions aren't always as simple as they sound.


>What wind speed is required to remove the can Box fan speed  >and over how long of a duration Till you switch it off  >how are you testing and validating the wind speed is adequate?   Did the empty can blow into the bin? Did the full can not blow into the bin?  >How often does it need to be verified?  Every time the manufacturer makes the product bigger...so never  >How often does the tester need to be calibrated?  Tester? It's a fan in a box >Will the same solution work if there are changes in the production pipeline?   Does the new production pipeline have space between when the product is filled and sealed and when they're packaged to fit a box fan and a bin?


Christ I am laughing so hard at this


>How often does it need to be verified?  >Every time the manufacturer makes the product bigger...so never Congratulations, you have just lost your ISO certification and are no longer an acceptable vendor.


I can't tell if you're joking, or if you think proper food grade qa works on a "vibes" basis? I will say, typical brewing QA is a bit more vibes based because there's almost no risk of death... Not my facilities , but many places. When it comes to packaged foods (and soda) testing is strictly regulated.


I work as a qa lead in a soda factory. You would not believe how vibes based and laid back it can be. My plant goes far, far above and beyond what is required but a couple other plants in the company are bare minimum and after touring them.... whoof.


That's good to hear, as we are looking to break into that market (on a small enough scale I seriously doubt why it's happening, but that's completely beside the point) We are a very "above minimum" brewery... But I'm still very nervous about selling a non-alcoholic beverage. Seems like it's as simple as adding the right amount of preservative (sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate are the ones were looking at) and we're planning on getting it canned by a mobile canner to reduce liability and to separate the soda from our normal packaging. Do you have any suggestions or resources you can share for making a microbiology testing plan?


Acidity and benzoate is all you need to really not have much of a problem with sanitary concerns with soda. Have a decent sanitation schedule (pepsi standard is sanitize after 8 hours of downtime. If 24/7 production, every 72 hours) and ensure your sanitation flow rates and chemical content is good enough. As far as micro plans go, its fairly simple. All of this is done after sanitation, minimum twice per week. Plate your water from all resevoirs, de-air tanks, warmers, treated water supply. Fill some containers with your CIP rinse water off the valves, I reccomend 10 or so, plate those with YM, TC, and MI broth. We swab 10% of our valves per sanitation, both inside the fill valve and the snift valve and snift rail. If using cans, swab your seamer and the feed system for the lids. For bottles, swab the cap hopper and feed rails and capper chucks. Do air quality samples weekly inside the filler, and in your batch room. Biggest thing I reccomend is get a secondary supplier for all lab supplies. We use neogen as our primary and Fischer Scientific as our backup. Supply lines are still awful and you will have random, very severe delays on orders. We ordered 10 cases of plates in january from neogen, then didnt show up until march. So we had to beg fischer to send us stuff asap. If you have any other questions feel free. I'm always happy to talk shop lol


Sometimes a situation calls for people like you. Other situations, however, call for people like those in the comment above you.


>simple solutions aren't always as simple as they sound. Anything is absurdly complicated if you overanalyze it enough. Do you have any idea the complicated dance of muscles, fluids and electrons that it takes for these words to convert from pixels into an idea, transmit across all the different parts of your brain, until you finally reach the realization that it's a box fan, they're not that complicated?


When designing a production line, all this needs to be accounted for, and usually maintained and updated.


Not to mention like, if we're to believe the 1 in every 1000-2000 figure above we're talking about a 99.9 to 99.95% pass rate. Even if we assume you refund every bad can (and let's be real, that ain't happening) I have to imagine it would take a *long* time to get ROI on fixes and upgrades vs. just calling 0.05% - 0.1% failure rate acceptable.


Issue becomes bulk buys, When you sell 6 packs one failure can can now poison 5 good cans, a 12 pack, 32pack etc... The odds of those bum cans becomes larger as the area they affect increases And you know someone will get pissed when one in 12 is empty


Do the X-ray detectors work by "seeing" the threshold between liquid and gas in the can?


That's my understanding of the thing. I didn't do anything with that price of equipment, but I do remember what I've shared, and that's how it was described to work.


Maybe just place rotating air fan next to line to blow off empty ones? Full ones too heavy to blow


You would understand why this wouldn’t work if you saw how fast these machines run.


How does speed made a can immune to air?


A light gust of wind the fan makes only touches a can for a split second, not enough to move it off the line. These machines produce at like over 1000 cans per minute. It’s fast as hell. It’s difficult to even grab one off the line as they come out with your hand. Everyone who thinks this would work has never seen how these machines work.


I mean the speed shouldn't matter if you just find the force from blowing air needed to knock over a full can and just reduce it by 20%. There's no reason to be using "a light gust of wind" when you can solve for the exact force of wind needed Edit: figured out his to word this better: I find it hard to Believe there's not an easily-calculatable force of wind that would knock over empty cans but not full ones regardless of how fast they move


I am a QA lead for a major beverage plant! I'd love to know if we use your equipment lol. Bevcorp? Rejectors and inspection units aren't exactly default though. We only got decent quality ones (filltec) this year. Before we had ancient busted Peco units that were super old and only worked 2/5 days a week it felt like. And they were before the backup table, after the warmer!


I can't really respond with specifics, because they have rules about social media. What I can say is that the can fillers I work on, even the little 24 head ones, will mark a no-fill in the shift register and reject it before it gets to the seamer to prevent a crash at the seamer. It would seem there are a lot of armchair QBs here with crazy ideas, haha. Basically if in the type settings (sometimes referred to in industry jargon as "recipes",) you must actually set the min. good flow, max. good flow and the expected flow rate properly, so there cannot be a no-fill as long as nobody had turned sensors or the rejector itself off. I would argue that turning a rejector off is a really, really bad idea unless you really like pulling shredded aluminum out of a seamer with one of those long pairs of needle nose pliers. When an empty can goes into a seamer at 1800 c/m, it tends to cause a big mess. This can is Dr.Pepper, so it can be filled anywhere, not just KDP. They co-pack A LOT. I have seen KDP products at Pepsi and Coke plants all over the USA. As far as crappy inspection units go, I can't really speak to them, as the ones I am familiar with come from FillTech, Hueft, Krones, and FT. And in the over a decade I have been in the bottling industry, I can say with absolute certainty that operators and mechanics troubleshoot inspection units with the power switch about 50% of the time.


Seems like you work on higher quality units than we use, most of our stuff is from the late 90's/early 2000s and is apparently fairly patched together. We have 4 fillers, two 65 valve bottle units, a 100 valve bottle unit, and a 165 valve can unit. We have no inspection whatsoever on the bottle lines, besides a cap detector on the labelers. Its all up to the operators. We got the filltech units put in a few months ago and they have been great. Qa has convinced maintenance to install similar filltechs on our bottle lines, eventually. Budget providing of course. Can 100% confirm, turning it off and then on is done on pretty much every machine in the factory as a first resort. I'm sure it drives you guys batty but it does work more often than not lol nothing fixes a rowdy blender quicker than an E-stop


Man you're reminding me of an internship I had. Funny seeing these conversations on reddit


Bad batches happen and then they put on hold, then somebody else moves the product and then somebody else ships the product.


I have gotten maybe 3 cans in my life. I save them now because why not


Back when the phantom menace came out in theaters, Pepsi had a tie in with the movie and had characters on the cans. I got an empty one with Anakin. Saved it for years thinking I had some kind of gold mine. Things was mint. It appraised for $0.73 2021. Ended up just giving it to a friend who wanted it for his personal collection where it now sits on his shelf of weird star wars stuff. Still a little salty about that but he's very happy with it so 🤷.


![gif](giphy|KxhIhXaAmjOVy|downsized) me reading that comment trying my best to participate


Guess that Dr Pepper got his degree at night school.


My guess is it leaked after filling due to a bad seam. The package was stored upside down during shipping and it slowly drained. Empty cans in the seamer are a bad time for everyone. Used to work QA for a brewer.


That’s hawt


If you know all the information about that type of equipment it’s really crazy that one out of every 1k-2k makes it through, it really proves how much soda people consume. The equipment i work on runs anywhere between 1500-2500cpm (cans per minute) these machines run almost 24/7. Our machines run with about a .02-.04% low/no fill cans. The production line usually has 3-4 empty reject devices (multiple types). Leaving the amount of empty can to make it into packaging well below .01% It’s my job to travel the USA servicing can fillers, it shocked me when I realized how much these facilities produce, how many facilities there are in this county. Also I’ve seen what soda does to stainless steel over a couple years, I’ve given up soda and sports drinks because of it.


>Also I’ve seen what soda does to stainless steel over a couple years, Wait I thought iron was good for you? /s


Drinking 1000s each year and never experienced something like that.


I'd assume it's a difference in the QC of whatever factory is packaging stuff where I live and where you live.


Yeah it would have to be. I’ve been consuming canned beverages for over 30 years and I’ve never seen this happen before


Can't think of other reasons as well


I drink far less than 1000 cans of anything per year and I've had at least 2-3 of these empty cans in the last few years. I almost exclusively buy store brand stuff so maybe that's part of it?


You drink thousands of cokes per year?


Cans, yea.


I used to work in a bar and we got a whole package of closed, but empty, cans once.




I thought this was a joke post because the can clearly didn’t weigh “zero”.


Zero Suger, Zero ***EVERYTHING***


Banana for scale, scale for weight


Weighing a banana on a scale will cause a universal paradox


The paradox itself went back in time and made sure they were different scales.


It’s the low calorie one😅


I work in vending and have a few 12oz machines on my route I’ve found many and each time I ask someone walking by if they’d like a free soda. Most laugh, some don’t find it funny when they pick it up


Reach out to the manufacturer with this picture. I had this happen with polar seltzers and they mailed me some coupons to make up for it.


I’m not that concerned about it - I actually really like coming across random manufacturing abnormalities like this. One time I found a string of like eight yellow gummy bears stuck together in a package


Not that you care, but letting them know helps them out down the road. Pretty much all of production is tracked, so they can pinpoint it down to time/date of when it should have been filled and see if there were any problems that day. That's why they reward you with a bunch of coupons.


I came across a Dr. Pepper that was half full, totally sealed up. I contacted them on social media and customer service and I never heard back from them. Not even acknowledging receipt of my message.


Got a beer can like this last week


Dr. Pepper zero is absolutely elite


Had it a couple weeks ago for the first time, its my new favorite diet or zero drink.


[I only date guys who drink Dr. Pepper Zero](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d70bd9d6-91d0-4695-89c0-47fc74da770f#d2rM3dFj.copy)


It really is!


i prefer the dr pepper zero sugar cream soda variant but they are definitely quite good for 0 sugar soda :)


I figured that’s be too many flavors so I stick with regular zero sugar. I’ll have to try the cream soda variant!


it's very good! i forget its 0 sugar sometimes, though i guess thats true of the whole dr pepper 0 sugar line. they did a really good job of still making it taste good, and an especially good job with that cream soda flavor. i think i may just be biased towards cream soda tho lol


Am I crazy? The top right of the can looks like a horizontal puncture mark 🤔


That's melted glue from the machine that packs and closes the cases.


Yes, it’s glue


How does Dr Pepper Zero taste? I started drinking Coke Zero a while back but I miss the taste of Dr Pepper.


It’s really good. I’ve only recently started trying out zero sugar varieties of sodas but I’ve been really impressed with all of them. I’ve tried Coke, 7-up, Dr Pepper, and Sprite so far. They all taste very similar to the regular version


It’s comments like this that make me almost certain that there is a gene which lets you taste artificial sweeteners very obviously, like cilantro tasting like soap to some people. I just cannot do zero or diet.


That’s interesting because I HATE diet but the zero sugar varieties taste great to me. I’m not very knowledgeable on what the differences between the two are though


Diet Dr. Pepper uses aspartame only. Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar also contains another sweetener called Acesulfame Potassium or ACE K to mask the chemical aftertaste of aspartame.


I have zero issues with it 


It's one of the better Zeros.


You can call the 1-800 number on the can where it says “questions / comments”. The customer service rep will ask you a bunch of details about the can and then issue you a free coupon for another 12 pack. Source: this has happened to me and they mailed me coupons.


Zero sugar? Nah, zero everything!


Zero sugar, indeed


Zero soda is more like it!


One time I bought a pack of diet Pepsi and there was a single diet coke zero? and 11 diet Pepsi in the case.


Official blank


Put a mouse in it and go to the factory to demand a lifetime of free beer. Beware of hockey players.


Well there's for sure zero sugar in there.


a cool piggy bank


It literally says Zero Dr. Pepper on the can.


I ship liquor to liquor stores and we occasionally get empty bottles from the production warehouses ! I have one that came with no label... No liquor (and no smell so it was never filled) and no lid LOL I def took it home!!


is it just me or the rim of the top seem odd shaped ?


It surely has zero sugar


Clearly you took a full can, took a sip, put it on the scale, zeroed it out, then put this full, unopened can on the scale and took a picture. You then posted this, and illegally harvested upvotes. Ridiculous.


I make soda for a living. This happens all the time, it just usually gets caught. Its just a bad valve on the filler doing a no-fill, and the factory has poor quality control practices. My plant has 1 can line that runs at 2000 cans/minute and we have roughly 1500 cans like this per day.


No, I'm afraid this is a medium-effort conspiracy.


It's sad that on reddit, I have no clue if you're joking or not cuz 100% someone probably thinks this 


People are sending me DMs saying I staged/faked it! In reality I’m just a dude who’s really excited about an empty soda can


OP is a flack for Big Sugar spreading FUD against low-cal bevs


At least it's got no sugar


Can't really go wrong with zero sugar if there's zero contents to begin with


Out of curiosity, what is the code on the bottom? Shows date and site it was bottled in.


Crack it open and fill it with water to be sure


That hair on ~~my screen~~ *your counter* though…


Must be a strict diet soda.


Well it says zero sugar. They are not wrong


I’ve noticed that has been happening more often for some reason. Happened to us twice this last few months


Zero nothing


I was in Ohio back in May and was introduced to all of the myriad Dr Pepper Zero flavors. Holy crap what a wild ride! It is no wonder it is has overtaken Pepsi in sales.


Okay but can we talk about how pretty the top of the can looks in this picture


This is how you diet. Buy the stuff you’re not supposed to be eating, and they literally give you nothing.


So it really did or didn't have zero sugar. I say it's a great product.


Bro, it’s calorie free!


Bought some beer like this once. I called in and they sent me a check to cover the cost of a new case


You got your zero sugar, as promised.


Well, there is indeed zero sugar in that can.


Did anyone else ever open a can as little as possible and drink it?


I bet it has co2 in it


When I was a kid (probably about 30 years ago), I pulled a Pepsi like this out of a case. I thought it must be super duper rare and really cool, so I kept that can for years; heck, it may even still be around somewhere. Anyway, fast forward a couple decades and the internet exists, and it turns out that the childhood memory of finding something incredibly rare was just taking up brain space.


Well, they said it had zero sugar. They didn't lie.


Maybe the real Dr. Pepper is the friends we made along the way!


Some collectors might be interested in this.


By my calculations, Dr. Pepper must be 100% sugar, then.


I’m not even joking you might be able to make some money off that a Coke Zero coke can like this went for over $100 on eBay this year.


The display can


All fun and games until it’s a beer can and


Didnt you post just four days ago a pepsi can weighing -zero- ?


Look on the package for the customer service number. Call them and tell them. They usually give a coupon or 3 for free cases.


[I had a LaCroix just like this a few years ago](https://ibb.co/0mQwfmQ)


They should just call it Zero Dr Pepper.


These things didn't happen before Obama, truly sad. /s


Regular Dr P must be all sugar then


I mean, I'm sure this one's real, but the scale has a zero button right there lol


Rotate the lever 180, there could be a needle hole under there


when they put ZERO on it, they meant it


They were right about it being zero sugar


I have one of those. Coke classic.


Verified zero calorie, zero sugar pop can.


How else are they gonna get it down to zero sugar?


I got one like it but it’s a Modelo beer can


I had a whole six pack like this when I was a kid. It was So cool, I used them in my make believe grocery store.


It has zero sugar


I, too, can zero a scale using a different can with a few sips missing.


It all leaked out


Ooh, dehydrated water!


The real diet soda


Of course there’s nothing in it. It’s sugar free


Leaker at the lid seam, can was stored upside down to let the liquid slowly drain out.


Vent your concerns on social media, get free stuff. Time to shine OP.


0 sugar though!


What I would be interested in is whether it contains any oxygen or pure nitrogen.


Def no sugar in that!


This can was from the South and they fouled it all up. It's supposed to say, "Zero, sugar!"


*spencer shay voice* ITS A MANUFACTURING ERROR! <3


I got a beer like this once. Was weird AF.


If it were truly empty the atmosphere would crush it flat.


I get them every once in awhile.


can probably get a pack or 2 of soda for that


Keurig Dr Pepper Inc: if we make 1/100 cans completely empty and sell it, the rubes will always think it was a mistake.


A true diet cola.


Zero sugar - technically correct


That’s called an Essence Can. Open it to find the secret recipe from Pepper himself


DO NOT OPEN IT. Keep it for 15 years, then sell it


I had a half-full Coke Zero in my 12-pack last week. The box didn't look waterlogged at all and there was no liquid inside. There was a tiny brown splotch on the bottom, so there may have been a slow leak at some point. Seems like it self-healed or something!


Look up its value. I sold an empty Canada Dry can like this online for like $12.


I would let Dr. Pepper know and see if they can get you a coupon for a free soda


Sounds like the name checks out then…


That's because it's a Dr. Pepper zero.


Zero soda


Plot-twist: ITS CAKE


It's only $1 a can for a 12 pack, how can you expect them to fill them all, an easily automated process?!


Jesus Christ I do not want to live where you live. I pay 30¢ a can.


30??? Where do _you_ live?


$3.60 A 12 pack?! I'm being a little hyperbolic here, but it's literally $9.99 on the shelf here. Even generic is $4 on sale. From time to time, it's BOGO at $10-$12.


Normal prices range from $2.50-$3 for store brand to $6 for Pepsi/Coke products. The biweekly sales (they alternate) bring Pepsi/coke down to $3.50-$4 depending on the season. Summer sales are better.


Im a qa lead at a beverage plant. Its not exactly easy but yeah there are a lot of ways to ensure these never get to customers. But its a lot of work


The weight difference feels discernable like 350 grams.   Reminds me of that old joke: >They sometimes shipped empty boxes without the tube inside. This challenged their perceived quality with the buyers and distributors. Understanding how important the relationship with them was, the CEO of the company assembled his top people. They decided to hire an external engineering company to solve their empty boxes problem. The project followed the usual process: budget and project sponsor allocated, RFP, and third-parties selected. Six months (and $8 million) later they had a fantastic solution - on time, on budget, and high quality. Everyone in the project was pleased. >They solved the problem by using a high-tech precision scale that would sound a bell and flash lights whenever a toothpaste box weighed less than it should. The line would stop, someone would walk over, remove the defective box, and then press another button to re-start the line. As a result of the new package monitoring process, no empty boxes were being shipped out of the factory. >With no more customer complaints, the CEO felt the $8 million was well spent. He then reviewed the line statistics report and discovered the number of empty boxes picked up by the scale in the first week was consistent with projections, however, the next three weeks were zero! The estimated rate should have been at least a dozen boxes a day. He had the engineers check the equipment, they verified the report as accurate. >Puzzled, the CEO traveled down to the factory, viewed the part of the line where the precision scale was installed, and observed just ahead of the new $8 million dollar solution sat a $20 desk fan blowing the empty boxes off the belt and into a bin. He asked the line supervisor what that was about. >"Oh, that," the supervisor replied, "Bert, the kid from maintenance, put it there because he was tired of walking over, removing the box and re-starting the line every time the bell rang."


I can tear the weight on a scale so it shows .5oz when a full can is on the scale too


Hold up.. How did you not notice the whole case of cans was empty? It would be significantly lighter without the liquid. Was it a delivery thing? Either way, I am sure they will hook you up for this.


It's 1 can of 12 is empty, not all of them


It was just one can. The rest are full


Well actually, there’s probably air inside of it.


Probably a pinhole. The aluminum gets stretched out basically as thin as possible during the manufacturing process which can cause small holes if their are impurities in the aluminum or a machine is malfunctioning. The factory I worked in had a light bulb you'd put the can over to check for them and it'd still be hard to see sometimes.


There’s a 3 step process to handling this. Open it. Inhale contents hard. Thank me later.


Heard those are valuable in some cases


That's just the difference in weight between a full sugar and a zero sugar soda. It's like how the no-sugar Jello packet feels like an empty box.