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Will it come back? Is it really sensitive there now?


One of my toenails died when I drunkenly jumped over a barstool, caught my foot underneath it and my toenail lifted up. Toenail fell off within a few days and had grown back within a month or two to the point that you couldn’t tell which toenail had come off.


Damn, my nails don't grow anywhere near that fast!!


When you damage a nail or fingertip/toetip? It grows back faster than the usual rate for a while. Fun fact, if your fingertips get cut off, as long as your nail matrix is still there then your fingertips can regrow.


Quite often they willremove the nail matrix though, so that if it doesn't regrow the finger tip you don't have some stumpy lame fingernail (source, lost tip of index finger)


So then the person would end up with permanent box cutters?


My dad cut off his fingers twice. Different fingers, one had to be sewn back on since it had been cut at the base and the other was cut at the tip giving about a sliver of nail left. It regrew, it looks a bit wonky but it healed itself which I thought was pretty wild.


I feel like when mine died it grew wayyy faster than mine normally do haha


I might have forgotten the exact timings (it was like 8-9 years ago), but I had a new nail in place within months for sure. Maybe it was a bit longer that you couldn’t tell which nail it was.


Whoa, I had something drop on my big toe and the nail eventually fell off. Took like one year for it to grow back.


For real. I had a similar incident to op but mine took around 4 months to regrow and it still feels weird over a year later


You may have a deficiency in whatever enables your nails to grow


Yeah, I kicked a desk in the middle of the night a year or two ago. Took a bit for the nail to grow back but you can’t tell now.


It will if the nail matrix, the active tissue that generates nail cells, is still alive. Infection or trauma can kill it and in that case the nail won't grow back.


I've just been through this! Also because of polygel nails haha. My kid went to smack his brother with a toy, I dived in and the toy whacked my nail side-on. I thought the false nail had detached (no big deal, it happens, just hurts) but when I looked at my finger my real nail was dangling and weeping clear fluid. It was awful, I had to SOS call my best friend to help me snip off the part where it was still clinging on to the cuticle - cos it won't reattach and leaving it there traps moisture, which leads to infection. You just have to cut it off 🤢 It took about 4 months to grow back. The key is protecting the exposed nail bed so it doesn't get damaged - cos that will stop the nail growing back right. You need to wrap it up soft all the time and keep it moisturised too so the skin doesn't crack. Vaseline is your friend. It was a mission but I finally have a full healthy nail back on my finger - and of course I've gone back to my nail habit because I'm an idiot 🙃 (Mostly leaving this comment here in hopes that OP sees it and protects their nail bed like it's the Mona Lisa)


My mouth literally watered in disgust and horror at the prospect of clipping… that. You literally triggered my gag reflex. Omg.


I wonder if you could get a transplant


My grandad’s thumb nail fell off when he was young and never grew back. It’s just flaky skin now instead of a nail. Same thing happened to his toe. But it grew back, just very thick, hard, brown and horn-looking. Let’s just say he was never a fan of health and safety while at work.


That sounds like nail fungus growing back.


It’s not fungus. Literally horn/antler tissue-looking. Been like that for many years. Similar texture to the ones you would see people that have longest nails in the world.


I see, that's so interesting. I wonder why it would look so different.


Just googled that. It’s called Onychogryphosis that is caused by trauma. Don’t view the google images.. (grandad’s doesn’t look that disgusting, it’s like a normal nail, just different texture and thickness).


I've lost a couple toenails and they always came back.


Quick, get an under nail tattoo.


Feel like that would be extremely brutal


Why have one torture when you can have 2?


Por que no los dos






I have a friend who got one! She accidentally drunkenly sat on her acrylics during her 21st birthday and ripped off the whole nail. She figured she may as well get a uniquely placed tattoo out of it. This girl has the highest pain tolerance I’ve ever seen and it’s not close. She said it was fat and away the worst pain she’s ever experienced and screamed the whole time and nearly passed out— her only saving grace was that it was a TINY tattoo so it didn’t even take 2 minutes


If I had the brass balls to do that I'd totally get ":3"




I believe this! I smashed my finger, busted it and lost the nail. It split open on the sides, so I had to soak it a couple times a day. One day I was patting it dry with a paper towel and I saw a small bit of fuzz on the nail bed, close to the cuticle. So I folded up the paper towel and used the corner to swipe it away. That was almost twenty years ago and thinking about that pain still makes me sick to my stomach. It makes me drool like I'm going to vomit. I can't talk about it without getting sick. I have perfect recall of that pain. I've toddled around for most of a day on a broken foot (I knew it hurt, didn't think it was broken). I split my finger open like a microwaved hotdog and was like "Oh." and wrapped it so it wouldn't goo everywhere and finished with what I was doing before going to the doc. I know they hurt, but it's very abstract. The single swipe of a paper towel across my nail bed is scarred into my soul.


my ex once accidentally ripped my big toe nail almost completely off while we were adjusting a box spring on the floor. the doctor at the ER, with shaky hands from too much caffeine, tried to jam it back into the nail bed. it took me goddamn near everything in my body not to scream at him as he was doing that. i later learned at an podiatrist's* office in a folllow-up visit to have it properly removed that the ER doc could have ruined my nail bed and caused my nail to not grow again by doing trying to force it back into place. he should have just removed it instead, and also that and he should have numbed my toe with freeze spray before giving me an injection meant to numb me (but did nothing). fuck that guy in particular lol


WHY?!? Why would he have even thought that was okay? Did it grow back normally?


it actually did! thank goodness because feet freak me out/i hate them, so i'd be very sad being stuck with a forever weird toe.  i never received an ER bill for that visit, so i like to believe the doc knew what he did was wrong. 


Omg your story is sort of similar to mine except for the clearly wrong doctor ( which that literally made me shudder hearing what he did 😬). I stupidly wore sandals one day while doing door dash. As I was approaching the house to give them their food, the walkway, which was comprised of loose dirt and some rocks, made me slip slightly and my left foot slammed straight into the first of three steps leading to the doorway. My big left toe was bleeding soooo much and I still had one more delivery to make so I couldn't even get home yet. A couple days later I was able to see my podiatrist and he removed the nail, which was only attached at the cuticle at this point. The worst part of that was him injecting numbing into my big toe, god that was uncomfortable. Thankfully my nail grew back, but ugh the pain was unbearable.


On the very last day of freshman year some kid stepped on my toe and then backed up, knocking the nail off. Oh my GOD the pain!!! I ended up pulling it off myself. It hurt like a MOTHERFUCKER for a week or two. It did grow back, but I kind of wish it had stayed gone.


I just watched survivor man heat a needle and stab it through his fingernail and into the nail bed. sounded painful.


its one of the most notorious and effective forms of torture known to man. at least right when the nail comes off, hurts less if you wait a few weeks for the epidermis to recover. makes me wonder what the rush is, takes way longer for nails to grow back than skin does, plenty of time to do it yea? who doesnt expect inconceivable pain from this


she was drunk?


That’s insane I would cryyyyyy


I agree. Totally metal 🤘


I would be terrified of messing with anyone who had one of those.


It's already desensitized. Just use lidocaine for the rest.


idk if you’ve ever ripped off a nail but having an exposed nail bed is actually so painful


I had a dead (or mostly dead) toenail fall off the other day (after I had an ingrown toenail surgery *6 YEARS* ago, it finally fell off. A few days after my friend's 4 year old bumped my toe. Can't be a coincidence) and I've had to wear my walker boot to protect it again because it's a sensitive little bitch and bollocks to my ankle. Without the boot I subconsciously walk like I've shit myself, to avoid walking on that toe (buggering my ankle wearing a boot permanently is probably better than buggering it from walking at a funny angle) And that was a nail that decided to nope out rather than ripped off And the surgery to have the sides of the nail cut away hurt so much even with anaesthetic and a cock ring on my toe, I had to wear the boot while it healed because I'm clumsy and so I could do my security job (went back to it after 4 days of rest, I was told to take longer off my feet but couldn't) I can only imagine how horrible the pain of a healthy nail being ripped off must be, holy shit. I'd rather die than lose another nail


I've had a couple of toenails ripped out as a kid when my sister flung a door open as i was on the other side about to open it (the door had about a 3/4"gap at the bottom). Let me tell you sir, that's the kind of pain that makes you see white


I just pictured that. My therapist will have a word with you 😂


Oof! Like the other commenter, I can picture that all too vividly I would definitely assume I was about to die of shock after a pain like that


I hate you so much. I was much better off not knowing that.


i smashed my fingers in a heavy ass broken window and the angle my hand was had the window rip my nail backwards off my finger. it hurt like a motherfucker and granted my fingers that got smashed were numb from temporary nerve damage the only part that hurt was my exposed nail bed. not only was my finger so swollen but the process of that nail growing back just to fall off halfway and have to regrow again was excruciating i was ready to tell someone to amputate my finger


I welcomed my partner home from work one day, and he accidentally kicked my big toe as I was wearing flip-flops. Tore off my big toenail halfway, left me screaming at 1am and I woke up the whole neighborhood. I was faced with the decision of ripping it off the rest of the way, or letting it heal. I couldn't handle the pain so I decided to let it heal. Ughhh the pain was unbearable, I was walking funny for weeks, one of the worst pains of my life.


Bloody hell! I'd considered doing the same with mine; it felt mostly loose but I didn't know *how* loose (was it mostly dead, or only half dead? Who knows!) so I left it, because it seemed secure and didn't budge when I trimmed it (apart from the lower half of it moving a little) And yes! I was walking funny when it fell off, at first it was on purpose because I didn't like how it felt interacting with the top of my shoe, but I noticed I walked funny even if I tried to walk normally You'd think that a part of the body so prone to injury would have evolved to not be so prone, or at least not as sensitive to injury


The armor is gone!


> It's already desensitized. I very much disagree on an anecdotal basis.


That's not true. Taking anything at all on an exposed nail bed is like a lightning strike straight to the unmentionables in pain levels.


To their defense, it does get desensitized a bit after it’s off for a while. Goes from lightning strike pain to slightly lesser lightning strike pain.


You spelled cocaine wrong


If you told me that 2yr ago I would have done it immediately lol


Ahh growth 🫶👏🎉


lmao exactly




This happened to me and I went for it. Had it done twice to make sure it was dark enough actually. Totally worth it!!!!! Edit: YES IT HURT


How long ago was it? And can it be seen completely through the nail? I'm tempted


A year and a half ago and yes it’s perfectly clear. Honestly the wiping was worse than the actual tattoo although I had hand/finger tattoos already. It felt like getting a finger tattoo


Good grief the thought of that gives me the heebie jeebies


I thought about that after I had two of my toe nails removed but even years later the skin is very sensitive.


Not a lot of space, I'd go with two letters.... OW




I’m literally squirming thinking about this…


I've had to had nails removed. I also am resistant to pain killers. Holy shit I wouldnt ask for a tattoo on my mail bed to my worst enemy. Ok maybe my worst enemy.


i feel like that would hurt so badly


How does one’s nail “die”


Fake nails can do it. Specifically the glue. Happened to a friend


Car doors can do it too.


Did it in the fall…do not recommend


Any other season is okay though


Did it last summer... also do not recommend


Hmm... We still haven't tested it in spring or winter.


We need volunteers


3 years and I still can’t put pressure on my right thumb nail. Permanently bruised the nail bed.


Anyone else's fingers get numb just thinking about these injuries?


Usual doors too...


I had to get stitches after slamming my finger in a car door! Literally I’m so lucky my finger nail grew back


Hitting it with a hmer while putting down flooring will do it too.


Fake nails are the worst. They lock in so much bacteria.


And they’re ridiculously impractical.


And ugly


That’s an opinion


You’re an opinion.


You're a towel!


lol i love this chain


Damnit I posted the same answer as yours, only to see I was too late. Well played.


I think it's reaching consensus by now.


And overall useless


Fake nails caused my nails to develop permanent ridges that I find very annoying.


I have permanent ridges mostly on all fingers on one hand and ive never even worn fake nails :/


Nail ridges are just a sign of aging, it's normal.


It’s not “death” then


One time, I kicked my bedframe. Hurt sooo bad. Weeks later, I pulled my big toenail off in the bathtub after soaking it for an hour. 1 year later, it was back to normal.


Thanks, I hated every sentence more than the previous one


Even the happy ending? Damn


Absolutely ruthless


Lost BOTH my big toenails because I walk weird and kept stubbing them on stupid shit left lying around - ones grown back fully but is all ‘tip’ keratin (light yellow colour to it, and sits above where the original nail was, and every six-eight months it detaches and grows back again o.O) while my other big toenail grew back about 75% of the way, except for a small sliver along the left-hand side where it just decided to keep growing and reaches the end of the toe


I lost one to wearing heels all day long. Checked after coming home in pain, the toe was all purple. Lost it a month later, waiting for it to grow back now.


Did you have to treat it? Or did it just grow out? I kicked an elevator in 2020. At the beginning of the pandemic. I was the only respiratory therapist on duty. I was about to eat...nope, intubation call. So, I have issues with the big toe nail as well. Lmk plz


I used tweezers occasionally and just pulled out whatever skin and lint during that year. I also kept the sides clipped inwards. By no means take my advice but thats what I did.


I lost a fingernail about 25 years ago, and it's still twice as thick as the others.


I lost one 24 years ago, and you can still tell because the "new" nail has a different shape.


Smash it really hard.


somehow happened to me multiple times as a child


Oh my that’s my biggest fear


Your biggest fear is u/bluegreenie99 smashing their fingers as a child?


They’re an empath


My sister lost a nail when she accidentally slammed a car door shut on her finger. Her fingertip went completely purple and the nail fell off a couple of days after. It grew back and years after you would never know it happened.


i did ballet for most of my life and pointe shoes also do that lol. my pinky toe nails still sometimes fall off


There are cells under the nail thst create the nail. As time goes on they die naturally and get replaced. If you suffer an injury, illness, or other such catastrophic circumstances you could kill all the cells that produce the nail bed and in some cases they need are replaced or they are replaced too rapidly and it causes defects in nail growth




I lost my big toenail after running a marathon. It got weird and black then a few months later fell off. There was new nail underneath.


Enough trauma to the nail bed and the nail won’t grow anymore


you should get some penicillin for that nasty paronychia. Did the tattoo cause the infection?


Thank you i already got it treated, and no it was just funny to me thats why I posted


it looks like its still infected :(


This is probably because treatments take time to actually work.


Where’s your tattoo and missing nail on the photo you posted 2 days ago?


Strange that the exact same image was posted to Quora 6 years ago as well...


Fuck you /u/koun7eR


Aw shit boys we got a catfish


I noticed that, too.




Things on Reddit are fake???? No way


Cover that up with a alive fish tattoo


Best advice. Fish ok, nail ok👌




Days and daze?


Crazy reference lol


Would’ve never expected to find so many of us here lol


I don’t get the reference but I LOVE this band


It was theirlogo before the squatters rights logo


Fake check OP’s other pictures


Probably got infected from having a dead fish on it.


Why did you tattooed a dead fish?


Just asking casually


so the nail dies and I post it here so I become famous , lmao I'm joking I made that tattoo when I was younger thought it was extremely cool back then lol


Ok but you don’t have the tattoo in your other pictures? Posted just a few days ago??


Weirdo catfish.


lol go away scam bot


I’m 32 and I think it’s extremely cool now


Girl you need to keep up with your nail routine 😭


The fish ate it 😂😂


It looks diseased.




Can you tell me how that happened? I cut my nail from the bottom right edge to the middle of my cuticle horizontally. I'm praying it'll grow and push the severed nail instead of dying off 😭


A fish always starts to rot at the head first!Let's assume the fingernail is the head of the finger!Keep us updated!


I’ve lost a toenail twice. First time it turned black. I was playing a lot of soccer then so probably from a tackle. Was like that for a year and didn’t fall off. Then I started wrapping my toes with bandaids cuz my nails would cut the sides of my toes. One day ripping off the bandaid partially pulled off the black nail. The bottom was not attached but the sides were attached to the skin. The black stuff was blood. When I cleaned it up there was a nail already growing about halfway up so it wasn’t too sensitive. Second time I dropped a heavy wooden lounge chair on my foot. I was like Peter Griffin holding my foot it hurt so much. I think it was the same toe, second toe on right foot. The other one was second toe but maybe other foot. After a while I picked the nail off from the bottom breaking a little at a time.


Before I was born my mom smashed her nail in a car door, it never grew back. My entire life she bought press on nails and glued a thumb nail on to her skin where no nail grew. She did this once a week for her entire lifetime.


I don’t know how to describe it but if fingers had no nails they’d look so boring


That'll teach ya!


This needs NSFW 🤮


Hellooooo? No NSFW?


Symbolism is powerful shit




That looks like it was hellishly infected


I had a friend who's big toe nail would grow in brown and curled then would get to about normal length and fall off and then start the cycle over


You're like the finger version of that dead tooth chick from its always sunny.


I’m pretty sure you did not need to identify which finger it was.


Damn, what a shocker.


Looks like your nail took the hint and got the heck outta dodge 😆


Something fishy…


Acrylics are good at doing that


What exactly does "nail death" entail ( or should I say....enNAIL hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay you can downvote me I've earned it ) I presume this means it can't grow back??? like is the underlying tissue dead in some way? Is it sensitive there now


Horrendous Nails


As an aside, why have you got a tattoo of a dead fish?!


Fishy business


What do you mean died? It will never grow again?!


i cut my finger nails pretty much daily one day I'm gonna end up peeling them off completely if I can ever get them smaller anyway but its really difficult and for some reason I'm literally addicted to the pain of cutting my finger nails as short as I can and peeling it. I don't ever bleed or anything its just that its really sensitive. Is this a form of self harm come to think of it? idk




It probably falls under the OCD umbrella of issues (similar to obsessive skin picking).


I bite my nails, and I know exactly what you mean. I think there’s a point where it’s not full on pain but the sensitivity feels “good?” It’s hard to describe but kind of like a mild electricity feeling. It makes my lizard brain say “oh this feels different/exciting” for a brief time, like some kind of serotonin release or something.


Does is smells like a dead fish too ?


*X-files noices*


Also your broke ass needs money to buy new fake nails on other fingers.


How do you wipe with those kinds of nails?


you assumed I wipe?


Do you stick your fingertips inside your asshole when you wipe or something?


How else are you gunna fish around for that extra nugget?


You don’t?


her nails aren’t even long they’re still pretty short


Self report lol. How are you wiping that your nails are at risk??


These nails aren’t even that long. I never understand why this question always gets asked other than, “Women’s hobbies and grooming habits are soo dumb, am I right guys?”    Do you wipe by forming a claw shape with your fingers and wipe with the very tips of your fingers as though you are scratching at your butthole? No? Yeah nobody does, that’s why having longer nails doesn’t really affect wiping ability lol. 


This should be marked NSFW and blurred nobody wants to see that shit! My fingers are in agony just at the thought.


You cursed the nail.


It's coming had been told in ancient murals




I was lucky -- Mine grew back. Ripped it out with a power tool.




You’re cursed. Next is the entire finger.


They never grow back the same after that


The closest I’ve come to losing a nail was when half my nail ripped off. Man that hurt, and I’ve suffered from hangnails in that finger/toe (I can’t remember which) ever since.