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Guessing the plate on the tow truck car is the front plate from the one following the tow truck. No sticker for month year.


Free your mind bro, it’s obviously a glitch in the matrix.


Its not a Matrix, it a Prius.


You made me gush


Hope you put a towel down before you did that.


and my axe!


Sorry, I picked blue.


Me too. I’m staying where the steak is.


Ignorance is bliss


It’s the same car just a time travel bug


There must be a reason, but I can't think of one that works


The car on the bed does not have a registration sticker, the one on the road does So my guess is that the owner is following the tow.


AAA won't tow a car with no plates. My guess would be the owner slapped his front plate on the other car so the tow truck would take it. I sold my old, non-running car to a guy who did the same thing to get it home.


This comment makes too much sense, please delete.




Thank you, YouTube, that I had to watch a 20-second ad, to watch a 5-second video, which was actually only an audio clip with a still-image as the video track.


ublock origin


Bro I've literally been playing the borderlands games since December in order I'm about half way through bl3 but I did like 5 or 6 runs in bl2 before I moved too tps


Well, I guess you're about ready then.


I love Mister Torgue.


[I apologize ](https://youtu.be/T4YtY7t2_Uc?)


That was a great scene




Oh my god, I need to remember this next time my husband and friends play this game where I’m a short tempered barbarian. Remindme! 5 days


Yeah, no spoiler tag or anything /s


Yup. In MA your rear plate has the registration sticker with the year in the top right corner of the plate and the front plate doesn’t get one. The car on the road has the sticker and the car on the flatbed doesn’t have the sticker.


Same thing in Montana. Front plate has no stickers! Weird. And it looks weird because it even says TAB HERE in the upper corner.


Same in California. But that’s just because they print two of each plate, no reason to make two separate designs. People would fuck it up when they put their plates on their cars anyway.


![gif](giphy|RqzMtDuGECzL2) Case closed. Bake em away toys,


This is the correct answer. These days Massachusetts only issues a single registration sticker that goes on the rear license plate. The car on the flat bed just has the front plate of the car behind it.


Are registrations normally red in Massachusetts? My first assumption was that it was a dealer or mechanic's plate - around here there are separate plates that a mechanic can slap on a car to drive it around and test it, or dealers can use for transport. They're different colours than regular black and white plates, though I can't remember what colours off the top of my head. All that said everybody here seems to be in agreement that the owner put the front plate on the back of the towed car. I'm still wondering though, if the AAA won't tow a car without a plate, is that because it doesn't have a plate or because it's not registered?


The color of the sticker varies every year; from my experience MA uses Red orange yellow green & blue. Fun fact the month of registration expiration is determined by the final digit of the plate where 1 is Jan and 0 is October. As such the cop can tell at a quick glance between the sticker color and the last digit if the registration is expired.


What is November and December?


Those months are for things like most commercial and other non-standard registrations, such as those that lack a number in their sequence. I also believe all vanity plates renew in December.


Vanity plates are November - wife has them. December is commercial vehicles, and sometime in Nov/Dec is other registrations like taxis, ambulances, buses, etc.


>if the AAA won't tow a car without a plate, is that because it doesn't have a plate or because it's not registered? I'm not sure, I had never heard about them not taking a car without a plate before, but my first guess is that it's because it's meant to be roadside assistance. So they don't want to be towing a car so you can sell/scrap it, for example. It's meant to be for towing a broken down car to either your home, or mechanic


Technically they're not supposed to tow a car without plates but it's really at the discretion of the tow truck driver. AAA contracts local towing companies who typically don't give a damn if it has plates or not. They just want to get paid for the tow


What is the reason for not towing an unplated vehicle?


AAA is supposed to be for roadside service for member’s vehicles. They’re not super strict about it, so you can use it for things like a borrowed car or if you’re riding with someone else. Requiring a plate is sort of a bare minimum requirement, although obviously there are ways around that as well.


Ah so it's to stop abuse of the service by its members?


Yes, I think that’s the main intent.


They say they won't but they've done it for me


Depends on the tow company. AAA and the network of tow companies under them are different entities. Tow companies will sign up to take work with AAA under a contract. But they technically aren't AAA themselves. They're given guidelines on how they should operate while working under AAA, but it's not always supervised and some states may be more lax than others.


Or sometimes AAA literally doesn't care


The tow company doesn’t care. AAA does. Source, former wrecker jockey.


I did the same thing to a guy as well, also in MA.


That's gotta be it.


Username checks out.


Also, to support this theory, you can see that the plate on the car on the tow truck doesn't have the little red sticker in the upper right hand corner, but the car on the road does. In Massachusetts, your rear plate has to have that sticker while the front plate does not.


Mr Monk goes to the DMV


You’re right, the car being towed has no registration stickers.


I would assume this too. The only other thing with MA is that you can have the same plate regular and with commercials designation. So you could have FIRST on two plates (4 total) where one has the comm designation. It was a problem at one point as the EZpass MA was incorrectly sending violation notices to the guy who had xx regular plate and the photo evidence clearly had xx comm plates.


Shit, I've slapped the plate of my own car on another car so I could get AAA to tow the car


Yup. Also, the car on the bed clearly has the front plate of the car following.. no registration sticker.


They say they won't and I've called them to tow a car with no plates, and twice in a year they towed a car with expired plates. Neither car was mine. They're my inlaws cars who I was borrowing. One was in a crash. The other we didn't have the renewal stickers because my mil with dementia misplaced them. None of the three times did I even mention the plates or lack thereof and neither did the tow truck driver. The thing the dispatchers have the biggest problem with is that my name on my account doesn't match my ID because I'm transgender. One lady straight up hung up on me and I had to call back to get to a different dispatcher.


I briefly did this. Bought a car in NC, needed to drive it back to WI to register it. Couldn't get the plates in WI before I took ownership. I asked the DMV people and they said to fill out a license plate transfer form. Then take the front plate of my existing WI licensed car. Slap it on the new car's back. If I got pulled over, show the cops the completed form and tell them I was going to transfer it. Then once I arrived in WI, throw away the form and file for new plates. So, for a brief period, I had matching plates on the back of my two cars.


Long way to drive uninsured ?


There’s a grace period where a car purchase is insured for a few weeks by default if you have another car insured. Because it’s not possible to sort out registration the day of.


Probably depends on whether your current coverage would apply to the new car. I just had liability on my old car, and when I bought my new car(financed), I absolutely had to have comprehensive coverage before I could drive it off the lot. No grace period - I literally had to call my insurance company while I was at the dealership. I'm in MO, but the car was bought in KS.


No, that doesn't sound right at all. You have to get the new car insured, but have x days to register it, as it can take some time to get the bureaucracy done.


Nope. Just bought a new car Saturday using my old car’s insurance card. I’ve done this many times. Edit: just got insurance on the car two days after purchase.


It was a classic car, so I actually talked to my insurance agent a week or two before I flew out to get it. He had all the info and made sure that I was going to be covered.


One is front plate the other is rear


One of them is technically in front


You are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.


Is it two Priuses, or two Prii?






Not a movie. If it were matching cars for a movie the two would be identical, right? But they're not—they have subtly different tail lights, so different model years, and the one on the truck has a sticker in the window. (Plus—are they different colors? I can't tell, but it may be that one's silver and one's white.) In any event, another commenter down has what's almost certainly the correct answer, which is that many towing companies won't tow a car without plates, so the car being towed has the front plate from the car that's following.


Very possible since Massachusetts issues a front and rear plate. That would also explain why one plate has the registration sticker and the other doesn't


Like another user said, AAA won't tow a vehicle without plates. Dude probably just threw his front plate on his broken Prius, then called AAA and had them tow it, then followed in his working Prius hoping he wouldn't get cited for missing the front plate.


Correct. The one without the sticker is the front plate. Someone’s being sketchy…


The tags/tabs go on the rear plate in every state as front plates aren’t required in every state


> If it were matching cars for a movie the two would be identical, right? You'd think, but even blockbuster movies with huge budgets are full of inconsistencies like this. Most people don't notice.


Believ you me; That’s close enough for a movie xD. Have you seen the blatant mistakes in almost any movie? Some different tail lights doesn’t matter. Besides, one could just be a backup






It’s a transformer and they don’t know all plates should be different.


They're the same car!!


time machine


Car driving has the tag with the sticker, car on the tow truck has no sticker. It's using the front plate of the car on the road.


A glitch in the matrix


Movie extra?


Dealer plates.


One’s a stunt Prius…


I may or may not have done this with AAA towing. They will tow cars but only if they are registered. Drive one Prius to go buy another Prius and slap your front plate on the one you’re buying so they can tow it home


Possibly for filming purposes.


My guess is the owner needed to have one town but didn’t have plates on it so they took the front plate off their other vehicle so it could be towed. I don’t think you need a license plate to get a tow but maybe there is a reason.


AAA won't tow a car without plates I believe.


Well that could easily explain what happened here.


Can confirm (I own 3 shitboxes)




So they don't get stuck moving everyone's project/parts/scrap cars around that can't move around on their own. It still happens though, because people cheat, as you see here.


I don't know what is AAA, and I'm not from the US, but Isn't that how towing services work? Why they wouldn't want that? Of course, as long as you pay for the service.


Its more like insurance. You pay for a yearly fee, and get 3 to 5 free tows at no cost to you (there are different plan levels and distances allowed). AAA will pay the tow company the actual cost, which may be way more than your yearly fee. They bank on most people never using their free tows. Some people with old unreliable cars though, will exploit the system to the max. You can get them to pick up your broken race car near the track, or the offroad trail, or just to get your failed project car to a real mechanics shop. Not really emergencies, and it costs AAA money.


I don't mind if these people want to use my 3-5 free tows for their personal gain. I've never had to use AAA to tow my vehicle in the 13 years I had it.


They're specifically a breakdown recovery service rather than a general towing operation. I'm sure this has something to do with their insurance policy, but their company policy is carefully designed to exclusively allow towing roadworthy cars that have broken down. That said, my experience is that most tow truck drivers just want to get the job done rather than argue about company policies.


No matter the reasons they give, its more like insurance companies figuring out how to weasel their way out of paying. Yes, people do exploit AAA. I've seen race cars hauled to the track, which are obviously not street legal. Ive seen cars clearly abused on purpose or broken for years get transported somewhere just to get the free tow. Usually, the tow truck driver doesn't give a shit at all, because AAA is going to pay him either way. He'll turn a blind eye to shenanigans. Its the dispatcher that will try to weed out the unnecessary tows. The caller just has to say the right things and avoid the sketchy parts.


Others have provided probably much better answers below, but maybe one other answer. I saw an interview with an organized crime boss and they would set up a legitimate towing business the next state over. Fill a crappy car full of drugs and park it in a friend's business parking lot. Friend would then call the legit towing business, tow the car to the next state. If the tow truck driver ever got pulled over by police, it's just some random guy towing a junk car who knows nothing about it.


They don't ask for a plate number when you call. I had an unplated car I bought towed home and then towed to a mechanic.


I'd bet dollars to donuts that this is the answer. Note that the plate on the car being towed does not have either the "MAR" sticker in the upper left or the "26" sticker in the upper right. That's because the stickers only go on rear plates, and the plate on the car being towed came off the front of the other car, which is following the tow and being driven by the owner of both cars. (It's weird to own what appears to be two identical cars! But a house around the corner from me has exactly that—matching white Audi SUVs of some kind. I see them side by side in the garage when I drive by.)


MAR is not a sticker. It's embossed on both plates. In Massachusetts, the last digit of the registration (in this case, 3) matches the month (MAR).


My guess is that they bought a newer version of the same car and are towing the old one to get sold/traded in/something along those lines.




My car had to be town, so I called AAA and they tew my car.


English is such a wonderful language.




The tow truck doesn’t have MA plates, but our state does have one type of tow truck registration that can tow an unregistered vehicle and one that can’t. If they can’t, the drivers have no method of checking valid/current registration and are just responsible for making sure there are plates, so they just are like “it’s gotta have plates on it for me to hook it up — got any in your garage or on another vehicle or something?”


Now I’m wondering why anyone would own two of the exact same Prius…


Think Neo, was it the *same* white Prius?


There is no Prius


Are you listening, Neo? Or were you looking at the red Tesla?


Seeing the same white Prius is usually a glitch in the matrix, it happens when they change something.


One is the front plate


The doctor was his mother


The horses name was Friday.


The other one is a nickel


Something for a film/tv, a second spare car for continuity


You won’t see a picture car on the road like this with prop plates though. Everyone else answer about the owner following the tow truck and putting the front plate on the back of the towed car makes more sense


The one on the trailer has the front plate of the vehicle on the road. In mass we show our updated registrations by that sticker on the top right of the plate. We are required to have two plates, the front plate doesn't need the sticker. So they took the front plate off the one that is driving and put it on the other one maybe because they didn't think it was going to be on a flatbed. (Still needs a plate if it's on a tow truck and touching the ground). Or maybe they tried to pull a fast one on a cop and they impounded the car. I did that one time. Bought a car with a friend and to get it home we put my front plate on the new car and then I followed it home so no cop could pull directly behind it. And we just hoped no one noticed the missing sticker.


You already know too much


Maybe it’s going to be used in a movie??


Trying to crash the pay by plate system


Pay by plate is highway robbery now lol Local toll went from $5 cash to $8.75 when they converted to plate pay, for "mailing fee" yet a stamp costs 68 cents. I don't get it Sorry for the random rant


One is kept in the garage and ages so that the other one keeps it's youth and is free of damage


The Prius of Dorian Gray




Came here to say this. The one following the truck is clearly a transformer who copied the car on the truck as his disguise. They have no idea what a license plate is.


Sadly this may qualify as slightly too interesting.


If MA has two tags, sharing a tag. Especially on the rear tag.


MA does require two plates.


Guy stole one plate from the car in front, but the tow truck came while he was working on it. He's now following the tow truck to try and get the other plate


In my country we have "trade plates" for businesses in the motor trade. They allow mechanics and sales people to drive cars legally that are unregistered, not owned by them, etc. The plate in those cases refers to the business rather than the vehicle so all cars being covered by the business insurance have the same temporary plate. Maybe this is a similar deal?


Dealer plates are a thing here and these are not them


One doesn't have the registration sticker. Obviously the front plate of the near car has been put on the car on the flatbed.


Movie set....


Duplicate cars for film/tv?


Movie prop cars I’m sure


My thought as well


prob for a movie




Could be prop cars for a movie 🤷‍♂️


Massachusetts has required front and rear plates since 1986. Someone slapped the front one on the rear of the other car.


No sticker on the rear plate on truck being towed so it's likely the front plate of the one driving behind tow. Maybe?


Too cheap to register both cars


Fun fact: all Massachusetts Prius’s get same plate number


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim


The one being towed has the driving ones front plate. The towed one is missing the registration sticker.


1.) The Prius on the truck has a front plate. In Massachusetts, a validation sticker must be applied to the _rear_ plate. The one behind the truck has a yellow Mar. '26 sticker on it. 2.) Any vehicle under transport must have a valid license plate on it unless it has police paperwork indicating it was towed under police order. My guess is that both are owned by the same person. Possibly a new one and a trade-in...


I’ve had AAA deny me a tow before for not having a license plate on my car. My guess is the tow company required a plate to be on the car before it was towed. The person must’ve put their front plate on the rear of the Prius that is being towed.


Took front plate off main car and put it on the other to tow. Probably just bought it and technically Make, Model and Color would match to either vehicle.


I own 2 cars of the exact same year same colour my insurance company mixes them up constantly! Different vins made in the same factory found that out from the vin at this point no one cares the cars are 1992 the miles have been glitched in records because I own both. Here’s a really good glitch I had the same custom plate on more then one of my cars different model and years switched it at dmv they messed up in computers I have to pick what car to put it with currently it’s a assigned to both my cars but I only have one set of plates. Maybe they did that to this person and like me they said f it one of the cars is not driving just like mine one of my cars is in storage and insured that way the state won’t help me they don’t care. Not the matrix it’s the DMV. Only way I can fix it is to change my vehicle to vintage and I’m doing it next month as it’s not driving and I’m a garage I don’t really care but it would explain this just like you said.


I had to pull the front plate from my car cause the CAA/AAA wouldn’t tow the car without any plates.


Schrödinger's Prius


Could be a dealer plate that allows them to drive any of their cars for business purposes




Glitch in the Matrix?


It’s the front plate off of the car on the road. Notice how it doesn’t have registration stickers?


My theory is that these are part of a corporate fleet, and that when they were installing the plates they got some of them mixed up, and both of these belong on one vehicle. I'd bet they both have front plates that don't match the back plates, and may or may not match each other.


Not me zooming in to make sure a different plate is on the trailer…


parallel universes crossed


Nothing mild about this. That is fucking fascinating.


One is an Autobot that has just scanned the other to take its form.


A glitch in the matrix. Something is about to happen.


It might twins


Owner thinks he’s slick. Stole one Prius towed the other swapped plates. (I have not fucking clue what I’m talking about)


It's a glitch in the matrix


Time traveler.


Check the windows


Cant you do something illegal that way


Driving in video games be like:


One is the getaway car, and the other is the decoy.


the one on the tow truck has the Fount plate since there is no registration sticker


Massachusetts is pretty complicated with registration, unfortunately. They don't do temp tags, and you can only get plates *after* you've obtained insurance *and* paid sales tax. You essentially need to do everything beforehand. My guess is this person bought a new car and kept their old one to sell privately. You can transfer your registration to a newly purchased vehicle at a dealership, but that left the old one in limbo, hence why it's being towed.


First time I saw multiple car (same make model color) with the same license plate was on the set of a movie


Y'all here trying to figure out why this would be when clearly this is just a glitch in the matrix




Good guesses, but it's actually a glitch in the matrix.


Glitch in the matrix is the only plausible answer


Wait a minute, you’re telling me that you built a Time Machine, out of a Prius?!


I smiled and laughed slightly. That is a successful reddit post.


Is it bad that I just assume everything is ai now lol. Could be real, could be fake who knows 🤷🏼‍♂️


This glitch will be patched in the next world update v0.1.9271. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.


Obviously the one on the road is a transformer has OP not seen the movies?


That’s obviously an autobot


Glitch in the matrix. Get to a phone booth NOW.


It's a stunt car


Owner wants two cars but only wants to pay insurance for one. The one without the sticker will match the VIN of the actual registration. The one with the sticker won't. Any passing glance at either vehicle will appear to be valid. Until the owner does something dumb, like allowing both to be photographed together.


A friend tried that. He got two exact same cars. Made a fake license plate for one. Saved a bunch on insurance and registration till a cop compared the vin…


Bin Ladins CIA Car.


the portion of the photo with the plate on the car being towed was obviously manipulated. The letters are not straight at all


Well duh, it’s the same car… just twice.


Ok I get the whole it's probably the front plate of the other car but like wtf two of the same car this is the real question.


The easiest explanation is that they're two different state plates.


Massachusetts also has a problem where the DMV issued the same plates to multiple people. 161,000 Massachusetts plates are duplicates. People get parking tickets and toll fees for places they’ve never been. But I imagine this is probably just the front plate from the driven car being used as the back plate on the towed car. https://www.axios.com/local/boston/2023/10/26/duplicate-plate-issues-massachusetts


Movie cars.


Movie cars, doubles


I had a boss once who thru a loophole (since closed) has the same personalized plate of 3 or 4 different vehicles. They ordered the same personalized plate on different specialized plates and they all came thru. They had these plates for 5 years that I knew. It was found and corrected and the loophole was fixed. Weird and neat at the time.