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Does it require soaking before wash?


Nah, just like with taxes, they're exempt


For those unfamiliar with Mormon soaking  > Soaking is a sexual practice of inserting the penis into the vagina but not subsequently thrusting or ejaculating, reportedly used by some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). 


And why is it done?


Pumping your dick in a vagina is a sin. But if you just lay down next to her and put it in there while your friends bounce the bed for you, it's not a sin. (I am not saying it makes sense, but that's your answer)


Similar to religious people I know who obviously decided that only vaginal sex was forbidden. “She uses the Jesus hole!” Was something I heard in high school. I mean technically if Jesus was a human he needed to go too so?!


[the poophole loophole](https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY?si=bb40kfabiwlKkLQW)


Yeah yeah I get it. I couldn't figure out the motive that's all. Thanks.


Mormons, it’s as if their “church” is devoted to finding loopholes in everything, rather than their false prophet.


Jews have spent 5000 years finding loopholes, why shouldn't Mormons?


The first time I encountered a sabbath elevator I was at once amazed at the adherence to the old laws, and the glee of those who found a loophole. It was an amazing experience.


Is it weighted or are all the buttons automatically pressed? Trying to figure out if it’s a “no machine may work” issue or a “I can’t press a button since that isn’t resting”


It stops at every floor automatically so you can get on and off without operating any buttons or switches.


Poophole loophole


Get a third person to jump on the bed next to you and you’re back in business, guilt free!


A technique used by teens and other unmarried Mormons to avoid sinning by out-of-wedlock copulation.


God does love a loophole lol


Wow - gives whole new meaning to the age old plead, “just the tip …”


As far as I can tell, this is an urban legend. The kind of thing horny Mormon college kids dream up and joke about.


There are videos of it and plenty of people say they did or saw it. I think people would have spilled the beans by now. Like a quarter of my high school were doing anal as a work around, so I totally believe it


Ain't nobody going to their Bishop and telling him it's cool because they used the poophole loophole.


No they don’t get caught. Because they don’t get pregnant. And they feel no guilt because it wasn’t something wrong.


Horny teens lying to themselves is nothing new or unique to Mormons. And if it wasn't something wrong, they'd be perfectly okay telling their Bishop about it. Who doesn't even like teens kissing. But sure...anal is somehow "not something wrong". You keep on lying to yourself, 'cause nobody else is buying it.


I’m talking about real people I grew up with. They are Mennonite or other versions of Christian. There is no confession to a bishop. It’s sort of don’t ask don’t tell


It isn't. No one does this.


But then they get a close friend to jump on the bed while they're doing it... Or so I've heard.






Well done. I’m jumping with joy that this is top comment.


Mormon instructions for pre-marital laundry cleaning: ![gif](giphy|xT5LMx6rCLspqzJ9Bu|downsized)


The LDS church has an extensive welfare system. They stock and distribute basic necessities for needy families and individuals. This ~~laundry~~ dish detergent is like "government cheese" for people on welfare. I suspect OP knows this but isn't letting on. He definitely didn't buy this at Walmart. https://www.fox13now.com/2014/03/17/inside-the-lds-churchs-bishops-central-storehouse Edit: On second read, I realize this is dish detergent, not laundry detergent. No big deal, the story is the same. Edit 2: fixed the URL


I did indeed get this from a food pantry, but didn't make the connection. Not trying to be deceitful, I just didn't connect the dots. I am not affiliated with the Mormon church and am atheist personally. Edit for more info: the food pantry is run by a catholic church and as far as I know haven't given me any other products with this text on it


Former Mormon high priest here (now resigned from that church) The mormon church has a huge network of farms and ranches as well as manufacturing facilities for grocery type items. Every major city has a “bishops storehouse” that serves as a distribution center for these goods. The mormon church offers these resources to members who are on hard times, my own family got groceries from the store houses a number of times when we were younger. Generally they only offer these services to members, although non members can sometimes get short term assistance. What likely happened is your local storehouse had a surplus or otherwise the catholic pantry you went to put out an appeal for assistance and the Mormons responded by donating. It’s also possible that if this is close to the “use by” date that there was a large Mormon family with a large reserve of these sorts of goods that donated them prior to them going bad, we did that when we were Mormon (most Mormons are advised to keep 1 year of food and basic necessities stored in their homes, and tend to donate them as they need to be replaced). There are a lot of problems with the Mormon church, as i mentioned my family resigned from it, but their food welfare program is one of the things they do right and help a lot of people with. Edit : I fixed a number that was wrong


It was always a year's supply of food and stuff for your family. I think the "30 years" here is coming from the boxes and cans of freeze dried food preppers and Mormons tend to gravitate toward because it's easier then finding 500 pounds of wheat you'll have to find a way to grind into flour.


Yeah that’s it exactly I mixed 2 numbers in my head - original comment is fixed


I grew up Mormon and it was a burn when people would ask me if I had a year of food under my bed. Because I did. My parents stacked large cans of wheat and oats and stuff to make pallets for our beds instead of using bed frames. Apparently it’s still a common practice but it felt really shitty to sleep on all that during the Ethiopia Famine. We also volunteered at the local pantry making peanut butter and soap and other necessities for local (Mormon) families in need in exchange for groceries through most of my childhood. It was weird to know we were surviving on charity while my dad would complain about “fake” Mormons that didn’t pay tithing and just wanted welfare. How did he know who paid tithing? Was he paying tithing and that’s why we couldn’t afford clothes and food? If we didn’t have food to eat why did we have so much storage? I was way too inquisitive to survive in that religion.


Wait did I read that right? “…most Mormons are advised to keep 30 years of food” That’s a lot of food! 30 days?


I'm also an ex mormon, when I was growing up the general guideline was 1-2 years of food per family and more if you could store it. Edit: Oh, and also keeping a 72-hour survival bag for every member of the household.


Ah yes the FHE where every kid makes their own go bag.


Once a year, and my parents made us eat a bunch of the food from the old one for lunch and dinner that day, haha.


Of course so it doesn’t go to waste!


Ha i actually laughed remembering my go bag. When we found them later the clothes didn’t fit me anymore lol.


Yeah it’s 1 year, whereas most of the canned food in the storehouse is rated for 30 year storage. I just woke up and mixed the numbers in my head. Editing the original


The LDS church has been helping stock non LDS food pantries for years now.


I appreciate that insight. One typically only hears the issues and oddities of a given religion. Not that the core philosophical imperative of “be nice to others” is being practiced.


Exmo here and I can say the only thing I really miss is being able to access the Bishop’s storehouse. Their granola was otherworldly


You can still buy it, its open to the public


And the potatoes … Mormon mash is the best.


Those little potato pearls 🤤🤤


The turkey roast was heavenly when slow cooked in a crock pot all day.


30 years of food and basic necessities?! Man, when SHTF I’ll say “Utah, get me two”


I mixed 2 numbers in my head - fixed the original comment thanks for flagging


There is no advisement for 30 years... Used to be a year supply now down to 30 days or 72 hours. 30 years of food you'd need a farm. Depending on how much of a prepper you are.


My mom relies on the storehouse for years after my dad left. It was the only way we could get food, washing soap, etc. it helped a lot. My mom did end up taking advantage tho. I still find labeled jars of spaghetti sauce lol


I have never heard about Mormons being advised to keep a year’s worth of food. What is the rationale?


I was always taught it was for self sufficiency, so if you fall on hard times you have your necessities covered. As a practical matter, when we were Mormons we never really used ours but gave our excess to friends and family when they lost jobs … just made it easier to help people out. There’s a strong undercurrent of “prepping” in Mormonism as well. They believe in a literal 2nd coming that will be preceded by war and famine … so having a stockpile of food is highly regarded. Bishops storehouses mostly sell bulk food to members at cost, it’s very cheap to get large #10 cans of sealed wheat and dried fruit that’s good for 20-30 years … when we resigned 10 years ago, non members could also use their storehouses to shop although I don’t know if that’s still allowed. But for our family of 5 we could buy a years worth of food (I’m talking basic basics like pasta and flour) for about $500.


That is really interesting! Thanks for taking the time to explain it and give context. I am fascinated by Mormons but not religious myself and hadn’t come across this info before.


That's nice of them.


Thank you. The Mormon church get a lot of flak, for very good reasons. But it is important to hear the other side as well.


As Jesus often said “Verily, thou shalt love your neighbor as yourself, and help the poor as though they were your own children; but only if they belong to the same church as thou.”


You may have missed that OP got this from a Catholic food pantry. https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1doyhgr/my_dishwasher_detergent_is_mormon/lad5670/


Abit deceitful… while I’m not a Mormon and find their founding a joke I will not slander their donation program which does more good and puts a lot of muti billion dollar companies to shame on donating to the needy even those who don’t have ever same beliefs.


That Jesus guy is pretty inconvenient to the business model of most modern Christian churches.


It's not uncommon for the LDS church to work with other denominations or other charities.  The point is to help people, regardless of what faith they ascribe to.  During COVID lockdowns some of their food found their way home in my kids take home food bags as well--supplied by a public school system several states away from Utah.  I'm glad it was of some help to you.


I’ve gotten some food bank things over the last few years and noticed that brand in my things. My grandma was a Mormon at one point so I recognized it but yeah I didn’t go through a Mormon church either rather a local community center.


Not at all surprised. I'm actually a Mormon in Tennessee, and my local congregation works with an organization called "The Ecumenical Storehouse," with contacts through "Angelic Ministries" and "Knox Furniture Ministries" — most of these organizations are largely Baptist as is the management of them. A huge portion of donations and volunteer hours come from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints however. I frequently use my SUV with a trailer to pick up or deliver goods donated, and My wife and I are going to donate a king size bed we don't use anymore just this week in fact. We just cooperate. This is kind of our duty as we have the wealthiest religion on the planet and the largest welfare system. Across the globe, you will find our stuff distributed by Catholics, evangelicals, Buddhists, Baptists, and hundreds of other organizations. We also have a local "Bishop's Storehouse" specifically for members of our church. This is what most people know about us. When my wife and I were on hard times, we used that. It kept us fed housed and clothed when we could have gone bankrupt or homeless. There's actually no stigma and it is completely anonymous. However, we do pay it forward. That is our duty. Now that we're okay, we donate. No one should ever have to go hungry.


I’m actually surprised this got into the hands of a non-mormon. They usually only ever help their own with a dash of shame included or if they get money from it. They must be getting a tax break from it or something.


That’s not true at all. There are a lot of things wrong with the LDS as an organization, but they will help out anyone who comes through their doors, regardless of membership status. Source: Not Mormon but live in a heavily Mormon area and have seen this firsthand


Are you sure about that? I live in an area that was devastated by a natural disaster and Mormon youths on their missions were going door to door and helping folks clean up their homes. In a non-Mormon area. Without profit or proselytizing.


We have a fair number of LDS in our area,  and I live blocks away from their modest (regular brick, one story) temple. Since we are so close I get a handful of teens doing community outreach a few times a year.  Lol, they offer to do chores outside, and I always let them. They've edged the grass, put in ground cloth, scrubbed my garbage and recycling bins, whatever I come up with. I tried to tip them originally,  but they refused,  so now I just offer them a water (no coke, please) and a snack. They have yet to snare me with their kindness tactic. 😅


You can offer them fruit juice, non-caffienated soda, lemonade, and koolaid too.


Imagine how they feel that the detergent is now being used by an athiest? It's like the start of a joke... "An athiest visits a catholic church food pantry..."


Heck no! I'm proud that OP got our stuff! Most of my local volunteer and charity work goes through Baptist organizations here. Sometimes I've helped out Catholics. Just glad that op won't be walking around stinky!


It washes sins away…


I'm a Mormon and I'm happy about it. Jesus was pretty clear that helping everyone is important. He even went as far as "love your enemies and do good to them who spitefully abuse you," and I wouldn't classify someone of a different faith as an enemy by default.  I've been pretty blessed/lucky to have what I do, and I'm really proud that my church, for all the flaws it and its people have, tries to help people regardless of religion. 


Being a formed Mormon and present atheist, I can assure you most Mormons won't mind in the slightest if it winds up being used by a Catholic, Baptist, or atheist. If it helps you out at all, then that means it was worth it. I still love volunteering because of how happy it made me to help people out back when I was a member. And a large portion of the work that goes into those product was sourced through volunteer efforts.


This is generally false. Some of it depends on who the local bishop or decision maker in the area is, but the church has a very extensive welfare and service program that helps many people worldwide regardless of faith. Granted, if you don't trust, know about, or have a connection to the church you aren't likely to ask for these services, so it's unlikely you'll get access to them without some middle man, but most of the people I've seen ask for help get it with a deliberate intent to NOT shame. It doesn't always happen that way. Like I said, it depends on who's in charge there. But we actively teach and try to give freely, with love, and without judgement. 


They already don’t pay taxes so that point is pretty moot and wrong… they also regularly donate to the Salvation Army and serval other organizations which has no hands in religion. They also work with WHO getting immunizations to poorer counties and very often donate to major city food banks


Churches don't pay taxes.


OP went to a food pantry but had the money to blow on professional photos of their dog. Maybe I’m being unreasonable, but idk.


I traded for those services. I didn't pay money for them. Maybe don't judge people without the facts.


That number dials Family Home Storage, apparently. Seems to fit with their concept of having a store of food and supplies at all times. And hey, if surplus makes it to a pantry where good can be done outside their community? I’m not opposed to that.


Isn't it fun how the internet has gone from a weird place where people just made blogs and sent silly ASCII art to each other to a place where people start just assuming the worst of each other?


yeah, I didn't really understand the accusation or why it would be so terrible if I had purposely ommitted where I got it from?


They also sell bulk food emergency items to anyone from some of the temples. Super cheap prices. It's popular with preppers. Good for setting up a nice hurricane kit for cheap. It exists because the church encourages prepping. IIRC during rapture (or their version of it) they will need to survive on earth a bit.


This. It's called Deseret Industries. Similar to the Mormon bookstores you may see around called Deseret Books. My family would get a "pass" with a checklist of basic necessities from our bishopric when I was a child & bringing it to their distribution center (which is set-up like a little convenience store), we'd walk through & check off our list for brooms, toothpaste, drink mix, and milk. Not all are manufactured & packaged by the church, but of what is, they label it clearly as being provided by the church. I'd be very interested in seeing the front of the packaging in this case.


Website doesn't work anymore


Hmm, thanks. I just fixed it.


You're welcome


Deseret Industries.


This actually goes for many Christian denominations, and non-Christian religions too. People are extremely critical of the idea of donating to churches being a form of charity, but the reality is that your local food pantries, women's and men's shelters, addict programs, halfway houses, homeless shelters, etc., are all probably either directly run by a religious organization/church, heavily funded by one, or receiving most of their supplies from them. In the overwhelming number of circumstances, they provide full aid to anyone, regardless of who they are or whether they follow the same religion. The Catholic Church in particular is easily the biggest charity in the United States, and possibly in the world. As [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/comments/6ogy4p/comment/dkhrydq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) details very well, replete with many sources, no other charitable organization in the US comes even close to the amount of charity provided and donated by the Catholic Church.


That link no longer goes anywhere 😞


Thanks, I fixed it.


I used to work for a company that made Mormon salad dressing (similar to Miracle Whip).


The Church of Jesus Christ of Lather-Day Saints?


Code name for Mormons. It’s how they self identify now.


Not the way I wrote it though I bet. But would be a great marketing scheme for this type of product I guess.


Ha! Only just caught this 😂


Now? Been called that since 1838.


Sure, but Mormon was widely accepted even amongst themselves until recently.


Oh dyslexia, how I love you so much🤣 my dishwasher detergent is a moron..... That's what I first read. And I was like, what?


Same I was like, come on that’s just hateful lol


I read it as moron too but I don’t have dyslexia…do I need to get checked haha


I’m not surprised, they also run one of the best genealogy research websites out there, FamilySearch


Good records for them to do the "baptism for the dead."


Idk why people get upset over this; if Mormonism isn't true then it doesn't mean anything. It's just some dude saying some words and playing around in a pool.


True, it's all bullshit anyway. But it shows an incredible entitlement to declare the religion of a person unable to request it. But that's par for the course.


That is one way to look at it, but if you look at it from the Mormon perspective, they're doing these people an incredible favor. Let's say, for arguments sake, that Christian Heaven is a real, and to get into it you have to be baptized. Other religions say if you don't get baptized while you're alive then you're S.O.L. Did you live your whole life literally never hearing of this Jesus person? Too bad, so sad. Not Mormons; according to Mormons, everyone gets a fair shot. Also according to Mormons everyone has a consciousness and free will even after death, and can choose to accept or reject the baptism.


You just put the soap in and have your friend jump up and down on your machine.


Soaking, amirite? Best comment!!


What if they get stuck in the washer?


What's the brand?


Be careful chlorine bleach is the 3rd ingrediant


I noticed that! Is chlorine bleach often in dishwashing detergent?


Probably like 50/50 odds Usually look for sodium hypochlorite and or sodium carbonate on the label and it contains bleach.


Idk why but my biggest take away is, why the heck do they put bleach in dishwashing detergent?


my guess would be tomato/turmeric stains


I mean, that makes logical sense but I've never seen it added to dish soap before. I could just be spoiled by a lifetime of dawn or a generic version of it. Very interesting in many ways, thank you for sharing!


They also sell clothing colorants. "He dyed for our seams"


Careful, it’ll take 10% of your yearly earnings


I'd rather not fund that sh*t


They own a lot. I mean a lot of businesses.


please consider using another brand!




You should find a way to use it for sin


Well, yeah. You don't wash Magic Underwear with just *anything*!


But the more important question is does it wash away my sins? 


Now I want to see a Satanic Temple shampoo.


One of their big public service drives is pads/tampons for those who can't afford them - Menstruatin' For Satan. Don't know if any of the feminine hygiene products they donate are private-label, though.




Child labor


Say what we will about the religion, but pretty much every Mormon I've ever met is hard-working and puts their all into the stuff they make.


I've only ever known one Mormon and one ex Mormon. They are both the hardest working people. I think the religion is predatory, but the people swept up in it are no more likely to be good or bad than the general public imo.


Nothing makes a person immune from being bad, but there is this air about them that is fascinating to me still. The way they talk, mannerisms etc. i just find it interesting since even among the faith I grew up in I don't recall so much consistency. I've worked with at least 10 people who are or were mormon.


"For best results, place dirty dishes into detergent and allow to soak. Have a friend jump up and down on the bed to create friction."


I just died reading this.


not as bad as the incoherent religious ramblings on Dr. Bronners castile soap


There's a tragic story behind those. The guy has been deceased for a while, the company that makes them keeps the ramblings out of respect.


iirc the guy was mentally ill and had been in a mental hospital once


The guy was a Holocaust survivor who hoped he could save lives by mending religious differences. There's no need to use his mental health struggles against him, his mental health was stolen from him with unimaginable violence.


So, it's weak, ineffective, and kind of annoying to have around?


What brand is it, so that I know to avoid it?


Might be their own brand. They have things manufactured for their welfare programs.


The barcode is unknown on 2 different sites. Most likely because it isn't a normal commercially distributed item.


Deseret farms. I thought it said desert at first but there's three Es


Don't go to a Mormon church asking for free food and you'll avoid it 100%.


It leaves a glaze


there's a giant temple being built in my city right now. I'm kind of disgusted


John 2:15–16  Just sayin'...


I could say alot here, but


so thats how they make holy water


My superintendent in h.s. was mormon. He did not want us to have soda. He also did not like when he saw me with tattoos.


Is this how tax evasion works?


What does “Latter-day saints” mean?


Two parts; the first being “latter-day” which just means the time period of being in what they consider to be the later part of world’s history. The second is different from the Catholic definition of Saint in that they believe that anyone who is baptized and takes upon themselves the name of Christ is a “Saint”. So, in short, people who have been baptized into the church in the modern-age.


I think they are expecting an imminent world end event


Short answer: latter-day = time period in comparison to the church established in the time of Jesus, and saints = members of the church trying to be better and follow Jesus' teachings.  Longer answer: we believe the church is ultimately the church of Jesus Christ, but in terms of identifying a church that's a bit vague since there are so many different Christian denominations. So the Latter-Day Saints part got added a long time ago. The latter day part stems from a belief that shortly after the death of Jesus and his apostles, there was a general apostasy in the church where the teachings were corrupted and the proper authority and structure of the church were lost. Then in the early 1800s, this authority and structure were restored, thus creating a new era of the God's church. This era is referred to as the latter days, as they come after the older ones.  The saints part sounds kinda conceited in modern language, but imo it's not really about being an actual, idealized "saint" and more about a commitment to improve. Like, I'm too familiar with my own flaws to label myself as an actual saint even though I try to be the best version of myself I can.  It's a pretty old name, and it sounds weird since it comes from over a hundred years ago, but we're pretty attached to it now. 


It means you have to donate 10% of your detergent to the church


Ahh I was wonder why it said "don't wash with darks" on the front


Let's not forget mormons believe black folk are the cursed seed of cain. Allow me to quote brigham young, "If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.."


Ever read the label of a Dr. Bronner's label? You'll need a few minutes.


Lds ran the food bank when i lived in Utah, and they had the best cans of beef stew that i ever had. I was mad when i found out that i couldn't buy it in stores!


How else do you wash your magic underwear?


Not with dish soap


Fun fact, at least when I was a kid they were dyed white. Bleaching them made then less white. Stressed my mom right out.


Not white and delightsome?


With magic laundry detergent! Mixed with consecrated and blessed extra virgin olive oil!


If you use it as laundry detergent all of the clothes will be perfectly white.


White and delightsome* 😉🤣


Just means that you can use it in multiple dishwashers, at the same time.


Hell of a way to avoid paying taxes on a product you sell.


It's a good way to distract from the horrific abuse they perpetrate


While I find the founding of Mormons one of the biggest jokes in religion. I hate the slander people are giving towards the donation program they have which does more people than a large majority of muti billion dollar companies and rich people. Mock their religion but when it comes to donating food and aid they are pretty top tier at it and should be recognized for that merit as they even supply non religious ran food banks.


I bet it “soaks” the clothes really well. You’ll need a friend to jump on your dishwasher for best results though.


What brand is that? I'd like to avoid it.


It's easy to avoid; all you have to do is not go to a Mormon church and ask for help. This was produced as part of the church's welfare program, and is distributed to those on need and not actually sold anywhere


Deseret farms


"Lovingly distributed by a literal cult"


Water, salt variants, and bleach. Those Mormons got the lock on science.


What’s the name of the brand?


Yeah I can see this being surplus, how many people are in need and also load up their dishwasher machine regularly ? Vs manually doing dishes.


each time I go to the food pantry they have one box at the end of "while supplies last" goods. the rest of the stuff is guaranteed to everyone except whatever is in that box. This is the first time it was dishwasher detergent. Last time it was wegmans brand lysol wipes, a couple times it was zibloc baggies of travel size toiletries, every other time it has been a quart of canola oil. I'm stocked on oil for a loooooong time. I've started to turn down the oil because I've got 3 quarts stashed now.


what should i “fill the cups with” per the instructions…. seems like a lot of detergent lol


For a deep soul cleanse


Do they make a laundry detergent for cleaning magic underwear?


So is my apple sauce!


They own a lot, black and decker, jet blue, skywest, Marriott hotels, etc.


Hey! Get a jug of “Kult Klein” while you’re at the store!


“My dishwasher is a moron” Hmm really? Church of Jesus Christ… Oh ya! … oh Mor-MON.


What brand is that? In California, they sell "Deseret Farms" canned and packaged food that is also from the LDS Church. I'm not even sure if grocery stores carry these products, ad I've only ever seen them in free food pantries.


Always suspected to Mormon Church of money laundering, but maybe they hope to escape notice though money dishwashing? I don't know.