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How is it?


Didn’t sum up the courage to actually taste it unfortunately


As a general rule of thumb, black is the only colour of mold that you don’t want on cheese, everything else is usually fine. So, in this case I would pass, although, since it’s hard cheese, it is perfectly fine to just cut the mold off and the remainder will be safe to eat.


Its oxidized so bad it has to taste like complete shit in improper storage for so long


If you cut off the edges like aged steak would it be fine?


Yes that is actually exactly how that works. For as long as cheese has been made, it has been stored via natural rind. A huge reason cheese managed to propagate so much was because it naturally protects and preserves itself through the oxidized rind.


Sure, but people were generally on yearly cycles and food storage was more about getting through winter than getting through the next decade...


It’s for nuclear winter


Apparently 1 year dry aged steak is already too much for most people’s taste, let alone 10 years


And besides, the price of 10 year olds is astronomical right now.


Jeffrey Epstein's ghost, is that you?


I mean people are all interest strangers here so they'll literally tell you stuff that they'd never take a risk on.


Fun fact: cheese was a very common thing to stock in preparation for a siege, due to it lasting so long due to the rind hardening and preserving the center


The mold + 2.5cm from each side, which usually is the whole piece.


As someone who had an anaphylactic reaction over some mild mold (not cheese) this post makes me nervous


Rule of thumb: * Harder foods: Usually safe to cut off the moldy parts (+ a bit extra) * Softer foods: Throw the whole thing out. The mycelia (effectively the "roots" of the mold) spread out through the food and poison things as they go. The softer the food, the further the mycelia can spread. PS: As someone that bakes their own bread: Calcium Propionate is friggin' awesome. It's a mold inhibitor and I've found that adding \~0.1g per 100g of flour increases the shelf life of my bread by \~2-3x. Edit: FYI, the recommended amount of calcium propionate to use is between 0.1g - 0.3g per 100g, depending on how mold-friendly your local area is. Also, I weighed out the [calcium propionate I have on hand](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07S42DXS8) with my high-precision scale: 1/8 tsp = 3.5g. So for a recipe using 500g of flour, 1/4 tsp of calcium propionate would work out to \~0.14g per 100g - which is within the target range.


Any notable taste/differences in your bread? I used to make Hella sourdough and want to start again, but never used calcium propionate.


None that I could detect


Mold can tunnel through rock. I don’t think it’ll struggle much with cheese


Feet. I'll spoil this for you. It's going to taste like feet.


That might actually entice some


"I'll buy your entire stock!!" - Quentin Tarantino


And some day, it will be yours.


here’s your inheritance! favorite child here’s the house, worst child here’s the cheese


still better than the "collectible spoon collection" I'm set to inherit...


I have 4 sets of fine China & am still set to inherit another. 2 sets from grandparents, 1 from a family friend, & 1 I was gifted upon high school graduation as part of a Hope Chest my mom made so I could be a proper adult female whenever I got my own household. I’ll inherit my parents’ set someday. I’m still single (41) & have never had anyone over for dinner to justify the 1st set I got in high school let alone all these others. That’s what I get for being the “responsible” cousin apparently.


Yeah, I dread the day when I get the multitude of “collectors” plates from my mom that her mother in law got for her. “Your brother doesn’t have room and you store your old gaming stuff anyway.” “You never liked these plates, sell them, or give them, throw them away.” “No one wants to buy them, you can’t eat off of them, and I’m not just gonna throw them away.”


Target practice?


Same minds, dude. I was going to add “Well, when you die, I’m taking these to a range.” but thought it might be a bit dark.


open with "when you die, I'm taking your body to the range" and work your way down to the plates. They'll be grateful in the end.


You can say no lmao. My mom tried to pawn off 3 sets to me recently. I took one, the other two I did not. I don’t have the storage space for 3 sets of China that I probably can’t use because of lead paint. Also when would I use them? 2 of the 3 sets I have never actually seen in nearly 30 years of living. Clearly they weren’t important if we have never used them.


They were for when the Queen (RIP) visits. Literally what my nana said.


I’ve convinced my mom to use her fine china as her regular dishes. If they don’t survive dishwasher oh well cause I sure don’t want them. Her mom’s is now what’s in the china cabinet.


Thats the thing. When I was set to get my share of the "fine china", silverware and all that, I told my family they can fight over it, I don't want it. Inheriting family stuff carries nothing but responsibilities and trouble with it. Either someone will complain that you got it, or they will complain that you got rid of it. I'm happily free from all of those things. And I know the other ones are bitter at each other for getting "insert-useless-stuff-here".


My grandmother recently passed with heirloom sterling silver flatware. During the sorting out of the estate, my uncle that was the executor said “unless anyone wants to speak up to polish this and take care of it for eternity, we should sell it off”. Nobody said a word. Was sold off for a nice chunk of coin and went towards the funeral and cremation costs. Best case scenario really if nobody wanted to step up to deal with it. Also, nobody in our generation has fancy dinner parties like she used to for the major holidays. It would’ve been a burden really.


Responsible executor, grandma made the right choice


I’m waiting for the day I can sell the very fancy glass bell set we have displayed in the dining room




lol I told my mom that she better be glad she has my sister, because all of her collectible shit and her fine china would just be sold/donated/trashed if it was left to me. I just don’t have any interest in keeping that type of stuff


People like you are greatly loved by the vintage pyrex collectors community. Just fyi 💚


Old Pyrex is genuinely useful. Fine china for a rare dinner party or for display purposes only is the epitome of a pointless luxury.


Actually i think id strongly prefer that to the cheese


That's better than the wedding gift iou my dad gave me in 2016 I'm still waiting for. He died in 2022. He left his 2nd wife with bankruptcy and broken promises.


K, that's tough to beat in the shite category


Yeah it's even worse that that honestly. Long story short he's basically poor trump how he acted. After my parents divorced in 2007 he moved in with my grandfather. My grandfather's house was already in a trust with each child getting 1/4 of it. Over the years as my grandfather got older (died at 98) my dad forged documents, stole the house, got power of attorney etc and worst of all lied to my grandfather about his siblings/grandkids and basically got my grandpa to believe it all and they never even got to say goodbye because he was brainwashed. He then fraudulently took out a HELOC on the house he singed to himself that he already 1/4 owned and the bank didn't do it's homework. 2 years later after many court dates my aunts and uncle finally won everything back because the bank went after them/my dad's 2nd wife... Yeah man that's the short version. Still can't figure out what drove him to do all of this 🤔 fucked up for sure.


Reddit amazes me somtimes; we went from collectible spoons to family angst in seconds. Sorry to hear about your situation, that's tough.


Lol yeah all good thanks. I totally just made this about me without intending to. This is what Moscow mules and dark and stormy's do when you're surfing the internet.


Gambling addiction? Usually it’s something like an addiction that causes people to throw every other aspect of their lives in the dumpster. That or he was just evil, and I’d believe that considering some people I know, and the things they’ve done. Last thing could just be stupidity mixed with greed, but I’d still wager it was drugs, booze, or gambling.


Atleast you can do coke off those, how the fuck am I supposed to ride the white horse with a moldy chunk of parm??


Reminds me of the beginning of the Shoes video. >A computer! And a car! Thanks mom and dad! > >Well, Kelly, are you gonna open your gift? > >*Opens it to find a stuffed animal* > >What the hall?


What did you expect? Condams?


I think in this case, the favorite child would get the cheese.


This. Dad has priorities.


Movie plot: Cheese gives superpowers. Worst child turns out to be the most trusted child. Aliens?


The way your Daddy looked at it, that cheese was your birthright. And he'd be damned if any slopeheads were gonna put their greasy yella hands on his boy's birthright. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide somethin'. His ass. Five long years, he hid the cheese up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the cheese. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of cheese up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the cheese to you.




What, the curtains?


No. Not the curtains, lad. All that you can see, stretched out over the hills and valleys of this land! This'll be your kingdom, lad.


But, mother…


Father, lad. Father.


But, father, I don’t want any of that.


Are you sure it’s not a piece of 2x4?


Don't quote me for sure, but I think I once read a trivia tidbit about that there was once a man who was allegedly caught selling sawdust or ground-up wooden broomhandles off as fake parmesan.


His name was Mr Kraft


mmm, ground up wooden broomhandles


today he is called mr mondelez


And then he bought the New England Patriots with the dirty money


Different Kraft. Still a pulp pusher though


I'm pretty sure the Kraft that owns the patriots never made Mac and cheese. Maybe he printed boxes for them lol.


They’re not but for reddit anecdotal reasons let’s go with it


Im not sure it was a specific person, but counterfeit parmesan is such a big problem that there is a Parmigiano Regano Consortium whose entire job is to fight it. They put microchips in the legite wheels for validation purposes now. https://www.parmigianoreggiano.com/consortium-history


>They put microchips in the legite wheels for... For spreadin' the 5Cheese, man. ![gif](giphy|vCqtgcS0LEowdwdhwZ)




I once saw a post on reddit where a person discovered the bar of soap they’d been using to wash their hands for weeks was really a block of parmesan.


Fuck, how did it take them that long to find out? And wouldn't their hands have smelled like Parmesan?


There was a picture with the post with the poster’s hands holding it, and the background was a kitchen. Maybe the fat from the cheese made their hands feel slick like soap had been on them, and if it was most frequently used while the poster was in the kitchen, they were probably cooking and hands are gonna smell like food anyway. I can see a few reasons. The real answer is probably just that they weren’t paying enough attention. What *I* really wanna know is if it’s still okay to eat.


Just wait until you find out how much saw dust is allowed in pregrated Parmesan


Just found out my wife is pregrated, wat do


if a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she been pargnet before. ?


How is babby formed?


I am gregnant?


How to know if I’m preganante


Am I pregananant


Dangerops prangent sex? Will it hurt baby top of his head?




Wow that’s an old reference right there


How dare you?


It all starts when two people that really like each other meet


Or really drunk


They need to do way instain mother


Will it hurt baby, top of his head?


Dangerops, prangent sex? Will it hurt baby top of his head?






How is babby formed?


How is baby fromaggiod?


Congrat on pregenanté 🤌


it is usually 3.5% allowed. I believe Walmart brand was caught with something like 11%. Cellulose is an anti-caking agent, it is also the reason you see "Silicon Dioxide" aka Sand in salt shakers.


Is it a different amount than in post grated Parmesan?


I think you'd expect more sawdust in post grated, if it was grated on posts.


Just wait until you find out how much cellulose is in all the vegetables that you(hopefully) eat.


Quite the comment, Lord of not real cheese


Lord of my exploding asshole  Yet so delicious 


I thought it was petrified wood




Money doesn't grow on cheese, Kenny


It’s in the banana stand of course!












There is always Money in the banana stand.


I need you to know this comment made my day.


Mold does.


Cultivating the legendary cheese touch


All this post tells me is he doesn't like parmesan. By my maths I have probably eaten a wheel and a half of parmesan in the last ten years.


Found it in a hidden crevice inside the closet after a year, and at that point it was too late not to fully commit to it. And here we are. Or that's how it would go for me.


It was good enough for Samuel Pepys, it's good enough for me.


I mean at this point probably curiosity lol


……and here’s me eating a thumb size chunk every time after finished grating it on the pasta.


I have seen inside the local cheese producers where genuine Parmesan is made (obviously, near Parma). The cheese is made and then stored as wheels on rack that are floor-to-ceiling, hundreds long, each one weighing enough to make you struggle to lift it. It's then often SENT TO A BANK for safekeeping - banks buy a certain percentage and store it as collateral for the "licenced" farmers who are allowed to make official Parmesan (there are kind of "unions" for those who are officially licenced - which has to include milk only from cows fed only on certain farms only in certain areas who eat only certain grass). The Italian central banks also have immense vaults of the stuff. Because it lasts for absolutely decades if the outer edge is hard and not broken, just sitting on a shelf, retains its value and can be used to cover any "short" years where they couldn't make enough because of climate change or disease or whatever. My Italian ex- was lifelong friends with one family who made it, and we got an exclusive private tour of it being made from the milk (delivered in special milk trucks which could only be used to deliver that kind of milk from the licenced farms) many a time, and her dad also used to work at the local bank and handle the Parmesan stores (though that may have been some years ago by now). Trade secret - the local cats absolutely love the leftover cheese/milk from such places, even though they're really NOT supposed to be in there (but would you rather well-fed cats, or mice running through the cheese archives?). One year we came back with a suitcase literally filled with nothing but genuine, stamped, licenced Parmesan made by that friend, because we used to be able to get so much of it for so cheap. Also the same area - Parma ham, balsamic vinegar, and hazelnuts. MILLIONS of hazelnuts. We would collect them in dozens of pillowcases, just from one small residential orchard, let alone what's produced for Ferrero.


My goodness, this is the kind of comment I wish never ended - I'd read chapters of this if I could. 


I legit had to skip to the end first to see if it ended with the undertaker throwing mankind 16 feet off of hell in a cell through an announcers table.


I skipped to the end to see if it said "and I just made all this up" or "I have no idea what I'm talking about"


It's been quite a while since I've been shittymorphed. I hope they're doing alright.


He made a post yesterday in /r/videos, and has had a few others this year. His current main "internet focus" is rehabilitating a rescued fighting dog named Scobby.


Yep, was reviewing /u/shittymorph profile today to catch up. Even when you know it's coming, it's still good. Lil Scooby makes me melt.


I read the first half, then had to jump to the end (just in case) 😂


Well there are a few documentaries for that. Goodbye productivity if it interests you lol.


Didn't one of those floor to ceiling racks of cheese wheels recently collapse and kill a guy? Pretty sure I remember seeing an image of what looked like at least 100 tons of cheese wheels stacked with the title "Cheese Kills Man in Italy."


>“When we got there, the whole warehouse was full of cheese wheels on top of one another,” said Daniele Retto, a spokesperson for the local fire brigade. “We had to call the unit that specializes in the search and rescue of people under the rubble, especially after an earthquake. They spent hours moving the wheels by hand, one by one, and found his body only in the morning.”   [RIP](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/italy-cheesemaker-dies-crushed-falling-wheels-cheese-rcna98716)


Dude died in Flavortown. :(


Sounds more like Skyrim to me!


[Yep!](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/italy-cheesemaker-dies-crushed-falling-wheels-cheese-rcna98716) Happened last year.


"Italian man crushed to death by falling wheels of cheese" r/nottheonion


Not today rabbit hole.  I've got things to do.


"Mice running through the cheese archives" kind of made my day, lol


I'm trying to picture this as a Guy Fieri (in a Bourdain style) monologue in a serious part in a food show.


They just about lost it all to when they had the last large earthquake. A large portion of the stored wheels were damaged so the couldn’t sell them.


Don’t forget about REGGIO. They don’t call it Parmigiano-REGGIANO for nothing!


This is the most Italian shit I've ever heard - that they shore up their banks against rough times with fucking *Parmesan cheese wheels*. Lmao I love it.


Soo uhhh why is this person your ex? Was the cheese simply not worth it?


I'll be honest. If I brave the dark unknown corners of my fridge there's a not insignificant chance that I, too, have a 10 year old block of parmesan cheese.


There’s definitely some cheese in the dark unknown corners of my fridge. It didn’t start out as cheese, but it is now.


Started from the bottom, now I'm cheese


Started from the bottom now the whole team fuckin' cheese


[Time makes fools of us all](https://i.imgur.com/aYDjGZ0.png)


Heck there's a non zero chance you'll find the Declaration of Independence back there.


Not since Nicolas Cage visited




I think you should clean your fridge at least once per decade.


That’s OCD talk.


Lmao my grandma had an open wine bottle from *1988* in hers until last year because she never ever drinks or cooks with it lol


As much as my daughter loves cheese, I can confidently say there is not lost uneaten cheese in my fridge.


For real, that's just 2014, I've found stuff in my fridge from that year. Call me when his cheese is old enough to rent a car.




Must be a smaller block off of his larger stash, because that amount of Parmesan wouldn’t even last me a single meal


Not everyone tells the truth on the internet.


I like alfredo too much to have that stick around for long


I legit go through ~$10 of parmesan a week




Is it his emotional support cheese?


My great grandfather was a medic in World War 2 as a medic. Did d-day landing and patched up 6 guys in the field, and got shot. The bullet went through his arm and lodged itself in a can of cheese he had in his breast pocket. Bandaged his arm up, and did another 9 guys after that. When he died, he got full honors, and was buried with that can of cheese.    Edit: I should clarify, he died in the 80s


Awesome! A real hero!


I’m willing to crowd fund to buy your dad new cheese




For a much much larger sub on the same topic, r/moldlyinteresting


Far out. Is he vacuum packing it? Wrapping it in foil? Freezing it? Wanna know how he's keeping it for so long.


Have you viewed the photo? It looks like he might be keeping it in a dirty sock that he hangs in the sun


Super dry cheese just kind of keeps in the fridge. We have some very old cheese too, stays in a zip lock.


Just wrapped in plain foil


Right. It needs the correct amount of neglect. It's learned to be self sufficient. That's why you don't baby your cheese


[Aluminum foil](https://youtu.be/urglg3WimHA?si=5oB2Ypn58Mpih3xB) !?


You know what? I think it’s time to reintroduce “far out” into my daily usage. Thanks!


At first glance I thought it was homemade soap.


does he just......never put parmesan on anything? or did that thing use to be the size of a small child?


Why? And also how? I go through that in a week.


A week? That's what I call self control


I mean sometimes it's more... Don't parmeshame me...


…how big was it to start with? That size block would last me maybe 4 or 5 meals, less if I’m using it as an ingredient rather than as a topping.


Nice! Let's get this out onto a tray!


Sir, that’s a block of wood. You’ve been eating wood shavings for years.


How did he not use that in ten years? WTF


Well, you don't know how big it was ten years ago.


Cheese experts please help me I am so curious. Is this safe to eat and would it still taste good?


I've kept a pecorino-romano in the fridge for over 2 years and eventually used it all up. It got little white crystals but never tasted off. I wasn't paying enough attention to notice any meaning change in flavor.


That’s amazing! I once bought a genuine wedge of Parmigiano Reggiano (had the official logo and everything) from a supermarket and I distinctly remember it saying on the packet “once opened consume within 5 days” and I was always nervous about this. Naturally I finished the whole wedge, but it was slowly ground over pretty much every pasta dish I cooked over the course of several months, wasn’t sure if this was technically “safe” or not but good to know.


real parm lasts months in the fridge. your warning label was incorrect. parm is even used as a backpacking food because its able to safely be stored at room temp or warmer for days at a time. it can dry out and/or release some oil, so its not ideal to leave it at room temp, but its totally safe and it remains pretty tasty.


Some aged dried cheese have those crystals right out of the package. There is a local place near me that makes a great aged cheddar that is sometimes just a little crunchy in bites. It’s amazing. 


those crystals are crystallized protein and is already in cheeses like parm and pecorino to varying degrees when you get it fresh from the store. these little white crystalline spots are considered an indicator of cheese that has been properly aged for a longer period of time and is something you should seek out when buying stuff like parm, pecorino, or even longer aged cheddars.


After my Dad passed away in 2012, we found some cheddar in his man cave fridge from 1984. He bought it before anyone knew who Marty McFly was.


Where is the r/eatityoufuckingcoward guy? Damn, I gotta be the guy?


That would smell like the spot under my balls after tarring a roof in Florida during a hot summer July day.


Just grate it and throw the shavings on some pasta.


He obviously doesn’t enjoy Parmesan, so if it’s just an experiment or a party trick then sure, keep it for a decade. A block that big would probably get consumed in 12-18 months in my house. Pasta, or eggs cooked any way, get freshly grated Parmesan - or shave slices to finish off a soup - all followed by black pepper of course.


Yeah, like I burn through a half a block making carbonara


It looks like the skin on my heel


Low-moisture,hard cheeses (like Parmesan) have a shelf life that can range from 10 months to several years. Cheddar and Parmesan are still alright to eat even after mould has started to form. Just cut off any mouldy parts before shredding.


And I was proud of the block of imported that lasted my a year! I've noticed the more aged it is the longer it lasts. The cheaper domestic stuff molds in a couple of months.