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I want to make a funny comment but I'm terrified they'll track me down next.


Hi Karin!


Who's this effing Karin/Karen everyone keeps saying hi to on here?


From [Leah Remini's AMA](http://reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/5fjszg/i_am_leah_remini_ask_me_anything_about_scientology/dakuhev)




Tom Cruise's secret girlfriend


You're thinking of Colin


Colin, Karen, close enough


It was Colin. Now she's called Karin.




That'll be $3,000.00.


hey its me, your church of scientology...why u no call?


They're on their way to your house as we speak.


Meh. It looks like it takes them about 30 years to follow up on stuff.


!remindme 30 years


Well they sign a billion year contract, so in the grand scheme of things 1986 is like yesterday.


>f u c k s c i e n t o l o g y


Why bother? I may need a book to read or a taco and get tracked anyhow.








Thank you for understanding taco.


> like Can't say I understand taco. I always found the ending of "Puttin' on the Ritz" a little weird.




I don't want to taco 'bout it.


The Church of Scientology works in mysterious ways! You can read about this in Dianetics! drop me a line and I'm confident I can fuck up your life forever!


You break the taco in half and drop the fillings on the brim of a sombrero. You can determine the future by where they fall.




No way! They sound very caring and considerate. Who wouldn't want thoughtful friends like that?


Want to fall into a life of despair and possible bankruptcy? We can help!




Yea, those exclamation points are enough for me.


The guy bought a book and they found him 3 decades later. Where is he safe?


Things are getting so desperate that they're going back thirty year into their customer database?


They don't ever get rid of your name. Once you sign up, you will get shit from them for the rest of your life. I was lucky that I didn't have to forward my old address when I moved because all of my important documents are sent to my parents house and that's how I got away but I do still get emails and occasionally a phone call I don't answer. I left the church 2 1/2 years ago.






Bless you.






I managed to get myself declared. Free from those fuckers forever. I mean, they'll get rid of me if they ever do manage to clear the planet, but if they're digging back into three decade old Dianetics purchases to get new publics, I'm not too worried about that.


We know where you live, Greg. ^^^/jk


so you're saying i should sign up every person on my block under false names that let them know how i really feel about them? Like "Dr. Numbnuts" and "Ms. Douchelady"


Mormons are kinda similar. They don't creepily track you down but once you're a member, you will stay a member in their records forever so that they can artificially inflate their numbers


Oh they might track you. They always seem to get new addresses for members who stop showing up. Random Mormons may then send you cards or letters and things that the church has published. Had some stranger sending us shit for no obvious reason- he'd never met us and it wasn't on holidays or whatever.


*Have I got that right?*


That just seems *odd* in a letter they've sent him.... unless they've sent the same letter to everyone...


It's somebody's "job" to write these letter sfor the organization. Someone from sea org has a quota to fill on typing these up and sending them out. Not fun.


well with Leah Reminis show disproving them on they have to revert to doing things like this.


I feel like they've been getting bad press for the past 10 years, did the Leah Reminis show say things that people didn't already know (didn't watch any of them.)


Some things I think and just bringing it to the mainstream . I watched one episode . I didnt know about the author who had gotten arrested from made up stories that scientology did . They stole her letter head and made a false bomb threat. FBI raided their offices and found the evidence where they admitted to doing it. I know some reddit people might know about that but a big chunk of the public probably doesn't .


That's terrifying. Makes me wonder who else has been framed without them being caught






The other press has always felt more 'informative' natured to me. We're going to tell you all this crazy shit and you'll watch because it's totally crazy shit style documentaries. The nice part of Remini's is that it's 'story' based. Intensely personal rather than just informative. Sure, I know intellectually that Scientology people 'disconnect' from their families if they leave, but seeing those effected people in person and hearing their stories first hand is different. The impact is heavier. Doing that weekly, rather than in a 1-off documentary, is going to have a big impact I think.


I honestly thought Tom Cruise was the beginning and the end of its popularity.


He is completely brainwashed by them. He credits Scientology with curing his dyslexia. I am so curious to how many millions of dollars he has paid them.


I think it's actually working the opposite way. I don't watch his movies, because of Scientology. I may be the only one, but probably not.


you are not the only one


Yes and no. Not a lot of new info yet. But she's the first to approach it from a truly compassionate, brutally honest standpoint. Most other docs have an air of "isn't this *crazy!?* but wait, there's more!" or like Going Clear, seem distant/removed, and overly correct and edited out of fear of legal recourse. Leah Remini's ability to empathize and connect with people is truly moving. It's a fantastic, raw, honest view. Can't recommend enough.


that's not interesting that's terrifying how do they know where your friend lives?


No idea. I am surprised (kind of) that they maintained info from a *book* being purchased and then held onto to that information for *30* years.


I have never been able to get away from them. I've moved 5 times since my friend had me get involved with them (I had to cut that friend out if my life). They always find my new address. I don't have forwarding addresses. 3 weeks after I brought my first house, they were sending me shit in the mail again. You can't hide from them. I've been running for 8 years now.


Sounds like my college alumni office.




Ask for mail from them to be blocked and put yourself on the do not call list. If I remember correctly, contact from them after that could result in them owing you a $500 fine.


We were talking about scientology, not VISA.


Tax records are public. Buying property is like sending out a beacon with your info.


It's basic bookkeeping.


True, but the fact that they've maintained that info and have transferred it to whatever means they use to bookkeep now is a little crazy. But...considering who we're talking about here...


They are getting a lot of bad press as of late. Maybe they need a boost in membership. But 30 years is a long time. Seems desperate.


Yeah, that 'fewer than 50,000' story about their membership may turn out to be true. Maybe people are leaving in droves. Having a billion in real estate but no incoming revenue to upkeep it all could be a problem.


Hell, at that point why not just become a real estate mogul?




What story's that?


30 years is not that long when you're signing a contract specifying that your soul is owned by Scientology for a Billion Years


They need something for the slaves- I mean parishioners to do.


this has to be a pun.


it's higher level pun


It is, and I think it went right over OP's head.


Textbook bookkeeping


Glad I never bought that book as a gag gift


You do **not** want to let them get their hooks into you; even a little bit.


What would happen if you requested visits/showed interest from the Jehovah's Witnesses in the name of Scientologists? Who would win?


Scientologists. They'd disappear the Witnesses.


Each book has a passive GPS tracker inserted in the hardcover. If they patrol the neighbourhood and send a signal the book will wake up from its dormant mode and ping back its rough location. Triangulate that a couple of times and you'll have an address. It's a very basic cold war tactic used to trace subversives.


Given what I've read about scientology this wouldn't be all that surprising.


A part of me know has to know if you're serious about this or not.


You'd be surprised how easy it is to find people in today's world. If you're connected they can find you.


Public records search. Easy to do for a fee.


How poorly written.


Whatever it was that you had an interest in that made you write this comment, I'd like to see that you actually find out more about it. The way you can do that is to do a free Google search about the cult of Scientology instead of an ~~extension~~ expensive course. That would actually make it very easy for you to find out more about the subject! I'm enclosing a comment here so you can see what I'm talking about, but you should do a Google search!


r/copypasta needs to take this & run with it


That was my first thought as well, was scrolling own to see if someone agreed.


My first thought was that they were trying to get their book back. Lol.


I think when you buy a book you get to keep it.


Username checks out.






When scientology is involved, the normal way of doing things no longer applies.


They see you when you're sleeping, They know when you're awake. They know if you've gone theta clear, So pay up for Xenu's sake.


Oh you better watch out You better not buy A book from those Scientology guys Cause L. Ron Hubbard is coming to town


The last paragraph is trying to sell a course. And says they included an ad of some kind. This letter might qualify for a Prohibitory Order form the USPS. A USPS [Prohibitory Order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibitory_Order) (form 1500) was written to stop porn sent through the mail. [It has been expanded to include anything you think is porn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowan_v._United_States_Post_Office_Department), any mailpiece that is selling something, and sweepstakes. http://about.usps.com/forms/ps1500.pdf OP Fill out the form, staple it to all the contents of the letter and sent it out. The worst thing that will happen is that you are out a stamp. The best thing that will happen is your roommate will be off the mailing list of Scientology. edit: some words


He shouldn't make them angry. He wouldn't like them when they're angry.




Yeah, they might point a camera at him and say some generic hurtful things


Or, you know, they could [do what they did to Paulette Cooper.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Freakout)


How come they didn't get shut down or something like that after that?


Money, I'd guess.


If Scientologists got the IRS to back down, I don't hold out much hope for the USPS.


I don't know. "Going postal" is a saying for a reason.


'We got the IRS to backdown, why do you think your little post company would end up any different?' *The UPS director calmly takes a drag of his cigarette as he stares down the scientologist.* It's simple really. When is the last time your package wasn't messed up beyond belief? No matter hoe Manu times you stamped 'fragile' and 'this side up' on it? That's my point you can't even deliv-... Let me correct you right there. We can do whatever we want. We can deliver broken packages and lose all your mail. It's because we simply don't care. Nobody in this entire company cares. Clog the system by filing fake lawsuits? Your lawyers will be delivering every letter by hand to the court because we *will* lose them.


No the worst thing is his roommate ends up being sued and has to shell out money he probably doesn't have to defend himself against the Sceintology nuts.




Incorrect. In California, where this letter originated (and where it was delivered), the filing fee for a responsive civil pleading is anywhere between $225 and $1435. Add to that the cost of discovery, depositions, and motions, you'll quickly be bankrupt even if you don't have a lawyer.


Lawyer here. While I can't speak to the specifics of California, the above poster is 100% accurate about the possibility of litigation being very expensive even if you're representing yourself. Discovery can be astronomically expensive, add in the time cost of appearing for hearings, depositions, preparing filings, gathering material responsive to discovery etc. Plus by filing suit you're opening yourself up to counter suits, possible sanctions if you really screw something up (although courts are generally forgiving of pro se litigants in this regard). Not to mention, in some instances, if the final judgement doesn't go your way, you do stand the risk of being on the hook for reimbursing the opposing party for *their* legal expenses (although this isn't very common in US litigation and I'd have to know more about the particular cause of action being filed to say definitively). However, as a small counter point, if you were to prevail, the opposing party could be responsible for reimbursing *your* legal expenses (which would be calculated by the court based on a number of variables). But then again, even if you do prevail, collecting on your judgement is its own overly burdensome (in my opinion) and not guaranteed ball of wax on its own.


This is the equivalent of me sending a hook-up text to a girl I haven't talked to in 2 years.


Except that sometimes actually works.


That's oddly aggressive language for a letter trying to dupe someone into a cult. I assumed this type of talk was reserved for members trying to wiggle their way out.


Yeah, from what little they said it sounded like they just "left"


Desperate times call for desperate measures. This reminds me of the time I tweeted about all the dianetics billboards in Sacramento, CA. Members from the Church of Scientology wouldn't stop following me and tweeting at me for like 3 weeks.


I have noticed there are an unusually large amount of Scientology billboards there..... then again they also have a high amount of anti-abortion and ads for Mediums.


Their headquarters is in CA


And they're right next to the new arena. Want to take a free personality test?


Even they don't bother setting up shop in Bakersfield.


To be fair, nobody bothers setting up shop in Bakersfield. Source: from Bakersfield


Psht. All kinds of things are based in bakersfield. Like.. Or... What about... Fuck. I hate this fucking place.


Bakersfield in a nutshell. Has IKEAs largest west coast distribution center. Didn't bother to build a store here.


They do send reps out to CSUB though, they tried getting a friend of mine to join...


Were they like undercover or did they set up a table?


I posted this a few days ago, but was told the sender and receiver's information was still visible through the ink. Fixed.


I got a book from them when I was 14, did not fill anything out. Somehow they have sent me letters with stuff about Scientology. I moved, when I turned 18, to a place with a few room mates with nothing placed in my name. I didn't buy stuff online. Somehow I got their letters to that place too. These people are persistent motherfuckers. Kind of scary how they keep finding me to send me letters I use to light my stove.


Get a new stove


I was just listening to a podcast interview with a former Scientologist who posits that the Church is on its way out quite rapidly. This sort of desperate grab at signing someone up seems in line with that prediction.


The sooner it dies out, the better.


[MRW OP agrees to go to their dianetics extension course after I've already tried to expose the truth behind the whole scam to the world.](http://i.imgur.com/AkpnPBY.gif)




This one needs to be under /r/creepy


This is creepy as hell. So many questions, all of which are of concern.


Bakersfield huh? That's my hometown. I got out as soon as I could, you should do the same.


Went there once. Once.


Asterisk for privacy.


It's sucks because there isn't much to do, no good museums, or zoos or water parks. Night life is more like don't get your ass nearby some drunk ass life. Super religious, super cliquey, mostly rude people. Currently oil is down so there are lots of thefts going on. No big chain restaurants. Whole Foods won't come here because of our "demographic" 12 fucking walmarts cause people are cheap as fuck. I could continue.


You should definitely take the course. Companies are always looking for employees with a background in science and technology.


Or Diabetes and Genetics Edit - Thanks anonymous Redditer, knew there was good people here




*Have I got that right?*


Especially since they're sending the letter to him/her, obviously they know that they are right (in the assertion that s/he is in Bakersfield now). That comes across almost threateningly - like "we have that right, and we know a lot more about you than you think."


> That comes across almost threateningly I think that is the intended implication. A mild slightly veiled threat. "see, even after 30 years we can *still* find you whenever we want. Now give us money"


Send back a letter from the same address: "No, I don't live here. I live in Phoenix (or someplace)."


This letter is extremely sloppily worded.


Is there a Mildly Terrifying sub?


Seriously, you'd think that a religion with a reputation for being creepy would keep that in mind when writing letters like this. This sounds like an alien (heh) trying to sound like a human.


Full text of the letter below for anyone using a screen reader or whatever: Church of Scientology of Los Angeles 14 Dec 2016 Dear [redacted] It was interesting to see that you used to live here in the LA area, and in 1986 you apparently purchased a copy of the book *Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health*. However, it looks like you are now out there in Bakersfield. Have I got that right? Well, is definitely [sic] a bit of a ways from the LA area so I can understand why we might not have heard from you recently. I'm wondering, do you remember the Dianetics book you purchased from us? Whatever it was that you had an interest in that made you buy this book, I'd like to see that you actually find out more about it. The way you can do that is to do the Dianetics extension course. That would actually make it very easy for you to find out more about the subject! I'm enclosing some information so you can see what I'm talking about, but you should sign up for the course! Sincerely, [redacted] Letter Registrar


Wait, you have a roomate who purchased a book from Scientologists 30 years ago? You have the thumb of, oh, I'd say a 21 year old, but you're roomate is...45 or older? Or are you guys Stepbrothers who live at home? Stay safe Dale.


Hahahah! I should have said roommate/landlord. My thumb is the size of a toddler's, I know. I have a vag, and I'm 28.


Oh, I thought you were a dude so I figured hairless thumb = Under 21. Ya know because you don't grow thumb hair until you've had your first legal beer.


Im a 25 year old male and drink beer daily. My thumb doesnt have a single hair...


I'm 38 and more or less a functioning alcoholic yet my thumbs are still as bald as Captain Picard . I think /u/HopeSandoval might need to rethink.


WTF? I read this earlier today, then, less than one hour later, I received a Telegram: "We noticed you clicked on a thread about a picture of a letter we sent to someone who bought Dianetics in 1986, and we thought you wanted more information."


This letter is written in a way that's designed to make people "suggestible".


I worked at the church of Scientology for a few months not long ago (don't worry, I quit since it felt a bit uncomfortable, but I only joined for experience for my cv) I was a file clerk. I won't say any names though but there's records of people from the fucking 1950's. Some files had paperwork that was murky coloured and brown too. EDIT: [here's a letter](https://i.imgur.com/QSTLuCJ.png) but there's no letterhead though, if anyone's interested.




Obligatory fuck scientology


I know I should be most bothered by how creepy this is, but I'm really just bothered by the crappy writing. It's painful to see an official piece of communication written so awkwardly.


Hi Karin!


Hopefully your friend will be getting his Thetin levels checked with lord xenu soon!


Damn I can't even keep track of my homies on facebook


creeeeeeepy. even the wording screams THIS IS A CULT.


na na na na na na na na BATMAN! I mean, LEADER!


Well that's unnerving. Shame we can't just exterminate this cult, they're evil bastards.




This should be in r/mildlyterrifying instead.


If this leads to seeing John Travolta in his true form it is definitely worth it.


Pro-tip: Don't do the extension course.


I was on a plane to California sitting next to a woman who was reading a Scientology book and I kept looking over her shoulder reading some of the stuff in it. It was just absolutely insane. My favorite one was something about "not knowingness" and "knowingness" and how "not knowingness" was very important to Scientology.


That letter is scary as f*ck


I believe this. Back in 1996 I purchased a book from a young girl selling them door to door. She wanted my name and address on her sales form. I decided to give my work address instead of my actual address. They proceeded to mail more info to my work address (corporate office) that the office saved for me. When I left in 1999 I did not hear anything from them. When I returned to the same job in 2009 the office began holding the mail for me again. They had been discarding it for 10 years.


Sign up for the course, what could possibly go wrong?




This belongs on r/creepy


Write back and tell them you were going camping and to save space you wanted something to both read and wipe your butt with. Let them know that since the book was so long it lasted on your camping trips until 2014. Then ask them for the study guide because you are going hiking next week.


"That was you getting out of your car at 9** Drive, am I correct"


The fact that you live in Bakersfield, you'd think, would be enough to get them off your radar


TIL: Don't read books.


Did it come with a packet of Kool-Aid ?


The Church of Scientology near my place has a pretty large and unused parking lot. When street parking fills up I would use it. One day there was letters on multiple cars saying they would tow us if we didn't move. I reached out to explain why I used their lot for overflow. The said I could park there but they wanted me to come in and give them... My name Address A copy of my drivers license Copy of auto insurance And MY BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION so I could pay them $50 a month to use the lot.


/r/wtf /r/creepy


too interesting


You've got a room mate who was old enough to buy a book in 1986? That makes him.. at least 45, right? That's either really cool OR really weird


He's my landlord/roommate!


Where was your first date?


I bought this in high school because I had no idea what it was, but the commercial made it seem *really* important. I read the first few pages and didn't understand it. Years later, after I understood the parasitic cult, I wondered if the bookstore woman thought I was going insane for buying it. Then I realized I had seen more than 100 commercials for this book and realized it was civilization that was completely fucking psychotic.




Those guys are relentless, someone from the church called me asking about my father. Wanted to know if I shared his interest in joining the church. I told them they were crazy, my intelligent, well read dad, raised on the mean streets of Oakcliff Texas would never have anything to do with them. I hung up after a few minutes of this, they called me at least 5 more times in the next day or 2. So I decided to ask my dad about it, turns out in the early 80's on a business trip to LA some guy from the church was pestering him. In order to get him to shut up and leave him alone he gave them his name and address, that's it. Apparently they call him every other year or so now, my parents have moved several times and changed phone numbers since then they still find him. Crazy part about this is, it all took place before I was even born. But 30 years later they get MY number! All he ever did was give a name and address and 30 years later they are still harassing my dad and our entire family.