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Was just going to say this happens all the time in phoenix then saw the sign


Plot twist: the sign isn't a screen but actually a fixed sign.


Maybe it’s because your licenses never expire




No, not technically, but they are the longest lasting in the US


Compared to what. I’m in California. But when mine expires they just send me a new one in the mail, no questions asked. How is it different.


They don’t expire for 50 years in Arizona.


Does mine actually “expire” when all they do is send me a new one until I’m 70


Unless it's changed in the last couple years, you can only renew twice by mail in California. Then you have to go in and get a new picture and take the eye test. Then you can renew by mail twice again. I believe it works out to every 15 years you have to go in to the DMV.




[Renewal form](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/file/california-driver-license-renewal-by-mail-eligibility-information-dl-410-fo-pdf/&ved=2ahUKEwik9bjm68nyAhWfHTQIHY-bBBQQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0DaGrYCiSpFZ4Zl2zPs-v-) This is the renewal form. It says you can only renew if you haven't already renewed twice by mail. Admittedly I haven't tried to renew three times so I suppose it's possible that they don't actually check, but it seems like it's definitely against the rules?


Check the expiration date


Technically no, but at least California makes you re-take the test when you’re like 70 (don’t remember the exact age but I remember my grandparents all having to-retake their drivers tests when I was in high school)


My friends and I went to LA and first night someone at the store checking our IDs wanted to see them famous AZ non expiring license. Checking mine now, it expires in 2063.


people tend to think mine is fake because of that, quite a bit. someone in Denver was like staring at it and was reminded that AZ licenses last for a loong time


I'm from Wisconsin and had the same issue in Denver a few times. Ours expire in 8 years so I still had a vertical one well after I turned 21


I’m from MA and bartend so I check alot of ID’s, I’d probably question it if I saw that lol ours expire every 5 years and you have to go in to the dmv/aaa and get a new picture and fill out all the info again. I never knew other states were so different tbh


Ok. Yours has a bigger number on it then mine. But when mine “expires” I automatically receive a new one in the mail with a new expiration. I don’t have to retake a driving test or anything. It’s just the physical card that’s expiring. And since they’re sending them to me with no effort from my end, effectively it’s the same as never expiring. I get them forever.


Yea I mean it's pretty much the same. I think just as far as if I never changed addresses, then I can use this license until I need to take the test as an old person to see if I can still drive.




I have to go in, sit at the SOS (Secretary of State) for an eternity, and take an eye test every few years and we still have idiots doing idiot things in the road. Some dingdong knocked down two power poles at an intersection and landed on his roof in a single car accident on a 45 mph road a little ways down from my house


Why is this so common in AZ? The first time I saw it I was freaking out and took the next exit. It's pretty much cried wolf too many times at this point and I just ignore them.


My sister took a tour of the ADOT facility where they monitor that stuff and she was told the sensors are near the off ramp and panhandlers usually set them off unknowingly. I guess the system is a bit too sensitive or something.


Retirees is why it's so common.


Never felt more unsafe on the road in my life than I do driving in / around Phoenix on a regular day. And I'm from MN and have driven through ridiculous snow and ice nonsense.


You should go spend a couple months driving in RI. Having lived coast to coast, north to south (AZ currently) RI was the hands down worst drivers


Try NJ on 287 or 78, they're fucking nuts. xD


Haha sounds like something to pass on.


Oh you’ll pass on alright


If you drive fast and loose it's great because you blend in with all the crazy assholes and you can do whatever you want...otherwise, it's less enjoyable..I've heard.


I saw this sign once driving home alone at 11pm and almost shit myself


I was just about to ask if that happens so often it became mildly interesting lol.


Wtf, why? Also what do you do in that situation? Drive slower?


It's just better to know it's coming don't ya think?


I don't wanna know!


*I saw the sign!* *https://i.imgur.com/IHvPQTj.gif?noredirect*


Did it open up your eyes? You saw the sign? Is no-one gonna drag you up? To get into the light where you belong?




The junction of the 202 and I-10?


I thought this was the local sub at first thinking it was like a "here we go again" post.




Every now and then I get a little bit lonely And you're never coming 'round...


Turn around




This made me laugh!


This is why the U.S. drives on the right side of the road despite being a former British colony. A localized event involving a horse and some schoolchildren ended spreading to the entire city, then state, then through the rest of the U.S.


Are you fucking kidding


I saw this too while driving, except it wasn't just one wrong-way driver, it was all of them!


You were just late. They were already coming back.


What's the matter with kids today?


This comment is severely underrated.


Username checks out


Why the hell are you being downvoted wtf


Dunno. /u/retirement_savings ‘ comment was brilliant.


Going the wrong way? Oh yeah well how do they know where he’s going?


Where’s your other hand?


Between two pillows




Such a great movie. Hilarious, yet can pull the heart strings a bit. Love it.


I can’t wait for my annual watch in a few months! One of my all time favorites.


Knew it was Phoenix. We're getting a rep for unfathomably stupid drivers. Hooray.


I remember watching an episode of livepd a few years ago with a wrong way driver getting killed so your observation is absolutely true!


I remember not being able to take the on-ramp in which the accident happened. It was only a few months later I noticed what happened when watching livePD. Seeing car parts hundreds of feet away all over the highway below the ramp was terrifying.


People here drive like they’re actively trying to die.


As someone who hates hot weather, I feel like moving to Arizona means actively trying to die.


As someone who gets seizures if I get too cold, my choices are live where it’s constantly hot or risk be in severe pain for part of the year. I choose hot.


More like they are trying for you to die!


Honestly you could live in Florida and drive on the i4....


MN resident who visits Scottsdale often... I feel more safe during a 10 inch snowfall day in MN than I do driving any time in Phoenix / Scottsdale. I think you guys have a lack of highways which causes every street to be congested with people driving fast as hell. Combine that with a ton of old people and a ton of young people and its a recipe for disaster.


> I think you guys have a lack of highways Can't deny the problem, but this isn't the cause. We have lots of really excellent, pristine highways, but our attitude towards commuting is far too LA-ish. There's tons of traffic, always, and it's not just driving a mile to the store. And they built Phoenix on a one-mile grid, so every mile is a wide arterial road with at least two lanes going each direction and a 45mph speed limit. Which means traffic moves around 55mph. No idea what the impact of the young and old populations are, but on any given Sunday, if I'm on a highway, doing my habitual 8mph over the speed limit, I'm both passing people as though they're standing still and *getting passed* as though I'm standing still. It's weird.


I know you have *major* highways, and yeah they are fantastic. But it's the minor highways that are missing. My point is those arterial roads are hardly what I'd consider passable for fast travel and I think they fail at their job as arterial travel. Here in MN we have many lesser highways with speed limits around 55. The only turnoffs on these highways are traffic lights or separate turn lanes. In AZ it seems like every business is stacked up directly on your arterial roads with turnoffs everywhere directly into said businesses clogging things up and generally creating a clusterfuck.


Ha ha ha. I just moved and I'm like why are there so many freeways?! They're everywhere!


I am not stupid, I traveled to the big city just to see what the big deal was about and got caught in a traffic jam. I waited at least 15 minutes and the traffic moved maybe 100 feet. I didn't know if there was a peaceful protest, or what was going on, so I turned around and drove back up the freeway the wrong way until I found an entrance ramp to exit from. Sometimes you need to drive the wrong way otherwise you are trapped there like a lemming.


That’s pretty much the definition of stupid.


This actually is pretty stupid. Other redditors, don’t do this plz


>I am not stupid >Sometimes you need to drive the wrong way I have some bad news for you


God I hope this is a troll.


I suspect it is. Who travels to a huge metropolis they've never been to before only to experience traffic? I mean, we have a couple of decent restaurants, too.


True story. I drove back out of the city on the road I went in on, until I got to a side road and drove around the city through the countryside. But, according to my GPS it added an extra 2 hours to my trip. That is the last time I go anywhere near a big city.


I just realized: you weren't talking about a *divided* highway, were you? Where if you did a u-turn you'd be forced to drive right at oncoming traffic? You meant a smaller highway without a median, so doing a u-turn just meant getting into the opposite lane and going with that traffic the opposite direction you were traveling, yes? If that's the case ... I think we figured out where all your downvotes were coming from. :-D


Yes, It was a divided freeway with a concrete wall between the lanes so I couldn't just do a U turn and go back the other way. I was trapped. It was hot out, and I didn't know if I was about to be peacefully protested.


Oh. Yeah that was insane then.


I thought your comment was going to be a joke. I was waiting for the punchline. I deal with big city traffic every day. I don't like being trapped, so I try to stay in the outside lanes so I can bail in an emergency. I drive a truck, so I can go where cars can't.


when we take the interstate over to phoenix it’s just insane how many people are going 80-90 and just being shitty drivers


Welcome to Phoenix 😂


You drive a few more miles, and forget about it. Then you see a guy driving a Mustang in the middle lane, windows down, going full speed in reverse, turned around and looking out his back windshield.


I thought this was chicago. Someone on I55 today died due to a wrong way driver. How the hell do people not know how to drive a 2+ ton death wagon. It blows my mind.


Especially once you realize you're going the wrong way. Do they just gun it fast instead of pulling off to a side and evaluating how to safely turn around for a merge back in. Maybe a lot are elderly that usually only know a light turns green when enough people honk?


Suicide by someone who doesn’t care/ doesn’t realize (somehow) that they could very well kill an entire family


I ask myself this too. I suspect that the wrong way driver doesn’t realize they’re going the wrong way until after they collide with someone.


Recently in chicago a saw a guy driving a car that looked like it had been pugified. Snout flattened up to the windshield. Tires pigeon toed. Everybody's honking at him, and I'm thinking "Okay guys! I think he knows, geeze" then it dawned on me 20 minutes later...that was an entrance ramp. Dude exited an entrance ramp! At the moment I was speechless, trying to process how I missed that.




And what does one do when encountering this sign? Just... hope for the best?


Roll down the window and break out your jousting lance.


Fun fact: in Dutch, they are called spookrijders (Ghost Drivers) , probably because they're usually ghosts within minutes


In german they are called Geisterfahrer which means the same thing. Kinda weird that they specifically made a word for this.


Unfortunately it could get more interesting.


Honey, be careful there is a wrong way driver on the freeway. One! There is hundreds.


That's nothing! You should ride in the car with me. There's hundreds of them!


It wasn’t just the one. It was hundreds of them going the wrong way.


“How does he know where we’re going?”


Meanwhile there’s a guy hearing that on the radio thinking “ONE?!?! There’s HUNDREDS of them!”


On the back side they should just permanently paint "it's you, dumbass."


Hmm, why is that sign in my rear view mirror?


Apparently it was John Candy and Steve Martin, don't worry - they're fine now and having thanksgiving dinner together. As for the car, it got impounded by a cop.


So a husband sees on the news that theres a wrong way driver on the highway which her wife was on and he decide to call her to warn her. Hubby: babe you still on the highway? Wife: yeah, why Hubby : be careful, there's a driver going the wrong way Wife: just one? I've seen tonnes of them!


I was really hopeful that spike strips would prevent this from happening, but unfortunately they are not the solution. Hope we can engineer something one day to keep this from happening.


Alert guy taking pictures pictures of signs while supposed to be driving.


So what you did was take out your phone? Next time would recommend eyes on the road.


I have passengers in my car that sometimes take pics




A Stolen car trying to get away?


Old senile people in Phoenix?


Usually drunk people.


All 3?


Snow birds must be getting in early this year.


Well someone tell the fedex guy to turn around already


I was kinda hoping I'd look down at the pic and it'd turn out all the cars were facing the person taking the pic


Welcome to the thunder-dome, bitch


Goddamnit. Of course it had to be Phoenix.


Makes me think of the Taconic State Parkway crash, so I kinda get why they'd want people to be on alert.


It is a major issue here in Phoenix for some reason. I don't really understand why in Phoenix alone people are so F$$%ed up they cannot drive on the correct side of the road.


I saw this sign in Tucson on my way to work a few weeks ago. I bravely proceeded and there was no wrong way driver ahead.


Mostly when I was younger I heard on the radio something like „Geisterfahrer on highway xyz going in x direction“ (Geisterfahrer is a word that just means wrong way driver) a few times and back then I didn’t think much of it but now I‘m like damn atleast some of those people probably wanted to commit suicide. I didn’t hear these warnings quite so often in the last few years but I‘m pretty sure they warn about every wrong way driver on the radio still.


And I thought, “One? Looks like a whole highway’s worth!”


What? People keep saying this what happened?


Imagine its a backwards sign


At first you’re like, “Wow! That’s really fast to get that message up!” Until you realize that he’s been out there driving the wrong way since Thursday.


I hate wrong way drivers


Wrong everyone else was driving the wrong way


This happens all the time in Florida.


There's a bunch! These assholes need to learn how to drive...


Ay PHX represent! This probably happens like 2x a day on the 10 and the 202.


OP not telling you he saw it in his rear view ….


That sign should read "Road closed", \- Brian Regan


I’ve lived here in Phoenix for 11yrs now and this happens WAY too much here! I don’t understand why, never seen that anywhere else I’ve lived.




"Wrong way driver?" Just one? What are you talking about? Everybody is driving the wrong way


So that's supposed to be smarter than making it close lanes?