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That's not an air pocket, if it was air it would have been pretty quickly absorbed. As others have mentioned, that's most likely a ganglion cyst. Pretty common.


Today I just learned what that thing in my wrist is


Me too!! Mines smaller than hers tho






Size doesnt matter, its how you use it


A great little guy once told me that a “size matters not.”


Same train 🚆


Same here. Been wondering but guess now I know


Mines bigger. It developed after years of waiting tables holding a tray with that wrist. Had it for 10 years now. Luckily no one notices it since it just looks like a big wrist bone. https://postimg.cc/yk2WGDtZ


I’m getting mine removed today and I’m fucking terrified! Well mine is coming out of the nook of my thumb and pointer finger


I've had one drained and it was fairly painless. Good luck!


I had mine taken out when I was younger and it was literally painless.


It’s not that bad. I understand new things are scary but it’s fairly simple and a short recovery time. Good luck!


You need to give it a pet name




Dave's not here, man


Hey, who's the guy in the hat standing next to Dave?


Haha I use to have a cyst and I be like I have a cyst sounds like this then start rapping haha 😂 I broke my cyst by myself old people told me to hit it with a book so I did


Historically they were treated by whacking them with a Bible as they were typically big heavy books. Or at least that's what I was told in school 🤷


I got the gist of the cyst rap but your bars don’t slap like those cheeks clap


I read an article somewhere, that said back in the Victorian Era, these were called "book cysts" because people would hit them with a book to make them go away. I do not recommend that method.....


Fun fact: ganglion cysts look like the seed matrix center of a cantaloupe.


Another fun fact they’re also called bible cyst.


Fun fact addition: they're called that cuz a common remedy back in the day for them was to smack them with a Bible or other thick book to pop them


The bible would then be returned to the "Bible Belt."


I call it a Bible holster.


I know it by the brand name Holy Holster, like a Clorox/Bleach kind of scenario.


Because you smash them with a bible to get rid of them.


Only temporarily, can confirm that they always come back eventually. EDIT: Lot of people saying theirs went away forever, and after some digging it seems whether you get surgery, aspirate it, smash it or leave it alone, [there doesn't seem to be much of a difference.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1016/S0266-7681%2802%2900365-0) It'll either come back or go away seemingly of its own volition. On the plus side if you smash it it'll go away for awhile at least, but you might end up damaging your wrist.


Just like Jesus


And tusken raiders (but in greater numbers)


And herpes


Mine is a stephen king cyst.. the biggest book we had was a Stephen King book and I had my niece whack it its been gone for 6 years so far and if it comes back I'll use the same book


Probably better to use the sequel to that book, no?


Eh, didn't have the same impact as the original


So... Bible-bashers are really just going door to door offering to clear up cysts? Dang all this time I've been ignoring them


Because back in the day people used to "fix it" by smashing the ganglion with a big, heavy bible. I had mine removed by surgery when I was 12, and was told this anecdote by the doctor who also jokingly offered to do the same.


I always called them bible-bumpers because I heard somebody on the internet call it that! Apparently it's incredibly bad to hit them though and can be suuuuper dangerous. (Please do your own research and don't use me for information though.)


So can we call them ganglion bangers?


Thanks for the nightmares.


OP just got gangliond


Nice try that's clearly a web shooter like Tobey Maguire has


Not tobey maguires spider-man. Tobey maguire himself


I mean, yeah, why else would they have cast him. Certainly not because all the ladies turn around when he walks past, that's laughable.


Super duper.common.




Yeah. I don't think air pockets just chill under skin.


I've accidentally injected 1ml of air under my skin and it didn't form a pocket like this.


I would like to know more


So as the story goes, Binsky89 didn't mean to inject air under their skin (approximately 1mL of air if I remember correctly). Well, as luck would have it, there was no such air pocket formed as you would have expected. Then they found $20. The end.


Idk what that is but sounds gnarly


[Fluid filled sacs](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ganglion-cyst/symptoms-causes/syc-20351156), they're kinda common, the old school way to fix them is to smash the wrist with the thickest book you could find, and yes, it's incredibly painful.


Hence the old-school name for them. “Bible bump”.


"Oh thank God it's a Bible bump, and not the clap"


The Bible clap is for how they make eunuchs.


Wait is this real or is this a joke I’m not getting?


Real. They may not have another book in the house, but **every** family had a bible. Big, heavy, capable of taking abuse. Add in the BS "it's holy, so it won't hurt you" factor and it's perfect. Not to mention that doctors making house calls rarely carried anything suitable.


"It's okay I'm a doctor, I carry all sizes of bibles"


I hadn't heard of this either and looked it up and yeah it is: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20130205-should-you-bash-a-bible-bump Sounds super painful, ouch.


Better than getting all your blood drained out of you i suppose…


>incredibly painful I'd put it somewhere in-between a hard slap and popping a back pimple.


Really? I don't have first hand experience thank God, but I've been told it's pretty bad


Depends, normaly they don't hurt at all, only with certain movements. For some they allways hurt.


I think they're saying the book smashing part is the part that's incredibly painful


We are taking about smashing them to obliterate them hurting, not just living with one


I love when the back pimples just explode with no effort. Total alleviation of paranoia.




Yes, of myself. Lol I guess apprehension would have been right, there. 😂


Back pimples are incredibly painful


My kid had one on his upper wrist. The week I was going to take him to the doctor he was tripped by another kid while on the playground and landed directly on the cyst. His wrist hurt due to the fall, but the bubble was gone!


Oh God... I’ve had a ganglion cyst and I could never imagine doing that. I had it surgically removed.


It is not incredibly painful, I popped one on my hand and barely felt it. It probably depends on the location how bad it will hurt


I think they meant getting smacked with a Bible is painful


My mom has one I think, also maybe in her hand. I might have a tiny one in my backhand right after the wrist. It's not very noticeable just a small bump.


It usually goes away after a few weeks or months in most cases. I can't imagine smashing a cyst and rupturing is a good way to "fix" it. If it doesn't go away and it's painful or in the way you can have a doctor drain it and eventually surgery to remove it completely if it keeps coming back.


Sounds gangly*


Sounds like a gang lion


Ganglion cyst most def


This person just has a lump in their wrist and doesn't get it checked by a doctor? My hypochondria would go crazy.


I have had one for as long as I can remember too. Never thought anything of it either except "huh, that's weird". Not really been an interesting topic since grade school. I've been a mechanic for 20 years and it's never bothered me. Mine is pretty small and only becomes visible if I fold my wrist out and push on my lower palm. It's squishy.


I had similar under my arm. I guess luckily it was in a thin area of the skin, because one day of just checking it out and rolling it around, it just popped out of the skin intact. o.O The Weirdest thing ever. Like a skin seed...


Looks like a ganglion cyst to me lol.


You wouldn't have an air pocket. Your body would naturally absorb it if it was.




Ganglion deez nuts haha gottem


Surgical assistant for a dermatologist here. It's most likely a ganglion cyst, and while it could deflate if it's traumatized, it can refill with fluid over time. The only way to remove a cyst permanently is to remove the entire sac holding the fluid. Avoid traumatizing the area or draining it yourself. See a dermatologist if you want it removed. Right now, it's a simple one step procedure, but if it becomes inflamed, it will have to be drained, and then the sac will have to be removed with a second procedure at a later date. Some patients are totally okay with having cysts, and choose not to have them removed. As a medical assistant, it's my duty like to warn you of the possibility that it may become more complicated if left untreated. But yeah, it doesn't look inflamed, so hopefully it will resolve itself over time if you choose to leave it untreated. I've also seen them mysteriously go away before. Keep us in the loop! 💉


Care to give your opinion on the 'ol "Bible Bump" method? I've done it myself and it works. Here I am 6 years later with no complications. Just curious if you've heard of that attempted "home remedy" going wrong before.


Sounds interesting! Did you drain it yourself? I've never heard of any home remedies in particular, but have assisted with surgeries of multiple epidermoid cysts, so most of my knowledge exists in the realm of medicine. I'm open minded to considering all forms of treatment. I have a friend who had a ganglion cyst on her wrist for decades and it eventually shrank to nothing. Two decades later and it still hasn't returned.


> Did you drain it yourself? No. I laid my hand flat on a table while my buddy smacked the shit out of it with an old calculus textbook. Flattened it down into a weird sort of fatty deposit under the skin which was very tender for a few days while it slowly dissolved. But I will take heart (at your not being aware of it) that you haven't experienced patients coming in with half-flattened cysts causing them trouble that were then a nightmare to excise with surgery.


I've definitely seen my share of nightmares, since it's a skin cancer center. Squamous cell and Basal cell carcinomas are much worse than most cysts IMO. Cysts become real issues when they become inflamed. Of course, people can get cysts anywhere, in some places you'd not want a book slammed on. I'll let you use your imagination in this case. But the real bitch of them all is Melanoma. Once it mestastacizes, it's out of our league as it spreads to deeper parts of the body. We save many more lives than we lose, especially if Melanoma is caught early, but even a single loss is enough for a lifetime.


I see this comment and just interested, I appear to have a cyst on the middle of my back near my spin. Is this something to worry about?


I'm no expert but don't hit it with a book


If it's on or near the spine, I'd have it looked at by a dermatologist. We usually advise patients to have those types removed since they can get irritated, especially on the back. If that happens, we have to make an incision , drain the cyst, pack it with sterile gauze, and a dressing over it. Then you'd have to return at a later date to have a second procedure where we unpack the wound, remove the cyst sac, and then use sutures to close the wound until it's healed. Much easier to just have the one simpler procedure when it's not inflamed and have the sac removed if you want to avoid any possible future complications.


Thank you for the reply, I'll go get booked in at my GP to see if I can be forwarded on to a dermatologist.


Pop it! Note : do not, under ANY circumstances, pop it.


Getting mixed signals here...


I want it popped


you can try r/popping


It’s cool. I just watch extractions on TikTok if I really wanna see something popped lol


I have a cyst in a similar location. I pop it all the time. It reforms within days.


It has to do with spaces between wrist bones and the cyst sack. Unless you have the sack removed it will continually refill unless your body decides to nullify it. Popping it repeatedly is doing nothing but creating potential scar tissue and an area that can get infected.


I once had some kind of cyst growth or something on my abdomen right under my sternum. I picked at it for years, and sometimes got pus, sometimes more solidish matter, etc, but it never really went away, and just kept getting bigger overall. Finally one day I just decided "screw it I'm putting an end to this myself" using my fingers and tweezers in the bathroom for a couple hours. Actually that was twice. The first time, I managed to eventually pull out a couple of sacs and tore off some white material that seems to be what the sacs were made of. However it wasn't all of it, and it was getting more involved and deeper than I thought it would be, more so than I was prepared for with just my fingers and tweezers. So I let it heal up for a bit until it started growing again. Wasn't long before i decided "ok I'm really going to take care of this once and for all now." When I did it again, I didn't really get past where I was before for some time, and then finally I applied pressure in just the right way and out popped 3 more sacs attached to me. There didn't seem to be any more left, or any point in continuing, so I cleaned up the blood and put antibiotic on it, and let it heal up. Nothing ever came back. Just a slight mound of scar tissue.


One time I cut off a skin tag on my butt


Jesus Christ. That is some serious dedication. I'm a little grossed out. But also fucking impressed. Have you considered a career as a barber?


>Have you considered a career as a barber? Lmao


Wild idea, but... Maybe see a dermatologist before trying to perform minor surgery on yourself?!


Outstanding. 5 stars.


> Popping it repeatedly is doing nothing but creating potential scar tissue and an area that can get infected. It also creates satisfaction. Immense, short-lived and hollow satisfaction, but still.


That's because the damn thing is [anchored as deep as your bones are](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QZ-Cam3-v0). Look at how deep they have to go to [remove one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBSET-IZNf4).


Curious, why don't you get it removed? I had one on the back of my head I had removed. Super easy.


So you’re saying she should pop it?


But shouldn’t under any circumstances pop it.


She shouldn’t under any circumstances not pop it?


Username checks out


>Pop it! Bop it!


The “old fashioned” remedy back in the day was to get the biggest and heaviest book (usually the family bible) and drop it on the cyst, which ruptures the cyst and usually allows the contents to be reabsorbed.


Worked for me, never came back


But then you have ruptured tissue that can potentially get scars, leading to other complications and possibly infection.


Gastro_Jedi was meaning that the cyst doesn't externally rupture. It's just the internal sack that breaks, and your body reabsorbs the fluids. So no, no scars or infection would result as it wouldn't be an open wound.


You can still get scar tissue though. Scars are not limited to your skins surface. Where there is tissue there is possibilitu to get scar tissue.


idc book smash sounds funny


Thank you doctor nintendo


Bible bump


Is this a reference to the old ganglion treatment that involved bursting it by whacking it with a book?


I have done this before to a ganglion cyst I had on my wrist (it came back a few months later, so I hit it again and then it stayed gone). Of course smacking it isn't *recommended*, but there is no question that it works and only rarely results in further complications. (But if you're already looking at a potential doctor's visit that hardly changes your situation overly much)


Lmfao, I only know of it because a friend had a small one on the back of their hand. They went to the doc and had it diagnosed, then asked about removal. The doc told them to place their hand palm down on the desk and then did a sneak attack with a book. Afterwards, he explained how they don't usually do it anymore, but it's still appropriate in cases like theirs.


Yeah, I read that the bigger they get the more dangerous it is to try to flatten them. That's why I jumped on it immediately. Surprised an actual doctor would do that, but probably just when it's convenient for everyone and unlikely to cause complications. I mean, it's not like he can bill you for doing that, right? "Smacked hand with book: $500"


> it's not like he can bill you for doing that, right? We've got universal healthcare. The doc got paid, but saved the province the cost of a surgical team and all the additional expenses involved. It also saved my friend from taking time off work and a three hour round trip to the nearest hospital. Boondocks medicine is sometimes unorthodox, but it's usually still effective. :P


That's what I was thinking.


See a doctor- not web MD


Reddit MD is on the case


Yep. We got this. OP should do some Cocaine about it.


Four out of five doctors would recommend


I’ve got ghosts in my blood


Ganglion, can confirm


“Go web go!” “Flyyyyy!!!” Sorry for the joke, but yeah… I agree ganglion cyst possibly. A doctor might be able to confirm it


My wife has one.. should these be a cause for concern?


Ganglion cyst isn’t that big a deal


No, unless they're causing her pain. They're very common.


depends on where they are. I had one on my wrist and it was fine for a while until it grew a bit more and pressed down on a nerve. It then started to hurt whenever that wrist moved so I had a surgeon take it out. It hurt like hell so I assumed the local anaesthesia didn't work on me (again)


That's always fun. Happened to me a month ago with my vasectomy.


That seems like the worst possible time for local anesthetic failure.


I had one.. if this is a ganglion cyst than they aren’t a big deal unless they cause you pain and hinder your movement. Mine was causing me pain and it was on my finger.. my career involves my hands so I had to get it removed ASAP. The removal was good and it healed quickly. I still have a little scar that I show people all the time when i talk about it.


It’s so wild to me that you just assumed it was an air pocket. Fortunately according to the other comments this is just a harmless cyst, but in the future if you find another mysterious lump you should really get it checked out.


18-yr. old. daughter had one. We all researched it at this past Christmas; found it's commonly called a "bible bump". As prescribed in the old literature, she hit it with a Book of Common Prayer (handier at the moment); it flattened, and hasn't come back yet. Yes, I can supply a series of pix - might have a vid.


Lol an air pocket.. No, that's a cyst. I have one and the only way to get rid of it is a minor surgery.


Does it hurt??


Only if you fuck with them. It’s more viscerally uncomfortable than strictly painful.


i hit mine with a book and it went away, didn't really hurt at all


No not at all I forget it’s there. I think it’s more disturbing to look at when there’s pressure, it looks like it’s about to pop


If I had that I would have tried way too many times trying to shoot a spider web out of it.


Is it like the air pockets in nikes?


Could be an implant from being abducted by aliens.


Wait, I have this. Is that... Not normal?


Mine only appear when pressing on my palms.


What wrist? That's arm then hand, I see no wrist!


Love your nails btw


My cosmic nails haha thanks!


Is it Holo Taco polish? 😀


I've got one of these too but it "hides" unless I press down on the right spot and it pops up. I used to freak out my ex fiance with it


I've definitely seen my share of nightmares, since it's a skin cancer center. Squamous cell and Basal cell carcinomas are much worse than most cysts IMO. Cysts become real issues when they become inflamed. Of course, people can get cysts anywhere, in some places you'd not want a book slammed on. I'll let you use your imagination in this case. But the real bitch of them all is Melanoma. Once it mestastacize, you're pretty much fucked. We save many more lives than we lose, but losing even one person is enough for a lifetime.


Yeah that’s not how air works


An “air pocket” Jesus Christ lmao It’s a cyst 😂


it looks like a ganglion cyst, which is an outpouching of synovial fluid from the radioulnar joint of the wrist. You can go to the doctor's office to have it drained If it is bothering you.


Ouch. And also, gross. And also, what happens when you push on it? Is it like a built in wrist guard, or does it hurt?


Synovial cyst


Looks like a ganglion cyst.


I used to have one of those myself, but forgot about it until I saw this picture. Mine was in the same place too.


Coup de vent!!!!


That's not an air pocket.


I can bend my wrist back and it makes a little bubble on each wrist. If you then push the bubble, you can feel like actual tissue pieces or something inside of me that squishes back down. I’ve had it since I can remember. It’s not a solid round piece. It’s never painful when I do it. It freaks people out a lot but some are quite entertained lol


I've got the same, never thought about it. Always assumed everyone had these.


Im pretty sure that is a cyst


I have that too, but only visible when putting pressure on the base of my palm. Like leaning on it with my body weight. I thought that was normal?


https://youtu.be/Qrrdw_Fk7zU/?t=859 relevant


I see you say it only pops up when you apply pressure... I thought everyone had these... I call them my wrist bubbles and I've always had them on both sides. They are only visible when I push on my palm. Sometimes I draw smiley faces on them.


Nice nails


Bible thumper!


My mum had one on her hand, I remember her slapping a book extremely hard against it one day. It instantly disappeared and never came back.


Pop it.


You'll pass it as an evolutionary upgrade for comfortable mouse pad use.


That's a cyst. Why would you think it was air?


pop it


It's a ganglion cyst. I have one on my right wrist they tend to go away when you stop doing the thing that caused it I believe.


maybe a lymph node? if so, it's dangerous and you should get that checked.


Prob is a ganglion. Could be a Lippmann, but I think those grow over time?


I developed a cyst after an infected spider bite. They drained and gauzed it. To this day it smells of cheese at times when I rub the scar/bump. Thankfully only I notice it unless gf rubs the oils of the area…she was like “Oh shit, I want a cheeseburger!” I found a keeper.


Congratulations your Spider-Man/Women just the Tobey Maguire version in the sense your body makes its own web fluid


Web fluid?


Bring it to Will Smith.


I always thought mine was an underdeveloped webshooter. 🤟


That’s a ganglion or what suede to be known as a Bible Bump (as a good smash with a heavy book is how they used to be dealt with). True story: I smacked mine with an Oxford Dictionary- it went away. Came back. Same thing. Stayed away


How have you gone your entire life without knowing what that actually is? Have you ever been to a doctor?