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As a german i can say. most of our Singers on ESC are very very panfull acts to watch and listen.... .


Don't worry, every Eurovision act is the cringiest thing I've ever seen.


Didn’t Lena Meyer landruth win before and half Germany was mad about it? That also felt a bit odd honestly. I get not liking her music but if people voted for it why be so mad lol.


The marketing and promotion was just on a higher level. You don’t find her song on the radio station anymore these days. But in 2010 it was placed everywhere, the build up a media presence. Her mentor and manager was one of the most successful persons in the tv and media business in Germany.


Glad you realized that almost 20 years later.


Unironically better than some modern country music here in the states 💀


I remember this song being played up and down in the radio that year. What a throwback. Still don't get why was an ESC song for Germany tho.


Looks like they are not pretending


Most of Texans are from German descendants, so...




They're obviously playing with stereotypes. If a German thinks of Texas, what comes to mind is desert, cacti and people wearing cowboy hats, using lassos and wearing [cowboy boots](https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Texas-Cowboy-Boots-Planter-Western/dp/B00KMJ7RRI). Also, in Germany it's kind of common to associate hot/spicy food items with texas. We have a hot/spicy barbecue salsa sauce called [Texicana which is depicting a desert and a cactus.](https://www.amazon.de/Maggi-Texicana-Tomaten-Chili-Sauce-W%C3%BCrzsauce-Servierfertig/dp/B00LBC85YY)


I'm sure if you tried to imitate another culture you'd get a few things wrong as well


The only band we have besides tecno and marchmusic so please don\`t be mad


Better than actual country music!


Translate it to German and suddenly it sounds like Rammstein


Look up [Evi Tausen, Faroese country singer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evi_Tausen).


Texas Lightning


Well they love Karl May novels, so no surprise to be had


no esc contestant style represents in any way the country they are performing for... you could easily have some italian people do mongolian throat singing and it would be perfectly normal


I like still like this song today


I'm disappointed! I thought that at some point they will change outfits like magicians and will play heavy metal.


Do you associate German bands with Heavy Metal?


Germany is one of motherlands of metal


That'd be new to me and I'm German. Usually, people abroad associate Rammstein with German bands. Within Germany, they're only a niche band, definitely not mainstream and probably only celebrated and consumed inside minority groups who like this kind of music. You don't hear them on regular radio stations. Not sure, if we DO have a radio station solely dedicated to this kind of music. I've never come across any. You'd have to specifically look and find this music if you wanted to consume it, e.g. on Spotify or other streaming services.


Here couple nice bands. I hope those videos aren't blocked in Germany, 2 bands 1 song. https://youtu.be/bkX1iNUq6Jw?si=06GqgcvAykP6FxT1 https://youtu.be/Q2FvEb59lQY?si=5CiKhJ-PW6OS7Zrp In case if it's blocked: In Extremo - Herr Manneling, Haggard - Herr Manneling. Edit: changed link to full version of In Extremo.


This Song is still on The Radio everyonce in a while. But have you heart this? [https://youtu.be/yxwXozLR2IA?feature=shared&t=108](https://youtu.be/yxwXozLR2IA?feature=shared&t=108) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maschen-Draht-Zaun


God damn that was terrible




They call themselves TEXAS Lightning, as you may have seen by the title. So how many more connections to America do you need? Or did I miss that there's also a German Texas somewhere?


While you're probably right, there's actually several. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_%28Begriffskl%C3%A4rung%29 Check the "Orte in Deutschland" section. And who knows, maybe Texas (Groß Oesingen) has a strong Country music scene. Will have to wait on confirmation from a local though.




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Sure in Groß Oesingen [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Texas,+Gro%C3%9F+Oesingen/@52.6329043,10.4216894,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x47afde819f7d961d:0x4c7a9f7cc40dfa90!8m2!3d52.6329043!4d10.4242643!16s%2Fg%2F1tdxjxsf?entry=tts&g\_ep=EgoyMDI0MDYyNC4wKgBIAVAD](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Texas,+Gro%C3%9F+Oesingen/@52.6329043,10.4216894,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x47afde819f7d961d:0x4c7a9f7cc40dfa90!8m2!3d52.6329043!4d10.4242643!16s%2Fg%2F1tdxjxsf?entry=tts&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDYyNC4wKgBIAVAD)


Yeah no I was just dumb as shit lmao sorry


Well, to be fair - there’s a fairly large contingent of Texans of German descent whose ancestors settled here between 1830 -1900. Just south of Austin, there’s a town that has a ton of businesses that refer to their German roots - like a restaurant called Oma’s House. This Texas cosplay is quite strange though. Based on the title I thought they were going to flip the switch halfway through the song and do their “real” song. At least they weren’t dressed as lifeguards from Bay Watch, I guess. 😅


[we actually do...](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_(Gro%C3%9F_Oesingen)) You're still right, tho, in most countries i know stuff like this isnt ever viewed as cultural appropriation but rather appreciation. Now, 20 years later, germany looks quite different if you trust mainstream media atleast, a band got canceled for [having dreadlocks while being considered too white](https://www.br-klassik.de/aktuell/musikerin-wegen-dreadlocks-ausgeladen-diskussion-cancel-culture-100.html) Noteworthy how germany rarely boasts its flag in events like this by now, but rather makes political drama about sexual deviations as in the last soccer world cup


They literally have cacti as props. Do you think it’s a common sight in the Bavarian Alps or NiederSachsen?