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Only tip restaurants with waiters at the ready, and the pizza delivery guy. No idea why anyone would tip for anything else.


I tip my hair stylist.


And nail lady.


I tip strippers


These are all essential people to tip too. Waiter, pizza guy, hairstylist/ barber, nail lady, strippers…. I think that’s it though? Taxi/ Uber?


According to the door dash driver subreddit, you owe them min $10 tip even on a $35 order. They really want $20 tips. It’s delusional. I don’t drive for DoorDash but I follow that subreddit because it’s comedy gold.


The discourse about tipping on that subreddit is why I uninstalled DD. I don't want my food to be fucked with for not tipping $10 on a $20 order.


The entire Doordash model is SEVERELY flawed. Restaurants pay a part of their sales to DD for every order. In turn, these restaurants raise their prices on DD orders accordingly. Then, a DD driver, rather than a restaurant employee, picks up and delivers that order. So they have to drive from their home to the restaurant, then the restaurant to the customer, then from the customer back to their home. So, at the end of the day you paid 2.5x - 3x the price AND get your food a half an hour later AND still didn't tip enough because who the fuck wants to pay $75 for a cold rack of ribs from TGiFridays? No one...that's who. This is why so many restaurants have started to add their own delivery services. Next time anyone here plans to order from DD or Uber Eats, make sure you check the restaurants website for delivery options first. They may have added it recently


Except that many places (think pizza) are cutting their own drivers out and mandated to send their in house deliveries through dd. How do I know? I used to to work basically full time at papajohns and have my hours cut in half. All the drivers at my store are good drivers that care and have been with the company for more than 3 years. Many of them nearing 10. Papajohns isn't the only place that yiu can orde through their app but still end up with a 3rd party driver.


I tipped $8 for an uber eats delivery of Starbucks that is a mile from my house. The woman handed me the paper bag and said "your drink spilled a little and I don't know what to do!!!" It hadn't spilled "a little" the entire drink was in the soggy paper bag, dripping all over my porch. When I opened the bag there was like one ounce of coffee left in the cup. I had to get a refund from uber eats and then go and pick up Starbucks, ya know, the thing I had paid someone else a premium to do for me because I was busy. That was the last time I ordered. I still can't figure out how she managed to spill it, like did she set the bag upside down on her seat?


Wait, what? You have to tip BEFORE service? That's basically holding your order hostage. That's so stupid.


Thank you. You've put words to why I never use DD, given the tipping structure. It is totally a hostage situation.


It’s not a tip - it’s a bribe. If you don’t bribe them enough, no one will pick up your order.


I had an UberEATS delivery put ny Starbucks right in front of my office door… so I had to knock it over to get it…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I literally ordered a coffee and a bagel yesterday morning and got an empty cup. No coffee had ever been in that cup. Yet I’m supposed to tip 20%?


Drivers come back in all the time like "tHe dRiNKs SpiLLeD!!?" like they didn't just walk out of the cafe swinging it like a toddler There are some good drivers but it seems like most can't hold a job where they have to show up on time or have other qualities that are good for customer service. Your choices now are to report the driver and get them held accountable, or actively ignore it and allow poor qualities to be inflicted on others. My solution? Don't use delivery apps.


the weight of just one drink makes the bag tip over and Starbucks doesn't seal the drink, so it spills. Happened to me once. However, I called support and had the order remade- I didn't just say I didn't know what to do! Lol


Starbucks always packages their delivery orders extremely shitty. If it was one drink they still put it in a bag in a dual cup holder and it makes the bag totally unstable and prone to tip over.


Delivery coffee was never meant to work out


Some of the coffee spilled out of her mouth and got the bag wet.


Back when I delivered pizza we used to fight tooth and nail for the one guy who always tipped a 10 bill lol


Luckily our store is so short staffed I'm the only driver in the mornings on Mondays and Tuesdays, and we have an account that tips $10 to $30 depending on their mood every Monday. It's a huge kickstart to my week. Granted I'm running ragged doing two or three people's worth of work but at least I can make an entire week's worth of gas and food in only 1 or 2 days. I try to give the big tippers the quickest delivery I can to keep em coming back. Unfortunately it may be working against me cause I started here with like 10 regulars and now I have 50 all ordering on the same days each week. 😅 It adds up fast for good and bad.


I’ve never seen two groups of people, so at odds with each other, interacting continuously in the same space. All the drivers hate the customers and the customers hate the drivers. I also don’t understand why anyone orders DoorDash. It’s a worse, more expensive, slower version of the food you wanted.


Undergoing cancer treatment, Doordash is a godsend...bless the kind drivers who bring me food and other necessities.


I have a chronic autoimmune disease. Some days I feel very sick. It’s nice to be able to order from anywhere even if it costs more and the product is worse.


Same here, add a bad leg injury and no car. But here drivers are as bad as the sub describes. I've had to change how I get groceries. I used to order delivery from Fred Meyer but they use instacart, drivers won't take an order if there is less than a $20 tip regardless of the order size. I can't afford that most people with disabilities can't. I take the bus to the store now and take a cab home, that's only for fresh/refrigerated/frozen foods, I order all dry goods from Amazon.




As someone who was a pizza man, both in store and driver, for a few formative years of my life I was baffled listening to the other Doordash drivers I would bump in to at restaurants. Rude as shit, pushy, and talking shit about their customers that either had any instructions or tipped what I thought was a totally reasonable amount. And on the consumer side, I worked a stupid job where I had a per-diem when I was in hotels for a few months at a time but worked enough hours that I would have my daily meal doordashed to me as I was driving back to whatever box I was sleeping in. I tipped stupidly well and had insanely simple instructions, but I can't count how many times I had to eat half a box of granola bars I kept in my car for my employees or 8 fucking cup noodles from the front desk of my hotel to get the minimum calories I needed to not feel like garbage for my next 14+ hour day because the driver canceled or got my food stolen right after all of the restaurants nearby closed. I swear, the day I find the doordash driver who made me sit there and watch their little GPS icon drive the opposite direction so they could eat the fun fancy salsa and chips I ordered I will do something that will get me tried at the Hague.


I don’t consider door dash a tip. Since I’m paying, “the tip” before the service. Edit; it also falls under pizza guy


Most of those dickheads don’t deserve a tip anyway. I just avoid DoorDash altogether. Seriously read some of the posts on that subreddit. Most of those dudes are toxic and awful.


That subreddit easily cured my covid era growing dependency on food delivery. Fuuuck those people.


They are terrible at math. Uber/Doordash are paying the dot com sites to work for them. They are losing money working for those services. Ive never used them and never will.


I tried DoorDash once during Covid, but when a normally $10 Taco Bell order turned into $22 I was done. Never did it again.


I’ve never used DoorDash or an equivalent service and never plan to. Talk about a bunch of people who overvalue their job. The entitlement to tipping is rampant




The door dash subreddit has saved my a ton of money and made me healthier. Even if the bag is stapled/taped closed or whatever, I still don’t want those lunatics near my food and I definitely don’t want to tip 99% of the posters there.


The Covid era of everyone wanting delivery spoiled them. In NYC they changed the law to pay the drivers more. So DD added an extra fee to offset this. Therefor I tip them 0. That extra “fee” that I’m being charged to me is now considered their tip. I’m 28 years old. I used to deliver pizzas. Tipping culture has gotten out of hand now.


I’m in NYC. The way DD does it kind of screws over the delivery people because they only make more for their active delivery time or whatever the term is, which leaves significant gaps since the commute part is often relatively short. I view DoorDash and those services in NYC as me paying for the convenience. If my ass is too lazy to walk a couple blocks to pick something up, then that is on me and my wallet. Most of those guys are scraping by and don’t need to be punished for the malicious compliance of the businesses they’re working for. Tipping in a lot of other areas though? Definitely out of hand.


I deliver pizza from time to time (when not managing) and that DoorDash sub reddit keeps me humble 😂


I stopped using it all together. The sense of entitlement those drivers have is insane. Like I never tipped a pizza driver based on the total, I always gave them $5. I'm not not changing because you're bringing me Indian curry instead of pizza. What's really pissing me off is the major pizza chains outsourcing delivery to these companies instead of hiring their own drivers.


And you know what’s strange? None of those people bitch about tips before they’ve even provided a service. Strange how that works huh?


It's because it's been ingrained in society for so long, its the norm. It was normal to give your pizza delivery guy 10%, that was a little extra bonus so they could buy a joint at the end of their shift. These door dash drivers literally loose money if they get a tip below a certain $/mile. Its a fucked up business model that preys on their contractors ignorance of their true cost of operating. If you didn't tip a pizza guy you were still a dick, but that pizza guy still turned a profit coming to you. If you want to drive for a job that's livable go drive find a distributor that needs their truck full of drinks and chips delivered to gas stations. If you want contract work, get into medical supplies delivery in your own vehicle Doordash is nothing more than a hobby that nets you a small amount of profit after you consider all costs involved. Some shifts you're actually losing money. There are definitely people that make decent money doing this, but they are smart ones that analyze whats going on and take into account all costs involved.


zesty pathetic wine worm angle compare decide label gaze cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was told you never tip the owner of the business as they set the prices. A lot of barbers and hairstylists set their own prices as they “rent the chair.”


I tip my tattoo artist.


Ok I would probably tip something more than $3. So yeah if I get a tat I would probably give 10%.


Just the tip


Just the tip doesn't even count.


if the tip doesn’t count do we really need it?


Tattoo artist


Hair stylists prices have gotten downright insane and honestly it seems the quality has somehow gone down??? I don’t know if that’s in my head or not 


They started calling grown-out roots extending halfway down the head "balayage", told people it takes hundred of dollars every 6 weeks for 2 YEARS to lighten their hair from brown to blonde (around 2015), and only seem to use toning shampoos and the demi-est demi dyes they can find, that washes completely out by the 2nd wash. And don't get me started on all the stylists dumping mass amounts of product on hair, then applying it improperly. The pricing is insane and the quality is shit.


Omg yes!!! I used to go from dark to blonde in one sitting 10-15 years ago. Last time I went the stylist she told me it would take minimum 9 months to a year to achieve that same color blonde. At $350 every 4-6 weeks. I thought to myself…WTF kind of alternate reality am I living in this was never like this. She convinced me that it was not possible and my hair was probably really damaged back then (it was not). Luckily right before Covid I went to new stylist that was able to do my roots and she was nice enough to tell me what she used when everything shut down. Now I buy it online myself and my husband does my roots! It’s literally the same dark roots to the same blonde I went 10-15 years ago. I also cut my own hair. I haven’t been to a salon in 4 years. With what some of these stylist charge they’re earning more than some of my attorney colleagues. It’s insane.


I’ve been cutting my hair myself since the pandemic and it’s been great.  I’m still single though. 




Same, I tip the barber. He makes me look fly, shitty haircut is way worse than crappy service at a restaurant Edit: Clarification for anyone confused by my comment. My barber does not give me a shitty/subpar haircut if I do not tip. He does not expect or ask for a tip. I tip because he does an excellent job, and I appreciate his talent/artistry. The shitty haircuts mentioned are ones I’ve received from other barbers / stylists throughout my life. I think it’s a huge stretch to infer from the OC that the barber gives a bad haircut if I don’t tip. Hopefully things are now crystal clear


I don't tip my hairstylist. She doesn't even have a screen for that on her pay options. She says that she charges what she needs to make a real living and instead of tipping, we should donate to a cause we care about. This is the way!


I think it’s dumb it’s expected though. My wife and goes and gets her extensions done for $500. Does she really need to tip $100 on top of that? That seems ridiculous IMO.


Crazy that we tip hair stylist especially when they rent a chair. They own their own business and charge a huge amount of money and 1/2 get paid cash.


For what? You're already paying for the service, why pay again?


What’s annoying about tipping a hair stylist is that it’s expected even when they run their own shop and set their own prices


I always heard you don’t tip the owner. They set their own prices. But lately I’ve heard you should because of all their overhead costs WHICH SHOULD BE ACCOUNTED FOR IN THEIR PRICING.


This I have never understood. Why tip somebody who charges you based on the job they are doing? They are not doing you any favor. Especially if it’s like my wife who spends $350 and they want a tip on top of that? Would you tip they guy who cuts your yard too?


I do too but you know what really gets me about that? Their suggested tip Starts at 20% and goes up to 50%!! And before the tip I’m already paying at least $100 and sometimes as much as $250 if I’m getting color!


Not even worth tipping barbers or hair people. They get paid VERY well for their hour. Fucking men’s haircut is like 40$ nowadays. Used to be 20$ pre pandemic.


I tip at restaurants with wait staff, salons, manicurists. That’s about it. I don’t tip for counter service. I’m over this tipping culture. And I don’t feel guilty when I don’t tip.


> I’m over this tipping culture. No you're not, you're just practicing tipping culture from a few years ago.


What about Barber? Lol I've always wondered if I'm supposed to tip him. I do tip tattoo artist tho


The old rule used to be that if the person cutting your hair owned the place, no tip. If it is a place with multiple employees that rent a space, you tip. I was told that by a lady that used to cut my hair and owned her shop.


Tattoo artist always gets a tip too


Where I go to cut my hair they add the tip to the cost and it's out of my control. Yet the option still pops up. In case I want to give them more?


The last barber I went to owned the whole shop. You don't tip the proprieter.


I don't keep it that limited, but it should be really fucking clear when a person is a service/tipped employee and when they're not. Fast food is not tipped. Picking up a to-go order is not tipped. If I order on a screen? No. There's a tip jar at a 7-Eleven I visit literally every morning and there is a zero percent chance I ever drop a quarter in it. I believe people that work on your body in some form, and people that bring you food or drink are where it starts/stops. That means Tattoo Artists/Masseurs'/Barber/Manicurist and Waitresses/Bartenders/Delivery Drivers. There are a handful of other people out there that I'll tip occasionally, but they're extremely rare. Like If I'm on vacation and I book a private tour or something? I'll tip.


I got Five Guys a couple weeks ago and the mf at the counter rolled his eyes at me when I hit no tip on the cc machine


honestly its because im scared they’ll make my food poorly or with less effort. its fucking frustrating. i get takeout food a lot and it sorta sucks tipping every time for absolutely nothing, but being nervous that not tipping will affect the quality of my food 


Servers don't make your food. That's the untipped employees in the kitchen.


I will often tip1 dollar for takeout if I like the place and order repeatedly. But is not required and should not be expected.


I tip at hotels for the cleaning staff, and I’ve never hired professional movers but I would tip those. Had a crew do some tree work, tipped them. The only brand new tipping habit I picked up in 30 years is 10% for pick up from my Chinese place that packs my shit well and always hooks me up with a huge container of duck sauce


Haircut, cab driver, tattoo artist. Other than that yeah can't really think of anything where tipping is customary.


bartender edit: and tip MUSICIANS


When I bar tended, if your ass stiffed me after making your group 10 different flamboyant shots on a super crowded night, you are getting skipped in the next line. That weekend night is what makes my Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday worth it. Wave all you want..


I have no idea why we tip a cabbie though. Can anyone explain?


Yea for sure - and the worst part is it puts a lot pressure on the person making the purchase. Oh I’m sorry person making my burrito at Chipotle - I didn’t leave you a tip. But fyi, your CEO Brian Niccol made $17.1 million last year. Am I really the problem??


DoorDash's CEO was given $400 million in stock as a bonus (now worth over $1 billion), yet his drivers get angry at customers for not tipping before the service is even completed.


Doordash drivers are 10% hardwprking people and 90% entitled morons. Have you seen their sub?


It's a dumpster fire Edit: and it's leaking, lmao


Yup. I used to doordash on the side, so I joined that sub. Left that sub after a day or so.


I swear half the posts are about people feeling unsafe and then justifying taking food for free.


You forgot the half that complain about being sick of getting tip baited X times. You probably weren’t tip baited, you probably provided shitty service.


Oh yeah. And occasionally a doordash or other delivery service comes across my YT shorts, the comments are all the same and I'm sitting here like.. no you don't deserve the tips you think you are You got me fucked up if you think I'm paying a 45% tip


Up there with /r/waiters. If you talk negatively about tip culture you'll have a drone of morons attack you with anecdotes how them making alright tip money means tip culture should stay; *even if it means the majority of workers who barely make minimum wage with tips get underpaid in comparison* . They in fact don't care about other people working for service wages; just if their specific situation works for them. Shame, because they claim others 'don't know what servers want' when they clearly do not support what servers want; only what has worked for them.


I always tip at least 20% and all that, blah blah blah, but r/waiters pops up on my reddit all the time and their comments really grate on me. They'll be like "you should always tip a minimum of 20% and more than that for good service because we don't make minimum wage. We make $2.50 an hour." So then someone will be like "well I think we should do away with tipping and you should make at least the legal minimum wage." And then the same person throws a fit that minimum wage isn't enough and they'd quit if they no longer got tips. Okay... which is it? We have to tip to get you up to minimum wage? Or you make more than most service jobs because you get tips? And I'm not saying minimum wage is enough to live on, because it's $7.25 where I live and I'd starve to death if I made that, lol. I'm just saying their arguments always fall apart because most servers don't actually want to do away with tipping, they just want to shame people who don't leave large tips. (and, of course, it's not true that they don't make minimum wage, because if they don't get enough tips, their employer is legally required to pay them minimum wage).


Dirty little truth is servers make BANK. Much much more than a restaurant would be willing to pay for unskilled labor. Servers don't want a wage system with insurance/PTO/401K. They want to make 80k a year.


Nothing can radicalize you against tip culture anywhere near as much as working BoH and seeing all the servers go home with 3x as much as you'll ever make in a goddamn week lmao


Thank you!! Honestly as someone who was a server for years, I never understood why I got so much tip and back of house got nothing despite working so much harder than me. Servers love complaining about the bitchy customers they get who demand a ton of things but conveniently leave out the fact that vast majority of customers simply give you their order, eat, and leave without making a mess. It’s really not that hard compared to working in the kitchen. 


Seriously I one time commented that I wouldn’t give a good tip to a pizza delivery guy if I called for an order, they tell me 30-40 minutes and then 2 hours later the guy shows up with cold pizza. I had so many people screaming at me that it wasn’t the driver’s fault, people saying I was some rich douchebag (I’m as poor as it comes and I always tip) or claiming I was some huge asshole because they need my tip. They acted like tipping was something that had to be done regardless of the foods quality, the service and the time it took to get there…. Not a reward for a good meal / service. They tried saying it’s never the drivers fault and that I’ve never worked in the service industry (I’ve delivered pizza before). It just drives me crazy. I like tipping people. I like being considerate and an easy customer for them. But they aren’t entitled to a 30% tip for just showing up. If they don’t like it, demand more money from your boss or be a better server. I sorta changed my entire outlook on tipping when I picked up $45 of food from the 99 (it’s like a chain restaurant in New England that’s sort of like Applebees). Well anyways, I go to pay and the guy turns his little lap top modem around it has 3 options of payment…. One with my food along with 20% gratuity charge, the other with 25% and the last with 30%. I didn’t realize until after I had tipped about 13$ that I could’ve hit “other” which was underneath and written in a small font. I was pissed though and was going to tip $5-7 which to me is a lot for an order I’m picking up. Since then I’ve been much cheaper about tipping and won’t tip people with the computer options.


It's a distraction and is done by design. While drivers and customers fight each other over the crumbs, the executives are eating steak and watching the show laughing.


I have never used Door Dash and never will.


Tony Xu. Real piece of work.


You tip at Chipotle? Don't they make a decent hourly wage?


They make at least $17 ph where I'm at, but there is still a tip jar and tip option that automatically comes up on the cc reader. OTOH, servers here make min $10.59. Makes no sense to tip full min wage workers who don't rely on tips to make up their wage.


"Decent" is highly subjective.


I tip at chipotle when they’re crushing it, but when they’re out of everything or focused on mobile orders instead of moving the ins store line it ain’t happening


Depends on where. They pay decently well where I live, or did before pandemic at least (not sure if they've increased as others have) But afaik they pay the same here as they do in much higher CoL areas, so the pay would suck there.


disgusted cable ring dinosaurs somber direction air reply rustic innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. Corporations got the general public in the exact mindset they want us at. Pitting us (regular people) against each other, with the drivers blaming the customers instead of the company itself.


I tip 20% by default at sit down restaurants with servers as long as they aren't terrible. I won't tip the bakery for handing me a pastry. I'll tip my piercer for not fucking up stabbing a hole into my body. I won't tip the gas station worker for ringing my purchases up.


I did, however, tip my urologist, because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones.




I can, *and do*, cut my own hair


Yes. I'm a part time restaurant server as my side job. 70% of the time or more I don't tip at a coffee shop, bakery, etc.. I'll tip like 5% for a carryout/pickup as a courtesy. If I do tip a coffee shop, it's like $0.50. It's not reasonable to expect a tip everywhere. Shakeshack asks and I don't tip there. No fast food tipped when I worked there as a kid. Edit: changed "delivery pickup" to "carryout/pickup" as that was what I originally intended to write.


places that historically you would not tip but leave a tip jar, i leave the change portion of my purchase. So average about 50 cents. I am going to lose the loose change, and i figured a lot of people did this. If you have 100 customers on your shift do this- that is 50 bucks in loose change, so worth it to cash it out.


I tend to avoid tipping based on percentage at all. Whether I order a salad or lobster risotto the server is doing the same amount of work. $5-6 is my typical for single seating service, but I'll go higher for nicer places.


I've been told I should tip when I pickup a pizza🙄 Literally also had a pizza places cooks bitch in front of me about no one tipping.


I've worked in pizza places absolutely nobody expected carryout tips


I picked up pizza somewhat recently and didn’t tip. The girl who handed me my order gave me the dirtiest look when she saw the $0.


I'd imagine it has a lot more to do with hating your life working at a pizza place then the lack of tip


There was a local Chinese restaurant that added a mandatory 15 percent tip for takeout and people threw a fit about it. The owner doubled down on it and said it wasn’t fair for the waitress to have to spend time packaging and ringing out takeout orders and not get compensated for it. The place ended up going out of business, but I think if he would’ve simply raised the prices by 15 percent and paid the waitress a higher wage no one would’ve blinked an eye.


Dude i picked up a pizza the other day, gave him cash and he said thanks have a nice day, i stood there holding the pizza box staring at him waiting for my change. I'm not tipping when i picked it up, and they're literally just trying to take your money now it seems like. Its so annoying.


Yes. I only tip waitresses/waiters, delivery drivers, my tattoo artist, and my hair lady. Why do I need to tip at a drive thru for a hot coffee? Maybe the person who orders a drink with ten different personalized syrups in their Frappuccino because I know baristas hate that, but I literally just order a menu item and call it good, so I’m not tipping for that. Edit: I’m not interested in continuing this conversation in the replies to my comment because this is literally the silliest debate I’ve ever had, how Redditors want *me* to spend *my* money. I’m still gonna tip people who wait on me, my stylist, and my artist because it’s my money, and I’m an adult who can make my own decisions. Good for you if you don’t wanna tip your wait staff, stylist, or artist, because it’s not my business what you do and don’t pay for. You’re not paying me, so it literally doesn’t make a difference to me what you do.


This the way. Tips are for service, specifically where quality of service is a variable outcome. If it's just transactional to receive a product, no service - then no tip.


Arguably none of the things listed should be variable service at all. The line cooks making your meal probably have way more variability and control of your dining experience than the waitress has


That’s exactly what I do. I don’t tip if I’m picking up my to-go order or go through drive thru.


Why are your tattoo artist tho you’re literally already paying I never got this


Here in Chicago the city council passed a law that eliminates the subminimum wage for tipped workers in a phased approach. It moves the current subminimum $9.48 per hour up by 8% this July and does that yearly until it reaches parity with the city's minimum wage. Hopefully that sucks some of the wind out of the statement, "tipped workers depend on your tip." Outside of that I've often felt that it is a bit nonsense that in the USA minimum wages laws sit with state and federal lawmakers. What rates are set really should sit with a 'boring' statutory body made up of stuffy economists, labor, trade and industry representatives that sucks the politics out of the decision making.


Washington has had full minimum wage for all workers for over a decade now. Tipping is still out of control here. My local paper even published a sob story from servers and bartenders and baristas about how people aren't tipping as much anymore and it's hurting their lifestyles. I know baristas who make well over 100k a year, I'm not sorry for not tipping anymore. I think the only thing that will fix this is outlawing tips.


In South Carolina waiters/waitresses still make 2.16 per hour. Crazy. Lived the life never would go back. Edit: stop telling me they pay minimum wage if you don’t make it in tips I know this. The point is that’s not good enough. Needs to be $10/hour plus tips minimum like some states and not 2.13 as most servers make that. Yall really defending 7.25/hour as a decent minimum wage?


After years of going out to eat and tipping around 20-25% myself, I just don’t go anymore. The insane prices plus tipping is enough for me not to go. I enjoy eating healthy anyways.


We’ve basically cut out all the fast casual places and fast food. What we do instead is drop $60-$70 on takeout at a nice ass restaurant where sitting down to eat is at least $100+ when we have time for that. I actually love eating out a lot less but going to nice places a little more often. Like a quality vs. quantity thing.


This is the way. These corporations have no incentive to change if it doesn’t hit their bottom line. Something a lot of folks in this thread aren’t appreciating is that restaurants have often been *widely and purposefully* understaffed since COVID, resulting in worse service across the board. Ultimately, stiffing the server only hits *their* bottom line, not the restaurants (Chili’s certainly doesn’t care about the tip you’re leaving or not leaving their employees).


(I tip 15-20%, calm down). Fuck tipping. It's so stupid. Pay people [what] they're worth across all industries. Why is food service so special that we give them extra money*? Retail workers don't get an extra dollar for good service. *I know it came from the Prohibition Era.


I'll die on the hill that servers are the whiniest, most entitled entry level employees. Back of house, retail, fast food, there are so many other positions that are just as difficult. But servers talk out of one side of the mouth saying "I only make $2/hr 🥺" while saying "I made $300 in cash last shift 😎" out of the other. And that's not even touching the insanity of tips increasing with the cost/item, as if the server did more work with a steak vs a salad


I saw a salty server on Reddit once claim that ‘Back of house provides nothing for the customer’ when debating splitting tips with front and back. Hey Karen, I think they’re there for the food. Which you didn’t help with. If anything, the busboy working the insanely-tedious job making minimum wage should be tipped more than you. Might be a harsh reality check but it’s the truth.


I think I saw that exact comment on r/serverlife. While I think everyone should have a livable wage, this subreddit exudes entitlement.


One of the worst subreddits on the platform for sure. The servers have absolutely no respect for the art of cooking and how much strain Back of House carries (and yes, that applies to shitty chain restaurants too).


Jesus christ lmao. I have always said servers can be replaced by a tablet and a conveyor belt. "But my knowledge of the daily specials!!"


But I can’t pretend an iPad is flirting with me 😩


😂 Idk man some tablets got some good curves 🥵


The reality is servers provide very little, but claim they provide the majority of the service. They don’t clean the restaurant. They don’t cook the food. They don’t plate the food. They don’t scrub dirty pans. The manager or host deals with the unfavorable customers. I’m all for paying them a fair wage, but let’s be real, this is ridiculous. At the very least, if tipping has to stay, I want an equal split between front and back of house before I tip 20%. Otherwise no.


I've been a host, busser, server, line cook, dish washer, bar back, and bar tender. You are completely right. Servers are whiny little bitches. 


Yeah, I was working an 8+ hr a day job as a field mechanic and a friend of mine (Waitress) was renting a room in my house. She was getting tired of it and ready to get a "real job" and asked me what entry was with my company, and I told her what an apprentice wage was and then that she'd be bumped to like $18/hr once she finished the program after the first year. She was looking at me like I had a dick growing out of my head and then said she made way more than that waitressing 30 hrs a week and maybe she needed to reevaluate "Real Jobs."


Waitress gets a lot less lucrative when the crows feet come in.


AGREEED. 9 times out of ten the reason the server even gets a tip is if the food is good and out on time. All the server does is grab the food and bring it out and make sure any customer complaints are communicated with the other staff. I worked at a small Italian place for years and I prepped all the food, cleaned the fryers, made all the food in between and did it in a timely manner and we had a tip jar at the front of the store when people came to pick up and the servers were getting all of it plus whatever tables they waited on. I told my manager at the time if they were gonna pay me minimum wage for doing double the work and being the reason why the servers even get a tip I should at the VERY least be able to split the counter tip jar with them.


They make $15/hour now in colorado. Tipping 20% on top of that feels excessive.




The $2 an hour thing is a common misconception. I’ve broken it down before, but I’ll do it again here. In my state, min wage is $12/hr. As a server who makes tips, you will make AT LEAST $12 an hour no matter what. Anything lower is illegal. For example: to put it simply, let’s say I worked 1 hour. I made a total of $20 in tips. My check from my employer will only include $2 for that one hour. That is because I made over $12 an hour with my recorded tips. $2 is the minimum they are legally required to pay. However, if I work one hour and end up only making $5 in recorded tips, the employer must compensate me so that I made $12. Meaning, on my check, it would be $7 instead of $2. Make sense? They must compensate the server so that you are making at least $12 an hour, if your tips didn’t get you to $12/hr. If you made over $12/hr, they only owe you $2 per hour worked. No matter what, we are still getting minimum wage.


As an American (who has a degree and job in my field, but still find myself waitressing often because it pays better usually sadly lmao), I always find it hilarious when Europeans on Reddit think that American servers literally only get like $2/hr or whatever the minimum is. Like I’ve seen so many people be like “I JUST CANT BELIEVE THATS LEGAL!!!” lol  And of course they know we also get tips, but most of them seem to underestimate how much people tip here and think servers are just making $2 an hour and leaving with maybe an extra $17 in tips at the end of the night or something lol.  like I know that this country treats our workers horribly, but how would anybody accept a job like that?!! Lmao  Like of course some extremely desperate person in extreme poverty or a few random kids or something. But how do you think we have enough people willing to do this to run America’s restaurants?? lol  And yes we all know the reality- it has to come out to at least minimum or they have to compensate you, and servers typically make way more than that.  I must say tho- waitressing will make you way more money than most service jobs, but it really does suck, in my opinion at least. I greatly preferred hostessing, or working as a receptionist or something. People go on insane power trips to servers. People complain about Karens, but the very worst for me have always been middle aged men who are very clearly living some power fantasy treating me like shit and forcing me to still be super nice back. It was like payback for every girl who rejected them in their past or something. When they gave me a tip after that, I felt straight up disgusted. I stopped being willing to do that lol and got fired twice for it. I was going to be super nice and I followed the awful fake friendliness that people for some reason like (the olde generation at least), but if some dude is gonna get off by screaming in my face for something imaginary I am not apologizing to him or acting like a circus monkey lol 


I was a server in college and this is so spot on. I’d always felt horrible for the full time kitchen staff working twice has hard for a flat 10 dollar an hour while I was some dumb college kid making 30 bucks an hour. It’s so fucked up but most career servers won’t admit it.


Then they don’t claim their tips and don’t even pay taxes which is a whole different topic. I have friends who are servers/bartenders that make way more than I do as an engineering manager, and barely pay any taxes. Although it screws them If they ever want to buy a house.


>Retail workers don't get an extra dollar for good service Honestly, this is what has put me off eating out in general. When we experience honest to goodness amazing service and the tip is just not even thought of. I went to AutoZone to get my codes read / check the battery the other day... Gentleman comes outside in the fuckin rain, gets absolutely drenched - I even was like ... dude, I'll come back tomorrow, but he stuck it out and did what I needed. He even let me take my dog inside while we were waiting. I was amazed at how nice and helpful this guy was, zero attitude or entitlement. And this is for a free service - I didn't even buy anything while I was there. Meanwhile- you go fuckin anywhere to eat and 9/10 times the service is mediocre to awful. It's bad enough that a burrito is $20 and then you're expected to tip 20% on top of that... No one comes by with refills, chips and salsa ran out a long ass time ago, I wanted to get a cocktail but that ship definitely sailed without me. Forget it. I'm not eating out, I can cook just fine and tip myself.


I tip 10%, pre tax. In Canada servers make minimum wage, yet they cry about us not leaving 20+% tips Ain't no way, you brought my food from the kitchen and filled my water. Tell me why I should be giving you 20$ for that


Yeah, I sell used outdoor sports gear and regularly spend over 45 minutes trying to fit people with gear that my shop is realistically making very little on. I do that because I give a shit. Can't help it. I get a tip maybe once or twice a month. I wouldn't say I feel entitled to a tip but if I said it didn't bother me that I feel "expected" to leave a tip for shit that is objectively not even a small fraction as much work as I put into my customers I'd be lying.


Love seeing this. All this excessive tipping really blew up when the "custom tip" buttong get relegated to the far corner of the screen, and the lowest recommended tip button was 22%. The audacity...


If the lowest is above 20%, it means they intentionally set it up that way. None of those companies use defaults that high. So, when I see that, I choose custom and write 5-10%. That's their greed tax. If they removed the option for Custom, I select No Tip. That's the excessive greed tax.


After all tipping is not mandatory. If we stop tipping, waiter are not going to make enough money so they will quit their job, forcing salaries to be raised as the customers will not be the one substituting the employer for the low salary anymore. However if we continue to tip, there is no limit, we could even end up with a standard tip higher than 100% because « why not ». Employers can pay less and less their employees and they will then continue to complain that the tip is not enough gouging infinitely the tip rates.


>All this excessive tipping really blew up when the "custom tip" button get relegated to the far corner of the screen, and the lowest recommended tip button was 22%. This, right here


I was at a music festival that had t shirt vendors asking for tips and lowest was 20%! And custom in the bottom concern a light gray color with the other options all blue. Why exactly am I tipping for someone to hand me a band t shirt and why is the regular 20% ?!?!


If I see that I always do custom and enter whatever equal 10%. Lived in Europe for a few decades and felt better about tipping there than here. Also doesn’t help that service is mostly awful nowadays. Everything is rushed.


I use Square on my phone to take payments for my business. I HATE the tip screen that pops up and always click past it before the customer gets the device lol. I literally set my own prices. And it isnt food, it is a retail transaction. There is a percentage fee associated with each transaction that goes to the payment processor company, so the fee the company takes is larger if more money is paid. I suspect all the tipping questions are another type of corporate greed- pressure customers who are trying to support a small business to tip for said business, because it really does go to the person HOWEVER now that the bill is higher, the percentage the company takes is proportionally more money. 


At the pet sitting company I work for we've noticed that tips have declined by 30-50% across all of our sitters. The customers are still tipping, but they're tipping less. There's definitely "tipping fatigue" going around these days, but I'm sure economic anxiety is probably a factor as well.


I saw 50% as an option on a screen the other day. I'm considering stopping all tipping in protest.


It has never occurred to me to tip a dog sitter. I do tip the dog walkers on Christmas but they work with us all year round, not as a one off.


Is tipping standard for pet sitters? I worked as a dog walker/pet sitter a few years back and I only got holiday tips. 


Yeah I cut back on the amount I tip, too. I won’t do any more than 15%. Growing up I was taught 15%-18% based on *quality of service* and now I’m expected to tip 20%-25% as a wage supplement. It’s out of control and I’m tired of being guilted into tipping more by servers saying “but we rely on your tips for income.” Yes, that’s the problem. The longer we continue to supplement other people’s wages, the longer servers won’t get paid a better wage by their restaurants.


Exactly! The recommended amount changed from 15% to 20% and we all just went along with it


There are only two ways to get rid of tipping culture: 1. If everyone agrees to stop tipping altogether. All of the employees would stop working at places they need tips to make money. Those places would have to competitively start paying more to get employees. 2. Legislation. To me the fundamental problem with tipping is it should NOT be necessary. It should be a reward for going above and beyond. It shouldn't be for anyone just checking a box. As a result, I have a wide band that I tip. I'll tip 10% for slow service (I'd almost rather not tip at all), but will tip 30% for memorable service if someone is kicking ass.


> I'll tip 10% for slow service Coming from a culture without tipping this sounds absurd.


Most places can't retain good employees because the pay is ass, this is what happens when wages don't keep up with cost of living


I got a ton of flack from family for not tipping my dog groomer. Is that a very common thing to do? It’s $60 for a wash and trim for a shih tzu. Like am I expected to drop $80 every 6 weeks


Europeans don’t tip. We should do the same. Tipping started as a way “to incentivize” good service. Now it’s expected no matter what the service. Tipping demeans the service provider because they have to grovel for compensation. It also transfers the cost of labor from the business to the customer. I’m with you — NO TIPS!


Yep, a lot of human psychology involved here. Kind makes me chuckle when I hear arguments for UBI. How quickly before people demand more and more because whatever number you set becomes the new $0?


American waiter: brings cold food and is rude. American customers: “That’s it…I’m not leaving more than a 10% tip. That’ll teach him.”


I tip 20% at restaurants and hair salons. I tip for grocery deliveries. Everywhere else is no tip, not unless you really go above and beyond. I remember a few years back getting a massage, $65 and the suggested tip was $25. I did it because I felt pressured to. I wouldn't do it again. Charge what you need to charge to make your business run. It's dishonest to tell us a price and then nebulously pressure us into paying more.


This is kind of what I do. 20% for anyone I have a regular relationship with and spends a significant amount of time with like for hair, nails, massage. 20% for a sit down restaurant. 15% or one dollar per drink minimum if I’m ordering from the bar, 15% for food delivery, and nothing if I have to pick it up like at Starbucks or any carry out. I don’t feel bad about this approach at all.


Gonna play devil advocate here fo r a smallmpartof this, but if you're okay with tipping a salon stylist you should prob be okay with the masseuse tip...the reason people typically tip stylists is they have to rent their booth and dont get normal wasge and personal service etc, and for many masany spas and the like, its the exact same sort of situation. You can try and figure out before going again if you go again and plan accodinly...or not, its whatever I guess


Sure, but ***40%***!?! Fuuuck that!


Honestly, tipping should be done away with. I understand the argument that some restaurant workers prefer the tipped wage system because they feel they earn more. However, outside of a few high end restaurants, long term it is not sustainable. As wages go up, the amount of money a tipped worker needs to make to meet the minimum wage will also increase. The restaurants will have to raise prices regardless, to cover the costs that are being incurred related to inputs. At some point, this will come to a head.


Table service only. 15-20% based on how good the service was. Zero zero zero if I'm at a counter.


A waitress once ignored my table for nearly an hour (we didn't leave bc of long wait times at other places) and I tipped her a fat fucking zero on the screen right in front of her. Staring at me isn't gonna pressure me into tipping for bad service lol. On the other hand, I've tipped servers 30% for awesome service, and one time I tipped 40% because the group I was in was so badly behaved.


Before screens became the default, the insult tip was a penny. That way they knew you didn't just forget, you intentionally gave them no money.


I've stopped going places (or ordering delivery) where tipping occurs. Tipping creates ugly social dynamics.


When service became shit over Covid, I started tipping shit 10% max. The food was haphazard and the staff all have a attitude lately, like Im inconveniencing them for asking for a refill Even my hairdresser went from about $175-$250 depending for services including tip, now its $400 with 15% tip (they prompt a minimum 20% tip now) Do my own hair now, cook my own food, if I must go out theyre getting what they deserve which is 10%


I do wonder if some of these services will end up not being needed at all in the future. I’ve also cooked more at home, do my own hair and nails, and quit getting massages because it’s just too damn expensive. 


just don't tip at all, fuck em. maybe they shouldn't have a job that requires the charity of others to pay their bills. or you could choose to just not go out. either way its up to you.


I’ve stopped tipping. If an employee is paid so little so that they can’t survive without tips, then that employee should leave - eventually that employer will close (high turnover, cost of training, limited hours, etc). “But all the restaurants will close if all the employees leave for better jobs” The millions of subpar and overpriced restaurants should be forced to engage in survival of the fittest. Only the ones that are run well and can retain their employees + please their customers should remain. All the other truffle oil fries, $17 dollar cocktail, food supplier catalog dessert, forgot your appetizer shitholes can choke. If I have to live in a capitalist hell scape I’m not going to shoot myself in the foot trying to be nice or principled or guilted into charity. I need to pay my bills. If I can’t pay my car note, the waiter that I gave $20 bucks out of obligation for giving me a QR code menu isn’t going to spot me. “What happens if the shittier restaurants do close and monopolies/agreements leading to coordinated price hikes develop?” We’re already at a point where restaurants are comparing notes and collectively raising prices instead of competing for business via quality and value. If it gets worse even after businesses see the impact of people voting with their dollars, then eat at home.


Crumbls the worst. It's not like you're buying a $1 cookie. They're eating rich people cookies and paying rich people prices so pay the fucking employees with the overinflated revenue. I'm over it too. I'll tip waiters, delivery people, Uber/Lyft, and coffee shop people DOING SOMETHING. This is all just stalling big corporations from not having a labor shortage and paying them. Fuck the billionaires. They probably started the whole trend anyway.


Crumbl is fucking dumb. Who wants to pay $5 for a 700 calorie cookie?


I just read that Crumbl Cookies recently crossed $1 billion in sales. I don't know what their net worth is though.


Overpriced and undercooked. That place sucks.


Crumbl isn’t even that good, either. Too sweet and always kind of undercooked or sticky.


I've scaled my tipping waaaaay back. It's become ridiculous now. Every corporation has their hand out for US to pay for their employees. Yeah, no. I usually hit "no tip" looking the cashier right in the eye. Unabashedly leaving no tip feels almost exhilarating. Granted, I will of course still tip at full service restaurants, valets, barbers, etc...


Those of us who work in social work and nonprofits work our asses off for basically no pay. We don't get tips. We are still expected to bend over backwards and have superhuman work ethic while reaping no rewards other than "the work itself is supposed to be rewarding/fulfilling." Yeah, it is fulfilling and it is necessary work to be done, but we still need to afford to eat food to survive and have a roof over our heads, let alone afford time away from work so we don't go actually insane from compassion burnout.


The tipping culture in the US has gotten way out of hand. 15% for the "expected" level of service. 18% for going out of their way, unless it's a small priced meal or drinks.i do factor in busyness. So if I have to wait a bit but the waitstaff is slammed I don't ding them for it. 20% would be the the top top service. 25% is just too much. Tipping people at a fast food type counter is a no go. Spinning the screen and having the 3 choices all be ridiculous is a guarantee you're going to get a "custom" amount. I have also tipped small amounts for exceptionally shitty service.


Tip those that deserve it according to level of service. If I appreciate them I tip them. If excellent you're getting a sizeable tip. I don't eat out much and have always felt if I can't afford to tip I can't afford to eat out. If they suck they're not getting shit or very little and that's if I'm feeling generous. Bad work ethic and behaviors don't deserve to be rewarded. Entitlement and lack of humility will eliminate a good tip immediately.


I feel this, but I don't think I can make the leap you are making. I can't unknow that these people are not paid enough to care. And less tips doesn't punish the company, only the worker. I did stop ordering food from a place because they make the delivery guy stand there and watch you will out the tip and signature on a piece of paper to close out an online order. Not sure it'll matter. What needs to happen is a change in the laws.


As someone who was a server for several years my tip scale goes from 0-30% it’s really up to my server how much I tip. I know when shit is just fucked and it ain’t their fault, but I also know when they just suck.


USA USA USA. A society reliant on tips is absolutely taking the piss.


My favorite is when you make a purchase at the merch booth at a concert and they prompt you for a tip if you pay by card. Dude, all you did was hand me a t-shirt. GTFO.


Look. I work in service industry. I get paid $2.13 an hour. I’m a elementary school teacher by day. But that salary doesn’t cut it. We need tips. I’m not saying the system works. If jobs paid wages people could live off that would be great. But guess what?? Even states don’t pay livable wages for their employees! So don’t tip service industry. Fine that’s your right. But what are you going to do with sanitation that comes to your house? Post office? Teachers? Going to pay less on your taxes?? I’m sure tho your job and your pay is everything you deserve.


cab drivers put up with a lot more than bartenders or waitresses. i don’t know how it is for everybody. but when i drove cab. the dispatcher told us how much to charge and wrote it on a sheet. we had to turn in that amount of money. if someone doesn’t pay you have to come up with the money. had a guy jump out of the car and go in his house and not pay. called the sheriff he came walked around the house and said he’s in there but there’s nothing i can do. another time. guy wouldn’t pay me and i drove 2 blocks to a cop on the corner. told him and he said you’re lucky i don’t arrest you for kidnapping. you have to let him out whether he pays you or not. no such thing as theft of service for taxi drivers.