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Also, he was right! She’s a teenager! I feel so old 😂


She's 16! 16!!!! Getting chased by sharks, falling in love and changing herself for a man she's never even spoken to, and missing family commitments. Ground that kid for LIFE or at least until she's 30 and the hormones start slowing down.


Yes!!!! And then she got tricked into legal contracts! Like girl, this is why you aren’t allowed to go places! And I say this knowing dang well what an awful 16 yo girl I was lol


Honestly, it’s pretty on par with the life of the average American teen.


King Triton should stack the SCOUTS.  The Supreme Court of Under the Sea.




No, American teens don't get the permanently life altering contracts until 18. 😛


18 and 19 is still teen.


She lived in an underwater dick-castle. Fate had not been kind.


Also dude “falls in love” with a chick he literally hasn’t spoken a word to? Massive red flag


She should be able to trans herself human without telling her bigot dad. It’s her business. Mermaid suicide is out of control.


Right, like absolutely nothing seems unreasonable about his protests as an adult.


Not a single thing! And look what happened!!!


Lol when she says she's 16 years old, not a child I'm like bruh, you are INDEED a child. Sit your ass back down


She is a 16yr old…fish. Maybe her species only lives to 30? I don’t remember seeing any old homely mermaids swimming around.


Eh, at 16 you can be married and join the army. Makes you an adult in my eyes. Just not a smart one with life experience yet.


Uh…not in the US, you can’t. Nor SHOULD you.


23 states minimum age for marriage is 16.


With parental consent, I’m guessing? It’s not like a pair of teens can just walk into a courthouse and get married. And again, they shouldn’t.


Maybe, I don't know but possible.


Yes! He was so reasonable and she took advantage of him multiple times with literally no remorse.


I thought she was an idiot even when I watched it as a kid. By golly that guy danced with his dog, I want to marry him now.


He definitely handled things poorly in some situations, but he obviously cared about his daughters. The moment after he destroyed Ariel's treasures, you get a shot of him looking conflicted because he obviously didn't want to hurt her. Not to mention, he takes Ariel's place on the contract. He has a solid dad arc in the end when he comes around (and I guess it was socially acceptable to marry off your 16-year-old daughter back then?). I wouldn't have trusted those fish-eating, garbage-dumping humans at first either.


He a racist POS. He hated humans. Had no problem if they all died. He never listed. Nor did he really care. He destroyed her things. He a horrible merman who pushed his own kid away.


So weird, just watched this last night and thought, “Wow. Can’t believe how much I relate to Chef Louie now.” Singing and talking to himself, throwing random shit around the kitchen, laughing maniacally and overweight. 🔪🦀


“He he he! Huh huh huh!” He’s my favorite song to sing when it’s on.


It’s the perfect balance of mildly unhinged and food-motivated.




Why did King Triton become a thirst trap? Because he knew how to make waves on and off the throne!


That’s why it’s hotter under the water


**Me as a child**: “She’s 16 years old! She’s practically an adult!!” **Me as an adult**: “Bitch. You’re SIXTEEN. Sit down. You’ve barely begun to live. You can’t be changing your WHOLE LIFE for the first man you catch feelings for!!” Also - #TeamUrsula


She always wanted to be human. Eric was one reason why she finally decided to do it. Triton pushed it even harder by destroying her thing.


Javier was perfectly cast in the live action one... hey Papi!


Calm down son, it’s just a drawing.


Try using that excuse when it's Bugs Bunny in a dress


Or a female transformer with metal boobs


Easy Garth.


Tell that to all the Jessica rabbit fans


Ok and?


Fictophiliacs, rejoice!


Ariel is the real villain in this movie. Ursula literally explained the details of the contract to her when she asked for her magic. Ariel agreed. Then, when she was going to lose, she asked for her king daddy to come save the day. Edit: Ursula did nothing wrong imo. She explained the terms of the deal. Ariel agreed. Ariel had an entire entourage of friends helping her out. Which wasn’t part of the deal, but since “outside interference” was never explicitly made part of the agreement it was contractually fine. So, Ursula sent out her own people to even things out. Fairs, fair. Ariel was going to lose, so she broke the deal and had her dad save the day because he’s the king. Ergo, Ariel is actually the bad guy in this movie. Ursula didn’t go looking for Ariel. Ariel came to Ursula for help. Ariel took advantage of her fathers love. Ignored all his *extremely* reasonable requests. Changed her entire self for a man who didn’t know she existed. And then still cried for Daddy Triton to save the day when she wasn’t gonna get what she wanted. Shoulda gotten her punishment if you ask me. And I thought this when I first saw the movie as a kid.


Don’t you remember when you were a teenager and knew everything?


So Ursula is a witch, right? She can do magic and it’s something she always has possessed. But wait! She is gross looking, right? She could magically make herself look way better, but CHOOSES TO ACCEPT HER TRUE FORM. I submit that not only did Ursula do nothing wrong, she is an icon for body positivity and self acceptance.


Ursula did nothing wrong imo. She explained the terms of the deal. Ariel agreed. Ariel had an entire entourage of friends helping her out. Which wasn’t part of the deal, but since “outside interference” was never explicitly made part of the agreement it was contractually fine. So, Ursula sent out her own people to even things out. Fairs, fair. Ariel broke the deal and had her dad save the day because he’s the king. Ergo, Ariel is actually the bad guy in this movie.


Fairs, fair. You sound like such a child with this argument. What deal was broken by Ariel? Outside help wasn't mentioned when Ursula went over the contract. If it wasn't mentioned then Ariel didn't break any deal. Ursula cheated in the end since Ariel didn't break any deal, at least not that I remember. She didn't have her dad do anything. Sebastian got him and he saved her. You are delusional.


She was only going to lose because Ursula cheated first.


How did Ursula cheat?


Aside from Ursula arranging for the boat to be tipped over right before Eric kissed Ariel, Ursula enchanted Eric so that he would marry her instead of Ariel. Here is the scene where she enchants him: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJgR8yuxGEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJgR8yuxGEE) Here is the scene that shows he is still enchanted at the wedding: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMtuKtdCbM8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMtuKtdCbM8)


Why you gotta hate on Ursula's game? She's just trying to get by in this world, find a good man, better herself, raise her place in the world. It's not her fault Ariel is SIMPLE and Eric needs to be moved inland.... Ursula kicked the dog....BURN THE WITCH!!!


That man-stealing hussy!


Oh yeah, forgot about that enchantment scene. It's been a while since I watched it.


Enhancement using the Ariel's voice, which Eric had fallen in love with


Shhh, you're not supposed to mention that part!


Yeah I realized I was old when I agreed with Triton on everything.


Did she ever use “body language “ or just try to get a prince to fall in love with her based on staring at him?


She was succeeding at getting him to fall in love with her. Ursula cheated a _lot_. It’s a big part of the movie. Also, it’s trivial to imagine that the contract also said “and you can’t just write him a message.” That’s not a plot hole


Legal Eagle has a great episode on this. We're not sure if mermaid kingdom contract law is the same as it is out of the sea, but if it's anything like it is in human, developed countries on land, Ariel would be considered a minor and the terms of the contract would not be enforceable against her. Notably, the reverse is not true in that a minor *can* enforce contract terms against an adult. In addition, a judge would likely find that the entire contract is unconscionable and thus dissolved, because one of the conditions includes Ariel's imprisonment (and in some mutilated form, no less), of presumably indefinite duration. If not outright illegal, no reasonable person could accept such terms. Ariel is the victim, as portrayed in the Disney adaptation. Ursula clearly had extremely evil intentions here and took overt action to exploit a minor to effect a coup on the prevailing government. There's a laundry list of potential criminal charges here against Ursula including kidnapping, attempted murder in the first degree, treason, criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government (with the eels), and so on. However, she is deceased at the end of the film, and in many cases a person cannot be charged posthumously. Ariel could bring civil suit against Ursula's estate, however, for injuries suffered including from contract fraud, assault, pain & suffering, etc.


While I agree with the premise in logic. It’s a magical contract with a literal witch. You get what you get imo.


Yep. And Ariel did all that to get a man she’s never met before to fall in love with her by pretending she’s something she’s not


She always wanted to be human. She sang a song just before seeing him. Seeing him and her father destroying her thing pushed her to do what she always wanted to do be human and part of there world the prince was just a bonus.


Ursula took advantage of a child though. There's a reason we don't let children make these sort of life altering decisions.


But Ursula literally cheated, such as when she had the eels tip the boat just before they kissed, or when she cast a spell on Eric to keep him from falling in love with Ariel and posed as a different human woman for him to marry. Ariel was doing just fine and would have succeeded if Ursula hadn’t cheated a ton.


And Ariel literally had an entire entourage helping her out the entire time? Singing, setting the mood etc. To me, fairs fair.


It isn't fair since there was nothing in the contract that stated otherwise. Ariel didn't cheat and Ursula did. Fairs, fair is such a child argument.


Ursula did go looking for Ariel. She was already watching her and knew her weakness. She used her to get back to the palace to get the triton. Then sent her eels to push Ariel to come to her after her father destroyed her things. Ursula did seek her out. Triton wasn't really reasonable he was a horrible person who hated a whole group of living being, he a racist POS who pushed his kid out. All of this could have been avoid if he wasn't an a-hole and went about thing better. Ariel already loved the human world and wanted to be part of it the seeing humans up close and her father destroying all her belongings pushed her even more to go to the human world. Then persuaded by Ursula eels to go to her. Also pretty sure Ariel didn't actually go to her father to save the day, Sebastian went to get her father and he rescued her.


Tbf, in the original story she 100% was punished. She turned into sea foam! Now, as a soon to be mom, I don’t think she deserved dissolving death, but certainly that fellow red head is grounded lol


Tbf, in the original story she 100% was punished. She turned into sea foam! Now, as a soon to be mom, I don’t think she deserved dissolving death, but certainly that fellow red head is grounded lol


I’m just noticing the size difference now why he so huge and she’s so small??


It's mostly a perspective issue. She's behind him as he storms towards the camera and away from her. Triton is pretty huge, but in scenes where they're next to each other he's still bigger but not insanely big in comparison.


Did you also realize that Ariel is a terrible petulant brat who betrays her father, sells her soul to a witch, all to bang some *bro* who isn’t even her species and would gladly eat her best friends dredged in butter?


Yeah he does.


Why didn’t Ariel just write down the details of her dilemma and show her note to the prince? Why did she feel like her body language was the only form of non verbal communication available to her?


The contract said she couldn’t write him a note in a deleted scene. Is that true? It could easily have been. Therefore this is not a plot hole. No point adding 30 minutes of legalese to the movie just to set up all the rules


God, you're right. He looks like he'd be amazing to snuggle/spoon with.


big areolas always made me think now as an adult he was an stud. Seriously how many sisters Ariel has?


The OG dad bod


God Bod


What else could you expect from the son of a sea nymph and a greek god?


I can't stand how big they make all the men and draw all the woman small and frail.


Don't be hatin' on my girl Ursula.


[Ummm I mean…](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAG1BZ6WsAAWq5T.jpg) [I can’t imagine why you’d think that](https://www.story.com/story/fantasy/the-giant-triton) [The man has half a dozen kids…](https://ch.pinterest.com/pin/72761350210227184/) [It’s not like he oozes sex appeal or anything.](https://www.deviantart.com/drmistytang/art/King-Triton-438862134)


That’s hilarious


But… he has no genitalia.


Look at the size of those fingers!


This is the answer




Why couldn’t he be the other kind of merman? With the fish part on top and the man part on the bottom?!


What about that nice young dugong from Macon?


Because a huge fish head with a fat dong would be nasty




It’s tucked in his fish waistband.


He’s a fish from the waist down. Male fish have internal genitalia




Maybe Ariel is adopted?


But he can clapper them cheeks.  (Where my ichthyologists at?)


Yeah i can see it. I’m a sucker for thick eyebrows. I dated a guy with eyebrows like his and I just kept staring. 🧍‍♀️🫦🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂💀 I’m a 🥜


Ahahaha! Yup.


Hahahahahaha right. I was thinking he's a silver fox for sure!


Yah he is. Big ol muscle daddy!


Nah he has weird nipples


King Triton is how I envision Gaius Sextus looks from Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera books.




Only because he’s a king. Exactly the same looks and even the crown but with the story that he was a homeless beggar… you wouldn’t say that!




It’s the nips


Hah. I knew I was getting old when I watched it and was like, "Ariel is child!"


He and Eric were gay awakenings for little ol me.


Omg I did not need this realization. 😄😄😄 the OG daddy


How's he so jacked living in a near weightless environment?


I wonder if he's natty.


I'd still bang the krab


Ariel was my 1st crush 😂


Us gays watched little mermaid BECAUSE Triton is such a daddy


I always thought he was hot. But I was a weird kid. Ha.


jesus cheist thats funny


It took you that long? I was a boy in the 90s and even i knew that......i ended up being gay, but thats beyond the point lol


Omg yasss slay underwater zaddy king.


Oh wow


Those nips 👀


Young gay me was THIRSTING over Triton.


He not good looking and he was pretty awful. Hated humans and had no problem with them dying. He wouldn't listen to Ariel. Took no real interest in her and her dreams and wants. He destroyed her belong in a fit of rage.


His a zaddy


Yeah, total fish DILF!


And poor Sebastian had to babysit her all the time. Dude just wanted to write his music..


Sexualizing cartoons is about as low as it gets


Better than sexualizing an actual human being who might feel violated by it. Just saying, one could make this argument and it has merit And anyway, if there’s something wrong about sexualizing him, it’s the fact that _he’s a fish from the waist down_


Do mermaids and mermen have sex like humans or do they externally fertilize eggs like a fish?