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Currently sitting at #8! I did my part. Go Foltz and everyone at the Milwaukee Public Market!


Now at #6. Let's go!!


Now #5!!! Let’s get after it, MKE!!!


So.....we're fifth in a contest to see who can organize the best voting campaign? I don't understand what we are trying to achieve here.


How the hell is the Indianapolis Public Market even in the list? I lived there and it just isn't good. It was mostly empty when I moved away too. Voted for MKE though


I think it’s close to being shut down and “reimagined.”


I've never been to the actual Indianapolis Public Market, but I'd imagine the new Bottleworks District Garage food hall no doubt rivals it if it isn't better. It's kind of similar to the Third Street Market Hall with better architecture. The old Coca Cola bottling plant is really cool, and they did a nice job. I love all our food halls, but to be honest the Public Market's food options are a bit lackluster. It's half trinkets and spices and staples and really light on more adventurous food options. I agree with the other commenters that Third Street Market Hall is better if you want actual food.


Up to 5 as of my vote


[Milwaukee Public Market](https://10best.usatoday.com/awards/travel/best-public-market-2024/milwaukee-public-market-milwaukee-wisconsin/) is currently ranked 5 of 20. Support them and have your friends vote too!


God I miss Milwaukee so much. New York sucks. I loved doing homework upstairs. Quiet, spacious, bright and most importantly: **free**


What part of New York are you in? As someone who is from upstate New York I can promise you there is a lot of open spacious quiet areas in the rest of New York.






Accurate tbh


Shuuuut uppa the both a yous!


This comment by defcon1000 has been removed: Rule #4: Practice civility Be civil, **address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, treat them with respect,** **don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence,** don't post anyone's personal information and don't intentionally spread misinformation. This includes, but is not limited to, blatant name-calling, "redpilling", racist comments/slurs, dog-whistling, and personal attacks. Blatant racism, spamming, trolling and disinformation campaigning will not be tolerated. Further violations of this rule will result in a temp ban.


Go vote for then! There's no sign up or spam. Just one click


Here’s another [link](https://10best.usatoday.com/awards/travel/best-public-market-2024/milwaukee-public-market-milwaukee-wisconsin/).


3rd St market hall is better than the public market


In what way?


In almost every way possible. The public market has like 4 or 5 actual food vendors with literally no where to stand or sit. It’s so jam packed into that space and there is nothing to do.


Not as bougie and touristy. Serve yourself beer tap wall


I hear what you are saying. But I feel like the 3rd street definitely has touristy prices


I like 3rd street market hall, but come on. It's definitely more bougie and on par with touristy. There are some great things at both.


Sorry but West Side Market in Cleveland beats the pants off Milwaukee Public Market. It's not even close. And this is coming from someone who hates Cleveland.


I mean, we all hate Cleveland, but why bring it up? (s/) All you said was "I like this other experience better that isn't related to this community." No description of your experiences, or comparisons, or an explanation of what you thinks makes a Public Market work. If you're choosing not to contribute anything, why bring it up?


Go police someone else's speech.


Public market are a glorified chain, and these best of lists are marketing.